Page created by Jaime Joseph
                           2020-2021 School Year

  Please click on the following links to view Frequently Asked Questions from your specific school site.

                    Paradise Honors Elementary & Paradise Honors Middle School

                                     Paradise Honors High School

Paradise Schools welcomes back its students and families for the 2020-21 School Year.
We understand that this is a year unlike any before. It is our goal to provide the
exceptional Paradise education in the safest manner that is feasible for both our
students and our staff. Please note that this information is a working document
that is subject to changes made by the Arizona Department of Education and
health organizations.
In accordance with Arizona Executive Order 2020-36 and based on the guidelines of the
Centers for Disease Control and Arizona Health Services, Paradise has adopted
guidelines that will be implemented at all Paradise Schools until further notice.
You will notice new posters and signs in all of our schools and buildings – please stop to
read and educate yourself on safety and other procedures across our campuses. Also
review the 2020-21 School Year Student Handbook. It includes new information,
including our COVID-19 protocols and clear direction on when students must stay

If you have any questions regarding any information contained in this document, please
contact a Paradise Schools administrator or Leadership member.
If you have questions regarding special education services or Section 504
accommodations in the context of implementation of these safety protocols, please
contact Paradise’s Exceptional Student Services Director.

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Teaching Good Habits
On all Paradise campuses, we will:
    ● Teach and reinforce handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
    ● Increase monitoring of handwashing to ensure adherence among students and
    ● Provide hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol for older students and
       staff who can safely use hand sanitizer.
    ● Encourage students and staff to cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue. Used
       tissues will be thrown in the trash, and hands washed immediately with soap and
       water for at least 20 seconds.
    ● Teach and reinforce use of cloth face coverings.
       All students will wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or
       will use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol at the following times:
       ● upon arrival at school (hand sanitizer if there is no sink in the classroom)
       ● after being outside for physical activity
       ● before and after lunch
       ● prior to leaving school for home
       ● after sneezing, coughing, or blowing nose
Face Coverings
At the time of in-person reopening, Paradise Schools will need to revisit the
requirements and recommendations for face coverings for students. Based on the
Declaration of Emergency Proclamation (City of Surprise) and the Governor's Executive
Order, students and staff are required to wear face coverings whenever six-feet social
distancing is not possible. Paradise staff will frequently remind the student to not touch
the face covering.

Students must bring their own face coverings to and from school. Each School will have
a limited supply of face coverings available for student use. Information on the proper
use, removal, and washing of cloth face coverings can be found here:

Any student who has difficulty breathing or who is incapable of physically
removing the mask on his/her own, will not wear face coverings and alternative

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methods of protection will be discussed by parents and staff. Please contact your
child’s building leadership team.

Paradise staff will not place a face covering on:
   ● Children younger than two years old
   ● Anyone who has trouble breathing or is unconscious
   ● Anyone who is incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the cloth face
      covering without assistance
   ● Students with certain disabilities or health conditions
Paradise is screening students and staff as is feasible within our school environment.
We are also counting on our students, families and employees to screen themselves.
In our efforts to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in our community, students and
employees must stay home if:
   ● They are sick
   ● They have recently had close contact with a person with COVID-19
   ● They have tested positive for or are showing COVID-19 symptoms

List of Symptoms
Students may not come to school with any of the following symptoms:
       ● Fever or chills
       ● Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
       ● Muscle aches
       ● Sore throat
       ● Headache
       ● Fatigue
       ● Congestion or runny nose
       ● Cough
       ● Vomiting
       ● Diarrhea
       ● New loss of taste or smell

This is the List of Symptoms that will be used by all School personnel asked to
conduct visual screenings of students. A visual determination by School
personnel of any of these symptoms is sufficient to justify further screening or
other action by School personnel.
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We ask that all families screen students for the List of Symptoms every morning. If any
symptoms are found, please self-report to your school and keep the student home.
Students will have the opportunity to make up work missed due to symptoms of COVID-
19 without penalty.

At Paradise Schools, we will use the following protocols to minimize the spread of
   ● Upon arrival at school, students will go directly to their assigned seat in their
      assigned classroom.
   ● A designated staff member will visually screen students for the List of Symptoms
      and take their temperature at the start of the day.
   ● Any student with visible symptoms of runny nose, cough, shortness of breath, or
      vomiting, or one who has a fever above 100.4 degrees will be taken to the health
   ● Parents will be contacted to pick up the student suspected to be ill with the
      following EXCEPTIONS:
          ● If the student has a runny nose and the nurse/health aide observes that
              there are no other symptoms, the nurse/health aide will contact parent to
              inquire as to whether the student has had any other symptoms or there
              have been any COVID-19 exposures in the home and if not, student may
              return to class.
          ● If the student has health information on file that confirms a diagnosis of
              asthma or other respiratory condition and the nurse/health aide observes
              that there are no other symptoms, the nurse/health aide will contact parent
              to inquire as to whether the student has had any other symptoms or there
              have been any COVID-19 exposures in the home and if not, student may
              return to class.]
All student health information will be maintained confidentially. The school nurse/health
aide shall report information that a student has had a positive COVID-19 test or has
become sick with a presumptive COVID-19 case to the campus Principal.

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School Transportation
On all Paradise school buses, students will be assigned seats on buses where they
must sit until further notice. At this time, students must wear a face covering.
Drop-off/Pick-Up Procedures
Our start and pick-up times have changed and are staggered so that all students do
not arrive on campus at the same time. This also reduces the number of students in the
common areas at the same time. Please confirm your student’s specific start and pick-
up times with your school.

Parents/guardians will not be allowed past the gates for drop off and pick-up. If they exit
their vehicle, they will be required to follow the city and state mandate of wearing face

Student Schedules
The number of students in a class have been reduced to the extent possible within the
constraints of the number of students enrolled and the physical layout of the school.
Schedules for middle and high school students have been designed to allow student
cohorts to move together from subject to subject as much as possible. You will receive
directions on how to access your student’s schedule from the specific school site.

In all classrooms student desks are positioned as far from one another as possible
within the confines of the classroom space available. All desks face the same direction
rather than facing each other.

Teachers will use technology to facilitate group work and group learning where
appropriate for the age, subject, and capabilities of the students.

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Hallways are marked to direct students to stay on one side of the hallway for each
direction of travel. Where possible, hallways are marked for one-way traffic.

Communal Spaces (Playgrounds, Lunch Rooms, Bathrooms, Front Office)
Our playgrounds are open. Classes are assigned time slots to be outside for physical
movement with social distancing encouraged during outside time. Classroom cohorts
will not mingle during outside activity time.
Lunch Rooms
Lunch will be served in either the cafeteria or classrooms, depending on school
enrollment and layout. Social distancing will be enforced. School-provided lunches will
be served on disposable food service items (trays, plates, etc.).

If a classroom has a student with food allergies, the student will be taken to another
location, such as a conference room or the multipurpose room, with one friend (so long
as social distancing can be maintained in the alternative location).
Students will be encouraged to limit the number of students in a bathroom and
reminded to maintain social distancing.
Front Offices
Plexiglass has been installed in some Paradise front offices. Where there is no
plexiglass, there is adhesive tape on the floor 6 feet from the front office desk to remind
visitors of social distancing, with signage directing visitors not to come closer than the
tape markings.

Visitors to School
Until further notice, except for those individuals essential to the operation of the school,
no parents or visitors are allowed without a scheduled appointment.

There will be no parent volunteers utilized in classrooms during the COVID-19 health

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Student Belongings
All student belongings will be kept in individual desks, bins or cubbies labeled with each
student’s name. To the extent possible, school supplies will not be shared among
students. If a supply or piece of equipment must be shared by students (i.e., a pencil
sharpener or blocks/toys), the item will be wiped down with disinfectant by a staff
member after each use.

Field Trips/Assemblies/Extracurricular Activities
All off-campus field trips are canceled. Teachers will use virtual learning opportunities
(such as virtual tours of museums) to enhance students’ educational experiences.
School-wide assemblies will not be held with students in the same physical location.
Extracurricular activities/clubs may be conducted in compliance with these protocols.

Paradise has enhanced its cleaning procedures and increased the frequency of
cleaning on campuses. Our staff will be cleaning on an intensified schedule.

The following will be cleaned between uses, and at least daily:
          o Playground equipment
          o Sports equipment
          o Drinking fountains
          o Desks
          o Learning tools

Bus seats and windows will be disinfected after each use (e.g., after the morning routes
and after afternoon routes).

The Schools water systems have been inspected to ensure that they are safe for use
after the prolonged shutdown.

In the event a person (student or staff) becomes sick or is diagnosed with COVID-19,
Paradise will follow CDC guidelines as feasible at the specific site.

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Cleaning and disinfection products will be used and stored safely and in accord with
product directions, including storing products securely away from children.

Please keep visiting each school website and Facebook for more detailed information.


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