Nisarga Batika School - High School* at Ushering a new era of learning

Page created by Derek Shaw
Nisarga Batika School - High School* at Ushering a new era of learning
High School* at

Nisarga Batika School
Ushering a new era of learning
                                 *Grade 11 in 2020
Nisarga Batika School - High School* at Ushering a new era of learning
Take the first steps of your
adult life at Nisarga
Nisarga Batika’s High School continues
learners’ journey into experiential
learning in Grades 11 and 12, before        We inspire young
they enter the larger world of university   minds to discover
education and a life of career              the joy of learning
                                            through their own

                                            We encourage
                                            learners towards
                                            critical thinking,
                                            self discovery and

                                            We prepare
                                            independent and
                                            responsible citizens.
Nisarga Batika School - High School* at Ushering a new era of learning
At Nisarga, learners are motivated
to learn when they are challenged to
solve real problems. When students
pursue answers to questions of interest
to them and apply their learning to
something they care about, they are
more likely to remember what they
have learned than if they are taught
skills out of context. No matter what
we teach, we look for ways to build
on students’ interests and help them
see the relevance of their learning to
everyday life.

While offering an environment for
students to acquire knowledge,
importance will be given to:

• Setting clear and precise goals for
  the knowledge and skills that the
  students are expected to acquire

• Communicating these goals to the
  students and ensuring that they are

• Organising assignments in a clearly
  planned sequence

• Providing guidance for the students
Nisarga Batika School - High School* at Ushering a new era of learning
Integrated Curriculum                                                                Teacher Development
                                             Do children use math skills
Nisarga integrates its curriculum and                                                Teachers at Nisarga’s High School
                                             as they work on science or
plans its activities to enable students                                              are facilitators, guiding students to
                                             social studies project?
to gain knowledge and apply skills                                                   achieve to the best of their abilities.
across many disciplines. As students in                                              At the beginning of every academic
                                             During math and science
any classroom are at different stages                                                year, Nisarga teachers go through an
                                             lessons do children read,
in the learning process, integrated                                                  intensive training. Regular guidance
                                             write and discuss?
learning experiences offer a wide                                                    and workshops take place for teachers
range of possibilities for growth and                                                throughout the year on collaborative
                                             Are children using
meaning-making.                                                                      planning, reflection, peer-learning and
                                             dramatics and art
                                                                                     group-learning, brainstorming and
By letting students work in pairs, small     to represent their
                                                                                     sharing of ideas.
groups, one-on-one conferences, or           interpretations of literature
group meetings, teachers demonstrate         or what they are discussing
respect for children’s individual            in social studies?
preferences and learn more about what
each student knows.

                                           Parents’ Involvement
                                           The growth of children into emotionally
                                           and socially mature, sensible and
                                           responsible adults is impossible
                                           without the combined efforts of
                                           educators and the parent community.
                                           Children’s school education can
                                           become complete only with the
                                           participation of parents. We see
                                                                                     School Meals
                                           parents as the school’s partners in
                                           the process of preparing children to      Nisarga provides well-balanced
                                           become sensible adults. Orientation       nutritious lunch. Our meals are carefully
                                           programmes, conferences, events           planned, hygienically prepared and
                                           and festivals help engage parents in      recommended by a dietician. Our
                                           children’s learning and share equal       School Chef and the kitchen staff
                                           responsibility for their child’s growth   are well-trained in housekeeping and
                                           and development.                          kitchen management.
Nisarga Batika School - High School* at Ushering a new era of learning
Beyond the Curriculum                       5. Adventure course once a year: Each
                                                                  student will participate in at least one
                      Education extends beyond academics.         adventure course either in Grade 11 or
                      Students at Nisarga will get ample          12, or both. The adventure course will
                      opportunity for learning how to             develop life skills related to physical
                      collaborate, communicate, relate            strength, collaboration and problem
                      to each other and solve their own           solving.
                      problems outside of curricular work.
                                                                  6. Life skills workshops: Life skills are
                      1. Exchange programme at La Salle St.       required for students to eventually
                      Christoph School, France: Collaborate       become successful and happy adults.
                      with the school in France for a month/6     The WHO has identified five basic
                      months/a year long study abroad             areas of life skills relevant across
                      programme for interested students.          cultures which Nisarga aims to provide
                      2. Subject-related day trips: Students      to its high school students:
                      will learn through first-hand experience
A Nisarga student                                                 • Self-awareness and empathy
                      of the places and things related to the
embodies…             topics of study.                            • Decision making and problem
                      3. Student-led individualised
self-respect          project: Each student will work on          • Creative thinking and critical
compassion            an independent project related to             thinking
kindness              the subject/s they have chosen.             • Communication & interpersonal
responsibility        They will learn the skills of collecting,     skills
                      synthesising data and preparing a
courage                                                           • Coping with emotions and coping
                      report and presenting their findings in
honesty               a creative form of their choice.              with stress
                      4. Student-led community service:
acceptance            Students will raise funds and involve
curiosity             themselves in providing basic facilities
                      to underprivileged communities.
Nurturing a culture
of excellence
Nisarga Batika School - High School* at Ushering a new era of learning
10. Career/college counselling: A
                                             professional guidance counsellor will
                                             advise students on ways to choose a
                                             college within or outside the country
                                             based on their needs and desires.

                                             11. Interactions with experts: Experts
                                             from various fields will be invited on a
                                             regular basis to share their professional
                                             and personal journeys.

                                             12. Visiting faculty: In order to
                                             strengthen students’ learning, visiting
                                             faculty members will be invited as per
                                             each subject’s requirements.

7. Voluntary service within school:
Students will take responsibility
of teaching younger students of
elementary grades skills such as
fund raising, charity, video making,
photography, grooming elementary
students for and presenting
performances, organising and
conducting various programmes.

8. Optional ECA activities: Each
student will sustain their learning in any
one of the following sports: swimming,
basketball and futsal.

9. Clubs: Students will have an array
of clubs — including foreign language
classes, art and design, environment,
music, etc — that they can be a part of
throughout the two years.
Nisarga Batika School - High School* at Ushering a new era of learning
                                                                                           Digitally equipped
                                                                                           classrooms to integrate ICT
                                                                                           in education
                                                                                           Extensive sports
                                                                                           programmes with Beyond
                                                                                           the Curriculum activities
                                                                                           Highly qualified faculty

13. Internship: Students will be sent to    18. Coffee lounge: Students from the
                                                                                           In-campus swimming pools
relevant institutions and organisations     management stream will manage a coffee         with certified trainers
to work as short-term interns during        lounge. This will be a group project.
                                                                                           Library with a rich collection
their academic breaks.
                                            19. Duke of Edinburgh Award: This is           of books and reference
15. Conferences and simulations:            an optional programme for learning             materials
Students will participate in simulated      various life skills. For receiving an award
programmes of the United Nations,           from the Duke of Edinburgh, students           Positive campus climate
International Criminal Court and the        need to complete the required number           that fosters a sense of
Nepali Parliament to deepen their           of hours for student-chosen activities.        community
understanding of the world around them.     Award leaders will be appointed and
                                            trained for mentoring and guiding them.        Safe, comfortable and
16. Fundraising theatre production:
                                                                                           chaperoned transportation
Every two years, High School students       20. Counselling: The psychological
will take the lead in planning and          counsellor will deliver regular                Small class size with ideal
executing an entire theatre production.     counselling sessions for healthy               student-teacher ratio
                                            emotional development of students.
17. Nisarga Ramailo: Students will                                                         Spacious campus with
                                            The counsellor will also be available for
organise a fundraising event with support
                                            individual sessions.                           abundant play and
from parents and the school. Funds raised
will be used for a social purpose decided   * These activities are subject to change       recreational area
                                            according to the situation and the number of
by the students as a team.                  students.
Nisarga Batika School - High School* at Ushering a new era of learning
Subject Choice
Grade 11 students will be assisted in choosing subjects from a range of offerings
based on their interests, their strengths and their future prospects.

 Subjects                                                  Credit Hours
                                            Grade XI                       Grade XII
 Nepali                                         3                             3
 English                                        4                             4
 Social Studies                                 5                              -
 Life skills education                           -                            5
 Optional I                                     5                             5
 Optional II                                    5                             5
 Optional III                                   5                             5
 Total Credits                                  27                            27
 Optional IV                                    5                             5

Students are required to select three subjects from the four optional subject
groups. Additionally, they can opt for another subject from the remaining subject
group to earn extra credits.

 Group 1                 Group 2                     Group 3              Group 4
 Physics                 Biology                     Chemistry            Mathematics
 Accounting              Business Studies            Economics            Business
 Rural                   Computer Science            Marketing            Environment
 Development                                                              Science
                         Sociology                   Optional English                   Rabi Bhawan
                                                     Mass                               Kathmandu, 44614
                                                     Communication                      014275193 / 014289545
                                                                                        014274890 / 014274772
Students must opt for the same subjects in both Grade XI and Grade XII.
Nisarga Batika School - High School* at Ushering a new era of learning Nisarga Batika School - High School* at Ushering a new era of learning
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