Page created by Randall Sharp
                                           9 - 13 July 2018

                              Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge

The Sydney Law School is offering a unique                Content of the Unit
opportunity for law students to enrich their university   There are striking similarities and overlaps between
experience by studying a comparative unit of study        Australian and English media law, reflecting their
in Cambridge in the setting of an historic and            common origins, but there are also important
renowned university, taught by experts from some of       differences and divergences. In relation to English
the world’s leading law schools.                          media law, the impact of the United Kingdom’s
                                                          membership of the European Union has been a
The program will be offered on an intensive basis         significant factor and the impact of Brexit is yet to be
over five days in Cambridge, including one free day       seen.
for reading and preparation.
                                                          This unit of study analyses a number of key issues in
The course will be convened, taught and examined          media law, including defamation law, privacy and
by Professor David Rolph, in conjunction with guest       breach of confidence, contempt of court, open justice,
lectures by leading British and European academics        suppression and non-publication orders and other
and practitioners specialising in media law.              restrictions on court reporting, as they arise in
                                                          Australia, the United Kingdom and the European
The course will be conducted at Gonville and Caius        Union.
College, right in the heart of historic Cambridge,
which is a one-hour express train ride from London.       Particular topics on 2018 depend on the availability
Student accommodation is available for participants,      of guest lecturers.
in the modern nearby Stephen Hawking Building.
A pre-departure briefing will be held on                  Media Law: Comparative Perspectives will be open
Tuesday 29 May 2018 from 5:30pm - 7:30pm                  to Postgraduate students and a limited number of
in New Law Annexe Seminar Room 440.                       eligible Bachelor of Laws and Juris Doctor students in
Students are expected to attend this session.             their penultimate or final year.

Enrolment and Assessment
The unit is offered as a semester two, 6 credit point     Classes commence at 9:30am on Monday 9 July and
elective. Following acceptance into the program,          finish 4:30pm on Friday 13 July with a free day on
students are required to formally enrol in Sydney         Wednesday 11 July for reading and preparation.
Student into the unit of study, LAWS6341.                 Students can enjoy a range of other activities, such as
                                                          a walk, run or bike ride through the fields to historic
ASSESSMENTS                                               Grantchester, or a visit to the Fitzwilliam museum or to
• 1500 word case note or comment on an assigned           nearby Ely Cathedral. Classes finish each day at
  case or reading (20%) to be submitted to the            approximately 4:30 pm, giving students an
  lecturer online and by email by Friday 6 July           opportunity to take advantage of the late sunset at
  2018. Tasks will be assigned at or before the pre-      this time of year for punting on the River Cam or going
  departure briefing on 29 May 2018.                      to hear one of the many college choirs. The program
• 6000 word research essay (80%) to be submitted          will include a group dinner, which will be held on
  online and in hard copy at the Law School or by         Tuesday 10 July 2018 in the Old Courts Main Hall.
  post by Monday 24 September 2018.
                                                          Fee Information
Attendance at all classes is compulsory. Do not make      Two fees are payable to the University of Sydney:
travel arrangements which will cause you to be late       1. The University of Sydney tuition fee (which varies
on Monday 9 July, or to depart before 4pm on              depending on your enrolment)
Friday 13 July. Students will not be eligible to submit   2. An In-Cambridge fee covering in-country expenses
an essay unless they have attended all classes (except
in the case of illness or other serious misadventure).    TUITION FEE
Please note assessment may be subject to change.          The tuition fee covers tuition costs (including reading
                                                          materials) in Cambridge and Sydney. The tuition fee
Students are strongly advised to carefully consider the   will be incorporated in your 2018 University of
assessment regime before applying. Students who           Sydney fee invoice as per your regular units of study.
plan to attend classes overseas must be relatively free   For information on your tuition fees, please refer to the
from other commitments.                                   university website:
Any students intending to undertake more than one
offshore unit of study in a session should carefully      loans/tuition-fees.html
consider their capacity to manage their workload.
Reasons such as conflicting commitments, timetable
clashes and heavy workload do not form a ground for
special consideration.

A limited amount of accommodation has been
arranged at a very reasonable rate in the modern          IN-CAMBRIDGE FEE
Stephen Hawking Building, Gonville & Caius College,       Day and accommodation rate inclusions:
Cambridge and is provided on a bed and breakfast          • Single en-suite accommodation for nights of Sunday
basis. Single en-suite rooms are available and are to        8 July – Thursday 12 July inclusive
be booked upon application. Students are required to      • Breakfast on Mon 9 July – Friday 13 July
stay with the group at the College, unless special        • Conference facilities on class days Monday 9 July –
arrangements are made upon application subject to            Friday 13 July (excluding reading day on
approval of the Experiential Learning Officer.               Wednesday 11 July)
Accommodation is provided Sunday 8 July to                • Lunch and afternoon tea on class days
Thursday 12 July. Check out is on Friday morning; left    • Group dinner on evening of Tuesday 10 July
luggage facilities are available during the day.          The day delegate only rate has the above inclusions
                                                          minus accommodation and breakfast.

The $500 paid upon application, will be allocated          During the course students are covered by the
towards the in-Cambridge fee. The balance of the in-       University of Sydney Student Travel Insurance Policy.
Cambridge fee must be received by 22 April 2018.           Please note the policy is limited in its coverage. For
                                                           example personal travel, loss of personal items and
In addition FEE -HELP is available to eligible students.   many routine medical costs are not covered. Further
FEE –HELP/ HECS-HELP does not cover                        information can be found at:
accommodation and general living expenses; it    
cannot be used to defer payment of the fee for in-         shtml
Cambridge expenses. For information on this scheme:                                    The Faculty strongly recommends all students consider
                                                           purchasing additional travel insurance. Please note
OS-HELP                                                    that your travel insurance policy should provide
The Australian Government provides loans to assist         comprehensive coverage for medical expenses
eligible students to undertake accredited studies          incurred overseas, including medical evacuation, and
overseas. The scheme is known as OS -HELP . To be          personal liability coverage. You should also ensure
eligible for OS –HELP assistance for overseas study in     you are covered for cancellation costs in the event
both Asia and non-Asia destinations, you must be           that the program is cancelled. It is strongly
enrolled in a Commonwealth student place (CSP). For        recommended that you purchase your travel insurance
further information:                                       when you purchase your flight ticket. If you plan to   take a laptop or other electronic devices, please
                                                           ensure that you have arranged appropriate
Most domestic and international (undergraduate and
                                                           Any students with pre-existing medical conditions must
postgraduate) students are liable for the SSA fee,
                                                           obtain a letter from their treating doctor which should
which is charged per semester, based on your total
                                                           then be supplied to Audit and Risk Management
study load for that semester. For further information:
loans/student-services-amenities-fee.html         for insurance purposes
                                                           advising details of the condition, management of the
Travel                                                     condition, suitability for overseas travel
Participants are responsible for their own travel          Further information:
arrangements to, from and within the UK. Students          General Insurance and Claims Officer
are strongly advised not to make travel bookings
until you have received official notification from         Vlad Nesic
Sydney Law School that you have been accepted into
the program.
VISAS                                                      1. A completed online application form must be
Australian or New Zealand passport holders                 submitted
intending to stay in the UK for 6 months or less as a      2. When completing the application form you will be
visitor, do not normally need to apply for a visa          directed to an online payment system to pay a $500
before travelling. Students are responsible for            non- refundable deposit. Unsuccessful applicants will
obtaining any visas they require and the                   receive a refund of their deposit.
University of Sydney accepts no responsibility if a        3. Applications will only be processed upon successful
student is unable to obtain a visa. Further                payment of the deposit, they will be processed in
information:              order of receipt and will be subject to eligibility.
                                                           4. Successful applicants will be notified and will be
CROSS -INSTITUTIONAL STUDENTS                              enrolled by student administration. Do not confirm
Cross-institutional applicants are advised to contact      your travel arrangements until you have received
their home institution to confirm that the unit can be     official confirmation.
credited towards their degree. Students are required       5. The balance of the in-Cambridge fee must be
to obtain written permission from their home               received by 22 April 2018.
institution before applying and paying the non-
refundable deposit.                                        Please note, receipt of the online deposit does not
Cross-institutional students should email                  imply acknowledgement or acceptance of your for further details.            eligibility for the unit. Eligibility will be checked
                                                           before an offer is confirmed.
Preference is given to currently enrolled University of
Sydney Law students.                                       REFUND POLICY
                                                           1. In the event that LAWS6341 Media Law:
How to apply                                               Comparative Perspectives is cancelled, students will
                                                           receive a 100% refund of tuition fees and in-
        APPLICATIONS OPEN: 11:30AM                         Cambridge expenses.
        WEDNESDAY 21 FEBRUARY 2018                         2. Upon application, all students must pay a deposit
                                                           of $500 which will only be refunded if your
                                                           application is unsuccessful.
        APPLICATIONS CLOSE: 11:30AM                        3. Students who withdraw from the program prior to
        THURSDAY 8 MARCH 2018 (or                          close of business on 22 April 2018 will receive a full
        earlier if the quota is full)                      refund of any tuition fees and in-Cambridge
                                                           expenses paid, less the $500 deposit.
                                                           4. Students who withdraw from the program after
Sydney Law School in Europe units are very popular;        close of business on 22 April 2018 and before the
applicants are strongly urged to submit applications       census date will receive a full refund of tuition fees
without delay to avoid disappointment. Late                paid and no refund of the fee for in-Cambridge
applications will be accepted subject to availability.     expenses.
                                                           5. 100% tuition fee liability or FEE -HELP debt will
Places are offered on a first in basis. An initial quota   be incurred after the census date. No refund of
of 10 places has been reserved for Masters students        either tuition fees or in-Cambridge expenses is
and will be held until 8 March 2018.                       payable for unit of study withdrawals received after
                                                           this date.
The online application form will be available on the
Students will be notified of the outcome of their
application in the week commencing 9 April 2018.

The Law School requests that students intending to       The University of Sydney will not pay any amounts
withdraw from the program do so no later than 22         in respect of travel or other costs incurred by a
April 2018.                                              student in the event that the program is cancelled at
Applications to withdraw from the program must be        any time or if the student is unable to obtain a visa
received in writing and submitted to                     or if for any reason a student is unable or decides                               not to participate in the program.

CONDITIONS OF ENROLMENT                                  Contacts:
Units of Study and arrangements for these, including     Unit Coordinator:
staff allocated, as stated in any publication,           Professor David Rolph
announcement or advice of the University are an          e:
expression of intent only and are not to be taken as      (academic enquiries only)
a firm offer or undertaking.
The University reserves the right to discontinue or      Experiential Learning Officer:
vary such units, arrangements or staff at any time       Ms Kiuyan Hone
without notice. The University reserves the right to     e:
cancel your enrolment in the following circumstances:    (application and operational enquiries)
1. Provision of false or misleading information;
2. Failure to pay outstanding loans, fines and/or
fees;                                                    DISCLAIMER
3. Payment by a cheque which is dishonoured or by        Sydney Law School makes arrangements with
a credit card authorisation which your credit provider   Cambridge colleges to use their facilities and issues
refuses to pay.                                          invitations to specialist academics to teach in the
                                                         program, but the course has no other connection or
Students are strongly advised not to make travel         association with the University of Cambridge or its
bookings until you have received official                colleges. In participating in the offshore program,
notification from Sydney Law School that you             students attend as students of University of Sydney
have been accepted into the program.                     Law School and not as students of the University of

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