Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - cloudfront.net

Page created by Norman Brown
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - cloudfront.net
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

                               Zachary Cosme
                                Caitlin Curran
                                 Adriana Diaz
                               Brigid Doherty
                                Dominic Fern
                                Ryan Giuseffi
                              Ryan Gniedziejko
                               Brianna Gomez
                              Miguel Gonzalez
                               Jairo Gutierrez
                              Ellie Holmstrom
                                  Colin King
                                 Cole Knight
                               Camila Krystek
                              Rebecca Madera
                                 Ava Malzone
                              Enrique Martinez
                               Emma O’Keefe
                                Camila Perez
                                Isaac Rhodes
                             Lucas Scarnavack
                              Sophie Scoigletti
                                Rowan Serdar
                             Samantha Sheehan
                                 Kamil Wijas

         February 27, 2022
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - cloudfront.net
PARISH STAFF                                             EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME
                                                               The word from Father Arek . . .
  Reverend Arek Falana
Associate Pastor
  Reverend Pawel Komperda                              On the importance of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving . . .
Senior Priest                                            Jesus considers these practices to be fundamental in the life of
  Reverend Edward McLaughlin                             every Catholic. In the Gospel of St. Matthew (6:1-18), Our
Pastor Emeritus                                          Lord speaks of these practices in the Sermon on the Mount
  Reverend Ronald Mass                      message. Jesus also indicates the crucial consideration for practicing these
Resident Priest                             spiritual disciplines successfully. . . our intention.
  Reverend Tom Rajesh                       His introductory statement consists of the following warning: “Beware of
Deacon                                      practicing your piety before others to be seen by them; for then you have
  James Langwell                            no reward from your Father in heaven” (6:1). When you pray, fast, and give
Pastoral Ministry Aide                      alms, Jesus says, ask yourself: What am I aiming at? What am I trying to
  Sister Anna Koziol, CSAPU                 achieve? Whom am I trying to please?
Pastoral Assoc. / Director of Rel. Ed.                     For Catholics, spiritual practices are always expressed in
  Kathryn McNicholas
                                                           physical ways. Consider how the Sacraments invite us to
Business Manager                                           inner cleansing by pouring water, healing by anointing with
  Cole e Waickus                                           oil, and spiritual nourishment by consuming the Body and
Director of Music and Liturgy                              Blood of Christ. Similarly, through fasting, we get in touch
  Ryan Dillon                                              with our soul’s intense hunger for God by experiencing real
Youth Minister                                             hunger in our bodies. In our American culture, we take
  Michael Jacobson, PhD                                    many things for granted. Fasting for a while from things we
Parish Secretary                                           don’t need helps us appreciate them when we do have them
  Linda Higgins                                            and helps to remind us that all we have is a gift from God.
Maintenance                                 It is not difficult (Jesus says) to impress others when we pray, fast, or give
  Bill Johnson                              alms. However, we need to concentrate on our true intention. These
MASS SCHEDULE IN CHURCH                     spiritual practices are designed to draw us closer to God, our heavenly
Weekdays: Monday - Saturday…..8:30AM        Father, to receive from Him the love that He has for all of us. Suppose we
Saturday Vigil………………….…..…... 4:00PM        practice the spiritual disciplines to impress other people or please ourselves
Sundays…..…..8:00AM, 9:30AM, 11:00AM        (for example, we know that fasting helps lose a few pounds). In that case,
                                            nothing much will happen in our relationship with God. Then, the core
DEVOTIONS                                   issue concerns the heart: What do I really want? Do I desire God? Do I
Holy Rosary
                                            love God? Do I want to love Him more?
   Daily ………………………….…….…..7:55AM
   On First Saturdays………………...7:50AM        By all means, let’s pray, fast, and give alms this Lent. But as we do, let’s
   Wednesdays………………………….6:00PM              also ask our Lord Jesus to help us reflect on the root issue that He raises -
Perpetual Adora on Chapel ….……….24/7        on the question of intention, purpose, and orientation of our hearts.
           (Access Code needed a er 9PM)
Divine Mercy Chaplet ………………..3:00PM         St. Terrence Parish
Marian Garden……………7:00AM - 9:00PM
Confessions - Saturdays .….2:30 - 3:30 PM   I am planning my visit to St. Terrence Parish the weekend of March 5th
                                            and 6th to address all parishioners during the weekend Masses (Saturday at
PARISH INFORMATION                          5 pm; Sunday at 9 am and 11 am). I’m grateful to Deacon Langwell, my
Parish Office …………….….…….…..597-3180          staff, and the members of the Parish Pastoral Council for their offer and
Postal Address: 5757 W. 127th Street        willingness to join me, together with the members of St. Terrence’s Pastoral
                Crestwood, IL 60418         Council. Let us continue to pray for the successful unification of the two
Church Website: Incparish.com               parishes into one parish Family.
Email: Church@Incparish.com
Religious Educa on ……...…...…..388-4004
                                            Congratulations Confirmandi!
                                            Today I know I speak for our entire parish when I warmly
         Instagram: @Incarna onCatholic     welcome His Excellency, Most Reverend Bishop Jeffrey Grob,
                                            to our parish on Sunday afternoon. Bishop Grob will adminis-
         Text @2g77e to the number 81010    ter the Sacrament of Confirmation to our young adults during
             to stay connected with us.     the 3PM Mass. Their names are printed on the cover of this
                                            bulletin. We congratulate them and pray for them.
     Incarna on Catholic Parish Crestwood
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - cloudfront.net
Incparish.com                                                           February 27, 2022

Annual Catholic Appeal: Making all things new …
God’s promise and our responsibility
Our parish is conducting the campaign for the Annual
Catholic Appeal. Please remember that the Annual
Catholic Appeal is much different than a one-time
special collection. It is a pledge campaign where you can
make a gift payable in installments.
The new Annual Catholic Appeal theme, “Making all
things new … God’s promise and our responsibility,” is
an important theme as we prayerfully consider our                  ASH WEDNESDAY
support for the Appeal, but also crucial for embracing
the life that the Lord wants us to live. Each pledge        Masses with Distribution of Ashes
makes a difference! All parish communities participate in          8:30AM, 4PM, 7PM
this campaign and the gifts of many enable our parishes
and ministries to deliver needed services.                            HOLY MASS
                                                               Monday - Saturday at 8:30AM
Thank you for your prayerful consideration and                    Saturday Vigil at 4PM
generous response. To make your gift, you can complete
                                                               Sunday - 8AM, 9:30AM, 11AM
the mail-in giving envelope available in the
vestibule of our church or make a gift online at
                                                                   PARISH MISSION
                                                                    March 28, 29, 30
A Little Black Book for your Lenten Spiritual
Journey                                                       PARISH RECONCILIATION
. . . .is available this weekend. Please make sure to get    March 29 at the Parish Mission
your copy of this wonderful booklet to help you with the
journey of Lent. This Lenten                                   IGNATIAN SPIRITUALITY
season, a limited number of                                 Reflections on the Pascal Mystery
booklets are offered to parishioners.                              Sundays at 12:30PM
They are available in the vestibule of
the Church for free – as our token                            STATIONS OF THE CROSS
of appreciation for your continued                                   Fridays at 7PM
support of the Parish. This
excellent spiritual companion offers                               CRS RICE BOWLS
daily reflections based on the
                                                                Available in the vestibule
parables of our Lord Jesus. On
behalf of all priests and staff,
thank you for being there for
                                                                LITTLE BLACK BOOKS
your Parish. (See a sample page                                    Lenten Devotional
on the right).
                                                                Saturdays 2:30 - 3:30PM

                  Masses & Distribution of Ashes               DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET
                 Ash Wednesday begins the Season               Every day in Chapel at 3PM
                 of Lent. Join us for Mass and the
                 distribution of ashes at one of the                HOLY ROSARY
                 following times on March 2nd —                    Daily at 7:55AM
                 8:30AM, 4PM, or 7PM.                             Wednesdays at 6PM
                   In Christ and His Blessed Mother,             ADORATION CHAPEL
                              Your Pastor,                     Prayer before the Blessed
                             Fr. Arek Falana                       Sacrament 24 / 7
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - cloudfront.net
Lenten Regula ons
         From Ash Wednesday to the Paschal Triduum
Abs nence from meat is to be observed by all Catholics 14
years old and older on Ash Wednesday and on all the Fridays of
Lent. Fas ng is to be observed on Ash Wednesday by all Catho-
lics who are 18 years of age but not yet 59. Those who are
bound by this may take only one full meal. Two smaller meals
are permi ed if necessary to maintain strength according to
ones needs, but ea ng solid foods between meals is not
permi ed. The special Paschal fast, as well as abs nence, are
prescribed for Good Friday and encouraged for Holy Saturday.
 “Lent is ordered to preparing for the celebra on of Easter,
since the Lenten liturgy prepares for celebra on of the Paschal
Mystery both catechumens, by the various stages of Chris an
Ini a on, and the faithful, who recall their own Bap sm and
do penance.”
By the threefold discipline of fas ng, almsgiving and prayer the
church keeps Lent from Ash Wednesday un l the evening of
Holy Thursday. All of the faithful and the catechumens should
undertake the serious prac ce of these three tradi ons. Failure
to observe peniten al days totally or a substan al number of
such days must be considered serious.
“On weekdays of Lent, we strongly recommend par cipa on in
daily Mass and self-imposed observances of fas ng. In light of
grave human needs which weigh on the Chris an conscience in
all seasons, we urge par cularly during Lent, generosity to
local, na onal and world programs of sharing of all things
needed to translate our duty to penance into a means of imple-
men ng the right of the poor to their part of our abundance.”
      U.S. Bishops statement on peniten al observances, 1966

                               Have you picked up your
                               Rice Bowl yet? It’s not too
                               late! CRS Opera on Rice
                               Bowl is the Lenten program
                               of Catholic Relief Services,
                               the official relief and
                               development agency of the
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Through CRS
Rice Bowl, you and your family can put your faith into
ac on through prayer, fas ng and almsgiving. Lenten alms
donated through CRS Rice Bowl support the work of CRS in
roughly 45 different countries each year. 25% of all dona-
  ons to CRS Rice Bowl stay in the local diocese, suppor ng
hunger and poverty allevia on efforts. The Rice Bowls will
be collected at the end of Lent. Thank you for your prayer-
ful considera on of par cipa ng in CRS Rice Bowl.
  “Christ has no body on Earth but yours, no hands but
  yours, no feet but yours … Yours are the feet with
  which He is to go about doing good, and yours are
  the hands with which He is to bless us now.”
                           St. Teresa of Avila

                        In Memoriam
                             Thomas Slechta, Jr.
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - cloudfront.net
             From the desk of Fr. McLaughlin . . .

                     A LENTEN OPPORTUNITY!
      What does the Word of God say to your life?
   You are invited to reflect on the Bible readings for
   the next Sunday with fellow parishioners — not a
   Bible Study but a Scripture Reflec on opportunity.
      Women:            9AM - 10AM - Tuesdays
                        Good Shepherd Room
      Men:              7:15AM - 8:15AM - Saturdays
                        Good Shepherd Room

                                                                            Fridays at 7PM in Church

         The Sacrament of Baptism                                   Seven Sisters Apostolate
          We welcome our newest members                              We all need prayer…
          who were baptized at Incarnation.                     and our pastor needs prayer too!
                                                               We are starting a group at Incarnation
              Natalie Gamez                                     to offer Holy Hours to support our
         Daughter of Rubin and Erin                                pastor, Fr. Arek. It is a simple structure
                                                                 designed by the Seven Sister Apostolate. All
                                                                we need are seven women to get this started.
             Grayson Janowski                                   Interested? Contact Linda at the Parish Office
          Son of David and Mallory                                   for more information. 708-597-318

                         DIVE MORE DEEPLY INTO                                       Parish Life
                          YOUR CATHOLIC FAITH
                                                                 Our Girl                                         The
                    At our next mee ng, we hope to be              Scouts                                       cookies
                    star ng to talk about the Eucharis c          will be                                       will be
                    Liturgy, or as it used to be called, the      selling                                      sold a er
Sacrifice of the Mass. First, however, we will begin by           delicious
learning about the interior life, and what its made up of.                                                      Masses
All are welcome to join us on Tuesday, March 1st from                                                          on March
7:00 PM to 8:30 PM in the library at our St. Gabriel             weekend!                                        6 & 7.
Center. Ques ons? Call Peter at 557-2600.

                                                                                 Human Concerns
                        Please pray for those
                        in need of healing . . .                                  Whether your need for assistance is
                                                                                  for one time only or for a period of
  Colleen Climack, Geraldine Cozzo, Pat Devoy, Dale                               time, our St. Vincent de Paul Society
  Douglas, Kelsey Evoy, Bob Fuesel, Donald Griner, Eunice                         would be happy to consider your
  Harmon, Julius Kaluzny, Jadwiga Kudzielka, George                               need. All calls are confidential. If you
  Lopuszynski, Donald Micelli, Ma hew Palenik, Joe Punda,                         live in this area and need assistance
  John Quinn, Donna Reindl, Rose Marie Tynski, Theresa         during a difficult time in your life, please call our Parish
  Sco , Donald Valois, Bonnie Webber, Jus n Wisniewski,        Office at 708.597.3180 and ask to leave a message
  Stephanie Wisniewski                                         for a St. Vincent de Paul member.
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - cloudfront.net
                                                                   8:00 AM    Constance Petreikis
                                 Faith Direct is our electronic               Donald Kealey
                                 giving op on that allows                     Phyllis M. Kurtek
                                 you to support Incarna-                      Blessings for the Kealey Family
                                  on’s Mission entrusted to                   Birthday Blessings for Daniel Stoch
                                 us by the Lord by using           9:30 AM    The People of Incarna on
                                 electronic fund transfer         11:00 AM    Bri any Wales
from a bank account or credit/debit card. It’s safe and                       Walter Sebuck
convenient. Crea ng a Faith Direct account is simple and                      Larry Valois
free. To get started, you can TEXT your dona on amount                        Tommy Higgins
to 708.505.8432 or enroll online at faith.direct/IL912. You                   Larry and Wanda Stromski
can also call Faith Direct at their toll free number: 866-507     MONDAY      FEBRUARY 28
-8757 (Let them know that your Parish Code is IL912). To
                                                                   8:30 AM    Theresa Plank
cancel your monthly envelopes, please no fy the Parish
Office at 708.597.3180. This is not done automa cally                           Jose Pe
when signing up for electronic giving. Thank you for your                     Jerry Dvorak
ongoing support of our faith community. God bless you!            TUESDAY     MARCH 1
                                                                   8:30 AM    Jerry Nieukirk
                                                                              Leyla Hernandez
       2021 Contribution Statements                                           Healing Blessings for Angela Williamson
                                                                  WEDNESDAY   MARCH 2 - ASH WEDNESDAY
 If you wish to have a printed statement of your                   8:30 AM    Thomas Slechta, Jr.
    2021 Contributions to Incarnation Church,                                 Deceased Leomen and Teachers
  please call the Parish Office at 708-597-3180.                              Birthday Blessings for Donald Kris
                                                                                       Annunciado, Sr.
                                                                              For Souls in Purgatory
                    Liturgical Ministers                          4:00 PM     The People of Incarna on
                                                                  7:00 PM     Blessings for our Pastor, Fr. Arek
                                                                  THURSDAY    MARCH 3
                                                                   8:30 AM    William K. Hall, Jr.
                  Lectors and Commentators                                    Birthday Blessings for Amy Pratl
                  March 2 - Ash Wednesday                         FRIDAY      MARCH 4
                                                                   8:30 AM    Penny LaPorte
8:30 AM (L) J. O’Brien               (C) L. Baxter-Smith                      Deceased Leomen and Teachers
4:00 PM (L) P. Sullivan              (C) F. Becvar                            Birthday Blessings for Ma hew Unger
7:00 PM (L) L. Pyrkowski             (C) M. Jacobson              SATURDAY    MARCH 5
                                                                  8:30 AM     Leonard and Barbara Lundgren
                          March 5 and 6                                       Joseph Caruso
 4:00 PM   (L)   P. Sullivan         (C)   F. Becvar                          Cindy, Joe, and Jim Rozak
 8:00 AM   (L)   M.L. McInerney      (C)   L. Baxter-Smith        4:00 PM     Mary Fobert
 9:30 AM   (L)   T. Volk             (C)   C. Gianoli                         Gloria and Norman Zibell
11:00 AM   (L)   TEEN MASS           (C)   TEEN MASS                          Yvonne Kuebrich and Dave Hardin
                                                                              Casimir Tomczak
                                                                              The Deceased Members of the Sicher Family
        Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion                 SUNDAY      MARCH 6
                                                                   8:00 AM    The People of Incarna on
                  March 2 - Ash Wednesday                          9:30 AM    Andy and Lea Boyce
    8:30 AM      D. Fazekas, L. Hart, M. Mruskovich                           Benito Ilagan
    4:00 PM      M. Byrdak, P. Stach,                                         Tom and Lois Flavin
    7:00 PM      E. Pulak, R. Pulak, B. Fox                                   Anniversary Blessings for Amy & Patrick Pratl
                                                                  11:00 AM    Joseph C. Drozd
                   March 5 and 6                                              Edward Klopp
    4:00 PM A. Scoigle , G. Zibell, V. Zibell                                 Jim O’Brien
    8:00 AM D. Fazekas, M. Rauen, L. Hart                                     Larry Valois
    9:30 AM J. Widing, D. Leyden, P. Stach                                    Maureen Rodriguez
   11:00 AM B. Fox, K. Young, Deacon Jim                                      Healing Blessings for Angela Williamson
Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - cloudfront.net
TO REGISTER IN THE PARISH                                    THE SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY                                    THE SACRAMENT OF
    Registration Forms are available on the                        Incarnation helps couples prepare not only for                          CONFESSION
    kiosk located in the vestibule of the                          their wedding day, but the lifelong                         …every Saturday from 2:30PM until
    Church. You may also register at the                           commitment of living a Christian marriage.                  3:30PM, confessions are heard. We
    Parish Office or online at our website:                        Parishioners of Incarnation who are baptized                also offer the Parish Sacrament of
                                                                   and free to marry in the Catholic Church may                Reconciliation prior to Easter and
                                                                   celebrate their marriage at our Parish.                     Christmas as announced.
                                                                   Interested couples seeking marriage should
                                                                   contact one of the parish priests at least six                    THE SACRAMENT OF THE
    Incarnation rejoices in the incorporation                      months prior to their intended date of                            ANOINTING OF THE SICK
    of new members into the Body of Christ                         marriage.                                                   …is not only a sacrament for those
    through the Sacrament of Baptism.                                                                                          who are at the point of death. As
    Please come into the Parish Office                                              MINISTRY OF CARE
                                                                                                                               soon as one of the faithful begins to
    during business hours to schedule your                         Several members of our Parish community
                                                                                                                               be in danger of death from sickness
    child's baptism. Parents are to attend a                       have been trained and mandated by the
                                                                                                                               or old age, the fitting time for him/
    mandatory Baptismal Preparation Class                          Archdiocese of Chicago to pray with and
                                                                                                                               her to receive this Sacrament has
                                                                   bring the Holy Eucharist to the sick and home-
    prior to Baptism. The Sacrament of                                                                                         certainly already arrived. Therefore,
                                                                   bound parishioners. Please call the Parish
    Baptism for infants is celebrated on the                                                                                   any member of the faithful who is
                                                                   Office if you are in need of this service.
    first and third Sunday of every month                                                                                      seriously ill because of sickness or
    (except Lent) at 12:30PM in the Church.                                  REQUESTING COPIES OF                              advanced age, may request this
                                                                           SACRAMENTAL CERTIFICATES                            Sacrament by calling the Parish
                                                                        To request a copy of your sacramental                  Office.    Once a year, we offer
            Please remember to include                                  certificate, please go to our website at               The Sacrament of Anointing of the
                                                                      ww.incparish.com Click on the Sacraments                 Sick within a weekend Mass as
             Incarnation in your will. ♥
                                                                     tab; scroll down, and follow the instructions.            announced.

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