ECHUCA-MOAMA BRIDGE PROJECT - The largest transport infrastructure project in northern Victoria

Page created by Cathy Castro
ECHUCA-MOAMA BRIDGE PROJECT - The largest transport infrastructure project in northern Victoria

The largest transport infrastructure project in northern Victoria
We’ve built a new roundabout              What we’re doing and when
at the Murray Valley Highway
and Warren Street intersection,           On Stage 3                                 On Stage 4
upgraded Warren Street and                In August, we’ll continue:                 Works on the new Meninya Street
we’re now building a second river         • constructing the main span of the
                                                                                     intersection in the Moama Lions Park
crossing to connect Echuca and                                                       are well underway.
                                            bridge over the Murray River and
Moama, making it quicker and                tensioning the steel cabling             We’ll continue:
easier for you to travel across           • installing concrete traffic barriers     • installing new stormwater
the Campaspe and Murray rivers.             and pouring concrete for the bridge        pipes along Perricoota Road and
                                            decks on the flood relief bridges in       connecting them to Francis Street
Works are progressing well across the
                                                                                                                            Authorised by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne

                                            Victoria and NSW                         • completing the access to the
whole project. The project is now close
                                          • building the new shared walking            Moama Marketplace loading dock
to 75% complete and is on track to have
                                            and cycling path in Moama.               • performing temporary widening
you travelling across your new bridge
in mid-2022.                                                                           works to allow construction for
                                                                                       the Cobb Highway/Perricoota
The mobile construction platforms                                                      Road intersection.
that sit atop the main Murray River
piers have cast more than 20 of the       Image above: The form travellers casting
43 concrete segments that will span the   the concrete segments for the main span
waterway, connecting Victoria and NSW.    over the Murray River

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ECHUCA-MOAMA BRIDGE PROJECT - The largest transport infrastructure project in northern Victoria
Artist's impression – subject to change

You’ve heard all about Echuca and Moama’s second river crossing,
and now’s your chance to see it up close.

The twin towns have a new must-see attraction. Don't miss your chance
for a free tour of the Echuca-Moama Bridge Project from the comfort of
a dedicated cruise on the Murray River. Journey aboard the M.V. Mary
Ann and see how we're building northern Victoria's largest transport
infrastructure project.

         Seating is limited and places are expected to fill
         fast. Scan the code or visit
         river-boat-tours to register.
ECHUCA-MOAMA BRIDGE PROJECT - The largest transport infrastructure project in northern Victoria
Students from Goulburn Valley Grammar
School join the team down by the river

Students test Project’s sustainability efforts
Earlier this year, Year 12               The students wanted to investigate and      Stage 2 looked at the upgraded Warren
Environmental Science students           consider the project’s performance          Street, with its improvements such as
from Goulburn Valley Grammar             against their curriculum around             the flood relief bridges and the new
School in Shepparton made the            sustainability principles, including        shared walking and cycling path, which is
journey to Echuca to check out the       efficiency of resource use, conservation    very popular with the local community.
largest transport infrastructure         of biodiversity and ecological integrity.
                                                                                     The group then ventured to Stage 3
project in northern Victoria.            The tour of Stage 1 highlighted some        to see what's involved in building the
                                         of the project’s treatments to the new      bridge over the Murray River.
The Echuca–Moama Bridge Project
                                         roundabout, which was designed to
joined the students for a three-hour
                                         improve the safety of this intersection,    The tour wrapped up with the team
tour of Stages 1, 2 and 3.
                                         while also minimising impacts to trees      sharing their career journeys and a
                                         and cultural heritage.                      fun photo to remember the day!

Bookmark our project page
Explore the Echuca-Moama Bridge          You can also keep up to date with all
Project web page at roadprojects.        the latest project news by scanning        the QR code on the front page to sign
bridge where you will find all the       up and subscribe to our regular emails
latest construction news and some        and SMS updates.
great images.
                                         If social media is more your style,
While you’re visiting, be sure to        then please visit our website
check out our Interactive Map at and The              join us on Facebook, Instagram,
map allows you to explore each of        Linked In and Twitter.
the four stages of what is the largest
transport infrastructure project in
northern Victoria.
ECHUCA-MOAMA BRIDGE PROJECT - The largest transport infrastructure project in northern Victoria
Bridge to an engineering career
During May, local school students          The “Engineers Solve Problems”                   locally and across the state. They also
were given a firsthand look at             initiative involved representatives              learnt about future trends in engineering,
where a career in engineering              from our Project team and other                  like robotics and mechatronics.
                                           local engineering and manufacturing
could lead them, thanks to a local                                                          The Project was pleased to support
                                           based companies.
initiative supported by the Echuca-                                                         the initiative that was funded by the
Moama Bridge Project team.                 The Project’s Senior Engineer                    Victorian Government and coordinated
                                           Paul van der Sluys gave students                 by Campaspe Cohuna Local Learning
Students from St Joseph’s College,         a glimpse into the exciting world                and Employment Network.
Moama Anglican Grammar, Rochester          of engineering.
Secondary College and Echuca College
were invited to visit Stage 3 of the       The students learned about the
Echuca-Moama Bridge Project, where         different engineering pathways,                  Image above: Students listening to
construction is well underway on the       education options and employment                 the Project’s Senior Engineer talk
new bridge over the Murray River.          opportunities available to them both             about the project

Celebrating NAIDOC week
‘Heal Country’ was the theme
 for this year’s NAIDOC Week,              Having this direct connection to
 from 4–11 July.                           First Nation's cultural knowledge
                                           through our subcontractors and
As our Echuca-Moama Bridge Project         the Yorta Yorta Nation, helps to
team continue their work to build this     ensure this project continues to
new river crossing, we’re reminded of
                                           respect the Country that we’re
the importance of the ancient riverbanks
of the Murray River.                       working on.

In Victoria, Aboriginal subcontracting
earth moving company, AKO Earth, has
been busy undertaking important rock       Image right: AKO Earth carrying out works on
beaching work on these riverbanks.         the banks of the Murray River (Victorian side)
ECHUCA-MOAMA BRIDGE PROJECT - The largest transport infrastructure project in northern Victoria
Artist's impression – subject to change

Your new bridge isn’t too far away                                                           We’re not only
With the new bridge over the                  Visit our online image gallery to              building bridges
Campaspe River nearly complete                view our brand new digital images.             As part of the Echuca-Moama
and the main span of the new                  The artist’s impressions of the                Bridge Project, we’re building
bridge over the Murray River                  finished bridges and intersections             4.9km of shared walking and
                                              have been created so you can                   cycling paths, which will connect
gradually coming together, locals             visualise what the new bridges,
in Echuca and Moama are really                                                               to the existing paths in the area.
                                              intersections and shared walking
starting to get an idea of what their         and cycling path will look like                When finished, these paths
new river crossing will look like.            when complete.                                 will provide a safe and scenic
                                                                                             journey across the Murray River
                                                                                             from the Murray Valley Highway
              Want to travel your new river crossing or see what it will look like
                                                                                             in Echuca, all the way to the
              when completed? SCAN THE CODE or visit
                                                                                             Cobb Highway in Moama.
              projects/echuca-moama-bridge and check out our animated
              flythrough or image gallery.

 The new walking and cycling path taking                             The new walking and cycling paths at the Campaspe
 shape near the Campaspe River, Echuca                               Esplanade/Warren Street roundabout, Echuca
ECHUCA-MOAMA BRIDGE PROJECT - The largest transport infrastructure project in northern Victoria
with pride
Between October and April,
we transported and installed 125
precast concrete beams, three steel
beams and a steel truss to build
the new bridge over the Campaspe
River, approach to the Murray River
and two flood relief bridges.

Each beam weighed around 85
tonnes and were up to 35 metres
long. They were manufactured
regionally in Kilmore at NVC
Precast, where employees devoted
more than 16,000 hours to cast
them, with a dozen employees
dedicated to the project. The beams
were then transported all the way
to Echuca from Kilmore, and lifted in
to place using a large mobile crane.

Changes for river users                       Keeping you informed
Until early November 2021, there’ll be        To sign up for email and SMS                         All works will take place from
changes in place on the Murray River          updates about the Echuca-Moama                       7am to 6pm, Monday to Friday
and near the Victoria Park boat ramp.         Bridge Project, please visit                         and 7am to 1pm, Saturday.
                                                        The timing of these works may
Vessel operators are advised to exercise
caution when navigating and to pay                                                                 change depending on weather
attention to signage and buoyage near         More information                                     and site conditions.
our works. Transport for NSW (Maritime)       We appreciate your understanding                     Some works such as concrete
has introduced a four (4) knot speed          while we build your second Murray                    pours may need to be
limit while these changes are in place.       River crossing. If you’d like further                undertaken out-of hours. If this
                                              information about the project,                       needs to happen near you, we’ll
For more information about
                                              please phone or email us.                            let you know in advance.
these changes, please contact the
Transport for NSW (Maritime Infoline)
on 131 236 from 8.30am to 5.30pm
Monday to Friday, or 8.30am to 4.30pm         Image above: Early morning lift
on weekends and public holidays               of one the last concrete beams

Contact us       Follow us on social media                       Please contact us if you would like this
1800 105 105                                                 @roadprojectsvic         information in an accessible format
 ajor Road Projects Victoria
M                                           For languages other than English,         If you need assistance because of a hearing or

GPO Box 4509, Melbourne VIC 3001            please call 9209 0147                     speech impairment, please visit
ECHUCA-MOAMA BRIDGE PROJECT - The largest transport infrastructure project in northern Victoria ECHUCA-MOAMA BRIDGE PROJECT - The largest transport infrastructure project in northern Victoria ECHUCA-MOAMA BRIDGE PROJECT - The largest transport infrastructure project in northern Victoria
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