Ealing Adult Learning - PROSPECTUS 2020/21 BE...

Page created by Ruth Goodman
Ealing Adult Learning - PROSPECTUS 2020/21 BE...
Adult                      BE...
Learning              INSPIRED
                      BE MORE
Ealing Adult Learning - PROSPECTUS 2020/21 BE...
A Warm
I am delighted you are considering taking a course with Ealing Adult Learning. I am
very proud of the Ealing Adult Learning staff who have done everything in their power
to support and keep learners learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. During this
period, we have developed new ways of learning, improved our digital infrastructure
and enhanced our online teaching skills.
Judged by Ofsted as a Good provider in February 2020, Ealing Adult Learning is deeply
committed both to our learners’ success and that of the local community. Every
learner is important to us, whether your ambition is to prepare for work, develop new
skills or get a better job, we have a course for you. We are committed to supporting
your personal and professional development and enhancing your learner experience.

Our Vision is for Learners to fulf il their potential.
Our Mission is Improving wellbeing; building skills; reducing disadvantage;
and increasing employability.
Our Values are Learning and skills raises aspiration; Equality of access
unlocks potential; Helping learners to help themselves; Getting a job
improves life chances.

We have planned an exciting curriculum offer for 2020/21 with a wide range of
courses. Have a look through this guide to know about our learners’ success stories
and course offer. Go online for more details on how to join our courses.
We look forward to welcoming both new and returning learners back for a new
academic year and wish you every success in the year ahead.

Cristi Gonzalez
Ealing Adult Learning Manager

Ealing Adult Learning - PROSPECTUS 2020/21 BE...

    MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL			                     04


    HOW TO ENROL							06



    ASSESMENT INFORMATION			               		09

    ARTS AND CRAFTS							10


    FAMILY LEARNING						                             18

    COVID 19 RESPONSE                                 19


    HEALTH AND WELLBEING 		                           25

    COMMUNITY LEARNING PARTNERS                       28

    LANGUAGES			                                      29

    VOCATIONAL & EMPLOYABILITY                        34

Ealing Adult Learning - PROSPECTUS 2020/21 BE...
Important Notice: COVID19
               Spring Term Courses January-March 2021
                     Message f rom the Principal
    Dear Learners,
    The 2020-21 Prospectus is ready, however there will be major changes to the way
    we can provide these courses in the Spring Term.
    For the moment, all our courses will be delivered online, however we are making
    very careful plans to ensure that we will be ready for classroom delivery as soon
    as we can. Please keep an eye on our website www.ealingadultlearing.org.uk
    The safety of staff and learners is our top priority and we will continue to follow
    Government and Public Health England Advice on social distancing

    WHAT DOES THIS MEAN                         WHAT ABOUT LEARNERS
    TO ENROL ON A COURSE                        WITH DIGITAL SKILLS?
    STARTING NEXT TERM?                         One of our team members will take you
    • Information and advice will be            through the basics of getting online,
      provided online and over the phone.       setting up an email, staying safe online
    • Online enrolments and initial             and using Google Classroom and Zoom.
    • All course delivery online                HOW DO I GET MORE
                                                INFORMATION ABOUT A
    HOW WILL WE SUPPORT                         COURSE I AM INTERESTED IN?
                                                Email adultlearning@ealing.gov.uk or
    We use the Google Classroom and             phone us on 020 8825 5577 between
    Zoom as our eLearning platforms.            9:00 and 17:00 Monday to Friday.
    When you enrol, you will be given an        Course outlines on the website will
    adult learning account and password.        provide course content and how your
    We have simple guides to help you           course will be delivered and assessed
    access Google Classroom once you            during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    have enrolled.

    We have planned a wide range of FREE courses with a focus on supporting learners
    back into employment, re-skilling and promoting health and wellbeing. If you have
    been affected by Covid-19, e.g. furloughed, made redundant, at risk of redundancy
    or redeployment, please go to the Covid-19 Response Courses section for more

Ealing Adult Learning - PROSPECTUS 2020/21 BE...
DIGITAL , ENGLISH, MATHS AND                        experienced staff I was able to choose a course
ESOL TESTIMONIALS                                   according to my previous qualification. All staff
                                                    helped me to complete my course successfully.-
Since I enrolled at EAL ESOL until functional
skills level 1, I have gained a newfound            Recently I have finished my Supporting Teaching
confidence in both my speaking and writing          and Learning Level 3 course with Kris Beer. He
ability. I’ve also been very fortunate to study     is a very experienced, friendly, and very skilled
alongside students from a diverse range of          tutor and he provided us every resource that
backgrounds.                                        we needed during this course. Thanks Ealing
                                                    Adult Learning.
For anybody thinking about joining this course,
I highly encourage them to take that next step      I recommend to everyone who wants to further
and get involved. You’ll learn new skills, meet     their education to with Ealing Adult Learning for
an amazing group of people and have the             their future qualification and career.
confidence and skill to move forward in your        Once again, well done to Ealing Adult Learning
career. (Susana)                                    for the services they provide to all learners.
I sincerely appreciate the time you spent to        (Kiranjit)
organise online courses. For the time being it’s    Not only have I received my certificate for my
the best option for me to improve my English        course through adult learning, I’ve received
skills.                                             good support, friendship, knowledge and
Also, it’s a good chance to keep in touch with      skills during my course from teachers and all
my classmates. I do believe sooner or later it’ll   admin staff. When I joined adult learning, I
be possible to get back to the Viking Community     was so clueless, but support from mt teacher,
Centre, which I hope you will organise, too.        other staff and students made it easier for
                                                    me. I would recommend Ealing Adult Learning
I am very thankful for your online courses. I am    to anyone who needs to complete their
enjoying this course. It is really helpful for me   qualification in future. (Parminder)
because my English is improving.
During this difficult time, I feel great to chat
with my friends-in English. I always wait for my
class on Wednesdays so I can talk to my friends
online. (Mandeep)

I’m writing to thank Ealing Adult Learning for
giving me a platform to complete my study and
making me able for future jobs. I have received
very good support and qualification from very
experienced, friendly and skilled tutors and all
admin staff of Ealing Adult Learning during my
When I enrolled for a course with Ealing Adult
Learning, I don’t know which course I have to         Cllr Julian Bell and Cllr Dr. Abdullah Gulaid at the
choose? But with the advice and guidance from                  Award Ceremony, November 2019

Ealing Adult Learning - PROSPECTUS 2020/21 BE...
                                 Check your eligibility for funding overleaf

        ARE YOU                                               Do you live in London?
                                              Have you lived in the UK or EEA for the last 3 consecutive years?
        19 YEARS
        OR OVER?
                                                                      Do you have:
                                                            Indefinite Leave to Enter or Remain?
                                                          Discretionary Leave to-Enter or Remain?
         CONTACT US                                                    Refugee Status?

           020 8825 5577

    Monday to Friday 9:00-17:00                         YES                                    NO
                                               You may be eligible for            International Fees may apply,
    adultlearning@ealing.gov.uk                      funding.                     please contact us to find out.

                   Enrolment for the academic year 2020/21 is now open.
      Enrolment takes place throughout the year with new courses being added regularly
                For more information and full details of our courses visit our website

           CHOOSE A                                 ONLINE                             COURSE
            COURSE                                     Go to

                                            This is the quickest way to enrol
    Browse through the Ealing Adult         for Non-Qualification courses.             Your place will only be
     Learning prospectus, and select         Pay by debit or credit card (we         confirmed after you have
     a suitable course for you. Make         are unable to accept American           completed the enrolment
    a note of the course title and the        Express). You will receive an            process. Places will be
               course code.                   email confirmation following            assigned on a first come,
                                                      your payment.                       first served basis.

Ealing Adult Learning - PROSPECTUS 2020/21 BE...
              • Resident in London and
              • Citizen of a country within the EEA or have the Right of Abode in the
   YES          UK, and
EEA CITIZEN   • Have been ordinarily resident in the UK\EEA for 3 years on the first day
                of learning

              • Resident in London and
   YES        • Have permission granted by the UK government to live in the UK, which
                is not for educational purposes, and
 CITIZEN      • Have been ordinarily resident in the UK for 3 years before the start of

              • Resident in London and                • The husband, wife, civil partner
              • Any of the status below, but            and child of any of the above
                immigration permission must           • Indefinite Leave to Enter or
   YES          be seen                                 Remain
  EXEMPT      • Refugee status.                       • Discretionary Leave to Enter or
 FROM 3YR     • Humanitarian protection                 Remain
   RULE       • Section 67 of the Immigration         • Exceptional Leave to Enter or
                Act 2016 Leave (unaccompanied           Remain
                refugee children)                     • Leave Outside the Rules

              • Resident in London and

   YES        • Have lived in the UK for six months or longer while their claim is being
                considered by the Home Office, and no decision on their claim has
 ASYLUM         been made, or
 SEEKERS      • If they are receiving local authority support under section 23C or
                section 23CA of the Children Act 1989 or the Care Act 2014

              • Those who are in the UK without authority or lawful status
              • Those who are resident in the United Kingdom on a Tier 4 (general)
                student visa (unless eligible through any of the above)
              • Non-EEA citizens who are in the United Kingdom on holiday, with or
                without a visa
              • Non-EEA citizens who are a family member of someone on a Tier 4 visa,
 ELIGIBLE       and have not been resident in the UK for three years
              • Individuals who are ordinarily resident in the Channel Island or Isle of
                Man, unless they are also resident within England and live in London
              • Those whose biometric residence permit or residence permit imposes
                a study prohibition or restriction on the individual

Ealing Adult Learning - PROSPECTUS 2020/21 BE...
                                 & SKILLS SERVICE

You can benefit by accesing any of the support services below. Go to our website
to find out more information www.ealingworkwest.com

       GUIDANCE                  YOUR JOB?

                               TRAINING AND
    APPRENTICESHIPS                                     ARE YOU IN WORK?

                                             INFORMATION FOR

Ealing Adult Learning - PROSPECTUS 2020/21 BE...
If you are interested in studying an accredited ESOL, English, Maths, vocational or
professional course, you are required to complete an initial assessment.
1. Needs to have lived in the UK/EEA for 3 years
2. Lives in London
3. Is 19 years + at the start of the academic year (1st August)
1. Passport (British/EEA/UK Residency)
2. Proof of National Insurance Number
If you have not lived in the UK/EEA for 3 years but your spouse has then you
will need to show:
3. Your marriage certificate
4. Your spouse’s passport
   (British/EEA/UK Residency)
– please allow at least 2 hours:
                                        ASSESSMENT                DATE         TIME
                                                            Tues 19 Jan 2021
Speaking and Listening
                                                            Wed 3 Feb 2021
assessment with a tutor on the               ESOL                              10:00
phone and a Reading and                                     Thur 25 Feb 2021

Writing assessment online                                   Tues 9 Mar 2021

                                                            Tues 19 Jan 2021   10:00

                                                            Tues 19 Jan 2021   18:00
FUNCTIONAL SKILLS ENGLISH,                                  Wed 3 Feb 2021     13:00
                                       English, Maths and
MATHS AND ICT:                             Vocational       Thur 25 Feb 2021   10:00
BKSB assessment online and a
                                                            Thur 25 Mar 2021   13:00
Writing task for English
                                                            Tues 9 Mar 2021    13:00

BKSB assessment and a Writing task for English
If you have further questions, please contact the Ealing Adult Learning team on
020 8825 5577; lines are open Monday to Friday. 9:00 to 17:00 or at

We hope you will feel part of our learning community and we will be grateful
for your comments on your learning experience. You can contact us by email on
adultlearning@ealing.gov.uk                                                            9
Ealing Adult Learning - PROSPECTUS 2020/21 BE...

Learner work from the Drawing and Painting class, Autumn term
Creative pursuits are not just a nice hobby, they improve health and wellbeing and teach sought
after skills in the workplace – visual thinking is in vogue in many companies, not to mention that
for many people arts, crafts and textiles are their paths into entrepreneurship. So whether you
would like to open up an Etsy shop, develop your skills purely for pleasure or want to impress your
work colleagues with your visual skills, we hope that you will find something in our programme,
which is a good mix of old favourites as well as new favourites to be such as Watercolour and
Urban Sketching.

STUDY                                               TUTORS:
My name is Amna. I joined the course                “She (Lisa) strongly encourages us, she asks
“mindfulness through art” out of curiosity          people their opinions, she pushes people but
as mindfulness has become quite trendy              without pressure that would be unbearable,
nowadays. I had learnt about it through the net     she is incredibly accommodating for someone
and when I found out that there’s chance for        in our group who does not have access to a
me to practice it I didn’t hesitate to enrol        computer.” – Creative Writing
I started with open mind though a bit doubtful
that I can benefit much in just 5 sessions with     ARTIST / TUTOR SPOTLIGHT:
my eventful background. I was surprised to get      HELEN TREVISIOL DUFF
so much from the first session and went home                          Helen trained in Bristol at
full of energy, excitement and enthusiasm to try                      The Royal West Of England
at home the exercises that we were given.                             Academy, Bristol Art college
Throughout the first week I tried to use some                         and West Dean. She has a BA
of the tools that our tutor has explained                             [ hons] Degree in Fashion/
thoroughly to us in a pleasant way. I succeeded                       textiles/ illustration. She
in some and failed in others but I continued                          worked as a fashion design and
trying. What surprised me is that I started to                        colourist for many years. She
respond differently to situations in my daily                         possesses an Adult Education
life. For example the small things that used        Level 3 Award in Education and Training and
to irritate me stopped to affect me as before       has taught Drawing and Painting at EAL at the
and for me that made a huge difference for          Rickyard/ Pitshanger Manor and Brentside Art
my peace of mind and in turn that helped to         Academy. She has also taught art to adults at
improve my wellbeing.                               OPEN Ealing Arts and children at Gunnersbury
                                                    Mansion on a summer taster course as well as
I liked the way our tutor guided us throughout      taking up art teaching with Artification in Local
the exercises and sharing with us some of her       Ealing Libraries. She is known locally for her
personal life experiences. The atmosphere was       Mural in Hanwell Zoo.
quite relaxing and friendly despite the noises
coming from outside that can be sometimes           Her practice as an artist and Illustrator involves
distracting and annoying.                           textiles design, portraits of houses and She
                                                    paints with watercolours, acrylics and oils
Towards the end I felt I had the tools that I       to create nature inspired landscapes and
needed to improve the way I carry on with my        cityscapes on canvas and paper. Helen exhibits
life. I am so happy that I joined this course and   at Skylark Galleries in Gabriels Wharf, London
wished that it was for a longer period of time.-    Southbank.

“Excellent, wellpaced course with a friendly
atmosphere. So glad I joined.” – Creative Writing
“I have made several articles. I am so pleased
with my progress that I have made face masks
for my son’s friends, hair bands for myself and
a shopper bag for my sister and I have been
asked to make a raglan sleeve blouse for a
family member. I feel I have learnt so much
in the 7 sessions that I have attended, and I
look forward to learning more.” Sewing learner


                                                            COUR S E DES CR IPT IO N
       T I TLE

                          This class is suitbale for beginners and improvers to cake decorating. Learn some basic and more
 Cake Decorating
                        advanced techniques of cake decorating, develop your skills and practise making and decorating cakes
      for All
                                                         using marzipan, fondant and royal icing.

      Cake making         Join this course to develop your baking skills and explore some cake decorating techniques - using
                                                           marzipan, fondant and royal icing.

                       We get excited during spring because it means summer is coming. What better way to prepare for the
     Clothes making
                      warm weather than a casual shirt? Add a change of fabric like flannel or satin and you have a lounge shirt.
                                   Be prepared for Spring/Summer whilst learning how to assemble a basic shirt.

                       Trousers are can be a puzzle on your first few tries, but with practice you get into an automated order of
     Clothes making
                      assembly. This course will help you learn the basics of assembling trousers and will give you the courage to
                                                      extend your skill into making different types.

                      This course is suitable for beginners and experienced artists. Beginners will learn fundamental aspects of
                      drawing and painting using a variety of materials. Students will develop their observational skills and with
 Drawing & Mark
                       a little persistence they will see real improvement in their abilities. Those with experience will get expert
                        advice on alternative techniques in order to expand their range and gain fresh perspectives on how to
                                                                 develop their work further.

      Drawing and      Develop your visual skills and imaginative responses using a range of drawing techniques, skill sets and
        Painting                      materials in order to gain confidence and develop your own techniques.

                       This course has been designed to equip you with essential hand sewing skills to help you add a bespoke
     Hand stitching
                      touch to your garments or quick mends. Including quick stitching, permanently fix layers in place - such as
      with Sasha
                                                                  fallen hems etc.

                        You will reference and work from a range of artists’ work that focus on both still life and landscapes, to
                         draw and work from. Short meditation and breathing activities will take place at intervals during the
 through Drawing

                          A sewing machine can be useful when you know how to use it. It can kick start your creativity from
      Upcycle and     shortening that skirt or trousers that drags on the floor, upcycling that old top that fit perfect but now has
        Recycle        a hole in the sleeve or make that perfect outfit from scratch for any occasion. Clothes can be brought to
                                    life with a simple trim, scrap fabric or making it into something completely new.

STA RT                                             CO U R S E          R EDU CED
                DAY     TIME        WEEKS   VE N U E                F EE
    DAT E                                               CO DE                 F EE

    13 Jan 21   Wed   19:00-21:00    10      Online    ONLD2003WE   £59       £30

    26 Feb 21   Fri   10:30-13:00     5      Online    ONLD2021FR   £29       £15

.   17 Jan 21   Sun   16:00 18:00     5      Online    COVD2011SU    £5       N/A

o   28 Feb 21   Sun   16:00-18:00     5      Online    COVD2033SU    £5       N/A

    11 Jan 21   Mon   14:00-16:30    10      Online    ONLD2010MO   £90       £66

    11 Jan 21   Mon   9:30-12:30     10      Online    ONLD2009MO   £114      N/A

s   24 Feb 21   Wed   10:00-12:00     5      Online    INOV2002WE   N/A       N/A

    29 Jan 21   Fri   11:00-13:00     5      Online    COVD2020FR    £5       N/A

    29 Jan 21   Fri   14:30-16:30     5      Online    COVD2021FR    £5       N/A

    16 Jan 21   Fri   10:00-12:00     9      Online    INOV2001SA    £5       N/A

Would you like to improve your digital skills,         or functional skills course may work for you.
English or Maths to get a qualification or a job,      Depending on your level, you will, among other
develop skills for work, develop your study skills,    things, learn to:
gain confidence or help your children with their       • Read different texts and effectively show your
homework? If so, Ealing Adult Learning offer             understanding;
digital, English, Maths and ESOL courses at all
levels (Entry 1 to Level 2) to help you achieve your   • Write emails, formal and informal letters, reports,
goals.                                                   speeches and articles;
                                                       • Improve your grammar, punctuation and spelling;

DIGITAL / ICT SKILLS – ACCREDITED                      • Improve your speaking and listening skills in
AND NON-ACCREDITED                                       different contexts, including presentations and
We live in an increasingly digital world, where
we need computer skills in everyday life and           MATHS – ACCREDITED (FROM ENTRY 1
work. Whether you’d like to learn more about           TO LEVEL 2) AND NON-ACCREDITED
the Internet, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, social
media or web design, we have a course for you.         Maths is part of everything we do in everyday life,
                                                       including managing our time and money. If you’ve
                                                       had a bad experience of learning Maths when you
                                                       were at school, thist could be a new opportunity
                                                       to learn how to work out percentages, measure
ACCREDITED                                             length and weight, add, take away, multiply and
If you’d like to improve your English whether          divide numbers, plan and manage your budget.
its your first or second language, then an Esol        You may also check out our accredited Money
                                                       Matters course starting in Autumn 2020.

ESOL – ACCREDITED (FROM ENTRY 1                       • Improve your English reading and writing skills;
TO LEVEL 2) AND NON-ACCREDITED                        • Learn interview skills for job applications
If your first language is not English, our popular    For each of these courses you will need to
and friendly ESOL courses will help you to develop    complete an initial assessment online by
your English speaking, reading and writing skills     appointment and as well as have an interview on
for your life and work in the UK.                     the phone with a qualified tutor to best assess
At the right level on your ESOL course then you       your level and needs. Please read the information
will:                                                 on eligibility.

• Build your confidence;                              The dates for the initial assessments for digital
                                                      skills, English, ESOL and vocational courses are
• Improve your grammar, vocabulary and
                                                      listed below:

          ASSESSMENT                               DATE                              TIME
                                              Tues 19 Jan 2021

                                              Wed 3 Feb 2021

                ESOL                                                                  10:00
                                              Thur 25 Feb 2021

                                              Tues 9 Mar 2021

                                              Tues 19 Jan 2021                        10:00

                                              Tues 19 Jan 2021                        18:00

                                              Wed 3 Feb 2021                          13:00
    English, Maths and Vocational
                                              Thur 25 Feb 2021                        10:00

                                              Thur 25 Mar 2021                        13:00

                                              Tues 9 Mar 2021                         13:00

                           TUTOR: SUSHMA SAINJU
                           Sushma is a highly qualified and experienced ESOL, English, ICT and family
                           learning tutor who has taught many generations of learners to speak, read and
                           write English. Her subject knowledge, classroom management, patience and
                           kindness are all contributing factors in her learners’ excellent exam results
                           and progression onto further training or work. Sushma says, “Teaching is my
                           passion and I feel great satisfaction seeing my learners learn, progress and
                           develop their confidence.”
                           Wayma, one of her many learners this academic year has thanked Ealing Adult
                           learning for organising online ESOL courses during the lockdown and praised
                           Sushma saying that “Sushma’s course has benefitted me a lot, as I was able to
                           learn English in a very efficient and interesting way”.

New courses in ESOL, functional skills English and Maths will be available in the new year.
Please book onto a pre course assessment, see our website.

            COURSE TIT LE                                  COU R S E DES CR IPT IO N                              START DATE

                                            “The ability to make purchases, bank, book holidays and make
                                            payments on the Internet can save considerable time and effort,
                                            and also presents you with the widest choice. There are, however,
                                            risks associated with online shopping and payments; you need            24 Feb 21
                                            to take care with what you are buying, from whom, and how
                                            you pay for your purchases. Online transactions are commonly
     Banking and shopping safely online     targeted by fraudsters; unlike actually being at a store checkout
                                            or bank counter, we cannot see who we are paying our money to.
                                            This course will provide you with recognised methods and
                                            practice to protect yourself by knowing how to recognise ‘secure’
                                            payment/transaction sites; how to pay safely and securely on            24 Feb 21
                                            shopping sites; what to do if you suspect a fraud/scam; who to
                                            report to if you are victim of a fraud/scam.”

                                                                                                                    12 Jan 21
                                            You will develop your speaking and listening skills within a
        Conversational English class
                                            friendly supportive environment. All levels welcome.
                                                                                                                    15 Jan 21

                                                                                                                    13 Jan 21

                                            “This course provides some extremely important soft and
                                            digital skills that online learners need to get the most from           13 Jan 21
                                            their Online Learning course(s), and, in their day-to-day lives.
                                            This includes, Internet safety for Online Learning; Preparing           03 Feb 21
                                            your device to attend sessions online; Accessing Google
       Digital skills for online learning   Classroom; Viewing resources and materials; Completing
                                            and     submitting    assignments    on    Google   Classroom.          03 Feb 21
                                            Whether you prefer to study on a PC, Laptop, Tablet or Smart
                                            Phone, provided your device meets the required specification,
                                            you can access all the same materials and navigate around your          24 Mar 21
                                            online classes on Google Classroom.”

                                                                                                                    24 Mar 21

                                            Are you an ESOL learner who is looking for employment or a
                                            career change? Would you like to improve your Listening &               15 Jan 21
               ESOL pre-entry               Speaking, Reading & Writing skills in English, enabling yourself
                                            to communicate effectively? This course will help you search for
                                                                                                                    26 Feb 21
                                            jobs and prepare for interviews.
                                            “Using the Internet can make life easier in many ways, but
                                            also comes with the risk of scams and fraud. Internet safety,           27 Jan 21
                                            or online safety, is being aware of your personal safety
                                            against security risks associated with using the internet.
         Online safety and security
                                            This course will provide you with recognised methods and
                                            practice to protect yourself (and your computer) by knowing             27 Jan 21
                                            what to look out for; what to do if you suspect a scam; who to
                                            report to if you are victim of a scam. “

 Read with confidence for everyday work     This course is suitable for learners wishing to develop core skills
                                                                                                                    22 Jan 21
                 and life                   in Reading and writing for work and life.

E   DAY      TIME        WE E K   VEN U E   CO U R S E CO DE

    Wed    10:00-11:30     1       Online     COVD2029WE

    Wed    13:00-14:30     1       Online     COVD2031WE

    Tues   13:30-14:30     5       Online      INOV2003TU

    Fri    13:00-14:00     5       Online      INOV2004FR

    Wed    10:00-11:30     2       Online     COVD2005WE

    Wed    13:00-14:30     2       Online     COVD2007WE

    Wed    10:00-11:30     2       Online     COVD2022WE

    Wed    13:00-14:30     2       Online     COVD2023WE

    Wed    10:00-11:30     2       Online     COVD2043WE

    Wed    13:00-14:30     2       Online     COVD2045WE

    Fri    10:00-12:00     5       Online      ONLD2007FR

    Fri    10:00-12:00     5       Online      ONLD2020FR

    Wed    10:00-11:30     1       Online     COVD2017WE

    Wed    13:00-14:30     1       Online     COVD2019WE

    Fri    10:00-12:00     8       Online      INOV2005FR

Family Learning is the perfect starting point for      Are you a parent with children at one of the
parents and carers who want to be more involved in     following ?
their child’s education. Our Family Learning courses
create opportunities for parents and children to       FEATHERSTONE              GRANGE C.C
learn together, meet other parents and strengthen                                HATHAWAY C.C
social connections within the family and wider         GREENFIELDS C.C
                                                                                 CENTRE FOR
                                                       HAVELOCK C.C              ARMENIAN
Would you like to spend quality time with your                                   INFORMATION AND
                                                       GROVE HOUSE C.C           ADVICE
child(ren), help them with their learning, have more
support to improve their educational attainment
                                                       We run Family Learning at these centres. Please
and have more fun together as a family?
                                                       ask the staff about Family Learning available.
Join a Family Learning course. They are FREE!
                                                       Last year we ran a Let’s Get Cooking workshops
New free online courses for 2021                       at Grove House Children’s Centre. Here is what
                                                       one of the parents said afterwards:
Parent, grandparent, carers and children welcome.
Please note mandatory for main carer to attend.        “I started the course because I wanted to learn
                                                       about healthy eating. I am now more aware
                                                       of what I eat and I learned different recipes.
                                                       The lessons a have been fun, enjoyable and
                                                       informative. They are very engaging. The
                                                       tutor is kind and helpful and gave me lots of
                                                       information. I appreciate the fact I learned
                                                       more about healthy eating and that it’s given
                                                       me ideas for packed lunches. If this course runs
                                                       again in future, I would come again.” - Shabana
                                                       NEXT STEPS
                                                       If you would like to find out more please
                                                       contact us on:
                                                       0208 825 5577

         COURSE TITLE                 START DATE       DAY            TIME           COURSE CODE

  Family Baking - Healthy Biscuits     16 Jan 21       Sat         14:00-16:00        ONLD2012WF

 Family Baking - Breakfast Muffins     30 Jan 21       Sat         14:00-16:00         ONLD2013WF

 Family Baking - Love is in the air
                                       13 Feb 21       Sat         14:00-16:00         ONLD2014WF

                                       14 Jan 21       Thu          9:30-11:30         FSPN2001FL

           Family ESOL

                                       24 Feb 21       Thu          9:30-11:30         FSPN2002FL

In response to the Covid19 crisis we have                              IF YOU FALL INTO ANY OF THE
successfully bid for funding from the Greater                          FOLLOWING CATEGORIES, THEN YOU
                                                                       COULD BE ELIGIBLE:
London Authority to deliver targeted courses to
support Ealing residents affected by the crisis.
                                                                       • Furloughed workers and self employed whose
WE HAVE PLANNED A WIDE RANGE                                             incomes fall below the London Living Wage
                                                                       • Those made redundant as a result of the crisis
• Supporting learners back into employment                             • Key workers requiring additional training to
• Re-skilling                                                            meet the changing demands of their roles
• Promoting health and wellbeing                                       • Learners who are at risk of digital exclusion

           COURSE                                          STA RT
 AR EA                   COU R S E DE SC R I PT I O N                  DAY    TIME     WE E KS   VE NU E   CO U RS E CO D E   FEE
            TITLE                                          DATE

                         We get excited during
                         spring because it means
                         summer is coming. What
                         better way to prepare for
                         the warm weather than a
            making                                                            16:00-
                         casual shirt? Add a change        17 Jan 21   Sun                5      Online      COVD2011SU       £5
           Sundays -                                                          18:00
                         of fabric like flannel or satin
          Casual Shirt
                         and you have a lounge shirt.
                         Be prepared for Spring/
                         Summer whilst learning how
                         to assemble a basic shirt.

                         Trousers are can be a puzzle
                         on your first few tries, but
                         with practice you get into
                         an automated order of
 Arts &                  assembly. This course will                           16:00-
           Sundays -                                       28 Feb 21   Sun                4      Online      COVD2033SU       £5
 Crafts                  help you learn the basics                            18:00
          Lounge Wear
                         of assembling trousers and
                         will give you the courage
                         to extend your skill into
                         making different types.

                                                           29 Jan 21   Fri                4      Online      COVD2020FR       £5
                         You will reference and work                          13:00
          Mindfulness    from a range of artists’ work
           through       that focus on both still life
           Drawing       and landscapes, to draw and
                         work from. Short meditation
                         and breathing activities
                         will take place at intervals
                         during the session.                                  14:30-
                                                           29 Jan 21   Fri                4      Online      COVD2021FR       £5


     AREA       COURSE TIT LE                                      CO U R S E DES CR IPT IO N

                                       “The ability to make purchases, bank, book holidays and make payments on the Internet
                                       can save considerable time and effort, and also presents you with the widest choice.
                                       There are, however, risks associated with online shopping and payments; you need to
                                       take care with what you are buying, from whom, and how you pay for your purchases.
                   Banking and
                                       Online transactions are commonly targeted by fraudsters; unlike actually being at a
                  shopping safely
                                       store checkout or bank counter, we cannot see who we are paying our money to.
                                       This course will provide you with recognised methods and practice to protect yourself
                                       by knowing how to recognise ‘secure’ payment/transaction sites; how to pay safely and
                                       securely on shopping sites; what to do if you suspect a fraud/scam; who to report to if
                                       you are victim of a fraud/scam.”

  Digital,                             “This course provides some extremely important soft and digital skills that online
  English,                             learners need to get the most from their Online Learning course(s), and, in their day-
 Maths, and                            to-day lives. This includes, Internet safety for Online Learning; Preparing your device to
   ESOL           Digital skills for   attend sessions online; Accessing Google Classroom; Viewing resources and materials;
                  online learning      Completing and submitting assignments on Google Classroom.
                                       Whether you prefer to study on a PC, Laptop, Tablet or Smart Phone, provided your
                                       device meets the required specification, you can access all the same materials and
                                       navigate around your online classes on Google Classroom.”

                                       Using the Internet can make life easier in many ways, but also comes with the risk
                                       of scams and fraud. Internet safety, or online safety, is being aware of your personal
                 Online safety and     safety against security risks associated with using the internet. This course will provide
                      security         you with recognised methods and practice to protect yourself (and your computer) by
                                       knowing what to look out for; what to do if you suspect a scam; who to report to if you
                                       are victim of a scam.

                                       Mindfulness is a simple and powerful practice of training our attention. Mindfulness
                Mindful Meditation     and meditation is about living in the moment, and paying attention to what’s happening
                                       here and now (i.e. sensations, thoughts and emotions) in a non-judgemental way.

                                       This Mindful meditation workshop is designed to teach you some practical mindfulness
                   Mindfulness for
                                       techniques to decrease stress levels, anxiety, improve and enhance self-awareness,
 Health and      job interviews and
                                       confidence and bring you into the present moment to get you through these interviews
 Wellbeing          presentations
                                       and presentations.
                 Raising confidence    Supporting you to recover from the pandemic. You will learn techniques from
                  and self esteem      mindfulness meditation and yoga using the breath, movement and relaxation etc.

                                       Each person’s voice is like a thumbprint. With practice, we can get to know our voices
                   Singing for all
                                       and treat them like trusted friends.

                                       This qualification is designed for anyone who’d like to develop their use of counselling
                Award in Counselling   skills for use in either work or in a personal capacity. This may be learners who wish to
                 Skills and Theory     progress towards further qualifications, or learners who wish to study this programme
                       Level 3         in order to complement other programmes (eg health and social care, children’s care,
                                       learning and development, voluntary and community work).
                Award in Developing
                                       This qualification is designed to give learners a basic introduction into the main
                  Enterprise Skills
Vocational &                           principles of enterprise.
                      Entry 3
                 Award in Managing     This qualification is suitable for learners of all ages and is an ideal qualification to
                Your Money - Money     provide learners with the knowledge and skills to manage personal finance beneficially
                  Matters Level 1      and to anticipate future needs and wants.

                   Certificate in      This accredited course aims to introduce learners to the use of counselling skills in
                 Counselling Skills    everyday life and work, and some of the approaches that underpin the use of these
                     Level 2           skills.

     STA RT DATE    DAY          T IME        WEEKS   VEN U E                FEE
                                                                 CO DE
       24 Feb 21     Wed       10:00-11:30      1      Online   COVD2029WE

       24 Feb 21     Wed       13:00-14:30      1      Online   COVD2031WE

       13 Jan 21     Wed       10:00-11:30      2      Online   COVD2005WE   N/A
       13 Jan 21     Wed       13:00-14:30      2      Online   COVD2007WE   N/A

       3 Feb 21      Wed       10:00-11:30      2      Online   COVD2022WE   N/A

       3 Feb 21      Wed       13:00-14:30      2      Online   COVD2023WE   N/A
       24 Mar 21     Wed       10:00-11:30      2      Online   COVD2043WE   N/A
       24 Mar 21     Wed       13:00-14:30      2      Online   COVD2045WE   N/A

       27 Jan 21     Wed       10:00-11:30      1      Online   COVD2017WE   N/A

       27 Jan 21     Wed       13:00-14:30      1      Online   COVD2019WE   N/A

       18 Jan 21     Mon       10:00-11:00      4               COVD2012MO   £5
       19 Jan 21     Tues      10:00-11:00      4      Online   COVD2013TU   £5

       12 Mar 21      Fri      11:00-12:30      1      Online   COVD2041FR   N/A

       22 Feb 21     Mon       10:00-11:00      4      Online   COVD2026MO   £5

       12 Jan 21     Tues      16:00-18:00      5      Online   COVD2004TU   £5

                               10:00- 12:30    16
       2 Mar 21    Tues/Thur                           Online   COVD2048FS   N/A

       2 Mar 21      Tues      18:00- 21:00    15      Online   COVD2049FS   N/A

       25 Feb 21     Thur      18:00- 2100     15      Online   COVD2036FS   N/A

       14 Jan 21   Tues/Thur   18:00- 21:00    20      Online   COVD2032FS   N/A

     A R EA     CO U RS E T ITL E                                   CO U R S E DES CR IPT IO N

                   Certificate in       This qualification aims to develop and enhance skills required for the working
                 Employability Skills   environment and improve learners’ confidence and communication skills in order to
                      Level 1           prepare them for employment or for a change in employment.
                    Certificate in
                  Hospitality and       This qualification is designed for those who work, or are seeking to work, within
                 Catering Principles    the hospitality sector. It provides learners with an opportunity to demonstrate their
                  (Food Hygiene)        knowledge, understanding and skills in food production and cooking.
                       Level 2
                    Certificate in
                                        This qualification is suitable for those working or looking to work in a range of roles
                 Information Advice
                                        where the provision of information, advice or guidance is a requirement.
                and Guidance Level 2
                                        This course provides learners with the knowledge that is required to work in a range
                    in Principles
                                        of environments in a business administration role. Learners will know how to carry out
                     of Business
                                        administrative tasks such as managing information and supporting events and will be
                                        able to apply their knowledge in a variety of industries and job roles.
                       Level 2
                   Certificate in
                                        This qualification provides the underpinning knowledge required by employees to work
                   Principles of
                                        in a range of customer service roles. Learners will have essential knowledge of how to
                 Customer Service
                                        carry out tasks such as managing information and supporting events.
                      Level 2

                                        If you are you looking for work and would like to improve your job application skills
                Employment support      and write a cover letter for a specific job to make a strong application? Then this is the
                 - CV & Cover letters   workshop for you, it will focus on specific cover letter writing, meeting job and person
                                        specifications for a job in an area.
Vocational &

                                        Are you looking for work, preparing for an interview online? Would you like to improve
                Employment support      your interview skills, self-confidence and make a strong application? This workshop will
                 - Interview practice   focus on making sure you are ready for your online interview and make the most of your
                                        current skills and experience in the limited time and ‘online’ space.

                 Support: Pathways      Learn about what practical marketing plans you need to think about when starting your
                to starting your own    own business a range.
                                        This unit is aimed at those working in a wide range of settings. It provides the learner
                  Food Safety unit
                                        with the knowledge required to meet food safety requirements when preparing, serving,
                   CACHE Level 2
                                        clearing away and storing food.
                                        Learn what it takes to launch your marketing career. Find out how to create a CV with
                   Kickstart your       impact, get insight on where to search for the right marketing positions, get tips on how
                  marketing career      to stand out from other applicants, and how to communicate your value to employers.
                                        Plus, learn interview techniques and how to succeed in your new position.

                   Marketing for        Learn a range of practical marketing strategies and techniques to successfully launch
                  small and starter     a new business or to grow your small business. Develop marketing objectives, create a
                    businesses          marketing plan and acquire the skills you need to increase awareness and sales for

     STA RT DATE    DAY          T IME        WEEKS   VEN U E                FEE
                                                                 CO DE

       23 Feb 21   Tues/Thur   10:00- 13:00    15      Online   COVD2035FS   N/A

       1 Mar 21    Mon/Wed     10:00- 14:00    12      Online   COVD2047FS   N/A

       12 Jan 21   Tues/Thur   10:00- 12:30    21      Online   COVD2002FS   N/A

       25 Jan 21   Mon/Wed     18:00- 2100     20      Online   COVD2032FS   N/A

       11 Jan 21   Mon/Wed     10:00- 12:00    21      Online   COVD2001FS   N/A

       26 Jan 21     Tues      10:30-12:30      1      Online   COVD2016TU   N/A

       9 Feb 21      Tues      10:30-12:30      1      Online   COVD2024TU   N/A
       23 Feb 21     Tues      10:30-12:30      1      Online   COVD2028TU   N/A
       9 Mar 21      Tues      10:30-12:30      1      Online   COVD2039TU   N/A
       23 Mar 21     Tues      10:30-12:30      1      Online   COVD2042TU   N/A

       13 Jan 21     Wed       10:30-12:00      1      Online   COVD2006WE   N/A

       27 Jan 21     Wed       10:30-12:00      1      Online   COVD2018WE   N/A

       10 Feb 21     Wed       10:30-12:00      1      Online   COVD2025WE   N/A
       24 Feb 21     Wed       10:30-12:00      1      Online   COVD2030WE   N/A

       10 Mar 21     Wed       11:00-12:30      1      Online   COVD2040WE   N/A
       24 Mar 21     Wed       11:00-12:30      1      Online   COVD2044WE   N/A

       2 Mar 21      Tues      11:30-13:00      1      Online   COVD2037TU   N/A

g,     13 Jan 21   Wed/Thur    09:30- 16:30     1      Online   COVD2009FS   N/A

       14 Jan 21     Thu       18:00-20:00      1      Online   COVD2010TH   N/A

       21 Jan 21     Thu                        4      Online   COVD2014TH   £5

       4 Mar 21      Thu       18:00-20:00      4      Online   COVD2038TH   £5


                                                            Ealing Adult Learning is Matrix-
                                                            accredited and therefore qualified
                                                            to give information and advice on
                                                            the courses suitable for you and

                                                            If you would like qualified
                                                            information, advice and guidance
                                                            on CV writing, job search and
                                                            other employment-related topics
                                                            and access jobs, please email



                                                            or phone 0208 825 7855

The TOTUM card is available to current active students aged 16 or over, studying full or part-time in
Further or Higher Education. In order to be eligible for a TOTUM, your course should require at least
10 hours study weekly for a minimum of 12 weeks (or 120 hours total study time). Additionally, courses
carried out by professional learners should be a OFQUAL registered.


                                                          TUTOR BIO: JUWON OGUNGBE
Health and wellbeing is a precious thing to
maintain within our hectic and fast-paced lives.                               Juwon is an all round
So if you’re feeling isolated and alone, are                                   musician – Singer, Composer,
                                                                               Instrumentalist and
retired and trying to keep active, are trying to
                                                                               Educator. His singing career
balance family and work life or are stressed
                                                                               encompasses music from
out by your job or not finding one, our courses                                several cultures, including
could make a big difference to your wellbeing                                  Classical and Contemporary
and enable you to try others.                                                  Art Music, Opera, African
What learners say: “I have thoroughly enjoyed                                  Music genres, Jazz and
all the sessions and feel privileged to have an                                Popular Music.
outstanding teacher like Juwon Ogungbe.” Singing                                Juwon regularly performs his
course.                                                   own songs and in productions of his music theatre
                                                          works which include Afonja’s Minstrel (2018) and
                                                          King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba (2019). For
What Simon said about his recent experience “As           several years, he led The Vocal Ensemble of Africa.
a male in his early sixties, I took little notice of my   In 2016-17 he led the Singing Cultures Choir and
health until following a health check organised by        the Choir of the European Bank of Reconstruction
my employer, I was diagnosed with an irregular            and Development. He has also collaborated
heart rhythm and high blood pressure. I was put           with The London Lucumi Choir, the choir of The
on medication and had some heart procedures.              Orchestre Symphonique de Kimbanguiste (from
                                                          the Democratic Republic of Congo) and Lyrical
I was advised to improve my general health. I tried
                                                          Voices – an Ealing based community choir.
a number of courses from enrolling in a gym to
jogging to yoga. I soon got bored with the gym, my        Educated in the UK and Nigeria, Juwon has been
knees did not agree with jogging and yoga was too         involved creatively in many notable UK African
demanding. I then heard about Pilates and have            Theatre productions as the composer and
been going regularly to classes. The emphasis on          musical director, for companies such as the Royal
“listening to your body” and developing natural           Shakespeare Company, Royal Court Theatre, Royal
balance, core strengths and improved flexibility          National Theatre and Manchester Royal Exchange
has been of great benefit. I think it has helped          Theatre.
reduce the amount of medication I take.
                                                          Life Force Music – Juwon Ogungbe’s album of self
The tutor is very attentive and advises on carrying       composed songs is available for sale on Apple
out the exercise correctly. The Ladies in the class       Music, Amazon, several other reputable digital
are kind to me being the only male! I hope to             platforms and in CD format. He also released two
continue with Pilates for many a year”.                   singles in 2017 – My Love and I’m always here.


       COURSE TI TL E                                     CO U R S E D E S C R IPT IO N                                S

      Chair based Yoga            Gentle chair based exercise with mindful breathing to support the practice.

        Family Baking          Have some fun, baking with your child(ren). On this workshop Parents will learn
      -Breakfast Muffins              about different ingredients to make muffins with their children.
                               Have some fun, baking with your child(ren) . On this workshop Parents will learn
        Family Baking
                               about different ingredients to make their own healthy choice biscuits with their
       -Healthy Biscuits
         Family Baking        Have some fun learning to bake cupcakes for the ones you love. This workshop will
       -Love is in the air   enable the learner to understand how to make homemade cupcakes and understand
           Cupcakes                                         the ingredients to use
                             Mindfulness is a simple and powerful practice of training our attention. Mindfulness
                                and meditation is about living in the moment, and paying attention to what’s
      Mindful Meditation
                                 happening here and now (i.e. sensations, thoughts and emotions) in a non-
                                                              judgemental way.
     Mindful meditation to
       relax and unwind        This Mindful meditation course will help you to release all of the tensions of the
                             day, you will learn techniques to help you to let go of your day’s events, unwind and
     Mindful meditation to            release stress, tension and anxieties from the mind and the body.
        start your day
                             Mindfulness is a simple and powerful practice of training our attention. Mindfulness
      Mindful Meditation        and meditation is about living in the moment, and paying attention to what’s
          Workshop               happening here and now (i.e. sensations, thoughts and emotions) in a non-
                                                              judgemental way.
                                  This Mindful meditation workshop is designed to teach you some practical
        Mindfulness for
                             mindfulness techniques to decrease stress levels, anxiety, improve and enhance self-
      job interviews and
                              awareness, confidence and bring you into the present moment to get you through
                                                     these interviews and presentations.
      New year New You:      Explore egg free baking. You will learn about the ingredients and how to make how
      Egg free cupcakes                            to make homemade egg free cupcakes.
                             Gluten free options are a must for many. This workshop will help you to understand
      New year New You:
                                 the different types of ingredients to use, as you make your own gluten free
     Gluten free cupcakes
      New year New You:      A new year investment -Juicing for your own health. Experiment with some unusual
       Juicing for health       juices and ingredients to create a drink to support your health and immunity.
     New year New You:         Why not start the year off with a focus on skills for healthy choices! You will learn
     Sugar free cupcakes             about sugar free ingredients and how to make healthier cupcakes.

                             Build your balance, strength and stamina in this gentle form of exercise which helps
         Pilates for all
                                              develop body awareness and ease of movement.

 Raising confidence and        Supporting you to recover from the pandemic. You will learn techniques from
       self esteem            mindfulness meditation and yoga using the breath, movement and relaxation etc.
                             Each person’s voice is like a thumbprint. With practice, we can get to know our voices
        Singing for all
                                                       and treat them like trusted friends.

CO U R S E          REDUCED
     STA RT DATE   DAY      T I ME      WE EKS   VE N U E                 FE E
                                                              CO D E               FE E

      23 Feb 21    Tues   10:00-11:00     5      Online     ONLD2018TU    N/A      N/A

       30 Jan 21   Sat    14:00-16:00     1      Online     ONLD2027WF    N/A      N/A

       16 Jan 21   Sat    14:00-16:00     1      Online     ONLD2026WF    N/A      N/A

d     13 Feb 21    Sat    14:00-16:00     1      Online     ONLD2028WF    N/A      N/A

       18 Jan 21   Mon    10:00-11:00     4      Online     COVD2012MO    £5       N/A

       19 Jan 21   Tues   10:00-11:00     4      Online     COVD2013TU    £5       N/A

       20 Jan 21   Wed    17:30-18:30     4      Online     ONLD2011WE    £15      N/A
       14 Jan 21   Thur   07:40-8:40      4      Online     ONLD2006TH    £15      N/A

      16 Feb 21    Tues   09:30-11:00     1      Online     ONLD2017TU    N/A      N/A

      12 Mar 21    Fri    11:00-12:30     1      Online     COVD2041FR    N/A      N/A

       23 Jan 21   Sat    13:30-15:00     1      Online     ONLD2013SA    N/A      N/A

       29 Jan 21   Fri    12:30-14:30     1      Online     ONLD2014FR    N/A      N/A

      05 Feb 21    Fri    10:30-12:30     1      Online     ONLD2016FR    N/A      N/A

       22 Jan 21   Fri    10:30-12:30     1      Online     ONLD2012FR    N/A      N/A

s      15 Jan 21   Fri    10:00-11:00     5      Online     ONLD2008FR    £24      N/A

      25 Feb 21    Fri    10:00-11:00     5      Online     ONLD2019FR    £24      N/A

      22 Feb 21    Mon    10:00-11:00     4      Online     COVD2026MO    £5       N/A

       12 Jan 21   Tues   16:00-18:00     5      Online     COVD2004TU    £5       N/A

Ealing Adult Learning works with a variety of community, voluntary and training organisations to
provide courses and training in a wide range of skills. Much of our work is not advertised in this
prospectus as it is carried out in the community, working with a large range of partners.

  EALING LIBRARIES:                                MENCAP: ENTERPRISE LODGE
                                                   EALING RISE
                                                   IAPT SERVICES EALING
  Ealing and                                       NEIGHBOURLY CARE
  The Dominion Centre, Southall                    UNIVERSITY OF WEST LONDON
                                                   PITSHANGER MANOR
  Walnut Court                                     A2 DOMINION
                                                   JOB CENTRE PLUS
  Gurnell Grove
                                                   CATALYST HOUSING
  Harmoni Lodge                                    GOS&D
  Cheviot Court                                    KOLAK SNACKFOOD
                                                   EALING HOUNSLOW COMMUNITY
  Neville Close
                                                   VOLUNTARY SECTOR
  Shillaker Court                                  MEADOW HOUSE

Whether you are looking to offer maths, English, computing or employability skills, we
can work with your organisation to help you and your clients.

For information please contact us at adultlearning@ealing.gov.uk

Benefits of working with Ealing Adult Learning
• Bespoke advice and guidance linked to the delivery of programmes to meet learners' needs

• Quality assurance of your provision

• Access to accreditation by nationally recognised awarding bodies

• Automatic membership to the community learning development group with opportunities for

  peer networking and good practice sharing

• Staff training and development opportunities

• Direct and indirect support with all aspects of course delivery and marketing

• Access to data reports

                                                          EALING SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES
Brought to you in collaboration with Ealing
Adult Learning and Ealing School of                       To enrol on any modern foreign language
Languages, we are pleased to offer once more              course, please contact Ealing school of
                                                          languages by email or telephone
a wide range of modern foreign languages
                                                          Tel: 07943 223203 or 07984 409339
from Arabic beginners to advanced French or               Email: learn@ealingschooloflanguages.com
why not learn sign language. Come along and
try one out.                                              Course fees (Online): 1 Term £127
                                                          Course fees (Class based): 1 Term: £164
Language levels explained
                                                          Venue: Ealing Green College, Ealing
All language levels have stages 1, 2 and 3, each          Hammersmith & West London College,
comprising a minimum of 30 hours of study                 The Green, Ealing W5 5EW
(15 hours in class plus at least 15 additional
                                                          How to f ind us:
hours as homework)

     L EVEL                                      WHAT YO U WILL LEAR N

                      For students with no prior knowledge of the language. In this level you will learn how to
                    introduce yourself and others, ask and answer questions about personal details, talk about
     Stage 1
                           yourself, friends and family and describe where you live and people you know.

                    For students who have done one year of language study (approx. 90-120 learning hours).
                      In this level you will develop further how to deal with personal and family information,
 Post Beginners     communicate about local geography, employment, travel, holidays and shopping. You will
                    be able to exchange information on familiar and routine matters such as talking about the
                             accommodation you live in, your daily routine and your studies and/or job.

                   For students who have done two years of study (approx. 180-240 learning hours). In this level
                   you will understand the main points on familiar matters in work and leisure environments and
                            be able to deal with common situations while travelling in the foreign country.

                  For students who have done three years of study (approx. 270-360 learning hours). In this level
                   you will learn to understand more complex lines of argument on topics that are familiar. You
                   will also listen and talk about TV news and current affairs programmes. You will read articles
                    about contemporary problems and present clear descriptions on a wide range of subjects
                                                       related to your interests.

                    For students who have done 4 years of study (approx. 360-480 learning hours). In this level
                     you will read a wide range of demanding, longer texts. You will also listen and discuss TV
    Advanced       news and current affairs programmes and watch films. The main emphasis will be to develop
                    your debating and conversational skills, articulating and expressing views fluently and using
                                language flexibly and effectively in social and professional situations.

                     For students who have done 5 years of study (approx. 450-560 learning hours). You should
                        have A-level standard Spanish or equivalent before joining this course. This course is
                   appropriate for students who are already rather fluent and wish to read and discuss a variety
                    of topics, from current affairs to literature and cinema in Spanish). In this level you will read
                      all forms of the written language, including abstract, structurally or linguistically complex
   Prof iciency    texts. You will also listen and watch TV news, current affairs programmes and films in order to
                    develop further your understanding of any kind of spoken language such as register, accent,
                    speed, idiomatic expressions and colloquialism). You will develop further your debating and
                      conversational skills in order to take part in any conversation or discussion in social and
                      professional situations and express yourself fluently and convey finer shades of meaning


     CO U RSE TI TLE         LEVE L    START DATE    DAY      T IME

                             Stage 1     12 Jan 21   Tues   19:15-20:45

                             Stage 1     12 Jan 21   Tues   17:30-19:00
                             Stage 2     12 Jan 21   Tues   19:15-20:45

                             Stage 2     14 Jan 21   Thur   19:15-20:45
        Post Beginners

                             Stage 2     11 Jan 21   Mon    19:15-20:45
      Lower Intermediate

                             Stage 2     13 Jan 21   Wed     7:15-8:45
      Higher Intermediate

                             Stage 1     12 Jan 21   Tues   19:15-20:45

                             Stage 2     11 Jan 21   Mon    17:30-19:00
        Post Beginners

          Advanced           Stage 2     12 Jan 21   Tues   19:15-20:45
                             Stage 1     14 Jan 21   Thur   19:15-20:45
                             Stage 1     12 Jan 21   Tues   17:30-19:00

                             Stage 1     13 Jan 21   Wed    19:15-20:45
        Post Beginners
                             Stage 2     14 Jan 21   Thur   19:15-20:45

                             Stage 2     14 Jan 21   Thur   17:30-19:00
      Lower Intermediate
                             Stage 2     11 Jan 21   Mon    19:15-20:45
      Higher Intermediate
                             Stage 2     13 Jan 21   Wed    19:15-20:45
                             Stage 2     14 Jan 21   Thur   19:15-20:45
     Advanced Conversation
                             Stage 1     12 Jan 21   Tues   19:15-20:45

                             Stage 2     13 Jan 21   Wed    19:15-20:45
        Post Beginners

                                              F EE

  10       Online     ESLS2011TU    £127      N/A

  10       Online     ESLS2007TU    £127      N/A

  10       Online     ESLS2012TU    £127      N/A

  10       Online     ESLS2030TH    £127      N/A

  10       Online     ESLS2002MO    £127      N/A

  10       Online     ESLS2021WE    £127      N/A

  10       Online     ESLS2013TU    £127      N/A

  10       Online     ESLS2001MO    £127      N/A

  10       Online     ESLS2014TU    £127      N/A

  10       Online     ESLS2031TH    £127      N/A

  10       Online     ESLS2008TU    £127      N/A

  10       Online     ESLS2022WE    £127      N/A

  10       Online     ESLS2032TH    £127

  10       Online     ESLS2029TH    £127      N/A

  10       Online     ESLS2003MO    £127      N/A

  10       Online     ESLS2023WE    £127      N/A

  10       Online     ESLS2033TH    £127      N/A

  10       Online     ESLS2015TU    £127      N/A

  10       Online     ESLS2024WE    £127      N/A


        CO U RSE TI TLE            LEVE L    START DATE    DAY      T IME

                                   Stage 2     11 Jan 21   Mon    19:15-20:45

         Lower Intermediate

                                   Stage 2     13 Jan 21   Wed    19:15-20:45

                                   Stage 1     11 Jan 21   Mon    19:15-20:45
                                   Stage 1     13 Jan 21   Wed    19:15-20:45

       Portuguese Beginners        Stage 1     12 Jan 21   Tues   19:15-20:45

         Spanish Advanced          Stage 7     13 Jan 21   Wed    19:15-20:45

                                   Stage 2     12 Jan 21   Tues   17:30-19:00

         Spanish Beginners         Stage 1     12 Jan 21   Tues   19:15-20:45

                                   Stage 1     13 Jan 21   Wed    17:30-19:00

                                   Stage 1     11 Jan 21   Mon    19:15-20:45

      Spanish Post - Beginners

                                   Stage 2     13 Jan 21   Wed    19:15-20:45

         Spanish Advanced
                                   Stage 5     12 Jan 21   Tues   17:30-19:00

     Spanish Higher Intermediate   Stage 2     13 Jan 21   Wed    17:30-19:00

     Spanish Lower Intermediate    Stage 2     12 Jan 21   Tues   19:15-20:45

                                                    F EE

  10         Online         ESLS2004MO    £164      N/A

  10         Online         ESLS2025WE    £127      N/A

  10         Online         ESLS2005MO    £127      N/A

  10         Online         ESLS2026WE    £127      N/A

  10         Online         ESLS2016TU    £127      N/A

  10         Online         ESLS2028WE    £127      N/A

  10         Online         ESLS2009TU    £127      N/A

  10         Online         ESLS2017TU    £127      N/A

  10         Online         ESLS2019WE    £127      N/A

  10         Online         ESLS2006MO    £127      N/A

  10         Online         ESLS2027WE    £127      N/A

  10         Online         ESLS2010TU    £127      N/A

  10         Online         ESLS2020WE    £127      N/A

  10      Ealing Campus     ESLS2018TU    £164      N/A

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