Sample MYP Report Card - Powering Your Curriculum IB Americas - Faria Education Group

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Sample MYP Report Card - Powering Your Curriculum IB Americas - Faria Education Group
Powering Your Curriculum

Sample MYP Report Card
         IB Americas

Sample MYP Report Card - Powering Your Curriculum IB Americas - Faria Education Group
Faria International School
                                                 Sample MYP Report
                                                 Prepared: October 15, 2016

Student Name:           Rachel Epelbaum

Grade:                  Grade 10

Homeroom Advisor: Richard Chandler

Dear Parents,
An education at Faria International School is about actively combining challenging and enriching experiences with
academic rigor and creative opportunities. We want our students to have the courage to push back the boundaries of
their experience and to explore the possibilities that are available to them. Whilst we are proud of their academic
results, there is so much more to the education we provide. It is, therefore, important that parents wholeheartedly
support the ethos of the school.
Whether it is in the classroom, on the stage, whilst participating in an expedition, on the sports Leld or when serving
others, we want our students to experience the excitement of discovering they are capable of achieving far more than
they ever felt was possible. We have high expectations of our students and they, in turn, have high expectations of
On this note, I would like to present the Lrst report card of this academic year. Let’s work together to create an
environment for true development.
Kind regards,
John Walden

                                                                                                     Absent Present Late
                                                                                                     1        86      0

John Walden                                                                                              Richard Chandler
Principal                                                                                                MYP Coordinator
Sample MYP Report Card - Powering Your Curriculum IB Americas - Faria Education Group
IB Learner ProLle

Inquirers      We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn independently and with
               others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life.

Knowledgeable We develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring knowledge across a range of disciplines. We engage
              with issues and ideas that have local and global signiLcance.

Thinkers       We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse and take responsible action on complex problems. We
               exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions.

Communicators We express ourselves conLdently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. We collaborate
              effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups.

Principled     We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice, and with respect for the dignity and
               rights of people everywhere. We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences.

Open-minded    We critically appreciate our own cultures and personal histories, as well as the values and traditions of others. We
               seek and evaluate a range of points of view, and we are willing to grow from the experience.

Caring         We show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to make a positive
               difference in the lives of others and in the world around us.

Risk-takers    We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently and cooperatively to explore
               new ideas and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change.

Balanced       We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives — intellectual, physical, (spiritual) and
               emotional — to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recognize our interdependence with other people
               and with the world in which we live.

ReMective      We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experience. We work to understand our strengths and
               weaknesses in order to support our learning and personal development.

Rachel Epelbaum
Faria International School — Sample MYP Report                                                                         Page 2 of 14
Sample MYP Report Card - Powering Your Curriculum IB Americas - Faria Education Group
Summary of Achievement
                                                                              Achievement Levels       Final Grade     Local Grade

Language and literature: English                                              A    B    C     D
                                                                              8    7    8     8              7              A+
James Hendrick
Rachel is showing a strong interest in the literature we have been reading this term. I'm glad to see her working on her vocabulary
and improving the language she uses in her compositions.

Language acquisition: Chinese Phases 1, 2, 3                                  A    B    C     D
                                                                              6    6    7     8              6              A
Risa Aoki
Rachel has been doing well on our written work, but needs to work harder on her pronunciation. Jia you!

Individuals and societies: Economics                                          A    B    C     D
                                                                              7    8    6     8              7              A+
Bess Levin
Good analysis. Participates actively in class discussions.

Mathematics: Standard Mathematics                                             A    B    C     D
                                                                              8    7    7     6              7              A+
Jack Reacher
Rachel has been improving in class as the semester has progressed. I believe if she continues to work hard on her homework and
actively asks questions when she doesn't understand, she will begin to excel.

Arts: Visual arts                                                             A    B    C     D
                                                                              5    6    5     7              5              B+
Richard Chandler
Rachel has shown herself to be quite inquisitive when it comes to the development of art over the past century. She is particularly
interested in the changing notion of what is considered art, and how society has responded to this.

Physical and health education: Physical Education                             A    B    C     D
                                                                              7    7    6     8              7              A+
Richard Chandler
Rachel is a great team player and contributed effectively and consistently throughout this semester. She was a joy to have in class
and I look forward to seeing her contributions in her Diploma years!

Design: Technology                                                            A    B    C     D
                                                                              7    7    6     7              6              A
Maxine Reed
Rachel continues to show a good attitude towards her coursework, and continues to actively participate in discussions. She is
lively and animated, and always an active participant in discussions.

Rachel Epelbaum
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Sample MYP Report Card - Powering Your Curriculum IB Americas - Faria Education Group
Approaches to Learning
                                                                           Information Media Critical Creative
Subject       Collaboration Communication Organization Affective ReNection Literacy    Literacy Thinking Thinking   Transfer

English            ME            EE

Chinese            EE            EE

Economics          EE                          EE                             ME                  EE

                                               AE                             ME                  ME                  BE

Visual arts                      ME                                 EE                            ME                  EE

                   EE            ME            EE                             ME

Technology                       EE            ME                  ME                             EE

Homeroom Advisor Comments
Rachel has done exceptionally well academically over the past term. In particular, her personal project received top
marks and she has qualiMed to represent the school at the Siemens Westinghouse science competition. The entire
faculty are incredibly proud of her work over the past term, well done!

Richard Chandler
Homeroom Advisor

Rachel Epelbaum
Faria International School — Sample MYP Report                                                                 Page 4 of 13
Personal Project
           Topic:                    Design and Technology
           Inquiry Question:         What can replace kerosene lamps in developing nations?
           Goal:                     Creating a solar-powered LED reading lamp
           Supervisor:               James Hendrick

Personal Project Assessment
Criteria                                                                                                    Achievement Level Maximum

A: Investigating                                                                                                       8          8
Rachel is able to deMne a clear and highly challenging goal and context for the project, based on personal interests, identify prior
learning and subject-speciMc knowledge that is consistently highly relevant to the project, demonstrate excellent research skills.

B: Planning                                                                                                            8          8
Rachel is able to develop rigorous criteria for the product/outcome, present a detailed and accurate plan and record of the
development process of the project and demonstrate excellent self-management skills.

C: Taking action                                                                                                       7          8
Rachel is able to create an excellent product/outcome in response to the goal, global context and criteria, demonstrate excellent
thinking skills and demonstrate excellent communication and social skills

D: ReNecting                                                                                                           8          8
Rachel is able to present an excellent evaluation of the quality of the product/outcome against his or her criteria, present excellent
reNection on how completing the project has extended his or her knowledge and understanding of the topic and the global context
and present excellent reNection on his or her development as an IB learner through the project.

Grade: 7                                                                                          Totals:          31             32

Grade                           1          2             3                4                5                   6              7

Boundaries                     0–5        6–9         10 – 14          15 – 18          19 – 23              24 – 27       28 – 32

Rachel has done a fantastic job with her project!

Rachel Epelbaum
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Class Reports
Language and literature: English                                                                      Year 5 — James Hendrick
MYP Assessment Criteria                                                                                     Achievement Level Maximum

A: Analysing
Rachel provides perceptive analysis of the content, context, language, structure, technique, style of
text(s) and the relationship among texts, perceptively analyses the effects of the creator’s choices on                8           8
an audience, gives detailed justiMcation of opinions and ideas with a range of examples, and
thorough explanations; uses accurate terminology, perceptively compares and contrasts by making
extensive connections in features across and within genres and texts.

B: Organizing
Rachel makes sophisticated use of organizational structures that serve the context and intention
effectively, effectively organizes opinions and ideas in a sustained, coherent and logical manner with                 7           8
ideas building on each other in a sophisticated way, makes excellent use of referencing and
formatting tools to create an effective presentation style.

C: Producing text
Rachel produces texts that demonstrate a high degree of personal engagement with the creative
process; demonstrates a high degree of insight, imagination or sensitivity and perceptive exploration                  8           8
of and critical reNection on new perspectives and ideas, makes perceptive stylistic choices in terms
of linguistic, literary and visual devices, demonstrating good awareness of impact on an audience,
selects extensive relevant details and examples to develop ideas with precision.

D: Using language
Rachel effectively uses a range of appropriate vocabulary, sentence structures and forms of
expression, writes and speaks in a consistently appropriate register and style that serve the context
and intention, uses grammar, syntax and punctuation with a high degree of accuracy; errors are                         8           8
minor and communication is effective, spells/writes and pronounces with a high degree of accuracy;
errors are minor and communication is effective, makes effective use of appropriate non-verbal
communication techniques.

                                                                                                  Totals:          31             32

Final Grade Local Grade
      7            A+

Approaches to Learning
ATL                                                                           EE            ME                  AE            BE



Rachel is showing a strong interest in the literature we have been reading this term. I'm glad to see her working on her
vocabulary and improving the language she uses in her compositions.

Grade                         1           2              3                4                5                   6              7

Boundaries                  0–5         6–9           10 – 14          15 – 18          19 – 23              24 – 27       28 – 32

Rachel Epelbaum
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Language acquisition: Chinese Phases 1, 2, 3                                                                  Year 5 — Risa Aoki
MYP Assessment Criteria                                                                                  Achievement Level Maximum

A: Comprehending spoken and visual text
Rachel analyses considerably and draws conclusions from information, main ideas and supporting
details. Rachel analyses most conventions. Rachel engages considerably with the spoken and visual                   6           8
text by analysing most ideas, opinions and attitudes and by making a response to the text based on
personal experiences and opinions from a global perspective.

B: Comprehending written and visual text
Rachel analyses considerably and draws conclusions from information, main ideas and supporting
details. Rachel analyses most basic conventions including aspects of format and style, and author’s                 6           8
purpose for writing. Rachel engages considerably with the written and visual text by analysing most
ideas, opinions and attitudes and by making a response to the text based on personal experiences
and opinions from a global perspective.

C: Communicating in response to spoken, written and visual text
Rachel responds in detail and appropriately to spoken, written and visual text. Rachel engages
conMdently in rehearsed and unrehearsed exchanges to share a variety of informative and organized
ideas on a range of topics of personal and global signiMcance. Rachel effectively expresses a wide                  7           8
range of ideas, opinions and feelings, and communicates information in a wide range of situations;
ideas are relevant and developed, reNecting a good understanding of the topic. Opinions are
supported by examples and illustrations. Rachel communicates with an excellent sense of register,
purpose and style.

D: Using language in spoken and written form
Rachel writes/speaks effectively using a range of vocabulary, complex grammatical structures and
conventions accurately; occasional errors do not interfere with communication. Speaks with                          8           8
excellent intonation and Nuency, making communication easy, organizes information and ideas into a
clear and effective structure; uses a wide range of cohesive devices accurately, enhancing the
development of ideas, uses language effectively to suit the context.

                                                                                               Totals:          27             32

Final Grade Local Grade
      6            A

Approaches to Learning
ATL                                                                         EE           ME                  AE            BE



Rachel has been doing well on our written work, but needs to work harder on her pronunciation. Jia you!

Grade                        1           2             3                4               5                   6              7

Boundaries                 0–5         6–9          10 – 14          15 – 18         19 – 23              24 – 27       28 – 32

Rachel Epelbaum
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Individuals and societies: Economics                                                                         Year 5 — Bess Levin
MYP Assessment Criteria                                                                                   Achievement Level Maximum

A: Knowing and understanding
Rachel consistently uses a wide range of terminology effectively, demonstrates detailed knowledge                    7          8
and understanding of content and concepts through thorough accurate descriptions, explanations
and examples.

B: Investigating
Rachel formulates a clear and focused research question and justiMes its relevance, formulates and
effectively follows a comprehensive action plan to investigate a research question, uses research                    8          8
methods to collect and record appropriate, varied and relevant information, thoroughly evaluates the
investigation process and results.

C: Communicating
Rachel communicates information and ideas accurately by using a style that is mostly appropriate to                  6          8
the audience and purpose, structures information and ideas in a way that is mostly appropriate to
the speciMed format, often documents sources of information using a recognized convention.

D: Thinking critically
Rachel completes a detailed discussion of concepts, issues, models, visual representation and
theories, synthesizes information to make valid, well-supported arguments, effectively analyses and                  8          8
evaluates a wide range of sources/data in terms of origin and purpose, recognizing values and
limitations, thoroughly interprets a range of different perspectives and their implications.

                                                                                                Totals:          29             32

Final Grade Local Grade
      7             A+

Approaches to Learning
ATL                                                                             EE               ME              AE          BE



Information Literacy

Critical Thinking

Good analysis. Participates actively in class discussions.

Grade                        1           2             3                4                5                   6              7

Boundaries                 0–5         6–9          10 – 14          15 – 18          19 – 23              24 – 27       28 – 32

Rachel Epelbaum
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Mathematics: Standard Mathematics                                                                             Year 5 — Jack Reacher
MYP Assessment Criteria                                                                                       Achievement Level Maximum

A: Knowing and understanding
Rachel is able to select appropriate mathematics when solving challenging problems in both familiar                      8          8
and unfamiliar situations, apply the selected mathematics successfully when solving these
problems, generally solve these problems correctly.

B: Investigating patterns
Rachel is able to select and apply mathematical problem-solving techniques to discover complex                           7          8
patterns, describe patterns as general rules consistent with correct Mndings, prove, or verify and
justify, these general rules.

C: Communicating
Rachel is able to consistently use appropriate mathematical language, use appropriate forms of
mathematical representation to consistently present information correctly, move effectively between                      7          8
different forms of mathematical representation, communicate through lines of reasoning that are
complete, coherent and concise, present work that is consistently organized using a logical

D: Applying mathematics in real-life contexts
Rachel is able to identify the relevant elements of the authentic real-life situation, select adequate
mathematical strategies to model the authentic real-life situation, apply the selected mathematical                      6          8
strategies to reach a valid solution to the authentic real-life situation, explain the degree of accuracy
of the solution, explain whether the solution makes sense in the context of the authentic real-life

                                                                                                    Totals:          28             32

Final Grade Local Grade
      7             A+

Approaches to Learning
ATL                                                                                 EE              ME               AE         BE


Information Literacy

Critical Thinking


Rachel has been improving in class as the semester has progressed. I believe if she continues to work hard on her
homework and actively asks questions when she doesn't understand, she will begin to excel.

Grade                          1           2              3                 4                 5                  6              7

Boundaries                   0–5         6–9           10 – 14           15 – 18          19 – 23              24 – 27       28 – 32

Rachel Epelbaum
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Arts: Visual arts                                                                                    Year 5 — Richard Chandler
MYP Assessment Criteria                                                                                     Achievement Level Maximum

A: Knowing and understanding
Rachel demonstrates substantial knowledge and understanding of the art form studied, including
concepts, processes and substantial use of subject-speciMc terminology, demonstrates substantial                       5            8
understanding of the role of the art form in original or displaced contexts, demonstrates substantial
use of acquired knowledge to purposefully inform artistic decisions.

B: Developing skills
Rachel demonstrates substantial acquisition and development of the skills and techniques of the art                    6            8
form studied, demonstrates substantial application of skills and techniques to create, perform and/or
present art.

C: Thinking creatively
Rachel develops a substantial artistic intention, which is often feasible, clear, imaginative and
coherent, demonstrates a substantial range and depth of creative-thinking behaviours,                                  5            8
demonstrates substantial exploration of ideas to purposefully shape artistic intention through to a
point of realization.

D: Responding
Rachel constructs meaning with depth and insight and effectively transfers learning to new settings,                   7            8
creates an excellent artistic response which intends to effectively reNect or impact on the world
around him or her, presents an excellent critique of the artwork of self and others.

                                                                                                  Totals:          23              32

Final Grade Local Grade
      5             B+

Approaches to Learning
ATL                                                                           EE               ME               AE             BE



Critical Thinking


Rachel has shown herself to be quite inquisitive when it comes to the development of art over the past century. She is
particularly interested in the changing notion of what is considered art, and how society has responded to this.

Grade                         1           2             3                 4                5                   6               7

Boundaries                  0–5         6–9          10 – 14          15 – 18           19 – 23              24 – 27        28 – 32

Rachel Epelbaum
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Physical and health education: Physical Education                                                   Year 5 — Richard Chandler
MYP Assessment Criteria                                                                                    Achievement Level Maximum

A: Knowing and understanding
Rachel explains physical and health education factual, procedural and conceptual knowledge,
applies physical and health education knowledge to analyse complex issues to solve complex                            7           8
problems set in familiar and unfamiliar situations, and applies physical and health terminology
consistently and effectively to communicate understanding.

B: Planning for performance
Rachel designs, explains and justiMes a plan to improve physical performance or health, and                           7           8
analyses and evaluates the effectiveness of a plan based on the outcome.

C: Applying and performing
Rachel demonstrates and applies a range of skills and techniques, demonstrates and applies a                          6           8
range of strategies and movement concepts, and analyses and applies information to perform.

D: ReNecting and improving performance
Rachel explains and demonstrates strategies to enhance interpersonal skills, develops goals and                       8           8
applies strategies to enhance performance, and analyses and evaluates performance.

                                                                                                 Totals:          28              32

Final Grade Local Grade
      7            A+

Approaches to Learning
ATL                                                                              EE               ME              AE           BE




Information Literacy

Rachel is a great team player and contributed effectively and consistently throughout this semester. She was a joy to
have in class and I look forward to seeing her contributions in her Diploma years!

Grade                         1          2              3                4                5                   6               7

Boundaries                  0–5         6–9          10 – 14          15 – 18          19 – 23              24 – 27        28 – 32

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Design: Technology                                                                                            Year 5 — Maxine Reed
MYP Assessment Criteria                                                                                       Achievement Level Maximum

A: Inquiring and analysing
Rachel explains and justiMes the need for a solution to a problem for a client/target audience,
constructs a detailed research plan, which identiMes and prioritizes the primary and secondary                           7            8
research needed to develop a solution to the problem independently, analyses a range of existing
products that inspire a solution to the problem in detail, develops a detailed design brief, which
summarizes the analysis of relevant research.

B: Developing ideas
Rachel develops detailed design speciMcations, which explain the success criteria for the design of a
solution based on the analysis of the research, develops a range of feasible design ideas, using an
appropriate medium(s) and detailed annotation, which can be correctly interpreted by others,                             7            8
presents the chosen design and justiMes fully and critically its selection with detailed reference to the
design speciMcation, develops accurate and detailed planning drawings/diagrams and outlines
requirements for the creation of the chosen solution.

C: Creating the solution
Rachel constructs a logical plan, which considers time and resources, sufMcient for peers to be able
to follow to create the solution, demonstrates competent technical skills when making the solution,                      6            8
creates the solution, which functions as intended and is presented appropriately, describes changes
made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution.

D: Evaluating
Rachel designs detailed and relevant testing methods, which generate data, to measure the success
of the solution, critically evaluates the success of the solution against the design speciMcation based                  7            8
on authentic product testing, explains how the solution could be improved, explains the impact of
the product on the client/target audience.

                                                                                                    Totals:          27              32

Final Grade Local Grade
      6             A

Approaches to Learning
ATL                                                                            EE                ME               AE             BE




Critical Thinking

Rachel continues to show a good attitude towards her coursework, and continues to actively participate in
discussions. She is lively and animated, and always an active participant in discussions.

Grade                          1           2              3                4                 5                   6               7

Boundaries                   0–5         6–9           10 – 14          15 – 18           19 – 23              24 – 27        28 – 32

Rachel Epelbaum
Faria International School — Sample MYP Report                                                                               Page 12 of 13
Grade Descriptors
Final Grade Local Grade Descriptor

                            Consistent and thorough understanding of the required knowledge and skills, and the ability to apply
      7            A+       them almost faultlessly in a wide variety of situations. The student consistently demonstrates originality,
                            insight, and analytical thinking. The student produces work of high quality.

                            Consistent and thorough understanding of the required knowledge and skills, and the ability to apply
      6             A       them in a wide variety of situations. The student consistentlydemonstrates originality, insight, and
                            analytical thinking.

                            Thorough understanding of the required knowledge and skills, and the ability to apply them in a variety of
      5            B+
                            situations. The student occasionally demonstrates originality, insight, and analytical thinking.

                            General understanding of the required knowledge and skills, and the ability to apply them effectively in
      4             B
                            normal situations. There is occasional evidence of analytical thinking.

                            Limited achievement against most of the objectives, or clear difMculties in some areas. The student
      3            C+       demonstrates a limited understanding of the required knowledge and skills and is only able to apply them
                            fully to normal situations with support.

                            Very limited achievement in terms of the objectives. The student has difMculty in understanding the
      2             C
                            required knowledge and skills and is unable to apply them fully to normal situations, even with support.

      1             D       Minimal achievement in terms of the objectives.

   N/A              F       Not Yet Assessed.

Approaches to Learning
Grade Descriptor

 EE       Exceeding Expectations: The student’s progress against the ATL is exceeding expectations.

 ME       Meeting Expectations: The student’s progress against the ATL is meeting expectations.

 AE       Approaching Expectations: The student’s progress against the ATL is approaching expectations.

 BE       Below Expectations: The student’s progress against the ATL is below expectations.

Rachel Epelbaum
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The English School of Bogota                                                                      pl
   ManageBac school since 2013


The English School of Bogota was founded in 1961 by Elizabeth Masson and is a private, non-profit
institution now owned by the Fundación Educativa de Inglaterra

The school offers the full International Baccalaureate (IB) continuum, having gained authorization
for Primary Years Programme in 2008, the Middle Years Programme in 2009 and the Diploma
Programme in 1981.

The English School strives for academic excellence, delivering high-quality learning in a happy
environment and creating confident leaders who act with integrity.

Contact Information
Over Wilson González Álvarez
MYP Coordinator
The English School
                                                MYP Term 2 Report
                                                Prepared: March 17, 2016

Student Name:          S ofia

Grade:                 Grade 5

Homeroom Advisor: C atalina

Bogotá, 17 de marzo de 2016
Apreciados Padres de familia y/o acudientes:
A continuación encontrarán el informe del segundo trimestre del año lectivo 2015 – 2016. En él se describe el progreso
del proceso de aprendizaje de sus hijos(as) en las diferentes asignaturas.
Notaran que en las clases de Diseño y Tecnología la nota Onal del lado izquierdo aparece como N/A. Esta nota no debe
ser tomada en consideración, ya que la nota Onal que aparece al lado derecho es la nota Onal de sus hijos/hijas para
este trimestre.
Aprovechamos la oportunidad para agradecerles su apoyo y colaboración. Esperamos contar con su valiosa presencia
en el Open Day del próximo 25 de marzo de 2016, el cual, tendrá énfasis en la reuniones con los profesores de cada
Dear Parents and guardians:
In this document you will Ond the report for Trimester 2, academic year 2015-2016. Here you will Ond your son´s and
daughter´s academic progress in different subjects.
You will notice in Design Technology the Onal grade on the left appears as N/A. It should not be taken into account as
the Onal grade on the right hand side is the Onal grade for your sons/daughters this trimester.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support and collaboration. We hope we can count on your
presence at Open Day, on the 25th of March, 2016 with the focus being meetings with the subject teachers.

T homas                                                                                             Abigail
Head of Middle and Upper School                                                                     Headmistress
IB Learner ProOle

Inquirers      We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn independently and with
               others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life.

Knowledgeable We develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring knowledge across a range of disciplines. We engage
              with issues and ideas that have local and global signiOcance.

Thinkers       We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse and take responsible action on complex problems. We
               exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions.

Communicators We express ourselves conOdently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. We collaborate
              effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups.

Principled     We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice, and with respect for the dignity and
               rights of people everywhere. We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences.

Open-minded    We critically appreciate our own cultures and personal histories, as well as the values and traditions of others. We
               seek and evaluate a range of points of view, and we are willing to grow from the experience.

Caring         We show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to make a positive
               difference in the lives of others and in the world around us.

Risk-takers    We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently and cooperatively to explore
               new ideas and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change.

Balanced       We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives — intellectual, physical, (spiritual) and
               emotional — to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recognize our interdependence with other people
               and with the world in which we live.

RePective      We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experience. We work to understand our strengths and
               weaknesses in order to support our learning and personal development.

S ofia
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Class Reports/Reporte por Materia
Language and literature: English / Inglés                                                        Grade 5 — LAUR A
Learner ProOle: Thinkers, Caring

     3                D

S ofia is a very caring and intelligent student however she struggles in analysis and producing text. S ofia needs to
focus on her approaches to learning put more effort into her classwork and homework. In analysis, she must work on
identifying parts of a text and providing examples and explanations of her answers while producing text.
S ofia presents has a great attitude in class and has been placed in academic support where she will receive
reinforcements on topics presented in class. With more hard work and dedication, I am sure she will be successful in
the next term.

Language and literature: Spanish / Espa                                                      Grade 5 — MAR T INA
Learner ProOle: Communicators

     5                B

Mejoraste tu interés y responsabilidad, es muy importante el seguimiento de instrucciones. No desmejores tu

Language acquisition: French / Frances Phase 1                                                 Grade 5 — C AMILA
Learner ProOle: Communicators

     5                B

Bon travail! Has trabajado bastante bien este trimestre y tus notas rePejan tu esfuerzo. Tienes que mejorar los verbos
(pasado, presente, futuro) y la parte escrita para mejorar tus notas. Te recomiendo practicar en: o o

S ofia
The English School — MYP Term 2 Report                                                                       Page 3 of 7
Individuals and societies: Global Humanities /                                                Grade 5 —G OR DON
Humanidades Global
Learner ProOle: RePective

     5                 A

Individuals and societies: Humanidades Regional                                             Grade 5 — C AR OLINA
Learner ProOle: Knowledgeable

     6                 B

Sciences: Sciences / Ciencias                                                               Grade 5 — F R ANC IS C O
Learner ProOle: Communicators

     4                 C

S ofia debe repasar:
1. Variables de un experimento (Independiente, dependiente y constantes), hipotesis, graOcos lineales y conclusiones a
partir de los resultados obtenidos.
2. Caracteristicas y representacion de Fuerzas.
3. Medicion de fuerzas
4. Peso, fuerza de friccion y fuerza de empuje en liquidos.
5. Maquinas simples (Polea, Plano inclinado y palanca).

Mathematics: Mathematics / Matematicas                                              Grade 5 — DIE G O, ANG E LA
Learner ProOle: Knowledgeable

     4                 C

She is a good student maybe improve the study habits and the attention in class good job.

S ofia
The English School — MYP Term 2 Report                                                                     Page 4 of 7
Arts: Arts / Arte                                            Grade 5 — V ALE R Y
Learner ProOle: Caring

     4               C

Arts: Drama                                                    Grade 5 — MAT E O
Learner ProOle: Caring

     7               A

Arts: Music / Musica                                           Grade 5 — LUIS A
Learner ProOle: Inquirers, Knowledgeable

     6               A

Buen trabajo!

Physical and health education: Physical Education /           Grade 5 — C E S AR
Educacion Fisica
Learner ProOle: Caring

     5               A

Design: Design Technology / Tecnologia del            Grade 5 — MAR IA DANIE LA
Learner ProOle: Caring

Final Grade EFFORT / ESFUERZO Final Grade
    N/A              C               4

S ofia
The English School — MYP Term 2 Report                                  Page 5 of 7
Ethics / Etica 4                                                                                             ANIT A
                                                EFFORT / ESFUERZO


Esta nota es producto de un ejercicio de autoevaluación en torno a la participación, comportamiento, puntualidad y
manejo y uso de la “Bitácora de viaje” y cuaderno. Este trimestre has terminado el primer nivel de Consentidos!
Felicitaciones! Tu participación es muy valiosa.

S ofia
The English School — MYP Term 2 Report                                                                     Page 6 of 7
Grade Descriptors
Final Grade Descriptor

                Consistent and thorough understanding of the required knowledge and skills, and the ability to apply them almost
       7        faultlessly in a wide variety of situations. The student consistently demonstrates originality, insight, and analytical
                thinking. The student produces work of high quality.

                Consistent and thorough understanding of the required knowledge and skills, and the ability to apply them in a wide
                variety of situations. The student consistentlydemonstrates originality, insight, and analytical thinking.

                Thorough understanding of the required knowledge and skills, and the ability to apply them in a variety of situations.
                The student occasionally demonstrates originality, insight, and analytical thinking.

                General understanding of the required knowledge and skills, and the ability to apply them effectively in normal
                situations. There is occasional evidence of analytical thinking.

                Limited achievement against most of the objectives, or clear difOculties in some areas. The student demonstrates a
       3        limited understanding of the required knowledge and skills and is only able to apply them fully to normal situations with

                Very limited achievement in terms of the objectives. The student has difOculty in understanding the required knowledge
                and skills and is unable to apply them fully to normal situations, even with support.

       1        Minimal achievement in terms of the objectives.

      N/A       Not Yet Assessed.

Grade Descriptor

  A        Excellent effort / Esfuerzo excelente

  B        Very good effort / Muy buen esfuerzo

  C        Good effort / Buen esfuerzo

  D        Satisfactory effort / Esfuerzo aceptable

  E        InsufOcient effort / Esfuerzo insuOciente

  F        No effort / No hay esfuerzo

S ofia
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British School of Washington                                                                     pl
   ManageBac school since 2012


The British School of Washington (BSW) is a private international school situated in downtown
Washington D.C. The school has over 440 students representing more than 60 nationalities.

The school is authorized to teach the International Primary Curriculum (IPC), International Middle
Years Curriculum (IMYC), International General Certificate of Seconday Education (IGCSE) and the IB
Diploma Programme.

BSW’s global, interactive learning perspective encourages its pupils to gain a meaningful
understanding of the local, national and global contexts within which they live, learn and succeed.

Contact Information
Gareth Hall
Technology Director
British School of Washington
                                               Learning Progress Summary
                                               Prepared: December 18, 2016

Student Name: C andice

Grade:            Yr10 IGCSE

Form Tutor:       V era

Dear IGCSE Students:
The purpose of this summary is to collate information about the academic progress you are making. So that: a) you can
continue to improve and b) you can discuss how you plan to improve with your parents.
This half term’s progress summary includes the following information
• The IB Learner ProPle.
Progress Summary page:
• A Summary for each subject as to whether you are Beginning (B), Developing (D) or at Mastering (M) at a speciPc
level of attainment.
• A Progress Level which is generated using several key indicators such as the work formally assessed and recorded
on MB as well as work completed in class, homework, your lesson contributions and your teachers’ observations and
judgments about what level they feel you are currently working at within their subject.
• An effort grade.
• An end of year Academic Target Grade. (This Grade is Pxed for the year)
• Year 11 will also see a mock exam grade. The mock exams mirror the terminal exams that students will sit at the end
of the IB course. These are taken under exam conditions and the results provide staff with an understanding of where
your child’s strengths and weaknesses are within that subject.
• Attendance for each class.
• Please note that Form group attendance is taken using a different school system and is not recorded here.
• Form Tutor Comment: Your Personal Progress Target.
Progress Summary & Learning target:
• Description of the work covered this half term.
• A speciPc “Progress Learning Target” that appears in the comment section that helps you to further your progress
and improve your attainment in each of the subjects you are studying.
At BSW we believe that personal progress is as important as academic progress, please do take the time with your
parents and form tutor to review your Record of Achievement at the end of the half term to assess what areas you will
need to work on in the next term.
To Parents:
Please be aware that as we are in the digital age: a) there will be no paper copies of these progress summaries. And b)
the above format will be used for all progress summaries this year.
There will be no written summative report. All parents are encouraged to follow and discuss the progress of their
children on ManageBac or in discussion with subject staff. We believe this is the most efPcient way to support young
people’s learning and progress.
Kindest Regards,
Heath | Head of Secondary School
S tephanie | Secondary Leader for Student Experience
R od | Secondary Leader Personal Progress
IB Learner ProPle

Inquirers      We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn independently and with
               others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life.

Knowledgeable We develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring knowledge across a range of disciplines. We engage
              with issues and ideas that have local and global signiPcance.

Thinkers       We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse and take responsible action on complex problems. We
               exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions.

Communicators We express ourselves conPdently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. We collaborate
              effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups.

Principled     We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice, and with respect for the dignity and
               rights of people everywhere. We take responsibility for ouractions and their consequences.

Open-minded    We critically appreciate our own cultures and personal histories, as well as the values and traditions of others. We
               seek and evaluate a range of points of view, and we are willing to grow from the experience.

Caring         We show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to make a positive
               difference in the lives of others and in the world around us.

Risk-takers    We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently and cooperatively to explore
               new ideas and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change.

Balanced       We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives — intellectual, physical, (spiritual) and
               emotional — to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recognize our interdependence with other people
               and with the world in which we live.

ReQective      We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experience. We work to understand our strengths and
               weaknesses in order to support our learning and personal development.

C andice
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2001 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC, United States, 20007— Tel.: +1 202 829 3700
Progress Summary
Autumn 2 (2016)
                                                             Learning Level &   IGCSE Effort IGCSE Year Target IGCSE Mock Exam
Subject                                                       IGCSE Grade          Grade          Grade             Grade

English Language Edexcel 4EA0                                      D-C              A             D-B               N/A
Attendance:     0 Absent   12 Present    0 Late    0 Other

English Literature Edexcel 4ET0                                    D-C              A             D-B               N/A
Attendance:     0 Absent   13 Present    0 Late    0 Other

Spanish Edexcel 4SP0                                               B-B              A             M-B               N/A
C amilla
Attendance:     0 Absent   21 Present    0 Late    0 Other

Geography CIE 0406                                                 D-C              A             M-C               N/A
Attendance:     1 Absent   12 Present    0 Late    1 Other

Global Perspectives CIE 0457                                      M-C               A             B-B               N/A
S hauna
Attendance:     0 Absent   15 Present    0 Late    0 Other

Biology Edexcel 4SCO                                               B-C              A             B-B               N/A
L uc ille
Attendance:     0 Absent   16 Present    1 Late    0 Other

Chemistry Edexcel 4SC0                                            M-D               B             D-C               N/A
R os ie
Attendance:     0 Absent   16 Present    0 Late    0 Other

Physics EdExcel 4SCO                                               B-C              B             D-C               N/A
F iona
Attendance:     0 Absent   19 Present    0 Late    0 Other

Maths Edexcel 4MA0                                                 B-D              B             M-D               N/A
Attendance:     0 Absent   25 Present    0 Late    0 Other

PE Core                                                            N/A              A             N/A               N/A
Mike, S abine
Attendance:     0 Absent   9 Present    0 Late    0 Other

Drama CIE 0411                                                     D-C              A             D-B               N/A
S abine
Attendance:     0 Absent   19 Present    0 Late    0 Other

Art Edexcel 4FA0                                                   D-B              A             B-A               N/A
A led
Attendance:     0 Absent   17 Present    0 Late    0 Other

C andice
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2001 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC, United States, 20007— Tel.: +1 202 829 3700
Form Tutor Comments
C andice, you have continued to grow as a thoughtful and independent student. You have been open minded and
reQective with your challenges of balancing your social life and homework. You have set yourself the target of being
more patient and tolerant of things you don’t originally agree with or Pnd easy.

C andice
British School of Washington — Learning Progress Summary
                                                                                                            Page 4 of 10
2001 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC, United States, 20007— Tel.: +1 202 829 3700
Progress Summary & Learning Target
English Language Edexcel 4EA0                                                                                Wanda
This half term we will be exploring a range of non-Pction texts from the Edexcel IGCSE Anthology and writing some of
our own non-Pction texts.

Learning Level & IGCSE Grade                                                                                    D-C

IGCSE Effort Grade                                                                                               A

IGCSE Year Target Grade                                                                                         D-B

IGCSE Mock Exam Grade                                                                                           N/A

Attendance: 0 Absent 12 Present 0 Late 0 Other

In your writing, experiment with different structures and how they impact on the reader.

English Literature Edexcel 4ET0                                                                               Wanda
This term we will be studying the play 'A View from the Bridge' by Arthur Miller, which is one of our IGCSE examination

Learning Level & IGCSE Grade                                                                                    D-C

IGCSE Effort Grade                                                                                               A

IGCSE Year Target Grade                                                                                         D-B

IGCSE Mock Exam Grade                                                                                           N/A

Attendance: 0 Absent 13 Present 0 Late 0 Other

Develop your analysis by incorporating relevant social and historical contextual information.

C andice
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2001 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC, United States, 20007— Tel.: +1 202 829 3700
Spanish Edexcel 4SP0                                                                                             C amilla
During this half term students will develop their vocabulary on the topics of food and home. They will sharpen their
past tense knowledge and will look in depth at the irregular verbs in this tense. They will develop their reading skills by
tackling texts of increasing length and complexity. Students will become familiar with the IGCSE exam format and will
understand the requirements of writing at IGCSE standard.

Learning Level & IGCSE Grade                                                                                        B-B

IGCSE Effort Grade                                                                                                    A

IGCSE Year Target Grade                                                                                             M-B

IGCSE Mock Exam Grade                                                                                               N/A

Attendance: 0 Absent 21 Present 0 Late 0 Other

C andice, you have shown a good understanding of the past tense this term, and the accuracy of your writing has really
developed. You are still getting confused about how to use verbs like "me encanta" and "me gusta". Do some research
on this and if it still seems confusing then come and ask me and I will explain.

Geography CIE 0406                                                                                                   Dee
Year 10 are focusing on ‘Population and Settlement’ – sections 1.1 – 1.7 of the syllabus. During the Prst half term, they
will study the factors affecting the growth, structure and distribution of population, the impact of population policies
and HIV/AIDS, population pyramids, the Demographic Transition Model and migration. During the second half of the
term, they will focus on ‘Settlement’ section syllabus. In this topic, they will study settlement patterns and functions;
the growth of settlements and the problems associated with this; land use zones and the impacts of urbanization in
both LEDC’s and MEDC’s. The knowledge gained this term will enable them to answer the questions one and two on
Paper 1 of their Pnal exam. Through the use of case studies, students will gain a greater understanding of the range of
factors that impact population change in LEDCs and MEDCs as well as being able to compare the challenges that face
the growing urban areas of the world. Throughout this term, students will make use of statistics, graphs, diagrams and
maps as preparation for Paper 2, which is a more skills based paper.

Learning Level & IGCSE Grade                                                                                        D-C

IGCSE Effort Grade                                                                                                    A

IGCSE Year Target Grade                                                                                             M-C

IGCSE Mock Exam Grade                                                                                               N/A

Attendance: 1 Absent 12 Present 0 Late 1 Other

You are still overcomplicating your case studies and your answers. Listen carefully to what is required and give
straightforward, bullet pointed responses. Trust in your own ability; you are more than capable but often question your
own answers.

C andice
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2001 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC, United States, 20007— Tel.: +1 202 829 3700
Global Politics: Global Perspectives CIE 0457                                                                      S hauna
The Global Perspectives course will commence with an in depth study of the belief system of a particular country
where you will direct your own learning through an extended research task. You will develop the skills of evaluation,
analysis and questioning that will be evidenced through your writing. In a complicated and challenging future
characterized by a barrage of information, you will gain a sense of your own active place in the world and how you to
cope with changes and challenges which will impact your future opportunities, chances and choices.

Learning Level & IGCSE Grade                                                                                         M-C

IGCSE Effort Grade                                                                                                     A

IGCSE Year Target Grade                                                                                               B-B

IGCSE Mock Exam Grade                                                                                                 N/A

Attendance: 0 Absent 15 Present 0 Late 0 Other

C andice, you are very self- reQective which helps make your responses more personal and analytical. You now need to
make sure all of your points are supported with speciPc evidence and you evaluate the purposes of the sources that
you use.

Biology Edexcel 4SCO                                                                                               Lucille
This half term the nature & variety of living things(section 1), Gas exchange & respiration will be studied.
Within this students may be assessed in 3 areas that would provide different % of their Pnal grade: AO1 Knowledge
and understanding (50%), AO2 Application of knowledge and understanding, analysis and evaluation(30%) and AO3
Experimental skills, analysis & evaluation of data (20%).

Learning Level & IGCSE Grade                                                                                          B-C

IGCSE Effort Grade                                                                                                     A

IGCSE Year Target Grade                                                                                               B-B

IGCSE Mock Exam Grade                                                                                                 N/A

Attendance: 0 Absent 16 Present 1 Late 0 Other

You are still unsure of living thing characteristics. Re draw the cells as well as revisiting the Qash cards as these ideas
should be concrete before you move on. When writing an investigation you must think IV/DV & controlled variables.
This is important for actual experimental work and the exam, it was on the osmosis paper.

C andice
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2001 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC, United States, 20007— Tel.: +1 202 829 3700
Chemistry Edexcel 4SC0                                                                                            R osie
During the second half of this term we will be focusing on forming and testing gases and linking to the reactivity series.

Learning Level & IGCSE Grade                                                                                       M-D

IGCSE Effort Grade                                                                                                  B

IGCSE Year Target Grade                                                                                            D-C

IGCSE Mock Exam Grade                                                                                              N/A

Attendance: 0 Absent 16 Present 0 Late 0 Other

You lack conPdence in your ability C andice, which hinders your progress. Have the conPdence to suggest an answer and
ask for support when required, especially when planning an experiment.

Physics EdExcel 4SCO                                                                                               F iona
This half term the class will continue work on the Forces and motion topic.
More detail can be found in the course syllabus document.

Learning Level & IGCSE Grade                                                                                       B-C

IGCSE Effort Grade                                                                                                  B

IGCSE Year Target Grade                                                                                            D-C

IGCSE Mock Exam Grade                                                                                              N/A

Attendance: 0 Absent 19 Present 0 Late 0 Other

C andice, I am pleased with the effort you have made this term, especially with the positive manner in which you took my
previous suggestions for improvement.
To make even more progress, I would like to see you become more assertive in class by volunteering your opinions
more often, as you have a very worthwhile contribution to make but seem to lack conPdence in your ability. Also, don’t
be reluctant to ask for help and support when you are unsure about anything.

C andice
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                                                                                                              Page 8 of 10
2001 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC, United States, 20007— Tel.: +1 202 829 3700
Mathematics: Maths Edexcel 4MA0                                                                                   Maria
This half term we will start by looking at powers and indices and looking at simplying powers. We will than move on to
LCM, HCF and its link with prime factorisation and also look at standard form. After this the focus will change to look at
transformation of shapes and we deal with reQaection, enlargement, translation and rotation.

Learning Level & IGCSE Grade                                                                                      B-D

IGCSE Effort Grade                                                                                                 B

IGCSE Year Target Grade                                                                                           M-D

IGCSE Mock Exam Grade                                                                                             N/A

Attendance: 0 Absent 25 Present 0 Late 0 Other

C andice, please ensure you really focus in class so when we do something you have understood the process, the method
and the reason for doing something in a particular way. Areas you need to practise are prime factorization, dividing
fractions and expanding brackets. You will get to where you need to and I will get you there but it needs you to spend a
little time outside of the classroom practising some concepts on

Other Elective: PE Core                                                                                   Mike, S abine

Learning Level & IGCSE Grade                                                                                       N/A

IGCSE Effort Grade                                                                                                  A

IGCSE Year Target Grade                                                                                            N/A

IGCSE Mock Exam Grade                                                                                              N/A

Attendance: 0 Absent 9 Present 0 Late 0 Other

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                                                                                                              Page 9 of 10
2001 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC, United States, 20007— Tel.: +1 202 829 3700
Other Elective: Drama CIE 0411                                                                                  S abine
This half term, year 10 IGCSE Drama students will be learning about the techniques developed by Constantin
Stanislavski. They will be applying these techniques to a scripted performance from Arthur Miller’s ‘A View from the
Bridge’ as part of their coursework.

Learning Level & IGCSE Grade                                                                                     D-C

IGCSE Effort Grade                                                                                                A

IGCSE Year Target Grade                                                                                          D-B

IGCSE Mock Exam Grade                                                                                            N/A

Attendance: 0 Absent 19 Present 0 Late 0 Other

C andice, your target now is to Pnd ways to include pauses and moments of stillness in your performances to create
tension and atmosphere for the audience. This is especially important in scripted performances where it can be
tempting to say longer passages in one go without Pnding moments to pause.

Visual Arts: Art Edexcel 4FA0                                                                                     Aled
Year 10 IGCSE Artists will be working on their second major independent project entitled 'Open'. They will interpret the
theme in a personal way and consider a range of media during the term to express their ideas. They will also have the
opportunity to experiment with a variety of materials such as clay, printmaking and photography.

Learning Level & IGCSE Grade                                                                                     D-B

IGCSE Effort Grade                                                                                                A

IGCSE Year Target Grade                                                                                          B-A

IGCSE Mock Exam Grade                                                                                            N/A

Attendance: 0 Absent 17 Present 0 Late 0 Other

You should focus on the A02 element of the course and try transforming some of your drawings into the style of artists
you like. Make a note of the artists name when you come across a piece that captures your attention.

C andice
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2001 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC, United States, 20007— Tel.: +1 202 829 3700
St Francis College                                                                                 pl
   ManageBac school since 2014


St Francis College is an international school which strives for excellence, providing a warm and
friendly community committed to the International Baccalaureate philosophy. It has offered the
IB Diploma Programme since 2004, adding the Primary Years Programme to its curriculum in
2005 and completing the continuum in 2008 with the Middle Years Programme.

The school aims to provide a secure and caring community where a multiplicity of needs and
interests are catered for and where pupils are encouraged to aim for excellence in everything
they undertake.

To this end, the school aims to have its pupils develop a high degree of proficiency in both
Portuguese and English, and equip them with the skills needed to function in the complex
society of the 21st Century.

Contact Information
Fabrice Bidaury
MYP Coordinator
St Francis College
                      March 2016 Grade Report
                      Prepared: March 20, 2016

Student Name: J ose

Date of Birth:   December 13, 2000

Grade:           MYP 5

Tutor:           Owen
Summary of the IB MYP subject-specific assessment criteria

                            Language         Individuals &
                                                              Mathematics         Arts            PHE           Sciences        Design        Projects
                           Acquisition         Societies
                                                                  /28              /28             /28             /28           /28            /28
                               /28                /28


                                              Knowing &        Knowing &       Knowing &       Knowing &       Knowing &      Inquiring &
   A        Analyzing
                         Spoken & Visual
                                            Understanding    Understanding    Understanding   Understanding   Understanding   Analyzing


                8               8                  8               8                8               8               8             8              8
                                             Investigating    Investigating    Developing      Planning for    Inquiring &    Developing      Planning
   B        Organising      Written &
                                                                Patterns          Skills      Performance       Designing       Ideas
                           Visual Texts
                8               8                  8               8                8               8               8             8              8

                         Communicating                                                                                         Creating
            Producing     in Response to                                        Thinking       Applying &     Processing &                     Taking
   C           Text      Spoken, Written
                                            Communicating    Communication
                                                                                Creatively     Performing       Evaluating
                         and Visual Texts                                                                                      Solution

                8               8                  8               8                8               8               8             8              8
                         Using Language                        Applying                       Reflecting &     Reflection on
              Using                                          Mathematics in    Responding
   D        Language
                           in Spoken &         Critically
                                                                                               Improving      the Impact of   Evaluating     Reflecting
                          Written Form                         Contexts                       Performance        Science

                8               8                  8               8                8               8               8             8              8
Summary of Achievement
                                                                           Achievement Levels   Effort   Grade

Language and literature: Portuguese Intermediate                           A     B   C   D
                                                                                                  B         5
Matheus                                                                    5     5   5   6

Language and literature: English                                           A     B   C   D
                                                                                                  C         4
Molly                                                                      4     4   4   4

Individuals and societies: History                                         A     B   C   D
                                                                                                  U         5
Deborah                                                                    6     5   4   4

Individuals and societies: Historia & GeograHa                             A      B C    D
                                                                                                  A         5
S antiag o                                                                 5     N/A 5   8

Sciences: Sciences Core                                                    A     B   C   D
                                                                                                  B         5
Matheus                                                                    5     4   6   4

Mathematics: Mathematics Extended                                          A     B   C   D
                                                                                                  B         4
F elipe                                                                    4     4   3   5

Arts: Visual Arts                                                          A     B   C   D
                                                                                                  B         5
V alentina                                                                 4     5   5   4

Physical and health education: Physical & Health Education                 A     B   C   D
                                                                                                  C         5
J ake                                                                      3     5   7   4

Design: Design                                                              A    B   C D
                                                                                                  C         4
L ewis                                                                     N/A   4   4 N/A

MS classes
                                                             Final Grade                        Effort

ISP                                                             N/A                               A

J ose
St Francis College — March 2016 Grade Report                                                          Page 3 of 6
J ose has gone from strength to strength this term - his application and his work ethic are exemplary. A creditable
set of results is his by right, and he can be proud of his achievement. He continues to be a well-liked member of his
peer group, an enthusiastic and dedicated student, and an inspiring role-model.

Head of Secondary

E lla
College Principal

J ose
St Francis College — March 2016 Grade Report                                                              Page 4 of 6
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