From the Principal - Blackwood High School

Page created by Dwight Flores
From the Principal - Blackwood High School
Term 4 | Week 3 | 30 October 2020

                     From the Principal
Welcome to the final school term for 2020.           Due to the high levels of interest in these roles, we
                                                     are looking at other opportunities to involve Year 12
Year 12 Graduation                                   students interested in developing their leadership
On Tuesday 22 October, the school community formally skills and contributing to our school community.
congratulated and farewelled our Year 12 students at
the Year 12 Graduation. The evening acknowledged Staffing Update
and celebrated academic achievement, a range of Congratulations to the following staff who have won
other achievements/endeavours and the important ongoing teacher positions that will start in 2021:
milestone of secondary school completion.            • Toni Hughes – Home Economics and Maths
                                                     • Alex Lloyd – Teacher Librarian and English
In my address to the Year 12 students, I commended • Kirstin Tocker – Digital Technologies
them for their commitment to learning to achieve
their SACE despite the challenges presented by the In addition, we will welcome the following new staff
COVID pandemic - challenges that no other Year 12 who have won ongoing positions:
cohort has had to deal with before, and which had • Brenna Andrews – Maths and Science
the potential to impact on their learning and future • Raymond Fok – Chemistry and Specialist Maths
pathways.                                            • Sophie Hamlyn – Essential Maths and Science
Despite this uncertainty, the Year 12 students            External School Review (ESR) – Monday 2 to
remained focused, worked hard, and took on board          Wednesday 4 November
support from teachers and support staff. As Principal,    Next week, Blackwood High School will be involved
I am enormously proud of our Year 12 students             in an External School Review. These reviews usually
and their achievements this year. I wish our 2020         occur every three years with the last review of
Graduates the very best as they transition to new and     Blackwood High School held in 2016.
exciting challenges beyond school.
                                                          The ESR strengthens a school’s focus on learning by
2021 Head and Deputy Prefects                             providing an expert external perspective to verify or
On Tuesday 13 October, I had the privilege to be          challenge internal self-review processes and findings,
involved in the process to select the Head and Deputy     the rigour of improvement practices, and the school’s
Head Prefects for 2021. This will be only the second      capacity to achieve or sustain learning improvement
year that we will have had such roles at Blackwood        over time.
High School since reinstatement. The selection panel
was most impressed by the number and calibre of           A Review Officer from the Department’s Review,
applicants, making the decision to select only four       Improvement and Accountability Team conducts the
students very challenging.                                ESR, along with two Review Principals who are current
I congratulate all the student applicants. It was such    school-based leaders. The review is conducted in four
a joyful experience to sit and listen to the individual   stages, which include:
students talk about why they wanted to be the Head        1. Data Analysis
Prefect, what they would bring to the role and what       2. Pre-review to determine lines of inquiry
difference they hoped to make.                            3. On-site visit
                                                          4. Reporting.
A special congratulation to:
• Mikayla Heddle and Laura – Head Prefects
• Mya Drakos and Josiah Hor – Deputy Prefects
From the Principal - Blackwood High School
Next week is the On-site visit, which will involve:    This information will also be provided to families
• A presentation to the panel by the Executive         once confirmed.
  Leadership Team                                      World Teachers Day 2020
• Interviews with students, teachers, the Governing    Australia celebrates World Teachers’ Day on Friday
  Council and student support SSOs                     30 October.
• A staff meeting which will be facilitated by the     At Blackwood High School, we are very fortunate
  Review Officer                                       to have highly professional teaching staff who work
• Synthesis of information – the panel continually     tirelessly to support student learning, wellbeing and
  reflects on information gathered                     achievement. This has been especially evident this
• Site visit summary – debrief with the Executive      year.
  Leadership Team                                      As Principal, it is a privilege to work with such staff. I
• A formal post-review meeting between the Review      know, through my many conversations with students
  Officer, the Principal and Education Director.       and parents/caregivers, that the efforts of teachers at
                                                       Blackwood High School are very much appreciated.
The Review Officer is responsible for writing the
                                                       To acknowledge and thank our teachers for all that
Review report, which can take up to eight weeks
                                                       they do, a celebratory morning tea was held with
to be finalised. However, we are hopeful that the
                                                       our school Prefects in attendance. Gratitude notes
report will be available to the school community by
                                                       written by students were shared with staff; the
the end of the school year to inform the next steps
                                                       messages reinforcing the good work that they do to
in our improvement journey.
                                                       support students.
Term 4 Calendar
                                                       2021 Staggered Start
Term 4 is always a busy term as we support
                                                       Next year, Term 1 starts on Wednesday 27 January,
students to successfully complete their current
                                                       the day after Australia Day.
year of schooling while staff plan for the following
                                                       From next year, Blackwood High School will introduce
school year. The following events are planned with
                                                       a ‘staggered start’ to the school year, which has been
information about each event to be provided to the
                                                       endorsed by the Blackwood High School Governing
relevant year level and their families as the term
                                                       Council. This means that only Year 8 and Year 12
                                                       students will attend on Wednesday 27 January, the
• VET Dance Production Friday 30 October
                                                       first day of school. The staggered start will enable
• Year 10 Driver Education – Thursday 5 and Friday
                                                       staff to provide targeted support and induction for
  6 November
                                                       both Year 8 and Year 12 students as they start high
• NAIDOC Week – Monday 9 November – Friday 13
                                                       school and Year 12 studies respectively.
                                                       Students in Year 9, 10 and 11 will start school on
• Year 9 Aquatics/Ice Skating – Monday 9 November
                                                       Thursday 28 January. Further information will be
• Year 8 Aquatics –Tuesday 10 November
                                                       provided later this year.
• Remembrance Day Assembly – Wednesday 11
  November                                             Capital Works Building Program
• Arts Festival – Wednesday 18 November                Our $9M Capital Works program has begun which is
• Cluster Sports Day – Friday 20 November              very exciting. Schiavello Construction are the builders
• Year 11 Final Assembly – Tuesday 24 November         and they have been on site since the start of this
• Year 7 - 8 Online Q&A – Tuesday 24 November          term.
• ISEC Aquatics – Friday 27 November
                                                       So far, there has been much demolition work which
• Year 7 – 8 Transition Day – Wednesday 2 December
                                                       includes removal of the HPE transportables, change
• Year 8 Panel presentations – Monday 7 December
                                                       rooms, Dance Studio and the many storage sheds.
• Year 9 Panel presentations – Tuesday 8 December
                                                       Also, they have nearly completed the internal
• Year 8, 9 and 10 Presentation assemblies – Friday
                                                       demolition of the Middle School Learning Centre and
  11 December
                                                       have begun initial demolition of the Senior School
Please note that there is an expectation that          Learning Centre toilets.
students in Year 8-10 attend school in Week 9,
                                                       Next week, we will have small ceremony to ‘turn the
the last week of the school year. However Year
                                                       sod’ for the new build which will involve our school
10 students do have the opportunity to do work
experience. A formal program will be offered with
                                                       Sharon Goldman, Principal
details still to be finalised.
                                                                   Inspiring Achievement and Respect
From the Principal - Blackwood High School
Blackwood High School High Achievers
•   Congratulations to Ali Bertani, in Year 10, who won the Boomerang Award
    chosen by the Operation Flinders Guides. This award is presented to the
    most improved student overall. He was presented with a beautifully painted
    boomerang to commemorate this award.

Middle School update
This term, Middle School students celebrated academic improvement, achievement and excellence.
Congratulations to the following students:
Year 8
Academic Improvement: Student achieving GPA growth of more than 10.
Parsa Baghiani		      Austin Howard
Sophie Calliss		      Hoi Kiu (Cyan) Lee
Jett Carlier		        Eleanor Natalier
Jacob Deacy		         Olivia Nuske
Izack Fielder		       Wilfred Reedman
Hunter Francis		      Gulnaaz Singh
Nicholas Harris       Lincoln Tutty
Liam Heward		         Hunter Waller

Academic Achievement: Student achieve GPA between 85-90
Hannah Angove      Jessica Greenhalgh
Bianca Brusic		    Charlize Hough
Eun (Daniel) Cho   Hoi Kiu (Cyan) Lee
Sophie Calliss		   Carly Milsom
Tahlia Clark		     Olivia Nuske
Alexandra Comitis  Lila Parker
Katie Crosby		     Alexander Phillips
Angus Dodd		       Alana Smith
Twinkle Gomes      Grace Smith
Chloe Grayson		    Abigayle Zieseniss

Academic Excellence: Students achieve GPA of 90+
Kaitlyn Aldridge     Yeonwoo (Esther) Ko
Temika Armstrong     Oscar Lewin
James Augur		        Hannah Martin
Theofanis Brinias    Eleanor Natalier
Evelyn Cant		        Leila Sansome
Sophie Cheshire      Kimiya Sobhani
Eden Dale		          Amelie Vandenberg
Saskia Fitzpatrick   Leani Van Der Berg
Nathan General       Dhrithi Vemulapalli
Mia Jephcott		       Molly Williams
Sarangi Jose

From the Principal - Blackwood High School
Year 9
Academic Improvement: Student achieving GPA growth of more than 10.
Ebonee Adams		            William Mason			                   Harry Selman
Lauren Buckham		          Zachary Mayr				                   Leon Spring
Chelsea Dredge		          Thisum Perera				                  Cade Somerville
Ethan Jones			            Ayva Phillips				                  Trae Tassell
Riley Lynch			            Luke Rocca				                     William Taylor
Academic Achievement: Student achieve GPA between 85-90
Casey Bailey			            Leila Ion				                     Caden Ratcliffe
Madison Blackmore		        Ethan Jones				                   Ella Smith
Lauren Buckham		           Mia-Jane Jukic				                Makayla Strange
Ethan Fitzpatrick		        James Keating				                 Clara Wegner
Nicholas Gray			           Dongyeon (Brian) Kim			           Adam Zanker
Lara Higgins			            Jessica Laurie
Makedde Hinton		           Faith Ramesh
Academic Excellence: Students achieve GPA of 90+
Amber Barlass			            Amelia Haines				                Jackson Moody
Holly Chatfield			          Jesse Harris				                 Olivia Paltridge
Olivia De Luca			           Daniel Kolesnyk			               Monique Spiniello
Sienna Duguid			            Honey Mettner			                 Monica Tolic
Mia Freeman			              Kaelyn Moffat				                Anna Twining
Middle School Art Murals
For the past term, the
Wellbeing     Team      have
been working on some
inspirational murals to
be put on display around
the school. We have been
working with Jo Miller-
Robinson to incorporate
indigenous designs into the
murals to commemorate
the Black Lives Matter
Movement and LGBTQ+
pride in our school. This is
to show inclusivity amongst
our student body and also
show the amount of care and
respect we have for the people
among us that are a crucial
part of these movements.
After weeks of working on the
murals, they are finally done.
They are going to be put on
display in the Middle School
Abigayle Zieseniss and Dhrithi
Vemulapalli, Year 8 students

                                                            Inspiring Achievement and Respect
From the Principal - Blackwood High School
Senior School update
Congratulations to the following students in Year 10, 11 and 12 who received awards for Term 3.
Culture of Respect
10A    Laila Scaparra		      11A    Michael Taylor		      12A    Chongkai Huang
10B    Tom Nguyen		          11B    Aiden Grayson		       12B    Zoe Joyner
10C    Aurelia Neave		       11C    Josiah Hor		          12C    Rachelle Paterson
10D    Kayla Pickles		       11D    Max Cope		            12D    Steven Walton
10E    Brielle Teunissen     11E    Hwarang Kim		         12E    Tigerlilly Jarrett
10F    Sam Walker		          11F    Isabelle Augur		      12F    Brieanna Medder
10G    Libby Willetts		      11G    Isla Burton		         12G    Chloe McCluskey
10H    Thomas Parker         11H    Cameron Mills         12H    Ciara Bes

Academic Excellence
Year 10				Year 11				Year 12
Nathaniel Brown		      Isabelle Augur			        Jacquelyn Banko
Aretha Byrne-Ockerby		 Seth Billing			          Ciara Bes
Paige Harrison			      Laura Calaby			          Lucy Boehm
Ei Mon Htoo			         Vy Cao				               Daisy Edwards
Lily Huston			         Carley Clark			          Hannah Esmaeili
Anita Kaleynik			      Isabella Davison-Bennett Maxx Fischer
Gabrielle MacConnell		 Laura				                Anh Mai
Aurelia Neave			       Chelsea Hardcastle		     Kelsey Murrin
Juliette Paice			      Mikayla Heddle		         Matthew Parker
Sean Sam			            Hwarang Kim			           Samara Sam
Charlie Scutchings		   Cedric Mends			          Aubaney Smith
Mitchell Wyatt			      Finn Monaghan-McGrath    Olivia Smith
Veniss Yap			          Riley Newall			          Yiran Song
				                   Joshua Palamaris		       Allie Stocco
				                   Tiana Smith			           Anh Tran
				                   Michael Taylor
Academic Achievement
Year 10				Year 11				Year 12
Nicole Greeneklee		 Isla Burton			      Trevor Bruce
Evan Laing			       Sarah Calaby			     Olivia Burgess
Luke Lewis			       Chloe Cameron		     William Emina
Anya Moffat			      Max Cope			         Scarlett Partridge-Powell
Xavier Poole			     Jaime-Lee Dean		    Damiyn Procter
Ebony Scanlan			    Lachlan Gould
Haopeng Yang			     Jade Greenwell
				                Hong Anh Ha
				                Josiah Hor
				                Lara Keen
				                Khemika Kiatmolee
				                Tuy Ngan Le
				                Charlea-Rose Lemke
				                Lowri Mason
				                Thi Thu Thao Nguyen
				                Sophie North
				                Hongyu Ruan
				                Xinyue Tang
				                Marven Yap
From the Principal - Blackwood High School
Year 10 Work Experience
During Week 9, students in Year 10 will have the opportunity to undertake work experience. In Pastoral Care,
the students have been provided with a letter template to assist them in contacting businesses of interest
and are encouraged to try to find placement in a field in which they wish to pursue a career, particularly if
they are hoping to pursue funded VET courses in the future. All relevant forms are required to be returned
to school by Week 5. Students are encouraged to speak to Mr Cavallaro, Mr Loan, Ms Young or Mr Robinson
if they require any further information or advice.

SACE and Recognition of Community Learning for Year 10 and 11 students
SACE and the Senior School Team at Blackwood High School understand that there is valuable learning outside
of the classroom for many of our students. This can include specialised programs such as Instrumental Music,
Ballet Exams and The Duke of Edinburgh Award, however it can also include skills students learn though
volunteering, part-time work, sports coaching or other forms of personal development. Students in Year 10
and 11 can earn up to 10 credits to go towards their SACE completion and are encouraged to come and speak
with Mrs Young, Mr Winter or Ms Buesnel to organise applications or if they have any further questions.

Year 11 Research Project
Well done to the vast majority of students who have completed their Research Project this year. These
students will be bringing home Independent Study applications to be signed that will give them the option
of studying from home for up to four lessons per week. Students that have not completed their Research
Project will be required to work in class until it is finished and their grades will not be available until July 2021.
These students will be eligible for Independent Study when all parts of their Research Project are complete.
Students that have not finished by the end of official Year 11 classes will be required to continue attending
school to complete the Project until the end of the year.

Ashley Robinson, Assistant Principal Senior School

Port Power Leadership Day
On Friday 18 September, the following Year 11 students attended the Power to End Violence Against Women
Leadership Day - Lachlan Holland, Taylor Rea, Jacob Meyer, Blake Alridge, Kelsey Clare, Claudia Cock and
Jamie Lunn. The leadership day is organised and run by the Port Power football club.

A number of schools across the metropolitan area were in attendance. Throughout the day, Blackwood High
students worked on group leadership tasks that were then presented to the whole group. Students also
got to show off their football skills in a number of football drills run by an ex Power player Brad Ebert. The
leadership day gave the students strategies to apply when they may have been put in situations they had felt
uncomfortable. It also helped them in developing strategies to become ‘active bystanders’ in that they have
the strength to call others out on behaviours that are not supportive of the rights of others.

At the end of the day, a number of students were awarded a new Ingenious guernsey for their positive
contributions throughout the workshops. Claudia Cock was lucky enough to receive one of the guernseys.
Overall, it was an enjoyable day with each student coming away with a positive experience.

Amanda Aulert, Leader, Mathematics

                                                                        Inspiring Achievement and Respect
From the Principal - Blackwood High School
Pink Week
Week 2 this term saw our first ever ‘Pink Week’. Pink Week was the idea of Head Prefect, Scarlett Partridge-
Powell, who wanted to start a tradition within the school that would continue on after she left. The week
involved a number of activities each lunch time in which students from the whole school could participate.
Monday had a staff/students volleyball match, Tuesday was a Handball tournament, Wednesday was a whole
school Kahoot and Thursday was the annual Pink Stumps cricket match for the Year 12 students where money
was raised for the Jane McGrath Breast Cancer Foundation. So far there has been in excess of $400 raised.
Well done to Scarlett for her organisation and to Stephanie Bell for working alongside Scarlett. Well done to,
Josiah Hor, as well for organising the handball.

Farewell Year 12
Week 2 saw the end of official classes for our Year 12 students. It also saw a series of events to celebrate their
time at school. The Graduation evening was held on Tuesday 20 October and was great recognition for those
students who have excelled in all areas of schooling in 2020. Due to COVID restrictions, the night looked a
bit different from previous years but thanks to Susan Carraill’s organisation, it was a great success. Please see
the list of the award winners from the Year 12 Graduation.

The annual Pink Stumps cricket match was held during lunchtime on Thursday 22 October. The students all
dressed up in pink and, as traditionally happens, the cricket doesn’t last long before the water fights started.
The students had a great time and took the opportunity to let their hair down after a long and difficult year.

Our final event was the Farewell Assembly and brunch on Friday 23 October. There was the usual array of
air horns, streamers and party poppers but the group was very well behaved and respectful towards the
speakers throughout the assembly. The brunch was prepared and served by the Green Team from Encounter
Youth and it gave the students one last chance to mingle with their teachers.

In what has been a very trying and challenging year, we have been proud of what the Year 12 students have
achieved in 2020. We wish them the very best for their exams and their futures beyond school.

Ashley Robinson, Assistant Principal Senior School

Alina Tairli                  Dux 2019
Henry Beenham                 Mayor of Mitcham’s Award
Oscar Hodge                   Sports Student of the Year
Maxx Fischer                  Adelaide Festival Centre Arts Award
Tram Anh Mai                  Lions Club Language Shield
Scarlett Partridge-Powell     Rotary Vocational Student of the Year
Katie Mulder                  School Based Apprenticeship
Yiran (Addy) Song             International Student Award
Olivia Smith                  Rotary Club Scholarship
Pearl Bertani                 Lions Club Bursary
Dylan Drakos                  Lions Club Bursary
Scarlett Partridge-Powell     Long Tan Award
Matthew Parker                ADF Youth Leadership Award
Maxx Fischer                  Caltex Award
Samara Sam                    Rotary Club Award
Matthew Parker                Governing Council Medal
Isabelle Stephens             Endeavour Awards
Kasan Calmettes-Syed          Endeavour Awards

From the Principal - Blackwood High School
Business and Enterprise             Jacquelyn Banko
                                    Maxx Fischer
English Literary Studies
                                    Lucy Boehm
Visual Arts
Child Studies                       Aubaney Smith
Community Studies                   Erik Gowin
English                             Allie Stocco
English as an Additional Language   Yiran Song
Essential English                   Daniel Britton
General Mathematics                 Chloe McCluskey
Health                              Olivia Burgess
Material Products                   Steven Walton and Lewis Sinnott
Mathematical Methods                Dylan Drakos
Modern History                      Kasan Calmettes-Syed
Physical Education                  Olivia Smith
Physics                             Matthew Parker
Psychology                          Damiyn Procter
Specialist Mathematics              Declan Ruan
Workplace Practices                 Abbi Trowman

                                                               Inspiring Achievement and Respect
From the Principal - Blackwood High School
Year 11 Food and Hospitality
The Year 11 class have been very busy this year exploring the Food and Hospitality industry. Our last two
assessment tasks have created some very interesting feedback. Our students investigated the use of Aboriginal
ingredients in modern cuisine and the impact these ingredients have made. Thank you to Ms Dannielle Flynn,
our Aboriginal Secondary Education Transition Officer, who presented some of her personal experiences and
supported the students in using lemon myrtle and wattle seeds to create amazing recipes.
The Food and Hospitality class also immersed themselves into the world of Uber! Students prepared
appropriate takeaway products and sold them to lucky members of staff. Staff enjoyed the delivered lunches
and students enjoyed the food production and distribution.
Toni Hughes, Food and Hospitality Teacher

Year 11 Tourism
The class ventured into the City of Adelaide to explore tourism activities,
sites and tourism infrastructure. The purpose was to collect primary
information and different perspectives from visitors, specifically European
backpackers, the YHA Manager and from the host community. Research
methods included listening to a lecture, interviewing backpackers, and
surveying those who lived Adelaide. This information was then cross-
checked with secondary information from the SA Tourism Commission
so that the students could then analyse our local tourism industry and
make some recommendations for improvements.
Student’s thoughts:
• I discovered how many came to Adelaide and what they did when they
  were here, particularly backpackers who were stuck here due to COVID
  but finding good work.
• I learned that Adelaide was good for agricultural work and this was
  the prime reason for backpackers to visit Adelaide rather than our
• I found it interesting to hear about what people from overseas think
  about Adelaide
• It was interesting to just go there and have an insight into where
  backpackers stay
In addition, students were encouraged to think about their own future
travel experiences and that YHA Backpacker hostels are a great option
for accommodation as they have excellent common areas to meet
other travellers.
Meri Holt, Tourism Teacher

From the Principal - Blackwood High School
International Student School Holiday Program
During the recent school holidays on Wednesday 30 September, International Education Services (IES) held
an Intercultural Sports and Social Day for secondary international students and their buddies (local students)
at Brighton Secondary School. Blackwood High School was well represented by a combination of both local
and international students. Students actively participated in a range of sports including rock climbing, Finska
and AFL skills development activities. The sportsmanship, teamwork and behaviour displayed by our students
was outstanding, with the boy’s team ‘BBBB’ taking out the Volleyball award. A great day enjoyed by all.

IES are working hard to finalise an exciting summer program of activities for international students who
would normally return to their home countries for the long break. Unfortunately our closed borders mean
that if students do leave us they are most unlikely to be able to return in the New Year to recommence their

The holiday program will focus on opportunities to make friends, share connections, explore South Australia
and learn new skills.

It will balance fun, social, and educational events and covers everything from overnight camps, academic
courses, entertainment, sporting activities and day trips around Adelaide and surrounds.

A special highlight will be the three day/two night camp opportunities to Yorke Peninsula and the South East.
It is hoped our International students will take up these opportunities and have a summer break hopefully
full of happy memories.

Karyn Jones, Leader, International Student Programs and LOTE

Wellbeing Week
At Blackwood Hiigh School we recognise the importance of wellbeing, spending approximately 200 days in
school out of 365 days. It is only fair to ensure that students look forward to school on a daily basis. One may
wonder why wellbeing is important. In order to develop academically and socially in a school environment,
students need to feel safe, supported and respected.

Hosting a Wellbeing Week during Term 3 provided us with an opportunity to learn how to remain jovial and
protected from mental challenges that may be exhausting to overcome especially during these challenging
times, particularly the COVID-19 restrictions.

The week commenced on Tuesday with a whole school assembly hosted by the Wellbeing Student Leadership
Team which allowed us the opportunity to educate and make students aware of mental issues prevalent
and may be overlooked. The ‘You
Matter’ mural outside the Senior
School was launched. Former
student, Tayla Carlaw, with some
of our Art students designed
and created the artwork. During
lunchtime in the courtyard, a
jellybean guessing competition
was held along with a ‘Mindfulness
Colouring’, activity providing
students with an opportunity to
relax whilst building connections.

                                                                    Inspiring Achievement and Respect
There was a big turn-out of students on Wednesday to participate in a lunch time Trivia Quiz. This was a fun
activity to get students thinking and encourage collaboration. Concurrently, a volleyball game was held in the
gym between teachers and students. To mix it up a bit, we also had table tennis match enabling students an
opportunity to exercise, a critical part of maintaining well-being. On Thursday, we welcomed an outstanding
performance by VET Music students in the courtyard. The musicians attracted a large crowd consisting of
students and teachers.

Our main event was on Friday; we ran a fundraising Casual Day fundraiser which was very successful! Ribbons
were distributed in exchange for gold coin donations. Over $550 was raised by our school community for the
R U OK? charity. Further, outside agencies, Green Team, Baptist Care and Shine SA came along encouraging
students to utilise valuable resources around building a safer community.

A BIG thank you to all students and staff, who dressed up, donated, painted, competed, performed, coloured-
in and worked extremely hard to make this a fantastic week-long series of positive events. Watch out for
more fun wellbeing events in 2021.

Samara Sam (Year 12) and Jessie Hill (Year 11), Student Leadership Wellbeing Members

Arts update
Gaslight at Her Majesty’s Theatre
Thursday 10 September heralded the much anticipated and long-
awaited return to the theatre for our keen Drama and Creative
Arts students.

Originally programmed by the State Theatre Company to be
performed in the Dunstan Playhouse, the play Gaslight has
become the first major production at the newly renovated Her
Majesty’s Theatre.

In Gaslight, Bella Manningham experiences what is now come
to be known as gaslighting, the psychological manipulation of a
person to the point where they question their identity. Students
were kept on the edge of their seats as they navigated their way
through this melodramatic thriller exploring some serious topics
like patriarchal power, domestic violence, class and politics.

An opportunity to attend a question and answer forum with the
actors to discuss the themes, ideas and design elements of the
play led to some astute analysis and reflection after the show.
Great to see our students using their higher order thinking skills.

Brigitte Esvelt, Creative Arts and Drama teacher

2020 Dance Star State Finals
The year began with lots of energy and enthusiasm and a record
number of students auditioning for a spot in one of the 2020 Dance
Star teams. Pre COVID, we entered four teams - Junior and Senior
Hip Hop, Jazz and Theatrical. Even with the COVID restrictions and
challenges we had managed to complete the Senior and Junior
Hip Hop routines, and the Theatrical and Jazz routines, with the
State Finals to be judged as a cyber-competition.
With all four Dance Star entries completed, we costumed and
filmed for the State Finals to be judged online.
Results were announced online through Youtube with Blackwood
High School achieving the following:
Senior Hip Hop - first place - gold medal
Junior Hip Hop - first place - gold medal
Theatrical team - second place - silver medal
Jazz team - fourth place
(narrowly missing out on third - bronze medal)

Students will be presented with their medals during the MADD
Arts Festival in Week 6.

Congratulations to the coaches - Torehn Lobow - Theatrical, Holly
Young - Jazz, Elliesha Robinson-Prince - both Hip Hop teams,
and all the dancers in Years 8 - 12 for their commitment to this
program. Thank you to Georgia Coyler, Dance teacher, who
supported this program

Katrina Constantopoulos, Leader, The Arts

                                                                      Inspiring Achievement and Respect
Music Showcase
The Year 9, 10 and 11 Music students performed in an end of term Music Showcase in front of various
year levels and staff. Students had been practicing, refining and preparing throughout the term for this
performance and they were extraordinary to say the least. From Queen to AC/DC, Cold Play to Billie Eilish, it
was clear that these students not only rocked but also took pride in their performances and embodied what
it truly means to be a musician. It was a proud moment for the music department and a testament for the
many great things to come.

Simela Petridis, Music Teacher

Year 9 and 10 Bollywood Dance Workshop
Dance Students in Years 9 and 10 were given the
opportunity to attend a Bollywood Dance Workshop
as a part of the Oz Asia Festival at the Festival Centre.
The workshop was taken by Bollywood specialist
Mudra, who taught the students choreography
in both Traditional and Bollywood Fusion styles.
Students will present their Bollywood Dance works
in traditional costumes at the upcoming MADD Arts
Festival in Week 6.

2020 VET Music and Dance Cabaret Production
VET Music and Dance students entertained parents/
caregivers and friends at the recent cabaret evening.
Thank you to the staff members and families that
attended this event. Your support as an audience
member was greatly appreciated by the Musicians,
Dancers and Arts staff.

Congratulations to Michael Winter and the VET
Music students, who were highly impressive with
their professional approach and they certainly
entertained the audience performing a range of
Music genres. The Dancers performed two class
works, All That Jazz and a Commercial Jazz Work
Fashion as well as their own group choreographic

Katrina Constantopoulos, Leader, The Arts

Oh Snap!
Hair Light Portraiture
Lily McLoughney, Year 11 Photography

                                                            Inspiring Achievement and Respect
Sports update
Year 8/9 Knock Out Girls Football
After winning the State Championships in 2019, our Year 8/9 Girls Football team had a huge ambition. We
hosted St Michaels College and Charles Campbell College on 10 September in beautiful spring conditions.
Our 2020 team of equally represented Year 8 and 9 girls had not previously played together. They represent
four different football clubs and took a quarter of football to adjust to each other. Unfortunately, St Michaels
kicked three goals in the first quarter, from which we didn’t recover. We outscored them four goals to three
for the remainder of the game, but the damage was done, losing by 13 points. Co-captain, Beth Sigley
dominated in this game, along with Tanisha Villanueva. Co-captain, Charlotte Taylor kicked 2 goals and small
mid Charlize Hough fed out of packs well.

St Michael’s defeated Charles Campbell College in the second game, progressing to the State Final. We then
defeated Charles Campbell College by 68 points. Lara Higgins carried the ball through the mid field brilliantly
all game. Abbie Butler’s ruck work was unstoppable, with Beth Sigley winning clearances continuously.
Charlotte dominated in front of goals, kicking six goals and Ashlie Clancy also contributed two. Summer Ross
played confidently, collecting many ground balls and feeding the forwards.

The team was supported by Year 10 Football Program members Charlie Scutchings, Lily Whitcombe,
Indigo Homersham, Libby Willetts and Chloe Hodge. Thank you for assisting with coaching, administration,
boundary umpiring, goal umpiring and timing. Year 11 Football student, Hayley Nicolle, assisted excellently
as a qualified Sports Trainer and Year 11 male Football students, Lachlan Hollands and Toby Russell, umpired
all three games to a high standard.

We look forward to 2021 with the exciting group of talented female football players at Blackwood High

St Michaels College defeated Blackwood High School
6-5 (41) to 4-4 (28)
Best – Beth Sigley, Tanisha Villanueva, Charlize Hough, Abbie Butler, Charlotte Taylor, Vanessa Marsh
Goals – Charlotte Taylor 2, Ashlie Clancey, Bianca Brusic 1

Blackwood High School defeated Charles Campbell College
10-15 (75) to 1-1 (7)
Best – Lara Higgins, Beth Sigley, Summer Ross, Charlotte Taylor, Bianca Brusic, Abbey Butler, Ashlie Clancey
Goals – Charlotte Taylor 6, Ashlie Clancey 2, Vanessa Marsh 1, Summer Ross 1.

Janet Bradley, Coach

Year 10 Boys Basketball
The Year 10 Boys’ Basketball was held at Cabra College on Tuesday of Week
1. The boys had limited preparation as the event was so early in the term,
but this did not stop them from working together as a team and putting in
a good effort.

Our first game was against Brighton Secondary School. The boys came out
strong in the first half and a good defensive effort and rebounding meant
that the scores were tight at half time. We scored fairly easily in the second
half with good ball movement, however Brighton Secondary School were
able to take the game by a small margin.

Our second game was against Cabra Colege, a well put together team.
The boys fought hard in the first half and it was close until half time.
Unfortunately, they had more depth than we did and pulled away to
win comfortably. The game was a lot of fun for the boys and everyone
contributed on the score board throughout the day.

All the boys came with a positive attitude and although, we lacked basketball
experience, everyone brought something to the team. Defensive hustle,
scoring ability, and consistent rebounding were all great assets to the team.

Year 8/9 Girls Volleyball
On Thursday 15 October, two Year 8/9 Girls Volleyball teams travelled
to Marden to compete in Knock Out Pool B against each other as well as
Oakbank Area School, Marraytville High School and Adelaide Botanic High

Blackwood Team 1 defeated Oakbank Area School in their first match
before playing against the experienced Marraytville High School team. Our
girls were really competitive with good serving and strong court awareness.
Marraytville High Shcool won all three sets to win the match. Adelaide
Botanic High School posed as a real challenge for our girls who were up
for it. The match ended at two sets all with Adelaide Botanic High School
winning by 4 points.

Blackwood Team 2 played Adelaide Botanic High School first up. Despite
some strong serving from our girls, this was not enough to see off the
challenge. Our next game was against Oakbank Area School which ended up
being a tight match that Blackwood 2 won, three sets to zero. Marraytville
High School was a challenge for the girls.

Mountain Bike Championships
The Mountain Bike Championships were held at O’Halloran Hill Recreation
Park on Friday 15 October. Blackwood High School had success across the
day with many students placing in the top three. Well done to all students
on representing Blackwood positively.

Top 3 Finishes:
1st U15 Girls – Leani Van Der Berg
2nd U19 Girls – Sophie North
2nd U17 Boys – Cade Somerville
3rd U17 Boys – Connor Scoop
3rd U15 Boys – Jarrod Scutchings
3rd U17 Teams – Cade Somerville, Keegan Foster, Jarrod Scutchings, Jace
16                                                                   Inspiring Achievement and Respect
Ekiden Relay
On 15 October, Mr Cocks took a boy’s team and a mixed team
to compete in the Annual Ekiden Relay at Bonython Park. The
relay is 20.6 km comprising of 8 runners who run the following
distances 5.4km, 1.5km, 2.8km, 2.8km, 1.5km, 2.8km, 2.8km and
1.0km. The Boys team consisted of Mitch Wyatt, Danny Hobbs,
Zac Washington, Ben Burbridge, Kobe Vanzetta, Blake Aldridge,
Jarrod Scutchings and Jacob Mayr. The mixed team consisted of
Isabel Hobbs, Lachlan Rudd, Thisum Perea, Shiwa Rudd, Ashlyn
Davies, Mikayla Heddle, Dylan Boyce and Nick Thompson. The
Open Boys team came second across the state with a time of
1:13:44.The mixed team finished with a time of 1:39:50. Well done
to all involved.

8/9 Girls Knock Out Basketball
On Wednesday 14 October, Blackwood High School hosted Heathfield High School in Round 1 of the Year
8/9 Girls Knock Out Basketball Competition. With limited preparation for the match, the girls played a great
game. Paige Padroth, Bethany Sigley and Lauren Buckman led the scoring for the team. Final result saw
Blackwood lose 40-58.

8/9 Boys Knock Out Basketball
On Wednesday 21 October, Blackwood High School hosted Sacred Heart College in Round 1 of the Year 8/9
Boys Knock Out Basketball Competition. In a low scoring match, Blackwood High School played some great
defense and were within 10 at the half time break. In the second half, Sacred Heart College broke away to
win the match 41-24. Top scorers for Blackwood were Tyson Kershaw and Hugh Nash.

Erin McIntee, Leader, Health and Physical Education

Health and Physical Education update
Year 9 Self Defense
This semester students in Year 9 Health and Physical Education and
the Year 9 Football and Netball Program participated in a Self Defense
unit. The unit began with a demonstration lesson run by self defense
expert and policeman, Brett Harrison. This opportunity provided
students with practical education on protective behaviours that was
both valuable and entertaining. Students followed up the session by
planning a performance of self defense actions and reflecting on the
value of the session.
Erin McIntee, Leader, Health and Physical Education
Special Interest Netball Program Year 10 Umpiring
For the past two weeks of Term 4, the Year 10 Netball class has been
focusing on developing their umpiring skills to a high standard. To
support this process, Renee Thorpe, Premier League Netball umpire
from Netball SA, has been mentoring the students over two double
lessons. The students were given the opportunity to physically umpire
with Renee’s guidance and support to increase their understanding and
interpretation of the rules under pressure. The girls will demonstrate
their newly learned confidence by Umpiring the Year 8/9 Mixed Netball
Carnival on Thursday Week 3.
Peta Maher, Special Interest Netball Program Manager
Languages Study Tour Fundraiser

                                 Inspiring Achievement and Respect
Calendar Dates
Term 4                                             Friday 20 November
Monday 2 November to Friday 13 November            Cluster Sports Day
Year 12 Exams
                                                   Tuesday 24 November
Thursday 5 and Friday 6 November                   Year 11 Final Assembly
Year 10 Driver Education                           Year 7 - 8 Online Q and A
Monday 9 November to Friday 13 November            Friday 27 November
NAIDOC Week                                        ISEC Aquatics
Monday 9 November                                  Wednesday 2 December
Year 9 Aquatics/Ice Skating                        Year 7 - 8 Transition Day
Tuesday 10 November                                Monday 7 December
Year 8 Aquatics                                    Year 8 Panel Presentations
Wednesday 11 November                              Tuesday 8 December
Remembrance Day Assembly                           Year 9 Panel Presentations
Wednesday 18 November                              Friday 11 December
Arts Festival                                      Year 8, 9 and 10 Presentation Assemblies

School Contacts
Student Absences:
Student Wellbeing Centre: 8278 0900 or see website for staff email contacts
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