2019 WCFE - THE SECRET TO GETTING AHEAD IS GETTING STARTED - Waterford College of Further Education

2019 WCFE - THE SECRET TO GETTING AHEAD IS GETTING STARTED - Waterford College of Further Education
                    FULL-TIME COURSES

                    & APPRENTICESHIPS

Apply on-line at:
2019 WCFE - THE SECRET TO GETTING AHEAD IS GETTING STARTED - Waterford College of Further Education

           Page Course
                  1      General Information
                  2      Application Procedures
                  3      Students with Disabilities
                  4      Art & Design Portfolio
                  5      Photography and Digital Media
                  6      Advanced Photography
                  7      Journalism, Photography and New Media
                  8      Sound Engineering and Music Technology
                  9      Advanced Certificate in Audio/Visual Media
                  10     Beauty Therapy - Year 1
                  11     Advanced Beauty Therapy & Make-Up Artistry - Year 2
                  12     Hairdressing - Year 1
                  13     Hairdressing - Year 2
                  14     Alternative Health & Well-being Therapies
                  15     Business Studies
                  16     Advanced Certificate in Business
                  17     Accounting Technician Apprenticeship
                  18     Auctioneering Apprenticeship NEW COURSE
                  19     Construction Technology
                  20     Computer Systems and Networks
                  21     Multimedia Production
                  22     Electronic Technology
                  23     Canine Grooming
                  24     Animal Care
                  25     Advanced Animal Science NEW COURSE
                  26     Pharmacy Assistant
                  27     Applied Psychology
                  28     Healthcare Support/Health Service Skills
                  29     Nursing Studies
                  30     Childcare - Early Childhood Care and Education
                  31     Special Needs Assistant
                  32     Advanced Special Needs Assistant NEW COURSE
                  33     Advanced Certificate in Childcare
                  34     Applied Social Studies
                  35     Community Addiction Studies
                  36     Advanced Certificate in Social Care
                  37     Youthwork NEW COURSE
                  38     Pre Third Level Arts NEW COURSE
                  39     Restaurant Operations and Bar Skills NEW COURSE
                  40     Tourism and Travel Industry Studies
                  41     Sports Studies, Physiology and Massage
                  42     Sports Therapy and Injury Management
                  43     Sport, Recreation and Exercise
                  44     Fitness and Health
                  45     Pre Further Education Course NEW COURSE
                46-48    V.T.O.S. - Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme
                  49     Progression
2019 WCFE - THE SECRET TO GETTING AHEAD IS GETTING STARTED - Waterford College of Further Education

      ●●Waterford CFE provides       Contact Information
        the broadest range           Waterford College of Further Education, Parnell Street, Waterford.
                                     Tel: (051) 874053 Fax: (051) 870136 Web: www.wcfe.ie Email: info@wcfe.ie
        of Further Education
        courses in the South-East.   Application Fee
                                     An application fee of €20 will apply.
      ●●Waterford CFE
        courses open up
                                     ●●There are no tuition fees payable to the College by EU Nationals. However,
        direct employment
                                       students should budget for the cost of examinations, textbooks and materials.
                                       Non-EU Nationals who do not meet the exemption requirements are liable
                                       for the full tuition fee of €3,653 as per the instructions of the Department of
      ●●Waterford CFE courses
                                       Education and Skills.
        can provide access to
                                     ●●Department of Education and Skills Contribution Fee of €200 is payable on
        third level education.
                                       registration (non-refundable).
                                     ●●College registration fee/student services fee of €220 is payable on registration.
      ●●Waterford CFE is
                                       This consists of a non-refundable fee of €50, and a fee of €170. (50% refund
        registered with QQI.
                                       available before 31st October for early leavers.)
        We offer programmes
                                     ●●Additional course fees may apply - See relevant course descriptor page
        leading to Quality and
                                     ●●Some exemptions are available on above costs - see website: www.wcfe.ie
        Qualifications Ireland
                                     ●●Please Note: All postal orders and banks drafts to be made payable to WWETB
        (QQI) awards on the
        National Framework of        QQI Examination Fee
        Qualifications and have      QQI Examination Fee of €50 is payable on registration.
                                     QQI fee of €80 is payable on registration for Level 6 courses.
        agreed quality assurance
        procedures with QQI.         Student Grants
                                     If you think you are eligible for a student grant, you should apply through the
                                     website: www.studentfinance.ie
                                     If you have any queries contact 0761 08 78 74 or email: support@susi.cdvec.ie

                                     BACK TO EDUCATION ALLOWANCE
                                     If you are unemployed, parenting alone or have a disability and getting certain
                                     payments from the Department of Social Protection or signing for credits, you may
                                     be eligible for the Back to Education Allowance (BTEA). Information is available
                                     from the Department of Social Protection.

                                     The College is located in the City Centre, close to the City Bus and Train Station.
                                     A public car park is available approximately three minutes walk from the college.

                                     Whole-time Class Hours
                                     9.15am - 4.30pm

                                     Schools Liaison
                                     THE FOLLOWING SERVICES ARE PROVIDED:
                                     School Visits: WCFE are happy to visit your school to give information on our
                                     courses and facilities. To book contact info@wcfe.ie.
                                     Career Exhibitions: WCFE participates in many career exhibitions within the region.
                                     Open Day: WCFE Open day will take place on Friday, 23rd November 2019.


  Education, Excellence, Opportunity                                                     2019
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2019 WCFE - THE SECRET TO GETTING AHEAD IS GETTING STARTED - Waterford College of Further Education

Application Procedures
●●The closing date for the receipt of applications for the first     G. Mature / Adult Students with no formal qualifications
  round of interviews for all courses is Thursday 10th January          are welcome to apply. Mature students are defined
  2019.                                                                 as those aged 23 or over at the beginning of the
●●The closing date for the receipt of applications for the              academic year.
  second round of interviews for all courses is Friday 22nd
                                                                     H. Students for whom English is a second language will
  February 2019. Applicants who apply by this date will be
  called for interview during March.                                    be required to take and pass an English Language
                                                                        test set by the College.
●●Closing date for the receipt of applications for the third
  round of interviews for all courses is Thursday 16th May           I.   Students requiring Assistive Technology and/or
  2019.                                                                   Personal Support Services as a result of a disability
                                                                          are strongly advised to inform the interview panel
●●Offer of places will be subject to completion of interview
                                                                          of their needs in this area in order to allow for
  and the achievement of the minimum entry requirements.
                                                                          provision of same.
●●Applicants will be notified of their interview results in May.

●●Late applications received after Thursday 16th May 2019
  will be processed, subject to the availability of places, in the   Non-Standard Applicants
  summer and early September 2019.
                                                                     These are defined as applicants whose application
●●Closing date for receipt of late applications for interviews is    is based on examination results other than the Irish
  Tuesday 20th August 2019.
                                                                     Leaving Certificate.
●●As places on all courses are limited, application before this
  date is strongly advised.                                          For the purposes of registration, all non-standard
●●Courses commence in early September, but only where                applicants must provide documentation to prove
  sufficient numbers are enrolled.                                   that their qualifications are recognised by the
                                                                     National    Qualifications   Authority of   Ireland.
●●Only one application form should be submitted. Where
  more than one application is made, only the most recent
  will be processed.
                                                                     As this process may take some months to arrive at a
●●Apply on-line at www.wcfe.ie                                       conclusion, prospective applicants are advised to initiate
                                                                     contact as soon as possible.

Entry Requirements                                                   DISCLAIMER
A. Unless otherwise stated, the minimum requirements                 The information in this booklet is intended to act as a
   for admission to courses are: Successful completion               guide to persons seeking admission to the College and
   of Leaving Certificate/Leaving Certificate Applied or             shall not be deemed to constitute a contract between
   equivalent and successful completion of interview.                the College or any third party. References to the
                                                                     requirements of outside bodies are not intended to be
B.   ‘Successful completion of Leaving Certificate’ is defined
                                                                     complete or exhaustive at the time of publication since
     as a minimum of five grade at 06/H7 grades.
                                                                     they are subject to change. Accordingly, those interested
C. A minimum pass grade on the Leaving Certificate Applied           are advised to make direct contact with the bodies
   is acceptable as equivalent to B. above.                          concerned to ascertain their up-to-date requirements.
                                                                     Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the
D. A pass grade in the LCVP link module is acceptable as the
   equivalent of a pass in one of the five Leaving Certificate       information in this publication. However, the College
   subjects mentioned in B. above.                                   reserves the right to amend, change or delete any
                                                                     programme of study or academic regulation at any time
E.   Foundation level subjects are acceptable.                       having given due consideration to students who are
F.   Applicants who present with school leaving examinations         already enrolled. Furthermore, the College reserves the
     other than the Leaving Certificate will be assessed on the      right to alter or delete any of the information included
     basis of accepted equivalence tables.                           at any time and it shall not be bound by any errors or
                                                                     omissions and can not accept liability in respect thereof.

       2      Waterford College of
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2019 WCFE - THE SECRET TO GETTING AHEAD IS GETTING STARTED - Waterford College of Further Education


              Waterford College of Further Education is committed to a policy of equal opportunity and
              welcomes applications from students with documented disabilities and specific learning needs.
              Students with specific learning difficulties or other disabilities may be entitled to additional
              supports and services to successfully complete their programme of choice.

              The College aims to provide support and help for such students within the limits of available
              resources (namely the HEA Fund for Students with Disabilities**).

              Who might be eligible?
              The phrase ‘people with disabilities’ includes people with physical disabilities, people who
              are visually impaired; people who are deaf or hard of hearing; people with specific learning
              difficulties, such as dyslexia, people with mental health problems and people with significant
              health or medical problems.

              What do you need to do?
              ●●Students with a disability have a responsibility to disclose their disability / specific learning
                difficulty on their application form.

              ●●When a student has disclosed their disability, they have an opportunity to meet with the
                Disability Support Service.

              ●●Once appropriate up to date relevant medical / psychological reports are provided in
                support of an individual’s disability, applications for funding can be made. Documentation
                may include educational psychologist reports or consultants’ letters. (Letters from GP’s are
                not acceptable in any circumstances as confirmation of disability)

              ●●The Disability Support Office is located opposite the staff room on the first floor of the main

                    **The Fund for Students with Disabilities allocates funding to further and higher
                    education colleges for the provision of services and supports to full-time students
                    with disabilities. The Fund aims to ensure that students can participate fully in their
                    academic programmes and are not disadvantaged by reason of a disability.


  Education, Excellence, Opportunity                                                          2019
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2019 WCFE - THE SECRET TO GETTING AHEAD IS GETTING STARTED - Waterford College of Further Education

                                            COURSE DESCRIPTION                         CERTIFICATION
                                            This is an intensive one-year course       ●●QQI Level 5 - Art/Craft/Design
                                            designed to provide experience in all        (5M1984)
●●Appreciation of Art/Craft/Design
                                            the essential areas of art and design.
●●Combined Materials
                                            If you want to prepare a portfolio for     PROGRESSION
                                            application to third level art courses     The full QQI Level 5 Certificate
                                            or if you have an interest in art and      facilitates entry, on a competitive basis,
                                            would like to develop existing skills,     to a range of third-level institutions
                                            the Art and Design Portfolio course will   nationwide and progression to Level 6
                                            provide you with the opportunity to do     Advanced Certificate in Photography,
                                            so. This course will introduce you to a    see page 6.
●●Work Experience
                                            wide range of subjects and broaden         Further details are available from the
                                            your understanding of materials,           relevant institutions.
CAREER PROSPECTS                            techniques and processes.                  ●●Specific progression links are
                                                                                         available with WIT and IT Carlow for
●●Fine Art                                  MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                   this course (see page 49).
●●Graphic Design                            ●●Leaving Certificate/Leaving
●●Ceramics                                    Certificate Applied or equivalent.       ADDITIONAL COSTS
●●Craft                                     ●●Successful completion of interview.      Equipment - €100 approx.
                                            ●●Applicants are also requested to         Photography - €80 approx.
                                              present samples of their artwork at
●●Industrial and Product Design
●●Interior Design
●●Fashion and Textiles
●●Art and Design Education                  DURATION
                                            One year

                                                                  N.B.: Due to ongoing developments in QQI awards, names and
   www.facebook.com/WaterfordCFE                                  content are subject to change.

       4      Waterford College of
              Further Education      2019
                                                                     Apply online at: www.wcfe.ie
2019 WCFE - THE SECRET TO GETTING AHEAD IS GETTING STARTED - Waterford College of Further Education
                                                                                  QQI LEVEL 5 - PHOTOGRAPHY (5M2094)

Photographic imaging is now more exciting            ●● Leaving Certificate/ Leaving Certificate         COURSE CONTENT
than ever before.                       - FACT          Applied or equivalent.
Changes in technology have transformed mobile        ●● Successful completion of interview.              ●●Photography Techniques
phones into cameras and computers and iPads          ●● Applicants are also requested to present         ●●Portrait Photography
into powerful communication tools.       - FACT         samples of their photography at interview.       ●●Digital Photography
21 Century Photographers who wish to develop
                                                                                                         ●●Image Processing
a successful career in image making need a very      One year                                              (Adobe Photoshop CS5)
different set of skills from what was needed in
                                                                                                         ●●Photography (Dark Room
the last century.                       - FACT       CERTIFICATION
The Photography & Digital Media course at            ●● QQI Level 5 - Photography (5M2094)                 Skills)
WCFE can help you develop the skills needed                                                              ●●History of Photography and
to approach photographic imaging in a broad          PROGRESSION                                           Visual Culture
and professional manner.                - FACT       The full QQI Level 5 Certificate facilitates        ●●Communications
                                                     entry, on a competitive basis, to a range of
                                                     third-level institutions nationwide.                ●●Work Experience
This practical year long programme introduces
students to the technical and creative aspects       The full QQI Level 5 Photography Certificate
of photography. Students learn a range of skills,    will also qualify for entry to the WCFE Level       CAREER PROSPECTS
from studio lighting, digital photography, and       6 Advanced Certificate in Photography, see
                                                     page 6.                                             ●●Photographer
image manipulation using Adobe Photoshop
                                                     Further details are available from the relevant
to traditional black and white darkroom skills.                                                          ●●Photographic Processing
Furthermore, our expert photography staff                                                                  Assistant
                                                     ●● Specific progression links are available
is available to advise the student on photo-
                                                        with WIT and IT Carlow for this course           ●●Advertising
sharing websites such as Flickr or creating a
                                                        (see page 49).                                   ●●General Practice
personal website. This course will suit students
who are interested in a career in commercial                                                             ●●Industrial Photography
                                                     WORK EXPERIENCE
photography, creating a portfolio for third level    Work experience placement is an integral            ●●Commercial Photography
or as a photographic artist.                         part of this course. Students must obtain           ●●Fashion Photography
                                                     one day per week work experience for the
                                                     academic year. The day will be specified by         ●●Photographic Processing
Having successfully achieved the QQI Level           the College.                                          Technician
5 award, students may continue studying at
                                                                                                         ●●Press Photography
WCFE under the optional second year Art &            ADDITIONAL COSTS
Photography, QQI Level 6 course.                     Approximately €200 for course materials.
                                                                                                       PLEASE NOTE
                                                                                                       Students are expected to supply their
N.B.: Due to ongoing developments in QQI awards, names and                                             own 35mm SLR Manual Camera.
content are subject to change.

   Education, Excellence, Opportunity                                                                   2019
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2019 WCFE - THE SECRET TO GETTING AHEAD IS GETTING STARTED - Waterford College of Further Education
QQI Level 6 - Advanced Certificate in Photography (6M3732)


●●Digital Photography
●●Fashion Photography
                                           COURSE DESCRIPTION                             MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
●●Fine Art Photography
                                           The aim of the QQI Level 6 Photography         ●●Applicants should have successfully
●●Creative Darkroom
                                           programme is to provide the learner with the     completed QQI Level 5 Photographic
                                           opportunity to acquire the knowledge, skill      Studies or QQI Level 5 Art, Craft and
●●The History of Photography
                                           and competence to work independently in          Design.
                                           a professional photographic setting or to
●●Personal and Professional
                                           progress to further higher education and       PROGRESSION
                                           training. Through a series of workshops,       The full QQI Level 6 Award facilitates
●●One QQI Level 5 Module
                                           lectures and self-directed learning,           entry, on a competitive basis, to a range
  (5 credits) preferably Image
                                           designed to develop and enhance the            of third-level institutions offering Art
  Processing or Photography
                                           students visual, creative and theoretical      and Design and Photographic Studies.
  Techniques may be used to
                                           awareness, this educational process            ●●Specific progression links are
  complete the requirements for
                                           aims to equip the learner with the skills        available with WIT and IT Carlow for
  the Level 6 Award.
                                           necessary to produce a visually successful       this course (see page 49).
                                           and coherent body of photographic work
                                           and the ability to articulate their work       ADDITIONAL COSTS
●●Photographer                             practice when necessary. Upon completion       €200 Photographic Materials/
●●Photographic Processing                  of the Level 6 programme, students gain        €80 Art Materials
  Assistant                                significant experience by organizing a
●●Advertising                              professional graduate exhibition.              PLEASE NOTE
●●General Practice                                                                        Students are expected to supply their
●●Industrial Photography                   DURATION                                       own 35mm SLR, Manual Film and
●●Commercial Photography                   One year                                       Digital Cameras.
●●Fashion Photography
●●Photographic Processing                  CERTIFICATION
  Technician                               ●●QQI Level 6 - Advanced Certificate in
●●Press Photographer                         Photography (6M3732)

                                                                   N.B.: Due to ongoing developments in QQI awards, names and
   www.facebook.com/WaterfordCFE                                   content are subject to change.

      6      Waterford College of
             Further Education      2019
                                                                       Apply online at: www.wcfe.ie
2019 WCFE - THE SECRET TO GETTING AHEAD IS GETTING STARTED - Waterford College of Further Education
                                                                                 QQI Level 5 - Journalism (5M2464)

This course offers the best of both         ●●QQI Level 5 - Journalism (5M2464)          COURSE CONTENT
worlds in one complete package;
journalism       AND       photography,     PROGRESSION                                  ●●Writing for Journalism
optimising both employment and              The full QQI Level 5 Certificate
third level opportunities for our                                                        ●●Photographic Techniques
                                            facilitates entry, on a competitive basis,
students. Today’s workplace requires        to a range of third level institutions       ●●Radio Programme Production
a broad range of skills; the ability to     nationwide. Further details are              ●●Research Skills for Journalism
create fresh social media content,          available from the relevant institutions.
photographic and visual skills,                                                          ●●Media Analysis
                                            Successful completion of this course         ●●Technical Skills for Journalism
the ability to write ‘ready to read’
                                            will facilitate progression to related
stories, the ability to be creative,                                                     ●●Communications
                                            courses at Ballyfermot College of
research content etc. This course is                                                     ●●Work Experience
designed to equip students with all         Further Education and will also
the communication skills necessary          facilitate entry to Level 6 and 7 courses    ●●Desktop Publishing
to compete in the online world and          in related areas.                            ●●Image Processing
the jobs market, building a strong          ●●Specific progression links are
following around one’s written,               available with WIT and IT Carlow for
photographic or podcast work.                 this course (see page 49).                 CAREER PROSPECTS
This course is the ideal foundation for a
broad range of third level courses in the   WORK EXPERIENCE
                                            Work experience placement is an              ●●Journalism
humanities, english, visual arts, media,
law and business. It also gives students    integral part of this course. Students       ●●Photography
an employment ready portfolio for           must obtain one day per week work            ●●Radio
job interviews in media, photography,       experience for the academic year. The        ●●Advertising Agencies
research, publishing, writing and online    day will be specified by the College.
production.                                                                              ●●Newspapers
                                            Students have access to an on-campus
                                            sound recording studio and radio             ●●Magazines
MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                  production facility as part of their         ●●Marketing
●●Leaving Certificate/Leaving Certificate   training programme.                          ●●Public Relations
  Applied or equivalent.
●●Successful completion of interview.                                                    ●●Publishing
                                            ADDITIONAL COSTS
                                                                                         ●●Visual Editing
                                            Costs of approximately €80 will
DURATION                                    be required over the course of the           ●●Communications Technology
One year
                                            academic year.

N.B.: Due to ongoing developments in QQI awards, names and
content are subject to change.

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2019 WCFE - THE SECRET TO GETTING AHEAD IS GETTING STARTED - Waterford College of Further Education
QQI Level 5 - Sound Production (5M2149)

                                           COURSE DESCRIPTION                          CERTIFICATION
COURSE CONTENT                             A full-time course for students             ●●QQI Level 5 - Sound Production
                                           interested in a career in music/sound         (5M2149)
●●Sound Engineering &                      engineering/music promotion and
  Production                               journalism. The course examines             PROGRESSION
●●Music Industry Studies                   the music industry with a particular        The full QQI Level 5 Certificate
                                           emphasis on visual and sound                facilitates entry, on a competitive basis,
●●Music Technology
                                           technologies and music production as        to a range of third level institutions
●●Digital Video Editing                    well as audio production for film and the   nationwide. Further details are
●●Radio Programme                          games industry. Students have access        available from the relevant institutions.
  Production                               to an on-campus sound recording             Successful completion of this course
●●Communications                           studio and radio production facility as     will facilitate progression to related
●●Work Experience                          part of their training programme.           courses at Ballyfermot College of
                                           This course is the ideal foundation for     Further Education and will also facilitate
●●Image Processing
                                           a broad range of third level courses in     entry to Level 6 and 7 courses in related
                                           the humanities, music, visual design,       areas. In addition our Level 6 Advanced
CAREER PROSPECTS                           game design, Internet related degrees       Audio Visual Media programme offers
                                           and video production. It also provides      on-site progression for students on
                                           students with the necessary skills to       this course.
●●Sound Engineering
                                           create, record, master and promote          ●●Specific progression links are
●●Music Journalism                         their own music independently.                available with WIT and IT Carlow for
●●Local Radio                                                                            this course (see page 49).
●●Music Promotion                          MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
●●D.J.                                     ●●Leaving Certificate/ Leaving              SOFTWARE
●●Game Audio Production                      Certificate Applied or equivalent.        ●●Cubase 7
                                           ●●Successful completion of interview.       ●●Abelton Live 9 Suite
●●Film Audio Production
                                           One year                                    ADDITIONAL COSTS
                                                                                       Course equipment €50 approx.

                                                                  N.B.: Due to ongoing developments in QQI awards, names and
   www.facebook.com/WaterfordCFE                                  content are subject to change.

      8      Waterford College of
             Further Education      2019
                                                                     Apply online at: www.wcfe.ie
                                            QQI Level 6 - Advanced Certificate in Media Production (6M5130)

                                                                                         COURSE CONTENT

                                                                                         ●●Radio Documentary
COURSE DESCRIPTION                           in the humanities, film, game design,
An exciting and experimental course          sound and music production, research,         Production
for the digital age, ideally suited to       writing and broadcasting.                   ●●Documentary Production
anyone who wishes to pursue a career                                                       (Visual)
in journalism, music, game design,           DURATION                                    ●●Multimedia Sound
visual arts or creative multimedia. It       One Year                                    ●●Sound Engineering and
will focus on documentary production
                                                                                           Music Technology
and story-telling, communication             CERTIFICATION
through waveform and music, creation         ●●QQI Level 6 - Advanced Certificate        ●●Media Ethics and Legal
of soundscapes for games and film              in Media Production (6M5130)                Framework
and experimentation with audio/                                                          ●●Media Industry Awareness
visual technology. Students will be          MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                  ●●Communications
encouraged to experiment with                ●●Applicants should have successfully       ●●Work Experience
modern modes of communication to               completed a QQI Level 5 Certificate,
create new sensory experiences for the         ideally in any of the following areas;
audience. The course will foster creative      Media, Sound Production, Art Craft
                                                                                         CAREER PROSPECTS
communication using perspective,               & Design, Multimedia, Photography.
digital platforms and mixed media. It        ●●Successful completion of interview.       ●●Media / Multimedia
will examine how reality is documented                                                     Production Company
and created and will also look at            PROGRESSION                                 ●●Online Journalism
how individuals construct alternative        The full QQI Level 6 Award facilitates      ●●Broadcast Journalism
realities within the world of gaming,        entry, on a competitive basis, to a range   ●●Music
advertising and social media. If you         of third level institutes nationwide.
                                                                                         ●●Broadcast Sound Engineering
have a story to tell, a sound to create,     Further details are available from the
a dimension to build or a new reality in     relevant institutes.                        ●●Sound Technician/ Sound
your head you will find this an engaging                                                   Engineering
and accessible course. It would also be      FACILITIES                                  ●●Game Design
ideal for those interested in setting up     Students enjoy access to a professional     ●●Creative Multimedia
their own media production company           recording studio and digital radio            Development
or furthering their studies in film,         facility on campus. Students may also
                                                                                         ●●Digital Advertising
broadcasting, music or multimedia            wish to avail of NUJ membership for
design. This course is the ideal platform    the duration of the course.                 ●●Visual Communications
for a broad range of third level courses                                                 ●●Audio/ Visual Installation
N.B.: Due to ongoing developments in QQI awards, names and
                                                                                         ●●Environment/ Sensory Design
content are subject to change.

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                                                                                                Further Education      9

●●Dermalogica Facial Treatments
●●Facial Electrical Treatment
●●Manicure & Pedicure                                             Andrea     Donoghue         (right)
●●Make-Up & High Fashion                                          represented Ireland in the beauty
                                                                  therapy section at the World
  Make-Up                                                         Skills in Brazil in September
                                                                  2015. Andrea was awarded the
●●Lash Extensions                                                 Medallion of Excellence.
●●Anatomy and Physiology                    COURSE DESCRIPTION                                          EXAMINING BODIES
●●Business & Salon Design                   This is a full-time course including both                   ●●ITEC ● QQI ● CIBTAC
  Studies                                   practical and theoretical training in
                                            aspects of beauty therapy.
                                            The course leads to diplomas of                             DURATION
CAREER PROSPECTS                                                                                        One year
                                            international recognition. We have
●●Health Spa/Leisure Centres                a high standard of training with our
●●Company Representative                    students receiving awards at National                       PROGRESSION
                                            and International Level, opening up a                       A pre-requisite for progression onto
●●Make-Up Artist
                                            wide range of employment opportunities                      Level 6 (Year 2) IPL, Microdermabrasion,
●●Cruise Liner Therapist                                                                                Body Treatments and Theatrical Make-
●●Beauty Salons                                                                                         Up with High Fashion/Photographic
●●Self-Employment                           MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                  Make-Up. Progression is dependant on
●●Teaching                                                                                              attainment of ITEC Beauty Specialist and
                                            ●●Leaving Certificate/Leaving Certificate                   ITEC Facial Electrics or CIBTAC Aesthetic
●●Skin Care Consultant
                                              Applied or equivalent.                                    Treatments or equivalent and successful
ADDITIONAL COURSES                          ●●Successful completion of interview.                       completion of an interview.
                                            ●●Biology is not a requirement.
●●Threading - Face/Brows -                  ●●Mature students welcome.                                  ADDITIONAL COSTS
  Certified                                                                                             ●●There are no college tuition fees,
                                                                                                          however the total cost of salon
●●Spray Tanning - Certified                 CERTIFICATION
                                                                                                          materials, exams and make-up kit
●●Specialised High Fashion                  ●●ITEC - Beauty Specialist Diploma
                                                                                                          amount to approximately €715.
  Make-Up - Certified                       ●●ITEC - Diploma in Facial Electrical
                                                                                                        ●●Additional costs for uniforms,
●●Lash Extensions - Certified                 Treatments                                                  training kit and books are
●●Shellac Nails - Certified                 ●●QQI Level 5 - Beauty Industry & Ethics                      approximately €625.
●●Gel Nails - Certified                       (5N3470)                                                  ●●College registration is a separate fee
●●Dermalogica Product Training              ●●CIBTAC - Diploma in Aesthetic                               and is NOT included in the above
  - Certified                                 Treatments                                                  fees.
●●Gel Nails & Shellac Nails

                 Follow us on Facebook: Beauty Therapy at Waterford College of Further Education
                 Follow us on instagram @wcfetheatricalmakeup and @beauty_therapy_at_wcfe
   www.facebook.com/WaterfordCFE                                       N.B.: Due to ongoing developments in QQI awards, names and content
                                                                       are subject to change.

     10       Waterford College of
              Further Education      2019
                                                                            Apply online at: www.wcfe.ie
                                                                                                   (with Spa Treatments)

                                                                                                   COURSE CONTENT

                                                                                                   ●●Theatrical Make-Up, High
                                                                                                     Fashion & Photographic
COURSE DESCRIPTION                                     DURATION                                      Make-Up
This is a full time course including practical and     1 Year                                      ●●Laser IPL +
theoretical training in aspects of Beauty & Body                                                     Microdermabrasion
Therapy. This course leads to internationally          EXAMINING BODIES                            ●●Body Massage/Body Electrics
recognised qualifications. We have a high
                                                       ●●ITEC ● CIDESCO ● QQI                      ●●Spa Treatments - Body Polish/
standard of training with our students regularly
receiving awards at National and International                                                       Mud Wraps
Level, opening up a wide range of employment           ADDITIONAL COSTS                            ●●Salon Work Experience
opportunities worldwide.                               There are no college tuition fees,
                                                       however the total cost over the year for
                                                       salon materials is €475. Books, kits, and
                                                                                                   CAREER PROSPECTS
MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                             college registration are not included in
●● ITEC Beauty Specialist & ITEC Facial Electrics or   these fees. Examination fees amount to      ●●Make-Up Artist
   equivalent together with successful interview.      approximately €600.                         ●●Laser Clinic Therapist
●●Mature students welcome with the above
                                                                                                   ●●Skincare Consultant
   pre-requisite and a successful interview.
                                                       NOTE                                        ●●Teaching
●●Students can transfer from other colleges
                                                       New students to W.C.F.E. will need to       ●●Self-Employment
   provided they have the above pre-requisite
                                                       purchase uniform, towels, kits and books.
   and a successful interview.                                                                     ●●Spa/Leisure Centre
                                                                                                   ●●Company Representative
CERTIFICATION                                          Progression onto the Alternative Health     ●●Cruise Liner
●●CIDESCO - Beauty Therapy International               & Well-Being Therapies course is            ●●Qualifications to travel
  Diploma                                              dependent on a successful interview.          Internationally
●●ITEC - ITEC Certificate in Spa Treatments            Alternative Health & Well-Being
●●ITEC – Diploma in Microdermabrasion                  Therapies enables the student to build      ADDITIONAL COURSES
●●QQI Level 6 - Theatre & Film Make-Up with            on their knowledge and qualifications       (OPTIONAL)
  High Fashion & Photographic Make-Up                  and includes ITEC Reflexology, QQI Level
  (6N4700)                                             5 in Nutrition and QQI Level 6 in Indian    ●●Advanced Waxing - Certified
●●ITEC – Diploma in Intense Pulse Light (IPL)          Head Massage.
                                                                                                   ●●Gel Nails - Certified
                                                                                                   ●●Lash Extensions & High
Follow us on Facebook: Beauty Therapy at Waterford College of Further Education                      Definition Brows - Certified
Follow us on instagram @wcfetheatricalmakeup and @beauty_therapy_at_wcfe                           ●●Make-Up Workshops with
                                                                                                     MUA’s from current film sets
N.B.: Due to ongoing developments in QQI awards, names and
                                                                                                     from around the world
content are subject to change.

   Education, Excellence, Opportunity                                                              2019
                                                                                                           Waterford College of
                                                                                                           Further Education      11

                                           COURSE DESCRIPTION                          WORK EXPERIENCE
                                           This is a full-time course which involves   ●●One day per week
                                           on- and off-the-job intensive training.     ●●Two week block in December
●●Hairdressing Practical
                                           It provides students with the range
●●Hairdressing Theory
                                           of practical skills and theoretical         PROGRESSION
●●Hairdressing Science
                                           knowledge required for the hairdressing     Successful completion of Hairdressing
●●Work Experience
                                           industry. Training is provided in two       Year 1 provides entry to the
●●Customer Service
                                           fully-equipped modern salons. As part       Hairdressing Year 2 course.
                                           of this course, other experts from the
●●Safety and Health
                                           industry hold workshops with the class
●●Skin Care, Eye Treatments                                                            ADDITIONAL COSTS
                                           throughout the year.
  and Make-Up                                                                          There are no college tuition fees,
                                                                                       however course fees and salon
                                           CERTIFICATION                               materials amount to €400. Exam fees
                                           ●●QQI - Level 5 Hairdressing Certificate    are €100. Students are also required
                                             (5M3351)                                  to purchase a hairdressing kit, costing
●●Hair Salon - 2nd Year
                                           ●●Department of Education & Skills          approx. €350 and books of approx.
                                             Junior Trade Certificate                  €50. Uniforms will cost €70.
●●Cruise Liner
●●Company Representative
                                           MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
●●Hair Retail Outlet
                                           ●●Leaving Certificate/LC Applied
                                           ●●Successful completion of interview
                                           ●●Mature students welcome

                                                                 N.B.: Due to ongoing developments in QQI awards, names and
   www.facebook.com/WaterfordCFE                                 content are subject to change.

     12      Waterford College of
             Further Education      2019
                                                                     Apply online at: www.wcfe.ie

COURSE DESCRIPTION                              CERTIFICATION
                                                                                             COURSE CONTENT
This is a full-time course which involves       ●●QQI Component Certificate at Levels
on- and off-the-job intensive training.           5&6
                                                                                             ●●Hairdressing Theory & Practice
It provides students with the range of          ●●Department of Education & Skills
                                                                                             ●●Hairdressing Science
practical skills and theoretical knowledge        Senior Trade Certificate (Level 6)         ●●Creative Styling (5N3347)
required for the hairdressing industry, with
                                                                                             ●●Barbering (5N3348)
internationally recognised certification.
                                                MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                   ●●Theatre & Film Make-Up
Training is provided in two fully-equipped
                                                Successful completion of Hairdressing          (6N4700)
modern salons.
                                                Year 1 course with a Pass (minimum) in       ●●On Site Massage (6N3478)
                                                Hairdressing Science and Hairdressing
Throughout the year, other leading
                                                Theory and Practice.                         CAREER PROSPECTS
experts from the industry will hold
workshops        in   cutting,     colouring,
                                                WORK EXPERIENCE                              ●●Hair Salon -
barbering, up-styling and hair extensions.
                                                ●●One day per week                             Senior Apprenticeship
Students may be brought to shows as
                                                ●●Two week block in December                 ●●Cruise Liner
part of their training and will also have the
opportunity to enter Hair Competitions.                                                      ●●Company Representative
                                                ADDITIONAL COSTS                             ●●Hair Retail Outlet
The Hairdressing students enter National        There are no college tuition fees, however   ●●Colour Technician
Hairdressing Competitions annually, with        course fees amount to €300. Exam fees        ●●Perm Technician
WCFE having had many winners over               are €100. Year 1 kit and books will be       ●●Progress to further studies
the years. Competition training and             used again in Year 2. Additional courses
workshops with leading hairdressers are         will amount to €150 and a Barbering kit
included in the Year 2 course.                  will also be required at a cost of approx.

N.B.: Due to ongoing developments in QQI awards, names and
content are subject to change.

   Education, Excellence, Opportunity                                                        2019
                                                                                                     Waterford College of
                                                                                                     Further Education      13

                                            COURSE DESCRIPTION                                ADDITIONAL COSTS
COURSE CONTENT                              This is a full-time course leading to            There are no college tuition fees, however
                                            professional qualifications. Students will       the total cost over the year for uniforms
●●Holistic Massage                          receive a sound knowledge of Holistic            and salon materials is approx. €355. Salon
●●Reflexology                               Therapies from ancient philosophies to           shoes, books, kits and college registration
●●Indian Head Massage                       modern day teaching. As part of their            are not included in the above fees.
●●Nutrition                                 training, students will learn to take a
                                                                                             Examination fees amount to an additional
                                            holistic approach, treating body, mind
●●Anatomy and Physiology                                                                     cost of €230. The fees for Reiki Levels 1 &
                                            and spirit, thereby guiding their client
●●Business Studies                          towards better health and general well-          2, Crystal Therapy, Radiation Relief and
●●Yoga/Meditation                           being.                                           Mindfulness & Well-Being have not been
  non-certified                                                                              included in the fees. Students will be
                                            MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                       advised in September regarding the cost
                                            ●●Leaving Certificate/Leaving Certificate        of these workshops.
                                              Applied or Equivalent.
                                            ●●Successful completion of interview.
●●Qualifications to travel                  ●●Mature students welcome.
●●Self-Employment                           EXAMINING BODIES
●●Massage Therapist                         ●●ITEC                                                        ADDITIONAL COURSES
                                            ●●QQI                                                         (OPTIONAL)
                                                                                                          Certified / Non-Certified
●●Indian Head Massage
  Therapist                                 One year                                                      ●●Reiki Levels 1 & 2
●●Freelance – Hospitals, Care                                                                             ●●Mindfulness & Well-Being
  Centres, Hospices                         CERTIFICATION                                                 ●●Crystal Therapy
●●Cruise Liners                             ●●ITEC – Diploma in Holistic Massage
                                                                                                          ●●Radiation Relief – Chemo Care
●●Spas/Health Centre                        ●●ITEC – Diploma in Reflexology
                                            ●●QQI – Nutrition Level 5 (5N2006)                              Oncology Massage (pending
●●Holistic Centres                                                                                          sufficient numbers)
                                            ●●QQI – Indian Head Massage Level 6

                                                                     Follow us on Facebook: Beauty Therapy at Waterford College of Further Education

                                                                     N.B.: Due to ongoing developments in QQI awards, names and
   www.facebook.com/WaterfordCFE                                     content are subject to change.

     14       Waterford College of
              Further Education      2019
                                                                        Apply online at: www.wcfe.ie
QQI Level 5 - Business Studies (5M2102)

                                                                                           COURSE CONTENT
An intensive full-time course which will    ●●The full QQI Level 5 Certificate will also
provide students with the knowledge           qualify for entry to the WCFE Level 6
                                              Advanced Certificate in Business.            ●●Business Administration Skills
and skills to work in a business
                                            ●●The full QQI Level 5 Certificate             ●●Book-keeping (Manual and
environment. This course in business
                                              facilitates entry, on a competitive            Computerised)
studies gives the student a solid
                                              basis, to a range of third-level             ●●Communications
foundation in the academic, practical
                                              institutions    nationwide.      Further     ●●Payroll (Manual and
and personal skills required for a career
                                              details are available from the relevant        Computerised)
in the business area.
                                              institutions.                                ●●Start your own Business
                                            ●●Specific progression pathways to WIT           (Optional)
                                              and IT Carlow are agreed (see page 49).      ●●Word Processing/
●●Leaving Certificate/Leaving
  Certificate Applied or equivalent.                                                         Text Production
                                            WORK EXPERIENCE
●●Successful completion of interview.                                                      ●●Work Experience
                                            Work experience placement in a range
●●Mature applicants are welcome.                                                           ●●Spreadsheets Methods
                                            of local office environments is an
                                                                                           ●●Marketing Practice
                                            integral part of this course. Students
                                            must obtain one day per week work
●●QQI Level 5 - Business Studies            experience for the academic year in a          CAREER PROSPECTS
  (5M2102)                                  relevant environment. The day will be
                                            specified by the College.                      ●●Administration
                                                                                           ●●General Office Work
One Year                                    ADDITIONAL COSTS
                                                                                           ●●Customer Service
                                            There are no tuition fees, however costs
                                            of approx. €70 may be anticipated for
                                                                                           ●●Sales and Marketing

N.B.: Due to ongoing developments in QQI awards, names and
content are subject to change.

   Education, Excellence, Opportunity                                                      2019
                                                                                                   Waterford College of
                                                                                                   Further Education      15
                                                               QQI Level 6 - Advanced Certificate in Business (6M4985)

                                           COURSE DESCRIPTION                            PROGRESSION
                                           This is a full-time course designed to        ●●The full QQI Level 6 Certificate facilitates
                                           advance existing skills of students who         entry, on a competitive basis, to a range
●●Business Management
                                           have completed a business studies course.       of third-level institutions nationwide.
●●Communications                           Students will be required to attend classes     Further details are available from the
●●Work Experience                          on each weekday, from Monday to Friday.         relevant institutions.
                                                                                         ●●An agreement has been negotiated with
●●Sales Presentation                       Any enquiries can be directed to class
●●Applied Economics                                                                        WIT to accept WCFE Level 6 students to
                                           tutor Maurice Barry at mbarry@wcfe.ie
●●Statistics                                                                               Year 2 of the ordinary business degree,
                                                                                           subject to specified criteria (see page
                                           MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
CAREER PROSPECTS                                                                           49).
                                           ●●Successful completion of a QQI Level 5
                                                                                         ●●An agreement has been negotiated
                                             Certificate business or computing.
●●Business subjects, coupled                                                               with IT Carlow to accept WCFE Level
                                           ●●Successful completion of interview.
  with information technology,                                                             6 students who satisfy criteria directly
                                           ●●Applications from mature students will
  prepare students for a wide                                                              into second year of linked business
                                             be considered.
  range of career opportunities                                                            programmes (see page 49).
  at middle management level
                                           WORK EXPERIENCE
  in Finance, Management,                                                                DURATION
                                           Block placement with the dates to be
  Self-Employment and the                                                                One year
                                           decided. Opportunity for work-based
  Public Sector.
                                           experimental learning in the UK under
                                           Erasmus Plus Programme.                       ADDITIONAL COSTS
                                                                                         There are no tuition fees, however costs
                                                                                         of approx. €70 may be anticipated for
                                           ●●QQI Level 6 - Advanced Certificate in
                                             Business (6M4985)

                                                                    N.B.: Due to ongoing developments in QQI awards, names and
   www.facebook.com/WaterfordCFE                                    content are subject to change.

     16      Waterford College of
             Further Education      2019
                                                                        Apply online at: www.wcfe.ie
QQI Level 6 - Advanced Certificate in Accounting

COURSE DESCRIPTION                                 CERTIFICATION
                                                                                            COURSE CONTENT
The Accounting Technician Apprenticeship           ●●QQI Level 6 - Advanced Certificate
is a practical route to a career in accountancy      in Accounting
where you will earn while you learn on a two-                                             Year 1
                                                                                            ●●Financial Accounting
year, fully funded programme.                      DURATION
You get paid at least €18,000 a year and pay       2 years part time
                                                                                            ●●Business Management
no tuition costs.                                                                           ●●Law
Employers from industry, practice and the          PROGRESSION
public sector, offer two-year contracts on this    ●●Chartered Accountants Ireland        Year 2
National Apprenticeship programme.                   (CAI), the Association of              ●●Advanced Financial
You will work four days a week with the              Chartered Certified Accountants          Accounting
employer and study one day a week in college.        (ACCA), the Institute of Certified     ●●Advanced Taxation
                                                     Public Accountants (CPA) and           ●●Management Accounting
APPLICANTS                                           the Chartered Institute of             ●●Integrated Accounting
The apprenticeship is suitable for:                  Management Accountants (CIMA),           Systems
●●School-leavers (18-22 years old) who prefer        offer members of Accounting
  practical training to full-time academic study     Technicians Ireland substantial        CAREER PROSPECTS
  and students who thrive in an environment          exemptions.
  where they are putting learning into practice
                                                                                           ●●Accounting Technicians
  every day.
                                                                                             are employed throughout
●●Mature learners (aged 23 years or above)         NOTE: Applications are                    all levels of finance across
  who are looking to change career or move         on-line to Accounting
  into a finance role.                                                                       the public sector, industry,
                                                   Technician Apprenticeship.                private accountancy practices
●●Employees who are already working with a
  participating employer and who would like                                                  and self-employment.
  to move into a finance role.                                                             ●●They perform a wide
                                                                                             range of roles including
For information on eligibility and recruitment                                               bookkeeping, financial
phases visit:                                                                                accounting and budgeting,
www.accountingtechnicianapprenticeship.ie                                                    costing and credit control,
                                                                                             payroll administration and
                                                                                             tax returns.

   Education, Excellence, Opportunity                                                      2019
                                                                                                   Waterford College of
                                                                                                   Further Education      17
                     QQI Level 6 - Advanced Certificate in Auctioneering and Property Services - (6M20629)

                                                                                                   NEW COURSE

                                            COURSE DESCRIPTION                           PROGRESSION
                                            A two year apprenticeship programme          ●●The purpose of the programme is to offer
                                            for those interested in pursuing a career      a new route to a career in professional
 Year 1                                     in the Property Services sector. Learners      Auctioneering and Property Services
   ●●Valuations 1 & 2                       will be employed in Auctioneering, Estate
   ●●Estate Agency Skills                                                                  for learners who prefer a practical
                                            Agency, Property Management and
   ●●Estate Agency Practice                                                                training to a full time college course. It
   ●●Marketing and Customer                 Property letting firms. Learning will take
                                                                                           will also provide new options for those
     Service                                place in the company where students
                                                                                           already in employment who wish to
   ●●Economics for Property                 will work four days per week and attend
     Services                                                                              work in an area of Auctioneering, Estate
                                            WCFE one day per week. Learners will
   ●●ICT for Property Services                                                             Agency work, Property Management
                                            receive a salary for the duration of the
   ●●Professional Development                                                              and Letting Firms.
   ●●Law for Property Services
                                                                                         ●●On graduation learners will be eligible
 Year 2                                     MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                     to apply for a Property Services
   ●●Building Construction 1&2              ●●Leaving certificate in 5 leaving cert        Regulatory licence [PSRA].
   ●●Sales and Marketing                      subjects at O6/H7 or above.                ●●Learners will attend work placement 4
   ●●Property Management 1&2                                                               days a week and college 1 day per week,
   ●●Law for Property Services 2            ●●A level 5 QQI Cert in a Business
   ●●Professional Management                  discipline or equivalent.                    learners will earn the standard industry
     Capstone                               ●●Mature learner and applicants with           salary for incoming Auctioneering and
                                              relevant experience.                         Property Services Apprenticeships,
                                            ●●Successful completion of interview.          learners progress will be monitored in
NOTE: Subject to WWETB approval
                                                                                           the workplace and the college.
                                            ●●QQI Level 6 - Advanced Certificate in      DURATION
                                              Auctioneering and Property Services -      Two years part time

                                                                     N.B.: Due to ongoing developments in QQI awards, names and
    www.facebook.com/WaterfordCFE                                    content are subject to change.

       18     Waterford College of
              Further Education      2019
                                                                        Apply online at: www.wcfe.ie
QQI Level 5 - Construction Technology (5M5010)

                                                                                              COURSE CONTENT
This practical training programme is          ●●QQI Level 5 - Construction Technology
intended for students who wish to               (5M5010)
                                                                                             ●●Architectural Drawing
work in the carpentry/joinery, electrical,
                                                                                             ●●Building Construction
plumbing and block laying sectors of the      PROGRESSION
construction industry or who wish to seek     The full QQI Level 5 Certificate facilitates
                                                                                             ●●Computer-Aided Drawing
entry to Apprenticeships/SOLAS (FAS)/         entry, on a competitive basis, to a range
                                                                                             ●●Material Science
Further Training. It also prepares students   of third-level institutions nationwide.
                                                                                             ●●Work Experience
for progression to third-level.               Further details are available from the
                                                                                             ●●Safety and Health
                                              relevant institutions.
Sustainable Building                          ●●Specific progression links are available
The course will also give students access
                                                                                             CAREER PROSPECTS
                                                with WIT and IT Carlow for this course
to new technologies used in the building        (see page 49).
sector, such as thermographic imaging                                                         ●●Carpenter
and insulation systems and processes.                                                         ●●Plasterer
                                              WORK EXPERIENCE
                                              Work experience placement is an integral
MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                                                                    ●●Blockerlayer
                                              part of this course. Students must obtain
                                                                                              ●●CAD Technician
●●Leaving Certificate/Leaving Applied or      one day per week work experience for the
  equivalent.                                 academic year. The day will be specified
●●Successful completion of interview.                                                         A SafePass is required
                                              by the College.
                                                                                              for anyone entering a
                                                                                              construction site to work. For
DURATION                                      ADDITIONAL COSTS                                those who do not have one,
One year                                      €75 approximately (Safe Pass). A Safe           we will organise a Safe Pass
                                              Pass is needed for this course. For those       course in October.
                                              who do not have one, we will organise a
                                              Safe Pass course in October.

N.B.: Due to ongoing developments in QQI awards, names and
content are subject to change.

   Education, Excellence, Opportunity                                                        2019
                                                                                                     Waterford College of
                                                                                                     Further Education      19
                                                         QQI Level 5 - Computer Systems and Networks (5M0536)

                                           COURSE DESCRIPTION                         PROGRESSION
                                           This full-time course is designed          The full QQI Level 5 Certificate facilitates
                                           to give students the opportunity           entry, on a competitive basis, to a range
●●Computer Systems Hardware
                                           to acquire the skills necessary to         of third-level institutions nationwide.
●●Operating Systems
                                           implement and support PC systems           Further details are available from the
●●Networking Essentials
                                           and networks. This course specifically     relevant institutions.
●●ICT Security Policy
                                           prepares participants for careers within   ●●Specific progression links are
                                           computer maintenance and technical           available with WIT and IT Carlow for
●●Programming Design
                                           support.                                     this course (see page 49).
●●Maths for Information
                                           MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                 WORK EXPERIENCE
                                           ●●Leaving Certificate/Leaving              Work experience placement is an
●●Work Experience                            Certificate Applied or equivalent.       integral part of this course. Students
●●Web Design                               ●●Successful completion of interview.      must obtain one day per week work
                                           ●●Applications from mature students        experience for the academic year in a
                                             will be considered.                      computing environment. The day will
CAREER PROSPECTS                                                                      be specified by the College.
●●In-house Computer                                                                   ADDITIONAL COSTS
                                           One year
  Maintenance                                                                         Course equipment and books
●●Network and Computer                                                                €100 approximately.
                                           ●●QQI Level 5 - Computer Systems
●●Technical Support Sectors
                                             and Networks (5M0536)
●●Network Support Sectors
●●PC Manufacturing
●●Field Service Technician

                                                                N.B.: Due to ongoing developments in QQI awards, names and
   www.facebook.com/WaterfordCFE                                content are subject to change.

     20      Waterford College of
             Further Education      2019
                                                                   Apply online at: www.wcfe.ie
QQI Level 5 - Multimedia Production (5M2146)

                                                                                            COURSE CONTENT
Multimedia involves the use of a            The full QQI Level 5 Certificate facilitates
combination of media such as sound,         entry, on a competitive basis, to a range
video, film, animation, graphics and                                                        ●●Design
                                            of third-level institutions nationwide.
artwork in the production of graphic                                                        ●●Video
                                            Further details are available from the
design, computer games, websites or                                                         ●●Web Authoring
                                            relevant institutions.
advertisements. This full-time course                                                       ●●Image Processing
                                            WCFE has an annual agreement with LIT
aims to introduce students to the use                                                       ●●Multimedia Authoring
                                            (Clonmel) in relation to progression from
of multimedia computing in a range of                                                       ●●Multimedia Project
design and production areas. Students       this Multimedia Course.
gain skills in industry computer packages   ●●Specific progression links are available
                                                                                            ●●Work Experience
such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash,         with WIT for this course (see page 49).
Adobe Dreamweaver and Adobe Premier
Pro.                                        WORK EXPERIENCE
                                                                                            CAREER PROSPECTS
                                            Work experience placement in a range of
                                            local business environments is an integral
●●Leaving Certificate/Leaving Certificate                                                   ●●Web Design
                                            part of this course. Students must obtain
  Applied or equivalent.                                                                    ●●Multimedia Production
                                            one day per week work experience for the
●●Successful completion of interview.                                                       ●●Software Production
                                            academic year. The day will be specified
●●Applications from mature students will                                                    ●●Interactive Instructional
  be considered.                            by the College.

DURATION                                    ADDITIONAL COSTS
One year                                    €100 approximately.

●●QQI Level 5 - Multimedia Production

N.B.: Due to ongoing developments in QQI awards, names and
content are subject to change.

   Education, Excellence, Opportunity                                                      2019
                                                                                                   Waterford College of
                                                                                                   Further Education      21
                                                                                QQI Level 5 - Electronic Technology (CELTX)

                                            COURSE DESCRIPTION                           PROGRESSION
                                            Electronic technology is the driving         The full QQI Level 5 Certificate facilitates
●●Electronics Digital                       force behind the development of the          entry, on a competitive basis, to a range
●●Electronics Analogue                      world’s information technology. It           of third-level institutions nationwide.
●●Intruder Alarms and Access                develops the way electricity is used         Further details are available from the
  Control                                   to control equipment in the fields of        relevant institutions.
●●Maths for Engineering                     medicine, communications, computing,         ●●Specific progression links are available
●●Communications                            manufacturing, security, business and          with WIT and IT Carlow for this course
●●Work Experience                           entertainment. This full-time course           (see page 49).
●●Computer-Aided Design
                                            prepares students for a career in the
●●Materials Science
                                            electrical or electronic industries, as      ADDITIONAL COSTS
●●Emerging Technology
                                            well as facilitating entry into a range of   Approximately €50 for books and
                                            engineering disciplines at third level.      equipment. Safe Pass may be needed
                                                                                         which will cost approx. €70.
●●TV and Video Servicing                    MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
●●Alarm Installation                        ●●Leaving Certificate/Leaving Certificate    WORK EXPERIENCE
●●Alarm Maintenance                           Applied or equivalent.                     Work experience placement in a related
●●Electronic Technicians                    ●●Successful completion of interview.        vocational area is an integral part of
●●Electricians                                                                           this course. Students must obtain one
●●Process Technicians
                                            DURATION                                     day per week work experience for the
●●Maintenance Technicians
                                            One year                                     academic year. The day will be specified
                                                                                         by the College.
The course will give students               CERTIFICATION
practical access to some of the             ●●QQI Level 5 - Electronic Technology
latest emerging technologies such
as Robotics, Microcontrollers and
3D printing.

                                                                     N.B.: Due to ongoing developments in QQI awards, names and
   www.facebook.com/WaterfordCFE                                     content are subject to change.

     22       Waterford College of
              Further Education      2019
                                                                         Apply online at: www.wcfe.ie
QQI Level 5 - Animal Care (5M2768)

COURSE DESCRIPTION                           PROGRESSION
                                                                                              COURSE CONTENT
A one year course of specific interest to    The full QQI level 5 certification facilitates
applicants wishing to pursue a career in     entry, on a competitive basis, to a range        ●●Animal Grooming
the Dog Grooming/Animal Husbandry            of third level institutions nationwide           ●●Small Animal Husbandry
industry. Applicants will study a range      and QQI Level 6 Animal Science/Canine            ●●Animal Welfare
of subjects relating to animal care and      Studies.                                         ●●Animal Anatomy and
grooming. Emphasis will be placed on the                                                        Physiology
                                                                                              ●●Animal Behaviour
skills and practices required to work in a   WORK EXPERIENCE
                                                                                              ●●Customer Service
modern dog grooming studio.                  Work experience placement is an integral
                                                                                              ●●Work Experience
                                             part of this course. Students must obtain        ●●Communications
MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                   one day per week work experience for the
●●Successful   completion    of   Leaving    academic year. The day will be specified         CAREER PROSPECTS
 Certificate/Leaving Certificate Applied.    by the College.
●●Mature students and applicants with                                                         ●●Grooming Studios
 prior learning will also be considered.     COSTS                                            ●●Dog/Cattery Kennels
                                             The total cost of course materials               ●●Vet Clinics
DURATION                                     including kit, uniform and supplies is           ●●Animal Sanctuaries
One year                                     €250. These costs must be added to the           ●●Self Employment
                                             normal registration and government fees          ●●Further/Third Level
                                             as outlined on page 1. These costs must            Education
●●QQI Level 5 - Animal Care (5M2768)         be paid at registration.

N.B.: Due to ongoing developments in QQI awards, names and
content are subject to change.

   Education, Excellence, Opportunity                                                         2019
                                                                                                     Waterford College of
                                                                                                     Further Education      23
QQI Level 5 - Animal Care (5M2768)

                                          COURSE DESCRIPTION                           PROGRESSION
                                          A one year course of specific interest to    The full QQI level 5 certification facilitates
●●Animal Grooming                         applicants wishing to pursue a career in     entry, on a competitive basis, to a range
●●Small Animal Care                       the Dog Grooming/Animal Care industry.       of third level institutions nationwide
●●Animal Welfare                          Applicants will study a range of subjects    and QQI Level 6 Animal Science/Canine
●●Animal Anatomy and                      relating to animal care and grooming.        Studies.
  Physiology                              Emphasis will be placed on the skills and
●●Animal Behaviour
                                          practices required to pursue a career in     WORK EXPERIENCE
●●Customer Service
                                          animal care and allow for progression to     Work experience placement is an integral
●●Work Experience
●●Communications                          both Veterinary Nursing and Science at       part of this course. Students must obtain
●●Maths                                   Third level.                                 one day per week work experience for the
●●Biology                                                                              academic year. The day will be specified
●●Work Processing                         MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS                   by the College.
                                          ●●Successful   completion     of   Leaving
CAREER PROSPECTS                            Certificate/Leaving Certificate Applied.   COSTS
                                          ●●Mature students and applicants with        The total cost of course materials,
●●Grooming Studios                                                                     including kit, uniform and supplies is
                                            prior learning will also be considered.
●●Dog/Cattery Kennels                                                                  €250. These costs must be added to the
●●Vet Clinics
                                          DURATION                                     normal registration and government fees
●●Animal Sanctuaries
                                          One year                                     as outlined on page 1. These costs must
●●Self Employment
●●Further/Third Level                                                                  be paid at registration.
  Education                               CERTIFICATION
                                          ●●QQI Level 5 - Animal Care (5M2768)

                                                                    N.B.: Due to ongoing developments in QQI awards, names and
  www.facebook.com/WaterfordCFE                                     content are subject to change.

    24      Waterford College of
            Further Education      2019
                                                                       Apply online at: www.wcfe.ie
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