RANJI IN TOUCH - Kranji Secondary School

Page created by Karen Moody
RANJI IN TOUCH - Kranji Secondary School
                                     IN TOUCH                                              Newsletter                     Issue 2, Oct 2013

We are proud to share that Kranji Secondary has been affirmed            Secondary 2 students undertake Project Work, where they apply
as a niche school under the MOE Peaks of Excellence Framework            the Innovation Protocol cycle to work on an interdisciplinary
in 2013. This is in recognition of our efforts and demonstrated          project that requires planning, teamwork, research and critical
strength in Nurturing Communities of Reflective and Independent          thinking. They are also required to present, justify and defend their
Learners through Thinking Curriculum.                                    proposals orally at the final presentation. In order to increase the
                                                                         richness of their thinking, we have infused Thinking Routines into
Under the Thinking Curriculum, Secondary 1 students are exposed          Project Work as a form of spiral progression.
to Thinking Routines, which are simple protocols for exploring ideas
with a view to making students’ thinking visible to themselves and       At Secondary 3, students consider the challenges of living in a
others so that they can improve it.  To maximise their effectiveness,    multi-ethnic society and ways to cope with the challenges, using
Thinking Routines are integrated across the various subjects at          Thinking Routines to identify and focus on issues or problems.
lower secondary.
                                                                                                                            - Mr Koh Yi-Huak

This year, we celebrated Teachers’ & EAS Day 2013 at Joy Garden
Restaurant, SAFRA (Jurong), on 5 September 2013. The theme for
this year’s celebration was “Polka Dots & Stripes - Agogo!”

Upon arrival at the event venue, the staff were greeted by a specially
decorated photo booth where they could dress up using props and
take pictures with their colleagues. Our SAC chairperson, Mr Low Peng
Kit and his team members, Mr Peter Seah, Mr Patrick Tan, Mr Chua
Kian Ho and Mr Toh Kok Hui, together with our PSG chairperson, Ms
Jacqueline Lee and her committee members, Ms Michelle Khoo and
Ms Callie Liew, were there to grace our event!

Highlights of the event include the Inter-department Karaoke
Competition, The Kranji Star Awards for Staff, exciting games and
lucky draw!
                                                  - Mr Tan Hui Juai

“This year’s celebration was great! The decoration and door gifts
fit the theme well! It was also easy for staff to participate in the
Inter-department Karaoke Competition because the venue was
equipped with a Karaoke system!”
                                                   - Ms Adely Chen

“I liked the idea of the photo booth which allowed us to pose for
photos! The staff and teachers were game enough to perform
during the competition! The event was thoroughly enjoyable!”
                                                     - Ms May Ng

“I had a blast pretending to be 16! It was great fun and always
nice to spend quality time with good friends!”
                                                - Mdm Rosmiliah

RANJI IN TOUCH - Kranji Secondary School
                AND PROGRAMMES
         Student I-Day 2013 was the day for students to showcase their      impressed with their creative and interesting ideas for their
         innovations in Thinking Routines and Project Work. It was held     ideal cities. It was indeed a fruitful day of learning for the lower
         on 27 May 2013. With the theme of “Innovative, Inventive           secondary students.”
         and Infinite Possibilities”, this annual event gave students the
         opportunity to present their innovative products to the rest of    Julia Tan from 2K4 said, “When our group was selected to present
         the school community.                                              our project work to other lower secondary students, we wanted
                                                                            to make sure we do a good job. Prior to the presentation, we
         Atikah Bte Hassan from 2K5 shared, “Student I-Day was one          perfected our scripts and practised
         of the most memorable school events I have participated            delivering our parts. On the actual
         in, because it was very enriching and meaningful. I was a          day, we told ourselves we would
         participant going around classes to learn more about their         do our best. When it was our turn
         innovations, particularly the construction of ideal cities. The    to present, we did well. Even
         presentations were well-delivered with realistic ideas, showing    though we were very nervous, we
         evidence of meticulous research. Other than absorbing a            gave a good presentation to the
         great amount of knowledge, I found that the work put into          student audience. Overall, it was a
         these presentations was impressive. The groups’ enthusiasm         successful presentation.”
         was admirable and inspiring. We certainly have talented
         Kranjians who possess a flair for public speaking.”

         Gordon Tan from 2K5 also felt the same way as Atikah. “Student
         I-Day 2013 was a great success. As I made my way from class
         to class to view the presentations, the sight of presenters

                                                                                             Student I-Day
         gesturing to their audiences animatedly, proudly showcasing
         their products, was exciting. Our students clearly have a lot of
         creativity, and that day was their day to shine. They presented
         their very own innovations with enthusiasm and pride. I was

                                                   每当有人提到“拉沙!               原来现在的Rumah Bebe 就是以前的郑万源购物中心啊!
                                                   都会毫不犹豫地回应                接着,我们来到了东海岸路旁的圣家堂。我们必须拍摄一个三十秒的短
                                                   道:“这不就是在说加               片,挑选一名组员以导游的身份来讲解教堂的历史。原来,圣家堂是由
                                                   东吗?”                     1902年初生活在丹绒加东的四个欧亚家庭创立。而教堂最独特的是,大厅
                                                   加东,是土生华人中产               个场景。我组看了平板电脑上的说明后,讨论要背下哪些资料,整理了差
                                                   阶级,以及富商的聚居               不多十分钟,我们终于写出了新闻稿,可以进行录影了。利用平板电脑录
                                                   地。什么是土生华人                影,操作十分方便,影像也很快就上载成功,我们也就很快地完成第二项
                                                   呢? 土生华人,即17世             任务。
                                                   地的移民与马来群岛的               只剩下一个半小时了!我们就快步走到下一个任务——珍美真。珍美真是
                                                   非回教徒居民所生的后               一间老式咖啡店,已经有了六十年的历史,通常售卖一些传统食物,如土
                                                   代。从小在西区长大,               司面包、蛋挞、糕点、烧饼等,令人垂涎三尺!我们必须用平板电脑为其
                                                   很想到加东走一走的我               中一种食物作出简单的介绍,说明它的来历。我们一边打字,一边望着桌
                                                   们,终于如愿以偿,因               上的食物,看起来真是美味可口,我们看了都想流口水。在那一站,我们
                                                   为我校今年计划让学生               了解了四种传统美食的原产国和起源,真是获益不浅 !
                                                   习,母语部选择富有多               接着,就是该让味蕾享受的时候了!我们来到Glory ——专卖娘惹糕点的
                                                   元文化色彩的加东为学               店。我们必须凭着吃糕点来猜那糕点使用了什么食材。亲切友善的卖糕点
                                                   习点,让学生更了解土               的大婶,特地给我们作详细的介绍,我们一边听她滔滔不绝地说着,一边
                                                   生华人的文化,而我们               忙着把她所说的话,都打进平板电脑里,也对她敬佩不已。的确,店里售
                                                   很幸运被老师选中去加               卖的糕点十分好吃,尤其是九层糕,让我们能够吃出娘惹的味道。有些组
                                                   东探索!                     员还买一些糕点回家与家人分享。Glory 的糕点真是令人赞不绝口 。

        我们利用学校提供的平板电脑进行活动。我们必须在两小时内完成八项                                     吃了一些糕点后,现在就有力气再步行到其它地方去了!下一个任务是要
        任务。这可说是我们第一次用平板电脑进行学习任务,喜欢用高科技产                                     去拍东海岸路旁的排屋,而且要是找含有马来、中国、土生华人和欧洲传
        品的我们当然十分兴奋!                                                         统文化的店屋。糟糕!这整条街旁都是店屋,但哪一种店屋才是马来文化
                                                                            的,哪一种店屋才是欧洲文化的呢? 仔细观察才发现店屋上的花纹不同,
        刚开始,我们的组不会用平板电脑,第一个任务就已难倒我们了。多亏                                     就觉得很容易辨认了。例如:欧洲新古典主义风格的壁柱和图案;木雕花
        有另一组同学的帮忙,我们很快就学会操作平板电脑。                                            板、封檐板、百叶、屏幕和透雕等马来传统建筑特色;另有中国的传统神
        我组的第一个任务是要到一间叫 ‘Rumah Bebe’ 的店。这间古董店                                等。我们便拍下这些不同的花纹,在五分钟内就把任务完成了。
        历史悠久,是由土生华人于 1928 年开设,专门保留一些如珠宝饰物、串
        珠、瓦器、刺绣及蜡染印花布织品等。而我们需要拍一些有关郑万源的                                     时光飞逝,只剩下半小时了!我们个个都十分紧张,就往下一个任务——
        证据,来证明郑万源在1948年曾是深受人们喜爱的购物城,我们才发现                                   豪华酒店奔去。我们必须依照酒店的外形,创作一首诗。写诗要有灵感,

2   Kranji IN TOUCH Newsletter 2013
RANJI IN TOUCH - Kranji Secondary School

                                                             Lawatan ke
                                                             Stesen Mediacorp
                                                             Lawatan ke stesen Mediacorp sangat menarik. Saya
                                                             mempelajari banyak maklumat tentang tugas seorang
                                                             juruhebah di radio. Untuk menjadi seorang juruhebah,
                                                             seseorang itu harus fasih dalam bahasa Melayu. Kita harus
                                                             sentiasa sihat dan tidak mudah jatuh sakit.

                                                             Setibanya kami di Mediacorp, kami dibawa ke sebuah bilik
                                                             radio. Dengan tidak membuang masa, Encik Tahar (TG)
                                                             membawa kami ke bilik pemantauan trafik (Traffic Watch). Di
                                                             bilik itu, kami dapat melihat semua jalan raya di SIngapura.
                                                             Kamera yang ada di merata Singapura itu sangat bagus.

                                                             Selepas itu, kami dibawa ke bilik konti radio Ria 89.7fm dan
                                                             Warna 94.2fm. Kedua-dua stesen radio ini berbeza. Stesen
                                                             radio Warna mengetengahkan lebih banyak perkongsian
                                                             tentang cerita-cerita lama manakala stesen radio Ria
                                                             lebih tertumpu pada hiburan. Kebanyakan pendengar
                                                             mendengar stesen radio Ria. Stesen itu lebih menghiburkan
                                                             kerana putaran lagu-lagu kontemporari sering dimainkan.
                                                             Kami juga berpeluang untuk berjumpa dengan juruhebah-
                                                             juruhebah di Ria dan Warna.

                                                             Seterusnya, kami dibawa pulang ke bilik radio. Kami dikehendaki
                                                             membaca satu perenggan berita dan merekodkan suara kami.
                                                             Saya berasa gementar apabila bercakap kerana berasa malu.

                                                             Pada pendapat saya, saya berasa beruntung mendapat
                                                             peluang ini kerana peluang sebegini tidak mudah didapati.
                                   - Raveen Prabhu (2K2)     Saya juga berasa gembira kerana saya dapat banyak
                                                             maklumat tentang pekerjaan ini.
                                                                                             - Ahmad Azizi B Azmi (3R2)

                                                             Pengalaman saya pergi ke Mediacorp amat menyeronokkan
                                                             dan tidak akan saya lupakan.

                                                             Perjalanan ke Mediacorp agak jauh. Walau bagaimanapun,
                                                             saya dan rakan-rakan bersabar dan menunggu arahan
                                                             selanjutnya yang akan diberikan oleh cikgu kami. Setelah
                                                             tiba di Mediacorp, kami diberi pelekat untuk ditampalkan
                                                             pada baju sekolah. Pelekat ini menandakan bahawa
                                                             kami merupakan pelawat dan telah diberi keizinan untuk
                                        - Siva Priya (2K2)   memasuki kawasan Mediacorp.

                                                             Kami dibahagikan kepada dua kumpulan. Kumpulan saya
                                                             dibawa ke konti radio Warna. Kami diberi peluang untuk melihat
                                                             bagaimana juruhebah menjalankan tugasnya. Juruhebah
                                                             itu sangat fasih berbahasa Melayu dan cara perbualannya
                                                             sangan mengkagumkan. Selepas itu, kami dibawa ke konti
                                                             radio Ria yang lebih menghiburkan bagi saya kerana radio Ria
的一站。                                                         memainkan lagu-lagu rancak dan juruhebah yang bertugas
                                                             dapat bergurau senda dengan para pendengar. Kami
最后,我们就到了加东商店外的走廊,要                                           diberikan peluang mengambil gambar.
屋的走廊宽度是五英尺,走五步就是走廊                                           Setelah itu, kami hanya dapat melihat beberapa stesen radio
的宽度。我们就用尺子量走廊的宽度,真                                           yang lain. Kami diberitahu bahawa Mediacorp mempunyai
的是五英尺耶!以后来加东,你们也不妨                                           13 stesen radio.
                                                             Kami menuju ke bilik berita untuk melihat bagaimana
我们终于在两个小时内完成了任务,腿都                                           berita-berita terkini dikendalikan. Pada masa yang saya,
走酸了。虽然大家都满头大汗,但都非常                                           kami menerima beberapa petunjuk tentang cara-cara
开心,因为我们在这次的文化之旅收获很                                           memperbaik penguasaan bahasa Melayu kami.
用平板电脑来学习。加东这个地方值得我                                           Kemudian, kami diberi peluang untuk merakamkan suara
们去探索,你还在等什么呢?快!快来认                                           kami ketika membaca sebuah artikel berita dan sebuah
识一下我国充满娘惹色彩的加东吧!                                             iklan. Kami diberikan sedikit kudapan setelah semuanya
                                                             selesai. Kami mengambil gambar dan mengucapkan terima
    - LIOW JIE SHENG 廖杰胜 (2K5)                               kasih lalu meninggalkan tempat itu.
   - TAI SIN YI, CINDY 戴欣宜 (2K5)                                                              - Ahmad Azizi B Azmi (3R2)

                                                                                               Kranji IN TOUCH Newsletter 2013   3
RANJI IN TOUCH - Kranji Secondary School
                 AND PROGRAMMES
     Buddy Up! – Student Sports Safety Programme
                                                       39 Kranjians made up of student       students participated in a mass walk followed by
                                                       leaders, CCA leaders and PE           indoor sports activities like table-tennis and pickle ball
                                                       representatives attended a course     with other members of the community, comprising of
                                                       on School Sports Safety conducted     active senior citizens drawn from various grassroots
                                                       by the Singapore Sports Council       committees in the west. Together with Sports Safety
                                                       (SSC) during the March holidays.      Champs from other schools, our students played
                                                                                             their role by buddying up with the senior citizens and
                                                  This initiative by SSC aims to             participated in the activities. Through this activity,
                                                  promote sports safety in school and        they exchanged pointers on sports safety despite the
                                                  students who attended this course          generation gap.
                                                  would be groomed as Sports
                                                  Safety Champs. Our students had            Our students had a fun and enriching experience.
                                                  a fun and engaging time during             The SSC officials were happy with the collaboration
                                                  the course. They were presented            and support that our school has given throughout
     with issues and case studies with regard to sports safety in the school context.        this initiative to raise awareness of sports safety in the
     On top of that, they also participated actively in a first aid activity, where they     school as well as the community.
     learnt basic rescue techniques to handle different scenarios.                                                                   - Miss Janne Low

     At the beginning of Term 3, our Sports Safety Champs put up a presentation and          “All the Sports Safety Champs were very enthusiastic
     skit for their peers during assembly to educate them about sports safety and the        about the program. We learnt many important things
     importance of fair play in sports. With minimal teacher’s supervision, our students     and had the opportunity to practise what we have
     managed to put up an impressive presentation and performance that was well              learnt with the senior citizens. I enjoyed my time and
     received by their peers.                                                                will strongly encourage other students to attend it!”
                                                                                                                                - Lim Zhan Yang (3K5)
     Another activity that our Sports Safety Champs took part in was the official
     launch of “Be Sports Safe. BUDDY Up” event at River Valley High School. Our

     Prefectorial Board
     Fund Raising for
     Needy Students
     It was a breakthrough for the Prefectorial Board to          Student Sports Committee
                                                                  Selection Camp 2013
     embark on our very first self-initiated project. The aim
     of this project is to provide a platform for all students
     to show their gratitude towards people whom they
     are grateful for. In addition, the project also provides
     a chance for students to apologise to anyone whom            The Student Sports Committee (SSC) conducted the Selection Camp from 6 to
     they might have offended in the past year. This project      7 July 2013. It was originally scheduled during the June holidays but due to the
     has definitely broadened the horizons of the prefects        haze, it was postponed to the first weekend of Term 3 instead.
     as they learnt how to run a project from scratch.
                                                                  The SSC Selection Camp was planned and conducted by the current Secondary
     “It was an enriching and fun experience. This was            3 SSC members. Nominated Secondary 2 students who were keen to join SSC were
     my first time taking part in a self-initiated event. I       invited to the camp. These Secondary 2 students were nominated by their class
     have learnt the need to always plan ahead and                mentors, CCA teachers or subject teachers based on their conduct, discipline, display
     the importance of teamwork. I had the opportunity            of values and leadership potential.
     to work with my seniors to plan and execute the
     project. We have forged stronger bonds. Finally, I           The aim of the camp was to create a challenging and strenuous ‘boot camp’
     realised true meaning of the phrase - One for all,           scenario which would bring out leadership qualities in the Secondary 2 students.
     all for one.”                                                “The most memorable part was definitely the trek from MacRitchie Reservoir back to
                                          - Lee Xuen (3K4)        the school,” says Nadine De Jong of 3K5, who was a group leader. “I was impressed
                                                                  to see the Secondary 2 students not giving up and pushing themselves to go on.”
     “I had a fun and enjoyable time manning the booth
     for this event. It was for a worthy cause and on top of      Besides physical tenacity and self-discipline, being good team players is also
     that, I was given the opportunity to experience the          important. “Without teamwork, my group and I would not have completed the
     camaraderie of friends working together towards a            activities. Without trust, we would not be able to communicate well as we would
     common goal.”                                                doubt each other,” says Low Wei Wen of 2K3.
                                           - Megan Ho (4K4)
                                                                  The Secondary 2 students were not the only ones who gained valuable experience
     “This self-initiated project has allowed me to interact      during the camp. The Secondary 3 students who were Camp Committee
     with many of my peers and I also got the chance to           members and group leaders also learnt important lessons in the planning and
     hone my leadership skills.”                                  the conduct of the camp. “Planning a camp is not easy,” says Amanda Goh of
                                          - Magnus Low (5R1)      3R1, who was the Secretary of the Camp Committee. “Not only do we have to
                                                                  plan the games, we must ensure the objectives and the safety precautions are
                                                                  looked into. Planning a camp is a team effort.”
                                                                                                                               - Mr Guay Hansen

4   Kranji IN TOUCH Newsletter 2013
RANJI IN TOUCH - Kranji Secondary School

Hosting of Korean students
(Suseo Middle School) by
the Humanities Department
In July this year, our Kranjians hosted a group of about 30 Korean students, who
were accompanied by their Principal and teachers. This was the Humanities
Department’s first student exchange programme conducted in conjunction with
Korea’s Suseo Middle School. The aim of the programme was to increase global
awareness of our Kranjians, and to improve their cross-cultural communication skills.

In this programme, selected Secondary 3 students opened up their homes to their             “This hosting experience is a once-in-a-lifetime
Korean guests, attended lessons with them, and enjoyed enriching field trips with           opportunity! I’m happy that I got Jun Yeong as a
their Korean friends. The Humanities Department also went all out to create a rich          hosting buddy as he really lightened things up!
cultural experience for our guests. We conducted a thinking skills lesson, gave them        He taught me that even though we are different
school tours, and even prepared a tantalising local fare for our Korean guests to           on the outside, we are very much the same on
savour! All in all, it was a precious 3 days of bonding with our foreign friends, and       the inside. Although he was young, he was very
gaining knowledge from beyond the classroom. I am sure our Kranjians cannot wait            knowledgeable. I will never ever forget him in
to visit our Korean friends too!                                                            my life!”
                                                                     - Miss Grace Sun
                                                                                                                   - Raveen Piragasam (3K2)
“There were many things that made this hosting experience really memorable. I
talked a lot with my buddy and it really bonded us. We talked about each other’s            “My friendship with my Korean buddy is very
countries, our lives, our interests, our favourite things and so much more. Through this    meaningful to me. My buddy has the same
homestay programme, I also got to know the hard and tiring process of taking care           character as me, and it was easy to communicate
of someone. I felt as if I was a mother at times. I had to ask her what she wanted          with her. We share common interests and having
to eat, whether she wanted to sleep, or if she was tired or hungry. However, it was         conversations with her was a piece of cake.
a really fun process. I wondered how my mother could take care of me everyday               When she left, I felt a part of me was lost. I miss
without complaints. I’m really happy because I’ve made more friends through this            the heart-to-talk and the laughter we shared! The
programme! I’m grateful for this fantastic opportunity to gain such a wonderful             hosting program has enabled me to make new
experience!”                                                                                friends from other countries and also understand
                                                                                            much more about the Korean culture.”
                                                                    - Nicola Mei (3K5)
                                                                                                                         - Phoon Phui Yi (3K3)

3A1’s Values-In-Action Trip to
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
28 students from 3A1, together with their Class Mentors, were given      “Besides helping out at the orphanage, we also got to learn the
the opportunity to take part in a 4D3N trip to Phnom Penh, Cambodia      history of the Killing Fields and the horrific past of Cambodia’s Civil
to engage in Service-Learning in an orphanage. The objectives of the     War at the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum. The effects of war are really
trip were to develop students’ appreciation and understanding of the     frightening and we should definitely make peace, not war!”
history and culture of Cambodia, enhance cross-cultural awareness                                                        - Sufiah Bte Su’en (3A1)
through interaction with the Cambodians and nurture caring citizens
through participation in an overseas CIP Project in an orphanage.        “Although the orphans were not as fortunate as us, I learnt that
                                                                         they have a very positive attitude towards life. They are enthusiastic
Throughout the trip, the students had to adapt to life in a foreign      about everything and they have taught me to adopt a positive
country and contribute to better the lives of the orphans in The         mindset as well.”
Lighthouse Orphanage. The students had to get their hands dirty to                                                   - Muhammad Faiz (3A1)
plant crops for the orphans. In addition, our students painted the
swings as well as the fences on site. They also took the opportunity
to make friends with the orphans. They played sports such as
Captain’s Ball and Soccer together with the orphans. Everyone
enjoyed themselves tremendously. Our students also took the
initiative to teach the orphans basic English and shared with them
little snippets of information on Singapore.
                                                       - Ms Rene Wu

“I feel fortunate to have the opportunity to experience life in
Cambodia. My class taught the orphans the Kranji Mass Dance
and in return, they taught us their traditional Cambodian Dance.
It was tough to learn but they were patient with us and we finally
mastered it! This trip has taught me to appreciate what we have
and not to take things for granted.”
                                           - Sri Anum Wahyuni (3A1)

                                                                                                               Kranji IN TOUCH Newsletter 2013      5
RANJI IN TOUCH - Kranji Secondary School
                 AND PROGRAMMES

                                                    Hari Raya Celebrations at
                                                    SASCO Evergreen Place
                                                    On 22 August 2013, a group of 40 students from Secondary 3K4 and 3K5, along with some
                                                    ECoS members, had the opportunity to celebrate Hari Raya with the senior citizens at SASCO
                                                    Evergreen Place. Other than presenting a magic show, they performed some dance and
                                                    song items. The students certainly brought cheer and joy to the residents. Some residents
                                                    enthusiastically participated in the singing and dancing and had a whale of a time. At the
                                                    end of the event, a resident proclaimed how happy she was to have us around that day. She
                                                    even said, “We love Kranji Secondary School!”

                                                    Zakiah of class 3K4 found the event to be very meaningful. Jasmine Ser of class 1K5 who was
                                                    an ECoS member, was very happy to be able to interact with the elderly. A student who
                                                    performed a Malay Dance item, Nabila Arissa Lim (3R1), found the experience enriching and
                                                    would like to go there again.
                                                                                                                          - Mdm Normala Alias

     Service-Learning by the
     Lower Secondary Students
     Service-Learning is an important component in the education of          “I was excited to be involved in the “Rice from the Heart” project on
     students in Kranji Secondary School. Service-Learning refers to the     Yew Tee Day. It was a great experience as my group went around
     experience of engaging students in community service activities.        the neighbourhood collecting rice for the needy. Through this event,
     They learn to plan and organize meaningful events to help provide       I learnt to be more compassionate to the less fortunate residents and
     direct service to meet the needs of the community. Service-Learning     to contribute to the society in a meaningful way. I strongly encourage
     also aims to provide students with the opportunity to display their     students to participate in this event in the future, as the world will be a
     values in the process of helping others. They learn to contribute to    better place if we start caring for one another.”
     the society and foster meaningful partnerships with the various                                                                 - Nicole Lee (1K3)
     stakeholders in the community.
                                                                             “My classmates and I participated in the “Rice from the Heart” project
     Our school was involved in the inaugural Yew Tee Day celebrations.      to collect and donate rice to the needy people in the neighbourhood.
     We supported the “Rice from the Heart” project, where more than         Together with the grassroots leaders, we managed to collect more than
     200 lower secondary students reached out to the community and           20 kg of rice. I think that this event was a good way for us to reach out
     collected rice from the neighbourhood households in an effort to        to the community and get to know more people. It also enabled us to
     help needy families.                                                    show our care and concern for the less fortunate. I had a fun time and
                                                                             would definitely want to take part in it again next year.”
     Our Secondary 2 students also welcomed elderly folks from the                                                                  - Effan Putra (1R2)
     SASCO Evergreen Place and Econ Medicare Centre to our school,
     interacted with them over lunch and put up performances                 “The experience I had with the elderly folks really moved me. I enjoyed
     to entertain them. The time spent together, though short, was           the meaningful time that was spent entertaining and interacting with
     meaningful as it helps to cheer the elderly folks by providing them     them. It also made me appreciate the little things that I often take
     with some warmth, companionship and happiness.                          for granted, such as the ability to walk and the abundance of food
                                                                             and companionship. It felt good to be able to make a difference in
     Service-Learning will continue to be an integral part of the holistic   their lives, and I really hope that I can visit them again to bring more
     education that we aim to provide for our students.                      joy to them.”
                                                       - Mr Tan Nian Kai                                                           - Leah Chua (2K2)

6   Kranji IN TOUCH Newsletter 2013
RANJI IN TOUCH - Kranji Secondary School
            AND PROGRAMMES

Staff Learning Journey to
Ngee Ann Polytechnic
In line with the school’s “Changing Context Learning Journey”,
the teachers went to Ngee Ann Polytechnic on 19 July 2013 for
a fruitful learning experience. The purpose of the learning journey
was to learn about the polytechnic’s admission criteria and
scholarships, multiple modes of assessment and best practices.

This learning journey was memorable as we gained precious insight
into the student-centric processes straight from the horse’s mouth
as the Principal candidly shared the educational pathways and
opportunities available for students who choose the polytechnic
route. As educators, it would help us to dispense more accurate
information to students who seek advice from us on their post-
secondary school options.

Miss Lee Wenting shared that she was impressed with the high-
tech infrastructure and state-of-the-art equipment at the Film          knowledge and skills which are relevant to their lives. Therefore,
and Media School, which would enable the students to learn in           as I go about teaching my students, I hope to offer a window to
a simulated environment and equip them with the necessary skills        how their knowledge and skills will be applicable in real life so as
needed for the real-world.                                              to engage them actively during lessons.”

Miss May Ng also felt that the learning journey was very beneficial.    Miss Lim Leck Lee also felt that the learning journey to Ngee Ann
In addition, the polytechnic talk and campus tour opened her            Polytechnic gave her a better idea how the institution nurtures their
eyes to the facilities that polytechnics in Singapore could offer to    students. They stretch the students’ potential through internship,
students. “I learnt that the set and the camera equipment at the        overseas exposure and industry-based projects. There is also a
Film and Media School allow students to learn skills applicable to      broad-based curriculum provided for the students. The sharing
their career. I also understand that polytechnics are able to attract   also gave her more information about how to better advise her
top-notch students as they offer a rich experience to students          students in their selection of courses.
who desire real-life applications. In my opinion, the secondary                                                          - Ms Koh Ming Hui
school curriculum does not allow students to see direct use of their

                                                                        Whole School
                                                                        Approach to Effective
                                                                        The Whole School Approach to Effective Communication
                                                                        (WSA-EC) aims to help schools achieve the desired outcome
                                                                        of effective communication in English for every student. Kranji
                                                                        Secondary School embarked on this programme with support
                                                                        from English Language Institute of Singapore (ELIS). With the help
                                                                        of consultants and English language specialists from ELIS, the
                                                                        teachers in the WSA-EC team have been sharing important tips
                                                                        with other teachers regularly during staff meetings. In the pipeline
                                                                        are a series of training sessions for all teachers to develop a greater
                                                                        understanding and awareness of the role of good English to
                                                                        convey subject content and skills effectively in the classroom. We
                                                                        believe that this would help every teacher and student develop
                                                                        the 21st Century Competency of Effective Communication.

                                                                                                                             - Miss Serene Lai

                                                                                                              Kranji IN TOUCH Newsletter 2013     7
RANJI IN TOUCH - Kranji Secondary School
                 AND PROGRAMMES

                                                                               “D’Aesthetica was a great event that we participated in. The
                                                                               teachers were very helpful and caring. They guided us through all
                                                                               the rehearsals and performances. My classmates and I had a lot of
                                                                               fun and good learning experiences. I thank the school for giving us
                                                                               this opportunity to showcase our talents. I hope that I can participate
                                                                               in this event again.”
                                                                               					- Chan Mei Jing (2R1)

                                                                               “D’Aesthetica was a great success. I felt honoured to have
                                                                               performed at such a great venue (Republic Polytechnic Cultural
                                                                               Centre). I thank the school for giving me an opportunity to try
                                                                               something new and express my feelings through dance. I found the
                                                                               experience extremely beneficial and fun. I truly wish that this event
     D’Aesthetica was held on 8 June 2013 at the Republic Polytechnic          will continue every year so that students will have an opportunity to
     Cultural Centre. There were two shows: the matinee show at 3 p.m.         showcase their talents and at the same time, relieve their stress and
     and the evening show at 7.30 p.m. The objectives were to provide          tension.”
     a platform for students to showcase their aesthetics talents and                                                     - Muhammad Haziq (2K1)
     expose Kranjians to a variety of art forms, thus deepening their
     appreciation for the arts. The production was choreographed and
     produced by our very own teachers and students, without engaging
     any external vendors. As such, we were able to lower the prices of
     the tickets and subsidise 80% of the price of tickets for students with
     financial difficulties. Other than the usual Chinese Dance, Modern
     Dance, Band, Choir and Drama performances, the programme
     also included a magic show, which was performed by our talented
     Marcus Tye of 3K5.
                                                           - Mr Roland Tan

     Guitar Fest                                                                  ‘Kranji Got Talent’
                                                                                  ‘Kranji Got Talent’ is a talent show that features talented
                                                                                  performers such as singers, dancers, magicians and comedians. It
                                                                                  gives an opportunity to talented amateurs or unknown performers
                                                                                  to showcase their talents. They are judged based on the quality
                                                                                  of their performance, creativity, originality, rapport with the
                                                                                  audience and stage presence.
                                                                                                                                    - Ms Nur Fazrin

                                                                                  “People may think ‘Kranji Got Talent’ is just a trivial school talent show,
                                                                                  but to me it has been a remarkable roller coaster ride. I remember
                                                                                  my dance group, N-Squared, being so anxious yet eager to perform.
                                                                                  Though all the other contestants were good, amazingly, we made
                                                                                  it through to the Finals. It was held on Kranji’s annual Culture Fiesta
                                                                                  Night. N-Squared took the cake home that memorable evening.
                                                                                  Being labeled as Champions wasn’t the gratifying part. It was the
                                                                                  fact that our victory opened up the opportunity for us to participate
     Guitar Fest is an event to showcase the guitar skills of selected            as guest performers in the River Hongbao 2013 at the Marina Bay
     Secondary 1 students. It was held during recess time on 20 and               floating platform, which made it even more memorable.”
     21 August 2013. It was hosted by Mr Linus, the co-ordinator of                                              - Kyra Patricia Barrameda Tayer (4K2)
     the guitar programme.
                                                                                  “I joined ‘Kranji Got Talent’ to challenge myself and discover my real
     With their youthful take on popular songs, the performers                    potential. However, my experience was very different from what I
     attracted a sizeable audience. The audience showed their                     had expected. Working with different people, performing on the
     support for their peers by cheering for them. From ‘Bruno                    stage and going for countless practices exposed me to something I
     Mars’, ‘Just the Way You Are’ to songs from One Direction, the               had not done before. It was truly a unique experience.”
     performers certainly gave their best to entertain the crowd.                                                          - Udayagiri Nikhila Sai (1K3)
                                                           - Mr Nazri
                                                                                  “My journey through ‘Kranji Got Talent’ was really tough, but my
                                                                                  friends stood by my side and supported me. They advised me to
                                                                                  never give up. What I achieved today is due to my hard work.
                                                                                  However, I would not have achieved what I have without the
                                                                                  help of my friends and family members. Through this experience,
                                                                                  I have learnt how to be resilient, which is one of our school’s core
                                                                                  values. I had an awesome experience and I picked up tips from
                                                                                  the judges on how to improve my voice and express my feelings
                                                                                  through songs. I hope there will be more of such opportunities to
                                                                                                                                 - Amanda Mok(1R2)

8   Kranji IN TOUCH Newsletter 2013
RANJI IN TOUCH - Kranji Secondary School
             AND PROGRAMMES

Leaders’ Day
Leaders’ Day Ceremony was held on 7 August 2013. It was a
reminder that education is not solely a paper chase in pursuit
of academic excellence, but is also about the well-rounded
development of youth and service to the school community.

We were all praying for a sunny weather to grace this day, and our           “It was an unbelievable day in our favour. The great weather lifted
prayers were answered as the dark clouds above Choa Chu Kang                 our spirits. All my friends who participated in this ceremony felt
gave way to clear skies.                                                     proud, like I was. It was a meaningful day as I took up the roles
                                                                             of Overall-In-Charge and Vice President of the Student Sports
Students, teachers and guests were led to the parade square                  Committee. I look forward to leading my friends and schoolmates.”
for the formal part of the programme which was officiated by                                                              - Lim Zhan Yang (3K5)
our Principal, Miss Tan Hwee Pin and our Vice-Principals, Mdm
Siti Rashidah and Mr Lee Han Hwa. The outgoing and incoming                  “I feel honoured to take over the leadership baton and lead the K
student leaders marched across the parade square with                        Productions (Technical) Team. Taking over the leadership of the club
confidence and a great sense of achievement and pride.                       is a role filled with great responsibilities. It will be a new challenge for
                                                                             me to balance my studies and co-curricular activities. However it is a
The ceremony was concluded with sharing by the current Head                  challenge I am determined to overcome. I hope to serve the school
Prefect, Nur Nasyitah Binte Juraimy and the incoming Head                    whole-heartedly and guide my schoolmates well.”
Prefect, Yeo Min Shean. Thunderous applause and the Leaders’                                                                       - Chan Jian Ying (3K3)
Day pledge led by Min Shean marked the beginning of a new era
of student leaders.
                                             - Miss Janne Low

“I know the road ahead will definitely be filled with challenges and
obstacles. However, we should always be resilient and know that
no matter what, we have people who will stick with us through
thick and thin and support and encourage us. I look forward to
working alongside my fellow student leaders in making the school
a more conducive learning environment for all.”
                                                - Yeo Min Shean (3K5)

National Day Celebrations
On 7 August 2013, the school celebrated our nation’s birthday with
the traditional National Day Parade. All the five uniformed groups of
Kranji Secondary School had endured hours of training and rehearsals
to put up a wonderful parade for the school on that day.
Led by the First Parade Commander, SGT Syazwan Bin Jainal of class
3K3 and the Second Parade Commander, SGT Tan Jon Wiley of class
3K2, the National Police Cadet Corps and the National Cadet Corps,
who formed the Guard-of-Honour contingents, marched passed our
Principal with much gusto. They were followed by the contingents from
the Boys’ Brigade, National Cadet Corps, St John Ambulance Brigade
and the Girls’ Brigade. These contingents marched into the parade
square accompanied by the drum rolls of our Kranji Symphonic Band.             Racial Harmony Day
It was a good start to the National Day Celebrations and definitely a
memorable event for the parade participants.                                   Annually, Racial Harmony Day is commemorated to celebrate
                                                  - Mr Hakeem Eilyaas          the diversity of cultures in Singapore and to promote a deeper
                                                                               understanding of the different races and religions in Singapore.
“I was exhilarated when I heard that I was chosen to be the Parade             This year’s theme “Celebrating Singapore” takes pride in the
Commander for this year’s National Day Parade. I knew that it was a            fact that we unite as Singaporeans even in the midst of diversity.
huge responsibility but I remained confident. It was a gruelling test as       Among the highlights of the celebrations are the inter-class ethnic
most of the training sessions for the parade were held during the fasting      dress competition and a play by the K Productions (Drama)
month. I was left fatigued at the end of the training, but I persevered.       Team. The most memorable part of the celebrations would
When the day finally arrived, I stood tall and proud in front of the whole     be the “Kranji Runway” which saw numerous entries from the
school. Thankfully, the parade was a success and I was overwhelmed             classes on what they think the Singapore Dress should look like.
by a great sense of achievement when the parade ended. The                     The entries were impressive and incorporated a lot of elements
parade would not have been a success without the dedication and                from the Singaporean culture. The climax of the competition took
help of many people. I would like to thank all my teachers and friends         place at the National Day Celebrations with the finalists strutting
who have supported me and all the parade participants for putting              down the runway with their original designs!
up an excellent performance for Kranji National Day Parade 2013.”                                                               - Miss Serene Lai
                                     - NPCC Sgt Syazwan Bin Jainal (3K3)

“It was a privilege to be part of the Guard-of-Honour contingent at
the Kranji National Day Parade 2013. It developed my confidence
and strengthened my sense of belonging to the school as well as the
nation. I am truly grateful to be given this opportunity.”
                                                   - Siti Nurhazirah (3R3)

                                                                                                                     Kranji IN TOUCH Newsletter 2013        9
RANJI IN TOUCH - Kranji Secondary School
                   AND PROGRAMMES

      National ICT                                                              National ICT
                                                                                 SWH Activities
      Sharing Session                                                            for Kranji
                                                                                Sharing     Staff 2013
      In this day and age where InfoComm Technology (ICT) has                     The theme for this year is “Celebrate Life!” The Staff Well-being
      pervaded almost every area of our lives, teachers have to accept            and Health (SWH) Committee has organized a series of activities
      the reality that traditional methods of teaching are not as effective       which revolves around this theme.
      in engaging this generation of ICT-savvy students. Increasingly,
      the teacher’s role is to facilitate self-directed and collaborative         First of all, we have a simple birthday celebration every month.
      learning, and technology has become a means to this end.                    Staff whose birthdays fall in that month will be presented with a
                                                                                  card penned with well wishes by our Principal and a gift that is
      To promote the use of ICT in schools’ instructional programmes,             handmade by the SWH Committee members. All the staff will also
      Kranji Secondary School has been organising the National ICT                sing a birthday song for them at the end of the presentation.
      Sharing Session since 2004.
                                                                                  Secondly, the SWH Committee launched the ‘Kranji Star Awards
      One of the main objectives was to promote the spirit of                     for Staff’. The objective of these awards is to recognize and show
      experimentation and innovation through effective and pervasive              appreciation to some of our colleagues who exhibit the following
      use of ICT in classroom teaching. The theme of this year’s ICT              qualities: the tidiest, the friendliest, the most jovial, the most talented
      Sharing Session was ‘Transform Learning through ICT to facilitate           and the most well-groomed. At the beginning of every month, the
      Self-Directed and/or Collaborative Learning’. This is to enhance            staff got to nominate their colleagues for the awards via an online
      learning and develop teaching competencies for the 21st century             form. The results for every month were announced during the first
      to achieve desired learning outcomes for students.                          staff meeting of the following month and a medal was awarded to
                                                                                  each winner. In August, a list of ‘Stars of the Month’ winners over the
      The sharing session was held on 2 August 2013 in Kranji Secondary           months was put up online for all the staff to vote for the overall
      School. This year, as many as 800 teachers attended the session and         winners of the awards. The results for the overall winners were
      the number of papers submitted for this sharing were 35 (Primary),          announced during the Teachers’ and EAS Day lunch this year and
      63 (Secondary) and 4 (JC/CI). The number of papers selected for             each winner received a terrarium as a prize.
      this year were 22 (Primary), 39 (Secondary) and 3 (JC/CI).
                                                                                  We also organized a variety of activities for the staff, including craft-
      The event provided good opportunities for cross-fertilisation of            making, exercise and fun-filled games. For example, we taught
      ideas and seeding of innovative strategies in the professional              the teachers how to make paper roses to celebrate Valentine’s
      development of teachers. We hope to organise more of such                   Day. We also taught the teachers some simple exercises that they
      events to promote a strong ICT-sharing culture in schools.                  can do on their own.

      Reflections from participants and presenters:                               The SWH committee seeks to promote holistic well-being for the
                                                                                  staff of the school and to send the message to all staff that each
      “Thank you for inviting us over to share! I would also like to add that     of our lives is one that is worth celebrating for!
      I am very impressed with your student ushers who were extremely
      polite and helpful.”
                            - Ooi Junwei Samuel (National Junior College)

      “It was a pleasure sharing at the national platform. Thanks for the
      opportunity! Overall, the event was well planned and coordinated.”
                  - Mr Ansar Mohamed Sali (Montfort Secondary School)

                                                                                The main objective was to promote the spirit of experimentation and
                                                                                innovation in students. Students used this platform to present their ICT-
                                                                                based projects or applications.

                                                                                The sharing session was held on 6 June 2013 in Kranji Secondary School.
                                                                                This year, as many as 400 students attended the session and 20 papers
                                                                                were selected for this sharing.

                                                                                The event enhanced students’ knowledge and enabled them to
                                                                                acquire skills like collaboration, communication and independent
                                                                                learning. It also prepared them for lifelong learning and the challenges
                                                                                ahead. We hope to organise more of such events to promote a strong ICT-
                                                                                sharing culture among students.

                                                                                Reflections from participants and presenters:

      Student ICT                                                               “I was very impressed by the video on “In-Depth Understanding of

      Sharing Session
                                                                                Qualitative Analysis in Chemistry”. They made use of technology in
                                                                                their experiments to look for elements in a compound or mixture.”

                                                                                “The project on effective learning strategies encourages students to
                                                                                test out different ways of learning and discover the methods that
                                                                                best suit them.”

      To provide a platform for greater and more effective integration          “The business analysis on online shopping trends is quite good as it
      of ICT in learning, Kranji Secondary School has been organising the       provides us with valuable information on consumer behaviour. This
      Student ICT Sharing Session for secondary school students since 2009.     promotes the spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation.”

10   Kranji IN TOUCH Newsletter 2013

“Knowing Self” for
Secondary 1 students
As part of the holistic development of students, the CCE
department organised two class-based workshops for the
Secondary 1 students.

A. DISC Workshop on 27 May 2013

Students gained an understanding of their own personality using
the DISC profiling system. Knowing their strengths and limitations
as a `Dominant (D)’, an `Influencer (I)’, a `Steady (S)’, or a
`Compliant (C)’ empowers them to have better control over the
way they relate to others and the choices they make in their lives.
The workshop was fun and interactive. Students got to role-play
various situations to practise how to relate to others with different

B. “My Learning Style” Workshop on 23 and 30 July 2013

Using the `VARK’ learning style profiling, students had the chance
to understand the best way they learn and how they can apply
their styles in the classroom or when they do their own revision to
optimise their learning. They also learnt about interesting things like
how their brain processes information and strategies to remove
‘blockages’ to store information more effectively.

Upper Secondary Education and
Career Guidance (ECG) Updates
Our ECG programmes for the upper secondary comprises                      sharing in such small groups, students were able to ask questions
classroom lessons, talks by Principals and key personnel from             and build a better understanding of the courses that they were
Junior Colleges, visits to post-secondary education institutions          interested in and the jobs prospects in Singapore. Students
and course advising conducted by the local polytechnics. These            shared that the event was an eye-opener as they now have a
activities facilitate the students’ awareness of their career interests   better understanding of the courses and are more ready to make
and the various post-secondary education options so that they             choices after their `O’ level results.
are in better positions to make informed choices after they
graduate from Kranji Secondary School.
                                                                          B. Self-Discovery Workshop for Secondary 3 students
A. Course Advising Seminar for Graduating Students
                                                                          The Secondary 3 students attended the Self-Discovery Workshop
Our Secondary 4 Express and Secondary 5 Normal Academic                   conducted by Ngee Ann Polytechnic on 27 August 2013. This
students were exposed to a Course Advising Seminar conducted              3-hour interactive workshop helped students discover their interests
by Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP). 35 representatives from the                 and learning styles. It also helped them match their personalities
different academic schools in NYP met our students in a focus             to possible future career paths. Overall, the students were excited
group session to share their courses with the students. Through           to discover their interests and career choices.

                                                                                                              Kranji IN TOUCH Newsletter 2013 11
                   NEW STAFF
         “From my teaching of PE, you might                                                   “Live responsibly. Live life like you only live
         have very accurately guessed that I am                                               once, because you do. In your pursuit of
         a sports fanatic. I enjoy participating in all                                       academic excellence, take with you
         sports ranging from invasion games, such                                             fond memories from your secondary
         as football, net barrier games, such as                                              school life. Make life-long friends. Grow
         badminton and tennis, and endurance                                                  and mature together with your friends.
         sports, such as jogging and swimming. My                                             Burn brighter than the sun; shine
         teaching philosophy is that students learn                                           brighter than a diamond. I will support,
         better through hands-on practice.”                                                   care for and love you, always.”
                                  - Mr Gerald Seet                                                                   - Mr Go Jun Hong

         “My teaching philosophy is “Only                                                     “I hope to be able to impart values
         when one is secure enough to fail                                                    and life skills to my students through
         will one be free enough to soar.” I                                                  fun sports activities during my course
         appreciate good music, and have a                                                    of teaching. As an avid rugby fan
         passion for audio mixing. I do some                                                  who eats, sleeps and breathes rugby,
         audio mixing for live bands on stage.                                                I am currently playing for Oldham
         I also enjoy reading up on a wide                                                    Rugby Club in the Singapore Rugby
         variety of topics, ranging from science                                              Union Men’s League.”
         and sports, to business and finance.”                                                                   - Mr Chew Yin Xiang
                              - Mr Khor Teik Meng

         “I’m an ex-Kranjian who is happy to                                                  “I am delighted to join Kranji Secondary
         join Kranji as teacher. I had a great                                                School and I am heartened to see
         secondary school experience which                                                    that students are active citizens
         allowed me to develop myself as                                                      with a heart to serve the school and
         a leader and as a person. Hence,                                                     the larger community. My teaching
         I am inspired to do the same for my                                                  philosophy is that every child is a gift.
         students. Explanation plays a key role                                               Every child is precious and we will do
         in teaching and learning. To me, it’s                                                our best to nurture them. I look forward
         the “Ah-Ha!” moments students have                                                   to walking this journey together with
         that make teaching worthwhile.”                                                      staff in enabling our students to taste
                                 - Miss May Ng                                                success be it big or small.”
                                                                                                                    - Mr Lee Han Hwa

         “I am a cheerful person and enjoy                                                    “I believe that every child can learn.
         interacting with students. I believe                                                 I hope to facilitate their learning
         that every student is capable of                                                     and help them grow. I believe that
         learning and as such, I do not mind                                                  education for students should be an
         spending extra time to coach                                                         interesting journey and I will do my
         students in need of additional help.”                                                utmost to engage them in classroom
                           - Miss Lim Shu Yuan                                                learning.”
                                                                                                                    - Nur Liyana Ali

                                 Daughter, Emma Grace Tay
                                 Enying born to Ms Wendy
                                 Seah on 16 May 2013
                                                                                                                        Ms Koh Ming Hui
                                                                                                                        tied the knot on
                                                                                                                        19 January 2013
                                              Son, Adam Hikmy Ad-Dean
                                             born to Ms Sahibah Farha on
                                                             24 July 2013


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12   Kranji IN TOUCH Newsletter 2013
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