Page created by Debbie Lambert
DANCE                            Art Foundations 2
       HEALTHY LIFESTYLES                                                                                 Semester – 2105
                                                     Styles of Dance                                      Grade: 9
                                                     Semester – 1041                                      Lab Fee: $15.00
Health Education                                     Grades: 7, 8, 9                                      Prerequisite: Successful completion of Art
Semester – 1000                                                                                           Foundations 1
                                                     The intent of this course is to give students an
Grade: 8 – Required                                  awareness and reverence for the physical             This class introduces the skill of printmaking,
Students will develop skills needed to improve                                                            watercolor, and acrylic painting. Printmaking
                                                     body and its athletic and expressive
their quality of life. They will study problem       capabilities. Students will experience these         teaches how to make fine art prints using
solving and coping skills; stages of growth and      elements through the study of various styles         studio processes such as relief, collagraph and
development and maturation; positive healthy         of dance (Polynesian dance, line dancing, and        intaglio. This class will also teach painting skills
lifestyles; high risk lifestyles; disease            social dance).                                       using water media. With an emphasis on studio
prevention; sex respect values; emergency                                                                 production, this course is designed to develop
procedures and first aid care.                                                                            higher-level thinking and the development and
                                                                                                          understanding of how to critique and analyses
PE 7                                                                                                      current and historical pieces of art.
Semester – 1020                                                      FINE ARTS
Grade: 7                                                                                                  Painting/Printmaking (ADV Art Found 2)
Students learn to develop positive attitudes                                                              Semester – 2106
regarding physical activity and healthy                               Visual Arts                         Grade: 9
lifestyles. They will improve flexibility,                                                                Lab Fee: $20.00
strength, agility, balance, speed and                Art Foundations 1                                    Prerequisite: Successful completion of Art
endurance. They will develop skills in               Semester – 2101                                      Foundations 1 AND 2D Art
volleyball, basketball, soccer, flag football, and   Grades: 7, 8, 9                                      This class in an introduction to painting with
other team sports.                                   Lab Fee: $10.00                                      watercolors and acrylics and beginning skills in
                                                     This class is designed as an introduction to the     printmaking. Painting includes wet media with
PE 8                                                 Visual Arts with an emphasis on the different        the process such as transparent and opaque
Semester – 1021                                      methods of drawing. Other topics include             painting with some focus on color. The
Grade: 8                                             shading, color theory, and art history. This class   printmaking part of this class teaches how to
Students learn to develop positive attitudes         is a prerequisite to the next level of art classes   make fine art prints using the studio process of
regarding physical activity and healthy              at the junior high level. Students must pass         relief, etching, stencil and mono printing. This
lifestyles. They will improve flexibility,           two consecutive terms of Art Foundations 1           course encourages students to create and
strength, agility, balance, speed and                for “successful completion,” allowing                learn about composition and the steps to
endurance. They will continue to develop skills      advancement to the next-level art classes.           completing a work of fine art.
in volleyball, basketball, soccer, flag football,
and other team sports.                               2D Art                                               Ceramics
                                                     Semester – 2102                                      Semester – 2112
PE 9
                                                     Grade: 8                                             Grade: 9
Semester – 1022
Grade: 9                                             Lab Fee: $15.00                                      Lab Fee: $20.00
Students will develop skills and techniques in a     Prerequisite: Successful completion of Art           Prerequisite: Successful completion of Art
variety of sports, games and fitness activities      Foundations 1                                        Foundations 2 OR 2D Art OR 3D Art
with an emphasis on individual sports.               This class continues the development of skills       This class is an introduction to basic ceramic
Emphasis is also placed on leadership,               and concepts introduced in Art Foundations 1.        art. This studio course teaches students how to
courtesy, respect, sportsmanship, and physical       The different drawing methods will continue to       build pottery using the pinch, slab, and coil
fitness.                                             be emphasized (freehand, mechanical, grids,          techniques. All ware will be kiln-fired and
                                                     imagination, and still-life), with an introduction   glazed. This course will challenge student’s
Yoga                                                 to painting, including watercolor and acrylics.      imaginations as well as their ability to create
Semester – 1040                                                                                           functioning and aesthetically pleasing works.
Grades: 8, 9                                         3D Art
This course will introduce the basic postures,                                                            3D Design
                                                     Semester – 2104
stretches,    breathing    techniques,    and                                                             Semester – 2118
                                                     Grade: 8
relaxation methods of yoga. Yoga seeks to                                                                 Grade: 9
                                                     Lab Fee: $15.00
improve mental health through activities such                                                             Lab Fee: $15.00
                                                     Prerequisite: Successful completion of Art
as meditation, progressive relaxation and                                                                 Prerequisite: Successful completion of Art
                                                     Foundations 1
other stress management activities.                                                                       Foundations 1
                                                     This class introduces the skills and
                                                     craftsmanship of creating three-dimensional          This class introduces the skills and
Fitness – Zumba/Kickboxing                                                                                craftsmanship of creating three-dimensional
                                                     works of art. A variety of media is introduced
Semester – 1040                                      including optic art, the use of mixed media          works of art. A variety of media will be used
Grades: 7, 8, 9                                                                                           including paper, cardboard, wood, linoleum,
                                                     such as cardboard, wood, nylon, lino-cut relief
This class utilizes fun exercise programs to                                                              wire, paper-mache, as well as other mixed
                                                     printing, wire and paper-mache sculpture, as
increase fitness. Zumba uses easy steps and                                                               media possibilities. The primary focus of this
                                                     well as other mixed media constructions. The
high energy Latin and international music.                                                                class will be to encourage students to create
                                                     primary focus of this class will be to encourage
Kickboxing is a non-contact, martial arts-based                                                           works of art in a three-dimensional format.
                                                     students to see the possibilities for creating
aerobic workout. Other aerobic workouts may
                                                     works of art other than using paper and pencil.
be introduced.
Commercial Art 1                                    Beginning Band – Percussion                         Band Level 3 – Percussion
Semester – 2123                                     Full Year – 2206                                    Full Year – 2224
Grade: 9                                            Grade: 7                                            Grade: 9
Lab Fee: $15.00                                     Fee: $65 Instrument Use                             Audition Only
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Art          Beginning     instruction     on    percussion      Prerequisite: Successful completion of
Foundations 2 OR 2D Art                             instruments, including bells, snare drum, and       Intermediate Percussion
This class is designed for those who are            timpani. Space in percussion class is very          Fee: $95 Instrument Use
interested and enthusiastic about art,              limited. Two or more years of piano                 All percussionists who have successfully
including those who are considering a career in     background are recommended. Preference is           completed the Intermediate Band/ Percussion
the Visual Arts. Projects will be given in the      given to students who complete a percussion         class should register for this course. Continuing
areas of drawing, painting, and illustration with                                                       instruction on drums, mallets, timpani,
                                                    pretest and return registration materials
the purpose of developing skills for use in a                                                           auxiliary percussion, Latin percussion, drum set
                                                    promptly. Students provide their own
                                                                                                        and percussion ensemble music. Students pay
career in art. Students will able to use pencil,    percussion kit, and book, and pay a $65 District    a $95 district use fee to use school
colored pencil, ink, drawing, colored chalk and     Instrument use fee to use school percussion         instruments.
pastels, watercolor, acrylic, and oil paint.        instruments. 150 minutes of home practice is
                                                    required each week. This fun band performs at       Band Level 3 – Jazz
                    MUSIC                           3 or 4 concerts per year. Additional                Full Year – 2225
                                                    information will be sent to those who register.     Grades: 8, 9
Music Exploration                                                                                       Prerequisite: By Audition Only
Semester – 2316                                     Band Level 2 – Concert                              Focused, accelerated instruction in jazz styles
Grade: 7                                            Full Year – 2210                                    and improvisation. Open by audition only to
Lab fee: $3.00                                      Grades: 8, 9                                        students playing saxophone (doubling clarinet
This class is an introduction to music, including   Eligibility: Teacher Approval                       or flute), trombone, trumpet, bass, piano, and
history, vocabulary, musical styles, and basic      Intermediate instruction on band instruments,       percussion. Guitarists are sometimes added
notation/music literacy. We will sing every day,    including saxophone, with emphasis on               but must play and read music at an
and play instruments (recorders), but only in a     independent musicianship and music theory.          intermediate level. Students must be
limited way – this is not a performing group.       This band performs at school concerts and           concurrently enrolled in another large music
                                                    assemblies and at district festival.                ensemble, preferably Symphonic Band. Jazz
                    BAND                                                                                Band meets daily at 7:00 am, and is a “for-
                                                    Band Level 2 – Percussion                           credit” class with an Honors approach.
Beginning Band -- Brass                             Full Year – 2213                                    Students learn to compose & improvise music.
Full Year – 2204                                    Grades: 8, 9                                        This band performs at school concerts and
Grades: 7, 8, 9                                     Eligibility: Teacher Approval                       assemblies, in the community, and at district
Beginning instruction on trumpet, French horn,      Fee: $95 Instrument Use                             and state festivals.
trombone, baritone, and tuba. No experience         All percussionists who have successfully
required. Students provide their own                completed the Beginning Band/Percussion
                                                    class should register for this course. Continuing
instrument and music book; some instruments
are available for rental from the district          instruction on drums, mallets, timpani,
                                                    auxiliary percussion, drum set, and percussion      Choir 1 – Men’s Choir (Tenor/Bass)
($95/year); please reserve an instrument with                                                           Semester – 2305
Mr. Poulter before paying. 125 minutes of           ensemble music. Students pay a $95 district
                                                    use fee to use school instruments                   Grades: 7, 8, 9 (Boys)
home practice is required each week. This fun                                                           Lab Fee: $15.00
band performs at 3 or 4 concerts per year.                                                              Focusing on beginning basics for music literacy
Additional information will be sent to those        Band Level 3 – Symphonic
                                                    Full Year – 2220                                    and singing techniques, men’s choir is a great
who register.                                                                                           way to get started in the Syracuse Jr. High
                                                    Grades: 8, 9
                                                    Eligibility: Successful completion of               music program. Students will learn proper
Beginning Band – Woodwinds                                                                              performance posture, rhythmic and melodic
Full Year – 2205                                    Intermediate Band, or by audition
                                                    Advanced instruction on band instruments            literacy, intonation, sight-reading basics, and
Grades: 7, 8, 9                                                                                         technical vocal phonation. Students will
Beginning instruction on flute, oboe, bassoon,      with       emphasis       on    interdependent
                                                    musicianship and composition. This course           participate in singing a variety of choral music
and clarinet. (Students who complete this class                                                         every class day. This is a great class for students
may audition to play saxophone and bass             satisfies Fine Arts requirements for high school
                                                    graduation. This band performs at school            of any grade to start building their musical
clarinet during their second year of band.) No                                                          vocabulary and understanding.
experience required. Students provide their         concerts and assemblies, in the community,
own instrument and music book; some                 and at district and state festivals. This band
                                                    composes the soundtrack for a silent film.          Choir 1 – Women’s Choir (Soprano/Alto)
instruments are available for rental from the                                                           Semester – 2304 (Girls)
district ($95/year); please reserve an                                                                  Grades: 7, 8, 9
instrument with Mr. Poulter before paying. 125                                                          Lab Fee: $15.00
minutes of home practice is required each                                                               Focusing on beginning basics for music literacy
week. This fun band performs at 3 or 4 concerts                                                         and singing techniques, women’s choir is a
per year. Additional information will be sent to                                                        great way to get started in the Syracuse Jr. High
those who register.                                                                                     music program. Students will learn proper
                                                                                                        performance posture, rhythmic and melodic
literacy, intonation, sight-reading basics, and                       ORCHESTRA                                             THEATRE
technical vocal phonation. Students will
participate in singing a variety of choral music      Orchestra 1                                         Theatre 1
every class day. This is a great class for students   Full Year – 2405                                    Semester – 2502
of any grade to start building their musical          Grades: 7, 8                                        Grades: 7, 8, 9
vocabulary and understanding.                         This class is a continuation of material learned    This course will introduce skills in performance
                                                      in 6th grade beginning orchestra (includes          and the study of drama. Students will also read,
Choir 2 – Singers                                     violin, viola, cello, and bass). Exceptions may     view, and analyze theatrical works. Each
Semester or Full Year – 2307                          be arranged with the teacher on an individual       student MUST perform throughout the
Grades: 8, 9                                          basis if the student did not participate in         semester. Topics include: movement, voice,
Lab Fee: $15.00                                       elementary orchestra. Students provide their        script writing, script analysis, characterization,
Prerequisite: Choir Level 1 OR choir teacher          own instrument and Essential Elements Book          storytelling, and basic acting skills. This is an
approval                                              2. A few cellos and basses are available for rent   introductory acting course.
Students will focus on musicianship and               from the district on a first come first serve
performance techniques. Students will build           basis. This orchestra class performs three times    Theatre 2
on skills developed in Choir Level 1, exploring       throughout the school year.                         Semester – 2503
more complex music ideas such as scales,                                                                  Grades: 8, 9
triads, and arpeggios. Students will participate      Orchestra 2A                                        Prerequisite: Theatre 1
in singing a variety of choral music every class      Full Year – 2407                                    This course will continue to introduce skills in
day. This course can be taken for a full year or      Grade: 8                                            performance and the study of drama by
one semester.                                         Prerequisite: Orchestra 1, or two years             expanding upon skills learned in Theatre
                                                      playing experience                                  1. Students will also read, view, and analyze
Choir 3 – Belle Voix                                  This class emphasizes rhythm, intonation, and       theatrical works. Topics include: movement,
Full Year – 2310                                      broadening technique for the intermediate           script writing, dramatic structure and
Grades: 8, 9 (Girls)                                  violin, viola, cello, or string bass student. At    elements, theatre history, Shakespeare and
Audition Only                                         least two years of previous orchestra               classical acting, script analysis, one-act plays,
Uniform Fee: $75.00                                   experience is encouraged. Students provide          and improvisation. There is not an outside class
As an elite group of women, Belle Voix will           their own instrument and Essential Technique        performance, but students may produce a one-
perform to the highest standard in choral             Book 3. A few cellos and basses are available       act play at the end of the semester. All work is
music. Students will not only sing every class        for rent from the district on a first come first    done in class, so attendance is critical.
period, but will also continue their education in     serve basis. This orchestra performs at school
                                                      concerts, assemblies, and in district/state         Musical Theatre
music literacy, history, and sight-reading skills.
                                                      festivals                                           Semester – 2508
They will learn advanced vocal skills to prepare
them to compete in Solo/Ensemble Festival in                                                              Grades: 8, 9
                                                      Orchestra 2B                                        Lab Fee: $30.00
the spring. Students will be responsible for          Full Year – 2408                                    This class is designed to orient the student in
purchasing a choir uniform at the beginning of        Grade: 9                                            all aspects of theatre production with an
the school year.                                      Prerequisite: Orchestra 2, or three years           emphasis on performance. Students will learn
                                                      playing experience                                  the skills of performance as well as production.
Choir 3 – Concert Choir                               This advanced class is for students that have       This class will produce and perform in a school
Full Year – 2310                                      had at least three years of orchestral playing      musical outside of class time. Students will
Grades: 8, 9                                          experience. Independent musicianship, music         audition for roles as part of the class.
Audition Only                                         theory, vocabulary, posture and personal            Rehearsals will also be held outside of class,
Uniform Fee: $75.00                                   growth are emphasized in preparation for high       and the student will be required to attend.
As a mixed choir of men and women, students           school orchestra. Students provide their own
in this course will perform to the highest            instrument and Essential Technique Book 3. A        Stage Craft
standard in choral music. Students will not only      few cellos and basses are available for rent        Semester – 2514
sing every class period, but will also continue       from the district on a first come first serve       Grades: 8, 9
their education in music literacy, history, and       basis. This orchestra performs at school            This class will offer classroom instruction as
sight-reading skills. They will learn advanced        concerts, assemblies, and in district/state         well as hands-on experience in all aspects of
vocal skills to prepare them to compete in            festivals.                                          theatre production. Students will learn the
Solo/Ensemble Festival, as well as District Choir                                                         basics of set design and construction, costume
Festival in the spring. Students will be                                                                  design and construction, stage lighting, and
responsible for purchasing a choir uniform at                                                             sound. In addition, they will learn about and
the beginning of the school year.                                                                         ultimately be responsible for proper
                                                                                                          maintenance of all backstage work and storage
                                                                                                          spaces. These students will serve as “crew” for
                                                                                                          school plays and musicals and will also be
                                                                                                          available to assist with assemblies and other
                                                                                                          school programs.

Spanish 4 DLI Honors                                Chinese 3
      WORLD LANGUAGES                              Full Year – 3142                                    Full Year – 3330
                                                   Grade: 8                                            Grade: 9
Spanish 1                                          Prerequisite: Spanish 3 DLI Honors and              Prerequisite: Chinese 2
Full Year – 3110                                   heritage speakers                                   This course gives students the opportunity to
Grades: 7, 8, 9                                    This course continues the development of            magnify their communication skills in Chinese
This rigorous introductory course in Spanish       speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.    by reviewing past material and adding new
emphasizes listening, reading, speaking, and       Narratives and dialogues are used to teach          vocabulary. Students will also be exposed to
writing. Students will learn how to                structure and vocabulary. Culture and               more Chinese culture. It emphasizes listening
communicate basic information in Spanish.          geography of the native country are taught          comprehension, speaking complete sentences,
Hispanic culture is also taught. Students must     through reading selections. Students must           reading Chinese characters, and writing stories
achieve a novice-mid proficiency level to          achieve an intermediate-high proficiency level.     in pinyin.
continue to level 2. It is strongly recommended
that students are at grade level in English        Spanish 5 DLI Honors                                Chinese 3 DLI Honors
Language Arts reading and writing.                 Full Year – 3152                                    Full Year – 3332
                                                   Grade: 9                                            Grade: 7
Spanish 2                                          Prerequisite: Spanish 4 DLI Honors and              Prerequisite: Immersion Students and/or a
Full Year – 3120                                   heritage speakers                                   score of I1 on AAPPL test.
Grades: 8, 9                                       This course not only continues the                  This course continues the development of
Prerequisite: Spanish 1                            development of speaking, listening, reading,        speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.
This course gives students the opportunity to      and writing skills but also culture, history, and   Narratives and dialogues are used to teach
magnify their communication skills in Spanish.     geography of Spanish speaking countries are         structure and vocabulary. Culture and
Reading outside of class is required. Continued    taught through reading selections. It leads to      geography of the native country are taught
emphasis will be given to listening, reading,      the Spanish AP Language & Culture Course and        through reading selections.
speaking, and writing. Students will also be       test.
exposed to more Hispanic culture. Students                                                             Chinese 4 DLI Honors
must achieve a novice-high proficiency level to    DLI Spanish Culture & Media                         Full Year – 3342
continue to level 3.                               Grades: 7, 8                                        Grade: 8
                                                   Semester – 3135                                     Prerequisite: Chinese 3 DLI Honors
Spanish 3                                          Prerequisite: Spanish DLI students only             This course continues the development of
Full Year – 3182                                   The Culture & Media course builds skills in         speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.
Grade: 9                                           cultural-linguistic competencies necessary for      Narratives and dialogues are used to teach
Prerequisite: Spanish 2                            successful communication with native                structure and vocabulary. Culture and
This course is an opportunity for students to      speakers. Students utilize media and authentic      geography of the native country are taught
increase their confidence in communicating         texts to learn about the diverse cultural           through reading selections.
information and expressing ideas in Spanish.       products, practices, and perspectives of
Students will also broaden their understanding     countries. The topics and tasks for the 7th and     Chinese 5 DLI Honors
of grammar concepts and culture. Continued         8th grade years, along with careful support for     Full Year – 3352
emphasis will be given to listening, reading,      students to reach proficiency targets, lead         Grade: 9
speaking, and writing. Reading, speaking and       intentionally to the Spanish AP Language &          Prerequisite: Chinese 4 DLI Honors
listening practice outside of class time is        Culture course content.                             This course not only continues the
required. Students must achieve an                                                                     development of speaking, listening, reading,
intermediate-low proficiency level to continue     Chinese 1                                           and writing skills but also culture, history and
to level 4.                                        Full Year – 3310                                    geography of the native country are taught
                                                   Grades: 7, 8, 9                                     through reading selections. It leads to the
Spanish 3 DLI Honors                               This is an introductory course in Chinese           Chinese AP Language & Culture Course and
Full Year – 3132                                   emphasizing listening comprehension, reading        test.
Grade: 7                                           and writing in pinyin, and speaking. Students
Prerequisite: 6th Grade Spanish DLI and            will learn how to communicate basic                 DLI Chinese Culture & Media
heritage speakers                                  information in Chinese. Chinese culture is also     Grades: 7, 8
This course continues the development of           taught.                                             Semester – 3335
speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.                                                       Prerequisite: Chinese DLI students only
Narratives and dialogues are used to teach         Chinese 2                                           The Culture & Media course builds skills in
structure and vocabulary. Culture and              Full Year – 3320                                    cultural-linguistic competencies necessary for
geography of the native country are taught         Grades: 8, 9                                        successful communication with native
through reading selections. Students must          Prerequisite: Chinese 1                             speakers. Students utilize media and authentic
achieve an intermediate-mid proficiency level.     This course gives students the opportunity to       texts to learn about the diverse cultural
                                                   magnify their communication skills in Chinese       products, practices, and perspectives of
                                                   by reviewing past material and adding new           countries. The topics and tasks for the 7th and
                                                   vocabulary. Students will also be exposed to        8th grade years, along with careful support for
                                                   more Chinese culture. It emphasizes listening       students to reach proficiency targets, lead
                                                   comprehension, speaking complete sentences,         intentionally to the Chinese AP Language &
                                                   and reading and writing in pinyin.                  Culture course content.

English 9                                            Literature Survey
          LANGUAGE ARTS                             Full Year – 4055                                     Semester – 4154
                                                    Grade: 9                                             Grades: 7, 8, 9
                                                    This class continues the development of skills       This course is designed for students who love
English 7                                           in reading, writing, speaking, vocabulary, and       to read about new places, people, and events.
Full Year – 4000                                    listening. Students study a variety of literature,   This is an opportunity to travel through time to
Grade: 7                                            including Shakespeare and Homer. There will          explore fascinating places, learn how people
The main emphasis is on reading and writing,        be much reading expected both in and outside         are solving problems and saving lives, and to
both nonfiction and fiction. The class also         of class. Students will also improve their library   meet some of the people who have helped to
includes grammar, spelling, plays, and public
                                                    and research skills as a major research project      shape the way we live today. This class is
speaking. Students read short stories,              will be required.                                    designed for students who want to dig deep
biographies, and novels in class and out of
                                                                                                         into topics that interest them. Students will
class.                                              English 9 Honors                                     experience reading through many perspectives
                                                    Full Year – 4060                                     and opportunities.
English 7 Honors                                    Grade: 9
Full Year – 4005                                    The main emphasis is on reading and writing,
Grade: 7                                            both nonfiction and fiction. This course
Honors courses are designed for college prep        continues the development of skills in reading,
or pre-AP classes students may take during
                                                    writing, speaking, and listening. Writing is                   SOCIAL STUDIES
their high school years. The main emphasis is       emphasized while improving vocabulary and
on reading and writing, both nonfiction and
                                                    research skills. The culmination of the course is    Utah Studies
fiction. The class also includes grammar,           the development and writing of a research            Semester – 4500
spelling, plays, and public speaking. Students in   paper, using appropriate structure, grammar,         Grade: 7
an honors course can expect increased reading       citations, and form. Students in an honors           The introductory course for social studies in
and more complex texts, less review and             course can expect increased reading and more         Davis School District. Curricular content
practice, and a higher work completion              complex texts, less review and practice, and a       consists of key themes and concepts drawn
expectation. If students do not enjoy reading       higher work completion expectation. If               from the social sciences of geography, history,
or are below grade level, they can expect to        students do not enjoy reading or are below           economics, and government. Each of the
struggle in honors English.                         grade level, they can expect to struggle in          concepts is explored using Utah-specific
                                                    honors English.                                      examples. Literacy, historical thinking, and
English 8
                                                                                                         spatial skills are developed through the study
Full Year – 4030                                    Reading 180                                          of the concepts in the abstract and real-world
Grade: 8                                            Semester or Full Year – 4225                         Utah examples. The course focuses on the
This class continues to build skills in reading,    Grades: 7, 8                                         reading of both informational text and
writing, speaking and listening. Students work      This is a reading class to help students improve     authentic, or primary source, material.
with various types of literature including short    their comprehension and other reading skills.
stories, plays, and novels. They learn sentence     Students spend time working in a computer            Utah Studies Honors
and paragraph development, including                program that adapts to their individual reading      Semester – 4504
grammar,       spelling,   capitalization   and
                                                    levels. They explore and read about topics of        Grade: 7
punctuation. Students also learn the                interest, have access to a wide range of books,      The introductory course for social studies in
composing process of prewriting, drafting,          eBooks, eReads, short articles, work within          Davis School District. Curricular content
revising and editing.                               small groups, and receive individual help as         consists of key themes and concepts drawn
                                                    needed. Some students may be pre-selected            from the social sciences of geography, history,
English 8 Honors                                    for this class. This class is highly recommended     economics, and government. Each of the
Full Year – 4035                                    for a student with a Lexile reading score of 800     concepts is explored using Utah-specific
Grade: 8                                            and below. This class is also available for 7th      examples. Literacy, historical thinking, and
Honors courses are designed for college prep        grade students who read below their grade            spatial skills are developed through the study
or pre-AP classes students may take during
                                                    level with a Lexile reading score of 970 and         of the concepts in the abstract and real-world
their high school years. The main emphasis is       below, and for 8th grade students who read           Utah examples. The course focuses on the
on reading and writing, both nonfiction and
                                                    below their grade level with a Lexile reading        reading of both informational text and
fiction. This course continues to build skills in   score of 1010 and below.                             authentic, or primary source, material.
reading, writing, speaking, listening, and the
                                                                                                         National and global context are additional
analysis of various types of literature while       Creative Writing                                     levels of application of the coursework.
reviewing the basics of sentence and                Semester – 4335                                      Current events are studied as well.
paragraph development. Students in an honors        Grades: 7, 8, 9
course can expect increased reading and more        Creative Writing explores different types of         US History
complex texts, less review and practice, and a
                                                    fiction writing. This course is designed with the    Full Year – 4510
higher work completion expectation. If              goal of inspiring students to develop original       Grade: 8
students do not enjoy reading or are below
                                                    pieces of work. Students should expect to write      United States History covers events and issues
grade level, they can expect to struggle in         daily and present their work to their                from the Age of Exploration through
honors English.                                     classmates, both by sharing their writing and        Reconstruction and the Western movement,
                                                    speaking to the class.                               emphasizing the 18th and 19th centuries.
                                                                                                         Topics covered will include, but are not limited

to: exploration, colonization, Revolutionary         surface. Students learn to employ spatial            solve problems involving area, surface area,
War, constitutional issues, nation building, Civil   concepts and landscape analysis to examine           and volume; and (4) drawing inferences about
War, Reconstruction, and western movement.           human socioeconomic organization and its             populations based on samples.
Emphasis of this course is on the 18th and 19th      environmental consequences. They also learn
centuries.                                           about the methods and tools geographers use          7th Grade Math Honors
                                                     in their research and applications. The aim of       Full Year – 5005
US History Honors                                    the AP course is to provide students with a          Grade: 7
Full Year – 4514                                     learning experience equivalent to that               The course instruction will cover the four
Grade: 8                                             obtained in most college-level introductory          critical areas listed in the 7th Grade
United States History covers events and issues       human geography courses. Students prepare            Mathematics Course and add extra topics that
from the Age of Exploration through                  to take the AP Human Geography test in May,          would interest an advanced middle school
Reconstruction and the Western movement,             potentially earning college credit.                  student. Concepts will be explored to a greater
emphasizing the 18th and 19th centuries.                                                                  depth with increased use of contextual
Topics covered will include, but are not limited     Current Issues                                       situations. This course will have increased rigor
to: exploration, colonization, Revolutionary         Semester – 4531                                      and advanced content that will challenge the
War, constitutional issues, nation building, Civil   Grades: 8, 9                                         minds of high ability students.
War, Reconstruction, and western movement.           This class explores current events and issues
Emphasis of this course is on the 18th and 19th      and how various regions of the world interact.       7th/8th Grade Math Honors Accelerated
centuries. Viewing historical documents,             This class helps to obtain a higher level of         Full Year – 5010/5110
writing document-based questions (DBQ),              media literacy, differentiating substantive and      Prerequisite: Students must meet district
current event exploration and presentation,          factual reporting from outlandish reporting. It      qualifications through a portfolio or COGAT
and projects are part of the Honors experience.      also affords students with an opportunity to         test.
                                                                                                          There will be seven areas of focus, including
                                                     learn the background of various world events
World Geography                                                                                           the four areas of 7th grade math and the three
                                                     as they learn about them in real time
Full Year – 4520                                                                                          areas of 8th grade mathematics. This class will
Grade: 9                                             Civics – Mock Trial                                  cover material at an accelerated pace but at
World Geography will explore how to use              Semester – 4532                                      the same rigor as the full year classes. This
geography as a tool to better understand the         Grades: 8, 9                                         course is for high ability students that want
world in which we live. Students will learn to       This course is designed to help students             advanced mathematics courses in high school.
evaluate and question the why and where of           understand the American justice system
spatial perceptions that are read, seen, and         through the study and performance of “mock           8th Grade Math
heard. Students will understand the world in         trials.” Topics included in this course will be,     Full Year – 5100
spatial terms, the human and physical                “What is Law,” “How Laws are Made,” “Crime           Grade: 8
characteristics of places and regions, and how       and Punishment,” “Rights of Citizens in the          The course instruction will focus on three
physical processes shape the earth's surface.        Justice System,” “Criminal vs. Civil Proceedings     critical areas: (1) formulating and reasoning
Students will also understand how human              in Courts,” and “Trial Procedure.” Students will     about expressions and equations, including
activities shape the earth's surface, the            be taught questioning procedures for direct          modeling an association in bivariate data with
interaction of physical and human systems,           examination and cross examinations in our            a linear equation, and solving linear equations
and will use geographic knowledge to connect         mock trials. Students will take notes, relate        and systems of linear equations; (2) grasping
to today's world. The course will include map        current events to the law, perform in mock           the concept of a function and using functions
skills with physical and human geography             trials, participate in classroom discussions and     to describe quantitative relationships; (3)
essentials, beginning with North America,            debates, and occasionally be quizzed and             analyzing two and three-dimensional space
South America, Europe, and their connections         tested on course material.                           and figures using distance, angle, similarity,
to other world regions.                                                                                   and congruence, and understanding and
                                                                                                          applying the Pythagorean Theorem.
World Geography Honors
Full Year – 4524                                                                                          8th Grade Math Honors
Grade: 9                                                                                                  Full Year – 5105
This course covers all the material taught in                           MATH                              Grade: 8
World Geography but adds emphasis to                                                                      The course will cover the three critical areas
developing writing skills and higher levels of                                                            listed in 8th Grade Mathematics Course and
thinking. In-depth research, study, and              7th Grade Math                                       add extra topics and concepts that would
problem solving regarding particular regions of      Full Year – 5000                                     interest an advanced middle school student.
the world will be addressed and analyzed.            Grade: 7                                             Concepts will be explored in greater depth with
                                                     The course instruction will focus on four critical   increased use of contextual situations. This
AP Human Geography                                   areas: (1) developing understanding of and           course will have increased rigor and advanced
Full Year – 4590                                     applying proportional relationships; (2)             content that will challenge the minds of high
Grade: 9                                             developing understanding of operations with          ability students.
Lab Fee: $94.00 for AP test                          rational numbers and working with
The AP Human Geography course introduces             expressions and linear equations; (3) solving
students to the systematic study of patterns         problems involving scale-drawings and
and processes that have shaped human                 informal geometric constructions, and working
understanding, use, and alteration of Earth’s        with two- and three-dimensional shapes to

Secondary Math 1                                                                                         to geologic and atmospheric systems. Some
Full Year – 5200                                                  SCIENCE                                resources form quickly, allowing them to be
Grade: 9                                                                                                 renewable, while other resources are
The course will focus on developing a solid                                                              nonrenewable. Evidence reveals that Earth
understanding of function and use that              Integrated Science 7                                 systems change and affect ecosystems and
understanding to explore many examples of           Full Year – 6000                                     organisms in positive and negative ways.
functions, including sequences. It will deepen      Grade: 7
and extend understanding of linear                  Lab Fee: $10.00                                      Integrated Science 8 Honors
relationships and connect that understanding        Seventh grade standards look for relationships       Full Year – 6101
to exponential functions. It will build on prior    of cause and effect which enable students to         Grade: 8
experiences with data to develop formal             pinpoint mechanisms of nature and allow them         Lab Fee: $10.00
methods of data analysis. Students will use         to make predictions. Students will explore how       Uses the Integrated Science 8 standards.
properties and theorems involving congruent         forces can cause changes in motion and are           Students will work at an accelerated pace, with
figures to deepen and extend understanding of       responsible for the transfer of energy and the       more in-depth information, to review the
geometric      knowledge.      Algebraic    and     cycling of matter. This takes place within and       process of obtaining knowledge and analyzing
geometric ideas will be tied together.              between a wide variety of systems, from              outcomes based on observable evidence.
                                                    simple, short-term forces on individual objects      Students will gain awareness of the
Secondary Math 1 Honors                             to the deep, long- term forces that shape our        increasingly international context of scientific
Full Year – 5205                                    planet. In turn, Earth’s environments provide        activity, its impact and limitations as well as the
Grade: 8, 9                                         the conditions for life as we know it. Organisms     constant evolution of scientific knowledge and
The course will cover all the concepts in the       survive and reproduce only to the extent that        understanding. This course is designed to
Secondary Mathematics 1 course. Concepts            their own mechanisms and adaptations allow.          prepare students for advanced high school
will be explored in greater depth with              Evidence for the evolutionary histories of life      courses.
increased use of contextual situations. In          on Earth is provided through the fossil record,
addition, it will include concepts dealing with     similarities in the various structures among         Biology
vectors and quantities of vectors and matrix        species, organism development, and genetic           Full Year – 6200
operations and their applications. This course      similarities across all organisms. Additionally,     Grade: 9
will include elements that will prepare             mechanisms shaping Earth are understood as           Lab Fee: $15.00
students to take calculus in high school. This      forces affecting the cycling of Earth’s materials.   This is a full year rigorous course designed for
course will have increased rigor and advanced                                                            students to learn about, examine, and
content that will challenge the minds of high       Integrated Science 7 Honors                          investigate life processes that occur on the
ability students.                                   Full Year – 6001                                     Earth.      These investigations will include
                                                    Grade: 7                                             organisms that are microscopic and multi-
Secondary Math 2 Honors                             Lab Fee: $10.00                                      cellular, living and dead. This course will be
Full Year – 5305                                    Uses the Integrated Science 7 standards.             rigorous in nature and pace. Before electing to
Grade: 9                                            Students will work at an accelerated pace, with      take this course, students should consider their
This course is for students with a serious          more in-depth information, to further develop        individual abilities to work at a fast pace and
commitment to attend college. Students must         science as a process of obtaining knowledge          comprehend in depth processes and
be enrolled in the Honors level of Secondary        and analyzing outcomes based on observable           discussions of biological life
Mathematics 2 to eventually take AP Calculus        evidence. Students will develop the ability to
and/or AP Statistics, and very likely earn          formulate hypotheses, design and carry out           Earth Systems
college math credit, before graduating from         strategies to test them, and evaluate results.       Full Year – 6300
                                                    This course is designed to prepare students for      Grade: 9
high school. Students will gain a strong
                                                    advanced high school courses.                        Lab Fee: $10.00
foundation in geometry, trigonometry and
                                                                                                         This class meets the general science
second year algebra as well as some work            Integrated Science 8                                 requirements for ninth grade and counts for
with statistics. This is a college prep level       Full Year – 6100                                     high school graduation. This course explores
course that will teach students critical thinking   Grade: 8                                             Earth, geologic change, and the interaction of
skills, and strong work ethic, while preparing      Lab Fee: $10.00                                      the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere.
them for Secondary III Honors and college           Eighth grade standards describe the constant         This course builds upon student's experience
entrance exams. Students will need a                interaction of matter and energy in nature.          with integrated science seven and eight and is
graphing calculator for this course. We             Students will explore how matter is arranged         the springboard to success in biology,
suggest the TI 84 + edition. These are also         into either simple or complex substances. The        chemistry, geology and physics. The two
available to rent for $20 per semester.             strands emphasize how substances store and           primary     goals    associated    with    the
                                                    transfer energy, which can cause them to             understanding of how systems work: 1.) use
                                                    interact physically and chemically, provide          science as a process of obtaining knowledge
                                                    energy to living organisms, or be harnessed          based on observation and evidence, and 2.)
                                                    and used by humans. Matter and energy cycle          students' curiosity will be sustained as they
                                                    and change in ecosystems through processes           develop the abilities associated with the
                                                    that occur during photosynthesis and cellular        scientific method.
                                                    respiration. Additionally, substances that
                                                    provide a benefit to organisms, including
                                                    humans, are unevenly distributed on Earth due

Earth Systems Honors                                                                                   understand the value of multiculturalism and
Full Year – 6301                                        CAREER & TECHNICAL                             diversity in the classroom and how it enhances
Grade: 9                                                                                               individual student learning. Students will
Lab Fee: $10.00
                                                            EDUCATION                                  identify      instructional  strategies    and
This is a course that explores Earth, space,                                                           understand the role of technology and
geological change, the interaction of                                                                  feedback in student engagement.
atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere            College and Career Awareness (CCA)
through the lenses of Science and Engineering     Full Year - 7050                                     FCS Exploration
Practices and Cross-Cutting Concepts. This        Grade: 7 – Required                                  Semester – 7403
course builds upon students’ experience with      Class Fee: $12.00                                    Grade: 8
integrated science in grades seven and eight      College and Career Awareness offers                  Lab Fee: $10.00
and is the springboard for success in both        exploration and preparation in college and           This course provides students the opportunity
Honors and Advanced Placement high school         career pathways focusing on jobs that are            to develop essential skills in various career
courses of biology, chemistry, geology, and       high skill and high demand, as well as               pathways related to Family and Consumer
physics.                                          satisfying and financially rewarding. The            Sciences (FCS). Students will explore and
                                                  College and Career Awareness course is               cultivate skills in the areas of food and
AP Environmental Science                          designed to help students identify their             nutrition, childcare, interior design, sewing
Full Year – 6330                                                                                       construction,     entrepreneurship,     family
                                                  interests, abilities, and skills. With appropriate
Grade: 9                                                                                               relationships, personal responsibility, and
                                                  developmental information related to careers,
Lab Fee: $94.00 for AP test                                                                            career and job-related tasks. A variety of
                                                  educational pathways, and self-knowledge,
This is a full year course designed for science                                                        hands-on projects will be incorporated into
students that examines a variety of natural       students can begin to make college and career        each area.
sciences (ecology, chemistry, biology,            goals for the future. College and Career
geography) and several social sciences            Awareness is designed to acquaint students           Child Development
(economics, politics, ethics). AP Environmental   with the Utah labor market and the                   Semester – 7410
Science is a college level course for students    employment opportunities for which they can          Grade: 9
who have above-average study skills and the       prepare by defining a College and Career             Lab Fee: $5.00
desire to change the world in which they live     Readiness Plan. Through application-based            This course is designed to help students
in. This course is designed to help students      lessons, College and Career Awareness allows         understand the normal growth and
understand many topics (local and national)       students to utilize technology, develop              development of children from infancy to
and subjects within the environmental science     foundational skills, and explore careers. The        preschool age. Topics taught include
field. This course is designed to promote                                                              parenting, heredity, birth defects, human
                                                  course provides information regarding
environmental science literacy so that students                                                        reproduction, pregnancy, health and safety,
                                                  additional courses and training related to each
will be better prepared to make decisions                                                              and guidance techniques. Students will have
about issues that impact the environment.         student’s career field of interest, as they begin    the opportunity to experience hands-on
(Passing the AP exam gives college credit).       to prepare for college and career.                   parenting using a computerized Real Care
Robotics                                          Digital Literacy
Semester – 6700                                   Semester – 7537
Grades: 7, 8                                      Grade: 8 – Required
                                                                                                       Semester – 7433
Lab Fee: $10.00                                   Lab Fee: $7.50
                                                                                                       Grade: 9
Students will learn to build and program VEX IQ   This course is an introduction to computer
                                                                                                       Lab Fee: $10.00. Students
robots. Students will practice mechanical         literacy. Students will have opportunities to
                                                                                                       are also responsible to pay for consumable
design, construction, programming and             use technology and develop skills that
teamwork skills. Using VEX IQ building pieces,    encourage creativity, critical thinking,
                                                                                                       This course introduces students to basic
motors and sensors, students will build robots    productivity, and collaboration in the
                                                                                                       apparel design and construction skills. These
that can complete a variety of challenges and     classroom and day-to-day life. Skills will be
                                                                                                       skills prepare students for the exciting global
obstacles. Students will use a controller to      demonstrated by creating a project for a
                                                                                                       apparel              industry              and
drive their robot and a computer to program       different content area. This course is aligned
                                                                                                       entrepreneurial opportunities. Students will
their robot. In this course, students will work   with national and international standards and
                                                                                                       sew apparel and accessory projects. Projects
through processes of idea creation, planning,     the Utah Core to prepare students across
                                                                                                       include a stuffed owl, storage bag, quilted
logical thinking, analysis and computational      multiple levels of skills. Students will complete
                                                                                                       pillow, pajama pants, and a utility apron. It is
thinking to solve problems and accomplish         this course as a prerequisite to move into high
                                                                                                       recommended that students have previous
goals. This course is designed for students in    school computer literacy courses.
                                                                                                       sewing experience.
7th and 8th Grade who are interested in
developing      their      programming      and   Teaching as a Profession
                                                                                                       Interior Design
engineering skills.                               Semester – 7215
                                                                                                       Semester – 7445
                                                  Grade: 9
                                                                                                       Grade: 9
                                                  This course introduces students to the role and
                                                                                                       Lab Fee: $10.00
                                                  positive influence of an effective educator.
                                                                                                       This course enables students to explore their
                                                  Students will explore various careers in
                                                                                                       creativity in the field of interior
                                                  education and develop employability skills to
                                                                                                       design. Identification of the elements and
                                                  become a successful professional. Students will
                                                                                                       principles of design are emphasized. Other

topics taught include floor plan evaluation,       computing and help students understand why         explore the world of work through a variety of
furniture arrangement, kitchen design, color       certain tools or languages might be utilized to    exciting hands-on-projects. Each student will
schemes, and careers. Students will apply          solve particular problems. The goal of             build a project of his or her own choice. The
what they learn through a variety of individual    Exploring Computer Science is to develop in        curriculum is designed around exploration of
projects.                                          students the computational thinking practices      these systems.
                                                   of algorithm development, problem solving
Food and Nutrition                                 and programming within the context of              Construction Tech 1 (Woods)
Semester – 7460                                    problems that are relevant to the lives of         Semester – 7823
Grade: 9                                           today’s students. Students will also be            Grade: 9
Lab Fee: $15.00                                    introduced to topics such as interface design,     Students are also responsible to pay for
This course will focus on culinary and nutrition   limits of computers and societal and ethical       consumable materials
science. Students will qualify for a UTAH FOOD     issues.                                            Exploring Technology is a comprehensive
HANDLERS PERMIT. Students will also gain                                                              action-based     educational    course    that
skills and understanding of culinary               Python (Coding)                                    introduces students to the technological
technology, food preparation and dietary           Semester – 7775                                    systems:      energy-power       technologies,
knowledge for a healthy lifestyle. Laboratory      Grades: 8, 9                                       information        and        communications
experiences will focus on the science behind       This is a basic coding class. Python is a          technologies, transportation technologies,
food preparation as we learn about dishes such     language with a simple syntax, and a powerful      manufacturing technologies, and construction
as, Fettuccini Alfredo, quick breads, stir-        set of libraries. It is an interpreted language,   technologies. The Technology 1 Construction
fry, and Ice Cream Cake Roll                       with a rich programming environment,               class provides an opportunity for students to
                                                   including a robust debugger and profiler.          explore the world of work through a variety of
Keyboarding                                        While it is easy for beginners to learn, it is     exciting hands-on-projects. Each student will
Semester – 7552                                    widely used in many scientific areas for data      build a project of his or her own choice. The
Grade: 7                                           exploration. This course is an introduction to     curriculum is designed around exploration of
In Keyboarding, the student will master touch      the Python programming language for                these systems.
operation of the computer keyboard. Correct        students      without     prior    programming
finger positioning, by touch on the keyboard,      experience.                                        Construction Tech 2 (Woods)
and good technique will receive primary                                                               Semester – 7824
emphasis. The student will also learn simple       Web Development 1                                  Grade: 9
word processing skills such as formatting          Semester – 7795                                    Students are also responsible to pay for
simple documents in Microsoft Word. Each           Grade: 9                                           consumable materials
student will strive to get 35 WPM with 97%         Web Development 1 is a course designed to          Construction Tech 2 allows students to move
accuracy on a 2-minute timing as a minimum         guide students in a project-based environment      in to bigger and more advanced projects. The
goal for the semester. Keyboard covers will be     in the development of up-to-date concepts and      student’s will use their knowledge and skills
used throughout the semester. This is a good       skills that are used in the development of         they developed in the Exploring Technology
prerequisite for the required eighth grade         today’s websites. Students will learn the          class. This class provides an opportunity for
Digital Literacy course.                           fundamentals of how the Internet works and         students to explore the world of work through
                                                   use the basic building blocks of the World Wide    a variety of exciting hands-on projects. They
Creative Coding                                    Web: HTML5 coding, cascading style sheets          will learn the importance of exact
Semester – 7743                                    (CSS) and JavaScript. Steps to create a website    measurements, following written and oral
Grades: 7, 8                                       by planning, designing, developing, deploying,     instruction. They will also be able to apply the
This course is designed to attract and reach a     and maintaining of the website projects will be    math skills they have been taught in school
broad and diverse range of students, including     taught. Students will learn and use different      and at home. Prerequisite: Exploring
those who may not have never considered            scripting technologies to create more dynamic      Technology.
programming. Students learn how to code by         and interactive websites and understand what
working in a real software development             it takes for a career in web development as        Construction Tech 2 (Shed)
environment to design, program and publish         they complete projects and create their own        Full Year – 7824
mobile apps and games. Learning to code by         website.                                           Grade: 9
creating real products, students discover how                                                         Lab Fee: Costs for the projects will vary
to make amazing things and have an impact on       Exploring Tech 1                                   depending on the project chosen.
their world.                                       Semester – 7810                                    This class allows the students to go beyond the
                                                   Grade: 8                                           Exploring Technology class. The projects they
Exploring Computer Science                         Students are also responsible to pay for           choose can be bigger and have more detail.
Semester – 7760                                    consumable materials                               Students will learn the importance of exact
Grade: 9                                           Exploring Technology is a comprehensive            measurements and following written and oral
Lab Fee: $10.00                                    action-based    educational     course   that      instruction. They will also be able to apply the
Exploring Computer Science is designed to          introduces students to the technological           math skills they have been taught in school and
introduce students to the breadth of the field     systems:      energy-power       technologies,     at home. In addition to building cabinets and
of computer science through an exploration of      information        and       communications        furniture for themselves, the students will
engaging and accessible topics. Rather than        technologies, transportation technologies,         build and sell sheds. The students will help the
focusing the entire course on learning software    manufacturing technologies, and construction       instructor assemble the shed on the owner’s
tools or programming languages, the course is      technologies. The Technology 1 Construction        property, and enjoy a steak, chicken and
designed to focus the conceptual ideas of          class provides an opportunity for students to      shrimp party provided by the instructor.
Manufacturing Technology 1 (Metals)                   Intro to Public speaking
Semester – 7825                                       Semester – 4375                                               ASSISTANTS
Grade: 9                                              Grades: 7, 8, 9
Students are also responsible to pay for              This course will introduce students to the role    Office Assistant
consumable materials                                  of effective communication in our world today.     Semester – 210
Students will design and build projects that          Communication theory and a variety of              Grade: 9
will test their abilities using steel. Steel can be   methods and mediums will be explored. In           Eligibility: 3.0 GPA/no “U” Citizenship marks,
cut using a high-tech plasma CAM (Computer            addition, students will have the opportunity to    Secretary Permission/Signature
Aided Manufacturing) metal cutter. Students           research, prepare and present speeches for         Work at the counter in the main office
will learn arc or gas welding, depending upon         several different purposes including to            answering the telephone and helping at the
the projects. Class work, including quizzes,          persuade, to inform, and to entertain. Through     attendance window.
                                                      these experiences, students will improve
tests and homework will be part of this
                                                      public speaking skills and increase self-          Teacher Assistant
program. Good reading skills and following
                                                      confidence.                                        Semester – 211
instructions are necessary.
                                                                                                         Grades: 8, 9
                                                      Makerspace (STEM Explorations)                     Required: Teacher Permission/Signature
                                                      Semester – 6609                                    Class is graded on Pass/Fail. The teacher
                                                      Grades: 7, 8                                       assistant will be under the direction of one
     ADDITIONAL ELECTIVES                             Lab Fee: $10.00                                    teacher. The teacher will assign duties to the
                                                      This class is intended for those who are           assistant as needed.
                                                      interested and excited about using their hands
Study Skills
                                                      and minds to create products. Students will use    Counseling Assistant
Semester – 400
                                                      supplies provided for them in the classroom, as    Semester – 212
Grades: 7, 8, 9
                                                      well as incorporating science, math and            Grades: 8, 9
This class may only be taken once. The purpose
                                                      reading to develop projects by using task cards,   Eligibility: 3.0 GPA/no “U” Citizenship marks,
of Study Skills is to teach specific concepts
                                                                                                         Counselor Permission/Signature
related to school success, correct study              videos, and other types of instruction to be
                                                                                                         Counseling Assistants file, answer the
principles for home and school, independence,         successful.
                                                                                                         telephone, alphabetize, organize and help the
self-motivation, self-discipline, choices and
                                                                                                         counselors and secretary. Eligible students are
consequences, and skills for lifelong learning.       Released Time 9 (Seminary)                         expected to respect issues of confidentiality as
                                                      Full Year – 850                                    they arise in the counseling office. *8th grade
National Academic League (NAL)                        Grade: 9                                           students will need approval of counseling
1st Semester Only – 408                               No credit is given toward high school              secretary.
Grades: 7, 8, 9                                       graduation.
Fee: $32.00
                                                                                                         Peer Tutor
The National Academic League (NAL) class is a
                                                                                                         Semester – 213
trivia-based curriculum covering all subjects
                                                                                                         Grades: 8, 9
through ninth grade (Math, Science, History,
                                                                                                         Students are teacher assistants who assist both
English, etc.). Study sessions, presentations,           APPLICATION/TRYOUT CLASSES                      regular and special education teachers. Peer
and matches will be held in class for the
                                                                                                         tutors mentor students and assist the teacher,
purpose of learning the rules of the game and         Student Government                                 as requested. The peer tutor will not be asked
to foster a competitive edge. This class helps        220                                                to discipline other students. Duties vary
prepare the NAL team for the competition              Grades: 7, 8, 9                                    according to subject. Students who assist
season, which are November through                    *Students are selected based on an                 teachers will not record grades or attendance.
February.     Participation   in    the   NAL         application and election process during the        They may do routine clerical work. Peer tutors
competitions are expected.                            spring.                                            receive pass/fail grade for their work.
Yearbook                                              Cheerleaders                                       Library/Media Assistant
Full Year – 4365                                      221                                                Semester – 215
Grades: 8, 9                                          Grades: 8, 9                                       Grade: 8, 9
*Students are selected based on an                    *Students are selected based on a tryout           Required: Librarian Permission/Signature
application process during the spring                 process during the spring.                         Library Skills is designed for students who
Yearbook combines elements of photography,
                                                                                                         enjoy variety in their daily tasks, who are
graphic design, and journalism to create the          Hope Squad                                         computer literate, and like to read. In-class
yearbook for the student body. Students are           409                                                assignments, checking books in and out,
expected to attend several school events              Grades: 7, 8, 9                                    shelving books, and completing errands and
outside of regular school hours, and the class        *Students are selected based on              an    tasks for the operation of the library.
does require some homework to meet                    application process during the spring.

You can also read