#MYNWU GUIDE/GIDS/KAEDI - It all starts here - studies nwu ac za

Page created by Kelly Rodriguez
#MYNWU GUIDE/GIDS/KAEDI - It all starts here - studies nwu ac za

It all starts here ®
#MYNWU GUIDE/GIDS/KAEDI - It all starts here - studies nwu ac za
#MYNWU GUIDE/GIDS/KAEDI - It all starts here - studies nwu ac za

       Dr Anna Mokgokong                           Prof Dan Kgwadi                          Prof Linda du Plessis                       Prof Marlene Verhoef
        Chancellor / Kanselier                Vice-Chancellor and Principal /            Vice-Principal and Deputy Vice-                  Registrar / Registrateur
                                                Visekanselier en Prinsipaal             Chancellor: Planning and Campus
                                                                                       Operations Vanderbijlpark campus /
                                                                                   Adjunk-visekanselier: Toewysbare Funksies
                                                                                         en Vanderbijlparkkampusbedryf

    Prof Marilyn Setlalentoa                       Prof Daryl Balia                   Prof Refilwe Phaswana-Mafuya                       Prof Robert Balfour
       Deputy Vice-Chancellor:                   Deputy Vice-Chancellor:                     Deputy Vice-Chancellor:                     Deputy Vice-Chancellor:
     Community Engagement and                   Information Technology and                  Research and Innovation /                    Teaching and Learning /
Campus Operations Mahikeng Campus /     Campus Operations Potchefstroom Campus /   Adjunk-visekanselier: Navorsing en Innovasie   Adjunk-visekanselier: Onderrig en Leer
  Adjunk-visekanselier: Toewysbare                 Adjunk-visekanselier:
 Funksies en Mahikengkampusbedryf                Toewysbare Funksies en

    Mr/Mnr Clement Manoko                      Ms/Me Elmarie de Beer                            Dr Mala Singh                           Dr Sibusiso Chalufu
          Executive Director:                       Executive Director:                        Executive Director:                         Executive Director:
  Corporate Relations and Marketing /             Finance and Facilities /                     People and Culture /                           Student Life /
 Uitvoerende Direkteur: Korporatiewe        Uitvoerende Direkteur: Finansies en      Uitvoerende Direkteur: Mense en Kultuur      Uitvoerende Direkteur: Studentelewe
      Verhoudinge en Bemarking                           Fasiliteite

#MYNWU GUIDE/GIDS/KAEDI - It all starts here - studies nwu ac za
                       2019/2020 POTCHEFSTROOM

      Heinz                    Pieter Hattingh            Cheney Acker                Francis Berg              Bianca Visagie
 Schoeman-Struwig               Vice Chairperson /        Secretary General /        Finances / Finansies      Academic Council /
 Chairperson / Voorsitter        Adjunkvoorsitter         Sekretaris-Generaal                                   Akademiese Raad

    Matthew van Wyk               Johan Nel             Adrienne Bartlett           Zakumi Mtsweni            Theunis van Wyk
     Residence Council /         Current Affairs /       Marketing and Public           Media and            Arts Council / Kunsteraad
         Koshuisraad              Aktuele Sake         Relations / Bemarking en   Communication / Media en
                                                        Openbare Betrekkinge          Kommunikasie

     Danielle Giorgi          Tristen Bourne           Benjamin Truter             Ruandro Minnaar                Zané Botha
Legal Officer / Regsbeampte   Council of Societies /   Sport and Recreation /          SRCS / SJGD                 RAG / JOOL
                                Verenigingsraad          Sport en Rekreasie

#MYNWU GUIDE/GIDS/KAEDI - It all starts here - studies nwu ac za

                                                        PROF DAN KGWADI
                   V I S E K A N S E L I E R | V I C E - C H A N C E L L O R | M O T L AT S A M O K A N S E L I R I

Boodskap van Visekanselier aan                                  Message from Vice-Chancellor to first-year                     Molaetsa wa Motlatsamokanseliri ho
eerstejaarstudente 2020                                         students 2020                                                  baithuti ba etsang selemo sa pele ka 2020

Baie welkom by die Noordwes-Universiteit! Ons wil jou           A warm welcome to all of you to the North-West University!     Lo amogetswe lotlhe mo Yunibesiting ya Bokone-
hier laat tuis voel en ons wil hê jy moet ʼn sukses maak         Our aim is to make you feel at home here and for you to        Bophirima. Boikaelelo jwa rona ke go dira gore lo ikutlwe
van hierdie gedeelte van jou opvoeding.                         make a success of your education.                              lo amogelesegile le gore lo atlege mo dithutong tsa lona.

Die Registrasie- en Oriënteringsprogram is ontwerp om           This Reception and Orientation programme is designed to        Kamogelo eno le Lenaneo leno la Go Tlwaediwa Mafulo
jou toetrede tot die NWU te vergemaklik. Dit is belangrik       equip you to adapt as quickly as possible to life at NWU.      ga lona le diretswe go lo tlhomelela gore lo tlwaele
om te besef dat jy nuwe verantwoordelikhede sal moet            It is important to realise that you will need to accept new    botshelo jwa mo YBB ka bonako jo go ka kgonegang ka
aanvaar en baie meer selfstandig sal moet word as dit           responsibilities and develop much greater self-reliance        jone. Go botlhokwa go lemoga gore lo tla tshwanelwa ke
waaraan jy dalk gewoond was tot nou toe.                        than you may have been used to in the past.                    go sikara maikarabelo a maša gore lo kgone go itshepa ka
                                                                                                                               tsela e kgolwane go feta ka fa lo neng lo dira ka teng pele.
Diversiteit en insluiting is sleutelfasette van die studente-   Diversity and inclusion are key facets of the student
ervaring by die NWU en ons diens word aangebied binne           experience at NWU and our service is offered within an         Dipharologano tsa batho ka ditso tsa bone le go
ʼn sorgsaamheidsetiek. Hier is dus geen toleransie vir           ethic of care. This means that we have zero tolerance for      akarediwa ga lona mo gare ga bone ke nngwe ya dikarolo
enige vorm van ontgroeningspraktyke, gedrag wat indruis         any form of initiation Practices, behavior which contradicts   tse di botlhokwa thata tsa maitemogelo a lo tlileng go nna
teen ons verbintenis tot menseregte, enige vorm van             our commitment to human rights, any form of harassment         le one mo YBB e bile lo tlile go tshwarwa ka mokgwa o o
teistering, en geslagsgebaseerde geweld nie.                    or gender based violence.                                      bontshang gore re amega ka lona. Seno se raya gore ga
                                                                                                                               re letle gotlhelele mokgwa wa go kgerisa ba bangwe re re
Ons rol as akademiese en ondersteuningspersoneel van            Our role as academic and support staff of NWU is to assist     ke yone tsela ya go ba amogela mo setheong ka gonne
die NWU is om jou op jou akademiese reis te ondersteun.         you on your journey. Please access the many resources          boitshwaro joo, bo thulana le maikemisetso a rona a go
Maak asseblief gebruik van al die hulpbronne tot jou            that are available to make this journey as smooth as           tlotla ditshwanelo tsa batho, e bile o thulana le mofuta wa
beskikking om hierdie reis so glad moontlik te laat verloop.    possible.                                                      tshwaro epe e e makgwakgwa kgotsa tirisodikgoka mo go
                                                                                                                               ba bangwe ka ntlha ya bong jwa bone.
Leer ken jou medestudente en wees deel van die                  Engage with fellow-students and be part of student life in
studentelewe in al sy fasette. Moet nooit dink dat dit net      all its many facets. Never think that this is only meant for   Seabe sa rona jaaka badiri ba baakatemi le ba
vir ander mense bedoel is nie - gryp elke geleentheid aan       others - make sure that you take every opportunity that        kemonokeng mo YBB ke go lo thusa ka mekgele e e
wat die NWU bied.                                               the NWU offers.                                                larileng kwa pele ya bokamoso jwa lona. Tsweetswee
                                                                                                                               dirisang didirisiwa tsotlhe tse re nang le tsone gore go
Daar sal baie afleidings wees, maar onthou dat jou              There will be many distractions, but remember that your
                                                                                                                               gagamalela mekgele ya lona go se nne le matsapa ape.
akademiese sukses altyd prioriteit moet geniet. Ons wil hê      academic success should take priority. We want you to
jy moet suksesvol wees, maar jy moet verantwoordelikheid        succeed, but you have to take responsibility for this. When    Tsalanang le baithuti ka lona mme lo nne le seabe mo
daarvoor aanvaar. As die klasse begin, bly gefokus, en          classes commence, stay focused, participate diligently         dikarolong tsotlhe tsa botshelo jwa baithuti. Lo se ka
neem met oorgawe deel.                                          and engage fully.                                              lwa akanya gore botshelo joo ke jwa ba ba rileng fela -
                                                                                                                               netefatsang gore lo sola molemo tšhono nngwe le nngwe
Onthou, dit begin alles hier.                                   Remember, it all starts here.
                                                                                                                               e YBB e lo nayang yone.
My beste wense vergesel elke eerstejaarstudent vir ʼn            My best wishes accompany each and every first-year for
                                                                                                                               Lo tlile go itewa tsebe ke dilo di le dintsi , mme
suksesvolle jaar en verblyf by die NWU.                         a successful year and stay at NWU.
                                                                                                                               gakologelwang gore katlego mo dithutong tsa lona ke
                                                                                                                               yone e tshwanetseng go tla pele. Re batla gore lo atlege,
                                                                                                                               mme ke lona lo tshwanetseng go sikara maikarabelo a
                                                                                                                               seo. Fa dithuto di simolola, lo se ka lwa iteega tsebe,
                                                                                                                               tsayang karolo ka tlhagafalo lo sa sadise sepe kwa

                                                                                                                               Gakologelwang gore gotlhe go simolola fano.

                                                                                                                               Ke eleletsa mongwe le mongwe wa baithuti ba ngwaga
                                                                                                                               wa ntlha katlego le bonno jo bo monate mo YBB.

#MYNWU GUIDE/GIDS/KAEDI - It all starts here - studies nwu ac za

                                                     PROF DARYL BALIA
                                   M O T H U S A M O T L AT S A M O K A N S E L E R I
Beste NWU-student                                             Dear NWU Student                                               Moithuti yo moša Yo o Rategang wa YBB

Ek skryf hierdie persoonlike boodskap aan JOU met ʼn           I am writing this personal message to YOU with a feeling       Ke go kwalela molaetsa o o tswang mo go nna ka
gevoel van afwagting! Ek is nie net opgewonde oor JOU         of great expectation! Not only am I excited about YOUR         tlhamalalo o o yang kwa go WENA ka tsholofelo e
besluit om na die Noordwes-Universiteit toe te kom nie,       decision to come to North-West University, but also            kgolo e ke nang le yone! Ga ke a itumedisiwa fela ke
maar ook omdat JY die Potchefstroomkampus van die             because YOU have chosen the Potchefstroom Campus               tshwetso ga gago ya go tla mo Yunibesiting ya Bokone-
Noordwes-Universiteit gekies het vir hierdie volgende         of North-West University to begin the next phase of your       Bophirima, mme gape ke itumedisitswe ka go bo o
fase van jou lewenspad.                                       life’s journey.                                                tlhophile Khamphase ya Potchefstroom ya Yunibesiti ya
                                                                                                                             Bokone-Bophirima go tla go simolola kgato e e latelang
Laat my dus toe om jou as nuwe NWU-student vir 2020           Let me therefore extend a very warm welcome to you as          ya botshelo jwa gago mo go yone.
te verwelkom. Jy staan nou op die randjie van ʼn totaal        a new NWU student for 2020. You are standing on the
nuwe en opwindende fase in jou lewe waartydens                verge of a completely new and exciting phase in your life      Mme ke go amogele ka diatla tsoopedi jaaka moithuti yo
verdere vorming en opleiding gaan plaasvind. Terwyl jy        during which further moulding and training will take place.    moša wa YBB wa 2020. O eme fa masimologong a kgato
hier is, sal jy oor verloop van tyd toegerus word met die     You will in time, while you are with us, become equipped       e ntšha e e itumedisang thata ya botshelo jwa gago e o
nodige kennis om ʼn beroep te kan beoefen. Dit is dus ʼn        with the necessary knowledge in order to practice a            tlileng go bona kaelo le katiso mo go yone. Fa nako e ntse
opwindende tyd wat op jou wag!                                profession. Thus an exciting time indeed awaits you here!      e tsamaya mme o sa ntse o na le rona, o tla tlhomelelwa
                                                                                                                             ka kitso e e tlhokegang gore o diragatse porofešene ya
In die volgende klompie dae sal jy as eerstejaarstudent       In the days ahead, you will, as a first-year student, be        gago. Ka jalo, o letetswe ke nako e e itumedisang e le
stelselmatig bekendgestel word aan alle fasette van           introduced to all facets of being a student at the NWU         tota.
studentwees aan die Noordwes-Universiteit en vertroud         and get to know our special student identity (Studentity
raak met ons spesiale student-identiteit (Studentiteit soos   as we call it). The NWU would like to support and assist       Mo malatsing a a larileng kwa pele, jaaka moithuti wa
dit hier genoem word). Die NWU wil jou graag ondersteun       you in this regard by building a firm foundation through        ngwaga wa ntlha, o tla itsisiwe dikarolo tsotlhe tsa go nna
en bystaan in hierdie verband deur ʼn vaste fondasie te        high-quality teaching and a wide variety of developmental      moithuti mo Bokone-Bophirima le go itse leina la rona le
bou deur onderrig en leer van ʼn hoë gehalte en ʼn groot        opportunities that are based firmly on our core values. The     le kgethegileng le re tlhaolang baithuti ka lone (le re le
verskeidenheid ontwikkelingsgeleenthede wat op ons            NWU looks forward to helping you shape your plans for a        bitsang Studentitat). YBB e batla go go ema nokeng le go
kernwaardes gebaseer is. Die NWU sien daarna uit om           brighter future.                                               go thusa ka seno ka go thaya motheo o o nonofileng ka
jou te help om gestalte te gee aan jou planne vir ʼn blink                                                                    thuto ya boleng jo bo kwa godimo le ditšhono tse dintsi tse
toekoms.                                                      Of course, academics must be your priority. Make full use      di farologaneng tsa go tlhabolola bokgoni jwa gago tse e
                                                              of the learning opportunities which the University offers.     leng motheo o o botlhokwa wa mokgwa o re dirang dilo ka
Natuurlik moet akademie jou eerste prioriteit wees.           You must, however, resolve to keep yourself single-            one. YBB e lebile pele go go thusa go rulaganya botshelo
Maak ten volle gebruik van al die leergeleenthede wat die     mindedly busy with academics. Make good use of every           jwa gago sentle gore o nne le isagwe e e itumedisang.
Universiteit bied; doen dit met ʼn vaste voorneme om jou       opportunity that the NWU offers to participate in activities
toe te spits op die akademie. Maak gebruik van elke           that will develop you holistically, such as sports, culture,   Ke boammaaruri gore, baakatemi, e tshwanetse go nna
geleentheid wat die NWU bied om deel te neem aan              the residence life, the organised student life, etc.           bone ba tlang pele mo botshelong jwa gago. Dirisa ka
aktiwiteite wat jou holisties sal ontwikkel – soos sport,                                                                    botlalo ditšhono tsa go ithuta tse Yunibesiti e go nayang
kultuur, die koshuislewe, die georganiseerde                  We regard all our students as adults who take responsibility   tsone. Le fa go ntse jalo, o tshwanetse go ikemisetsa go
studentelewe, ens.                                            for their own futures; be motivated therefore in order to be   nna o tlhomile mogopolo ka botlalo mo dithutong tsa gago.
                                                              successful. The University’s Registration and Orientation      Dirisa tšhono nngwe le nngwe ka botlalo e o e newang ke
Ons beskou al ons studente as volwassenes wat                 Programme (R&O) will be an important source of                 YBB gore o nne le seabe mo ditirong tse di tla tlhabololang
verantwoordelikheid kan neem vir hul eie toekoms; wees        information for you. Become involved and participate fully.    bokgoni jwa gago ka botlalo, jaaka mo metshamekong,
dus gemotiveerd om sukses te behaal. Die Universiteit         This will help you to quickly become a fully-fledged and        mo setsong, mo botshelong jwa mo kagong ya bonno,
se Registrasie- en Oriënteringsprogram (R&O) sal ʼn            successful member of our NWU community. Welcome                botshelo jo bo rulaganeng jwa baithuti, jj.
belangrike bron van inligting wees vir jou. Raak betrokke     to the Potchefstroom Campus of North-West University
en neem voluit deel. Dit sal jou help om spoedig ʼn            - the best campus and student experience in South Africa       Re leba baithuti botlhe ba rona jaaka bagolo ba ba
volwaardige en suksesvolle lid van ons NWU-gemeenskap         awaits you!                                                    sikarang maikarabelo a isagwe ya bone; ka jalo, le wena
te word. Welkom by die Potchefstroomkampus van die                                                                           ikemisetse go atlega. Go Kwadisiwa mo Yunibesiting
Noordwes-Universiteit - dié beste kampus en studente-                                                                        le Lenaneo la Go Tlwaediwa Mafulo (Registration and
ervaring in Suid-Afrika wag op jou!                                                                                          Orientation Programme [R&O]) di tla nna metswedi e
                                                                                                                             e botlhokwa ya tshedimosetso mo go wena. O se ka
                                                                                                                             wa nna fela mme tsaya karolo. Seno se tla go thusa ka
                                                                                                                             bonako go nna leloko le le feletseng le leo le atlegileng la
                                                                                                                             maloko a rona a YBB. Ke a go amogela mo Khamphase
                                                                                                                             ya Potchefstroom ya Yunibesiti ya Bokone-Bophirima
                                                                                                                             ya YBB - o emetswe ke khamphase e e di gogang kwa
                                                                                                                             pele le maitemogelo ao baithuti ba nnang le one mo

#MYNWU GUIDE/GIDS/KAEDI - It all starts here - studies nwu ac za

                                             DR SIBUSISO CHALUFU
        L I F E | M O K A E D I M O K H U D U T H A M A G A B O P H E L O J WA B A I T H U T I

Namens NWU Studentelewe verwelkom ek graag al die            On behalf of NWU Student Life, I would like to extend my         Mo boemong jwa lefapha la YBB la Botshelo jwa Baithuti,
eerstejaarstudente. Jy het inderdaad ʼn goeie besluit         personal welcome to each and every First Year Student.           ke batla go amogela mongwe le mongwe wa lona le
geneem om die Noordwes-Universiteit as jou tweede            You have indeed made the best decision in choosing the           moithuti mongwe le mongwe wa ngwaga wa ntlha. E le
tuiste te kies. Ons rol in Studentelewe is om by te dra      North-West University as your new home-away-from-                ruri lo dirile tshwetso e e di gaisang tsotlhe ya go tlhopha
tot jou holistiese ontwikkeling ‘n goed afgeronde,           home! Our role in Student Life is to contribute towards          Yunibesiti ya Bokone-Bophirima jaaka legae la lona le le
innoverende en sosiaal verantwoordelike burger en leier      your holistic development as a well-rounded, innovative          ntšha kgakala le legae! Seabe sa rona sa Botshelo jwa
en om te verseker dat jy ʼn wonderlike studente-ervaring      and socially responsible global citizen and leader and to        Baithuti ke go dira gore dikgono tsa lona di tlhabologe ka
by die NWU sal hê.                                           ensure that you have a rich and fruitful student experience      botlalo go nna baagi le baeteledipele ba maemo a a kwa
                                                             at the NWU.                                                      godimo, ba tlhamosešwa le ba ba nang le maikarabelo mo
Van vandag af is jy deel van die NWU-gemeenskap                                                                               lefatsheng le go tlhomamisa gore lo nna le maitemogelo a
en ons personeel en medestudente is hier om jou te           From today onwards, you are part of the NWU community            a itumedisang thata mo YBB.
ondersteun en te begelei op jou reis. Die Registrasie- en    and our staff and fellow students are here to support
Oriënteringsprogram is ontwerp om jou met die nodige         and guide you on your journey. The Registration and              Go simolola gompieno go ya pele, lo karolo ya maloko a
vaardighede en inligting toe te rus om jou reis by die NWU   Orientation Programme is designed to equip you with the          YBB e bile badiri le baithuti ka rona ba fano go lo tsheget-
suksesvol te voltooi, in die akademiese sowel as die         necessary skills and information to successfully navigate        sa le go lo kaela mo leetong la lona. Lenaneo la go Ikwadi-
                                                             and complete your journey at the NWU, both within the            sa le la Go Tlwaediwa Mafulo le diretswe go lo tlhomelela
ko-kurrikulêre omgewing.
                                                             academic and co-curricular environment.                          ka dikgono tse di tlhokegang tsa tiro le ka tshedimosetso
                                                                                                                              gore lo atlege mo botshelong jwa lona jwa YBB, jwa dith-
Die NWU is verbind tot ʼn veilige, diverse en waardevolle
                                                             The NWU is committed to providing a safe, diverse                uto tsa lona le mo ditirong tsa morago ga kharikhulamo.
studentelewe-ervaring wat dit vir elke individu moontlik
                                                             and valuable student life experience that allows each
maak om sy of haar volle potensiaal te bereik. Ons
                                                             individual the opportunity to reach their full potential.
bied ʼn ryke verskeidenheid ko-kurrikulêre programme                                                                           YBB e ikemiseditse go lo tlamela ka maitemogelo a
                                                             We offer a rich variety of co-curricular programmes and
en aktiwiteite aan wat insluit kuns en kultuur, sport,                                                                        botshelo jwa baithuti jo bo sireletsegileng, jwa mekgwa
                                                             activities that include offerings in arts and culture, sports,
studenteleierskap,     koshuislewe,       studentemedia,                                                                      e e farologaneng le jo bo leng botlhokwa jo bo letlang
                                                             student leadership, residence life, student media, student
studentegesondheid en voorligtingsdienste. Ek wil julle                                                                       motho mongwe le mongwe go bulegelwa ke tšhono ya
                                                             health and counselling services. I would like to motivate
graag motiveer om alle beskikbare geleenthede ten volle                                                                       go ntsha bokgoni jotlhe jwa bone. Re na le mananeo a
                                                             you to fully explore, participate and enjoy the wealth of
te benut en te geniet.                                                                                                        a farologaneng a a nang le matswela a ditiro tsa morago
                                                             opportunities available to you.                                  ga kharikhulamo le dirutwa tsa morago ga kharikhulamo
                                                                                                                              tsa botsweretshi le Setso, metshameko, boeteledipele
Ons is hier om jou te ondersteun en te motiveer. Dit         Throughout your journey we are here to support and               jwa bašwa, botshelo jwa baagi, mmedia wa baithuti, pholo
is egter ʼn gedeelde verantwoordelikheid en jy sal            motivate you, but this remains a shared responsibility           ya baithuti le ditirelo tsa tshidilo maikutlo. Ke batla go lo
eienaarskap moet neem om sukses te verseker. Deur die        requiring you to take full ownership to ensure success.          rotloetsa go sekaseka ka botlalo, go tsaya karolo le go
loop van die volgende aantal weke en jare by die NWU         During the course of the next few weeks and years                ipelela ditšhono tse di lo bulegetseng.
sal talle geleenthede en uitdagings na jou kant toe kom      that you will spend at the NWU, you will be faced with
wat uiteindelik help om jou as individu te vorm. Dit sal     numerous opportunities and challenges that will shape
dalk aanvanklik soos ʼn onbegonne taak lyk, maar JY SAL                                                                        Mo botshelong jotlhe jwa lona jwa mo setheong sa rona
                                                             you as an individual. Though this may at first seem to be
SUKSES BEHAAL deur volharding en harde werk.                                                                                  re fano go lo tshegetsa le go lo rotloetsa, mme jono ke
                                                             a daunting task, YOU WILL ACHIEVE SUCCESS through
                                                                                                                              boikarabelo jo re tshwanetseng go bo tshwaraganela jwa
                                                             perseverance and hard work.
                                                                                                                              gore lo sikare maikarabelo ka botlalo jwa go tlhomamisa
Ek wens jou alles van die beste toe vir jou tydjie by die
                                                                                                                              gore lo a atlega. Mo tsamaong ya dibeke le dingwaga di
NWU – maak goed gebruik van hierdie tyd en onthou: “Dit      I wish you everything of the best during your stay at the
                                                                                                                              le mmalwa tse di latelang lo tlile go bulegelwa ke ditšho-
begin alles hier.”                                           NWU - please make the best of your time and remember:
                                                                                                                              no le ke dikgwetlho di le dintsi tse di tlileng go lo godisa
                                                             “It all starts here.”
                                                                                                                              sentle jaaka baithuti. Le fa seno se ka nna sa bonala, kwa
                                                                                                                              tshimologong, e kete ke namane e tona ya tiro, LO TLA
                                                                                                                              ATLEGA ka go kgotlhelela le ka tiro ya ka natla.

                                                                                                                              Ke lo eleletsa tsotlhe tse di molemo mo nakong yotlhe
                                                                                                                              ya go nna ga lona maloko a YBB - tsweetswee solang
                                                                                                                              nako ya lona molemo mme gakologelwang gore: “Gotlhe
                                                                                                                              go simolola fano.”

#MYNWU GUIDE/GIDS/KAEDI - It all starts here - studies nwu ac za

                                     HEINZ SCHOEMAN-STRUWIG
              K S R - V O O R S I T T E R | S C C C H A I R P E R S O N | M O P E R E S I D E N T E WA S C C

Welkom NWU-Pukke. Dit is ʼn groot eer om gekies te wees         Welcome NWU-Pukke. It is a great honor to be selected          O amogetswe mo Pukke ya YBB Ke tlotla e kgolo go bo o
om een van ons eerstejaars vir die jaar 2020 te wees.          amongst our first years for the year 2020.                     tlhophetswe ngwaga wa 2020 mo gare ga baithuti ba rona
                                                                                                                              ba ngwaga wa ntlha.
Ek wil hierdie boodskap begin met ʼn uitdaging, en daardie      I want to start this message with a challenge, and that
uitdaging is dat wanneer jy hierdie universiteit eendag        challenge is that when you leave this University as a          Ke batla go simolola molaetsa ono ka go go gwetlha, mme
verlaat, jy moet kan sê dat jy alles in jou vermoë gedoen      graduate – that you did everything you could to grab           kgwetlho eo ke ya gore fa o tswa mo Yunibesithing eno o
het om elke geleentheid met albei hande aan te gryp.           every opportunity with both hands. The NWU-Puk has a           le moalogi – o bo o dirile sotlhe se o ka se kgonang go
Die NWU-Puk het ʼn ryk geskiedenis van ʼn dinamiese              rich history of vibrant student life offerings built on one    sola tšhono nngwe le nngwe molemo. YBB-Puk e na le
studenteaanbod wat op één eenvoudige reël gebou is: vir        simple rule: for the students, by the students. This means     hisitori e e humileng thata ya dirutwa tsa botshelo jo bo
die studente, deur die studente. Dit beteken dat jy nou        that you have the ability to become involved in building on    tlhagafetseng jwa baithuti jo bo theilweng mo molaong o
die kans het om voort te bou op daardie geskiedenis en         that history and change-making.                                le mongwe: jwa baithuti, ka baithuti. Seno se raya gore
verandering.                                                                                                                  o na le kgono ya go nna le seabe sa go tsweletsa pele
                                                               Through our many structures and student leaders, you will      hisitori le go tlisa diphetogo.
Jy sal gou agterkom hoe baie plekke daar is om betrokke        soon see how many places there are to get involved and
by te raak en méér te word as net jou graad, want              become more than just your degree because as much as           Ka mafapha a rona a mantsi le ka baeteledipele ba
hoewel jou graad jou paspoort na die werkplek toe is, is       your degree is your ticket to the workplace, student life is   baithuti, o tla bona mo bogautshwaneng gore go na le
studentelewe die ervaring wat jy nodig het om dit te maak      the experience you need to make it big out there.              mafelo a le kae a o ka nnang le seabe mo go one e seng
in die wêreld daar buite.                                                                                                     fela go tshwaragana le dikirii ya gago ka gonne le fa gone
                                                               I thus want to motivate you to not only ensure your            dikirii ya gago e le tekete e e go isang kwa lefelong la
Maak dus seker dat jou tyd hier goed aangewend word            time here is well spent via committing yourself to your        tiro, o tshwanetse go nna le maitemogelo ka botshelo jwa
deur jouself aan akademie te wy, maar word ook deel            academics, but also to become part of something greater.       baithuti gore o tle o atlege fa o sena go tswela kwa ntle.
van iets groters. Die Kampusstudenteraad, Uitvoerende          The Student Campus Council, Executive Committees,
Komitees, Akademiese Studenteverenigings, die Primarii         Academic Student Associations, the Primarii and House          Ka jalo, ke batla go go rotloetsa gore o se ka wa netefatsa
en HK-lede, sowel as die Verenigings en Subkomitees,           Committee members, as well as the Societies and                fela gore o dirisa nako ya gago sentle ka go ineela mo
het baie om aan te bied.                                       Sub-Committees, have much to offer.                            dithutong tsa gago, mme gore gape o nne karolo ya
                                                                                                                              sengwe se segolo. Lekgotla la Baithuti la Khamphase,
Deur betrokke te raak by studente-identiteit leer jy oor       By getting involved in student identity you will not only      Dikomitikhuduthamaga le Mekgatlho ya Baithuti ya
die ryk en diverse mengsel van kultuur, identiteit, taal       learn so much about the rich and diverse mixture of            Akatemi, Bagokgo le maloko a Komiti ya Kago ya Bonno,
en meer – maar jy kry ook baie lewensvaardighede wat           culture, identity, language and more on offer – but also       mmogo le maloko a Mekgatlho le a Dikomiti-Potlana, a ka
geen graad jou kan leer nie. Jy sal kan deelneem aan           learn many life skills that no degree could teach you. You     go tlhaba botlhale jo bo seng kana ka sepe.
die verskuilde kurrikulum waar jy leer hoe om teorie om        will be able to partake in the hidden curriculum where you
te sit in praktyk, hoe om insette om te sit in uitsette, hoe   learn to put theory to Practice, inputs to outputs, work       Fa o nna le seabe mo leineng le baithuti ba rona ba
om te werk as deel van ʼn span – en natuurlik tyds- en          in a team, learn time- and conflict-management, etc.           tlhaolwang ka lone, ga o kitla o ithuta go le gontsi fela
konflikbestuur. Dit wat jy hier belê, sal nie net bydra tot    The amount of investment you put in here will not only         ka ditso tse di farologaneng tse re nang le tsone, leina
ons dinamiese studentelewe en NWU-kultuur nie – dit sal        contribute to our vibrant student life and NWU Culture         le re tlhaolwang ka lone, puo le tse dingwe – mme gape
ook ʼn belegging in jouself en jou toekoms wees.                – but also be an inner-investment in yourself and your         o tla ithuta dikgono tse dintsi tsa botshelo tse o ka se di
                                                               future.                                                        rutweng ke dikirii epe. O tla kgona go tsaya karolo mo
Ek sien uit om te sien watter prestasies op jou wag. Mag                                                                      kharikhulamong e e fitlhegileng e mo go yone o ithutang
jou tyd hier besig én geseënd wees.                            I am looking forward to seeing what achievements await         go tsenya kgopolo mo tirisong, go amogela tshedimosetso
                                                               you. May your time here be as busy as it is blessed.           le go e dirisa, go dira le setlhopha, go ithuta go laola nako
                                                                                                                              le go rarabolola dikgotlhang, jj. Bontsi jwa tiro e o tlileng
                                                                                                                              go e dira fano ga e kitla e tlatseletsa fela go botshelo jo
                                                                                                                              bo tlhagafetseng jwa baithuti le Setso sa YBB – mme gae
                                                                                                                              e tlile go solegela wena ka bowena molemo le bokamoso
                                                                                                                              jwa gago.

                                                                                                                              Ke lebile pele go bona se o tlileng go se fitlhelela. E
                                                                                                                              kete nako ya go tshwarega ka tiro ga gago mono e ka
                                                                                                                              segofadiwa fela thata.

#MYNWU GUIDE/GIDS/KAEDI - It all starts here - studies nwu ac za
#MYNWU GUIDE/GIDS/KAEDI - It all starts here - studies nwu ac za
Dameskoshuise / Women’s Residences

                       M Nie


     Dorpkoshuise - Dames / Town Residences - Women

     Manskoshuise / Men’s Residences

     Rugbykoshuise / Rugby Residences

     Dorpkoshuise - Mans / Town Residences - Men

T1   Gerrit Dekkerstraat / Street
                            T2   Hoffmanstraat / Street
                            T3   Esselenstraat / Street
                            T4   Presidentstraat / Street
                            T5   Meyerstraat / Street



Mahikeng Campus - 34151
Potchefstroom Campus - 31750
Vandebijlpark Campus - 41617

welcome to

                                 It all starts here ®

     44 742                24 087                  47 217                   21 612
(On campus/contact)     (distance learning)           Women                      Men
                                               (contact and distance)   (contact and distance)

   The NWU’s (Norh-West University) core activities, teaching-learning and research, are
intertwined with community engagement and innovation on our three campuses which serve
                          both distance and contact students.

                                                        8 FACULTIES
                                                           Health Sciences
                                                  Natural and Agricultural Sciences
                                                    Economic and Management


Here you can find a list of words that can save you from many awkward moments if you know their meanings /
Hierdie is ‘n lys van ‘n paar woorde wat jou baie ongemaklike oomblikke kan spaar as jy weet wat dit beteken.

RAG - (noun) An acronym for Reach out And Give and also known             JOOL - (s.nw) Dit is ‘n akroniem vir “Jou Onbaatsugtige Opoffering
as the second biggest event in Potch after Aardklop. The money            vir Liefdadigheid” en die tweede grootste gebeurtenis in Potch naas
collected is donated to SCRS.                                             Aardklop. Die geld wat JOOL insamel word aan SJGD geskenk.

Vleg - (verb) When first years from men’s and ladies’ residences          Vleg - (ww) Dit is wanneer eerstejaars van mans- en dameskoshuise
socially engage during R&O.                                               sosiaal verkeer tydens R&O.

Aksie - (noun/verb) A social event, usually with a specific theme         Aksie - (s.nw/ww) ‘n Sosiale geleentheid gewoonlik met ‘n tema wat
between two or more residences.                                           jou ‘n rede gee om aan te trek soos jy wou toe jy ‘n kleuter was,
                                                                          maar jou ma skaam gemaak het. As jy ‘n aksie bywoon word daar
                                                                          gesê jy “aksie”.
Sluiper - (noun) Someone you never see in the residence.
                                                                          Sluiper - (s.nw) Dit is iemand wat jy nie regtig in die koshuis sien nie.
Sleep - (noun) This refers to the pairs formed by men’s and ladies
residences in which they work together during RAG and other campus
                                                                          Sleep - (s.nw) Dit verwys na die mans- en dameskoshuise wat in pare
activities.                                                               JOOL en ander kampusaktiwiteite verrig as ‘n span. Dit word gebruik
                                                                          om na die ander koshuis te verwys as die koshuis se “sleep”.
TD (telephone duty) - (noun) This is a duty performed by first years
in residences when they receive guests in the foyer and answer the        F1 - (s.nw) Die gebou op kampus wat jou probleme oplos, vermeerder
phone.                                                                    of skep. Iemand wat F1 toe gaan, gaan om goed uit te sorteer wat hy
                                                                          nie eers geweet het uitgesorteer moet word nie.
F1 - (noun) The building on campus which solves, multiplies or
creates all your admin problems.                                          Lover’s Lane - (s.nw) Die mooiste plek op kampus. Die legendes oor
                                                                          die paadjie is eindeloos en meeste mense meen dit word Lover’s Lane
Lover’s Lane - (noun) The most scenic route on campus. Some say its       genoem omdat dit die pad is SS toe.
name is derived from the fact that it leads to the SS.
                                                                          SS - (s.nw) Dit is die afkorting vir “Studentesentrum” en is die plek
SS - (noun) The abbreviation for Student Centre and is your go-to         vir jou as kosmaak en/of skottelgoed was nie vir jou is nie. Die SS
if you’re not a fan of cooking or dishes. The SS has a wide variety,      verkoop enige iets van sushi tot kookkos en is naby genoeg aan die
selling anything and everything from sushi to homemade meals.             biblioteek dat dit die perfekte plek vir “procrastination” is in die
Bib - (noun) The campus term for the Ferdinand Postma Library. Also
known as the busiest place in Potch during exams, equipped with its       Bib - (s.nw) Dit is die afkorting wat verwys na die Ferdinand Postma
own coffee shop, Ferdi’s.                                                 Biblioteek. Dit is die besigste plek in Potch in die eksamen en jy kan
                                                                          weet as jy daar gaan leer verstaan almal waardeur jy gaan in die
                                                                          eksamen. Daar is ook ‘n koffiewinkel in die Bib, Ferdi’s, wat vir jou
Wasgoedpennetjielaan - (noun) Our campus’ equivalent of the N1,
                                                                          die broodnodige studiebreuk kan verskaf wanneer jy een nodig het.
also an alternative route to the SS.
                                                                          TD (telefoondiens) - (s.nw) Dis die term wat verwys na een van die
Draak - (noun) The local name for the Drakenstein restaurant located
                                                                          eerstejaarspligte in die koshuis. Die eerstejaars moet gaste in die
on campus. Here students celebrate, watch the rugby or spend their
                                                                          voorportaal ontvang en die telefoon antwoord.
time when classes are “cancelled”.
                                                                          Wasgoedpennetjielaan - (s.nw) Dit is die ekwivalent van die N1 op
The Fanie - (noun) Fanie du Toit Sport grounds, here you will also        kampus. Dit is jou alternatiewe roete na die SS. Net soos alle paaie
find the RAG-farm.                                                        na Rome lei, lei alle paaie op kampus na die SS.

Faculty Student (Private Student) - (noun) This is a student who is       Draak - (s.nw) Dit is die noemnaam van die Drakenstein wat die
not enrolled in a residence and remains private. This student can still   restaurant op kampus is. Dit is hier waar jy iets kan vier, moed
be involved in everyday Student Life events offered.                      bymekaar skraap vir ‘n toets of waar jy jou oortollige tyd kan
                                                                          deurbring as jou klasse “gekanselleer” is.

                                                                          Die Fanie - (s.nw) Dit is die noemnaam van die sportgronde. Die volle
                                                                          naam is Fanie du Toit Sportgronde. Die JOOLplaas is ook hier te vinde.

                                                                          Fakulteitsstudent (Privaatstudent) – (s.nw) Hierdie is ‘n student wat
                                                                          nie ingeskryf is by ‘n koshuis nie en dus privaat bly. Hierdie student
                                                                          kan steeds betrokke wees by elke Studentelewe-aksie wat aangebied


              ORIENTATION PROGRAMME (R&O) 2020
OCCUPYING RESIDENCES: Confirm arrangements                      FACULTY OF LAW
with residence managements and refer to residences’             Executive Dean: Prof Stephen De La Harpe
communication in this regard. Moving into residences
                                                                Academic Student Association (ASA): SRVP
take place on Friday 10 January between 14:00 and 18:00
                                                                Alumni Hall (F14) BA Law, BCom Law and LLB
and on Saturday, 11 January between 06:00 and 12:00.
                                                                FACULTY OF NATURAL AND AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES
FRIDAY 10 JANUARY 2020                                          Executive Dean: Prof Eno Ebenso
                                                                Academic Student Association (ASA): Ad Vivendum
10:00-13:00                                                     • School of Agricultural Sciences: Building G1 room 103
BNursing ORIENTATION AND ADMINISTRATION                         • School of Biological Sciences: Building G1 room 111
Joint meeting in building E8 room G42 where attendees will be   • School of Geo- and Spatial Sciences: Building G1 room 104
divided into the following halls: Building E8 rooms G36, G37,
G38, G39, G40 & G41.
                                                                Academic Student Association (ASA): PSA
SATURDAY 11 JANUARY 2020                                        Urban and Regional Planning - Building E4 room G44

07:45-08:45                                                     Academic Student Association (ASA): Scientiae
OPENING                                                         • Centre for Business Mathematics and Informatics:
Meeting of students and their parents in the Amphitheatre,      Building G1 room 102
Hennie Bingle Student Centre (F14).                             • School for Physical and Chemical Sciences:
                                                                Building G1 room 110
TAKE NOTE: Proceedings in the Amphitheatre are
                                                                • School for Mathematical and Statistical Sciences:
broadcasted to the Sanlam Auditorium (F14), the Sports
                                                                Building G1 room 105
Centre (F14) and the Student Centre (SS) (F14) by means of
audio-visual equipment and parents are therefore welcome to     • School for Computer Science and Information Systems:
take seats here.                                                Building G1 room 112

                                                                FACULTY OF EDUCATION
Welcoming and introduction of                                   Executive Dean: Prof Lloyd Conley
                                         Mr Pieter Möller
University management                                           Academic Student Association (ASA): Educo
Opening by the Executive                                        Weet-en-Sweet (J6)
                                         Mr Clement
Director: Corporate Relations and                               Session 1: (09:30-10:10):
Marketing                                                       Foundation Phase and Intermediate phase
Prayer and Scripture Reading by the                             Session 2: (10:20-11:00):
Director: Student Life Potchefstroom     Dr Corrie Rheeder      Senior and FET phase; Senior and FET technology phase
Introduction of the SCC                                         FACULTY OF ECONOMIC AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES
                                         Mr Heinz               Executive Dean: Prof Sonia Swanepoel
members and message by the SRC
                                         Schoeman-Struwig       Academic Student Association (ASA): Commercia,
Message from the Vice-Chancellor         Prof Dan Kgwadi        Excursio, Integrum and Equitas
                                                                Amphitheatre (F14)
Vote of thanks by the Deputy
                                                                Fields of study such as BCom Informatics and
Vice-Chancellor of the                   Prof Daryl Balia
                                                                BCom Communication Management can attend this session
Potchefstroom Campus
                                                                or the session at the faculty.

09:15-10:45                                                     FACULTY OF ENGINEERING
DIVISION INTO DIFFERENT FACULTIES TAKE PLACE                    Executive Dean: Prof Liezl van Dyk
ACCORDING TO SCHOOLS AND SUBJECT GROUPS.                        Academic Student Association (ASA): Ingenium
DEANS ADDRESS PARENTS AND STUDENTS.                             Sport Centre (F14)

FACULTY OF HUMANITIES                                           FACULTY OF THEOLOGY
Executive Dean: Prof Pamela Maseko                              Executive Dean: Dr Hennie de Goede
Academic Student Association (ASA): Cuvinte                     Academic Student Association (ASA): TSA
School for Music - Building F4 room G22                         Library (Building E7, Besembos)
                                                                 • All prospective Theology-, Ancient Languages and Pastoral
School of Social Studies - Building E5 room K01
                                                                 Counselling students are included here.
School of Government studies - Building E5 room K02
School of Languages - Building E5 room K03
School of Philosophy - Building E5 room K04
School of Communication - Building E3 room K12

FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES                                            Thursday        23 January     17:00-18:00      Tennis Courts
Executive Dean: Prof Awie Kotzé                                       Monday          27 January     17:00-18:00      Tennis Courts
Students and parents directly go to rooms as indicated:
                                                                      Tuesday         28 January     17:00-18:00      Tennis Courts
Academic Student Association (ASA): Kinetikos                         Wednesday       29 January     17:00-18:00      Tennis Courts
•School of Human Movement Sciences:                                   Thursday        30 January     17:00-18:00      Tennis Courts
Biokinetics, Human Movement Sciences, Recreation
Science, Diploma in Coaching Science, Sport Science and               NWU HOCKEY Practice SESSIONS FOR FIRST-YEARS
Kinderkinetics (Sanlam Auditorium, Building F14)                      DURING R&O:
                                                                      Monday (Ladies)    13 January 17:00-18:00 NWU Astro
Academic Student Association (ASA): PPSA
•School of Pharmacy:                                                  Tuesday (Men)      14 January 17:00-18:00 NWU Astro
Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry,                Wednesday (Ladies) 15 January 17:00-18:00 NWU Astro
Pharmacy Practice, Clinical Pharmacy (Building G20 rooms              Thursday (Men)     16 January 17:00-18:00 NWU Astro
G01 and 101)
                                                                      Monday (Ladies)        20 January    17:00-18:00   NWU Astro
Academic Student Association (ASA): Viviente,                         Tuesday (Men)          21 January    17:00-18:00   NWU Astro
Consumidor and Salutem                                                Wednesday (Ladies)     22 January    17:00-18:00   NWU Astro
•School of Physiology, Nutrition, Consumer Sciences:                  Thursday (Men)         23 January    17:00-18:00   NWU Astro
Physiology (Building E9 room 101), Occupational Hygiene               Monday (Ladies)        27 January    17:00-18:00   NWU Astro
(Building F10 room G02), Consumer Sciences (Building F13
room G18), Dietetics (Building F12 room G09)                          Tuesday (Men)          28 January    17:00-18:00   NWU Astro
                                                                      Wednesday (Ladies)     29 January    17:00-18:00   NWU Astro
Academic Student Association (ASA): Privatus and                      Thursday (Men)         30 January    17:00-18:00   NWU Astro
•School of Psychosocial Health:                                       NWU RUGBY Practice SESSIONS FOR FIRST-YEARS
Psychology (Building E8 rooms G35 and G42), Social Work               DURING R&O:
(Building E8 room G34)                                                Monday    13 January 17:00-18:00 K3 (HMS-building)
Academic Student Association (ASA): Curona                            Tuesday   14 January 17:30-19:30    Fanie F-field
•School of Nursing:                                                   Wednesday 15 January 05:10-06:45     HPI Gym
Bachelor of Nursing (Building E8 room G01)                            Thursday  16 January 17:30-19:30    Fanie F-field
                                                                      Friday    17 January 05:10-06:45    Fanie F-field
11:00-11:45 NWU Rugby Institute (Building G20 room 101)               Tuesday   21 January 17:00-19:00    Fanie F-field
Staff members of the Rugby Institute address parents and              Wednesday 22 January 05:10-06:45    Fanie F-field
students who are involved with the NWU Rugby Institute.               Thursday  23 January 17:00-19:00    Fanie F-field
Students at the Rugby Institute must make sure that they              Friday    24 January 05:10-06:45    Fanie F-field
completed the University’s official application form for admission    Monday    27 January 05:10-06:45    Fanie F-field
to the University (in addition to the Rugby Institute’s application   Tuesday   28 January 17:00-19:00    Fanie F-field
form). Contact the admission office at 018 285 2335 or 018 299
                                                                      Wednesday 29 January 05:10-06:45    Fanie F-field
2458 if uncertain.
                                                                      NWU ATHLETICS CLUB Practice SESSIONS FOR FIRST-
                                                                      YEARS DURING R&O:
 NWU NETBALL Practice SESSIONS FOR FIRST-YEARS                        First years are requested to make contact with their various
 DURING R&O:                                                          Sport- house committee members regarding Practice times.
                                                                      Practice times differ from coach tot coach. Bursary holders can
 Monday      13 January 16:30-18:00  Netball Courts
                                                                      contact Mr Terseus Liebenberg (Manager: Athletics) regarding
 Tuesday     14 January 16:30-18:00  Netball Courts                   their Practice times. All athletes are advice to register at the
 Wednesday   15 January 16:30-18:00  Netball Courts                   NWU Athletics club (as well ANNW/ASA) as soon as possible
 Thursday    16 January 16:30-18:00  Netball Courts                   (Office 116, 118 and HPI)
 Monday      20 January 16:30-18:00  Netball Courts                   NWU ATHLETICS
                                                                      Contact person: Mr Terseus Liebenberg (018 299 2912)
 Tuesday     21 January 16:30-18:00  Netball Courts
                                                                      NWU NETBALL/TENNIS/WATER SPORT
 Wednesday   22 January 16:30-18:00  Netball Courts                   Contact person: Ms Helene Botha (018 299 2911)
 Thursday    23 January 16:30-18:00  Netball Courts
                                                                      NWU CRICKET/CYCLING/RINGBALL
 Monday      27 January 16:30-18:00  Netball Courts                   Contact person: Mr Conrad de Swardt (018 299 1056)
 Tuesday     28 January 16:30-18:00  Netball Courts                   NWU SOCCER
 Wednesday   29 January 16:30-18:00  Netball Courts                   Contact person: Mr Michael Seleka (018 299 2909)
 Thursday    30 January 16:30-18:00  Netball Courts                   NWU HOCKEY
                                                                      Contact person: Mr Johan Jacobs (018 299 2057)
                                                                      Contact person: Mr Johann Sauer (018 299 2914)
                                                                      NWU RUGBY INSTITUTE
Monday      13 January   17:00-18:00 Tennis Courts                    Contact person: Mr Mervyn Taylor (018 299 2428)
Tuesday     14 January   17:00-18:00 Tennis Courts
Wednesday   15 January   17:00-18:00 Tennis Courts
Thursday    16 January   17:00-18:00 Tennis Courts
Monday      20 January   17:00-18:00 Tennis Courts
Tuesday     21 January   17:00-18:00 Tennis Courts
Wednesday   22 January   17:00-18:00 Tennis Courts

11:00-11:45                                                   WANDA: Prof Johan Botha
MEETING WITH MINISTERS                                        Recreation hall, Kom-en-Gaan (A2)
Parents and students meet the ministers of various churches   johan.botha@nwu.ac.za
in the following rooms:                                       018 285 2295 (w); 082 457 2494 (c)

Church                             Venue
NG Church (all congregations)      Amphitheatre (F14)         MEN’S RESIDENCES
Cachet Student Reformed                                       CAPUT: Dr Pieter van den Berg
                                   28 Hoffman Street          Bennie Pienaar-hall, Hoffman street (B2)
Reformed Church                    Sanlam Auditorium (F14)
                                                              018 299 1802 (w); 079 888 9499 (c)
Every Nation Campus-Campus
                                   Building E8 room G42       DE WILGERS: Mr Myrone Stoffels
                                                              Recreation hall, De Wilgers (A1)
Kruispunt (Duet)                   Sport Centre (F14)         Myrone.Stoffels@nwu.ac.za
Afrikaans Protestant Church        Building E8 room G41       018 299 1685 (w); 060 783 5028 (c)
Old Apostolic Church               Building E8 room K36       EXCELSIOR: Mr Koos Degenaar
Other Church Associations                                     Excelsior-clubhouse (J4)
(Unite 180, Shofar, Resonate,      Building E8 room G01       Koos.Degenaar@nwu.ac.za
CRC)                                                          018 299 2764 (w); 079 519 8283 (c)
Kereke ya Kopano                   Building E8 room G40       HOMBRÉ: Mr Greg Roberts
                                                              Recreation hall, Hombré (B2)
12:00-13:00                                                   Greg.Roberts@nwu.ac.za
MEETING WITH HOUSE PARENTS OF CAMPUS                          018 299 1115 (w); 083 643 2620 (c)
RESIDENCES                                                    LAUREUS: Prof Risimati Hobyane
                                                              Recreation hall, Laureus (A8)
LADIES RESIDENCES                                             018 299 1531 (w); 082 782 8476 (c)
                                                              OVER DE VOOR: Mr Pieter Conradie
EIKENHOF: Ms Prudence Sepeng
                                                              Recreation hall, Over de Voor (J2)
Living Room, Eikenhof (B4)
                                                              018 285 2775 (w); 082 573 6532 (c)
018 299 2834 (w); 079 162 3820 (c)
HEIDE: Dr Thalyta Swanepoel                                   PATRIA: Dr Pieter Boshoff
Recreation hall, Heide (J8)                                   Recreation hall, Patria (H2)
Thalyta.Swanepoel@nwu.ac.za                                   pieter.boshoff@nwu.ac.za
018 299 1655 (w); 079 212 4958 (c)                            018 299 1622 (w); 082 771 2413 (c)
HUIS REPUBLIEK: Prof Francois Muller                          RATAU LEBONE: Mr Theo Foutie
Recreation hall, Huis Republiek (C9)                          Lawn, Ratau Lebone (C8)
muller.francois@nwu.ac.za                                     theo.foutie@nwu.ac.za
018 285 2350 (w); 079 887 0023 (c)                            018 299 2561 (w); 084 582 3145 (c)
KARLIEN: Prof Michelle Barnard                                VERITAS: Dr Duane Aslett
Recreation hall, Karlien (J7)                                 Recreation hall, Veritas (H1)
Michelle.Barnard@nwu.ac.za                                    duane.aslett@nwu.ac.za
018 299 1033 (w); 072 201 3589 (c)                            018 299 1390 (w); 083 775 3082 (c)
KASTEEL: Mr Nkosinathi Tom
Recreation hall, Kasteel (J13)
Nkosinathi.Tom@nwu.ac.za                                      RUGBY PLAYERS HOUSING
018 285 3002 (w); 072 958 1061 (c)                            PUKDORP: Mr Mervyn Taylor
KLAWERHOF: Prof Michael Temane                                mervyn.taylor@nwu.ac.za
Recreation hall, Klawerhof (E2)                               018 299 2428 (w); 083 298 9436 (c)
Michael.Temane@nwu.ac.za                                      SOETDORINGS: Mr Jean Tiedt
018 299 2606 (w); 082 627 5060 (c)                            12597538@nwu.ac.za
MINJONET: Prof Sarel van der Walt                             018 299 2015 (w); 082 597 8367 (c)
Recreation hall, Minjonet (C10)
sarel.vanderwalt@nwu.ac.za                                    12:00-13:00
018 299 1601 (w); 082 920 1601 (c)                            MEETING WITH HOUSE PARENTS OF TOWN
OOSTERHOF: Ms Nthabiseng Leokaoke                             RESIDENCES
Recreation hall, Oosterhof (E1)                               Parents and all students not staying in campus residences,
nthabiseng.modiri@nwu.ac.za                                   in other words, students making use of private lodgings or
018 299 1662 (w); 083 239 6866 (c)                            staying with their parents in town, meet the house parents of
VERGEET-MY-NIE: Ms Heleen Coetzee                             the respective town residences.
Recreation hall, Vergeet-My-Nie (J11)
                                                               LADIES TOWN RESIDENCES
018 285 2294 (w); 083 632 2533 (c)
WAG-’N-BIETJIE: Adv Rene Koraan                                BELLATRIX: Ms Wilma Lotriet
Recreation hall, Wag-’n-Bietjie (J10)                          Sport Centre (F14)
                                                               018 299 1124 (w); 079 492 4772 (c)
018 299 4287 (w); 074 474 7811 (c)
                                                               DINKI: Ms Christi Cloete
                                                               Sanlam Auditorium (F14)
18                                                             018 285 2763 (w); 076 520 9652 (c)
LAVARIA: Ms Christa Labuschagne                                    19:00-21:00
 Alumni Hall (F14)                                                  SCC PROGRAMME (Amphitheatre F14)
 christa.labuschagne@nwu.ac.za                                      #MyStudentlife The SCC: Vice Chairperson, Mr. Pieter
 018 299 2550 (w); 073 193 1358 (c)                                 Hattingh addresses students.

                                                                    INFORMATION MEETING (Residences)
 HEIMAT: Mr Philip Malan
 Totius Hall (F6)                                                   21:45
 Philip.malan@nwu.ac.za                                             PROGRAMME ENDS
 018 285 2065 (w); 084 600 7239 (c)
 THABA-JÄH: Mr Jak Jansen van Vuuren                                 TRANSPORTATION - LADIES TOWN RESIDENCES &
 Building E8 room G42                                                                FACULTY STUDENTS
 Jak.jansenvanvuuren@nwu.ac.za                                        Available every evening unless indicated otherwise.
 018 299 2210 (w); 082 562 9193 (c)
 VILLAGERS: Dr Bertus le Roux                                          Ladies town residence and faculty students can contact
 Building N2B room G01                                               the R&I committee if they require transport to their homes.
 bertus.leroux@nwu.ac.za                                            Contact persons are Thehan van der Merwe (078 358 6844)
 018 299 4019 (w); 074 768 4569 (c)                                  and Wiehan Kriel (083 387 1062). Everybody meets at the
                                                                    West Campus Duikweg (behind the main building, F5). Please
12:00-13:00                                                          remember to keep your address with you at all times when
FACULTY STUDENTS’ MEETING: Building E5 room K04                                 you make use of our transportation.
Parents and all students who are making use of private
lodgings or living with their parents in town and who are NOT
registered at a town residence, have a meeting with the SCC:        SUNDAY 12 JANUARY 2020
Vice Chairperson as well as Reception and Introduction
committee members (R&I) for Faculty Students (Mpho Seane
071 803 5747 and Jané Leibrandt 082 386 0988). Only one             07:30-08:30
session has to be attended. Both sessions will take place in the    BREAKFAST
indicated venue.
Time                      Session
12:00-12:30               First session                             16:30-17:30
12:30-13:00               Second session                            DINNER

13:00-14:00                                                         21:00-21:30
LUNCH                                                               INFORMATION MEETING
Parents are invited to enjoy a light lunch with their children in   Students must go to bed early to be well rested in order to write
the dining hall of the University residence where they will be      the psychometric and TALL tests on Monday, 13 January 2020.
staying. Parents are requested not to eat at other dining halls.    Only students who did not write the required aptitude, interest
Town Students and parents receive a light lunch at the venue        or compulsory selection tests must report for the psychometric
after their meeting with the town residence house parents.          tests
Please note that this invitation only applies to a first-year
student plus two guests (if not accompanied by parents).            21:30
                                                                    PROGRAMME ENDS

(Campus and Town Residences)
Residence students meet in campus residences and town
residence students in halls/rooms as indicated. Town
residences meet at the following buildings (for the
duration of the R&O period):

  LADIES                             MEN’S
   TOWN             BUILDING         TOWN           BUILDING
RESIDENCES                         RESIDENCE
                 Weet-en-Sweet                      Totius Hall
   Bellatrix                          Heimat
                      (J6)                             (F6)
                  Sport Centre                      Clubhouse
     Dinki                          Thaba-Jäh
                     (F14)                             (C7)
                  Alumni Hall                        Weet-en-
    LaVaria                          Villagers
                     (F14)                          Sweet (J6)



                     send an sms to

     We receive it     Anonymity       We provide feedback
     on a database    will be upheld   on messages received

Student Academic Development and Support

                                                                        One-on-One Academic Advising
                                                                                 Academic Peer Mentoring
                                                                                   Supplemental Instruction
                                                                                          Reading Development
                                                                                           First Year Experience
                                                          Building E8, Office K16, 018 299 2105

   MONDAY 13 JANUARY 2020                                                08:00-13:00
                                                                         APPROVED STUDENT LIFE PROGRAMME
                                                                         First year concert auditions for all resident students that
                                                                         are not involved in academic or information sessions as
                                                                         scheduled in the programme.
   BREAKFAST                                                             08:00-13:00
   Breakfast 06:30 for students who have to write psychometric,          COLLECTION OF STUDENT CARDS
   engineering or selection tests.                                       (F17, Protection Service)

   07:00-07:30                                                           Session 1: 07:30-09:30
   FACULTY STUDENT MEETING                                               Vergeet-My-Nie                      Heimat
   Information session in building E5 room K04.                          Session 2: 09:30-10:30
                                                                         Minjonet                            Veritas
                                                                         Session 3: 10:30-11:15
   Engineering students who have not written the mandatory               Eikenhof                            Pukdorp
   engineering test must report to the reception area in building        Session 4: 11:15-12:00
   N1. For enquiries and arrangements, contact Ms Sonette                Karlien                             Caput
   Becker (018 299 1318).                                                Session 5: 12:00-13:00
                                                                         Wanda                               Thaba-Jäh
   PSYCHOMETRIC TESTS (Building E9 rooms G01 and 101)                    08:00-13:00
   Tests with regards to aptitude and interest in view of study field    COMPULSORY ACADEMIC LITERACY TESTS (TAG/TALL)
   and module choice. ONLY students who are UNCERTAIN                    All new first-year students must write TALL.
   about their prospective study field choices, must report to the       For any enquiries contact Ms Karien Seymore (018 299 1045)
   Frans du Toit, building E9 rooms G01 and 101 for the tests. For       or Ms Mariska Nel (018 299 1039) at the Academic Literacy
   any enquiries, please visit the Student Counselling Service in        office (Building F4 room 108A).
   building F18 or contact them at 018 299 2893.                         • Bring your university number, identity number, cell
                                                                         phone number, HB pencil and eraser along to the lecture
                                                                         halls as indicated.
                                                                         • Students must please report on time.

• TAG or TALL tests can be written in the preferred language      ASA                                     VENUE
  of instruction. Please note that Afrikaans-speaking students    English Students                        Building E8 room G01
  write the TAG test while English-speaking students write        Scientiae & Cuvinte                     Building E8 room G34
  the TALL test.                                                  Ad Vivendum                             Building E8 room K41
• Ensure you receive the information sheet after you have         Ingenium                                Building E8 room G35
  written the TAG/TALL test, this is needed to obtain your        PSA & Viviente                          Building E8 room K40
  results.                                                        Educo                                   Building E8 room G41
                                                                  All other students who have to take the course must report to
Session 1: 08:30-10:30                                            building E8 room K40.
Building E3 rooms G20 & G28      LaVaria
Building E3 room G27             Laureus                          17:00-18:30
                                 Klawerhof, Excelsior,            DINNER
Building E3 room K12
                                 Kasteel & Patria
Building E5 rooms K01 & K02      Villagers                        19:00-21:00
                                                                  SCC PROGRAMME (Amphitheatre, F14)
Building E5 room K02             Eikenhof & Pukdorp
                                                                  #MYNWU Address by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor:
                                 Karlien, Caput, Wanda &
Building E5 room K03                                              Prof Daryl Balia.
Building E5 room K04             Bellatrix                        21:15-21:30
Building E8 room G35             De Wilgers                       INFORMATION MEETING
Building E8 rooms G41 & G42      Dinki
Session 2: 10:45-12:45                                            PROGRAMME ENDS
Building E3 rooms G20 & K12      Faculty Students
Building E5 room K01             Vergeet-My-Nie & Heimat          TUESDAY 14 JANUARY 2020
Building E5 room K02             Heimat
                                 Minjonet, Veritas, Heide &
Building E5 room K03                                              NWU AND RESIDENCE SPORT Practice TIMES
                                 Over de Voor
                                 Huis Republiek, Hombré,          06:30-08:00
Building E5 room K04
                                 Oosterhof & Soetdorings          BREAKFAST
Building E8 room G35             Wag-’n-Bietjie
Building E8 room G41             Ratau Lebone                     08:00-12:30
                                                                  APPROVED STUDENT LIFE PROGRAMME
13:00-14:00                                                       First year concert practice for all resident students that
LUNCH                                                             are not involved in academic or information sessions as
                                                                  scheduled in the programme.
APPROVED STUDENT LIFE PROGRAMME                                   08:30-10:30
First year concert auditions for all resident students that are   COMPULSORY ACADEMIC LITERACY TESTS (TAG/TALL)
not involved in academic or information sessions as scheduled
in the programme.                                                 Session 08:30-10:30
                                                                              Any students that wrote the Psychometric and
14:30-17:00                                                       Building E5 Engineering test or missed the previous session
COLLECTION OF STUDENT CARDS                                       room K03 due to being occupied with other activities.
(F17, Protection Service)                                                     (Afrikaans Students)
                                                                              Any students that wrote the Psychometric and
                                                                  Building E5 Engineering test or missed the previous session
Session 1: 14:15-15:30
                                                                  room K04 due to being occupied with other activities.
Kasteel                           Patria                                      (English Students)
Session 2: 15:30-16:15
Oosterhof                         Hombrè                          08:30-12:30
Session 3: 16:15-17:00                                            COLLECTION OF STUDENT CARDS
Klawerhof                         Excelsior                       (F17, Protection Service)

16:00-17:45                                                       Session 1: 07:30-09:15
MATHEMATICS REFRESHER COURSE                                      Dinki                           De Wilgers
Students who have to attend this course are excused from all      Session 2: 09:15-10:30
other activities.                                                 LaVaria                         Laureus
                                                                  Session 3: 10:30-14:00
All bona fide first year students enrolled for programs which     Bellatrix                       Villagers
contain the module MTHS111, MTHS114, MATH111 or
WSKT122 must attend the refresher course. This implies that       08:00-11:00
all engineering and BMI students, BSc and BA students enrolled    MATHEMATICS REFRESHER COURSE
for the modules MTHS111 or MTHS114 and BEd students               Students who have to attend this course are excused from all
(Snr/FET) with Education Mathematics as major subject or          other activities.
Technology Education, have to attend.
                                                                  All bona fide first year students enrolled for programs which
                                                                  contain the module MTHS111, MTHS114, MATH111 or
                                                                  WSKT122 must attend the refresher course. This implies
                                                                  that all engineering and BMI students, BSc and BA students
enrolled for the modules MTHS111 or MTHS114 and BEd              18:30-20:00
students (Snr/FET) with Education Mathematics as major           STUDENT LIFE PROGRAM (SCC LEADERSHIP
subject or Technology Education, have to attend.                 INTRODUCTION - Sanlam Auditorium, F14)
                                                                 INTERPRETING SERVICE INTRODUCTION AND
ASA                                    VENUE                     #MYSTUDENTCAMPUSCOUNCIL:
English Students                       Building E8 room G01
Scientiae & Cuvinte                    Building E8 room G34      Third Session
Ad Vivendum                            Building E8 room K41      LaVaria & Laureus               Huis Republiek & Soetdorings
Ingenium                               Building E8 room G35      Heide & Over de Voor            Wag-’n-Bietjie & Ratau Lebone
PSA & Viviente                         Building E8 room K40      Faculty Students
Educo                                  Building E8 room G41
All other students who have to take the course must report to    20:30-22:00
building E8 room K40.
                                                                 STUDENT LIFE PROGRAM (SCC LEADERSHIP
                                                                 INTRODUCTION - Sanlam Auditorium, F14)
LUNCH                                                            INTERPRETING SERVICE INTRODUCTION AND
First year concert practice for all resident students that are   Fourth Session
not involved in academic or information sessions as scheduled    Bellatrix & Villagers              Eikenhof & Pukdorp
in the programme.                                                Oosterhof & Hombré

(F17, Protection Service)                                        INFORMATION MEETING (Campus Residences)

Session 1: 13:30-14:30                                           22:15
Huis Republiek                 Soetdorings
                                                                 PROGRAMME ENDS
Session 2: 14:30-16:00
Heide                          Over de Voor
Session 3: 16:00-17:00                                           WEDNESDAY 15 JANUARY 2020
Wag-’n-Bietjie                 Ratau Lebone
14:00-15:30                                                      NWU AND RESIDENCE SPORT Practice TIMES
INTRODUCTION - Sanlam Auditorium, F14)                           06:30-07:30
department introduces their service and the SCC: Chairperson,    08:00-12:30
Mr Heinz Schoeman-Struwig, introduces the Student Campus         APPROVED STUDENT LIFE PROGRAMME
Council (SCC) to first year students.                            First year concert practice for all resident students that are
                                                                 not involved in academic or information sessions as scheduled
                                                                 in the programme.
First Session
Kasteel & Patria               Dinki & De Wilgers
Klawerhof & Excelsior          Karlien & Caput                   BUSSE SURVEY
Faculty Students                                                 The BUSSE Survey measures entering first-year students’ pre-
                                                                 university academic and co-curricular experiences and their
16:00-17:30                                                      expectations regarding participation in educationally purposeful
STUDENT LIFE PROGRAM (SCC LEADERSHIP                             activities during their first year at a tertiary institution. For any
INTRODUCTION - Sanlam Auditorium, F14)                           enquiries contact Ms. Dine du Preez (0169103311) OR Ms.
INTERPRETING SERVICE INTRODUCTION AND                            Sonja van der Westhuizen (018 299 2134). ALL prospective
#MYSTUDENTCAMPUSCOUNCIL:                                         students must complete this survey.

Second Session                                                   Session 1: 08:00-09:30
Minjonet & Veritas             Vergeet-My-Nie & Heimat           Building N1 rooms G21 & G22
Wanda & Thaba-Jäh              Faculty Students                  Building G1 rooms 113, 117, 215 & 303
                                                                 Building G1 room 201
17:00-18:30                                                                                                     Villagers
                                                                 Building E7 room 309A
DINNER                                                           Building E7 room 309B                          Eikenhof & Pukdorp
                                                                 Building C5 room G02                           Oosterhof
18:30-22:00                                                      Building E3 room G11                           Hombré
First year concert practice for all resident students that are   Session 2: 09:30-11:00
not involved in academic or information sessions as scheduled    Building N1 rooms G21 & G22,
in the programme.                                                                                      Dinki
                                                                 Building G1 rooms 113, 117, 215 & 303

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