Business Postgraduate Guide 2020 - University of Aberdeen

Page created by Sarah Mcguire
Business Postgraduate Guide 2020 - University of Aberdeen
                                   OF THE YEAR
Business Postgraduate Guide 2020
Business Postgraduate Guide 2020 - University of Aberdeen
Home to opportunity

4	Welcome
6	Home to community
8	Home to industry
10	Home to networking
12	Best of both
14	Scholarships and funding
16	The Bloomberg Finance Lab
18	International reach
20	Applying to our programmes
22	Entry requirements
24	MBA and Management programmes
44	Accounting and Finance programmes
54	Economics programmes
62	Real Estate programmes
69	Coming soon
70	Course index

The small print
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information               The University of Aberdeen continues to pursue best practice
contained within this prospectus but it is subject to alteration without notice.   and high standards of service for all students.

The University reserves the right to make variations to the contents or            If you would like to receive this document in an alternative format,
methods of delivery of programmes and courses, to discontinue programmes           please contact the Marketing and Student Recruitment Service
and courses and to merge or combine programmes and courses.                        for more information.

The University is constantly developing new programmes and courses,                Tel: +44 (0)1224 273235
so please visit our website for the latest information.                            Email:

Business Postgraduate Guide 2020 - University of Aberdeen
University of Aberdeen Business School       Home to opportunity

At our Business School you will be part of                         Our Business School is a
                                                                   leading international provider

a thriving, diverse community of students                          of excellence in undergraduate
                                                                   and postgraduate education.

and staff. You will make valuable industry                         Our base at the historic

contacts, learn from tutors with business                          Kings College campus in
                                                                   Old Aberdeen consists of

experience, and work on live projects to                           an international faculty of
                                                                   world-leading academics

prepare you for the real world.                                    with strong professional links
                                                                   with the business community.

                                                                   The Business School is nationally

When it comes to launching your career,                            and internationally renowned
                                                                   for its research in Energy and

we are home to the things that matter.                             Environment, Finance and
                                                                   Governance, Work, Health
                                                                   and Wellbeing and Property
                                                                   Market Analysis.

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Business Postgraduate Guide 2020 - University of Aberdeen
University of Aberdeen Business School                      Home to opportunity

Home to
                                                                                  “I don’t know who I’d be if I hadn’t
                                                                                   come here. It’s only been a year
                                                                                   but I’ve met so many amazing
                                                                                   people; they’ve all helped me
                                                                                   become the person I am today.”

                                                                                  Sophia-Marie Korpiun
                                                                                  Business Management
                                                                                  and Psychology

At our Business School you will benefit from a tight-knit
community of students and staff, and all the support that
comes with it. You will meet people here from all over
the world; who all feel like they belong. Wherever you
come from, whatever you are passionate about, you will
build friendships that will last a lifetime.

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Business Postgraduate Guide 2020 - University of Aberdeen
University of Aberdeen Business School                  Home to opportunity

Home to
                                                                              “I’m gaining knowledge from
                                                                               lecturers who have been
                                                                               there and who have industry
                                                                               experience, not just people
                                                                               who have studied the subject.

                                                                               That ability to teach us about
                                                                               real world situations is crucial.”

                                                                              Gopnauth Bobby Gossai Jr
                                                                              PHD, Economics

This is the perfect place to prepare for the changing
world of business. You will learn from tutors with
hands-on business experience, benefit from the
Business School’s great industry links, and work
on live business projects. By bringing the business
world to you, we will help prepare and inspire you.

8                                                                                                                   9
Business Postgraduate Guide 2020 - University of Aberdeen
University of Aberdeen Business School                          Home to opportunity

Home to
                                                                                      “I found my mentor here.
                                                                                       She’s running her own business
                                                                                       now, and has offered to help
                                                                                       me in any way she can. I know
                                                                                       there’s someone I can contact

                                                                                       when I leave.”

                                                                                      Gaia Calvio
                                                                                      Business Management
                                                                                      and Psychology

Here you will be networking with your fellow students,
just as you would in the business world. As part of a global
student base, you will graduate with an international network
of contacts. Who knows where your connections could take you?

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Business Postgraduate Guide 2020 - University of Aberdeen
University of Aberdeen Business School                                                                               Home to opportunity

                    Best of both
Home to

                    Studying at the University of Aberdeen Business
                    School means you not only benefit from our awards                                                                  Business School
                    and accolades, but also those of the wider University.

                    University of Aberdeen
                                                                                                                                       40+ NATIONALITIES
                                                                                                                                                           Real-time trading in our


                                      1495                                                 SCOTTISH
                                                                                               OF THE YEAR1
                                                                                                                                                           FINANCE LAB

                                             MOST AFFORDABLE                                                                                CFA LEVEL 1 OR IFRS
                                             STUDENT CITY IN THE UK                                           2                             qualifications can be obtained while studying a masters

                                    Associated with

                                NOBEL PRIZES
                                                                                          of research classified as
                                                                                          WORLD LEADING3
                                                                                                                                             OFFERED IN SCHOLARSHIPS
                                                                                                                                                                                Accounting and Finance
                                                                                                                                                                               by the ACCA and ICAEW

                    1 The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2019
                    2 Royal Bank of Scotland Student Living Index 2017
 12                 3 Ranked by the Times Higher Education based on REF 2014 GPA scores                                                                                                                  13
Business Postgraduate Guide 2020 - University of Aberdeen
University of Aberdeen Business School                                                               Home to opportunity

                                                                                                        “I’ve always wanted to see
Home to

                                                                                                         the world. My dad travelled
                                                                                                         to places like China and Hong
                                                                                                         Kong for business, and I always

                    and funding
                                                                                                         thought, ‘I want to do that’.
                                                                                                         That’s what I want – that
                                                                                                         sense of adventure.”

                                                                                                        Amy Scott
                                                                                                        Business Management

                    The Business School is delighted
                    to offer international students    • Hold a conditional or unconditional offer
                    (those classified as overseas        for entry in September 2020 for a Business
                    for the purpose of tuition fees)     School postgraduate taught programme
                    the opportunity to apply for         delivered on campus in Aberdeen
                    a Merit scholarship. We have         (excluding Executive MBA, MBA Finance,
                    10 competitive awards available,     MBA and MBA Energy Management).
                    each worth £5,000. In order
                                                       • Demonstrate an excellent academic track
                    to apply, you must meet the
                                                         record and hold, or expect to obtain, the
                    following criteria:
                                                         overseas equivalent of a UK second class
                                                         upper (2:1) or first class honours degree.
                                                       • D
                                                          emonstrate excellent personal and
                                                         professional skills.
                                                       • Must not be in receipt of another
                                                         scholarship or bursary.

                                                       For more details email

 14                                                                                                                                        15
Business Postgraduate Guide 2020 - University of Aberdeen
University of Aberdeen Business School                                Home to opportunity

                    The Bloomberg
                                                                         “The Finance world is so broad
Home to

                                                                          and as a Finance graduate
                                                                          you can work in any industry
                                                                          and anywhere in the world.

                    Finance Lab
                                                                          That’s really inspiring to me.”

                                                                          Lea Emvula
                                                                          MSc, Finance and Investment

                    Finance students will gain real-world experience
                    dealing with stocks and securities through our
                    Bloomberg Terminal. This software platform
                    provides real-time and historical data, market-
                    moving news and analytics that help leading
                    business and financial professionals make
                    better informed investment decisions.

                    The service also features
                    execution platforms for every
                    asset class, research and a global
                    network to communicate
                    securely and reliably.

                    You will experience what life
                    is like for the 325,000 leading
                    banks, corporations and
                    government agencies around
                    the world who already use the
                    software, giving you real-world
                    experience that will enhance
                    your career prospects.

 16                                                                                                         17
Business Postgraduate Guide 2020 - University of Aberdeen
University of Aberdeen Business School              Home to opportunity                                                                                         Closer than you think
                                                                                                                                                                 Regular trains link Aberdeen
                                                                                                                                                                 to key hubs within the UK,
                                                                                                                                                                 including Glasgow, Edinburgh,

                                                                                                                                                                 Manchester and London.
Home to

                                                                                                                                                                 A variety of domestic and
                                                                                                                                                                 international flights make
                                                                                                                                                                 Aberdeen easily reachable,
                                                                                                                                                                 wherever you’re travelling

                                                                                                                                                                 from in the world.
                                                                                                                                                                 2.45h         train from Glasgow
                                                                                                                                                                 2.5h          train from Edinburgh
                                                                                                                                                                 55m           flight from Newcastle
                                                                                                                                                                 1.25h         flight from Manchester
                                                                                                                                                                 1.5h          flight from London
                                                                                                                                                                 1.5h          flight to Amsterdam
                                                                                                                                                                 2h            flight to Paris



 In 2017, we became the first UK
 University to have a dedicated
 campus in the Gulf State of Qatar
 offering mainstream degrees.
 The multi-million pound facility
 in Doha is a partnership between
 the University and the Al-Faleh
 Group for Educational and
 Academic Services (AFG)
 that offers business degrees
 to Qatari nationals and the
 country’s expatriate community.

 18                                                  This map is for guidance only and should not be taken as a definitive or exhaustive representation of our student body.                            19
University of Aberdeen Business School                                                              Home to opportunity

Applying to our
     1                                     2                            3                             4                                    5                                   6

CHOOSE YOUR                              SUBMIT ONLINE                RECEIVING                     REVIEW YOUR                          ACCEPTING                           YOUR FUNDING
PROGRAMME                                APPLICATION                  A DECISION                    JOINING PACK                         YOUR OFFER                          OPTIONS
This guide contains an overview          All applications should be   You will be sent an email     Once cleared for admission           If you wish to accept the offer,    Most funding bodies have
of all of our taught programmes,         submitted online through     with our decision. If there   you will receive a pack of joining   please return your completed        application deadlines, so we
but you can find much more               our Applicant Portal:        are conditions attached to    instructions which includes          acceptance and financial            advise that you submit your
information and all our entry             the offer, please upload      a Certificate of Acceptance,         guarantee forms as soon as          funding application as early
requirements at:                              postgraduate/apply      documents to satisfy the      information on accommodation,        possible. If you are waiting to     as possible. It’s important that                                                conditions to the Applicant   registration, tuition fees etc.      hear the outcome of a funding       you have an offer from the
     postgraduate                                                     Portal as soon as possible.   International students who           application, you can still accept   University before you apply
                                                                                                    declare they require a Tier 4        the offer of admission then         for funding, so you need to
                                                                                                    visa to enter the UK will receive    send the completed financial        get your application to us
                                                                                                    a CAS number so that they            guarantee form with the letter      well before the funding body’s
                                                                                                    may apply.                           of sponsorship later.               closing date:

                                                                                                     “Getting a degree just proves how capable you are.
                                                                                                      I keep the certificate from my last graduation on the
                                                                                                      fireplace in my living room, to make sure I don’t forget.
                                                                                                      I can’t wait to get another one!”

                                                                                                       Alex Severn
                                                                                                       Msc in Environmental Partnership Management

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University of Aberdeen Business School                              Home to opportunity

Entry requirements
PROGRAMME                                                           ENTRY REQUIREMENTS
MScEcon Accounting and Finance                                      Minimum entry requirement is a degree at 2:2 (lower second class) UK Honours level (or a degree
MSc Finance                                                         from a non-UK institution which is judged by the University to be of equivalent worth).
MScEcon Finance and Investment Management (with CFA Level 1 exam)
MSc Finance and Real Estate (with CFA Level 1 exam)
MSc International Business Finance
MSc International Business Management
MSc International Human Resource Management
MSc Marketing Management
MSc Real Estate (International or Commercial options)

MSc Law and Economics of Oil and Gas                                Minimum entry requirements is a degree at 2:1 (upper second class) UK Honours level (or a degree
MScEcon Petroleum, Energy Economics and Finance                     from a non-UK institution which is judged by the University to be of equivalent worth and evidence
                                                                    of a strong background in quantitative subjects).

MBA (Global)                                                        Minimum of two years’ post-degree work experience (five years is required for the Executive MBA);
MBA, MBA Finance and Executive MBA                                  a track record of professional achievement and a good first degree (equivalent to a British second-class
                                                                    Honours degree) or above in any discipline. The Programme Director may consider applicants with
                                                                    non-standard qualifications. If you have non-standard qualifications and extensive work experience,
                                                                    please ensure to enclose a complete CV and detailed work references.

MBA Energy Management                                               Minimum of three years post-degree work experience; a track record of professional achievement
                                                                    and at least the equivalent of a British 2:2 (Hons) degree. OR a minimum of 5 years work experience;
                                                                    associated training and an excellent track record of professional achievement.

MSc, PgCert or PgDip Digital Marketing Leadership                   A good honours degree from a UK University (or equivalent qualification from a recognised institution
                                                                    for those with non-UK qualifications). OR Substantial industry experience and a portfolio of training /
                                                                    achievement. Individuals seeking entry via this route will be required to provide a comprehensive CV
                                                                    detailing the experience, training and qualifications they have obtained to date. It is anticipated that
                                                                    all individuals applying via this route will be interviewed via skype or an alternative technology.

LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS                                               All students entering the University must provide evidence that they can use English well enough
                                                                    to study effectively at the University of Aberdeen. If you have not studied in the UK, the requirement
                                                                    is IELTS minimum overall: 6.5 IELTS minimum by component: 6.0 in writing and reading, 5.5 other
                                                                    elements (or equivalent PTE). If you have not yet achieved the required IELTS or equivalent scores,
                                                                    we offer extensive pre-sessional English courses, designed to take you to the level of English ability
                                                                    and skill required for your studies here. For more information:

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University of Aberdeen Business School   Home to opportunity

MBA and

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University of Aberdeen Business School                                                                        Home to opportunity

MBA                                                                                                            WHAT YOU WILL STUDY                                     HOW YOU WILL STUDY

                                                                                                              Semester 1                                              The MBA programme consists of a stimulating
                                                                                                                                                                      mix of lectures, tutorials, seminars, case studies,
                                                                                                              • Business Economics
                                                                                                                                                                      fieldwork and business simulations, which are
The MBA is our on campus MBA programme. It is focused                                                         • Operations and Project Management                     further supported by on-line forums and additional
on the real needs of business and is designed to provide                                                      • Business Strategy
                                                                                                                                                                      learning materials. All of modules are assessed
                                                                                                                                                                      entirely by coursework – there are no exams – so
you with an opportunity to develop your understanding                                                         • Accounting and Finance for Managers                   you will be required to produce reports, briefing
of the knowledge and skills required to succeed in today’s                                                                                                            notes, presentations and reflective journals.
                                                                                                                                                                      Together these will build up into a personalised
challenging business world.                                                                                   Semester 2
                                                                                                                                                                      portfolio of experience – tangible proof that
                                                                                                              • Strategic Marketing                                   you’ve acquired key business skills and knowledge
                                                                                                              • Managing People at Work                               and something we know that prospective
 WHY STUDY THIS PROGRAMME?                               WHY STUDY WITH US?                                                                                           employers find very useful.
                                                                                                              • Managing Change
An MBA is the most popular professional degree          Our MBA is not all about business dogma, it’s         • The Leadership Challenge                               YOUR FUTURE CAREER
programme in the world. The University of               refreshingly different. Our programme encourages
Aberdeen MBA is a globally recognised qualification     you to challenge the way business is done, and                                                                MBA graduates are in high demand worldwide
                                                                                                              Semester 3
designed to develop your leadership skills,             find new, more effective, more creative ways of                                                               and the average salary of an MBA graduate is over
underpinned by practical and theoretical                doing it. Our MBA attracts many talented people       • New Venture Creation                                  £80,000 according to the Association of MBAs.
knowledge. It offers you the opportunity to             from different industries, from all over the world.                                                           Our Alumni have enjoyed much success with
                                                                                                              • Plus three modules from the
formally recognise your business expertise and          In this way, you will be able to learn from your                                                              recent graduates going on to work in organisations
                                                                                                                summer school electives:
will take you to the next level in terms of career      peers, share ideas, create professional networks                                                              such as Accenture, Bank of Scotland, Centrica,
                                                                                                                – Strategic Financial Analysis
progression, earnings potential and job satisfaction.   and make friendships that last well beyond the                                                                KPMG, Shell and Standard Chartered Bank.
                                                                                                                – Talking to Teams
In short, our MBA will provide you with the             academic experience.
                                                                                                                – People, Creativity and Change
credentials needed to compete against the best.
                                                                                                                – Supply Chain Management                              WHAT TO DO NEXT?
                                                                                                                – Digital Marketing
 WHAT WILL YOU GAIN?                                                                                            – Essential Human Resources Management
                                                           • Learn how to manage and motivate                                                                         For details on entry requirements, please visit:
                                                             successful teams and organisations                                                                
Although the programme is aimed at working
professionals, with significant business experience,       • Understand how data drives better
                                                                                                                                                                      For details on fees and funding, please visit:
there is still a lot to learn. We will explore both          decision-making and management
the practical and theoretical aspects of business,         • Develop a strong skillset in strategy
broadening and deepening your knowledge – and                formulation and implementation
focusing on powerful business insights – many of
them from newly emerging business models that              • Focus on your personal development,
will shape tomorrow.                                         communication skills and leadership style
                                                           • Tailor your MBA to specialist subject areas
                                                             such as HR, finance or marketing

                                                                                                                  LEARNING MODE            STUDY MODE                   QUALIFICATION               DURATION
                                                                                                                   On campus                 Full-time or part-time        MBA                          12 months full-time
                                                                                                                                                                                                         24 months part-time
                                                                                                                  START MONTH              ENTRY REQUIREMENTS           WORK EXPERIENCE
                                                                                                                   September & January       2:2                           2 years minimum

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University of Aberdeen Business School                                                                    Home to opportunity

MBA Energy Management                                                                                      WHAT YOU WILL STUDY                                       HOW YOU WILL STUDY

                                                                                                          Semester 1                                                You will study in a contemporary university
                                                                                                                                                                    environment and experience innovative teaching
                                                                                                          • Business Strategy
                                                                                                                                                                    methods that give you the chance to interact
Advance your career in this high-growth, profitable                                                       • Business and Money                                      with industry. The taught element of the
global sector with our specialised, industry-focused MBA.                                                 • Values and Markets
                                                                                                                                                                    programme is delivered through an inspiring mix
                                                                                                                                                                    of lectures, workshops, role-plays and simulation
Whether you’re already in the energy sector or you have                                                   • Operations and Project Management                       exercises. There are no exams – the programme
the transferrable skills to move into it, this programme                                                                                                            focuses on real-world learning to help you gain
                                                                                                                                                                    relevant knowledge, quickly and effectively –
will give you a competitive advantage.                                                                    Semester 2
                                                                                                                                                                    with all assessment done by portfolio or
                                                                                                          • Managing Change                                         work-based assignment.
                                                                                                          • Business Model Innovation
 WHY STUDY THIS PROGRAMME?                              WHY STUDY WITH US?                                                                                           YOUR FUTURE CAREER
                                                                                                          • Managing Self and Others
Our industry-led MBA programme is unique in the        Located in the energy capital of Europe, the       • The Leadership Challenge                                The energy market is crucial to the global economy.
UK for developing the next generation of skilled,      University of Aberdeen plays a major role in the                                                             Many of our MBA graduates have secured high-level
talented and knowledgeable professionals for           energy industry through research, consultancy,                                                               employment with some of the biggest companies
                                                                                                          Semester 3
higher-level positions within the energy industry.     training and development. The MBA Energy                                                                     in the world including BP, Citibank, Ernst and Young,
This programme will provide you with the               Management was designed in consultation            • Talking to Teams                                        Google, KPMG, Npower and Royal Bank of Scotland.
knowledge base and necessary analytical skills to      with leading energy industry professionals and
                                                                                                          • Energy Finance
understand the major challenges, financial models      organisations to ensure it is aligned with the
                                                                                                                                                                     WHAT TO DO NEXT?
and decision-making processes that will characterise   competencies and skills needs of the industry.     • Future Energies
the energy industry in the coming decades.             Our programme has been endorsed by recognised
                                                                                                          • Supply Chain Management                                 For details on entry requirements, please visit:
                                                       industry bodies such as The Energy Institute.
                                                                                                          • Or, for part-time students two of the above      
                                                                                                            and a work-based project
                                                         • Deepen your understanding of key                                                                         For details on fees and funding, please visit:
                                                           energy industry structures                                                                        
This programme enables you to focus your studies
across a wide number of areas including Business         • Connect you with the key functional
Strategy, Project Management, Finance, Supply              areas of energy businesses
Chain Management and The Leadership Challenge.           • Develop your critical-thinking and
You will develop your business acumen, problem-            strategic decision-making skills
solving skills and strategic thinking with a global
perspective designed to help accelerate your             • Sharpen your implementation skills
career in the energy industry.                             as a leader and team member
                                                         • Enhance your global perspective
                                                           via interaction with your peers

                                                                                                              LEARNING MODE             STUDY MODE                    QUALIFICATION               DURATION
                                                                                                               On campus                  Full-time and part-time        MBA                          12 months full-time
                                                                                                                                                                                                      24 months part-time
                                                                                                              START MONTH               ENTRY REQUIREMENTS            WORK EXPERIENCE
                                                                                                               September & January        2.2                            3 years minimum

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University of Aberdeen Business School                                                                        Home to opportunity

MBA Finance                                                                                                    WHAT YOU WILL STUDY                                     HOW YOU WILL STUDY

                                                                                                              Semester 1                                              You will study in a contemporary university
                                                                                                                                                                      environment and experience innovative teaching
                                                                                                              • Business Economics
                                                                                                                                                                      methods that give you the chance to interact with
The MBA Finance is designed for managers looking to take                                                      • Accounting and Finance for Managers                   industry. You will learn through a combination
a strategic step forward in their career with a specific focus                                                • Business Strategy
                                                                                                                                                                      of theory and practice, taking the knowledge
                                                                                                                                                                      from the classroom to the workplace. A stimulating
on finance. It offers an opportunity to formally recognise                                                    • Operations and Project Management                     mix of lectures, tutorials, seminars, case studies,
your business expertise and take you to a higher level of                                                     • Entrepreneurship in Practice                          field work and business simulations will be further
                                                                                                                                                                      supported by on-line forums and additional
earnings potential and job satisfaction.                                                                                                                              learning materials and frameworks.
                                                                                                              Semester 2
                                                                                                              • Strategic Marketing                                    YOUR FUTURE CAREER
 WHY STUDY THIS PROGRAMME?                              WHY STUDY WITH US?
                                                                                                              • Managing People at Work
                                                                                                                                                                      MBA graduates are in high demand worldwide and
Our MBA Finance will equip you with the knowledge      Our Business School is internationally recognised      • Managing Change and Innovation                        our Alumni have enjoyed much success with recent
and insight to understand contemporary issues and      and plays a major role in industry through research,                                                           graduates going on to work in organisations such
                                                                                                              • The Leadership Challenge
practices in management and finance. Importantly,      and consultancy. Our unique industry weeks                                                                     as Accenture, Bank of Scotland, Centrica, Citibank,
you will develop practical interpersonal skills to     will enable you to interact with businesses,                                                                   KPMG, Shell and Standard Chartered Bank.
bring about positive organisational and market         working with them to identify opportunities            Semester 3
change. In all of this, you will explore management    and develop possible solutions for investors and
                                                                                                              • New Venture Creation                                   WHAT TO DO NEXT?
and finance in the context of international business   key stakeholders. Not only will you acquire the
and gain the skills and capabilities needed to be a    business knowledge essential to success, you will      • Strategic Financial Analysis
leader in your chosen field.                           also develop the crucial characteristics such as                                                               For details on entry requirements, please visit:
                                                                                                              • Professional Skills for Finance and Data Analysis
                                                       strong communication and interpersonal skills,
                                                       quantitative knowledge and technical skills –          • Corporate Governance and Ethics
                                                       most sought after in the highly competitive                                                                    For details on fees and funding, please visit:
                                                       global business environment.                                                                            

                                                          • Advance your leadership skills and learn
                                                            to lead with vision and purpose
This pathway MBA will equip you with an enhanced
knowledge and understanding of accounting and             • Develop critical insight into current
finance to enable you to pursue more specific               and emerging business issues
roles in the areas of project finance and corporate       • Drive organisational change to address
finance. You will not only enhance your credentials         major financial and economic challenges
with a globally-recognised MBA and first class
management training, you will develop a holistic          • Evaluate how value is created through
approach to understanding and solving major                 innovation and marketing
business problems.                                        • Strengthen your capacity for social,
                                                            geographical and cultural mobility
                                                          • Study alongside world-class peers and                 LEARNING MODE                STUDY MODE               QUALIFICATION               DURATION
                                                            benefit from professional opportunities                On campus                     Full-time                 MBA                          12 months full-time

                                                                                                                  START MONTH                  ENTRY REQUIREMENTS       WORK EXPERIENCE
                                                                                                                   September                     2:2                       2 years minimum

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University of Aberdeen Business School                                                                         Home to opportunity


MBA (Global)                                                                                                    WHAT YOU WILL STUDY                                     HOW YOU WILL STUDY

                                                                                                               Block 1 – Understanding Yourself,                       The MBA (Global) is studied entirely online, but at
                                                                                                               Your Business and The Market                            all times you will be fully supported by tutors and
                                                                                                                                                                       our student support service. Tutors are available
The MBA (Global) is designed to help you to change the way the                                                 • The Leadership Challenge
                                                                                                                                                                       to provide feedback and one-to-one guidance.
world does business. Delivered online, it challenges you to explore                                            • Marketing and Sales Management                        Our online learning materials are specifically
                                                                                                                                                                       designed for the modern business professional.
forward-thinking and disruptive approaches to business alongside                                               • Business Model Innovation
                                                                                                                                                                       Their intuitive functionality enables you to
your international peers – gaining skills in leadership, innovation,                                                                                                   engage with your studies whenever and wherever.
                                                                                                               Block 2 – Preparing, Implementing and Evaluating        Activities include investigating case studies,
change management, strategy development, sales and marketing.                                                                                                          creating innovative business proposals, and
                                                                                                               • Strategy and Practice In A Dynamic World
                                                                                                                                                                       completing reflective exercises – all designed
                                                                                                               • Future Thinking                                       to help you gain an in-depth knowledge of
 WHY STUDY THIS PROGRAMME?                               WHY STUDY WITH US?                                    • Leading and Managing High Performance Teams           best global business practices.

The MBA (Global) provides the opportunity to            This programme offers you the best of both worlds                                                               YOUR FUTURE CAREER
                                                                                                               Block 3 – Scoping, Planning and Motivating
study for our MBA wherever you are, and at times        – study online, part-time, wherever you are – while
that suit you. This MBA is delivered via a custom-      gaining the same MBA award as on-campus students       • New Venture Creation                                  Our MBA is designed to enhance your employability
built online learning environment that offers a level   at the University of Aberdeen Business School.                                                                 and provide a platform for your future career
                                                                                                               • Strategic Financial Analysis
of support and tutor interaction that we believe        The two-year MBA (Global) programme starts                                                                     success. Our Careers Service can help you to plan
is second-to-none. There are no face-to-face,           in January, July and October each year with a          • Professional Skills for Finance and Data Analysis     your career and support your choices. Recent
residential or attendance-based elements.               focus on developing skills in all areas of business,                                                           Business School alumni have gone to work with
                                                                                                               • Corporate Governance and Ethics
                                                        from Leadership and Strategy Development to                                                                    major organisations such as Accenture, Google,
                                                        Marketing and Project Management.                                                                              KPMG, Shell and Standard Chartered Bank.
                                                                                                               Block 4 – Research Practice, Action and Reflection
 WHAT WILL YOU GAIN?                                                                                           • Making Sense of Research                               WHAT TO DO NEXT?
                                                           • Gain insight into the innovation process,
                                                             challenging current practice to remain            • Research in Practice
The MBA (Global) is delivered in partnership                 relevant and competitive                                                                                  Please contact
with the Interactive Design Institute. It is focused                                                           • Developing Business Solutions                         for more information about this programme.
on the real needs of business and provides an              • Manage projects, change and teams,
opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills              developing the skills to excel in a variety
                                                                                                                                                                       For details on entry requirements, please visit:
required to succeed in today’s challenging business          of management roles
world. This online MBA is delivered by high quality        • Lead smartly and effectively, developing
teaching staff.                                              a strong leadership style                                                                                 For details on fees and funding, please visit:
                                                           • Understand marketing and sales, and how
                                                             to identify and satisfy your target markets
                                                           • Develop profitable strategies, analysing
                                                             your current position, goals and routes
                                                             to success

                                                                                                                   LEARNING MODE                STUDY MODE               QUALIFICATION               DURATION
                                                                                                                    Online                        Part-time                 MBA                          24 months part-time

                                                                                                                   START MONTH                  ENTRY REQUIREMENTS       WORK EXPERIENCE
                                                                                                                    January, July & October       2:2                       2 years minimum

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University of Aberdeen Business School                                                                          Home to opportunity

Executive MBA –                                                                                                  WHAT YOU WILL STUDY                                   HOW YOU WILL STUDY

London and Shanghai                                                                                             Our Executive MBA consists of nine core modules,
                                                                                                                each bearing 15 credit points, plus a 45 credit
                                                                                                                                                                      Our Executive MBA programme is delivered
                                                                                                                                                                      in London or Shanghai, over long weekends
                                                                                                                Practical Intervention Project that will evidence     (Friday to Sunday), starting in September or January.
                                                                                                                the culmination of your study.                        You will follow an eight-week cycle of part-time
                                                                                                                                                                      study over two years, during which you will
The Executive MBA is designed for ambitious professionals                                                       The core modules are:                                 be taught by a wide range of experts including
who are willing to embrace challenging, part-time study.                                                        • Strategy
                                                                                                                                                                      professors, lecturers, teaching fellows and
                                                                                                                                                                      postgraduate tutors. The classroom teaching
The modular programme offers a convenient format for                                                            • Leading Strategic Change                            comprises a mix of lectures, group work, case
busy executives and is delivered in London or Shanghai.                                                         • Accounting and Finance for Executives
                                                                                                                                                                      studies and discussion, and this along with
                                                                                                                                                                      one-to-one supervision is designed to provide
                                                                                                                • Management Effectiveness                            you with a sound underpinning for a specific
                                                                                                                • Strategic Human Resource Management                 programme of practical research.
 WHY STUDY THIS PROGRAMME?                                 WHY STUDY WITH US?
                                                                                                                • Corporate Responsibility, Sustainability and        For those attending the classes in Shanghai,
We recognise that the business leaders of the             We will cover key aspects of business management        Business Ethics                                     translations of some programme material will
future will be required to demonstrate an array           theory and practice with a strong emphasis on                                                               be made available to students and Mandarin
                                                                                                                • Marketing, Reputation and Value
of professional skills, critical analysis and strategic   balancing knowledge and skills. You will develop                                                            speaking staff will form part of the delivery team.
planning in an increasingly challenging world.            a broad understanding and holistic view of the        • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Our unique Executive MBA is focussed on                   drivers of global business and the most effective
                                                                                                                • Global Strategy                                      YOUR FUTURE CAREER
developing these core, transferable business skills.      approaches to the management of an international
It offers ambitious professionals the opportunity         organisation. In short, you will be more than ready   • Practical Intervention Project
                                                                                                                                                                      The Executive MBA is professional learning tailored
to further advance their careers by developing            to move on to the next stage of your career.
                                                                                                                                                                      to help accelerate your career in the world of
the vision, knowledge and strategic leadership skills
                                                                                                                                                                      international business. You will gain the skills
needed to pursue a high profile career in business.
                                                                                                                                                                      employers are looking for in senior positions
                                                                                                                                                                      and/or acquire the skills to you need to radically
 WHAT WILL YOU GAIN?                                                                                                                                                  change career path or start your own business.
                                                             • Advance your leadership skills by learning
                                                               to lead with vision and purpose
Our Executive MBA is designed to enhance your
                                                             • Develop a holistic approach to
                                                                                                                                                                       WHAT TO DO NEXT?
professional credentials with a globally-recognised
MBA degree and first-class management training.                understanding and solving
                                                               business problems                                                                                      For details on entry requirements, please visit:
The programme consists of nine core modules, and
a Practical Intervention Project that will evidence          • Negotiate and communicate successfully                                                           
the culmination of your study. The core modules                in a competitive business world
include Global Strategy, Leading Strategic Change,
                                                             • Learn how to evaluate trends and drive                                                                 For details on fees and funding, please visit:
Management Effectiveness, and Entrepreneurship
                                                               change across all areas of business                                                             
and Innovation. Graduates from the programme
will reap multiple benefits for themselves and               • Develop managerial competence and
their career.                                                  advanced project management skills

                                                                                                                    LEARNING MODE              STUDY MODE               QUALIFICATION               DURATION
                                                                                                                     London or Shanghai          Part-time                 MBA                          24 months part-time

                                                                                                                    START MONTH                ENTRY REQUIREMENTS       WORK EXPERIENCE
                                                                                                                     London – Feb & Oct          2:2                       5 years minimum
                                                                                                                     Shanghai – Mar & Oct

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University of Aberdeen Business School                                                                       Home to opportunity


Digital Marketing Leadership,                                                                                 WHAT YOU WILL STUDY                                     HOW YOU WILL STUDY

MSc, PgCert or PgDip                                                                                         Degree Structure
                                                                                                             The MSc Digital Marketing Leadership comprises
                                                                                                                                                                     With start dates in January, June and September,
                                                                                                                                                                     this programme is delivered entirely online through
                                                                                                                                                                     high-quality, engaging videos, webinars and
                                                                                                             5 ‘taught’ modules and a final consultancy-based
                                                                                                                                                                     discussion forums. The programme provides
                                                                                                             project module. All modules are 30 credits, each
                                                                                                                                                                     flexibility for individuals to study at a pace that
The MSc in Digital Marketing Leadership equips students with the                                             equating to 300 learning hours (reading, research,
                                                                                                                                                                     meets their own personal goals. For part-time
                                                                                                             activities and assignment preparation). Students
cutting-edge digital expertise that is sought-after by businesses                                            are given a maximum of 4 years to complete
                                                                                                                                                                     students, the maximum programme length is four
                                                                                                                                                                     years. The online materials are presented in varied
around the globe today – enabling you to advance your career                                                 the programme.
                                                                                                                                                                     formats with regular use of video so you can also
opportunities in this significant, influential and growing sector.                                           Stage 1 (PG Certificate)
                                                                                                                                                                     watch digital marketing professionals in action as
                                                                                                                                                                     they review websites, research marketplaces and
                                                                                                             • Digital Marketplace and Strategy                      dissect campaigns.

 WHY STUDY THIS PROGRAMME?                             WHY STUDY WITH US?                                    • Digital Strategy and Digital Assets
                                                                                                                                                                      YOUR FUTURE CAREER
The online MSc in Digital Marketing Leadership is     The programme uniquely combines the academic           Stage 2 (PG Diploma)
                                                                                                                                                                     You will leave not just with key digital marketing
designed to meet the rapidly increasing role of       expertise of the University’s Business School
                                                                                                             • Executing a Digital Strategy                          knowledge, but with improved communication and
digital marketing within the strategic, operational   with the practical insights of a successful digital
                                                                                                                                                                     consultancy skills, enabling you to pursue a career
and marketing functions of organisations              marketing consultancy, Jump Digital. Jump Digital      • Effective Consultancy and Project Management
                                                                                                                                                                     in digital marketing in prestigious organisations
worldwide. It is designed to create the next          has developed and delivered digital marketing
                                                                                                                                                                     around the world. Depending on your previous
generation of digital marketing leaders by            consultancy at all levels from strategic to tactical
                                                                                                             Stage 3 (Masters)                                       experience, you could enter roles such as Head
combining strategic thinking with digital know-how    and to all sizes of organisations across various
                                                                                                             • Digital Futures                                       of Digital Marketing, SEO Specialist, Online
in a compelling business-focused package.             industry sectors. Delivered entirely online, this
                                                                                                                                                                     Community Manager or Social Media Executive.
                                                      is a part-time programme that offers excellent
                                                                                                             • Consultancy - Based Project
                                                      flexibility. This programme is accredited by the
                                                      Chartered Institute of Marketing, the leading                                                                   WHAT TO DO NEXT?
                                                      professional body for marketers worldwide.
                                                                                                                                                                     For details on entry requirements, please visit:
 WHAT WILL YOU GAIN?                                                                                                                                          
                                                         • Learn the skills required by digital
                                                           marketing leaders of the future                                                                           For details on fees and funding, please visit:
The programme uses a ‘theory into practice’
                                                         • Deliver a business-led strategic approach                                                          
approach that allows students to quickly add
value to an organisation. This means you will              to digital marketing
leave with understanding not just of the theories        • Explore some of the disruptive
that underscore digital marketing, but also the            opportunities offered by digital marketing
challenges and techniques of digital marketing
implementation. For example, early on in the             • Develop credible, rigorous, current and
programme you will follow an entrepreneur’s                market relevant knowledge and insight
interactions with a practicing digital marketing         • Improve your personal communication
consultancy, acquiring knowledge and insight               and consultancy skills
into how a brief is interpreted and then met.
                                                                                                                 LEARNING MODE                STUDY MODE               QUALIFICATION               DURATION
                                                                                                                  Online                        Part-time                 MSc, PgCert, PgDip           24 months part-time

                                                                                                                 START MONTH                  ENTRY REQUIREMENTS       WORK EXPERIENCE
                                                                                                                  January, June &               2:2                       Not applicable

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MSc International                                                                                             WHAT YOU WILL STUDY                                     HOW YOU WILL STUDY

Business Management                                                                                          Semester 1
                                                                                                             • Accounting and Finance for Managers
                                                                                                                                                                     Combining academic rigour with real-life activities
                                                                                                                                                                     designed to develop practical skills, the topics
                                                                                                                                                                     cover a range of business fields, from finance
                                                                                                             • Interpersonal Management, Negotiation                 and marketing to management and accounting.
                                                                                                               and Persuasion                                        You will be challenged to explore these fields
This programme enables you to build commercial awareness and                                                                                                         within an international context to understand how
                                                                                                             • Marketing Management
gain a deep understanding of the challenges and trends facing                                                                                                        globalisation impacts the business community
                                                                                                             • Issues in International Management                    at a local, national and international level.
global business leaders today. The world’s economy is increasingly                                                                                                   There are no exams and all assessments are
global and demand continues to grow for the leaders of the future                                            Semester 2                                              carried out through a portfolio of work, which
                                                                                                                                                                     provides tangible proof to prospective employers
who clearly understand the international context of business.                                                • Managing Human Resources                              to help them gauge your business knowledge –
                                                                                                             • Internationalisation                                  and to help you secure a better future.

                                                                                                             • Research Practice
 WHY STUDY THIS PROGRAMME?                              WHY STUDY WITH US?                                                                                            YOUR FUTURE CAREER
                                                                                                             • The Leadership Challenge
This programmes helps recent graduates and             Many of our academics come from the commercial                                                                Following on from this programme, there is
early-stage professionals from any background to       world as well as academia, and we are constantly      Semester 3                                              a wide range of potential career opportunities
develop a global career in business and management.    engaging with industry, so you willl develop                                                                  in management roles across a variety of sectors
By specialising in international business, you place   the knowledge and real-world skills you need          • Either Digital Marketing or Corporate Governance      and types of businesses and organisations.
yourself in a more powerful, marketable position       to compete. This programme helps you connect            and Ethics                                            Past graduates have been hired by multinational
because a broad knowledge of business practice         with a deeper, more focused set of business skills,   • Critical Studies Paper                                corporations, government, and public institutions,
around the world is highly relevant, becoming          with a strong view of how international                                                                       and also international relief and environmental
increasingly valuable to employers.                    organisations work. By providing you with an          • New Venture Creation                                  organisations.
                                                       in-depth understanding of global practices across
                                                       a broad spectrum of business fields, this programme                                                            WHAT TO DO NEXT?
                                                       will prepare you for a career in global management.
                                                       And, what’s more, after just two years of work
                                                                                                                                                                     For details on entry requirements, please visit:
                                                       experience in a management position, you will
                                                       have the option to undertake a direct pathway
                                                       to a fast-track MBA.
                                                                                                                                                                     For details on fees and funding, please visit:
                                                          • Develop a well-rounded skillset with
                                                            the tools to succeed
This ‘conversion’ Masters programme is open
to graduates from any discipline, and provides            • Strengthen your capacity for geographical
a broad-based training in international business            and cultural mobility
theory and practice. You will gain a good                 • Enhance your credentials with a direct
understanding of economic fluctuations and                  pathway to a fast-track MBA
an understanding of how to interpret and
use financial data.                                       • Develop a truly international perspective
                                                                                                                 LEARNING MODE            STUDY MODE                   QUALIFICATION               DURATION
                                                          • Learn essential communication and                     On campus                 Full-time or part-time        MSc                          12 months full-time
                                                            professional skills                                                                                                                        24 months part-time
                                                                                                                 START MONTH              ENTRY REQUIREMENTS           WORK EXPERIENCE
                                                                                                                  September or January      2:2                           Not applicable

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University of Aberdeen Business School                                                                      Home to opportunity

MSc International                                                                                            WHAT YOU WILL STUDY                                       HOW YOU WILL STUDY

Human Resource Management                                                                                   We build on professional core areas such as
                                                                                                            Resourcing and Talent Management, Managing
                                                                                                                                                                      You will learn using a variety of engaging methods
                                                                                                                                                                      designed to increase your appreciation of current
                                                                                                            Performance and Digital Engagement and                    theory and practice. You will attend a variety of
                                                                                                            Relationships. Recognising the growth of global           lectures, seminars and tutorials and your work will
                                                                                                            consultancy, the programme contains the financial,        be assessed through a combination of assignments,
This programme will provide you with an exceptional                                                         project management and relationship skills needed         case studies, projects and exams. By the end of the
understanding of international human resource management                                                    to perform effectively.                                   programme, you should be able to demonstrate
                                                                                                                                                                      a clear grasp of the concepts and an ability to link
– both its operations and its economic, political and social                                                You will critically examine the needs of the global       theory to practice.
context. It will deliver a learning experience designed to                                                  marketplace and the integration of skills, systems
                                                                                                            and knowledge required to enable organisations             YOUR FUTURE CAREER
give you the confidence and the skills to add value to                                                      to operate efficiently and effectively in dynamic
employers immediately upon graduating.                                                                      commercial environments.
                                                                                                                                                                      This MSc programme produces graduates who are
                                                                                                                                                                      capable of critically evaluating and applying current
                                                                                                                                                                      research and advanced thinking in international
 WHY STUDY THIS PROGRAMME?                              WHY STUDY WITH US?                                                                                            human resource management. You will be equipped
                                                                                                                                                                      with the knowledge and skills to engage within
                                                                                                                                                                      the international HR environment, and will have
This programme aims to develop knowledgeable           The University of Aberdeen draws on ancient
                                                                                                                                                                      the potential to enter a wide range of industries
practitioners with an appreciation of multi-cultural   heritage and globally recognised excellence in
                                                                                                                                                                      around the world as an HR practitioner.
international practice. The programme will help you    research and teaching to challenge students
to be able to critically measure HR interventions      academically and to connect them with the
using quantitative/qualitative, scientific and         world of practice. This MSc covers core areas                                                                   WHAT TO DO NEXT?
psychological approaches to managing human             in HR such as Resourcing and Talent Management,
resources. This MSc will also equip you with the       Managing Performance and Digital Engagement                                                                    For details on entry requirements, please visit:
tools to critically examine and apply contemporary     and Relationships. You will develop a thorough                                                          
approaches to HR management within organisations       understanding of fundamental concepts, principles,
that are operating in a global environment. It will    theories, practices and legislative frameworks                                                                 For details on fees and funding, please visit:
cover the financial, project management and            underlying international human resource                                                                 
relationship skills you need to succeed.               management.

                                                          • Learn to effectively apply CIPD professional
                                                            behaviours and values
You will be able to critically examine and translate
your learning of organisations within a changing          • Analyse criteria and specifications
global environment using quantitative and                   appropriate to issues in leadership
qualitative skills. You will develop a deep                 and management
understanding of the key issues, institutions,            • Understand global best practice across
opportunities and managerial processes that                 varied sectors and industries
are central to international human resource
management.                                               • Develop a broad knowledge of
                                                            fundamental concepts, principles,
                                                                                                                LEARNING MODE              STUDY MODE                   QUALIFICATION               DURATION
                                                            theories and practices                               On campus                   Full-time or part-time        MSc                          12 months full-time
                                                                                                                                                                                                        24 months part-time
                                                                                                                START MONTH                ENTRY REQUIREMENTS           WORK EXPERIENCE
                                                                                                                 September                   2:2                           Not applicable

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University of Aberdeen Business School                                                                        Home to opportunity

MSc Marketing Management                                                                                       WHAT YOU WILL STUDY                                      HOW YOU WILL STUDY

                                                                                                              Semester 1                                               The nine modules that you will study use a mix
                                                                                                                                                                       of highly effective learning techniques from modern
                                                                                                              • Consumer Behaviour
                                                                                                                                                                       to traditional, including small-group workshops,
Convert your undergraduate degree into a specialist Master’s                                                  • Interpersonal Management, Negotiation                  lectures, computer-based simulations, interpersonal
qualification and boost your appeal to potential employers.                                                     and Persuasion                                         role-plays, negotiating workshops and marketing
                                                                                                                                                                       pitch presentations. Furthermore, all assessments
Our programme is accredited by the Chartered Institute of                                                     • Marketing Management
                                                                                                                                                                       are based on a portfolio of work-related
Marketing and will equip you with all the skills required                                                     • Marketing Decision Making                              assignments and your final dissertation/project.
                                                                                                                                                                       There are no exams, just intensive real-world
for a successful marketing career.                                                                                                                                     learning that helps you to gain the relevant
                                                                                                              Semester 2
                                                                                                                                                                       knowledge, quickly and effectively.
                                                                                                              • New Product and Service Development
 WHY STUDY THIS PROGRAMME?                                 WHY STUDY WITH US?                                 • Marketing Communications                                YOUR FUTURE CAREER
                                                                                                              • Business Model Innovation
This programme is accredited by the Chartered             Our programme can be completed in a single year,                                                             If you are looking for a challenging and exciting
Institute of Marketing, the leading professional          from any undergraduate discipline, and offers       • Research Practice                                      career in business that combines an entrepreneurial
body for marketers worldwide. It offers you the           all the elements of a high-level Master’s degree                                                             attitude with a results-driven, hands-on approach,
opportunity to gain a professional qualification          within an innovative and stimulating programme                                                               then this is the programme for you. Marketing is a
                                                                                                              Semester 3
that is highly sought after by employers and is           structure. Our approach to learning ensures that                                                             core discipline in virtually every organisation, both
designed to ensure you will be fully equipped to          our MSc stays current with industry developments.   • Digital Marketing                                      commercial and public, and our Master’s degree has
take advantage of the best opportunities for a            The programme is built around the very latest                                                                been designed to prepare you for a wide range of
                                                                                                              • Dissertation
successful marketing career. You will develop             marketing research insights into what employers                                                              management roles in areas such as advertising,
advanced knowledge of marketing strategies,               need, current expert thinking and real-world        OR                                                       branding, CRM, marketing and market research.
principles, models, theories and practices, and pick      practical experience.                               • Marketing Project
up a practical skill-set that is directly applicable to
                                                                                                                                                                        WHAT TO DO NEXT?
the workplace across a wide range of sectors.

                                                                                                                                                                       For details on entry requirements, please visit:
                                                            • Appraise the marketplace for                                                                      
                                                              opportunities and threats
You will gain a variety of useful, practical skills                                                                                                                    For details on fees and funding, please visit:
such as, the ability to interpret complex                   • Understand the role of marketing
information, solve problems and work to deadlines.            within an organisation
These practical skills will help to open doors into         • Interpret, apply and adapt marketing
a marketing career. You will learn to diagnose                theories for use in practical settings
problems accurately and solve them creatively,
while gaining the industry awareness you will               • Think creatively to scope, refine and
need to impress recruiters.                                   deliver practicable marketing solutions
                                                            • Translate marketing ideas, theories and
                                                              plans into practice

                                                                                                                  LEARNING MODE             STUDY MODE                   QUALIFICATION               DURATION
                                                                                                                   On campus                  Full-time or part-time        MSc                          12 months full-time
                                                                                                                                                                                                         24 months part-time
                                                                                                                  START MONTH               ENTRY REQUIREMENTS           WORK EXPERIENCE
                                                                                                                   September                  2:2                           Not applicable

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University of Aberdeen Business School   Home to opportunity

and Finance

44                                                             45
University of Aberdeen Business School                                                                            Home to opportunity

MScEcon Accounting and Finance                                                                                     WHAT YOU WILL STUDY                                      HOW YOU WILL STUDY

                                                                                                                  Semester 1                                               You will enjoy access to first-rate academic facilities,
                                                                                                                                                                           including our finance lab, powered by Bloomberg.
                                                                                                                  • Quantitative Methods
                                                                                                                                                                           This software platform gives you access to the
The Accounting and Finance MSc sets you on a path for a                                                           • Issues in Corporate Finance Accounting                 same professional tools used by major international
rewarding career in this highly skilled profession, whether you’ve                                                • Economics Analysis
                                                                                                                                                                           financial services companies. This software platform
                                                                                                                                                                           provides real-time and historical data, market-
recently graduated or are already working. With this specialised                                                                                                           moving news and analytics to help leading business
programme you do not need previous experience in this area to                                                     Semester 2                                               and financial professionals make better informed
                                                                                                                                                                           investment decisions. You will attend a variety of
gain the skills to advance a career in the financial sector.                                                      • Portfolio Analysis
                                                                                                                                                                           stimulating lectures, seminars and tutorials. Your
                                                                                                                  • Financial Analysis and International Accounting        skills and competency will be assessed through a
                                                                                                                  • Management Accounting                                  combination of presentations, traditional exams,
 WHY STUDY THIS PROGRAMME?                                WHY STUDY WITH US?                                                                                               essays and a dissertation.
                                                                                                                  • Optional Modules (one of the following)
                                                                                                                    – Professional Accounting
A career in finance requires an in-depth                 Led by renowned academics and top industry                                                                         YOUR FUTURE CAREER
                                                                                                                    – Studies in Accounting
understanding of both the theory and practical           practitioners, you will gain access to the latest
knowledge of accounting and finance. With this           finance research, software and techniques.                                                                        Having a recognised accountancy qualification
industry-focused programme, you will master              The Business School’s strong links with financial        Semester 3                                               can give you many career options, with a higher
a wide range of financial tools and acquire a            institutions, recruiters and practitioners ensures                                                                percentage of company board members holding
                                                                                                                  • Dissertation for Finance Programmes
solid foundation of key accounting and finance           a focus on tangible, marketable employability                                                                     an accountancy qualification than any other kind
topics, while developing the necessary skills for        skills, relevant to the real financial world. You will                                                            of postgraduate qualification. You could progress to
management roles. The programme will thoroughly          have the opportunity to engage with industry                                                                      hold roles such as Accountant, Auditor or Financial
prepare you for a successful career across a variety     throughout the programme, including working on                                                                    Manager in prestigious firms around the world.
of potential accountancy and financial roles             live projects with prestigious companies. We also
and industries.                                          run workshops with visiting industry specialists from
                                                                                                                                                                            WHAT TO DO NEXT?
                                                         companies such as Deloitte, KMPG, PwC and EY.

                                                                                                                                                                           For details on entry requirements, please visit:
                                                            • Gain an essential understanding of current                                                            
                                                              thinking in accounting and finance
You will leave this highly practical, industry-focused                                                                                                                     For details on fees and funding, please visit:
programme with real-world finance experience –              • Experience world-leading facilities with
as well as recognised certification from the Institute        access to our finance lab
of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales               • Connect with financial institutions and
(ICAEW). Our Professional Accounting module                   leading industry practitioners
comes complete with the International Reporting
Standards Certificate, IFRS, used by most countries         • Develop a well-rounded skillset for careers
around the world. You will also be exempt from the            in accounting and finance
first four modules in the Association of Chartered          • Build your business network and access
Certified Accountants syllabus.                               top-tier recruiters around the world

                                                                                                                      LEARNING MODE             STUDY MODE                   QUALIFICATION               DURATION
                                                                                                                       On campus                  Full-time or part-time        MSc                          12 months full-time
                                                                                                                                                                                                             24 months part-time
                                                                                                                      START MONTH               ENTRY REQUIREMENTS           WORK EXPERIENCE
                                                                                                                       September                  2:2                           Not applicable

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University of Aberdeen Business School                                                                       Home to opportunity

MScEcon Finance and Investment                                                                                WHAT YOU WILL STUDY                                    HOW YOU WILL STUDY

Management (with CFA Level 1 exam)                                                                           Semester 1
                                                                                                             • Quantitative Methods
                                                                                                                                                                    This programme combines the expertise of the
                                                                                                                                                                    University’s Business School with the professional
                                                                                                                                                                    insights of finance practitioners from the city.
                                                                                                             • Issues in Corporate Finance                          You will receive a state-of-the-art tablet, pre-loaded
                                                                                                                                                                    with the software and materials for your studies
The Finance and Investment Management MSc provides a                                                         • Accounting
                                                                                                                                                                    and will learn through a stimulating mixture of
thorough grounding in this major growth area, enhancing your                                                 • Economic Analysis                                    traditional lectures, tutorials, projects, research
                                                                                                                                                                    and seminars. Your work will be assessed through
skills and expertise, and your appeal to employers. You will                                                 Semester 2                                             essays, exams and a summer dissertation.
benefit from our world-leading facilities, including access to                                               • Portfolio Analysis
                                                                                                                                                                     YOUR FUTURE CAREER
our trading platform, and gain hands-on practical experience                                                 • Empirical Methods in Financial Research
to support an in-depth understanding of finance.                                                             • Financial Analysis and Markets                       Finance graduates are in high demand worldwide
                                                                                                                                                                    and careers with a top finance qualification are
                                                                                                             • CFA OPTION: Professional Finance                     diverse and often lucrative. Graduates of this
 WHY STUDY THIS PROGRAMME?                              WHY STUDY WITH US?                                   • NON CFA OPTION: Studies in Finance                   programme typically aim for positions in the global
                                                                                                                                                                    corporate and financial sector as business analysts,
                                                                                                                                                                    asset managers, traders, brokers, hedge fund or
This programme covers a comprehensive mix of           Our MSc is founded on years of financial and          Semester 3                                             investment advisors, credit controllers, treasurers,
the theoretical and practical aspects of finance       investment expertise within the Business School.
                                                                                                             • Dissertation                                         bankers, market specialist or accountants.
and investment for both early career finance           It offers an excellent combination of academic
professionals and those keen to enter a finance        rigour, specialist skills and runs in parallel with
profession. You will acquire significant theoretical   the globally recognised qualification CFA Level 1.                                                            WHAT TO DO NEXT?
and practical knowledge in a wide range of finance     You will have the opportunity to take this leading
disciplines. The programme will equip you with a       professional qualification as part of the MSc.                                                               For details on entry requirements, please visit:
solid background in finance, enhanced quantitative     We are also home to a Bloomberg finance lab                                                           
and analytical skills, and a strong understanding of   which streams up-to-the-minute data, to enable
financial modelling and investment decisions.          would-be traders and fund managers to ‘practice’                                                             For details on fees and funding, please visit:
                                                       investing. This is a hands-on opportunity for you                                                     
                                                       to react instantly to live news feeds and gain
                                                       practical skills required to work productively
                                                       in the global financial sector before graduation.

                                                          • Expand your knowledge of financial
                                                            modelling and investment decisions
With a highly practical approach to learning, topics
cover a wide range of finance discipline areas, such      • Employ advanced analytical tools and
as Corporate Finance, Portfolio Management,                 quantitative techniques relevant to
Empirical Methods in Financial Research, Economic           the financial world
Analysis, and Accounting and Financial Reporting.         • Experience world-leading facilities with
                                                            access to our Bloomberg finance lab
                                                                                                                 LEARNING MODE               STUDY MODE               QUALIFICATION               DURATION
                                                                                                                  On campus                    Full-time                 MSc                          12 months full-time

                                                                                                                 START MONTH                 ENTRY REQUIREMENTS       WORK EXPERIENCE
                                                                                                                  September                    2:2                       Not applicable

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