Adult Learning Courses - London Borough of Hillingdon

Adult Learning Courses - London Borough of Hillingdon
Full and part time

Adult Learning Courses            September 2019 to August 2020

More than just learning
• Increase independence
• Relax and unwind
• Improve wellbeing
• Gain qualifications
• Build confidence
• Change career
• Meet new people

Adult Learning Courses - London Borough of Hillingdon
       Welcome                                                                                                                  3
       Everything you need to know about learning with us                                                                       4
              What we do                                                                                                        4
              Information, guidance and support                                                                                 4
              Initial assessments (IA) for qualification courses                                                                4
              Open days                                                                                                         5
              Term dates                                                                                                        5
       How we can support you                                                                                                   6
              Support with learning                                                                                             6
              Financial support                                                                                                 6
              Staying safe                                                                                                      6
              Supporting your emotional health and wellbeing                                                                    7
              Education and careers support                                                                                     7
              Open Learning Centre                                                                                              7
       Regulations                                                                                                              8
       The cost of your course                                                                                                  9
              Course fees explained                                                                                             9
              Help paying for your learning                                                                                     9
              Refunds policy                                                                                                   10
       Eligibility and evidence                                                                                                11
              Eligible learners                                                                                                11
              Evidence required for enrolment                                                                                  11
       Locations                                                                                                               12
       Why do you want to learn?                                                                                               14
       Art, Media and Leisure                                                                                                  15
       Childcare and Teaching Assistant                                                                                        20
       Emotional Health and Wellbeing                                                                                          23
       English, Maths and Digital Skills                                                                                       26
       Family Learning                                                                                                         29
       Floristry and Flower Arranging                                                                                          31
       Gardening and Horticulture                                                                                              35
       Health and Social Care                                                                                                  37
       Information Technology, Digital Skills and Bookkeeping                                                                  41
       Modern Foreign Languages, British Sign Language and Community Interpreting                                              44
       How to enrol on a course                                                                                                50
Details are correct at time of printing but may be subject to change. Courses are subject to a minimum number of enrolments.

2                                          Adult and Community Learning full and part-time courses 2019/2020
Adult Learning Courses - London Borough of Hillingdon
This year's brochure is filled with more than 70 nationally-
recognised qualifications, with a wide range of subjects,
including English and maths, childcare, gardening and
floristry, art, languages and media. There are also creative,
IT and fitness courses for older learners.
If you're looking for courses specially designed for adults
with learning difficulties and disabilities, this year we have
introduced a new easy read brochure, which lists more than
40 courses in subjects such as art, photography, drama,
cooking, English, maths, IT, ceramics and sewing.
Working with a number of partners and community groups,
schools and children's centres, all of our courses offer the
opportunity to learn with adults of similar ages and abilities
in a friendly environment.
If you can’t decide which course(s) to do, have a look at our
learners’ case studies throughout the brochure and read firsthand how others have benefited from
completing a course with Hillingdon. You can also speak with our Adult Learning team at an open
day, where you can get information, advice and guidance about your options. (See page 5 for dates
and details.)
Whichever subject you choose to study, this is a great opportunity for you to learn something new,
build your confidence, meet new people, gain qualifications or further your career; above all, enjoy it.

Cllr David Simmonds CBE
Cabinet Member for Education and Children’s Services

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Adult Learning Courses - London Borough of Hillingdon
Everything you need to know
 about learning with us
What we do
We provide courses for adults aged 19 and over who wish to learn a new skill, improve their
English, maths or digital skills, or change their career. We offer a wide range of subjects at various
levels – entry (E), mixed (M) and levels 1 to 3 – and our classes are available in the community and
in our centres across the borough.

Information, guidance and support
We offer impartial and practical information and advice, and aim to support you in identifying and
achieving your end goal. Contact us to make an appointment at one of our centre, or come and
see us at an open day, and we will work with you to help you take your next steps.
If that means joining a course, we’ll make sure you’re fully supported along the way...

    Before you start a course       During your course                At the end of your course
    • Open days                     • Tutorials                       • Learner feedback through
    • Initial assessment if you     • Individual learning plans         surveys
      are taking a qualification    • Feedback and support            • Follow-up phone calls
    • One-to-one interview with       from tutors and the             • Progression events
      a tutor (if appropriate)        learner engagement              • Opportunities to join our
                                      officer                           Alumni network
                                    • Free access to our Open
                                      Learning Centre
                                    • Access to online learning

Initial assessments (IA) for qualification courses
Courses that provide a recognised qualification require you to complete a formal initial
assessment, which identifies your current levels of English, maths and digital skills, your subject
knowledge and helps us provide tailored support where necessary to help you successfully
complete your course.
Initial assessments can take around two hours, be completed at open days or by appointment at
one of our centres. They consist of:
    • a one-to-one interview with a tutor
    • a short piece of writing that gives us some background about you and allows us to assess
      your writing level
    • online English, maths and IT assessments, depending on which course and subject you want
      to study
Where a course includes an initial assessment, this symbol is shown IA.
Please remember to bring the following with you to your initial assessment:
  • your photo ID

4                              Adult and Community Learning full and part-time courses 2019/2020
Adult Learning Courses - London Borough of Hillingdon
• proof of your address
  • a letter from your voluntary/paid work placement if you are enrolling on a Childcare course

To book your initial assessment, please call      01895 556455 or join us at an open day.

Open days
Our open days offer you the chance to visit our centres to:
  • learn more about what the service can offer
  • receive personalised advice and guidance about the best course for you
  • attend one of the curriculum talks that take place throughout the day
  • complete an initial assessment for courses that have qualifications attached
People are seen on a first-come, first-served basis and you may need to take an initial assessment,
so please allow enough time in your day.

Date                                Time                             Adult learning centre
Saturday 7 September                10am to 2pm                      Brookfield
Tuesday 10 September                10am to 4pm                      Harlington
Thursday 12 September               10am to 4pm                      Brookfield
Thursday 12 September               6pm to 8pm                       Brookfield
Saturday 14 September               10am to 2pm                      Brookfield

Thursday 9 January                  10am to 1pm                      Brookfield
Thursday 9 January                  6pm to 8pm                       Brookfield
Friday 10 January                   10am to 1pm                      Harlington
Saturday 11 January                 10am to 2pm                      Brookfield

See page 12 for location details.
Please note: Interviews for counselling courses are not available at every open day. Please call
   01895 556455 to book an appointment.

Term dates
Autumn term
Term starts                  Monday 16 September 2019
October half term            Monday 21 to Saturday 26 October 2019
Term ends                    Saturday 14 December 2019
Spring term
Term starts                  Monday 13 January 2020
February half term           Monday 17 to Saturday 22 February 2020
Term ends                    Saturday 4 April 2020
Summer term
Term starts                  Monday 20 April 2020
May half term                Monday 25 to Saturday 30 May 2020
Term ends                    Saturday 11 July 2020
Please confirm the start and end date of your course on enrolment or with your tutor, as these
may vary on occasion.

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Adult Learning Courses - London Borough of Hillingdon
How we can support you
Support with learning
There are many ways that we can support you with your
learning, including:
  • developing your English, maths, digital and
    employment skills
  • offering individual support in class and free access
    to our e-learning resource (Moodle) – see page 7
    for details
  • carrying out one-to-one assessments to identify the
    most effective support where additional learning
    needs are disclosed, eg
    • someone to interpret, read or sign for you
    • adapted learning materials
    • adaptive equipment, eg screen reader software when using the computer
  • helping with study skills, eg essay writing, portfolio building or presentations, through our
    free Open Learning Centre – see page 7 for details
  • providing information and advice throughout your course about how to achieve your career goals
  • putting you in touch with other agencies for specialised support when necessary
For more information, contact any of our centres – see page 12 for contact details.

Financial support
If you are studying for a qualification and already receive an income-based (means-tested) benefit,
you may be able to receive financial support through the Learner Support Fund. Please ask at any
of our centres for an application form, which our staff will be happy to help you complete.

Staying safe
We are committed to creating and maintaining a safe and secure environment where all of our
learners feel safe, equal and respected when studying with us, and we ask that you play your part
in this by showing respect to all other users at all times. As part of this, when you enrol, we will
issue you with a badge that identifies you as a learner and we ask that you wear it whenever you
are in our classes or centres.
Hillingdon Adult and Community Learning (HACL) supports the Prevent Programme, which is the
government's counter-terrorism strategy that aims to stop people being drawn into, or support,

    Volunteer with us!
    If you want to give something back to your local community
    or need some work experience to help you return to
    employment, why not volunteer with us? Roles include
    classroom assistants, learning group leaders and events/
    communication helpers. To find out more and apply, please
    call    01895 556248.

6                              Adult and Community Learning full and part-time courses 2019/2020
Adult Learning Courses - London Borough of Hillingdon
terrorism. All of our staff who work with young people or vulnerable adults have a duty to respond
and immediately report any signs of harm, abuse or extremism that are recognised or disclosed.
We ask all learners and users of the service to take an active role in helping us fulfil this duty, so if
you recognise anything that you consider a risk to your or anybody else's safety, you are strongly
encouraged to report it as soon as possible.

Supporting your emotional health and wellbeing
We want all of our learners to feel confident in their learning and to achieve their goals. Most
adults study whilst running a home, raising a family, working and often caring for relatives. It’s
little wonder that we can find our emotional wellbeing suffer under the weight of everyday
pressures. Helping you to combat this strain is important to us, so we will ask you about your
emotional health and wellbeing throughout the course, so that we can provide as much support
as possible to help you thrive whilst you learn and achieve your aims.

Education and careers support
Having a goal to work towards helps keep us on track and our friendly and experienced team is
here to help you do just that. From setting your goals to identifying the steps you need to take to
achieve them, we have trained advisors who will work through it all with you free of charge,
whether that involves studying on course with us or doing something completely different. If you
decide to enrol on a course with us, we have lots of help available if and when you need it.

Open Learning Centre
Our Open Learning Centre runs throughout the borough to give learners free, additional support
in study skills, assignment writing and more. Our skilled tutors offer support that is tailored to
your individual needs and designed to help you complete your course.

 Study skills                        English, maths and                 Employment skills
 If you’re studying for a            digital skills                     If you’re looking for work or
 qualification, you can access       Whatever you’re studying,          need to update your CV, you
 support with:                       you can access support with:       can access support with:
 • study skills                      • grammar and spelling             • CVs and cover letters
 • proofreading                      • sentence structure and           • job searches
 • portfolio building                  academic writing                 • confidence building
 • academic writing                  • speaking and listening           • presentation skills
 • referencing and                     practice                         • interview skills
    bibliographies                   • maths, eg fractions and          • English for business use
                                     • GCSE questions
                                     • IT and digital skills
                                     • using the internet for
                                       email and research

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Adult Learning Courses - London Borough of Hillingdon
1. Admission
	Application for admission to classes must be made on the official enrolment form. Before enrolling, learners
    must ensure that they have any necessary examination qualification or experience required for the course and
    that they have the necessary skill, ability and knowledge appropriate for the particular level of the chosen
    course(s). Any learner who is in doubt of their eligibility should speak to a member of the curriculum staff
    prior to enrolment.
2. Changes in class arrangements
	Hillingdon Council reserves the right to change the location, the tutor, the syllabus, the day and time of any
    class and may cancel classes where the enrolment or attendance is considered to be inadequate. Refunds are
    payable in accordance with the Refunds policy. See page 10.
3. Concessionary fees
	Relevant documentary proof of entitlement (see page 11), in line with the funding policy, must be available for
    inspection at enrolment.
4. Damage to equipment and premises
	The cost to repair or replace of centre property damaged by learners shall, on demand, be paid to Hillingdon
    Council by the learner(s) responsible for such damage.
5. Examination, accreditation and registration fees
	These are included in the course fee unless advised otherwise. Some courses require additional materials.
    Details are on the course information sheets, which are available online and at our adult learning centres.
6. Exclusion
	Learners will be expected to behave in a responsible manner and these expectations will be made clear at
    induction and are stated in the Learner Handbook. Any inappropriate behaviour towards staff or learners, or
    that is detrimental to any learner’s learning, will not be tolerated and will be addressed immediately. If
    Hillingdon Council deems the behaviour to be at a sufficient level to warrant exclusion, this route will be
    followed with no refund of fees.
7. Payment of fees
	All fees are payable in advance. Cheques should be made payable to ‘London Borough of Hillingdon’. Please
    see page 10 for information on refunds.
8. Attendance
	We expect all learners to attend classes regularly and inform us in advance if they are unable to attend. We
    reserve the right to withdraw learners who fail to attend for two weeks without notifying us, and reserve the
    right to refuse to re-enrol learners with a poor attendance record.
9. Loss of or damage to personal property
	All property, including clothing, that is brought to or left by learners on centre premises or within centre
    grounds is at the sole risk of the learner/owner. Hillingdon Council accepts no responsibility for the
    safekeeping of, loss of or damage to such property. Bicycles, motorcycles and other vehicles brought onto
    centre premises by learners are to be subject to the regulations relating to property and shall only be parked in
    the designated spaces where these are provided.
10. Purchase of stationery and other materials
	Learners must provide the necessary materials required for the course. They are advised, however, not to
    purchase materials or books until the class is certain to run, they have completed their enrolment and have
    discussed their proposed purchase(s) with the class tutor at the first class meeting.
11. Extra curricular activities
	Where activities are run in addition to the main programme, relevant charges to cover costs will be made if
12. Transfers
	If a learner cannot continue with their course due to a change in circumstances, it is sometimes possible to
    transfer the remainder of their fee to another course within the same academic year. This is subject to places
    being available and agreement from the Quality Manager. If a learner should later leave the course, then the
    Refunds policy will apply (see page 10). Hillingdon Council reserves the right to refuse a transfer request.
13. Car parking
	Hillingdon Adult and Community Learning venues have limited or no parking available. Learners are,
    therefore, responsible for their own travel or parking arrangements.

8                                  Adult and Community Learning full and part-time courses 2019/2020
Adult Learning Courses - London Borough of Hillingdon
The cost of your course
Hillingdon Council, the Greater London Authority (GLA) and the Education and Skills Funding
Agency (ESFA) fund Hillingdon Adult and Community Learning (HACL) to deliver a wide range of
learning opportunities for everyone who is entitled to public funding.

Course fees explained
Fees vary depending on the length and type of course and are listed in the tables under the band
columns (B1, B2, B3 and B4), which are explained below. Where a band fee is listed as N/A within a
table, we are unable to offer a concessionary rate for that group for that particular course and a fee
will apply. Unless otherwise stated, exam and registration fees are included in the prices shown.

Band           Who qualifies
B1             London resident (not in receipt of eligible benefit)
B2             London resident in receipt of eligible benefit or aged 65+
B3             London resident and out-of-London resident (enrolling on a qualification course),
               who is unemployed and in receipt of:
               • Job Seeker’s Allowance
               • Employment and Support Allowance – Work Related Activity Group (ESAWRAG)
               • any state benefit and is actively looking for work
               • Level 2 Level 3 entitlement (see points 2, 3 and 4 below)
               • London resident and earning the London Living Wage or less. This only applies
                 to courses up to Level 2 that have a B3 fee rate. If you think this would apply to
                 you, please bring your recent wage slips or job contract (stating your wages)
                 when you enrol.
               • Out-of-London resident and earning £16,009.50 or less. This only applies to courses
                 up to Level 2 that have a B3 fee rate. If you think this would apply to you, please
                 bring your recent wage slips or job contract (stating your wages) when you enrol.
B4             Out-of-London resident
We ask each learner for eligibility evidence on enrolment to ensure fees stay as low as possible.
Non-European Economic Area (EEA) residents should contact the centre to be advised about
course fees based on their individual circumstances.
Please note
  1. English and maths courses are free for learners who do not hold a GCSE grade C or above.
  2. Entry Level and Level 1 courses are free for 19 to 23 year olds who do not hold a first full
     Level 2 course.
  3. First full Level 2 courses may be free for 19 to 23 year olds who do not hold five A-C GCSEs or
     equivalent full Level 2 qualification.
  4. First full Level 3 course may be free for 19 to 23 year olds.
  5. Learners aged below 19 years old on 1 August 2019 will not be eligible for courses with HACL.

Help paying for your learning
Paying in instalments
Where a course lasts for at least four months, fees are higher than £100 and it is not sponsored by
a third party, payment can be made in four instalments. This needs to be arranged at the time of
enrolment, where the learner will need to pay 50 per cent of the course fee.

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Adult Learning Courses - London Borough of Hillingdon
The remaining 50 per cent will be collected through three monthly direct debits, which will be set up
at the point of enrolment and paid on the 24th day of the month following the start of the course.
Learning loans
Where indicated in the course tables (within Floristry, Childcare, Counselling and Community
Interpreting) there are no concessionary rates.
For these courses, a learning loan from the Student Loans Company may be available to learners:
  • aged 19 to 23 and have already achieved a Level 3 qualification in that subject or
  • aged over 24 and wish to study a qualification at Level 3 or above
The loan is not means-tested and anyone can apply. However, the minimum loan that can be taken
out is £300. This loan starts to be repayable once earned income exceeds £25,000 per year.
Please note: you do not have to apply for a loan; you can pay the fees in full, independently.
For more information about paying for your course, call Brookfield Adult Learning Centre on
   01895 556455.

Refunds policy
A 14-day cooling off period applies to all our courses. This means that if you wish to cancel a course,
you must submit your request in writing to the Student Services Manager within 14 days of enrolling.
The cooling off period begins on the day learners enrol on the system. If the course hasn’t started,
the learner will have the right to cancel the course and obtain a full refund.
Where a course starts within the 14-day cooling off period, the refund will be given on a pro-rata
basis based on the number of sessions attended.
Once the cooling off period has expired, Hillingdon Adult and Community Learning (HACL) has no
obligation to make any refund to learners who wish to cancel.
Course cancellations by the service
  1. If the course is cancelled by HACL before the start date, a full refund will be given.
  2. If a course is closed within two weeks of the course start date, a full refund will be given.
Requests for refunds
  1. HACL is unable to give refunds to learners who are absent due to changes in work
     commitments, personal or financial circumstances or any other reasons for not being able to
     attend the course. Any outstanding direct debits will remain payable by the learner.
  2. If a student fails to follow HACL’s policies, including those relating to health and safety,
     attendance and behaviour, the learner will be withdrawn from the course and no refund will
     be given; any fees outstanding in these circumstances remain payable by the learner.
  3. If a learner becomes ill during the period of a course, they may apply for a refund if the
     condition prevents them from continuing. Medical evidence will be required in the form of a
     doctor's note or equivalent. The learner may apply for a credit note that will permit them to
     re-enrol at a later date (credit notes are valid for one year). The refund or credit note will be
     calculated on a pro-rata basis from the date of the last class attended. Please note: where a
     refund is made, this will be for the tuition fee (on a pro-rata basis); exam fees and materials
     costs are not refundable.
HACL reserve the right to refuse a refund to any learner who has a current debt with the service.
If the learner has paid by debit or credit card, refunds will be made to that card. If the learner has
paid by cash or cheque, the refund will be in the form of a cheque issued by Hillingdon Council.

10                             Adult and Community Learning full and part-time courses 2019/2020
Eligibility and evidence
We are required to check eligibility and collect evidence as conditions of our funding because courses
are subsidised by the Greater London Authority (GLA) and the Education and Skills Funding Agency
(ESFA). Some courses are subsidised by the European Social Fund (ESF). Categories of eligible
learners and evidence required are outlined below.

Eligible learners
In order to study on an ESFA/GLA subsidised course, you must be one of the following:
  • a citizen of a country within the European Economic Area (EEA) or other countries determined
     within the EEA, including those with bilateral agreements such as Switzerland or have a right
     to abode in the UK: and have been ordinarily resident for the previous 3 years on the first day
     of learning.
  • an individual, living in London with the following status:
     • refugee
     • discretionary/exceptional/indefinite leave to enter or remain
     • humanitarian protection
     • leave outside the rules
     • husband, wife, civil partner or child of one of the above
  • an asylum seeker who is a resident in London and has lived in the UK for six months or
     longer while your claim is being processed or who is in the care of the local authority and
     receiving local authority support under section 23C or 23CA of the Children’s Act 1989 or the
     Care Act 2014.
  • an asylum seeker who has made an appeal and waited six months without receiving a
     decision or who receives support under section 4 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
If you have been in the EEA for less than three years and have been given a visa as the family
member* of a person who has been in the EEA for three years or more, you are eligible to study
on an ESFA/GLA subsidised course if:
   • your family member is an EU citizen
   • you are an EU citizen and your family member is an EEA citizen
Other categories of learners, including children of Turkish workers and members of the armed
forces, may be eligible to study on an ESFA/GLA subsidised course.
Evidence required for enrolment
   Proof of ID We need to see proof of your identity. Please bring one of the following documents:
   passport, national identity card, driving licence (UK or EU citizens only), Biometric Residence Permit
   Proof of address Please bring a bank statement, utility bill, letter from a housing association,
   your landlord or a government department
   Proof of benefit If you are seeking a fee remission due to unemployment, we need to see
   proof of benefit
4. Proof of earnings If you are in employment and seeking a fee remission your must either:
   • live in London and be earning the London Living Wage (LLW) or less
   • live out of London and your annual salary is less than £15,736.50, please bring a recent
     wage slip (within three months of the start date of the course) or a current contract that
     states your wages.
Please note that this information comes from the ESFA/GLA and is accurate at the time of printing.
For more information about eligibility and evidence, please call 01895 556455.
*husband, wife, civil partner, child, grandchild, dependent parent or dependent grandparent

Enrol online at                                                   11
Brookfield                                      1    Charville                                    5
Adult Learning Centre                                Library
Park Road,                                           Bury Avenue,
Uxbridge, UB8 1NP                                    Hayes, UB4 8LF
Nearest bus: U1/U2                                   Nearest bus: U7
Nearest tube: Uxbridge                               Enrol at Harlington Adult Learning Centre:               
     01895 556455                                      01895 556252

Harlington                                      2    Rural Activities Garden Centre               6
Adult Learning Centre                                (RAGC)
Harlington Community School,                         West Drayton Road,
Pinkwell Lane, Hayes, UB3 1PB                        Hillingdon, UB8 3JZ
Nearest bus: U4                                      Nearest bus: U4/A10
Nearest train: Hayes and Harlington                  Enrol at Harlington Adult Learning Centre:                
     01895 556252                                      01895 556252

Rosedale                                        3    South Ruislip                                7
Adult Learning Centre                                Adult Learning Centre
Rosedale College, Wood End,                          Victoria Road,
Green Road, Hayes, UB3 2SE                           Ruislip, HA4 0JE
Nearest bus: 427/H98                                 Nearest bus: 114/282
Enrol at Harlington Adult Learning Centre:           Nearest train/tube: South Ruislip                

     01895 556252                                      01895 556248

Ruislip Manor                                   4    Park Academy                                 8
Adult Learning Centre                                West London
Linden Avenue,                                       Park View Road, Yiewsley,
Ruislip Manor, HA4 8TW                               West Drayton, UB8 3GA
Nearest bus: 114/398/H13                             Nearest bus: U2/U5
Nearest tube: Ruislip Manor                          Nearest train: West Drayton                      Enrol at Harlington Adult Learning Centre:
     01895 277347                            
                                                       01895 556252

12                               Adult and Community Learning full and part-time courses 2019/2020




                                                                                    West                                          4


                                                               1                                         A40


                                                                   8        6

                                                                                                                 Hayes &


                                        Heathrow                         1, 2, 3
                                        Terminal 5
                                                                                     Terminals 1, 2, 3          Hatton

                                                                       Heathrow Express
                                                                          Terminal 4    Heathrow
                                                                                        Terminal 4
© Crown copyright and database rights
2017 Ordnance Survey 100019283

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Why do you want to learn?
Are you looking to develop your skills and knowledge for work? Do you want to improve your career
prospects? Or do you want to learn a new hobby or craft to help you relax in your spare time?

 Personal development courses are an               Courses for work and life are tailored around
 excellent way of de-stressing from life and       employment and career goals. Many adults
 making new friends, whilst gaining a new          want to learn to improve their working lives and
 skill. Whether you want to learn a new            earnings potential, so our courses are designed
 language, improve your fitness, develop your      to give you the necessary skills needed to
 talent or explore your creative potential, we     access further studies and/or employment
 have something for you. Personal                  opportunities or set up your own business.
 development courses are listed in purple.         Courses for work and life are listed in blue.

 Learners finding their way around a camera        ESOL learners delivering their presentations
 and taking great photos in our photography        on International Women’s Day, practising
 courses.                                          their speaking and listening skills whilst
                                                   developing their confidence.

 Learning in the community
 We are proud to work in partnership with more than 50 local groups and organisations to enable
 learning among adults within our diverse communities. Our outreach programmes provide
 unique opportunities for residents, who might not otherwise think about joining a course, to take
 part in learning that is designed with their particular group in mind. This targeted approach has
 proved to be highly successful and adults on these courses tell us they gain new skills, meet
 like-minded people and increase their confidence – and most go on to further learning.
 Working together, we can:
  • draw on our respective strengths
  • deliver flexible and improved programmes, which are better aligned with local needs
  • strengthen the support we offer for tailor-made provision.
 We are always looking to expand our partnership work with local employers, community groups
 and organisations. If you’d like to discuss bespoke courses for your employees or service users,
 or feel you could benefit from one of our outreach courses, please call us on   01895 556252.

14                            Adult and Community Learning full and part-time courses 2019/2020
Art, Media and Leisure
Learning a creative subject can be enormously rewarding, relaxing, exciting and inspiring. It can
help you maintain your health and wellbeing, whilst exploring your potential and creative talent.
We offer a wide range of creative courses in subjects such as Calligraphy, Ceramics, Cooking,
Creative Writing, Dance Exercise, Drawing and Painting, Millinery, Photography, Sewing, Soft
Furnishing and Yoga. Our specialist studios for Art, Textiles, Ceramic and Photography courses
are well equipped to encourage and stimulate your creativity.
This year, we are introducing some new short courses and workshops including:
  • Self Defence for Women
  • Curtains and Cushions
  • Digital Photography Advanced Plus Masterclass
  • Creative Calligraphy
  • Drawing and Painting for Older Learners
Enrol online at

 Makers Markets
 On Saturday 29 November at Brookfield, and 4 April and 29
 June at Ruislip Manor Library, between 10am and 2pm, we
 are holding makers markets. Why not come and see some
 of the inspiring art and craft work that our learners and
 tutors produce?

Enrol online at or contact your local centre                15
Meet Georgina
 Georgina started as a complete beginner on a Creative Writing course in
 September 2017. After completing three terms with her tutor, she was
 inspired and encouraged to submit her writing to publishers. In October
 2018, on the fourth term of her course, Georgina had a short story accepted
 for publication in an online journal.
 She said: “Coming to these classes has opened up a whole new world of
 inspiration, creativity and opportunities to me. I’ve also been volunteering for the Culture Bite
 programme in Hillingdon and the courses I’ve studied have helped me develop a greater
 interest in literature.”

Find the right Art, Media and Leisure course for you

                                                   Beginners' Level
                                            No or limited knowledge/skills

                                                     Mixed Levels
            Advanced Level                   Some prior knowledge/skills.                 Intermediate Level
     Significant knowledge/skills             For learners with different              Some prior knowledge/skills
                                                  needs and abilities

                                               Start Your Own Business

                                            Help other adult learners in our

Art - daytime
Botanical Illustration
Code      Level Location        Day(s) Time                  Start date   Weeks   B1        B2       B3      B4
ARB1041 E       Brookfield      Sat      10.30am to 1.30pm   02 May 20    2       £41.61    £33.10   N/A     £54.26

Drawing and Painting
ARS1002 M       South Ruislip   Fri      1pm to 3.30pm       20 Sep 19    9       £106.04   £74.13   N/A     £153.48
ARS1003 M       South Ruislip   Fri      1pm to 3.30pm       17 Jan 20    9       £106.04   £74.13   N/A     £153.48
ARS1004 M       South Ruislip   Fri      1pm to 3.30pm       24 Apr 20    9       £106.04   £74.13   N/A     £153.48

Drawing and Painting for Beginners
ARS1014 E       South Ruislip   Thu      1pm to 3.30pm       23 Jan 20    6       £79.03    £57.75   N/A     £110.65

Painting and Drawing for Older Learners NEW
ARR1012 M       South Ruislip   Fri      10am to midday      17 Jan 20    9       £106.04   £74.13   N/A     £153.48
ARR1009 M       Ruislip Manor   Fri      10am to midday      24 Apr 20    9       £106.04   £74.13   N/A     £153.48

Art - evening
Drawing and Painting
ARR1006 M       South Ruislip   Wed      7pm to 9.30pm       18 Sep 19    9       £106.04   £74.13   N/A     £153.48
ARR1007 M       South Ruislip   Wed      7pm to 9.30pm       15 Jan 20    9       £106.04   £74.13   N/A     £153.48
ARR1008 M       Ruislip Manor   Wed      7pm to 9.30pm       22 Apr 20    9       £106.04   £74.13   N/A     £153.48
ARS1017 M       South Ruislip   Thu      7pm to 9.30pm       19 Sep 19    9       £106.04   £74.13   N/A     £153.48

16                                    Adult and Community Learning full and part-time courses 2019/2020
Drawing and Painting
Code     Level Location          Day(s) Time               Start date   Weeks   B1        B2       B3    B4
ARS1018 M        South Ruislip   Thu   7pm to 9.30pm       16 Jan 20    9       £106.04   £74.13   N/A   £153.48
ARS1019 M        South Ruislip   Thu   7pm to 9.30pm       23 Apr 20    9       £106.04   £74.13   N/A   £153.48

Drawing and Painting for Beginners
ARR1013 E        Brookfield      Thu   7pm to 9.30pm       31 Oct 19    6       £79.03    £57.75   N/A   £110.65
ARS1009 E        South Ruislip   Mon   7pm to 9.30pm       24 Feb 20    6       £79.03    £57.75   N/A   £110.65

Caribbean Cooking
LEX1022 M        Park Academy    Sat   10am to 3pm         09 May 20    2       £47.42    £34.65   N/A   £66.39

Cooking on a Budget
LEX1020 M        Park Academy    Tue   6.30pm to 9pm       14 Jan 20    5       £60.02    £42.29   N/A   £86.38

Healthy Eating
LEX1019 M        Park Academy    Tue   6.30pm to 9pm       21 Apr 20    5       £60.02    £42.29   N/A   £86.38

Vegan Cooking
LEX1030 M        Park Academy    Tue   6.30pm to 9pm       25 Feb 20    5       £60.02    £42.29   N/A   £86.38

Calligraphy and Illumination NEW
ARB1066 M        Brookfield      Sat   10.30am to 1.30pm   30 Nov 19    3       £52.42    £39.65   N/A   £71.39

ARR1000 M        South Ruislip   Mon   10am to 12.30pm     16 Sep 19    9       £101.04   £69.13   N/A   £148.48
ARR1001 M        South Ruislip   Mon   1pm to 3.30pm       16 Sep 19    9       £101.04   £69.13   N/A   £148.48
ARR1003 M        South Ruislip   Mon   10am to 12.30pm     13 Jan 20    9       £101.04   £69.13   N/A   £148.48
ARR1002 M        South Ruislip   Mon   1pm to 3.30pm       13 Jan 20    9       £101.04   £69.13   N/A   £148.48
ARR1004 M        Ruislip Manor   Mon   10am to 12.30pm     20 Apr 20    9       £101.04   £69.13   N/A   £148.48
ARR1005 M        Ruislip Manor   Mon   1pm to 3.30pm       20 Apr 20    9       £101.04   £69.13   N/A   £148.48

Creative Calligraphy NEW
ARB1067 M        Brookfield      Tue   7pm to 9.30pm       14 Jan 20    9       £101.04   £69.13   N/A   £148.48
ARB1068 M        Brookfield      Tue   7pm to 9.30pm       21 Apr 20    9       £101.04   £69.13   N/A   £148.48

Dance Exercise Beginners
LER1016 E        South Ruislip   Fri   11am to 12.30pm     27 Sep 19    10      £65.03    £43.75   N/A   £96.65
LER1017 E        South Ruislip   Fri   11am to 12.30pm     17 Jan 20    10      £65.03    £43.75   N/A   £96.65
LER1018 E        Ruislip Manor   Fri   11am to 12.30pm     24 Apr 20    10      £65.03    £43.75   N/A   £96.65

Dance Exercise Intermediate
LER1019 1        South Ruislip   Fri   9.30am to 11am      27 Sep 19    10      £65.03    £43.75   N/A   £96.65
LER1020 1        South Ruislip   Fri   9.30am to 11am      17 Jan 20    10      £65.03    £43.75   N/A   £96.65
LER1021 1        Ruislip Manor   Fri   9.30am to 11am      24 Apr 20    10      £65.03    £43.75   N/A   £96.65

Digital Photography Beginners
ARB1008 E        Brookfield      Mon   7pm to 9.30pm       16 Sep 19    9       £101.04   £69.13   N/A   £148.48
ARB1009 E        Brookfield      Wed   7pm to 9.30pm       15 Jan 20    9       £101.04   £69.13   N/A   £148.48

Digital Photography Intermediate
ARB1010 1        Brookfield      Mon   7pm to 9.30pm       13 Jan 20    9       £101.04   £69.13   N/A   £148.48
ARB1011 1        Brookfield      Wed   7pm to 9.30pm       22 Apr 20    9       £101.04   £69.13   N/A   £148.48

Digital Photography Advanced
ARB1007 2        Brookfield      Mon   7pm to 9.30pm       20 Apr 20    9       £101.04   £69.13   N/A   £148.48

Enrol online at or contact your local centre                                  17
Photography Advanced Plus - Masterclass NEW
Code     Level Location        Day(s) Time                 Start date   Weeks   B1        B2       B3    B4
ARB1064 1      Brookfield      Thu      7pm to 9.30pm      16 Jan 20    9       £101.04   £69.13   N/A   £148.48
ARB1065 1      Brookfield      Thu      7pm to 9.30pm      23 Apr 20    9       £101.04   £69.13   N/A   £148.48

Pottery and Ceramics
A Taste in Ceramic
ARH1017 E      Harlington      Thu      7pm to 9.30pm      31 Oct 19    6       £79.03    £57.75   N/A   £110.65
ARH1018 E      Harlington      Thu      7pm to 9.30pm      04 Jun 20    6       £79.03    £57.75   N/A   £110.65

Exploring Ceramics
ARH1019 M      Harlington      Tue      7pm to 9.30pm      17 Sep 19    9       £106.04   £74.13   N/A   £153.48
ARH1001 M      Harlington      Tue      7pm to 9.30pm      14 Jan 20    9       £106.04   £74.13   N/A   £153.48
ARH1002 M      Harlington      Tue      7pm to 9.30pm      21 Apr 20    9       £106.04   £74.13   N/A   £153.48

Creative Writing for Beginners
ARB1044 E      Brookfield      Thu      7pm to 9.30pm      07 Nov 19    2       £33.01    £25.92   N/A   £43.55
ARB1052 E      Brookfield      Thu      7pm to 9.30pm      05 Mar 20    2       £33.01    £25.92   N/A   £43.55

Creative Writing
ARB1033 M      Brookfield      Wed      7pm to 9.30pm      18 Sep 19    9       £101.04   £69.13   N/A   £148.48
ARB1034 M      Brookfield      Wed      7pm to 9.30pm      15 Jan 20    9       £101.04   £69.13   N/A   £148.48
ARB1035 M      Brookfield      Wed      7pm to 9.30pm      22 Apr 20    9       £101.04   £69.13   N/A   £148.48

Self Defence
Self Defence for Women NEW
LER1028 M      South Ruislip   Mon      7pm to 8.30pm      20 Jan 20    4       £31.61    £23.10   N/A   £44.26
LER1029 M      Ruislip Manor   Mon      7pm to 8.30pm      01 Jun 20    4       £31.61    £23.10   N/A   £44.26

Curtains and Cushions NEW
ARB1061 M      Brookfield      Thu      7pm to 9.30pm      16 Jan 20    10      £105.05   £69.59   N/A   £157.75
ARB1062 M      Brookfield      Thu      7pm to 9.30pm      23 Apr 20    10      £105.05   £69.59   N/A   £157.75

Rejuvenate Your Wardrobe
ARB1050 M      Brookfield      Sat      10am to 2.30pm     18 Jan 20    2       £40.81    £29.47   N/A   £57.68
ARB1051 M      Brookfield      Sat      10am to 2.30pm     06 Jun 20    2       £40.81    £29.47   N/A   £57.68

Sewing/Dressmaking for Beginners
ARB1015 E      Brookfield      Mon      7pm to 9.30pm      16 Sep 19    10      £105.05   £69.59   N/A   £157.75
ARB1016 E      Brookfield      Mon      7pm to 9.30pm      13 Jan 20    10      £105.05   £69.59   N/A   £157.75
ARB1017 E      Brookfield      Mon      7pm to 9.30pm      20 Apr 20    10      £105.05   £69.59   N/A   £157.75

Using a Sewing Machine One-day Workshop
ARB1028 E      Brookfield      Sat      10am to 3.30pm     16 Nov 19    1       £29.01    £21.92   N/A   £39.55
ARB1063 E      Brookfield      Sat      10am to 3.30pm     08 Feb 20    1       £29.01    £21.92   N/A   £39.55
ARB1029 E      Brookfield      Sat      10am to 3.30pm     27 Jun 20    1       £29.01    £21.92   N/A   £39.55

ARB1047 M      Brookfield      Tue      9.30am to midday   17 Sep 19    10      £105.05   £69.59   N/A   £157.75
ARB1060 M      Brookfield      Tue      9.30am to midday   14 Jan 20    10      £105.05   £69.59   N/A   £157.75
ARB1049 M      Brookfield      Tue      9.30am to midday   21 Apr 20    10      £105.05   £69.59   N/A   £157.75

Sewing/Dressmaking Intermediate
ARB1006 1      Brookfield      Wed      6.30pm to 9.30pm   25 Sep 19    8       £101.44   £67.40   N/A   £152.04
ARB1018 1      Brookfield      Wed      6.30pm to 9.30pm   22 Jan 20    8       £101.44   £67.40   N/A   £152.04
ARB1019 1      Brookfield      Wed      6.30pm to 9.30pm   29 Apr 20    8       £101.44   £67.40   N/A   £152.04

18                                   Adult and Community Learning full and part-time courses 2019/2020
Millinery Introduction Two Day Workshop
Code     Level Location        Day(s) Time              Start date   Weeks   B1       B2       B3    B4
ARB1020 1      Brookfield      Sat   10am to 2pm        21 Mar 20    2       £43.81   £32.47   N/A   £60.68

Hatha Yoga for Beginners
LER1007 E      South Ruislip   Wed   6.15pm to 9.45pm   25 Sep 19    10      £66.03   £44.75   N/A   £97.65
LER1008 E      South Ruislip   Wed   6.15pm to 9.45pm   15 Jan 20    10      £66.03   £44.75   N/A   £97.65
LER1003 E      Ruislip Manor   Wed   6.15pm to 9.45pm   22 Apr 20    10      £66.03   £44.75   N/A   £97.65

Hatha Yoga
LER1004 1      Harlington      Thu   9.30am to 11am     26 Sep 19    10      £66.03   £44.75   N/A   £97.65
LER1005 1      Harlington      Thu   9.30am to 11am     16 Jan 20    10      £66.03   £44.75   N/A   £97.65
LER1006 1      Harlington      Thu   9.30am to 11am     23 Apr 20    10      £66.03   £44.75   N/A   £97.65

Hatha Yoga for Improvers
LER1022 1      South Ruislip   Wed   8pm to 9.30pm      25 Sep 19    10      £66.03   £44.75   N/A   £97.65
LER1023 1      South Ruislip   Wed   8pm to 9.30pm      15 Jan 20    10      £66.03   £44.75   N/A   £97.65
LER1024 1      Ruislip Manor   Wed   8pm to 9.30pm      22 Apr 20    10      £66.03   £44.75   N/A   £97.65

 Volunteer with us!
 If you want to give something back to your local community
 or need some work experience to help you return to
 employment, why not volunteer with us? Roles include
 classroom assistants, learning group leaders and events/
 communication helpers. To find out more and apply, please
 call    01895 556248.

 Meet Kim
 Kim came to Brookfield Adult Learning Centre to sign up for an English course
 at an open day in September 2018 after getting information at her local library.
 While at the open day, Kim also decided to sign up for a counselling course
 and a course in mindfulness, meditation and self awareness.
 Kim’s English teacher, Mini, saw Kim's enthusiasm and asked if she was
 interested in volunteering. Kim applied and then completed training to
 become a Talk English group leader, running conversation clubs for beginner English learners.
 To get ready to run her own group, she decided to get experience helping other tutors and
 began volunteering as an assistant in an English class and a childcare class.
 Kim then started running her own Talk English group and enjoyed it so much that she took on a
 second. The learners that Kim works with come from a mix of countries and want to learn
 English to get confidence to do things like use local transport, communicate with their
 neighbours, access services and help their children. Some want to get into work and others are
 working and want to move into better paid work.
 Kim’s learners gave her a lot of positive feedback on her teaching and this gave her the
 confidence to join a Level 3 Award in Education and Training course to learn more about
 teaching adults. Kim has loved her journey in adult learning so far and is keen to keep building
 her skills and to move on to new opportunities.

Enrol online at                                                           19
Childcare and Teaching Assistant
Are you interested in a career in childcare? Are you passionate about nurturing children,
supporting their learning and providing play that promotes exploration and development?
Childcare practitioners are nurturing, caring and have a genuine interest in each child’s
wellbeing and development, supporting them to flourish and grow.
Through our courses, you can gain the necessary skills, knowledge and experience to become a
qualified early years or childcare professional in a range of settings, such as:
  • schools                          • children’s centres               • after-school clubs
  • nurseries                        • home-based setting               • holiday clubs
  • playgroups                       • creche activity leaders
For qualified practitioners at Level 2, we are also piloting some online training that will give you
additional skills to support your career development, including:
  • Invigilating Exams                                 • The Prevent Duty
  • Fundamental British Values                         • Supporting Assessment of Learning

 Meet Claire
 Claire had been out of education for 30 years but since having children, she wanted to grow and
 develop with them. So she started helping out in her children's school one morning a week.
 When the Supporting Teaching and Learning Level 2 Certificate course came up, she decided to
 take the plunge and sign up.
 She said: “Children don’t judge you; they take you as you are – and that really inspired me. I'm
 now shaping children’s future, which is a great place to be. With Hillingdon Adult Learning, I
 feel like a person, not a number and I am now happily spreading the word to other people,
 encouraging family and friends to follow their dreams.” Claire is now studying Understanding
 Behaviour that Challenges Level 2 Certificate.

20                             Adult and Community Learning full and part-time courses 2019/2020
These are offered at a cost of £15 per e-learning course. Each course as an assessment at the
end that you must pass in order to access your certificate. Please contact Brookfield Adult
Learning Centre for more information.

Find the right Childcare and Teaching Assistant course for you

                                                Initial assessment and interview
                                        The results of your assessment will determine
                                                        your start point

                                                 Preparing to work in childcare

                                              Caring for Children Award Entry 3
                                             (includes OCC studies and English)

         Caring for Children Award                     English for Work                  Preparing to Work in Schools
                  Level 1                               Entry 3/Level 1                    Award Level 1 (includes
        (includes Employability and                                                       Employability and English)


        Children and Young People's                                                             Supporting Teaching
       Workforce Certificate Level 2                                                          and Learning Certificate
       EYP Level 2 Diploma (includes                                                                  Level 2
               Employability)                                                                 (includes Employability)
                                                         CPD courses
                                                     Safeguarding Level 1
                                                      Mentoring Level 1
                                                      Behaviour Level 2
                                                         SILD Level 2

Working 12+ hours
per week

           Early Years Educator                                                               Supporting Teaching and
             Diploma Level 3                                                                 Learning Certificate Level 3

Early Years, Children and Young People
Caring for Children Entry 3 Award (and Occupational Studies Entry 3 and English) IA
Code       Level Location         Day(s) Time                 Start date   Weeks   B1         B2        B3        B4
CHB1034 3        Brookfield       Mon    9.30am to 3pm        16 Sep 19    18      £304.50    £227.91   £0.00     £418.34
CHH1009 3        Harlington       Thu    9.30am to 3pm        19 Sep 19    18      £304.50    £227.91   £0.00     £418.34
CHB1035 3        Brookfield       Mon    9.30am to 3pm        24 Feb 20    18      £304.50    £227.91   £0.00     £418.34
CHH1010 3        Harlington       Thu    9.30am to 3pm        27 Feb 20    18      £304.50    £227.91   £0.00     £418.34

Caring for Children Level 1 Award (and Employability Entry 3 and English) IA
CHB1036 1        Brookfield       Tue    9.30am to 3pm        17 Sep 19    18      £314.50    £237.91   £0.00     £428.34
CHH1011 1        Harlington       Wed    9.30am to 3pm        18 Sep 19    18      £314.50    £237.91   £0.00     £428.34
CHB1037 1        Brookfield       Tue    9.30am to 3pm        25 Feb 20    18      £314.50    £237.91   £0.00     £428.34
CHH1012 1        Harlington       Fri    9.30am to 3pm        28 Feb 20    18      £314.50    £237.91   £0.00     £428.34

Enrol online at                                                                         21
Certificate in Children and Young People's Workforce Level 2 (and Employability Level 1) IA
Code       Level Location          Day(s) Time                    Start date   Weeks     B1         B2        B3         B4
CHS1022 2         South Ruislip    Fri      9.30am to 12.30pm     24 Apr 20    34        £528.60    £377.54   £0.00      £753.12

Early Years Practitioner Level 2 Diploma NEW IA
CHB1047 2         Brookfield       Thu      9.30am to 2.30pm      19 Sep 19    36        £889.78    £600.43   £0.00      £1,319.84

Early Years Educator (Workforce) Level 3 Diploma NEW IA
A loan of £2,225.00 may be available for this course – call Brookfield Adult Learning Centre on    01895 556455 to find out more.
CHB1057 3         Brookfield       Fri      9.30am to 3pm         20 Sep 19    48        N/A        N/A       N/A        N/A

Preparing to Work in Home-based Childcare Level 3 Award (Childminding) IA
CHB1013 3         Brookfield       Sat      9.30am to 12.30pm     21 Sep 19    18        £244.50    £167.91   N/A        £358.34
CHB1015 3         Brookfield       Sat      9.30am to 12.30pm     29 Feb 20    18        £244.50    £167.91   N/A        £358.34
CHS1009 3         South Ruislip    Tue      6.30pm to 9.30pm      17 Sep 19    18        £244.50    £167.91   N/A        £358.34
CHS1010 3         South Ruislip    Tue      6.30pm to 9.30pm      03 Mar 20    18        £244.50    £167.91   N/A        £358.34

Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools
Preparing to Work in Schools Level 1 Award (and Employability Entry 3 and English) IA
CHB1038 1         Brookfield       Wed      9.30am to 3pm         18 Sep 19    18        £314.50    £237.91   £0.00      £428.34
CHH1013 1         Harlington       Thu      9.30am to 3pm         19 Sep 19    18        £314.50    £237.91   £0.00      £428.34
CHB1039 1         Brookfield       Wed      9.30am to 3pm         26 Feb 20    18        £314.50    £237.91   £0.00      £428.34
CHH1014 1         Harlington       Thu      9.30am to 3pm         27 Feb 20    18        £314.50    £237.91   £0.00      £428.34

Supporting Teaching and Learning Level 2 Certificate (and Employability Level 1) IA
CHB1042 2         Brookfield       Tue      6.30pm to 9.30pm      17 Sep 19    34        £548.60    £397.54   £0.00      £773.12
CHB1041 2         Brookfield       Wed      9.30am to 12.30pm     18 Sep 19    34        £548.60    £397.54   £0.00      £773.12
CHH1015 2         Harlington       Fri      9.30am to 12.30pm     20 Sep 19    34        £548.60    £397.54   £0.00      £773.12
CHB1058 2         Brookfield       Mon      9.30am to 12.30pm     02 Mar 20    34        £548.60    £397.54   £0.00      £773.12

Supporting Teaching and Learning Level 3 Certificate IA
A loan of £2,225.00 may be available for this course – call Brookfield Adult Learning Centre on    01895 556455 to find out more.
CHS1023 3         South Ruislip    Thu      9.30am to 2pm         26 Sep 19    34        N/A        N/A       N/A        N/A

  Careers and Education Advice Hub
  This year, we are pleased to be launching our Careers and
  Education Advice Hub where free information and support is
  available to adult residents throughout the borough. If you
  would like to discuss your career aspirations or would like
  some help to apply for that job, contact any of our centres
  to make an appointment with an advisor. We look forward
  to seeing you.

22                                       Adult and Community Learning full and part-time courses 2019/2020
Emotional Health and Wellbeing
Do you struggle with anxiety, stress, sleep problems or
low mood? Would you like to improve your emotional
health and wellbeing?
Our free Emotional Health and Wellbeing courses can
help you to help yourself. Learn something new, meet
new people, increase your self esteem, de-stress and
find support on your journey to good emotional health.
Our courses can support you to build resilience and
improve skills to progress with further learning
opportunities in the community or prepare for a route
back to work.
We offer free courses in Family Support, Confidence Building and Self Help, and Lifestyle to adults
(aged 19 and over) who are experiencing emotional health issues.
These courses may be beneficial to people who support others in a caring role or for parents,
carers and anyone supporting children and young people. They can provide guidance with:
  • identifying early signs of emotional problems
  • applying strategies to support young people in building good emotional health
  • protecting children and young people online
  • recognising further sources of support and organising action plans to build a resilient family
Learners can attend three free courses a year. To find out if you qualify, please arrange an
appointment at your local adult learning centre. You will need to complete a mood and wellbeing
questionnaire and have an informal chat with an advisor about your needs and the most suitable
courses available.
To book an appointment, email or call         01895 556248.

Enrol online at or contact your local centre                   23
Meet Roxana
 After qualifying as a teacher, Roxana came to the UK and did further training
 to teach here. However, after spending several years out of her profession,
 her confidence fell and she began to feel that she was not useful. She felt
 unable to apply her skills and knowledge to help other people.
 Roxana booked onto a guidance session, where she was encouraged to
 support her wellbeing with learning, and she enrolled onto a Boosting
 Confidence course. She said: “This was the start of a positive change and, after my first course, I
 quickly went on to do a parenting course and then a mindfulness course. After seeing opportunities
 for volunteering, I decided to apply for (and was accepted on) a training course at Harlington Adult
 Learning Centre, which enabled me to deliver a 15-week Talk English class. I arranged a trip out in
 Hayes for my class and one of the learners said it was their best day in England.”

Find the right Emotional Health and Wellbeing course for you

                            Guidance session and wellbeing assessment

                           Improving your Emotional Health and Wellbeing

                                                                                               These courses can be
        Emotional Health and             Emotional Health and        Emotional Health and      attended in any order but
         Wellbeing course 1               Wellbeing course 2          Wellbeing course 3       all must be completed
                                                                                               before moving on


     Short Qualification              Short Qualification            Short Qualification             Short Qualification
          Course                           Course                         Course                          Course
       Mental Health                  Stress Awareness                 Safeguarding                     Mentoring
        Awareness                       Level 1 Award                  Level 1 Award                   Level 1 Award
       Level 1 Award

                                                Mainstream Curriculum Areas

Emotional Health and Wellbeing
Building Confidence and Improving Assertiveness
Code       Level Location          Day(s) Time                  Start date   Weeks   B1      B2         B3        B4
MHS1013 E         South Ruislip    Mon      1pm to 3pm          04 Nov 19    6       £0.00   £0.00      N/A       £0.00

Building Resilience and Dealing with Setbacks
MHB1073 E         Brookfield       Thu      10am to midday      31 Oct 19    6       £0.00   £0.00      N/A       £0.00
MHS1014 E         South Ruislip    Thu      10am to 12.30pm     16 Jan 20    5       £0.00   £0.00      N/A       £0.00

Creative Writing for Self Awareness and Development NEW
MHH1032 E         Harlington       Fri      Midday to 2.30pm    24 Apr 20    5       £0.00   £0.00      N/A       £0.00

24                                       Adult and Community Learning full and part-time courses 2019/2020
Develop Confidence and Self Esteem NEW
Code     Level Location         Day(s) Time               Start date   Weeks   B1      B2      B3    B4
MHB1075 E       Brookfield      Fri   10am to 12.30pm     10 Jan 20    6       £0.00   £0.00   N/A   £0.00

Digital Skills for Confidence Online NEW
MHH1033 E       Harlington      Mon   10am to midday      24 Feb 20    6       £0.00   £0.00   N/A   £0.00

Discover Your Emotional Intelligence NEW
MHS1010 E       South Ruislip   Tue   10am to 12.30pm     07 Jan 20    5       £0.00   £0.00   N/A   £0.00
MHS1011 E       South Ruislip   Wed   6pm to 8.30pm       22 Apr 20    5       £0.00   £0.00   N/A   £0.00

Exploring Photography for Therapy NEW
MHS1020 E       South Ruislip   Wed   6.30pm to 9pm       22 Apr 20    5       £0.00   £0.00   N/A   £0.00

Garden Therapy - Get Lost in the Garden (Grow Your Own)
MHX1001 E       RAGC            Thu   10am to midday      04 Jun 20    6       £0.00   £0.00   N/A   £0.00

Journey to Self Discovery – Yoga and Relaxation
MHR1011 E       South Ruislip   Tue   11.30am to 1.30pm   05 Nov 19    6       £0.00   £0.00   N/A   £0.00
MHR1027 E       Ruislip Manor   Tue   11.30am to 1.30pm   21 Apr 20    6       £0.00   £0.00   N/A   £0.00

Journey to Self Discovery – Yoga and Breathing Techniques
MHR1026 E       South Ruislip   Tue   11.30am to 1.30pm   25 Feb 20    6       £0.00   £0.00   N/A   £0.00

Mindfulness, Meditation and Self Awareness
MHB1029 E       Brookfield      Tue   1pm to 3.30pm       29 Oct 19    5       £0.00   £0.00   N/A   £0.00
MHS1008 E       South Ruislip   Tue   1pm to 3.30pm       21 Apr 20    5       £0.00   £0.00   N/A   £0.00

Problem Solving to Build Your Resilience NEW
MHB1023 E       Brookfield      Thu   10am to 12.30pm     23 Apr 20    5       £0.00   £0.00   N/A   £0.00

Stress Busting and Relaxation
MHB1079 E       Brookfield      Tue   1pm to 4pm          03 Mar 20    4       £0.00   £0.00   N/A   £0.00

Tapping into Positive Emotional Health and Wellbeing
MHB1033 E       Brookfield      Tue   10am to 12.30pm     29 Oct 19    5       £0.00   £0.00   N/A   £0.00
MHB1027 E       Brookfield      Tue   6pm to 9pm          03 Mar 20    4       £0.00   £0.00   N/A   £0.00
MHB1020 E       Brookfield      Tue   10am to 12.30pm     21 Apr 20    5       £0.00   £0.00   N/A   £0.00

Therapeutic Art – Exploring Drawing and Mark Making NEW
MHS1019 E       South Ruislip   Fri   12.30pm to 2.30pm   01 Nov 19    6       £0.00   £0.00   N/A   £0.00

Therapeutic Art – Exploring Mixed Media NEW
MHS1012 E       South Ruislip   Wed   6.30pm to 9pm       03 Jun 20    5       £0.00   £0.00   N/A   £0.00

Therapeutic Art – Exploring Painting Techniques NEW
MHS1017 E       South Ruislip   Thu   6.30pm to 9pm       27 Feb 20    5       £0.00   £0.00   N/A   £0.00

Thinking and Living for the Present
MHS1016 E       South Ruislip   Mon   6.30pm to 8.30pm    24 Feb 20    6       £0.00   £0.00   N/A   £0.00
MHS1015 E       South Ruislip   Wed   10am to 12.30pm     22 Apr 20    5       £0.00   £0.00   N/A   £0.00

Enrol online at or contact your local centre                             25
English, Maths and Digital Skills
Move your English, maths and digital skills up to the next level with our English and Maths Skills
courses. Build your confidence when you practise them in your everyday life. The qualification
you achieve will help you progress onto further study and find a good job.
This year, we are running additional courses, including some short bridging courses to help you
improve your language and digital skills in readiness for qualification courses.
When you enrol, we will identify your starting point by giving you a short skills test to make sure
you join the most appropriate class at the right level. You will also be able to speak to our tutors
about which course is best for you. Call    01895 556252 to book yourself in for an initial
assessment and find out how we can support you.

Important information about eligibility for ESOL courses
Many of our English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) courses are funded by the ESFA/
GLA and Hillingdon Council. Some courses are free; others may have a fee. Your residency status
and your employment status are two elements that tell us whether you will need to pay a fee. We
will discuss all this with you when you come for your initial assessment.
There is an expectation that you will work towards national qualifications and take the exams at
an appropriate time.

Call   01895 556252 to book a place on one of our regular advice and guidance sessions to find
out more.

Develop your Skills for Work
Planning to work in or study Childcare, Health and Social Care or other vocational areas?
If you have completed the full ESOL E3 qualification, our Skills for Work courses could be perfect
for you. The focus will be to develop your skills so you gain the confidence and the ability to achieve
the Functional Skills qualifications you will need to progress onto vocational study and work.

26                             Adult and Community Learning full and part-time courses 2019/2020
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