DiscoveRRy - Discovery Islands

Page created by Herman Ayala
DiscoveRRy - Discovery Islands
           ISSUE 749                    MARCH 5, 2021 • SERVING QUADRA & DISCOVERY ISLANDS SINCE 1993

                             I         S          L          A            N             D            E           R
Bike Park Upgrade for Quadra at your Community Centre!
              We did a thing and it turned out to be pretty exciting!!
Covid has hit everyone hard in so many
different ways and one of the biggest ways
it has affected us here at your Community
Centre is by not having you here and not
being able to connect with community events
and offerings. This is especially tough over
the winter months, as gathering indoors
in the hall and connecting and building
community is what we’re all about. Some
time ago, community members, Quadra
Island Recreation Society board members
and staff came together to dream big on how
we could add more recreation amenities
for you all and amenities that could, in
particular, be accessed free of charge and
safely, in a time such as COVID. There were
many ideas that came up, but one that had
been percolating for quite some time (way
before we even knew what COVID was),
came back into the forefront. This idea was
based on looking at something that Quadra
already does really well, in fact one might say
it’s one of our hidden, or not so hidden gems!
That is, that in terms of recreation, it is a
great place to explore on bicycle and we have     Pictured here: (mask down for a quick outdoor photo, distanced and kids are in same bubble) are
a large and passionate biking community of        some of the board members, staff and volunteers who helped work on the grant. Left to right:
all skill levels. How could we add to that in a   Brian Simmons (volunteer - site research); Jane West (all-important support staff); Rebecca Young
really wonderful way and rejuvenate the now       (Executive Director - grant writer); Sheldon Etheridge (Board Member - grant budget creation and
                                                  bike park research); Eamon Simmons (Board Member - site research and budget collaboration). As
under-utilized, user-maintained, high skill
                                                  well as some local kiddos who will no doubt be amongst the community members who will enjoy
jump park? Well, how about building on that       the future Community Bike Park!
with a new professionally designed Bike Park.
One which could be enjoyed by all ages and
skills of riders, and which would tie in nicely   We are super excited to share more and             generations of Quadra children (and their
to the beauty of what the trails already have     collaborate with the community on this             adults) to enjoy for years to come!
to offer and be something the community can       project in the coming months. Even though          Looking ahead with much excitement and
access outside at any time and use for free!      we will receive a very significant grant, as       positivity for this community and sending all
Communities such as Cumberland and now            usual, in our Quadra, grass roots, community       the best out to each and every one of you,
the new bike skills park at the Sportsplex        building way, we will also be relying on much      Rebecca Young
in Campbell River have seen great success         volunteerism, donations and community
                                                  drive to make this the best little bike park       Executive Director
and benefit in adding bike skills parks in                                                           Quadra Community Centre
their communities. Well, we went for it and       for our wonderful community to enjoy
                                                  for years to come. So, stay tuned for more
applied for a big grant and got it! We are a                                                         250-285-3243
recipient of the Province of BC’s                 announcements and get involved when we
                                                  start recruiting volunteers and donations.         “Building community through recreation”
Community Economic Recovery                       This will be another legacy for future
Infrastructure Program (CERIP) funding.
DiscoveRRy - Discovery Islands

Emergency                                            QI Cemetery Society -                               Way to Go
Firewood                                             AGM                                                 Join us for monthly Monday Zoom meetings
                                                     Notice of 2021 Annual General Meeting               on the following topics, 7 to 8:30 pm.
The Emergency Firewood program is still              for the Quadra Island Cemetery Society.             Mar. 15, Hospice,
happening every Wednesday afternoon from             QI Legion, West Road, 7:30 pm Tuesday,              Apr. 19, More about psychedelics for terminal
12:30 to 2 p.m. at the Community Centre.             March 9, 2021. Everyone welcome. Covid              distress.
If you run out of firewood and can’t afford          restrictions apply. Please wear a mask.             Contact Margaret margaret.verschuur@gmail.
more, we have some available, however this                                                               com to receive the Zoom invitation.
is not going to supply your entire firewood
needs for the rest of the winter. We do need         Quadra Island Food
volunteers to cut, split and stack wood. People
with chainsaws are especially needed. Social                                                             Dine with the Children's
distancing applies. For more info call or text       Have you checked out the Guide? It is a listing
                                                                                                         Centre Heart Fundraiser

                                                     friendly & delicious
Sandy 250-202 5928.                                  of the various food producers on the island
   food service                                      and is a great resource to find local food. It is
                                                     currently being updated for 2021, so check it
  in pods of up to sixTanks
                                                     out and expect new information and listings as      THANK YOU! Cafe Aroma, Island Farm to
                            guests per table         we get into the growing season.                     Table, Kameleon, Java Bay Cafe, Heriot Bay
                                                                                                         Inn, The Quadra Legion, Coveside Seafood
                HBI Pub
Good News from the ICAN Water Team! Our
water tank supplier let us know they will be
                                                     Are you a producer on the island who has
                                                                                                         Eatery and the Clove for the enthusiasm
                                                                                                         that you and your crew brought to our Dine
        a load of water tanks1pm
                               in the -next
                                         7pmcouple   not yet connected with the food guide? If
                                                                                                         with the Children's Centre heart fundraiser!
of weeks. It is not too early to start planning
      Tues & Wed 4pm - 7pm
for your Spring water collection and water
                                                     you would like to be included, please contact       We certainly felt the love; beginning with
         beverage                                    Kathryn at 285-2103 or qifoodguide@gmail.           the children’s spirited designs, leading to
                       for tankstill 10 pmgo
saving needs.                    generally
up during the Spring rush, but our cost will
remain $200 each! The water tanks are food
                                                     com for more information. We want to support
                                                     our producers and promote a local food                        great food &
                                                                                                         colourful displays which in turn prompted
                                                                                                         generous donations to our Children’s Centre.
grade Friday       only
       plastic, hold
a metal reservations
                     250 gallons,
        frame, and measurerecommended
                                                                                                                    casual fun
                                                                                                         We look forward to organizing more
                                                                                                         fundraisers in the future that support our
                                                               DI Submissions                            community's businesses while helping us with

  take out seven days a week:
To reserve your tank, contact Jude (phone:
2302 or email:                                                                     much needed operational costs.
                                                                      Email us at
                                                               news                 Let's continue to support this lovely array of
       Find out                                             Drop off your item at Inspirations           eateries that we are so fortunate to have on
       call 285.3322
             when theor
                         is 285.3539                                              a beautiful place to spend time
                                                                   in Quathiaski Cove                    our island, throughout these very interesting
                                                                                                         times. Cheers, everyone!
                                                                  Bring it to our office
             posted online                                     at 701 Cape Mudge Road

                                                     friendly & delicious
   food service
   in pods of up to six guests per table
                 HBI Pub
     Thurs-Mon 1pm - 7pm
     Tues & Wed 4pm - 7pm                                                                                          well-spaced,
        beverage service till 10 pm
                                                                                                                   great food &
     Fridays only 4pm - 7pm
       reservations recommended
                                                                                                                    casual fun
  take out seven days a week:                                                     a beautiful place to spend time
   call 285.3322 or the Pub 285.3539
PAGE 2                                                  w w                               ISSUE 749 • MARCH 5, 2021
DiscoveRRy - Discovery Islands

Help Bring Our Seniors Home!                                                                       COVID Vaccinations
                                                                                                   Seniors 80+ and Indigenous people 65+
Quadra Island has a brand new, beautiful,           Please help us to bring our seniors home!      will be able to book their appointments
well-designed home for seniors who, as yet,         Donations over $20 are tax deductible and a    this month. Eligibility in this group does not
are nowhere to be found on the property!            receipt will be provided                       include spouses unless they are eligible by age.
The tragic circumstance we are facing is that       Be one of 200 people who donate $500 (as of    The call-in schedule to book appointments
our seniors, who are in need of safe affordable     today 17 people have donated)                  will be staggered by age groups to avoid long
housing, can’t yet move into the physical           Be one of 200 people who donate $100           waits:
building which is nearing completion. For                                                          • March 8: Seniors born in or before 1931
those who have tackled a renovation or new-         Consider making a donation in memory of a
                                                    loved one who has passed.                      (90 years+)/Indigenous peoples born in or
build, you’ll know that costs inevitably exceed                                                    before 1956 (65 years+) may call to book their
budget, while the vision takes longer to be         At the end of the year, you could give money
                                                                                                   vaccine appointment,
realized.                                           to the government in taxes or give to your
                                                    local community and receive a tax break.       • March 15: Seniors born in or before 1936
Today, we’re reaching out to our wonderful                                                         (85 years+) may call to book their vaccine
community to seek its help in completing            Do help us Bring Our Seniors Home! Go to
                                                                                                   appointment, and
the essential tasks necessary to bring our for easy donating.
                                                                                                   • March 22: Seniors born in or before 1941
valued seniors home. Much has already been
                                                                                                   (80 years+) may call to book their vaccine
achieved with great effort on the part of many.
We’re certainly in the ‘home’ stretch!
                                                                                                   • There is no need to register before
We are appealing to local residents and
                                                                                                   booking. Immunization clinic locations
businesses to support this endeavour. We
                                                                                                   will be confirmed at time of booking, with
are in need of your help! Our goal is to raise
                                                                                                   vaccinations starting as early as March 15.
$100,000 by March 30, 2021, which will go
exclusively towards:                                                                               • A family member, caretaker, healthcare
                                                                                                   worker, advocate or friend can also book an
A boardwalk over the pond spillway to enable
                                                                                                   appointment on their behalf.
all local residents to safely walk into the Cove
for groceries, mail, doctor visits, prescriptions                                                  • Island Health’s appointment line for seniors
and other services.                                                                                is 1-833-348-4787. This phone line will open
                                                                                                   March 8th
A bridge to link the original Seniors Housing
on O’Connor with the new building                                                                  • To avoid long delays it is essential that
                                                                                                   people wait until they are eligible to contact
A communal walk-in tub so our Quadra
                                                                                                   the call centre.
seniors have access to safe bathing
Microwaves in each unit to enable seniors to
reheat meals efficiently
A back-up Propane Generator to ensure
essential services
Raised garden beds so residents can get their
hands in the earth and continue their tradition
of growing some of their own food; a garden
shed to store tools; and privacy screens
between the patios. Most residents will not
have lived in such close proximity to others
and we wish to support an easy transition into
community living

                                                      LAYOUT-1.indd 1                                                             16-04-18 11:12 AM
ISSUE 749 • MARCH 5, 2021                              w w                                                       PAGE 3
DiscoveRRy - Discovery Islands
    I S L A N D E R
                                                                                                           ISLAND FORUM

                                                                                    Regarding: Salmon Farm Closures
           ISSUE 749
         5 MARCH, 2021                                                              in the Discovery Islands
    Publisher/Editor Philip Stone                                                   Once again, the anti-farm lobby           farming in their territories.
                                                                                    has taken a snapshot out of               Secondly, (I am going to ramble
                                                                                    context and created a narrative           a bit but if you bear with me
 The DI is published every two weeks.                                               to suit their agenda.
  Our current edition and upcoming                                                                                            there is a point.) I am a small
         deadlines are online:                                                      As Minister Jordan declared               “l” liberal. I vote left of center.                                                         when announcing the plans                 I gladly pay taxes in support

                                         Mobile Mechanic
            CONTACT US                                                              to close the Discovery Island             of a world-class social safety
  email                                                    farms, the decision was not               net. I believe that a sustainable
                                         Heavy Equipment & Automotive               based on science. Credit where            economy requires vigorous
       phone 250 285 2234
                                               service and repair                   credit is due, many politicians           corporate oversight and
  mail PO Box 280 Quathiaski Cove
                                            Welding and Fabrication                 could have and would have                 accountability.
            BC V0P 1N0
                                            Shop located on Quadra                  spun the decision as “cleaning            Before my recent retirement
   office 701 Cape Mudge Road                                                       the oceans” or “protecting wild
                                              By appointment only                                                             I spent 17 years in the salmon
     hours Monday – Thursday                                                        fish”. But Jordan made it clear           farm industry. I was 50 when
           10am to 4pm                                                              that such was not the case. Of            I started, and had worked in
 Opinions expressed in this magazine                                                course, at the same time she was          several industries previously,
 are those of the contributors and are                                              promoting salmon farming in               including tourism. I did not leap
    not the views of the publisher.          250-285-2215                           her home riding in Nova Scotia,           into salmon farming; I had heard
                                               so there’s that.                          the horror stories (although I’d
                                                                                    I won’t address the body of               been around long enough to have
  We welcome items for publica-                     Put this                        the Sierra Club’s letter; it’s the        a healthy distrust of gossip and
  tion on subjects of interest to the               designer                        same tired old nonsense that              rumours.) As a resort caretaker I
  Discovery Islands community.                      to work!
  Here are a few guidelines:                                                        the anti-farm lobby has been              came into contact with the farms
                                                                                    regurgitating for decades.                and the workers on them. And
  • 300 words is an ideal length for       Business             Logos
  community announcements.
                                                                      Posters       I just want to bring up two               wow, they weren’t monsters.
                                                                                    points:                                   They were dedicated people who
  • Articles do not need to be sent as   cards                         Ads
                                                                                                                              worked very hard with high-tech
  attachments. Simply send the text         PR                         Books        First, since the decision was
  in the body of your email.              Signage                  Brochures        based on consultations with               tools to monitor and protect the
                                                                                                                              environment around their farms.
  • Canadian spelling is preferred.              Weebly & WordPress                 First Nations in the DI territory,
                                                                                    I would fully expect the same             I became interested enough to
  • Please use the title of your item                                                                                         want to learn more, so I invested
  in the email subject line. We get a            Robyn Budd                         level of support, by government
                                              creative design                                                                 in an aquaculture course at NIC
  lot of items called 'DI Article'.                                                 and by the good folks at Sierra,
                                                 & content
                                                                                    to be extended to the many First          to see what they had to say. In
  • Remember to include credits                                                                                               the end I was able to make a
  and captions for photos & artwork.     taseko1@ • 250.285.3563          Nations who welcome salmon
                                                                                                                              decision based on knowledge
WHILE EVERY EFFORT IS MADE TO INCLUDE                                                                                         and information rather than
 ACCIDENTAL OMISSIONS MAY OCCUR.          The Market is Still Red Hot!                                                        assumptions and innuendo.
                                                                                                                              Over the years I learned fist-
                                            We are seeing homes sell very quickly normally with multiple offers and for       hand that salmon farming in
       GIFT SUBSCRIPTIONS                   over asking price. There are only 13 active listings, 5 of which are homes and
 Are available for delivery in Canada                                                                                         British Columbia holds itself to
    by mail $90 for 12 months                                  almost all of those have accepted offers!                      a high degree of accountability.
                                             If you are thinking of selling call me today for a free market                   Is it perfect? Absolutely not.
  Local Voluntary Subscriptions are                                                                                           But it willingly pours massive
   welcome to help support the DI,                analysis to discover what your home is worth today!                         investments into research and
  suggested: $30 per calendar year                                                                                            development toward constant
     Find more details online at                 Celebrating 25 Years in Real Estate!                                         improvement. And so when I                                                                                                  see activists attacking salmon
           COPYRIGHT 2020
         ALL RIGHTS RESERVED              Heidi Ridgway                                                                       farming with the same rumours
                                                                                                                              and gossip that were discredited
                                          Your Resident Quadra Island Realtor®                                                20 years ago it occurs to me
     NEXT DEADLINE                                             tel    250 285-2217                                            that the activists, not the
  7pm Monday, March 15                                         cell   250 202-2217                                            industry, lack oversight and
     for publication on                                                             accountability.
   Friday, March 19, 2021                                                             Sincerely,
                                                                                                                              Bruce Banta

PAGE 4                                                  w w                                          ISSUE 749 • MARCH 5, 2021
DiscoveRRy - Discovery Islands

Response to Dr Hughes’:
‘Is Long-term Regular Cannabis Use Harmful?’
While I haven’t seen the study referred                                         was the last line in the article: “[a]dvice for   substance) can lead to detrimental health
to in Dr Hughes’ article and therefore                                          those under 30 - avoid a relationship with a      effects.
cannot negate the stated facts, I can express                                   daily cannabis user!” ….. This is an arrogant     So allow me to offer a piece of advice to those
(based on ample research) that there are                                        misuse of the power that comes with offering      under (or over) 30 - don’t take someone’s
many health benefits to regular cannabis                                        a respected opinion!                              opinion as your own, just because they’re a
use. The cannabinoids found in marijuana                                        To lump all users into one “avoidable”            doctor. Do your research, be informed, and
blend almost seamlessly with those                                              category is prejudiced and offensive. I am        think for yourself!
produced by our own bodies, making it a                                         closely acquainted with many daily cannabis       Elysia Toporowski
powerful medicine. Due to its effects on the                                    users, and not one of them exists in the dire
endocannabinoid system (present in all living                                   situation described by the outcome of the
creatures), marijuana products can help                                         Australian study. I recognize that my sample
alleviate symptoms from disease or injury,                                      population doesn’t speak for the world as a
decrease stress and anxiety, and provide relief                                 whole, but it speaks for the individuals I know
from insomnia.                                                                  and respect who seek to calm their ailments
Arguably the worst effects from chronic                                         or open their minds using marijuana.
marijuana use occur in the respiratory                                          Regular marijuana use is different from
system, as smoking anything regularly                                           marijuana abuse. Many, many people use
will damage this sensitive system. This                                         marijuana daily to help deal with chronic
particular problem can be circumvented by                                       health conditions. Many, many people use
using other methods of administration (oils,                                    marijuana daily for the pleasure of it. Many
tinctures, edibles, topicals, etc). Rarely, early                               people use marijuana to smoke themselves
use of marijuana (or any drug, including                                        into oblivion, damaging their bodies and
prescription medication) can exacerbate                                         minds from incorrect use - but they are the
mental health conditions, especially in                                         minority of cannabis users.
predisposed individuals. Human brains                                           Marijuana use is not without its risks, but
become fully developed at the age of 25, so                                     a well-informed individual can make that
any alteration of the chemical balance of the                                   choice for themselves. While it is not a
brain before that age has potential dangers.                                    substance to be taken lightly, incorporating
But truly, regardless of all these facts about                                  cannabis into your health program can be
cannabis (you can pick and choose the                                           beneficial to your body in numerous ways.
research for yourself), what really got me                                      Conversely, abusing cannabis (as with any

    Ferry Schedule
 Leave Quathiaski Cove                        Leave Campbell River
              6:15 am                                      6:40 am
              7:05 am                                     †
                                                           7:30 am
              8:00 am                                      8:30 am
              9:00 am                                      9:30 am
             10:00 am                                 **10:30 am
             11:00 am                                   11:30 am
            12:00 pm                                    12:30 pm
              1:00 pm                                     1:30 pm
              2:00 pm                                     2:30 pm
              3:05 pm                                     3:30 pm
            **4:00 pm                                     4:30 pm
              5:00 pm                                   ††
                                                          5:25 pm
              5:50 pm                                   ††
                                                          6:15 pm
              7:00 pm                                     7:30 pm
              8:00 pm                                     8:30 pm
              9:00 pm                                     9:30 pm
            10:00 pm                                    10:30 pm
           *11:00 pm                                   *11:30 pm
  † Daily except Sundays & Dec. 25 & Jan 1.     ** Tuesdays - Dangerous Cargo
  † † Commuter sailings, expect overloads           No passengers or cars.
        * Fridays and Saturdays Only

ISSUE 749 • MARCH 5, 2021                                                         w w                                                           PAGE 5
DiscoveRRy - Discovery Islands
ISLAND FORUM                                                                   EDITOR NOTES

I feel inclined to respond to Dr.                                                                      More on the SRD:
                                                  have worse side effects than cannabis. I believe
                                                  over-prescribed sleep/pain management
Hughes article in the last issue.                 meds, (especially opiates), and psychotropic         Budget Process Critiqued
    All due respect to our (very) good doctor,    medications, to be a far more a risk to our
I did find the article to be dated, biased,       children and youth than cannabis alone has           Funny how some things remain an
redundant, and ultimately dismissive of mental    potential to be. I have come to understand that      undercurrent for so long and then burst into
heath and addiction issues in general. I found    unresolved trauma is the foundation of most          view in every direction. The ink was barely
his final statement regarding relationship        significant addiction issues… therefore making       dry on last edition’s editorial questioning the
advice to be offensive and highly uncalled for.   it the true “gateway drug”                           relationship between Strathcona Regional
I think this is a good opportunity for us all     Up until more recent years., the only mindset        District (SRD) staff and our elected Regional
to consider and discuss (a lot) of information    to cannabis was prohibition. Its really quite        Directors when Cortes Island representative
that is now out there, and perhaps re-shape       interesting how cannabis prohibition even            Noba Anderson released a scathing report on
our views on cannabis, addiction and mental       came to be.. but that’s another topic for            the SRD’s budget process, see:
health issues. Ultimately, we just hope for       some other time. Cannabis is still actually
everyone to be healthy and well.                  classified as a schedule 1 drug, alongside           The report makes for pretty dry reading and
    The title of the article was “Is long term    heroin, LSD, Peyote, MDMA, Quaaludes,                it’s not for the faint of heart. This is, after all,
cannabis use harmful?” Its pretty telling where   bath salts *(and mushrooms), and as having           the skills that our Directors posses, at least
his views stand, and to support those views,      no medicinal benefits. ( *This is also not true      those that endure for any length of time in
he cites a 20 year research project (that ended   for psilocybins... but that’s also another topic.)   the position: to understand and parse the
in 2012), involving high school students,         As far as I’m aware, people don’t physically         complexities of legislation and finances on
cannabis use, and life outcomes. It strongly      die from cannabis. If that all isn’t outdated        our behalf.
implied that cannabis alone is the catalyst       and misinformed information already, then I          Anderson uses tables that compare the
of addiction issues.. which also then leads       just don’t know what is really. I find it tragic     information provided in previous years to
to at risk drinking, tobacco smoking, illicit     that cannabis was ever under prohibition             support budget planning (and thus Board
drug use, financial hardship, unemployment        at all. Consider how much farther along              approval) to make the case that:
and relationship issues.. etc. I’m inclined to    we’d be at now, had it been continually and            “This year, I see essentially no room for
believe that alcohol by comparison, is more       properly researched, generally understood and          informed Director input. Although it is
“a gateway” drug than anything else out           medicinally used all along. What a complete            clearly staff’s job to bring forward baselines
there.. which is even more easily accessible to   waste it wasn’t. That, and to consider the huge        and recommendations, it is the job of elected
young people. That, and tobacco, and maybe        economic loss we’ve missed out on, including           officials to reflect the will of our constituents
those prescribed mother’s little helpers in       hemp textiles..(especially here in BC). I expect
                                                                                                         through workplan and budget deliberations
the medicine cabinet.. if already so inclined     even more changes ahead though. Anyway,
                                                                                                         and modifications. As a director, I do not
to do so. Even caffeine which is a stimulant.,    no prohibition, or war/brain on drugs, or
                                                                                                         feel sufficiently empowered this year to do
can lead to anxiety, appetite and sleep issues    devil’s lettuce warnings... etc... has ever once
                                                                                                         my job.”
for young people.. and is always available.       stopped any teen or adult from obtaining and
Alcohol has led to more bad life choices and      consuming cannabis, or from trying any other         So adding to the questions raised last edition
events than cannabis has by a long shot.. not     non-prescribed drug…alcohol and tobacco              regarding the Director’s code of conduct
to mention the countless ruined lives and         included here, ..if they weren’t already so          stymieing our elected representatives
deaths related to alcohol and alcoholism. That    inclined to do so in the first place.                from effectively communicating with SRD
being said, some cannabis these days is pretty                                                         staff, we now have at least one director
                                                  I’ve known many people one would never even
powerful and a strong dose could exacerbate                                                            on record describing a work environment
                                                  suspect of consuming cannabis, including
an underlying mental health condition or                                                               where it would appear that the SRD staff
                                                  professionals and other seemingly happy,
possibly trigger a psychotic break for some,                                                           are throttling back the information supplied
                                                  normal and otherwise functioning people
especially in young people.                                                                            to the Board in the execution of its duty to
                                                  included…some even under the age of 30!
                                                                                                       operate in the public trust.
    There’s a difference between casual/          Quadra has always had its moderate share
recreational, habitual and medicinal use of       of open cannabis consumers and always                And when I say ‘public trust’ I mean spend
cannabis. Those lines may sometimes be            will. I am not advocating its recreational           our tax dollars.
blurry, but it still merits strong individual     use here, especially to our youth. I’m just          This, I would venture, is a troubling situation
consideration before coming to conclusions        saying there is just so much more to consider        and represents the worst of what our
about anyone. Not every cannabis consumer         when attributing cannabis to a plethora of           next correspondent calls ‘administrative
is someone struggling with addiction and          misery. We are only beginning to discover the        creep’. Does this raise questions about the
significant mental health/life issues anymore     astounding value of this amazing plant despite       functionality of the SRD as a whole? Is this
than someone who enjoys a casual or even          it having been around and widely used                a situation that the Ministry of Municipal
a daily glass of wine is a alcoholic, etc. The    and enjoyed for thousands of years before            Affairs needs to get involved in? Because
medicinal benefits of cannabis is essential for   prohibition. Be knowledgeable, and use               when I hear that a $70,000 grant seems to
many, and is often a better choice than many      within your best interests.                          have been squandered it seems not so much
of the prescribed medication alternatives, of     Carole Cornell                                       just ‘creep’ as downright creepy.
which many which aren’t effective and/or                                                               - Philip Stone
PAGE 6                                               w w                                  ISSUE 749 • MARCH 5, 2021
DiscoveRRy - Discovery Islands

Illuminating ‘Administrative Creep’
Sir                                   managers extending their powers        to district staff, it is difficult to   and it is their boss who will be
Problems concerning the               beyond their authority is not new.     see how directors can represent         left to account. However, the
Strathcona Regional District          It is called ‘administrative creep’    their individual constituents.          restrictions that have been placed
arose in the February 19th            and it was also demonstrated in        The free flow of information            upon communication between
issue of the Discovery Islander.      the two other stories.                 may not always be in the narrow         with Strathcona directors and
Quadra Island Regional Director,      In one story, the regional district    interests of staff and managers.        line staff is draconian. As it
Jim Abram, raised the matter          gave notice of their finding a         However, if public servants are         stands, the general public will
of lighting at the Granite Bay        conflict of interest against the       empowered to withhold it from           often be in a better position than
wharf. His story fits rather well     Cortes regional director. The          elected representatives, there is a     their representative in seeking
with The Editor Notes insertion       director had used, or appeared         problem.                                information or in arguing
and regional district’s Statement     to use, her position as a director     There may be good reason why            their case. While I can request
of Expectations of the Cortes         to obtain personal service from        directors may not direct staff,         planning information from or
regional director.                    the regional district. Such a          but directing is not the same as        argue my case with a planner, a
As Jim described, all night every     finding can be serious. Conflict       seeking information or arguing          director cannot do so for me. In
night, the new lights at the          of interest is the only operational    the case. Public service staff          grasping control of directors’
                                      matter for which a director            need to know who is their boss                                continued...
Granite Bay wharf illuminate the
whole bay, including our own          can be expelled. However,
adjacent property. There had          the board chose to admonish                                                  NO. M1911526
been no lighting at the wharf         the director and to require
                                                                                                           VANCOUVER REGISTRY
since local residents built it more   that she take certain steps to
                                      correct her behaviour. But,                IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA
than a decade ago. Jim took
up the matter on our behalf.          once again, the managers,                BETWEEN:
Although there has been some          through the Chair, appeared to                      BONNIE HARMINDER SENGARA
tinkering, two months later the       overstep their authority. In this        PLAINTIFF
lights are still there.               case, the director was advised
The lights were installed despite     to “seek advice from Senior
                                      Management” on any potential               ROBERT JOSEPH JUPE and DARYL HARLEY BUERGE
many provisions in the Official
Community Plan to protect             conflict of interest. However, the
ecosystems; to preserve the           Community Charter, which is              DEFENDANTS
island’s rural character; and to      the provincial legislation guiding                               ADVERTISEMENT
consult residents. Bright lights,     the matter, makes no such
                                                                               To: The Defendant, DARYL HARLEY BUERGE
as these ones are, may cause          prescription. Instead, if a director
                                      perceives a potential conflict of        TAKE NOTICE THAT on January 15, 2021 an Order was made
disruption within local ecosystems                                             for service on you of a Notice of Civil Claim issued from the
and this wharf is at the mouth of     interest, the director can appoint
                                      a personal representative to             Vancouver Registry of the Supreme Court of British Columbia in
a salmon-bearing stream.                                                       proceeding number M-1911526 by way of this advertisement.
                                      pursue their interest. Senior
Some aspects of the light             managers have no place in                In the proceeding, the Plaintiff claims the following relief against
problems extend beyond the            directing the behaviour of               you: An award for non-pecuniary damages, special damages,
immediate issue. Technically,         directors but, in Strathcona             loss of past and future income and earning capacity, loss of
the installation of light standards   Regional District, they appear to        housekeeping capacity, future care costs, interest pursuant to the
is a development. Before any          have assumed the right.                  Court Order Interest Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 79 and the costs in this
development can be realized,                                                   action and such further and other relief as to this Honorable Court
the neighbourhood must be             In his editorial in the same issue,
                                      the Discovery Islander editor            may seem just.
consulted [Quadra Island Official
                                      draws attention to the prohibition       You must file a Response to Civil Claim within the period required
Community Plan]. It was not.
                                      against regional directors making        under the Supreme Court Civil Rules failing which further
If a new development requires         demands upon line staff. If              proceedings, including judgement, may be taken against you
public funds, then those funds        they do so, the staff may not            without notice to you.
must be shown in the regional         act upon those demands and               You may obtain, from the Vancouver Registry at 800 Smithe
district budget. While provision      must seek authority from senior          Street, Vancouver, BC V6Z 2E1, a copy of the Notice of Civil
for wharf repairs was budgeted,       management. Presumably, the              Claim and the order providing for service by way of this
no provision was made for             senior managers can then decide          advertisement.
lighting. In other words,             whether to accede to a director’s
the administrators were not                                                    This advertisement is placed by the solicitors for the Plaintiff,
                                      demands. In so doing, managers           Randhawa Minhas LLP, Barristers and Solicitors, whose address
empowered to spend the money          may restrict, hinder or control the
or do the work. But they did.                                                  for service is 205-7134 King George Boulevard, Surrey, BC, V3W
                                      flow of information to directors. If     5A3, Facsimile- 604-449-7501.
The problem of public service         they are not permitted free access

ISSUE 749 • MARCH 5, 2021                             w w                                                             PAGE 7
DiscoveRRy - Discovery Islands
FORUM                                              COMMUNITY NEWS & EVENTS
access to information, senior
managers are taking control             North Island Communities to Get
beyond their remit.
                                        Infrastructure and Jobs Boost Through B.C.’s
                                        Economic Recovery Plan, says MLA Babchuk
The problem of control is in no way
unique to regional districts, but our
regional district managers seem
to have usurped all control. Other      CAMPBELL RIVER – New               is providing $100 million in        • Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis
agencies have faced it and seem to      Democrat MLA Michele               one-time infrastructure grants      First Nation- Revitalizing the
have resolved it more acceptably.       Babchuk says that communities      for impactful projects across       Shores of Gwa’yas’dums -
                                        around the north Island will be    B.C. These projects will improve    ($274,971)
For example, provincial
                                        able to recover more quickly       community economic resilience,      • Klahoose First Nation-
government ministers are not,
                                        from the economic impacts          develop tourism infrastructure,     Klahoose First Nation Marine
in any direct sense, in charge of
                                        of the COVID-19 pandemic           support unique heritage             Access Revitalization ($ 361,590)
their ministries. That control
                                        with help from close to $3.4       infrastructure, and support         • Tlowitsis Nation-
goes to a civil servant, the deputy
                                        million in new funding for local   economic recovery for rural         Redevelopment of the Naka
minister. The deputy minister
                                        infrastructure projects.           communities.                        Creek Campsite ($ 352,583)
is accountable, not to a minister,
but to the Premier’s deputy             “I’m thrilled that so many         CERIP’s funding is distributed      • Sointula Resource Centre
minister. Yet ministers routinely       north Island organizations are     through different provincial        Society- Sointula Community
call meetings with and make             benefiting from this funding,”     ministries, including Municipal     Pavilion (BC Ministry of
telephone calls to civil servants       said Babchuk, MLA for North        Affairs; Tourism, Arts, Culture     Municipal Affairs) ($105,660)
within their ministry. They ask         Island. “The stress of the         and Sport; and Forests, Lands,
                                        pandemic has impacted us           Natural Resource Operators and      • Dzawada’enuxw First Nation-
questions and get replies from                                                                                 Himanis Traditional Bighouse
ministry employees. They may            all, particularly those who        Rural Development.
                                        reside in smaller, more remote                                         Upgrades 2021 ($354,650)
tell those same civil servants                                             This funding is part of BC’s $10
                                        communities. Investments           billion COVID-19 response to        • Quatsino First Nation–
what they think should be done.
                                        like these benefit folks at the    help support people, businesses,    Indigenous Food Hub ($556,157)
The civil servants, for their part,
know that they must account to          local level and help promote a     communities, and critical           • Cortes Community Economic
their managers and they do. If a        sustainable economic future for    services, and build a strong        Development Association
deputy minister has problems with       communities. These projects        economic recovery that works        (CCEDA) COVID-19 Response
what the minister is requesting,        highlight our New Democrat         for everyone.                       Project ($63,052)
then they see the minister. The         government’s commitment to         North Island community              • Mount Waddington- Train
situation is managed. There is no       bringing an economic recovery      projects receiving funding:         Engine Viewing Platform and
reason why the same should not          that works for people to the                                           Infrastructure for Nimpkish
                                        North Island.”                     • U’mista Cultural Society-
be true in a regional district.                                            Centre upgrades ($294,000)          Valley Heritage Park ($121,650)
Administrative creep is a               The funding is going to 15                                             • Quadra Island Rec. Society-
                                        projects around the north island   • Dzawada’enux First
widespread problem that often                                              Nation- Traditional Bighouse        Quadra Island Community
finds its way into none-too-            (see backgrounder below for a                                          Centre Bike Park ($180,000)
                                        full list).                        Restoration ($135,660)
sympathetic courts. It certainly                                                                               • Tahsis- Outdoor shelters and
                                        This funding is coming through     • Ehattesaht Chinehkint Tribe-
appears that it has found its way                                                                              benches ($82,800)
                                        B.C.’s CERIP (Community            Wisdom Bench – nawaayisim:
into our regional district. Perhaps                                                                            • Alert Bay- Alert Bay
                                        Economic Recovery                  ($304,500)
now is the time for that to change                                                                             Campground Enhancement
Ted Hayes                               Infrastructure Program) which      • Sointula Museum and
                                                                           Historical Society- ($50,195)       Project ($183,055)
Granite Bay

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                                                                                                       set of building skills...
                                                                                                       Let us manage all your
              Professional individual counselling                                                      home improvement dreams.
                  by appointment. Ages 5+
                           NORTH ISLAND SURVIVORS’                           For free inspiration
                           HEALING SOCIETY                                   call Blaine Smith
                                        CALL 250-287-3325          

PAGE 8                                                 w w                            ISSUE 749 • MARCH 5, 2021
DiscoveRRy - Discovery Islands

                   Gabbing About Gardening with Lu
                                  Gabbing About Gardening Marches Into Spring
As we head into Spring, Gabbing About             • Correct commonly made mistakes when it
                                                                                                            Monday, March 22
Gardening continues to present a weekly           comes to soil health
zoom gathering for gardeners from around the                                                                at 3:30 pm
                                                  • How can we improve soil texture
world. Our mission is to inform, inspire and      • The common signs that our soil is deficient             Gabbing About Growing Lavender with Judy
connect gardeners to each other-locally and       and what we can do about it                               Kemchand.
globally. We hope to motivate people to grow                                                                Nothing compares to the beauty and fragrance
gardens wherever they are.                        Monday, March 15                                          of lavender growing in the garden. And no one
All of our Gabbing About Gardening zoom           at 3:30 pm                                                grows it better than Certified Horticulturist
sessions are FREE to everyone, operating on       Gabbing About Growing Apples with Harry                   and Landscape Designer Judy Kemchand, a
the principles of the “gift economy” whereby      Burton                                                    professional gardener on Cortes Island. Judy
folks contribute according to their willingness                                                             will teach us about:
                                                  No one knows more about growing apples on
to support the project. Half of all donations
go to our weekly guest and the other half goes
                                                  the BC coast than Harry Burton.                           Monday, March 29
towards supporting free garden education          His certified organic apple orchard on Salt               at 3:30 pm
programs for all ages and abilities.              Spring Island is called Apple Luscious Organic
                                                                                                            Gabbing About Gardening presents veteran
                                                  Orchard and he grows and sells over 200
Here’s a complete list of upcoming Gabbing                                                                  garden-teacher Connie Kuramoto. Connie
                                                  connoisseur varieties of apples. Harry also
About Gardening zoom sessions scheduled for                                                                 will be “Gabbing About Growing Herbs:
                                                  hosts the annual, world-renowned Salt Spring
March. For the zoom links for each session,                                                                 Culinary & Medicinal”. Connie grows a
                                                  Apple festival. Harry will share his wealth of
go to                                                                      prolific herb garden from oregano to cannabis.
                                                  knowledge and experience with us.
QuadraIslandandCortesIslandGardens                                                                          She uses her homegrown herbs in cooking,
                                                  To learn more about Harry visit his website:              making salves & medicinal teas.
You can also reach Lu by phone at 285-2213 or
by email:                                                                    And here’s a sneak peak of two experts who
                                                                                                            will be Gabbing About Gardening in April...
Monday, March 8 at 3:30
                                                     Find your way                                          Carolyn Herriot, author of several best-selling
Gabbing About Soil Health with soil                                                                         gardening books and Mike Gall, the DIY Pond
health ambassadors Whitney Vanderleest               around online...                                       Guy!
(professional gardener & permaculturist
on Cortes Island) & Marc Doll (food forest
gardener, permaculturist & compost junkie on
Quadra Island). Nothing is more important to
the success of our gardens than the health and
fertility of our soil. Due to ongoing popular
                                                          Building for and employing
                                                                 islanders since 1980            oelle Construction Ltd
demand, Gabbing About Soil Health is now a
monthly session. We will continue to learn:                                                      Building for and   • BC licensed residential builder
• How to encourage beneficial microbes to                                                     employing islanders   • Custom & budget homes
inhabit your compost & your soil                                                                       since 1980   • Resort & commercial buildings
• How to optimize the worm population in                                                                            • Green energy rated
your compost
                                                                                                                    • Cost effective design

                                                                                        • BC licensed residential builder • Custom & budget homes
                                                                                           • Resort & commercial buildings • Green energy rated
                                                                                                           • Cost effective design

                                                      250.285.3783 • •
ISSUE 749 • MARCH 5, 2021                           w w                                                                    PAGE 9
DiscoveRRy - Discovery Islands

At Your HBI                                                                                    Sportfishing Institute BC
                                                                                               2021 Chinook
                                                                                               Proposals - Hope For
Sidelines at Heriot Bay Inn is making room for new inventory! Come on down and see what’s in
store, there’s something for everyone.. Up to 50% off almost everything!
                                                                                               Southern BC Anglers
                                                                                               The recent DFO evaluation of the SFAB
                                                                                               proposals for data supported fisheries and
                                                                                               wider implementation of mark selective
                                                                                               fisheries (MSF) offer a significant ray of hope
                                                                                               for coastal communities that have been hard
                                                                                               hit by the combination of Chinook non-
                                                                                               retention and Covid 19 travel restrictions.
                                                                                               The evaluations confirm SFAB statements
                                                                                               that these fisheries represents extremely
                                                                                               low risk to stocks of concern yet provide
                                                                                               important opportunity for local anglers
                                                                                               and the businesses that support them. An
                                                                                               approval of the proposals represent an
                                                                                               important recognition of the dual mandate
                                                                                               of Minister Jordan to ensure conservation
                                                                                               of fish stocks while at the same time
                                                                                               ensuring that fisheries and their important
                                                                                               contributions to the Blue Economy of
                                                                                               BC’s coastal communities are maintained.
                                                                                               Redirecting harvest to abundant hatchery
                                                                                               stocks provides an excellent demonstration
                                                                                               of DFO’s understanding of how to achieve
                                                                                               that balance. We are encouraged to see this
                                                                                               happening while recovery efforts of stocks of
                                                                                               concern also gain momentum through the BC
                                                                                               Salmon Restoration and Innovation Funds
                                                                                               and, hopefully, additional investment by all
                                                                                               levels of government in future months.
                                                                                               It is worth noting that many of the evaluated
                                                                                               and proposed opportunities are for the spring
                                                                                               and early summer months. We continue to
                                                                                               urge DFO for the earliest confirmation of
                                                                                               implementation possible and certainly by
                                                                                               April 1st at the latest.
HBI Pub is cooking Thursday - Monday 1pm - 7pm, Tuesday & Wednesday 4pm - 7pm                  We applaud DFO in the thorough, concise,
Herons Dining Room is serving Fridays 4pm - 7pm                                                and well-organized presentation of the
                                                                                               evaluations, and encourage SFI members to
Fuel Dock Hours Wed. & Saturdays 10am - 3pm                                                    read them and support their implementation.

                       Matt Knoedler 250.285.2754

PAGE 10                                           w w                           ISSUE 749 • MARCH 5, 2021
R EGIONAL DIR ECTOR’S R EPORT                                                   BY JIM AB R AM

Happy March everyone!                                 An Ongoing Question                               Rural & Northern Communities
Getting closer to spring every day!
                                                      Facebook has been alive with chatter about        Grant for the Outer Islands
I have been on the phone all day today                the Shellinck proposal at Gowlland Harbour        Frustration!. We were told months ago that
with SRD business that pertains to you.               and some have been frustrated by the fact         we would hear about this shortly after the
GOOD NEWS! I will try and just list them              that I had not posted an actual link to the       close of the application for the money for the
as quick points as I am getting fried and             proposal. Well, guess what folks, after an        Surge Narrows projects that we have on the
it is getting late!                                   hour with our IT person at the SRD we were        books. That was the end of December 2020.
Number One:                                           able to narrow it down for those that wish        We are now being told we might know by
                                                      to read the incredibly long report. The SRD       June 2021.
I have been having conference calls with              does not have the ability to link directly to
BCFS for the past couple of months on the             reports at this time but you can link to the      Integrated Community
two replacement vessels that will serve our           meeting and then scroll down to the item you      Sustainability Plan
route.                                                are looking for. So, I am providing that link     More frustration!
We hit a speed bump about a month ago                 here so you can do your own research. Please
and I have been trying to get over it ever                                                              We recently had to get a one year extension
                                                      keep in mind, this is the applicant’s proposal
since. Today they announced to me that I                                                                on this project as we have heard nothing back
                                                      and if you need the back-story, you will need
have succeeded ! The problem was that they                                                              from the consultants that were supposed to
                                                      to do your own digging. It is complicated.
wanted to home-port one of the vessels in                                                               have the project complete by Dec. 3!, 2020.
                                                      Here is the link:
Campbell River and one in Q. Cove due to                                                                We have no idea when we will have a report.
                                                      I hope this will allow a better look at what we
“crewing” issues….                                    are studying at the committee.                    Harper Road pathway.
So my suggestions during lengthy                      Some individuals are saying we should have a      Well we got a good start on it (also supposed
consultations, got them to turn around 180            virtual public hearing and move on. I am very     to be complete more than a year ago) but
degrees and agree that the best solution is           much in favour of a public process as soon as     we are stalled. We got as tar as the Seniors’
both vessels to be home-ported in Q.Cove,             practical, but in person.                         complex and that was it. I had numerous
which is what I was lobbying for all along.           This is the biggest proposal to ever come to      donations of machine work, rock fill,
I worked on two main points: the weather              Quadra Island and needs considerable input        materials and time lined up, but under
in CR would not allow for overnight                   from all sectors of our community. Those          current SRD rules, I am not allowed to be
berthage and that we DO have available                that favour virtual may not be thinking           involved in operational issues. So I suggest
crew accommodation on Quadra Island.                  about all of the people that do not have          you contact our Parks staff and ask them what
This point was essential, in their minds, in          reliable internet to join in, the incredibly      is happening with that project . I get asked a
their attraction of crew. Well, after a bit of        complex process required to join in and the       lot, but really do not have any answers.
sleuthing, a couple of community minded               fact that some people are not comfortable
individuals agreed to consider the supply of          in a virtual world. I need to take that all
that accommodation and anyone is welcome                                                                So I think I have given you a few things to
                                                      into consideration. According to the Act,         think about and now I am calling it quits.
to join in, even if it was in small suites. Since     all individuals that feel that their interests
we have already done the work in our Local            are effected must have a right to speak. This     While I am still recovering from my broken
Area Plan to allow for higher density of units,       is a tough one as I do not want hold up the       back injury, please continue to use email,
it has all fallen into place. Still lots of work to   applicant, but I do not want to see people , or my home phone
do, but they made the announcement today              left out in the cold due to technology. So we     of 250-285-3333 (for the time being). I post
to the (very pleased) crew and to me. I called        will see where this goes. I am looking into       the occasional item on Facebook for your
Mark Collins, CEO, BCFS, and thanked him              options, but so far it is not looking good.       information, but I will not be debating issues
for his “wise” choice and decision. So we get                                                           on that forum. Please DO NOT post items
two vessels on our side of the pond and more          Minister’s Transition Team                        of an SRD nature on that Facebook forum. I
crew living here to boot!                             As most of you know, the Federal Minister         will not respond. It can take as many hours as
                                                                                                        there are in a day to keep up.
Number Two:                                           of DFO has made a decision to remove the
                                                      remaining fish farms from the Discovery           I hope you enjoyed the shortened report!
As I have mentioned before, I have been               Islands. This has been in the plans in various    There is a lot more I could go into but I’ll save
trying to get a BC Hydro truck stationed              iterations since 2003. She has also committed     it for another time.
here permanently and all we needed was a              to a transition plan for any displaced workers    Respectfully
building to meet their specs. So I reached            and also to look at the future of sustainable
out on Facebook and got a number of replies.                                                            Jim Abram
                                                      aquaculture, possibly on land. I was chosen to
Three are of note and are going to be looked          be on that transition team and have presented     Director, Discovery Islands- Mainland Inlets,
at this week by BC Hydro crews and then               to the Minister’s team last week and will         Area C
they will make their choice. I won’t mention          be involved in future discussions. The idea       Strathcona Regional District
the property owners as that is between Hydro          is to save the wild salmon stocks and to try
and the owners. But it IS going to work out,          and mitigate any negative impacts for the
I am sure. The crews will come over by crew           workers. I am hoping to be of help to her in
boat if the ferry is not sailing during storms.       her task.
ISSUE 749 • MARCH 5, 2021                               w w                                                            PAGE 11

Petition to Establish a National Citizens’ Assembly on Climate and Ecological Justice
Participatory democracy is the idea that citizens    Moreover, citizen’s assemblies are well suited   • Citizens’ assemblies produce evidence-
should be able to directly participate in the        to overcoming roadblocks such as:                based public judgment, and are not
environmental, economic, social and political        • Corruption in public institutions              equivalent to other forms of public
decisions that affect their lives. Yet public        • Political stalemate                            consultation, such as town halls or
consultation is too often an exercise in gathering                                                    referendums, which rely solely on the
public opinion, regardless of how uninformed,        • Ethical dilemmas                               collection of public opinion;
misinformed, or biased it might be.                  • Complex problems                               • Other G7 countries, such as France and
Citizens’ assemblies, also known as citizens’        • Long-term issues vs. Short-term incentives     the United Kingdom, have created national
reference panels or policy juries, are a             • Entrenched political positions                 citizens’ assemblies on climate policy; and
remedy for this problem. A random yet                • A lack of representation in the current        • There exists a pre-qualified vendor of
demographically representative group of              political process                                record with the Government of Canada,
ordinary citizens is selected by civic lottery                                                        with expertise in the design and delivery of
                                                     There is now a petition on the House of
(in the way people are called for jury duty)                                                          citizens’ assemblies (MASS LBP).
                                                     Commons website requesting that the
to participate in a professionally facilitated                                                        We, the undersigned, citizens and residents
                                                     Government of Canada establish a National
process of learning and deliberation on a                                                             of Canada, call upon the Government
                                                     Citizens’ Assembly on Climate and
specified range of issues. Members of the                                                             of Canada to create, and implement the
                                                     Ecological Justice. The petition reads:
assembly work by consensus to produce a set                                                           recommendations of, a national citizens’
of evidence-based policy recommendations.            Whereas:
                                                                                                      assembly on climate and ecological justice.
When such informed public judgement                  • The COVID-19 crisis has revealed that swift
guides public policy the result is deliberative      emergency action and systemic change in the      If you are interested in signing the petition,
democracy.                                           long-term public interest is both necessary      go to:
                                                     and possible;                                    Petition/Details?Petition=e-2853
The United Nations Democracy Fund and
the New Democracy Foundation have found              • The United Nations has reported that the       Note that you must be a Canadian citizen and
that these “deliberative mini-publics” can           destruction of nature is the root cause of       resident in Canada to sign.
establish stronger public mandates and create        present and future global pandemics;             For more information on citizens’ assemblies
a better sense of trust between the public and       • The Government of Canada acknowledges          see:
elected officials.                                   that the climate and ecological emergency        Rosenberg, P. (December, 2019). From
                                                     will contribute to worsening public health       ancient Athens to the town hall: Can a
                                                     crises, including the further spread of          new wave of deliberative democracy save
                                                     infectious diseases;                             the world? Salon. Retrieved from: https://
                                                     • Climate change is rapidly outpacing  
                                                     scientific predictions, and the world is fast    athens-to-the-town-hall-can-a-new-wave-of-
                                                     approaching tipping points that threaten         deliberative-democracy-save-the-world/
                                                     abrupt and irreversible heating and              United Nations Democracy Fund & the
                                                     biodiversity loss;                               newDemocracy Foundation (2020). Enabling
                                                     • Biodiversity loss and species extinction       national initiatives to take democracy
                                                     threaten human food systems;                     beyond elections. Retrieved from: https://
       Preschool Program                             • The climate crisis is predicted to lead to
                                                     catastrophic economic losses and worsening
               For 2.5 to 5 years                                                                     WA Climate Assembly. (2021) Addressing
            (Toilet training not required)           political instability;
                                                                                                      climate pollution requires many
                                                     • Citizens’ assemblies are representative,
        School Age Program                           democratic instruments well-suited
                                                                                                      voices: About the Washington climate
                                                                                                      assembly. Retrieved from: https://www.
               Quadra Juniors                        to overcoming political deadlock and
           Kindergarten to Grade 2                                                          
                                                     addressing complex problems;
           Quadra Peaks Grade 3-5
         Before School Care Program
                  K-Grade 5
                                                                                       DI Submissions
                                                          The Discovery Islander welcomes written submissions of interest to the
                 Find us online                       Discovery Islands community: news, events, opinion and musings are fair game.
                                                                          Please keep your item to a reasonable length:
           7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.                                         750 words is a good target for longer articles.
             Monday to Friday                                     In the interests of efficiency and hygiene please email
    Please inquire about government subsidies
                                                                  your text and or photos to:
                                                         If you have to supply a handwritten item that’s okay just not the first choice.

PAGE 12                                                w w                             ISSUE 749 • MARCH 5, 2021

          How to Prepare Your Home For Sale
Having worked as a Real estate agent in           all your stuff in a neat order. You don’t have    6. The furniture shouldn’t matter but buyers
Vancouver since 2014 most of my experiences       to spend money on planting new hedges. It’s       will look at your furniture. If you have too
come from selling $700k condos and $1.5mil        about organizing and displaying the potential     much stuff in your living room, just move
houses; however, generally the same rules         your yard may have to the buyer. Can you see      them to the garage. Declutter all bedrooms
apply to all housing price points.                the condition of your roof from the driveway?     and make them appear more inviting and
Virtually every article about this subject says   Are gutters attached? Are there any standing      spacious.
that the kitchen and washroom make the            water puddles in front of your house? What        7. Are all your lightbulbs working? When I
biggest impact on the sale of your home. The      impression will it leave with the buyers before   show my listings I always make sure all lights
buyer will typically have 15min to judge your     they even enter the house.                        are turned on in the house. Buyers will leave
home and within that time frame it’s crucial      2. How does your home smell? This aspect          with the sense of abundance of bright light.
to make the first impressions count. Human        becomes very relevant as soon as you open         It’s important to make sure there is lots of
eye picks up details subconsciously and we        the door. Is it damp and cold or warm and         natural and artificial light in the house.
don’t even know it. Purchasing a home is a        inviting? Oh, if I could have recorded all the    8. Call me and I’ll take care of the rest!
very emotional activity and consciously we        buyers I’ve taken on buyer tours! They would      Yes, selling here in the rural communities of
don’t register what’s happening, we have a        be brutally honest and vocal about the smells     the Discovery Islands is a bit different than
“feeling” about a place. The hard evidence        of homes we would see. It’s obviously an          in the big city. Everything is more relaxed
lies in the details that our minds process in     important first impression.                       and takes longer but let’s not forget that the
split seconds and science confirms that most      3. Cleaning is probably the most underrated       buyers have a different mentality. My job is
of our communications happen through non-         activity. I believe hiring a professional         to make sure that your home sells for the best
verbal cues.                                      cleaning company is worth the investment.         price and as quickly as possible.
Hiring a home inspector prior to listing a        Sometimes we simply don’t see what could          Calling a professional that has experience
property is a great investment and sales          need a deep clean; however, the cleanliness       and is competent with selling properties is
strategy. A pre-listing inspection gives both     definitely affects a potential buyer.             vital to a successful transaction. Filling out
you and a potential buyer an independent,         As the buyer will be taking their shoes off       the paperwork properly to be compliant with
unbiased look at the mechanical aspects           to go view your home, they will have an           all the rules, to make sure that the contracts
of the house. An inspection will give the         up-close look at the floor in the entrance. It    are enforceable and to make abundantly
potential buyer an idea of how to budget          makes a big difference when they see a very       certain that all disclosures are done by the
their purchase to be able to keep up with         clean floor rather than sticky and messy tiles.   book is extremely important. Selling real
the maintenance of the house. Every house         4. Kitchen countertops should show                estate is nothing like selling cars because
needs regular maintenance and that can’t be       full surface. There should be nothing on          the relationship between an agent and the
avoided. Roof needs to be replaced, plumbing      display on all countertops, sink and range.       client doesn’t end when the transaction
has a certain lifespan, just like appliances,     By removing all personal objects (photos,         ends. Making sure you have someone in your
furnace and hot water tank. All of this           magnets, etc.) from your fridge door you will     corner that cares about you even after the
information will help the buyer to make an        be displaying a neutral space and stimulating     transaction is completed is very important.
educated decision.                                the imagination of the buyer.                     Believe me, you don’t want to be sued by the
What are some of the points to focus on?          5. Bathroom, the most intimate area, must         buyer 2 years after you sold them the house.
1. Curb appeal- If your siding isn’t finished     be clean; the type of clean you can smell.        Hire a professional that will protect your best
yet maybe this is the time to finish the          Put away the toothbrush and hide personal         interests.
project, clean up your front yard and organize    belongings.                                       Real Estate agents have suffered bad rapport
                                                                                                    over the years but since the government
                                                                                                    oversight in 2017 has recommended few rule
  Client Focused. Results Driven                                                                    changes, that has started to turn around.
                                                                                                    Realtors have clear guidelines to make
                              Curious about the value of your home?                                 sure the public is protected from predatory
                                       Call for a free valuation today.                             practices and ethics is very important in our
                                                            Roman Krzaczek                          If you have any questions or suggestions,
                                                                           Realtor®                 please don’t hesitate to contact me directly at
                                                                                                    250-285-2141 I’m here to serve you better.
                                                            250-285-2141                            Roman Krzaczek

ISSUE 749 • MARCH 5, 2021                           w w                                                          PAGE 13
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