Digital Leaders Boardroom: CIO TV Interview highlights - Equinix

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Digital Leaders Boardroom: CIO TV Interview highlights - Equinix
Digital Leaders
Interview highlights
Digital Leaders Boardroom: CIO TV Interview highlights - Equinix
Table of contents
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3    INTRODUCTION                                     16   EPISODE 4:
                                                           Data as a differentiating
4    EPISODE 1:                                            Mark Vermeer,
     Digital leaders                                       CIO Municipality of Rotterdam
     Daniel Gebler, CTO of Picnic

                                                      21   FAST-TRACK YOUR
8    EPISODE 2:                                            ADVANTAGE
     Agile @ scale
     Marco Witteveen,
     COO of Garanti BBVA                              24 GET STARTED

12   EPISODE 3:                                       25 ABOUT EQUINIX
     Ecosystems for
     competitive advantage
     André van der Linden,
     CIO Royal FloraHolland

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Digital Leaders Boardroom: CIO TV Interview highlights - Equinix

Meet the
digital leaders

Every industry has organizations raising the bar when                      We spoke to:
it comes to growth, innovation and leadership. These                                Daniel Gebler
digital leaders gain competitive advantage by putting                               CTO at Picnic, a digital leader who
digital technology at the heart of business strategy.                               thrives on growth and transformation.

Based on a series of CIO TV broadcasts and interviews, this e-book                  Marco Witteveen
outlines how C-level executives from several leading Dutch companies
                                                                                    COO at Garanti BBVA, a true change
are embracing digital technology to build a strong foundation for
                                                                                    agent who implemented agile at scale.
competitive advantage.
If you like these highlights, watch the full CIO TV episodes, which also            André van der Linden
feature insight from content matter experts at Cisco, Microsoft, Boston             CIO at Royal FloraHolland, shares his experiences with
Consulting Group, BT, CapGemini and Equinix.                                        the digital ecosystem the flower auction is developing.

                                                                                    Mark Vermeer
                                                                                    CIO at Municipality of Rotterdam, who
                                                                                    talks about leveraging a data gold mine.

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Digital Leaders Boardroom: CIO TV Interview highlights - Equinix


Digital leaders are fast, particularly
in decision-making and execution,
enabling them to experiment and
pivot when necessary.
But how do these leaders identify and organize around
the technology trends that matter most?

                 We spoke about this challenge with Daniel
                 Gebler, who recently won a CIO magazine
                 Innovation Award for his innovative work at   Watch the full broadcast on Digital Leaders
                 Picnic, an online supermarket that
                 thrives on growth and transformation.

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Digital Leaders Boardroom: CIO TV Interview highlights - Equinix

Digital transformation
roadblocks and opportunities

    A growth mindset is essential for a digital      What influence can
    leader, but also—and even more—for all           digital leadership have
    employees and the entire organization.           on transformation?
     “Start-ups like Picnic are born with a growth   “Many organizations try to link digital
    mindset and maintain it by hiring ambitious      leadership, which is reflected in a digital
    entrepreneurial people. When scaling such        roadmap, to the business roadmap. That
    a venture, the main challenge is to switch       is not the case with Picnic, where there is
    from a growth-mindset-by-nature to a             no distinction between business and IT—
    growth-mindset-by-nurture. You need to           digitization and business are two sides of
    staff on each level of this spectrum.”           the same coin. Today’s technology is
                                                     tomorrow’s business opportunity.”

Daniel Gebler

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Digital Leaders Boardroom: CIO TV Interview highlights - Equinix

The role of people
and pressing on

    People are essential,                          Several top Dutch CIOs have indicated
    but especially when                            that their digital transformation has
    breaking new ground.                           reached new territory.
    “While good people will build good tech, the   “Innovation in traditional companies looks
    very best people will build exceptional tech   very different than in fast-growing start-ups
    that performs not only a bit better, but ten   and scale-ups. The six-year hypergrowth
    times better. HR should not be a stand-alone   scale history in Picnic requires us to challenge
    department, but part of your tech team.”       ourselves, rethink approaches, and reinvent
                                                   wherever and whenever needed. There is
                                                   only one thing to keep in mind: don’t stop
                                                   innovating, since it is a muscle that needs
                                                   regular training!”

Daniel Gebler

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Digital Leaders Boardroom: CIO TV Interview highlights - Equinix

Today’s technology is tomorrow’s
business opportunity

Every leader must be a digital leader, equipping their business
to respond to the needs and opportunities of the new word.

But traditional infrastructure was not designed to meet the demands of digital business.
How do digital leaders like Gebler identify and organize around the technology trends that
matter most to set the pace for growth, innovation and leadership? And how do they put
digital technology at the center of business strategy and competitive advantage?
The most powerful thing a digital leader can do to ensure success is to build an
infrastructure that creates digital advantage.

Let Equinix help you power your
own digital transformation.
Work with us.

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Digital Leaders Boardroom: CIO TV Interview highlights - Equinix

Agile @

The dynamics in the market are great.
Companies that are not agile
eventually lose the battle.
When it comes to agility and a shorter time to market, higher
responsiveness to business needs and agile ways of working
have become the standard.

                  Marco Witteveen, COO of business bank
                  Garanti BBVA, perhaps knows this better
                  than anyone.
                                                                Watch the full broadcast on Agile @ scale
                Agile working originated at team level, but
                many organizations—including financial
services providers like Garanti BBVA—are now working on
scaling that agility to organizational and even ecosystemic
levels with an approach called agile at scale.

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Digital Leaders Boardroom: CIO TV Interview highlights - Equinix

The early stages
of the transition

    Start on a small scale with a few                 With this way of working proving its worth,
    projects and select the people                    it was now time to introduce agile concepts
    with the right talent for it.                     to other functions.
    “A good example is the onboarding process,        “Of course, you have to overcome some
    which is suitable for all types of customers      skepticism at first. You gain confidence by
    and is now completely digitized.                  showing that you can solve a problem for the
    We were able to prove to the organization         organization with a small team. After that you
    that we could solve a long-standing problem       can grow to agile at scale. I call it the oil
    in two or three months. Prove your worth first,   slick approach.”
    then expand with a bigger backlog, more
    sprints and more POCs.”

Marco Witteveen

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Digital Leaders Boardroom: CIO TV Interview highlights - Equinix

Letting go without
losing control

 Agile working requires a different              This is characterized by
 leadership style as well as small               the creation of a sense
 steps that lead to big changes.                 of urgency.
 “The board must see the benefits of agile       “I use reports from supervisors,ww and
 working. That means reporting regularly         they like to emphasize that ‘something
 on costs, progress and steps we are going       has to be done!’ The autonomy of teams, a
 to take within the mapped-out digitization      characteristic of agile working, appealed and
 program. This makes it possible for the board   still appeals to me, because I wanted to work
 to adjust and stay in control.”                 towards an organization that makes the most
                                                 of the talents of its employees.”

Marco Witteveen

10   © 2022 EQUINIX, INC.

“You cannot be successful
without agile at scale”

To achieve agility, organizations need a distributed
digital infrastructure that works as a Service.

Organizations don’t want to own all the components or use their investment power to own
all kinds of IT capital assets. After all, the current demand for it is often fleeting, and what
the future demand will be is usually not clear.
This creates a great need to purchase as much IT as a Service as possible. This applies not
only at the application level, where the term SaaS has been established for a long time, but
for the entire IT chain. In fact, it’s likely that the current expectations for public clouds will
expand to all IT segments: networks, storage, security and more.

 Want to know more about agile at scale, or how to
 overcome expansion challenges by connecting digital
 infrastructure and services on demand at software speed?
 Contact us to get started.

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Ecosystems for
competitive advantage

Ecosystems require a high degree of
digital maturity from participants and
make even higher demands when it
comes to the ability to collaborate.
With an annual turnover of around €4.8 billion and 100,000+
transactions per day, Royal FloraHolland is the one of the
biggest flower auctions in the world.

While the company previously laid its own digital foundation        Watch the full broadcast on ecosystems
for the future, a broader digital transformation is now                   for competitive advantage
underway according to CIO André van der Linden:

                   “It concerns the entire sector, between the
                   grower and the buyer. Many parties are
                   involved, all of whom must participate to make
                   the digital transformation a success.”

12   © 2022 EQUINIX, INC.

Change and

 Royal FloraHolland has been                      As the CIO explains,
 an ecosystem for a long time,                    however, it is not
 but in a physical sense.                         an easy task.
 “What we are trying to do now is not just        “In the sector, a lot is still done manually,
 ‘simply’ digitize. We are developing a           and every organization works in its own
 platform, Floriday, and promise the growers      way. If you want to standardize—and you do
 that they will have access to more buyers,       that with a platform—one person will get a
 the buyers that they will have access to more    glimpse into the future and the other will
 growers and, moreover, that we will make the     experience resistance.”
 sector more efficient.”

André van der Linden

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 Van der Linden sees a bright future now           It is his
 that the platform’s development is being          ambition to
 approached differently.                           be present.
 “After all, nobody is questioning digitization.   “I will be very happy when people say, ‘You
 We went too fast in the realization and           have indicated that you are going to do it
 need more time than we thought. But the           differently, and now we feel that you are
 vision of the digital future of the sector is     doing it differently. We feel that we have
 widely shared.”                                   been listened to, that our feedback has been
                                                   included and incorporated into the way of
                                                   working and implementation.’”

André van der Linden

14   © 2022 EQUINIX, INC.

The vision of the digital future
is widely shared

To compete, digital leaders need digital infrastructure that:

     Is present in all locations where business is conducted or data resides.

     Enables even faster access to IT services and connection to all the right partners.

     Is easily consumed through on-demand capabilities that can adapt at the speed of software.
Access to dense ecosystems enables digital leaders to accelerate progress and interact with
trusted partners as business goals continue to transform and evolve. It results in ease of
managing diverse and distributed environments, cloud resources and growing data sets.

Want to know more about the power of ecosystems
and the ins and outs of developing digital platforms?
Contact us to get started.

15      © 2022 EQUINIX, INC.

Data as a
differentiating strategy

Are you using data as a revenue maker,
a driver for business decisions or a
means of improving security?
Organizations that want to extract value from data have a lot of
homework to do. Blindly staring at all the conditions that must
be met is not the right way. Instead it is about quickly finding use
cases where the use of data adds value.

With 650,000+ inhabitants and a growing economy, Rotterdam,
                                                                       Watch the full broadcast on data
the Netherlands, is a textbook example of a city where a lot is         as a differentiating strategy
happening and therefore a lot of data is generated.

                   Mark Vermeer, CIO of the Municipality of
                   Rotterdam, spoke about how he leverages data
                   as a driver to make his city a better place for
                   its citizens.

16   © 2022 EQUINIX, INC.

with crisis

 The use of data analysis started with a budget for digital initiatives,
 raised by all departments within the municipal organization.
 “The pre-COVID situation was more or less that data-driven working
 was something for information professionals and much less for ‘the
 business.’ However, sometimes you end up in situations where it is
 useful or even urgent to base your actions on data. The COVID-19
 pandemic was a textbook example of this.
 Of course, we had had reporting for years, but now there was
 a need for much more up-to-date information.”

Mark Vermeer

17   © 2022 EQUINIX, INC.

The phenomenon
of open data

 Like so many government institutions, Rotterdam has been
 familiar with open data for years, as it was a container
 in which one could search for data sets.
 “Now we are moving towards an open urban data platform, in which
 the city itself, in the form of a digital twin, is the basis for searches
 and new services.
 We strive to create a community around the platform, so that the
 municipality is not the only one contributing. We certainly want to
 involve citizens—the goal is to provide a holistic view of the city
 for everyone to use.”

Mark Vermeer

18   © 2022 EQUINIX, INC.

Solving the
data dilemma

 To do data-driven work, some prep work is required,
 such as in data quality and metadata management.
 “The city has so many data sets that you have to make a choice
 if you want to tackle data management. You start with the most
 promising use cases. The use of data sets then always takes
 place within the data strategy and architecture.
 The data stewards or data custodians ensure that data sets that
 are used within business units are subsequently also more widely
 accessible, against certain quality standards.
 So, when it comes to choosing between preparation and
 generating value, it’s a trade-off.”

Mark Vermeer

19   © 2022 EQUINIX, INC.

Base your actions
on data

There are many ways companies and institutions can differentiate
using data. But how do you get from theory to practice?

One of the important things to arrange for is that rules are followed when
data is shared between parties.
Proper governance, identification, privacy compliance and even monetization are
difficult things to do. For those reasons, we are seeing data marketplaces come into
existence that can tackle all these aspects. Data marketplaces are much stronger if
they run in neutral locations with great interconnection.

Ready to know more about the ways your
organization can leverage the value of data?
Contact us to discover how to turn data into competitive advantage.

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Fast-track your
digital advantage

Companies today need to digitize
business to compete and scale in
the digital economy.
To be digital leaders, businesses must invest in digital
infrastructure to unlock new opportunities and support
their sustainability goals.

Equinix enables these leaders to fast-track their competitive
advantage by bringing together foundational infrastructure
at software speed to power interconnected ecosystems, so
they can reach all the right places, connect with all the right
partners and access all the right possibilities they need
to succeed.

21   © 2022 EQUINIX, INC.

Place infrastructure
wherever you need it                                                                                                      235+                    65                 27                  5
                                                                                                                          Data Centers            Markets            Countries           Continents

 AMERICAS                                                              EMEA                                                                         ASIA-PACIFIC
     VANCOUVER                                                                                                                                                                        TOKYO
                  CALGARY                                                                                      STOCKHOLM                                             SEOUL
                                  WINNIPEG      OTTAWA
                KAMLOOPS                                                MANCHESTER        DÜSSELDORF                                                        SHANGHAI
      SEATTLE                         TORONTO                                    AMSTERDAM
                                                        SAINT JOHN                                                                                      HONG KONG
                                                                           DUBLIN          LONDON
     VALLEY                                              BOSTON                                                HAMBURG
                                                      NEW YORK
                         DALLAS                     WASHINGTON, D.C.             BRUSSELS                     FRANKFURT
     LOS ANGELES                                    CULPEPER, VA
                                     ATLANTA                                                                                                                   SINGAPORE
                                                                                          PARIS                  MUNICH
               MONTERREY         HOUSTON
                                                                                                  GENEVA       MILAN           SOFIA
                     MEXICO CITY                                                                     ZURICH    GENOA
                                                                                                                                   ISTANBUL                                              BRISBANE
                                           BOGOTÁ                                                                                                                      ADELAIDE            SYDNEY


      Equinix Fabric™ Location
      Equinix Fabric Planned Expansion          SÃO PAULO
                                                                                                                       ABU DHABI                            MUMBAI
                                                    RIO DE JANEIRO
      Equinix Location                                                                                                              MUSCAT
      Equinix Location Planned Expansion
                                                                       ^Provides connectivity to local
      Partner Data Center                                               clouds within the UAE.

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Connect to everything
you need to succeed

          Diverse global ecosystem                                   Software-powered orchestration

         Access the largest global ecosystem with more
          than 2,000 new connections added every month.             Deploy on-demand, automated infrastructure building
                                                                     blocks for networking, storage and compute.

          Enterprises and service providers                          Enhanced platform architecture

         Select from 1,800+ networks, 4,700 enterprises
          and 3,000 cloud and IT service providers.                 Leverage API integration
                                                                     and a robust DevOps toolset.

          Interconnection opportunities                              Expertise

         Discover and transact with customers, suppliers
          and partners to create and consume new value.
                                                                     Rely on a network of 155+
                                                                     Equinix Global Solutions Architects®.

          Digital capabilities                                       Insight

         Unlock new capabilities with software-defined
          connectivity to thousands of partners and providers.      Benefit from proven best
                                                                     practices and playbooks.

23   © 2022 EQUINIX, INC.

Set up a Digital Edge
Strategy Briefing

Competing in today’s digital economy requires
agility to be built into the core of your enterprise.

A Digital Edge Strategy Briefing with our solutions architects explores
the steps digital leaders take to re-architect their business and offers a
roadmap to your own digital advantage.
After getting a precise picture of where you are on the transformation
journey, we then offer insights and best practices to show the baseline
digital infrastructure trends* in your industry, and the common use
cases that will help define your target architecture.
                                                                             You can benchmark your own business’s
                                                                             digital transformation against your region
                                                                             and industry in GXI Vol. 5, the industry’s
                                                                             leading source of data and insight on
Kick-start your route to digital advantage                                   interconnection and what leaders are doing
Schedule a free Digital Edge Strategy Briefing today.                        to accelerate their digital-first strategies.

                                                                             Download the Global Interconnection Index

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About Equinix

Equinix is the world’s digital infrastructure companyTM.
Digital leaders harness our trusted platform to
bring together and interconnect the foundational
infrastructure that powers their success.

For more information visit or contact us.

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