The Next Generation of B2B Purchasing: Millennials, Marketplaces and Digital Buying Preferences - Oracle

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The Next Generation of B2B Purchasing: Millennials, Marketplaces and Digital Buying Preferences - Oracle
The Next Generation
of B2B Purchasing:
Millennials, Marketplaces and Digital
Buying Preferences

       How age groups and evolving channel
         adoption are redefining B2B sales

              A            Custom Report
The Next Generation of B2B Purchasing: Millennials, Marketplaces and Digital Buying Preferences - Oracle
    B2B salespeople continue to use traditional
    methods of selling, such as engaging                “Sellers need to upgrade
    buyers via phone calls or even face to
                                                        digitally as per the situation
    face. But time has become a constraint
    for buyers, and new digital purchasing
                                                        in the market. The market has
    channels have emerged to speed up the               become hyper demanding and
    buying process. In this report, we explore          the seller needs to increase
    the B2B buyer demand for those digital              their profitability to remain
    channels versus traditional channels.
                                                        competitive… Digitization is the
    Buyers acknowledge the “amazing                     best way they can achieve it.”
    experiences” sellers can provide
                                                        Pizarro Olivos, Manager,
    using digital platforms, which provide
                                                        Procurement & Business
    greater availability of more products,
                                                        Administration at
    easier management of operations and
                                                        Hipermercados Jumbo
    relationships, and successful on-time
    product delivery. Digital channels,
    including marketplaces, have emerged
    as the clear, transformative favorites
    among the youngest buyers in the              Table of Contents
    workforce—Millennials, born from 1977
                                                  Introduction....................................................... 3
    to 1995—and as a popular choice among
    other age groups as well.                     About the Study .............................................. 5
                                                  Segmentation by Age Group........................ 7
                                                  The Gap Between B2B Buyer Needs
                                                  and Sales Experiences.................................... 8
        “Organizations like Amazon
                                                  Recognizing Buyer Experience Needs in
        have created an efficient                 Digital Channels.............................................15
        strategy where they have built            Age Groups Prioritize Needs and
        their organization around the             Digital Benefits...............................................17
        customer. Most build their                B2B Digital Purchasing Summary
        organization around a product.”           By Age Group ..................................................19
        Brian Carlson, Director, Indirect
        Sourcing & Procurement at                 Conclusion........................................................22
        Target Corporation                        About the Authors.........................................23

The Next Generation of B2B Purchasing: Millennials, Marketplaces and Digital Buying Preferences - Oracle
Now, a majority of buyers in all age groups       to 1976—have unique preferences emerging
    are prioritizing digital channels for greater     from their use of digital environments as well.
    flexibility and personalization, as well as
    capabilities that help them manage the            Mirakl and Oracle partnered with the B2B
    full life cycle of the buying process. This       Online research team to conduct a study of 200
    includes marketplaces, which facilitate their     global B2B buyers across verticals. We studied
    own transparent, all-access ecommerce             not only their behavior, but their differences
    sales and services. This digital paradigm is a    in attitudes across three generations—Baby
    stark contrast to the one-on-one, negotiated      Boomers, Gen-X, and Millennials—and between
    terms found in traditional B2B sales. As          those that prefer RFPs and those that do not.
    buyers increasingly demand more options,
    pricing transparency, and greater flexibility,
    B2B sellers are transitioning online.
                                                        Key insights include:
    The urgency for this model is clear given
    the evolving habits of a new generation of          Millennials (31%) are the most likely to
    buyers. In their World Online Population
                                                        prefer marketplaces, more than either
    Forecast, 2017 to 2022 (Global),1 Forrester
    reports that by 2020, 46% of adults will be         Gen-X (29%) or Baby Boomers (19%).
    Millennials. This age group approaches
    buying with different attitudes and priorities,
    driving B2B sellers to transform the way            73% of buyers generally use digital
    they engage with all customers. Favoring            channels. Most prioritize pre-ordering
    transparent, more competitive models over           and back-ordering (72%), personalized
    negotiations in one-to-one interactions, this       product recommendations (65%), and
    growing population will soon dictate the
                                                        scheduling (63%), among other benefits.
    terms by which B2B products are sold.

    The preferences of seasoned professionals
    are changing in this new environment as             In each age group, approximately 70% of
    well. Those buyers who have long preferred          buyers value the fewer negotiations and
    the RFP or tender process are now adopting          improved sales processes associated
    digital environments at a universal scale. The
                                                        with marketplaces.
    Baby Boomer age group—born from 1946 to
    1964—and Gen-X age group—born from 1965

About the Study
    Mirakl, Oracle, and B2B Online surveyed
    200 B2B buyers across Latin America,
    Europe, and North America. Respondents        “With Amazon Business rapidly
    represent only private companies with more    expanding into B2B distribution,
    than $500 million in annual revenue. The
    majority of B2B buyers do business with
                                                  food service distribution stands
    both manufacturers (86%) and distributors     out as a likely target. Amazon has
    (90%). Each respondent is directly involved   already invested heavily in the food
    in their company’s buying processes and
    represents one of the three age groups        and grocery category in B2C, and
    measured in the study.                        success in B2B food distribution
    Respondents represent companies from          is an equally large opportunity…
    a wide range of industries. They bring        Industry fragmentation will heavily
    their own unique perspectives from each
    B2B sales environment. The vast majority
                                                  favor its success.”
    identify as procurement, purchasing, or       Ryan Curtis, North American Regional
    sourcing professionals.                       Lead Category Buyer – Strategic
                                                  Procurement at Gordon Food Service
    *See Appendix A for the complete data.

    What is your role?
           Procurement / Purchasing / Sourcing
           Department Buyer (General)
           Category Management
           Office Management
           Supply Chain
           Facility/Facilities Management

Segmentation by
    Age Group
    The emphasis of this study is on buyer habits     Age groups now play a key role in how
    as they relate to generational preferences. The   manufacturers and distributors engage buyers.
    study focused on respondents across three         Some respondents claim Millennials now make
    different age groups:                             up the majority of their customer base. Those
                                                      sellers using marketplaces are leveraging
    What is your age group?                           Millennials’ digital savvy and desire for a
                                                      variety of options to earn their loyalty. In B2C
                                  Millennials,        sales, younger consumers turn to Amazon

                                  born from 1977      first when researching and buying products—
                                  to 1995, who        something B2B sellers hope to recreate in their
                                  make up 31% of      own sales environment.
                                                      But as we will find, digital transformation in
                                  Gen-X, born         B2B sales addresses broader appeal among

                                  from 1965           buyers. Buyers entrenched in the RFP or
                                  to 1976, who        tender process and those generally interested
                                  make up 40% of      in more efficiency, better customer service,
                                  respondents;        and a wider variety of products have found
                                                      advantages using marketplaces as well.
                                  and Baby
    29%                           born from 1946
                                  to 1964, who
                                  make up 29% of

The Gap Between B2B
    Buyer Needs and Sales
    The B2B sales environment is growing
    more competitive as manufacturers and
    distributors struggle to provide buyers with the   “Ever since ecommerce
    experiences they demand. Buyers want a mix         giants emerged on the B2B
    of channels to purchase from. Those that start
                                                       competitive landscape…[the]
    their searches online may choose to engage
    sellers through traditional channels, especially   majority of buyers are expected
    if those sellers are yet to provide their own      to make half or more of their
    digital channels.
                                                       work purchases online. This
    The availability of both digital and person-to-    trend will likely grow as more
    person channels provides more opportunities
    for buyers. Those sellers that depend heavily      purchasers find that procuring
    on a single channel will lose opportunities to     products and services from
                                                       a website is more convenient
    The result is a gap between the existing           than buying from a sales
    experiences offered by some B2B sellers and
    buyers’ purchasing needs. Many suppliers are
                                                       representative… It will take time
    unaware of digital options available to them,      for all suppliers to shift to the
    thereby elongating the sales process or turning    online sales channel, therefore
    away buyers altogether. Our study shows
    that practically all buyers that prefer RFPs are   creating a gap between the
    turning to marketplaces. Millennials, soon to      traditional B2B sellers and the
    make up the bulk of the buying community,
                                                       modern buyers.”
    prefer marketplaces above other age groups
    as well.                                           Gavin Angell, Development
                                                       Director at The Dorchester Group

Do you feel there is a gap
    between the existing experiences
    offered by B2B sellers and
    your evolving needs for purchasing?

    Most respondents (56%) feel there
                                          56% Yes
    is a gap between the existing         44% No
    experiences offered by B2B sellers
    and their evolving needs for
    purchasing. Respondents identify
    greater needs for digitization and
    better ecommerce experiences as
    contributors to this gap.

    Buyers who acknowledge a gap
    cite a lack of flexibility in terms
    of minimal purchase orders, for
    example, where bulk orders aren’t
    always needed. Timely delivery
    across regions is a consistent
    problem as well. Sellers must adopt
    nuanced, more competitive solutions
    that support faster, flexible, and
    easier experiences for buyers.

Recognizing B2B Buyer
                                                                    “Our evolving needs
    Experience Needs                                                for purchasing keep
    Across Channels                                                 changing because the
                                                                    market is not very stable,
    In each case, a majority of respondents generally
    buy through all five channels measured. As                      and we deal in a number
    mentioned, the RFP or tender process remains                    of regions which have
    the preferred channel; but 87% of respondents
    generally buy through marketplaces, making it
                                                                    their own demands
    the most widely used channel among all others.                  for products… They
    When segmented by age group, the results show
                                                                    control the purchasing
    that Millennials drive this widespread adoption.                strategy depending on
    As 97% of Millennials generally buy through                     the demand, leading to a
    marketplaces, they are 14% more likely to do so
    than Baby Boomers, and 16% more likely than                     number of risks in order
    Gen-X.                                                          to make abrupt changes.”
    The RFP or tender process is nearly as popular                  Claire Steenbrink, Senior Buyer –
    among all respondents as marketplaces, with                     Packaging at L’Oréal S.A.
    84% of respondents buying through this channel
    in general. Just as Millennials drive up the general
    use of marketplaces among all buyers, Baby
    Boomers generally buy through the RFP or tender
    process more often than other age groups. 90%
    of Baby Boomers general buy through the RFP
    or tender process, making them 16% more likely
    than Millennials to do so, and 21% more likely
    than Gen-X.

    Through which channels do you buy in general?
           Marketplaces (platforms like Amazon, Alibaba)
           Request for Proposal (RFP) / Tender Process
           Digital Channels (e.g. ecommerce, mobile)
           eProcurement Systems
           Person-­to-­person (via salespeople, customer service, in-­store)

We can further consider the growing
    gap in the context of buyer preferences.
    Respondents were asked to select their                                 Flash Finding
    one most-preferred channel. Researchers
    analyzed the results across all respondents,                Over one-quarter of B2B buyers
    and then broke down results into both age
    group and regions of operation.
                                                                (26%) identify marketplaces
                                                                as their most preferred
    Forty-one percent of all respondents prefer
    the RFP or tender process, above all others.                purchasing channel, and more
    About one-quarter of respondents prefer                     respondents (87%)—including
    marketplaces—now a substantial role in
    digital B2B buying—and 11% prefer other                     97% of Millennials—buy through
    digital channels, including ecommerce                       marketplaces in general than in
    and mobile.
                                                                any other channel.
    Only 14% of respondents continue to
    prefer person-to-person sales, including
    salespeople, customer service, or in-store
    interactions. Only eleven percent prefer other
    digital channels (e.g. ecommerce, mobile),
    and only 8% prefer eProcurement systems.

    What is your most preferred
    purchasing channel?
          Request for Proposal (RFP) / Tender Process
          Marketplaces (platforms like Amazon, Alibaba)
          Person-to-person (via salespeople, customer service, in-store)
          Digital Channels (e.g. ecommerce, mobile)
          eProcurement Systems

Differences in Channel Preference by Age Group
      In a broad way, age groups are uniform in                greatest majority to prefer this channel among
      their channel preferences. However, notable              age groups, based on the age group ratios in
      differences show signs of an evolutionary shift          the study. Boomers are 17% more likely than
      towards marketplaces and digital channels.               Millennials to prefer this channel and 25% more
      As Baby Boomers continue to prefer the                   likely than Gen-X.
      RFP or tender process and discourage all
      digital channels more than other generations,            Millennials (31%) are most likely to prefer
      Millennials favor both marketplaces and digital          marketplaces, whereas Boomers (19%) are
      channels more than the other two age groups              the least likely. Specifically, Millennials are
      in the study. We will find that all age groups           12% more likely to prefer marketplaces than
      prioritize digital channels, each for different          Boomers. Gen-X prefers the RFP or tender
      reasons.                                                 process (31%) and marketplaces (29%) almost
                                                               equally. Gen-X is more likely to prefer digital
      Researchers found that most Baby Boomers                 channels (15%) and eProcurement systems
      (56%) prefer the RFP or tender process—the               (13%) than other age groups.

      What is your most preferred
      purchasing channel?


                                                                                             Baby Boomers
          31%              31%

                                                              15%              15%
                                                  13% 12%                                             13%
                                                                                     7%         7%

       Request for          Marketplaces         Person-­‐to-­‐person    Digital Channels        eProcurement
     Proposal (RFP) /      (platforms like        (via salespeople,     (e.g. ecommerce,           Systems
     Tender Process       Amazon, Alibaba)       customer service,            mobile)

Researchers considered                               other purchasing channel. They are 15%
                                                           more likely than those in Europe and 20%
      regional differences in                              more likely than those in Latin America to
      their analysis of evolving                           prefer marketplaces as well.
      buyer preferences.                                   At 26%, buyers from companies that
      The results show that each region                    operate in Europe are far more likely to
      favors specific purchasing channels                  prefer person-to-person channels than
      as well, in some cases much more                     those in Latin America (4%) or North
      than others.                                         America (3%). Latin American buyers are
                                                           the most likely to prefer digital channels
      At 38%, buyers from companies that
                                                           (20%) and the RFP or tender process (52%).
      operate in North America are more
      likely to prefer marketplaces than any

      What is your most preferred
      purchasing channel?
                                                                          North America

                                                                          Latin America

                                                                          7% 7%
                                                           4%                              3% 4%

       Marketplaces       Request for           Digital Channels    eProcurement          Person-­‐to-­‐person
      (platforms like   Proposal (RFP) /       (e.g. ecommerce,       Systems              (via salespeople,
     Amazon, Alibaba)   Tender Process               mobile)                              customer service,
Recognizing Buyer
     Experience Needs
     in Digital Channels

     73% of buyers generally
     use digital channels.                     “There is a need to innovate
     However only 11% claim digital            with new concepts and
                                               services in order to make the
     is their preferred method to buy,         customers satisfied.”
     indicating there is a demand for
     better digital experiences. In our
     study, respondents expressed their
     next-gen B2B experience needs:            “There is a need [for] more
                                               innovative technology to be
                                               present in order to speed up
        “B2B transactions are missing the      things and also have accuracy in
        digital boost.”                        operations.”

        “We’re in the construction             “It’s high time digitization is
        business, and we’re very               prioritized in these transactions.”
        much interested in emerging
        technologies such as virtual
        reality for better product viewing…
        We need the required equipment         “We have a high number of
        and tools in order to have a clear     transactions that are carried out
        understanding of the project, and      on a daily basis… with modern
        [virtual reality] makes it easier to   developments, we have to open
        make purchasing decisions that         our business to alternative
        keep [our] business risk free.”        payment methods.”

“Payment methods are most              “The virtual reality space has been
     important when it comes to better      undermined after augmented reality
     purchasing decisions, because          was launched. But virtual reality
     the market is vast and diverse with    has more to offer for businesses
     different currencies; and when it      like us who need to deal with bigger
     comes to exchanging capital for        purchase decisions…made based
     services or products, it does pose a   on one product that is shown to us.
     challenge at times because of the      We have to spend more to view this
     currency fluctuations.”                product, but this will reduce with the
                                            efficiency of virtual reality.”

     “Machine learning will be able to
     manage our purchases efficiently.      “Mobile apps are playing a major
     [It] will be able to keep track of     role in business operations because
     operations and stocks and make         it makes everything quite handy
     necessary recommendations on the       when it comes to purchasing
     next purchase order.”                  products and services.”

     “A very good search engine to make     “For our product list, augmented
     sure we can find the right solutions   reality is the best emerging
     and the right products.”               technology right now. [Now] we
                                            have all seen how furniture could be
                                            measured [then] virtually placed to see
                                            how it would look… Our purchasing
                                            decisions will be based on the same
                                            experience, too.”

Age Groups
     Prioritize Needs
     and Digital Benefits
     Despite their growing adoption, digital               A majority of respondents believes
     channels are yet to support some of                   the following scenarios are possible
     buyers’ unique demands and expectations               when purchasing online or through
     carried over from traditional sales                   a marketplace: products requiring
     environments. They recognize scenarios                additional services on top of physical
     in which digital channels do not support              goods (51%); products requiring special
     certain types of sales. Most respondents              handling and approval, such as medical
     see issues with sales of products that                products, chemicals, or hazardous
     have inherent barriers—those that                     products (55%); or products requiring
     wouldn’t be transferable through digital              configuration or quoting (60%).
     channels in any case.

     Scenarios where a majority of respondents
     feel purchasing online or through a
     marketplace is an option:
     Products require additional services on top of physical goods


     Products require special handling and approval (e.g. medical products, chemicals, or hazardous products)

     Products I’m purchasing require configuration or quoting

Most respondents believe only inherent barriers
     like complex pricing and negotiated terms (67%)
     and subscription and licensing requirements             “The majority of
     (51%) eliminate digital buying channels as
                                                             the customer base
     options—requirements that may be difficult for
     these channels to facilitate.                           comprises [young and]
     These weaknesses bring to mind the
                                                             middle-aged people
     aforementioned gap between general and                  who have technology all
     preferred purchasing, and that between existing         around them and can
     and evolving needs for purchasing. Even as
     most respondents generally buy through digital          comfortably manage
     channels, not all of them can be preferred              their operations with the
     channels if they don’t support all of the products
                                                             use of smart phones
     buyers need.
                                                             [and] mobile apps…
     Buyers bring expectations and priorities within
     the context of marketplaces and digital channels
                                                             Amazon is advancing
     as well. As we will find, each age group prioritizes    with the necessary
     and values those capabilities most aligned with         innovations required.”
     their existing preferences and pain points.
                                                             Cindy Tsang, Vice President, Global
     Buyer empowerment is perhaps the greatest               Sourcing & Procurement at Four
     benefit marketplaces and digital channels bring         Seasons Hotels and Resorts
     to customers. Customers can rate vendors and
     products, select from a wide range of options,
     and personalize engagements to improve their
     performance. But that ‘empowerment’ means
     something different to each type of buyer.

     Scenarios where a majority of respondents
     feel purchasing online or through a
     marketplace is NOT an option:
     Products I’m purchasing have complex pricing and negotiated terms


     Products require subscriptions and licensing


B2B Digital Purchasing
     Summary By Age Group
     The following is a breakdown of what elements each age group prioritizes, values, and demands
     within all digital environments. Each age group is represented as follows:

                Millennials                                      Gen-X
        Millennials (31%) are more likely to prefer       Gen-X is more likely to prefer digital channels (e.g.
        marketplaces than either Gen-X (29%) or Baby      ecommerce, mobile) than the other age groups.
        Boomers (19%). They are also most likely to       They also prioritize the RFP or tender process
        buy through digital channels in general.          (31%) and marketplaces (29%) to a similar degree.

        are most likely to:                               is most likely to:

        •   Prioritize scheduling orders                  •   Value faster shipping

        •   Value pricing transparency                    •   Demand better customer service

        •   Value sales with less negotiation             In all DIGITAL CHANNELS,
                                                          GEN-X is most likely to:
        In all DIGITAL CHANNELS,
        MILLENNIALS are most likely to:                   •   Demand seeing only products they can
                                                              purchase, or that are specific to their
        •   Prioritize pre-ordering and back-ordering         companies
        •   Demand live chat with customer service        •   Prioritize reordering products
        •   Prioritize mobile purchasing                  • Prioritize site search and guided navigation

                                                          BABY BOOMERS are most likely to:
                Baby Boomers
        Baby Boomers are the most likely to prefer        •   Value more options in marketplaces
        the RFP or tender process (56%) and the
        least likely to prefer marketplaces (19%).        •   Demand more product assortment in
                                                              all digital channels

     *See Appendix B for the complete data.

     Among age groups, Millennials prioritize    them find the right products for their
     the most benefits found in marketplaces     company with the least amount of effort
     and all digital environments. They also     or friction.
     stand in stark contrast to Gen-X in terms
                                                 Baby Boomers differ from the two younger
     of the types of benefits they prioritize.
                                                 age groups in that they prioritize most
     While Millennials expect transparency,
                                                 benefits to a lesser degree. However, they
     flexibility, personalization, and more
                                                 are most likely to enjoy greater options
     service options, Gen-X most prioritizes
                                                 and a wider assortment of products than
     convenience: fast shipping, better
                                                 the other two age groups.
     customer service, and tools that help

     Each generation may differ in terms of how                      The future will inevitably hold more technological
     digital channels appeal to them, but they                       breakthroughs that change the way B2B sales
     all exemplify how these evolving models                         operate. Buyers and sellers must approach
     can succeed with both buyers and sellers.                       new technologies and channels with caution,
     Although digital continues to run alongside                     ensuring they will successfully fulfill real-market
     traditional buying practices, both ends of                      needs. But as we’ve observed in recent trends,
     the sales funnel identify advantages that are                   digital channels will find a key role from all
     not only ‘nice to have,’ but reflective of real                 angles of analysis— evolutionary, generational,
     concerns and changes in the market.                             and transitional from traditional buying.

     Works Cited
     1.   Forrester Data: World Online Population Forecast, 2017 To 2022 (Global). March 22, 2017.

About the Authors
     Mirakl gives companies a fast path to increase customer value by launching an online marketplace.
     Marketplaces exceed customer expectations by providing broader selection, at better prices, with
     superior service while respecting your Brand DNA. The Mirakl Marketplace Platform is a turn-key SaaS
     solution that automates the hard things: Seller onboarding, product data management, service quality
     control, and order distribution; on an API-based solution that’s modular and easy to integrate into any
     e-commerce platform. Over 150 customers operating marketplaces in 40 countries trust Mirakl’s proven
     expertise and technology including Urban Outfitters, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Best Buy Canada,
     Carrefour, and Walmart Mexico. For more information:

     Oracle Commerce Cloud is a fully featured, extensible SaaS commerce solution, delivered in the Oracle
     Cloud, supporting B2C and B2B models in a single platform. Oracle Commerce Cloud grants greater agility
     and cost savings, with the extensibility and control required in the ultra-competitive digital commerce
     market. Find out why leading brands leverage Oracle Commerce Cloud:

     B2B Online is the premiere, annual, interactive event for digital and eCommerce executives within the
     industry. B2B Online will give you the tools to address key issues you face including, the multigenerational
     workforce, digital marketplaces, globalization and localization, tracking ROI on eCommerce investments,
     customer experience, omnichannel integration, content management, and mobile and social. To learn
     more, visit us at

     We are a team of writers, researchers, and marketers who are passionate about creating exceptional
     custom content. WBR Insights connects solution providers to their targeted communities through
     custom research reports, engaged webinars, and other marketing solutions. To learn more, visit us at

Appendix A
     In what region is your company located?

                 32%                         45%
                 America                      Europe


     What is your industry?

      15%                  15%           12%              7%             7%           6%
        Retail      Manufacturing       Consumer       Life Sciences   Restaurant    Financial
                                         Goods           / Pharma        / Food      Services

        6%                 4%             4%              4%             4%           4%
     Construction      Distribution   Communications Professional      Hospitality   Energy /
                                                       Services                      Utilities

        3%                 3%             2%              2%             1%           1%
      High Tech      Transportation     Healthcare     Entertainment   Education      Other

Appendix B
     Assuming you purchase through digital or marketplace channels, what do you
     expect to be part of the buying experience?

     Ability to pre-order and/or back-order products
                                       79%                           74%                         63%   Millennials
     Ability to schedule orders
                                    72%                  54%                              64%
     Ability to live chat with customer service
                                 64%                 54%                           56%
     Products specific to my company / only shown products I can purchase
                                62%                        69%                             63%
     Pricing specific to my company
                               59%                   60%                            59%
                                                                                                       Baby Boomers
     Ability to re-order products
                               59%                     64%                        49%
     Ability to purchase on mobile devices
                              57%               43%             42%
     Promotions specific to my company
                              56%             38%                 53%
     Ability to pay with different options (PO, Credit Card, Credit)
                            54%               39%                     49%
     Expanded product assortment
                           51%                       56%                          63%
     View product reviews
                         49%                    46%                  44%
     Site search and guided navigation
                  34%                39%               36%
     Sign up for services related to products
                 33%                   46%                 42%
     Recommended products
            31%                    39%             27%
     Option to sign up for loyalty program
           23%           28%      17%
     Does not apply (N/A)
     3% 6% 8%

     What advantages do marketplaces provide versus traditional selling channels?
     More options
                                 83%                                  86%                        96%
     Pricing transparency
                                81%                             74%                       73%
     Faster shipping
                             76%                                82%                        76%
     Less negotiation/improved sales process
                           73%                            72%                       69%
     Better customer experience
                         69%                             69%                59%                        Baby Boomers
     Lower pricing
                       61%                   49%                47%

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