Grocery Industry 2021 - Digital Maturity Benchmark - IN PARTNERSHIP WITH - Winsight

Page created by Derrick Fernandez
Grocery Industry 2021 - Digital Maturity Benchmark - IN PARTNERSHIP WITH - Winsight

    Digital Maturity Benchmark

Grocery Industry 2021
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Grocery Industry 2021 - Digital Maturity Benchmark - IN PARTNERSHIP WITH - Winsight
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Grocery Industry 2021 - Digital Maturity Benchmark - IN PARTNERSHIP WITH - Winsight
Market Trends
Consumer Behavior & Outlook
Grocery Industry 2021 - Digital Maturity Benchmark - IN PARTNERSHIP WITH - Winsight
As COVID restrictions                       Adoption of online grocery shopping (Percentage of Shoppers Shopping Online)

subside, online habits
formed during the
pandemic will                                                                                                      81.7%*
continue to advance.                                                                       47.3%*
Convenience and habit has helped sustain        21.5%
the growth of online shopping beyond
the regulations of the pandemic.

                                                     2018                 2020                  2022                    2025*

                                            ~ 75%                                              30%
                                            of shoppers would have purchased                   of shoppers have purchased more
                                            grocery online by 2025.                            categories online in 2020 vs 2018.

Incisiv’s 2021 Digital Maturity Benchmark   Note: * Incisiv projection
Grocery Industry 2021 - Digital Maturity Benchmark - IN PARTNERSHIP WITH - Winsight
As shoppers look to                         Shopper preferences for ful lment of online orders

get back to their
normal lives, stores                                                                              3%               6%

will return to the                                      22%
primary shopping
                                                                                  31%             22%              20%

channel, especially as
delivery fees rise. The                                                                           33%
trend will persist for                                                            41%

next 3-5 years.
Grocery Industry 2021 - Digital Maturity Benchmark - IN PARTNERSHIP WITH - Winsight
Pandemic-driven                                Online grocery sales outlook

growth to continue
digital acceleration in
Grocery. Digital sales
will reach 20.5% by
As shoppers begin to return to normal life
after a year+ of restrictions, most will
increase in-store purchases. However,
this will not cause digital sales to go down
as habits formed with online shipping will
remain. In addition, retailers have added
digital capabilities that appeal to
shoppers, young and older alike. With
these factors, we see the share of the
market for online shopping to reach close
to 21% in the next ve years.

Incisiv’s 2021 Digital Maturity Benchmark
Grocery Industry 2021 - Digital Maturity Benchmark - IN PARTNERSHIP WITH - Winsight
While grocers have matured greatly in the areas of fulfillment and ordering,
they are still lagging in research & discovery and customer service.


                                       Customer                                                                 Research &
                                     Engagement                                                                 Discovery


                                                          Retail Average Maturity      Grocery Maturity
Incisiv’s 2021 Digital Maturity Benchmark
Grocery Industry 2021 - Digital Maturity Benchmark - IN PARTNERSHIP WITH - Winsight
While some digital capabilities have evolved, grocers still have
considerable progress to make to fully meet shopper expectations.

         Research & Discovery                     Online Ordering                          Fulfillment                       Customer Service

                    61%                                 82%                                   54%                                   64%

            o er lters for dietary              of grocers have private         allow shoppers to choose a delivery      allow shoppers to register and
                restrictions                          label brands                  slot before building the cart       manage their loyalty membership

                     17%                                11%                                   11%                                    27%

      o er advanced search capabilities     allow shoppers to view in-store   allow shoppers to share "on the way" or        have a live chat option
       such as search within a wishlist             inventory online              "at the store" status for pick-up

Incisiv’s 2021 Digital Maturity Benchmark
Grocery Industry 2021 - Digital Maturity Benchmark - IN PARTNERSHIP WITH - Winsight
Digital Benchmarking Framework
Methodology & Approach
Grocery Industry 2021 - Digital Maturity Benchmark - IN PARTNERSHIP WITH - Winsight
Incisiv's 2021 Digital                                                            Online Ordering                    Frictionless Fulfillment
Maturity Benchmark                                                                Order personalization, inventory   Availability, speed and
                                                                                  visibility & payment options       convenience of ful llment
assesses top grocery                                                              55 attributes                      32 attributes

retailers' digital channel                                                        57 attributes                      35 attributes

experience and capabilities
                                                      Research & Discovery                                                                       360-Degree Service
across four key areas.
                                                      Availability of information at                                                             Resolution, returns and
                                                      the crucial decision points                                                                customer assistance
The benchmark is comprised of the top grocery
                                                      61 attributes                                                                              42 attributes
retailers(by annual revenue) across 4 di erent
                                                      59 attributes                                                                              44 attributes
industry sub-segments. Each retailer's digital
maturity capabilities and experience were
assessed using an observational methodology.                                                        Incisiv's Digital
                                                                                                  Maturity Benchmark

117                                                           190                                                          4
retailers benchmarked                                         digital capabilities assessed                                segments covered
90 retailers benchmarked in 2020                              195 capabilities assessed in 2020                            Discount Stores, Hypermarkets,
                                                                                                                           Supermarket, Warehouse Clubs
Unless stated otherwise, all data in this report is from Incisiv's 2021 Digital Maturity Benchmark.
Text in green indicates 2020 data

Incisiv’s 2021 Digital Maturity Benchmark
Each assessment area includes                                Illustrative examples of table-stakes and di erentiating experiences
table-stakes and di erentiating
experiences designations. These
are de ned based on their overall                        Research &                                                 Online
                                                         Discovery                                                  Ordering
level of adoption, perceived value
by shoppers, and impact on key
                                            • Promotion call-outs on the homepage and                   • Capability to book ful llment slot on home-
performance indicators (KPIs) such
                                              search listing page                                         page
as average order value (AOV),
                                            • Filter by dietary restrictions                            • Product substitution
conversion and tra c.
                                            • Availability of nutritional and content details           • Availability of brand's private label products
                                              for ready-to-eat food items                               • Expedited and guest check-out options
TABLE-STAKES                                • Advanced product lters: stock availability,               • Expanded payment means: Apple Pay, PayPal,
Foundational capabilities required            mode of ful llment, delivery time                           SNAP, EBT
to address key shopper                      • Inventory status call-outs
expectations today. The absence of
these capabilities has a negative
impact on digital performance                            Frictionless                                               360-Degree
KPIs.                                                    Fulfillment                                                Service

DIFFERENTIATING EXPERIENCES                 • Ful llment options: BOPIS, Home Delivery                  • Helpdesk: FAQ's, telephonic support
Advanced capabilities that address          • Capability to receive order pickup alerts                 • Store locations and details
important emerging shopper                  • Availability of order status                              • Account settings: Save dietary pro le and
expectations. The presence of these         • Expedited ful llment (2-hours, same day),                   deals and coupons
                                              and contactless delivery                                  • Product recommendations on home page
capabilities has a positive impact
                                            • Option to pay in-store                                    • Subscription to promotions via text alerts
on digital performance KPIs.
                                            • Membership program for delivery                           • Availability of live chat option
                                                                                                        • Prompt for free shipping
Incisiv’s 2021 Digital Maturity Benchmark
Digital maturity benchmark: Rating categories.

        Laggards o er a severely               Followers o er a basic digital               Challengers o er a                   Leaders o er the richest
        lacking digital maturity,                maturity, addressing most              seamless digital maturity               maturity within and across
        missing even some basic                table-stake capabilities. Their          built on a solid foundation             retail segments. They lead
       table-stakes functionality.              experiences lack depth, and             of capabilities. They o er                     in adoption of
                                                  are light on adoption of                 some di erentiated                   di erentiated experiences,
                                                 di erentiated capabilities.             experiences, but lack the                 and are functionally
                                                                                          depth and coverage of                    mature across most
                                                                                                  leaders.                           assessment areas.

      Adoption of table-stakes capabilities:   Adoption of table-stakes capabilities:   Adoption of table-stake capabilities:   Adoption of table-stakes capabilities:
                     Medium                               Medium-High                                   High                                    High
        Adoption of di erentiators: Low           Adoption of di erentiators: Low       Adoption of di erentiators: Medium        Adoption of di erentiators: High

Incisiv’s 2021 Digital Maturity Benchmark
Digital maturity is                         Annual revenue growth 2020

highly correlated
with revenue growth.
Leaders are                                                                   11%
experiencing more
than 5x higher
growth compared to                                                       7%


Incisiv’s 2021 Digital Maturity Benchmark
Retailers rated as leaders in digital shopping experience, in alphabetical order.

Global Leaders in
Incisiv recognizes these 13 brands
as leaders in the overall grocery
shopping experience.

They have a strong foundation of
table-stakes capabilities along
with leadership in the adoption of
di erentiating capabilities.

The entire leaderboard is available
at the end of the report.

Incisiv’s 2021 Digital Maturity Benchmark
01 | Research & Discovery
Ease of Search & Navigation
RESEARCH & DISCOVERY: OVERVIEW              WHY IT MATTERS                               WHAT WE ASSESS

Search, inventory                           With ~90% of shoppers checking the           This section evaluates the extensiveness of
                                            website before even planning store visits,   the search function, ease of navigation and
visibility and                                                                           availability of information at important
                                            the research & discovery process of
promotions are critical                     digital channels becomes the most crucial    customer decision points in the shopping
yet very                                    element for success.                         journey. The attributes assessed, if present,
underwhelming                                                                            would greatly improve customer

aspects of most                                                                          engagement and conversion.

grocery websites.
                                            75% of shoppers                              61 total attributes assessed,
Shoppers look at online shopping            actively seek promotions while shopping      including:
as a substitute for in-store                for groceries online.
shopping. However, the experience                                                        • Ease of onsite search through a
of searching for products online                                                           functional search bar
can be frustrating. The grocery             80% of shoppers                              • Availability of nuanced lters around
segment lags other industries as            will leave a website if it fails to o ers      product availability, ful llment options
they fail to provide visibility into        convenient navigation with relevant            and dietary restrictions
detailed product information for            results.                                     • Ease of nding products: relevant
substitutes that are available. In                                                         product tags, new launches highlights
addition, they lag in maturity                                                           • Inventory status callouts on product
around their online promotional             71% of retailers                               search listings
o ers.                                      have cited real-time inventory call-outs     • Availability of product content:
                                            as a major hurdle in onsite inventory          recommendations, ratings and reviews
                                            management.                                    on important product pages

Incisiv’s 2021 Digital Maturity Benchmark
Retailers rated as leaders in Research & Discovery, in alphabetical order.

Global Leaders in
Research & Discovery
Incisiv recognizes these 17 brands
as leaders in research and

They have a strong foundation of
table-stakes capabilities along
with leadership in the adoption of
di erentiating capabilities for
research and discovery.

The entire leaderboard is available
at the end of the report.

Incisiv’s 2021 Digital Maturity Benchmark
Areas of high growth: Transparency of                     Areas of low growth: Nuanced and extensive
ingredients and nutritional information.                  filtering options.

                                            2020   2021                                 2020   2021

Separate category for
                                                          Availability of more than 4
specialty diets(e.g.                        25%    34%                                  46%    46%

Availability of                                           Filter for dietary
ingredients for ready-                      70%    77%    restrictions(e.g. gluten      54%    58%
to-eat food                                               free)

Availability of nutrition
                                                          Filter for ful lment option
& allergen information                      62%    70%                                  7%     8%
                                                          (e.g. in-store pickup)
for ready-to-eat food

Incisiv’s 2021 Digital Maturity Benchmark

Ability to filter products by fulfilment
With ~75% of online orders set to be ful lled from stores via in-
store pick-up or curbside pick-up, easy navigation of ful llment
options is a requisite for smooth shopping. Currently, only 8% of
retailers o er this capability to lter out products basis
ful llment options.

                                                                    RESEARCH & DISCOVERY: SPOTLIGHT
Target o ers shoppers an entire section of ful llment lter
options, with the ability to get expedited same-day delivery. The   Informative stock inventory callouts.
variety of options re ect the level of choice and convenience
available to the shopper.                                           ~60% of shoppers drop o from a website without looking at a
                                                                    product detail page. Retailers need to go beyond availability and
                                                                    provide shoppers with reasons to complete purchases. Inventory
                                                                    status callouts attract shoppers to products and assure an instant
                                                                    conversion into the purchase. However, just 6% of grocery retailers
                                                                    currently display low inventory callouts to push shoppers to

                                                                    Walmart uses prominent and simple callouts to draw the attention
                                                                    of shoppers to speci c products.

                                                                                                      Incisiv’s 2021 Digital Maturity Benchmark
02 | Online Ordering
Seamless Ordering &
ONLINE ORDERING: OVERVIEW                   WHY IT MATTERS                              WHAT WE ASSESS

From a personalized                         Loyalty in online shopping is low; 50% of   This section evaluates the in-house and
                                            online shoppers defect for better deals.
experience to high                                                                      third-party platforms for online
                                            Retailers have to make the value tangible   ordering, provides insights into real-time
degree of inventory                         for the shopper beyond the product and      inventory visibility, personalization of
visibility.                                 make checkout an easy and frictionless      orders as well as payment options o ered
                                            process.                                    by retailers.
Shoppers are increasingly
seeking personalization and
recommendations in their
                                            1 out of 5 shoppers                         55 total attributes assessed,
shopper journey. Helping this
acceleration is the surge in the            would abandon a cart if the checkout        including:
adoption of digital wallets, e-             process is long/complicated.
                                                                                        • Platform for product purchase: Brand
gift cards, and QR codes that is
                                                                                          website or Third-party
simplifying the online ordering
                                                                                        • Inventory visibility: In-store inventory
shopper experience.                         56% of retailers                              status and precise location, in cart
                                            cited inventory accuracy as a problem       • Product/order personalization and
A major investment area for                 for their omni-channel program.               recommendations
retailers should be to maximize
                                                                                        • Analyzes of the steps involved in the
real-time inventory visibility.
                                                                                          checkout process, guest checkout
Shoppers want to know both
the availability of in-store                36% of shoppers                               availability
                                                                                        • Di erent payment options o ered to
inventory as well as the exact              are interested in or currently use a
location of the product in-                 "buy now, pay later" payment option.

Incisiv’s 2021 Digital Maturity Benchmark
Retailers rated as leaders in Online Ordering, in alphabetical order.

Global Leaders in
Online Ordering.
Incisiv recognizes these 20 brands
as leaders in online ordering.

They have a strong foundation of
table-stakes capabilities along
with leadership in the adoption of
di erentiating capabilities for
online ordering.

The entire leaderboard is available
at the end of the report.

Incisiv’s 2021 Digital Maturity Benchmark
Areas of high growth: Speed of checkout.                  Areas of low growth: Ease of applying
                                                          discounts & promotions.

                                            2020   2021                            2020           2021

                                                          Available promotions
One screen checkout                         25%    42%                             36%        36%
                                                          displayed in cart view

Option to add-to-cart
                                                          Available coupons
directly from product                       29%    42%                             15%            17%
                                                          recommended in cart

Selecting desired store
                                                          Time bound promotions
at the beginning of the                     69%    85%                             10%            15%
                                                          emphasized in search
shopping journey

Incisiv’s 2021 Digital Maturity Benchmark

Expedited one-screen checkout.
For over 70% of shoppers, the checkout experience is their
biggest pain point. On average, 69% of the shoppers abandon
the cart due to a poor checkout experience. Boosting conversion
rates by optimizing the checkout process is on the high priority
list for retailers, with 38% of retailers assessed o ering one
screen checkout from the cart page.

                                                                   ONLINE ORDERING: SPOTLIGHT
Albertsons o ers an e cient one-screen checkout option with
pre-arranged settings for location and slot.                       Digital payment methods on the rise.
                                                                   Secure, fast, and convenient checkout are preeminent payment
                                                                   preferences for shoppers. 54% of shoppers will spend more at
                                                                   retailers where they can conveniently use digital payments. With
                                                                   the rise in digital payments, 25% of retailers have evolved to adopt
                                                                   SNAP EBT, 19% have adopted PayPal and 5% have adopted Apple

                                                                   Rewe o ers multiple digital payment options including cards,
                                                                   Paypal, Rechnung, and SEPA.

                                                                                                      Incisiv’s 2021 Digital Maturity Benchmark
03 | Frictionless Ful llment
Convenience of Placing &
   Receiving Orders

Reimagining the                             Availability of omnichannel ful llment        This section assesses the experience of
                                            options has become widespread with
fulfillment experience.                                                                   placing and receiving an order through the
                                            86% of retailers now o ering BOPIS and        di erent ful llment methods o ered. The
Retailers such as Target and                71% o ering curbside pick-up. However,        ease of ordering is directly correlated to
Walmart, which had mature                   it is the ease and experience of ordering     conversion and retention.
omnichannel ful llment                      and receiving the products that will
capabilities pre-pandemic, saw              determine winners and losers.
200%+ growth in digital sales.
Retailers who lagged were forced                                                          32 total attributes assessed,
into action and introduced new
                                            85% shoppers
experiences such as BOPIS and               prefer to receive their grocery orders in 2   including:
curbside pick-up in record time.            hours or less.
                                                                                          • Adoption of di erent ful llment options
                                                                                            and speed of ful llment
O ering a complete ywheel of
                                                                                          • Customer experience: home delivery-
online and store-based ful llment           65% shoppers                                    timelines, order tracking, etc.
is now table-stakes. What was               use BOPIS to avoid paying shipping fees.      • Customer experience: pick-up counters,
visionary a year ago, is ordinary
                                                                                            wait times, etc.
today. Going forward, operational
                                                                                          • Handling customization requests: Driver
execution (speed, ability to
                                                                                            notes, opt for contactless delivery
customize, and real-time order              35% shoppers
                                                                                          • Returns and exchanges for product
visibility) will drive di erentiation       say contact less services will be important
and provide a competitive edge.             to them even post the pandemic.

Incisiv’s 2021 Digital Maturity Benchmark
Retailers rated as leaders in Frictionless Ful llment, in alphabetical order.

Global leaders in
Incisiv recognizes these 18 brands
as leaders in Ful llment.

They have a strong foundation of
table-stakes capabilities along
with leadership in the adoption of
di erentiating capabilities for
ful llment.

The entire leaderboard is available
at the end of the report.

Incisiv’s 2021 Digital Maturity Benchmark
Areas of high growth: Experience of                       Areas of moderate growth: Adoption of new
delivery and tracking.                                    fulfillment methods.

                                            2020   2021                              2020    2021

Option to track order                       41%    58%    Delivery via third-party   45%    45%

Membership program
                                            33%    41%    Curbside pickup            42%    49%
for delivery

                                            14%    30%    Two-hour pickup            19%    22%

Incisiv’s 2021 Digital Maturity Benchmark

Ability to share location updates with store.
88% of the shoppers have said that speed is the #1 reason for using
click and collect. However, long wait times are a challenge.
Conditioned by the speed of QSR drive-thru, grocery wait times are
an average of 3x higher, hampering shopper experience. In 2020,
grocers started experimenting with integrating with GOS services
for live location tracking and immediate pickup. Currently, only 6%
of grocers o er this capability.
                                                                       FULFILLMENT: SPOTLIGHT

Walmart enables shoppers to coordinate the pick up via the             Delivery membership programs.
Walmart app or by calling up the store to inform on the status, this
ensures immense e ciency for the entire process.                       74% of shoppers will abandon their cart due to high delivery costs.
                                                                       Paid memberships help increase shopper engagement as well as
                                                                       o set costs to last-mile delivery. Shoppers are 3x more likely to
                                                                       shop with retailers where they have a paid membership program,
                                                                       yet currently, only 40% of grocers o er delivery membership

                                                                       Sainsbury provides its shoppers with a delivery pass, using which
                                                                       they can avail of free delivery after making a payment of GBP20 for
                                                                       a 3-month subscription.

                                                                                                          Incisiv’s 2021 Digital Maturity Benchmark
04 | Customer Engagement & Service
Customer Satisfaction & Issue
OVERVIEW                                    WHY IT MATTERS                                  WHAT WE ASSESS

360-degree service for                      In the absence of physical interactions,        This section assesses all aspects of post-
                                            customer satisfaction has to evolve from
customer satisfaction.                                                                      sales service, including the ease of
                                            a call-center resolution function to a          shoppers to contact customer service or
With the pandemic massively                 pro-active customer engagement and              get their queries resolved, return policies
disrupting supply chains and                satisfaction engine that will directly          and engagement practices.
product availability, customer              contribute to shopper loyalty.
service evolved beyond complaint
resolution to a medium of trust-
                                            89% of shoppers                                 42 total attributes assessed,
                                            are more likely to make another purchase
                                            after a positive customer service experience.
In an increasingly digital world,
                                                                                            • Option to create a personal pro le and
transparency, convenience, and
                                                                                              save payment preferences and multiple
personalized communications are
                                            60% of shoppers                                   addresses
pillars of trust and satisfaction.
                                            subscribed to the loyalty programs              • Availability of self-help tools including
                                            highlighted that they end up spending more        live chat options and FAQs
Do you provide authentic sales and
                                            with the brand due to the program incentives    • Terms of the return policy and modes of
service, including instant refunds
                                            incurred.                                         return
for returns? Can shoppers view
                                                                                            • Store locations provided with contact
their purchase history and
                                                                                              number and hours of operation
receipts)?                                  79% of shoppers                                 • Availability of a loyalty program with the
                                            say they prefer live chat as a mode of            option to redeem rewards online
                                            communication because of the promptness         • Availability of customer engagement and
                                            of service.                                       shopping assistance options
Incisiv’s 2021 Digital Maturity Benchmark
Retailers rated as leaders in Customer Engagement & Service, in alphabetical order.

Global leaders in
Customer Engagement &
Incisiv recognizes these 20 brands
as leaders in Customer support.

They have a strong foundation of
table-stakes capabilities along
with leadership in the adoption of
di erentiating capabilities for
customer engagement.

The entire leaderboard is available
at the end of the report.

Incisiv’s 2021 Digital Maturity Benchmark
Areas of high growth: Personalization and                 Areas of moderate growth: Adoption of
engagement.                                               customer account and loyalty program.

                                            2020   2021                               2020   2021

Virtual assistant                                         Option to register and
                                            15%    25%                                59%    64%
integration                                               manage loyalty membership

Recommendations for                                       Option to earn reward
                                            5%     15%                                39%    43%
users on home page                                        points for every purchase

Brand's mobile-app                                        Option to save o ers and
                                            64%    71%                                18%    22%
advertisement                                             deals in user pro le

Incisiv’s 2021 Digital Maturity Benchmark

Option of adding dietary preferences for
Health/Wellness has become an important factor impacting
grocery purchase decisions. More than 50% of purchase decisions
are impacted by dietary restrictions. Dietary pro les help grocery
brands to make personalized recommendations to the shoppers
based on their preferences. Currently, only 13% of grocers o er
this capability.                                                     CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT: SPOTLIGHT

Tesco has a host of options mentioned in the account section that    Live chat onsite.
a customer can easily update to get a personalized experience as
                                                                     Shoppers expect prompt and quick customer service. O ering
per their diet/health preferences.
                                                                     them a live chat option ensures their questions are answered
                                                                     instantly, without any wait time. 73% of shoppers believe that a
                                                                     brand valuing their time is the most crucial part of good
                                                                     customer service. Currently, only 27% of grocery brands o er
                                                                     live chat as a part of their contact preferences.

                                                                     Hy-vee has a live chat option available on its website that helps
                                                                     shoppers to get their queries resolved in real-time.

                                                                                                        Incisiv’s 2021 Digital Maturity Benchmark
2021 Digital Maturity Benchmark
             Laggards                       Followers                            Challengers   Leaders
                  (25)                        (36)                                   (43)        (13)

Incisiv’s 2021 Digital Maturity Benchmark

Incisiv's 2021 Digital
Maturity Benchmark is
based on insights from its
                                            ABOUT INCISIV                             ABOUT WINSIGHT GROCERY BUSINESS
proprietary digital
maturity benchmarking                       Incisiv is a peer-to-peer executive       Winsight Grocery Business provides
methodology.                                network and industry insights rm for      insightful business intelligence for grocery
                                            consumer industry executives              executives and industry decision-makers. In
NEXT STEPS                                  navigating digital disruption.            the rapidly evolving $700 billion food retail
•   Request a custom benchmark for                                                    marketplace, consistent delivery of
                                            Incisiv o ers curated executive           resourceful information is needed to survive.
    your brand
                                            learning, digital maturity benchmarks     With rst-to-market news, in-depth
    Share this report with a friend or
                                            and prescriptive transformation           pro les, comprehensive category coverage,
    colleague via email or social media
                                            insights to clients across the consumer   groundbreaking research and on-point
                                            and technology industry spectrum.         analysis, WGB equips food retailers with
                                                                                      information that enables them to more
                                                             e ectively compete. WGB delivers actionable
                                                                                      insights via our print publications and
                                                                                      website, daily newsletters, events, podcasts,
                                                                                      and interactive digital platforms.

Incisiv’s 2021 Digital Maturity Benchmark
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