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                                              George-Anne                8/14/02                                                                                                                       £C£/
                                                     1 Hour Reserve(ln Library Use)

                    August 14,2002                                                   The massive crane used to construct the new IT building symbolizes the scope of GSU's growth
                       Volume 75, No. 15

      I «
               ON THE INSIDE

                Covering the campus like a
                     swarm of gnats

      ' «      Today's: Weather
                             thunderstorms with
                             a high of 91° F and
                             a low of 69° F.

               Only in A merica
               • A McDonald's manager is
      .   ■.

               accused of robbing another
               • The famed toilet at Grand Teton
               is removed.
               • Afamily at a funeral learns that
               the victim was misidentified.

                                         Page 3
                     i2ftmions                           By Doug Kidd                                                                                      up to its growth from a decade ago, when
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Allison Bennett/STAFF

               • Tim Prizer invites every stu-
               dent to make this newspaper
               their channel for voicing their
                                                                                                          On the agenda...                                 enrollment nearly doubled between 1988
                                                                                                                                                           and 1991.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 By the Numbers...
                                                              Physical growth of Georgia Southern's           College meetings are scheduled for
               opinion.                                  campus will be the highlight of today's Uni-     Wednesday after the Convocation. Time                Along with the onslaught of new stu-
               • Amanda Permenter on the state           versity Convocation when faculty and staff       and locations for College meetings are as        dents, the demand for more on-campus
               of children's literature.                 meet to kick off the new academic year.          follows:                                         housing has increased, Grube said.                      Projected enrollment for Fall 2002
                                                              University president Bruce Grube said                                                            "We can't take care of students who
                                            Page 4       the construction and planning of new aca-            College of Education, 1:30 p.m., COE         want housing," he said.
                                                         demic buildings and residence hallsNthe              Lecture Hall                                     The goal is for 40 percent of full-time
                         Sports                          second theme of GSU's Strategic planN will           College of Business Administration, 3
                                                                                                              p.m., COB A, Room 1124
                                                                                                                                                           students to live on-campus some time in
                                                                                                                                                           the next six-to-eight years, up from the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Core themes of the university's
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Strategic Plan
                                                         be the focus of his State of the University
               • GSU Football gdars up for the                                                               College of Health & Profession:               current 19 percent living in residence
               new season with daily practices.                                                              ies, 2 p.m., Assembly Hall, Continuing        halls. Demolition of Oxford Hall and the
                                                              "We've come a long way from being a            Education Building.
               Game one is just over two weeks                                                                                                             Pines is slated for later this year, as well as
                                                         little university on the end of a dirt road,"        College of Science & Technology, 2 p.m.,
               away.                                                                                                                                       plans to take down Dorman Hall sometime
                                                         Grube said, noting the growth of the univer-        Technology Building, Room 2112 •                                                                  Square feet to be added in Henderson Library's
                                                         sity in the late 80's and early 90's.                                                             in the future.                                                  "wrap around" addition
                                                                                                              College of Liberal Arts & Social Sci-
                                                              A special guest, only identified as a           ences, Carol A. Carter Recital Hall              Within the decade, the university's hous-
                                                         former GSU professor and administra-                 Henderson Library Faculty & Staff,           ing plan of replacing some and renovating
                                                         tor by Grube, will also give a "historical           3 p.m., Forest Drive Building, Room          other residence halls should be complete,
                                                         interpretation" of the campus' physical              1232                                         Grube said. Other residence halls will be         Target SAT score university wants to hit for incoming
                                                         environment.                                                                                      built within that same time period.                                    freshman
                                                              "The committee wanted it to be a secret,   Henderson Library, and an Academic Build-
                                                         but it's going to be an entertaining piece,"    ing that would house programs currently in        Academics
                                                         he said.                                        temporary structures.                                 Raising admission and academic stan-
                                                              Following Grube's remarks, a video             "That's the big one," Grube said of the       dards last year's Convocation theme con-          Millions of dollars spent on building and beautifica-
                                            Page 6       showcasing GSU's building plans for the         planned 100,000 square-foot Academic              tinues to be in the forefront of Grube's plan                 tion costs in the past decade
                                                         rest of the decade will be shown. Including     Building. "[The temporary buildings] are          to improve the university's image. The first
                                                         ongoing new structures like the Science and     killing us; they're essentially double-wide       goal of the Strategic Plan, Grube is pleased
                                                         Nursing and ITbuildings, the video will also    trailers."                                        with the progress GSU is making.
               • Find out where to eat in                feature planned projects like the addition to       Grube said GSU is still trying to catch                                                                Tier-level Grube envisions GSU joining
ire            Statesboro this Fall. We have                                                                                                                               See Convocation, Page 15
               a complete rundown of the
               'Boro's eateries.

                                            Page 9          University inks
               • Crop circles have a long history
                                                            contract for new
               of myth and speculation, and M.
               Night Shyamalan's new movie
               'Signs' brings out the common
                                                            halls in the Tines'
               suspicion surrounding them.                 By Erik Howard                           perform renovations like the one
                                                                                                    that took place in Olliff every
                                                               The Department of University         summer until every residence hall
                                                           Housing has been working around          is modernized.
                                                           the clock to prepare for the new              While these renovations have
                                                           school year and its expanding            been going on, housing has seen a
                                      Page 10
                                                           future.                                  rise in students wanting to stay on
               • New York's The Strokes are                    This summer, Olliff Hall went        campus. When the halls open, there
               the hottest thing fa the world              under major renovations that totaled     will be 45 students in temporary
               of rock music today.                                                                                                                                                                                                       (Special to the G-A),
                                                           upwards of $1 million. In addition       rooms and 200 more on a waiting                                       Architect's rendering of new residential facility on campus
                1               ft     €*       i          to new heating and air condition-        list. Students in temporary housing
                                                           ing systems, there are new electrical    are guaranteed housing; those on the         structured living that on campus           Southern is to become a residential   unused for years.
                                                           systems, data lines, and cable t.v.      waiting list are not.                        housing offers," Hawkins said.             university                               The Pines ai|d Oxford will be
                                                           outlets in every room. There was also         Ms. Hawkins attributes the long             For this reason, Housing is hop-           However, there are currently      built simultaneously. The develop-
                                      i Page 11
                                                           asbestos removed from the hall over      waiting list to students wanting to          ing to add more than 1,100 new beds        only 19 percent of students who       ment is being done by the Capstone
                                                           the summer which slowed down the         stay on campus.                              by Fall 2003, an effort being made         stay on campus. The new residence     Development firm, a company that
                                                           progress of the renovations.                  "Parents and students know              to keep with the university's stra-        halls are going to be built where
                 Southern                                      Director of University Housing,
                                                           Vickie Hawkins, said they hope to
                                                                                                    some students need and want the              tegic plan that states that Georgia        other vacant complexes have sat,                 See Housing, Page 15

                        Events                                                                 SJ M: J§

                 • Fall Convocation, 10 a.m.
                 Continuing Education
               FALL 2002 CLASSES
                  ♦ Fall 2002 classes begin
                  on Tuesday, August 20.
                  Books are now on sale at                                                                                            New apartment style residences will be built at the site of the old In The Pines complex
                  the University Store.
Digital Commons@Georgia Southern - Georgia Southern University


 Page 2 — Wednesday, August 14, 2002

     Georgia's crash-course education                                                                                                                                                                                        Police Beat
     program prepares for second year                                                                                                                                 GSU Police Dept.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      responded to a false fire alarm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      and worked one accident report.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ing     and               citation.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        07-18-2002                                  .»
                                                                                                                                                                      •       Officers issued two traffic citations
  More than 900 people                                                                                                                                                        and three traffic warnings, assisted
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 08-04-2002                                                   Charrod Qwidnuk Taylor, 22, of Ath-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Torey Eric Wingate, 20, of 403                           ens, Ga., was charged with driving
                                                                                                                                                                              one motorist and responded to one
  expected to graduate;                                                                                                                                                       fire alarm (someone cooking set                        Granade St., Statesboro, was charged                     with suspended license and speeding.
                                                                                                                                                                              off alarm).                                            with DUI and failure to maintain lane.                   Officers issued two warnings '
  head to hard-to-staff                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       and assisted four motorists, t
  rural, urban schools                                                                                                                                                •       Officers issued one traffic citation
                                                                                                                                                                              and three traffic warnings and as-                 Officers issued one traffic citation,
                                                                                                                                                                              sisted one motorist.                               responded to one false fire alarm and                  •    Officers found an emergency call
Associated Press                                                                                                                                                                                                                 responded to a burglar alarm that was                       box in the Johnson Hall parking tot:    Mc
                                                                                                                                                                              Officers issued one traffic cita-                  accidentally set off by a contractor.                       that appeared to be pushed over, by \
                                                                                                                                                                              tion and three traffic warn-                                                                                                                         , res
     ATLANTA - After graduating                                                                                                                                                                                              •   Officers issued three traffic warn-                         some type of object. Damage ■
                                                                                                                                                                              ings and assisted one motorist.                                                                                                                        oil
 from Auburn University with a                                                                                                                                                                                                   ings and one traffic citation.                              done to the base of the call box.
                                                                                                                                                                      8-10-2002                                                                                                                                                      Co
 marketing degree, Andy Rhodes                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Officers     assisted    an ' in- j
                                                                                                                                                                      •       David Lee Heathcock, 29, of 632                                                                                jured person at Watson Hall.!
 bounced from job to job looking for                                                                                                                                                                                         08-02-2002                                                                                            ) '■;
                                                                                                                                                                              Lakeside Drive, Twin City, Ga.,                                                                           •    Officers issued two warn'- •            wn
 the right fit.                                                                                                                                                               was charged with driving with                  •   Officers issued one traffic warning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ings and two traffic citations          St.
                                                                                                                                                                              suspended license and improper                     and responded to one false fire alarm.
     He was working at a hardware                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            and assisted two motoris,ts.
                                                                                                                                                                              starting.                                                                                                                                                fas
 store in Atlanta when he heard about                                                                                                             Internet photo                                                                                                                    07-16-2002
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             07-31-2002                                                                                             -''are
a new program that could land him                        STUMPING FOR TEACHERS : Gov. Roy Barnes proposed the                                                                                                                                                                       •   A student reported someone took
                                                                                                                                                                      08-09-2002                                             •   Joell Ramanchik-Cerpoviez re-                                                                         he
a teaching position after just three                     fledgling TAPP program as a way to address the severe teacher shortage                                                                                                                                                         $25 from her wallet at the Union
                                                                                                                                                                      •   Officers issued one traffic cita-                      ported a Kitchen Aid mixer was                                                                        t'au
weeks of classes.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Station in the Russell Union,
                                                         problem. The state funded the program's $500,000 startup cost.                                                   tion and two traffic warnings,                         missing from the Family and                                                                         t
     He jumped at the opportunity,                                                                                                                                                                                               Consumer Science Building.                         •   A case of harassment was
                                                                                                                                                                          assisted one motorist and re-                                                                                 reported at College of Busi-                   at;
perhaps too quickly.                                    the end of the academic year. DeKalb                      I didn't really know how to handle                      sponded to two false fire alarms.                  •   Lisa Lee reported a large grill
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ness Administration Building:                  me
                                                                                                                                                                          Daniel Ivory Bush, 19, of 69 Bull                      on a trailer was missing from
     "I wasn't prepared for everything                  County saw only two dropouts in their                     it."                                                                                                                                                              •   A case of reckless conduot
                                                                                                                                                                          River Bluff Drive, Savannah, Ga.,                      behind the Landrum Center.                                                                          • gel
they threw at me," Rhodes said. "I                      TAPP class of 137. At the Albany                               Eligibility requirements for TAPP                                                                                                                                was reported at Kennedy Hall.
                                                                                                                                                                          was charged with DUI and pos-                      •   Jannifer Allison Haynie, 21, of                                                                       e'rfi
didn't even want to teach fourth grade                  State University program, two out of                      include a bachelor's degree, 2.5 col-                   session of a controlled substance.                     17931 Hwy. 67 South, States-                       •   Officers assisted a student with a med-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ical problem at the Russell Union.
at first, but they were the only ones                    18 students dropped out during the                       lege grade-point-average and passing                •   Officers issued one traffic cita-                      boro, was charged with DUI
who offered me a job."                                  school year. In Henry County, five                        score on Praxis 1, a basic skills test.                 tion and four traffic warnings                         and failure to maintain lane.                      •   Officers issued one warning                  4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Officers issued two traffic warn-                     and assisted two motorists.                      ai"
    Rhodes was one of about 750                         out of 13 resigned.                                            But Rhodes said tests didn't pre-                  and assisted two motorists.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ings, assisted four motorists                          Officers assisted a resident of Brarf-           kn
people who went through the Geor-                           The samples, however, only                            pare him for all the obstacles.                                                                                and worked one traffic accident.                       nen Hall with a medical problem.
gia Teacher Alternative Preparation                     include people who quit during the                             A handful of his students did not              08-08-2002
                                                                                                                                                                          Officers issued one traffic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    •   Officersissuedfourwarningsandtwo                "rol
Program last year. He and dozens of                     academic year. Officials say the num-                     speak English as their first language.                                                                     07-30-2002                                                 citations and assisted two motorists.
                                                                                                                                                                          citation and two traffic warn-                                                                                                                                 do-
others won't be back in the classroom                   ber who chose to quit after the year                      One student, who spoke Mandarin,                                                                           •   Officers issued two traffic warn-
                                                                                                                                                                          ings and assisted one motorist.                                                                                                                                pic
this fall, but most of the new teachers                 and not return this fall-like Rhodes                      became easily frustrated and would                                                                             ings and responded to a false fire                 07-15-2002                                          Mm
made it through the year, and state of-                 did—is probably much higher.                              often have outbursts when he couldn't                                                                          alarm at the MPP Building.
                                                                                                                                                                      08-07-2002                                                                                                    •   JenniferG.Perry, 17,ofl2l30wens                  =•1.

ficials said the program will continue                      "TAPP is not for everybody," said                     understand as quickly as the other stu-                                                                                                                               Road, Pembroke, Ga., was charged
                                                                                                                                                                          Three people reported their                                                                                                                                    at
to grow.                                                Allison Gilmore, who organized the                        dents, Rhodes said.                                                                                        07-29-2002                                                 with DUI and suspended license! I
                                                                                                                                                                       >  vehicles were damaged by a
    Gov. Roy Barnes proposed the                        program at Mercer University. "In                                                                                 lawnmower that was mowing                              Officers issued two traffic warn-                      Charles Ricky Keelin. 18. of
                                                                                                                       The future
                                                                                                                                                                          grass around Sweetheart Circle.                        ings and one traffic citation.                          1213 Owens'Road, Pembroke:                      sin
program, formerly known as Teach                        some situations, when a person is                             This summer, more than 900                                                                                                                                        Ga., was charged with mi-
                                                                                                                                                                          Officers issued two traffic cita-                      Officers issued four traffic warn-
for Georgia, as a way to address the                    too idealistic, they are going to burn                    people are expected to graduate from                                                                                                                                  nor in possession of alcohol.
                                                                                                                                                                          tions and one traffic warning and                      ings and assisted one motorist.
severe teacher shortage problem. The
state funded the program's $500,000
startup cost. '
                                                        out too quickly."
                                                             Getting prepared
                                                            For Rhodes, who is currently
                                                                                                                   19 TAPP programs around the state.
                                                                                                                  They will then be placed in hard-to-
                                                                                                                  staff school districts, mostly in rural
                                                                                                                                                                          assisted one person with an injury.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 David Home, 22, of Port Royal,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        An instructor in the Ceramics Stujjfo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        reported that someone entered lije
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        building and trashed the work area.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        A construction worker at the .
    Success and some failure                            looking for a job, teaching at Knight                     or urban areas.                                                                                                S.C., was charged with driv-
                                                                                                                                                                          Officers issued three traffic citations                                                                       Science and Nursing Building
    Most of last year's TAPP teachers                   Elementary School in Lilburn was                              Heather Miller completed the pro-                   and one traffic warning, assisted                      ing with suspended license
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        construction site was injured
jumped straight into the classroom af-                                                                                                                                                                                           and failure to maintain lane.
                                                        "very overwhelming at times." He                          gram in Atlanta last year. After her                    two motorists and responded to                                                                                when he fell from a scaffold.
ter the brief training session. Skeptics                finished the school year because he                       three-week training, Miller decided                     three false fire alarms (two false).                                                                      •   Officers issued two cita- !
wondered whether the stresses of the                    didn't want to disrupt his students                                                                                                                                  07-27-2002                                                 tions    and       14    warnings.
                                                                                                                  the program was not for her.
job and the lack of experience would                    lives by quitting midyear.                                    "Although it was a tremendous                   08-05-2002                                             •       Officers issued four traffic warn-             7-11-2002
                                                                                                                                                                          Amir Herron, 19, of 24 W.                                  ings.                                          •   Dwight Potter, a visitor, reported
lead a large number to quit before the                      Still, test scores from his class were                kick-start and a great learning expe-
                                                                                                                                                                          Jones St., Statesboro, was                                                                                    that a stop sign had been taken
end of the school year.                                 significantly lower than others at his                    rience, I personally didn't feel at all                 charged with wanted person.                        07-26-2002                                                 from       the      Marvin         Pitt-
    State officials say they have not yet               school. Five of his students failed                       prepared," she said.                                                                                                                                                  man         construction          area. I
                                                                                                                                                                          Officers issued three traffic
compiled statistics on Georgia's first                  the Gateway test, a standardized test                         At its best, TAPP ought to work,                    warnings, assisted one motorist,                   •       Officers assisted two motorists.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    •   Officers issued two trafi J
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Shawnta Dashawn Dorsey, 22, of
TAPP term, but a random sampling                        students have to pass to advance to                       said Tim Callahan, spokesman for the                                                                                                                                  fie citations and one warning.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     230 Lanier Drive, Statesboro, was
of school districts showed most new                     the next grade.                                           Professional Association of Georgia                                                                                charged with wanted person.                        Kimberly Hayes, a visitor, reported '
teachers did stick it out.                                  "It was real hard for me to get                       Educators.                                                                                                                                                            that various amounts of money were
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Officers issued five traffic warn-                 taken from four rooms in Cone Hall.
    In Savannah-Chatham County,                         used to it," he said. "I hadn't been                          "It could work, but most are going                                                                             ings and two traffic citations.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    •   Officers issued three traffic warnings.
nine out of 89 dropped out before                       in elementary school since I was 11.                      to find teaching very hard," he said.                    Williams Center room 2023                                                                                •   A student reported that someone
                                                                                                                                                                                 P.O. Box 8001                               7-25-2002                                                  removed his Schwinn BMX bike
                                                                                                                                                                             Statesboro, GA 30460                                Carlos Jerrod Thomas, 20, of                           from the Watson Common bike rack. '
                          Perfect for people who like to call.                                                                                                                                                                   Columbus, Ga., was charged with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 driving with suspended license.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    •   Officers worked one prk
                                                                                                                                                                               How to reach us                                                                                          vate       property          accident.
                            Other people. On the phone.                                                                                                                        ADVERTISING:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Lashonda R. Duncan, 29, of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 1822 Chandler Road, States-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    •   Officers issued two citations and three .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        warnings and assisted two motorists.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 boro, was charged with driv-
                                                                                                                                                                                  681-5418                                       ing with suspended license.                        7-10-2002
                                                                                                                                                                             STORY OR PHOTOS:                                    Officers assisted three motorists and              •        A student reported that someone
                                                                                                                                                                                  681-5246                                       responded to two false fire alarms.                         removed his Schwinn BMX bike
                                                                                                                                                                               FAX NUMBER:                                                                                                   from the Watson Commons bike ' '
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             rack.                         , i '

                                                                                   Long Distance and                                                                            E-MAIL TO:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Officers issued one traffic warn-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    •        Officers worked one private prop-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             erty accident.
                                                                                   Digital Roaming                                                                                                        ing and assisted one motorist.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    •        Officers issued two citations and ■
                                                                                                                                                                               Editorial Board                               7-23-2002
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Officers issued five warn-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             three warnings and assisted two
                                                                                                                                                                                  Tim Prizer                                                                                                 motorists.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ings    and   one   citation.
                                                                                                                                                                                Editor-in-Chief                                                                                     7-9-2002
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        •   A Georgia Southern employee

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        reported damage to an inte-
                                                                                             WHENEVER                                                                          Amanda Permenter
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Kevin Chambers reported a                              rior door at Kennedy hall.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Gateway computer was miss-
                                                                                             minutes™                                                                           Managing Editor                                  ing from Hanner Fieldhouse.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    •   A Coca-Cola employee reported
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        damage to the Coca-Cola machine
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Officers issued one warning.                           located at the Sports Complex/.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    •   Officers issued two citations
                                                                                                                                                                                 Doug Kidd                                   07-21-2002                                                 and assisted four motorists.

                                                  UNLIMITED                                                                                                                      News Editor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             •   Masanori Isaka reported his bicycle
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 was taken from the Lakeside area.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Officers issued three warn-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ings and assisted one motorist.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    •   A student reported someone re-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        moved the wheels from his bike
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        while it was locked at the College 6'f
                                                  WEEKEND MINUTES                                                                                                         It is a desire of The George-Anne                                                                             Business Administration bike rack.
                                                                                                                                                                          to print the news of Georgia South-                                                                       •   A Biology employee reported
                                                                                                                                                                          ern University as accurately as                                                                               the theft of several electronic
                                                                                                                                                                          possible. If you believe that                          Laura Self reported a tree limb fell
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        notebooks and a projecter-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 through thewindshieldofher2002Sat-
                                                                                                                                                                          something covered is in error,                                                                            7-2-2002
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 urn at the Russell Union parking lot.

                                       »QQ99                                                                                                                              contact the editor at 681-5246
                                                                                                                                                                          as soon as possible.                                   Officers issued two warnings and one
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 citation and assisted two motorists.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Officers issued two warnings.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The following individuals and a
                                         ^■7 a month                                                                                                                            Liked By Many,
                                                                                                                                                                               Cussed By Some...
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         16-year-old juvenile were charged|i^*j
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        after fleeing from officers on campus:-
                                                                                                                                                                               Read By Them All.                                 Officers            issued        one      warn-       Lakevis R. Tanner, 19, of 1822!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Chandler Road No. 85, Statesboro!'

                                        yoKxSJtmm                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       was charged with obstruction:!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Jamario K. Wilkinson, 19, of 1822'
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Chandler Road Mo. 85, Statesboro!
                                        Global Wireless by T ■ -Mobile-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        was charged with obstruction.-
                                        Authorized Dealer                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Kalonji K. Cauley, 18, 5 N.J
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        River St., Claxton, Ga. was*
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        charged        with     obstruction/
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    •   A Brannen Hall resident reported
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        that a guest took her cell phone..
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The phone was later returned and
                                                                     604 Fair Road
                                                                  Statesboro, Georgia                                                                                                 99C                                                 99C j                                     •
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the resident refused to file charges: ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Offficers issued seven warnings.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Editor's Note: Police Beat ap-;
                                                                                                                                                                              Spicy Chicken !                                       Two Pieces                                      pears in every edition of the George- a
                     \_   COMMUNICATION!^.)
                                                                   (912) 871-7522                                                                                               Sandwich                                           Dark Chicken
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           (Mild or spicy)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Anne in an effort to inform the GSU!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    community of the amount and nature!
                                                                                                                                                                             with purchase of medium Coke"               ,        with purchase of medium Coke"              I
 Coverage not available in all areas. Credit approval and i-year service agreement required with $200 fee for early termination. Service agreement contains                                                                                                                         of crime. All reports are public infor-;
 mandatory arbitration provision. Weekends arc defined as midnight Fri. through midnight Sun. All minutes include free domestic long distance and digital
 roaming anywhere on the GSM digital network in the United States. Free long distance is not available for calls that require a credit card, callingcard, or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    mation and can be obtained at either
 operator assistance to complete. At least 10% of the number of calls made or received must be within the customer's home VS market orVS may modify or                                                                                                                              the GSU Division of Public Safety or
 terminate the account without notice. Calls made outside of the VoiceStream digital network may not be reported to VS until the following billingcyclc. Such
 calls will be counted during the billing cycle reported, which will reduce that billing cycle's total minutes available for use. Incoming and outgoing calls are              Expires 12/20/02 • Limit two per coupon             Expires 12/20/02- Limit two per coupon           the Statesboro Police Department; \
 rounded up and billed in full minute increments from the time the network begins to process the call (before the call rings or is answered) through its
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 charges and lolls arc additional. An activation fee will be charged for each line of service. Our digital PCS network is not compatible with AnalogTTY, which may                         526 Fair Road (Highway 67)                                                                                   --All Police Beat in-
 delay or prevent emergency calls. Additional restrictions may apply. This is a limited-time offer and subject lo change without notice. Please see your VS Service                                                                                                                                 formation is compiled by
 Agreement for all other applicable terms and conditions. VoiceStream is a registered trademark of the VoiceSlream Wireless Corporation. T-Mobile is a                                   Open 'til Midnight on Friday and Saturday
 registered trademark of Deutsche Telekom AG.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Doug Kidd, News Editor.
                                                                                                                                                                                        Open 'til 11:00pm Sunday through Thursday
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Wednesday, August 14, 2002 — Page 3
f: *
            ONLY IN AMERICA.
            o              Florida                             "I hate that apparatus up there,"
                                                           he said.
                                                               "When clients get up to the Lower
                                                                                                         dead teen's family.
                                                                                                             The body at the funeral home
                                                                                                         would have been cremated if.
                                                                                                                                                    Jefferson County deputy coroner who
                                                                                                                                                    escorted Grubs' family into a room at
                                                                                                                                                    the hospital where they identified the
                  McDonald's                               Saddle and see the monstrosity and            Hylemon's grandmother hadn't at-           dead teenager as their son.
                                                           man's inability to control their waste,       tended the funeral and recognized              "They cried and prayed and said,
          . . manager accused                              they see the problem."                        her grandson, said Meade County            'This is John,'" he said. "It's just a
            ' of robbing another                               Besides being expensive, it was           Sheriff's Deputy William Sego.             terrible case of mistaken identity."
                                                           dangerous for rangers to fly the 5,000            The two teens were flown to                It was unclear how Grubs was
                  McDonald's                               pounds of human waste off the moun-           Louisville after the crash. Hylemon        misidentified by Hylemon's family.
                                                           tain each year.                               died later that morning at University          At the funeral held for Grubs with
jal!           . LARGO - A manager at a Largo                  Rest Stop bags can be picked up           Hospital.                                  Hylemon's body, Sego's stepson, Joe
    lot    McDonald's restaurant has been ar-              for free at any ranger station. Climb-            Grubs' father and other relatives      Gatrost, said he looked in the open
    by     rested on charges that he robbed an-            ers pack out the bags and throw them          had identified the dead boy as John        casket and immediately questioned
           other McDonald's, the Hillsborough              in the trash at the Lupine Meadows            Grubs, 16, officials said. Meanwhile,      whether it was Grubs.
           County Sheriff's Office said.                   trailhead.                                    Hylemon's family identified the in-            "The person in the casket had
            , Authorities also are investigating               Park Service officials said there         jured boy as Jeremy Hylemon, 15,           pierced ears. ... The only reason I
ru-        whether Slater Smith III, 25, of nearby         has been no problem with climbers             and sat vigil over him for three days,     had doubts was because John didn't
ins        St. Petersburg, was involved in other           forgetting or improperly discarding           said Ken Marshall, a spokesman for         have his ears pierced."                      The mix-up has dumbfounded of-        top of Hylemon's head because of a
its.       fast-food robberies in the Tampa Bay            the bags.                                     University Hospital.                           On Monday, the Jefferson County      ficials and hospital employees. Siclari   severe head injury. Meade County
           area. Smith was arrested Thursday as                                                              "People have been asking me how        coroner's office positively identified   said Hylemon didn't have any facial       Sheriff Joseph Greer, who knows
           he arrived for work at the Largo res-                                                         this happened, and I have to tell them,    the dead teen as Hylemon using dental    injuries, but when Grubs' family          Grubs, said he went to the hospital

           taurant, a sheriff's report said.                          Massachusettes                      T don't know,'" said Richard Siclari, a   records.                                 viewed the body, a cloth covered the      Sunday to clear up the confusion.
             ' Smith is charged in a July 3 robbery
si-        at a Tampa McDonald's. Two masked
           men smashed the restaurant's door to               Salem's 'Cow Plop'
wt         get inside, then forced the manager to
                                                                                                                                                                        Important News About...
ill        empty more than $300 from a safe,
                                                                contest will be
                                                               cowless this year

           the report said.
                'One ofthe robbers was armed with
Pg                                                             SALEM - The annual "Cow
ts.        a handgun, the other with a butcher
a*         knife, the report said.                         Plop" contest in this city is cow-less
:m.          i -Employees got a glimpse of one             this year.
w"»        robber's face after his mask slipped                In the contest, which opens
,t.s.      down during the robbery, and then               Salem's Heritage Day on Saturday,
           picked Smith's photograph out of a              participants buy tickets that corre-
           lineup, the report said.                        spond to a square on a field. A cow                                   Beginning Fall Semester 2002, every                                  and use their WINGS PIN as their
            " Smith worked as a swing manager              is set loose on the field, and if she plops                           Georgia Southern University student                                  WebCT password. If you change your
           at various McDonald's restaurants               manure on your square, you win.                                       registered for a class at the University                             WINGS PIN, there will be a 24-hour
          'throughout the area, said Pinellas                  Ed Devereaux, lead organizer of
                                                                                                                                 will automatically have a WebCT                                      delay before your WINGS and WebCT
           sheriff's Detective Cal Dennie.                 Salem's Heritage Days, told the Salem
                                                           Evening News he had a cow lined                                       account generated for them. Students                                 password will coincide. If you do not
                                                           up, but the animal was withdrawn                                      will not be required to create an                                    know or have          forgotten    these
                                                           when the owner had to tend to a sick                                  account before they can log into                                     passwords,     you      can     go    to:
                           Wy oming                        relative.                                                             WebCT, and professors will no longer                        Instructions
                                                               Devereaux said he hasn't been able
                                                                                                                                 need to leave a key outside of their                                 for these new procedures are available
                                                           to find a replacement. One cow owner
             Toilet removed from                           told him an unidentified animal rights                                course to allow students access.                                     when a student logs into WINGS and on
                 Grand Teton                               activist from Peabody had hinted                                      Students will log into WebCT at                                      the     WebCT     login      page     at:
                                                           she'd make a stink for anyone who                            with their new GSU                         
                                                           donated a bovine, he said, because it                                 e-mail username as their WebCT ID
                     MOOSE, Wyo. - Grand Teton             is embarrassing for the animal.
          'National Park officials have perma-                  Devereaux said he understands                                                                     For problems with WebCT, contact the
             nently removed the infamous Grand             farmers' reluctance to supply a cow.                                                                Distance Learning Center WebCT Help Desk.
             toilet from the Lower Saddle of Grand             "When you get to be in business,
          ♦Teton.                                          you don't want to be on the front                                            Hours: Monday - Friday : 8am - 10pm • Saturday & Sunday: 12pm - 6pm
                  '■ The toilet, a pair of large buckets   page," he said.                                                                        Phone: (912) 486-7471 • E-mail:
             that were stationed at 11,600 feet,               The contest will go on, Devereaux
                                                                                                                                                      Instant Messenger© GSUWebCTSupport
             was flown out Aug. 4.because it was           said, but a volunteer will pick a win-
             full, according to park spokeswoman           ning ticket.
             Jackie Skaggs.                                     "It won't be Mother Nature pick-
                . i The lofty loo will not be put back     ing it, it will be a hand," he said.
             because climbers have responded well
             to a'National Park Service campaign
             encouraging them to pack out their
           •personal waste in Mylar bags called
             Rest Stops.
                     Wind screens around the old
          •toilets will remain in place to allow                Family at funeral
             privacy when climbers use their Rest               learns that victim
             Stop bags.
          , . It cost the park nearly $ 10,000 a                  in casket was
             year to use a helicopter to empty the                misidentified
             toilet as many as seven times each
                     Exum Mountain Guides and Jack-            BRANDENBURG - Family
             son Hole Mountain Guides agreed to            members mourning the death of a
             retiuire clients to use the bags instead      teenager were ready to say their
           *of . ii
                    the toilet.                            goodbyes at a funeral home when
            ' i,. "We volunteered as a company to          they discovered that the body in the
             use them and sort of volunteered all          casket wasn't his.
             our'clients," said Liz Alva Rosa of               Relatives of John D. Grubs Jr., one
             Jackson Hole Mountain Guides. "We
              said, 'This is how the sanitary system
                                                           of two teens involved in a car crash
                                                           on July 31, learned during the funeral
                                                                                                                                                    Raising Cable Rates!
             works at high camp.' Some people              home visit Saturday that it was in fact
              looked at us kind of weird, but once         the other teen, Jeremy Hylemon, who
             they saw it, it was better."                  had been killed in the accident.
               ...Exum President Al Read ap-                   Meanwhile, Grubs, who suffered
              plauded the decision to remove the           critical injuries but survived, was                    $22.99 per month for America's Top 50 Channels
              toilet.                                      misidentified as Hylemon by the

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The oldest continuously published newspaper in Bulloch County                                                                                                                                                    

Page 4 — Wednesday, August 14, 2002                                                                                      NIONS                                                                                                                                           -^i       mlf2

              THUMB                                                   This space available for your opinion
    •THUMBS UP to the^_ the                                               Newspaper people, if you haven't realized, are very                                              adhere to the principle that       try to avoid at all costs. We feel that a student newspaper1
 new freshmen on campus                                               opinionated folks.                                                           npi                     newspaper editors should           should represent the student body - not just the athletes;,
                                                                          We catch a lot of flack for what others see as our                            1JV1               ^e politically sterile,            the Greek organizations, the upperclassmen, the liberal
 After move-in day, the                                               "mindless altruism," our liberal "propaganda," or a label                                            middle-of-the-roaders              arts and social science majors, or the business students.
 rest is fun.                                                         with which yours truly has been branded in the past,                                                 who don't even vote in             Everyone's voice should be heard.                         ■• .J new
                                                                      Marxism. We are stereotyped throughout the nation as                                                 local, state or national               We do not want this publication's sole purpose^ ».
    •THUMBS DOWN                                                      political progressives, out on a mission to make everyone                                            elections.                         be to piss off the conservative student population whikr:
                                                                      see things our way, all the while disregarding other, more                                               I am the first editor-         gathering happy grams and pats on the back from the more
 to the late distribution of
                                                                     conservative opinions.                                                                                in-chief of The George-            liberal faculty.
 financial aid checks this Fall.                                          But while most stereotypes are themselves mindless                                               Anne since I have been                 I have heard angered students complain that we at.the/
                                                                     and do not hold true under analysis, journalists, I am not                                            here that holds extremely         paper have a channel to voice our opinion, while the voices
    • THUMBS UP to the new email system                              afraid to admit, live up to their label quite universally. It                                         strong, heartfelt political       of other students are stifled. Well, we're here to tell you]
 for students. We finally have folders!                              is important, though, to understand just how and why this                                             opinions. And most of the         that this is not only our channel. This is the soapbox.of
                                                                     worldview is so omnipresent among writers and editors.                                                columnists at the paper           the entire student population.                            0ljVi
                                                                     We find, manage, report, and read the news daily, and we                                              this year do. Aside from               We stride for varying opinions, but we can't jump this,
    • THUMBS DOWN to                                 expensive       analyze it in a manner foreign to most everyday bathroom                                              myself, we have our new           hurdle alone. Our opinions are not going to change, ,so
 textbooks.                                                          perusers. We report the injustices of the world, the grow-                                            managing editor, Amanda           we must look outside of our newsroom. We need you
Digital Commons@Georgia Southern - Georgia Southern University
m^M                                                        mMmmmmammt

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Wednesday, August 14, 2002 — Page 5

             'Financial aid checks to come late Canadian universities increasingly
             »By Michelle Flournoy
                                                attractive to American students
                                                                          the verification the following week."
                                                    Students depending on financial aid to purchase text-                                         KRT Campus
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           also offers a N AFTA-
         t Student's financial aid checks for fall semester will          books and supplies will be allowed to debit money from                                                  DETROIT - Way up north where             inspired base tuition
          ■%e issued on Sept. 4, not on the first day of class as they    their financial aid checks at the University Store. The                                            the brisk wind blows, Canadian uni-           rateof$3,500ayear.
           have in the past.                                              HOPE book allowance will also work as a debit.                                                     versities have turned on the porch            It has 9,000 full-time
[               Connie Murphey. director of financial aid, stresses            Richie Aikins, a University Store representative, says                                        light for American students.                  undergraduates, 46 of
       ■  jthat this is not a GSU policy.                                 that  the bookstore will be using the debit system for stu-                                             Andree Goldsmith of Bloomfield           them Americans.
                "This is a new                                          .                                          dents to purchase                                         Hills, Mich., saw it. She turned down             Belisle. who had
 per policy issued by the                                                                                          textbooks Aug.                                            Wellesley, Cornell and the University         an A-minus average
lev. ^Department of Educa-
                                       "THIS IS A NEW POLICY ISSUED BY THE                                         12 thru Aug.28'\                                          of Michigan for McGill University             in high school, chose
3-al tion." Murphey said.              DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. IT STARTS                                          Aiken     said that                                       in Montreal, where she starts as a            Brandon first with her
fits,         .."It starts with a                                                                                  students   will pres-                                     freshman in about a month.                    heart because her
■I     - f
              ew federal regula-       WITH       A  NEW       FEDERAL       REGULATION               THAT         ent their ID  to take                                          Tammy Kristall of the Detroit            boyfriend lived there.
   i to    tion that requires that                                                                                 advantage     of the                                      area saw the light, too. She!s a se-          Then she investigated
file, we verify students are
                                       REQUIRES THAT WE VERIFY STUDENTS                                            debit system.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Internet Photo
                                                                                                                                                                             nior English major at the University          and discovered she
ore eligible for financial                                                                                             "Students can                                                                                                               NORTHERN EDUCATION: Students from
                                       ARE ELIGIBLE FOR FINANCIAL AID."                                                                                                      of Windsor and will commute every             could get a four-year,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   across the United States have begun considering
           lid. By eligible, we                                                                                    use   a maximum                                           day across the Ambassador Bridge              liberal arts degree at
                                                                              -   CONNIE       MURPHEY             of  $500.00     as a                                                                                                            Canadian universities fortheircollegeeducations.
           mean that the student                                                                                                                                             starting Sept. 5.                             Brandon for about
                                                                                                                   debit   from    their                                                                                                           The number of American students in Canadian
CCS         is" attending classes.                                DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL AID                                                                                       And Michigan student Nicole              $3,200 in tuition
■;oir .•The Department of                                                                                          financial aid check                                                                                                             institutions has increased dramatically over the
                                                                                                                                                                             Belisle saw the light so strongly             per year, a fraction
    of Education looks at                                                                                          for books and sup-                                                                                                              last decade.
                                                                                                                                                                             she is now a sophomore at Brandon             of the cost of attend-
            school as a job. In                                                                                    plies. This should                                        University way out in Brandon,                ing most Michigan
  llis. .order to get money, it has to be earned."                        take care of 99 percent of our customers," Aikins said.                                            Manitoba. She's not sorry.                    universities.                            it. Last fall, 205 U.S. students were
  ,S0           Attendance verification will be done Aug. 20 thru              "A student may not purchase any type of clothing                                                   "I've never wanted to go with                But she had to apply entirely on enrolled.
  l0                                                                      items,   novelties, music, greeting cards, or anything else
;           Aug. 23. Instructors will call roll on these days to assure                                                                                                      the grain," says Belisle, 21, whose           her own.                                     "We have only recruited for four
ite, jhat students are attending classes. Undergraduates must             that is not school related with the financial aid debit."                                          studies resume Sept. 4. "It was nice to           "The only thing my high school years in the United States, and we go
 i In attend a minimum of 6 credit hours to meet eligibility                   Aikins does not anticipate any problems with the                                              branch out and do something that no           counselor knew was the address. He into some places and they've never
Efj requirements. A student only has to attend one class ses-             debit   system.                                                                                    one else was doing and do it well."           didn't have a clue," she says.          heard of us," he says. Along with the
the sion throughout the week to be verified as attending.                      "Everything seems to be running smoothly. We did                                                   Two years ago, 4,124 U.S. stu-               Brandon, in case you don't University of British Columbia and
ing ' - "I have gone around with Mike Deal and done a                     quite a few debits'the first day and did not run into any                                          dents attended Canadian universities.         know, is north of North Dakota. Queens University, the University
 )ur presentation to inform the faculty about attendance                  problems."                                                                                         Then the secret started to spread about       Belisle admits the weather is a of Toronto plans to recruit in metro
            verification," Murphey said. "Some probably will take              Students with questions about fall financial aid                                              the schools'low cost and high quality.        slight drawback.                         Detroit in November.
           tble everyday for at least the first week. If the professor    disbursement     may call the financial aid office or visit                                        American applications to Canadian                 "The first time I went to visit, I       Ashley O'Dacre, 20, of Ann Arbor
 '•JO!      does not verify the first week, we will allot some leeway.     the financial  aid  office's website at                                           universities have soared 70 percent           got off the plane and it was minus will be a senior biology major at the
  on The instructor can work with Mike Deal's office and do               stalfinaid.                                                                                        since.                                        30 degrees," she says. "And the school. Born in Toronto and still a
                                                                                                                                                                                  Slowly, very slowly, the trend is        wind!"                                   Canadian citizen, she comes home
nd                                                                                                                                                                           spreading.                                        Opposite in environment from frequently to see her parents. She
               Law could deter teens from birth control                                                                                                                           "It's hard to find information
                                                                                                                                                                             about a college in Canada because
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Brandon, which has 1,881 undergrad- thinks students in Michigan need to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           uates, is the University of Toronto in expand their options.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        "A lot of Americans don't real-
m             KRT Campus                                    ally abused by their parents, not being                  to take the written survey while waiting
                                                                                                                                                                             they don't send you the propaganda            the center of Canada's largest city. It
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           has 34,063 undergraduates.               ize it's less expensive to go to a
                                                                                                                                                                             all the U.S. universities do," says
                   Most Wisconsin teen girls would          allowed to see their boyfriends, losing                  to be seen at one of 33 Planned Parent-
                                                                                                                                                                              Kristall, 20, who attends the Univer-            Toronto - the school - is world- Canadian school," she says. Cana-
 MK *S!»»KP« mma» (VT «*«*!» omit tmwn f«asij»)
                                                                            •no mutt ft* pcMiwM w fMmvy ft, 20C3. Totti «*» of # site**: it,m«* SsAstct Is                                      questions.
                                                                            eompkas ©ft* Raits mltttt By mti!« M>. B®t 1368. MtqftMl HstoffB. MO S3W3.
                                                                            ©KM? s*NF0f>D 8e*iM«. atooK 601 (M A otmtot or**** SuMwrwtf,
^Hi                                                                                                                                                          ^^^^^^^■■■i^H                                                                       ^^^M

      ■ George-Anne
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Wednesday, August 14, 2002 - Page 6* _.

 UTC looking                                                                                                  14 days 'til Delaware
 forward to
 Ball's return                                   Eagles count down to kickoff
 G-A News Service

                                                Sewak era begins                                                                                                                                                                   2002 HUDDLE HOUSE GSU*
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       TRADING CARDS K
 head coach Donnie Kirkpatrick said             as GSU readies for                                                                                                                                                                  Collect all 6 Georgia Southern
 he will use Thursday's intra-squad
 scrimmage to watch the running                 the season-opener                                                                                                                                                                football trading cards and entel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 for a chance to win a Chteago
 back competition closely. Juniors                                                                                                                                                                                               Bears jersey signed by Adrian
 Jason Ball and Mario Hain are cur-              Eagles wrapping up preseason
                                               workouts                                                                                                                                                                          Peterson!                    > *
 rently running one and two. and there
 is a need to find a third back.                 By BoFulsiniti
      "We need                                   B          o        _                                                                                                                                                               HOW TO WIN:
                                                                                                                                                                                                     * Purchase a copy of the ,200^
 to see who
                                                  It's the quiet before the storm.                                                                                                                                               SOAR Game Day Program at
 our third run-
                                                  As the whistles blow and the hel-                                                                                                                                              each Georgia Southern home
 ning back will
                                              mets collide in the midst of another                                                                                                                                               football game.
 be," Kirkpat-
                                              scorching August in Statesboro, the                                                                                                                                                   * Take enclosed coupon,to a
 rick said."We
                                              players and coaches of Georgia                                                                                                                                                     Huddle House location in States-
 won't use Ja-
                                              Southern football are nearing their                                                                                                                                                boro, Swansboro, Reidsville,
 son Ball much
                                              final stages of preparation for the                                                                                                                                                Sylvania, and Millen.
 if we use him at all. I don't think he is
                                              2002 campaign. And for first year                                                                                                                                                     * Fill out an entry blank at
 in as good condition as he could be.
                                              head coach Mike Sewak, it's no                                                                                                                                                     Huddle House for a season':end-
 We will give (true freshmen) Patrick
                                              mystery to him where all eyes will                                                                                                                                                 ing drawing to win a Ch'icagrj
 Flanagan and Torrey Love a chance
                                              be pointing come Aug. 29 in Newark,                                                                                                                                                Bearsjersey autographed by Adrian
 to see what they can do along with
                                              Delaware.                                                                                                                                                                          Peterson.
 (redshirt freshman) Michael Dodd.
 We want to see how they will react               "I know the spotlight is gonna                                                                                                                                                    CARD SCHEDULE: >
 to live action."                             be on me, and I want it on me," said                                                                                                                                                 Date Opponent      Card
      Ball suffered a fracture to his right   Sewak.                                                                                                                                                                               9/7     Gardner-Webb,
 ankle last season in the third game of           With the team enduring full con-                                                                                                                                                 GregHill                    *
 the season and was lost for the year.        tact workouts that began last Saturday,                                                                                                            Chris Walker/STAFF                9/21 Wofford J.         :R.

 After surgery and rehabilitation, he         and wrapping up a grueling two-a-day         Defensive line coach John Pate, far right, watches as redshirt freshman Shannon Williams runs through                                   Revere                 i

 was cleared to compete at the end of         practice schedule tomorrow afternoon,        a drill yesterday. Led by Buchanan candidate Freddy Pesqueira and Eric Mclntire, the defensive line                                      10/5 VMI      Tracy Ham }
 spring drills. Hain is a transfer from       coach Sewak has taken the same ap-           figures to be a strength of the Eagles' defense this season.                                                                              10/19 ASU    A. Peterson
 Northeast Oklahoma A&M.                      proach to practice that his predecessor                                                                                                                                                11/2 ETSU         Raymond
       Appalachian State                      coach Paul Johnson had when Sewak           taking center stage. But in a continu-     going to start for us this year."            of the fall semester on campus. There          Gross                        J,

      BOONE, N.C.-Appalachian                 was offensive coordinator.                  ous battle for the starting spot between        Set to have their first scheduled       is expected to be a minimum of 25                 11/16 J'ville St. Erk Russell
 State University opened its first of-            "We haven't changed (our ap-            sophomores Trey Hunter and Chaz            scrimmage this Saturday at Allen E.          players, which includes those who are            PARTICIPATING HUDDLE
 ficial day of football practice with the     proach) much at all," said Sewak." I        Williams, Sewak has made it clear          Paulson Stadium, the Eagles will also        returning from last spring, and a few              HOUSE LOCATIONS;
 added incentive of being tabbed the          just want them to play good hardnosed       that the fans will have to wait until      have a final follow up scrimmage on          who will be joining the Eagle squad               STATESBORO - 216 Lanier
 No. 2 program in the nation by the           football, attack each other each and        game day to hear his final decision.       Thursday, Aug. 22, before they begin         for the first time.                            Drive
 Sports Network.                              every day, and get together at the end          "They are trying to be the leaders     game-week preparations for their sea-            But as the countdown to kickoff               SWAINSBORO - US 1 So.uth
      "Whether a team is picked No. 2 or      and be able to get Georgia Southern         of this football team, and they have to    son opener against the University of         winds down, coach Sewak continues              Main Street             ™ "
  102, it still has to work hard and de-      to breakdown and know that we are           gain the confidence of this offense,"      Delaware Blue Hens.                          to have his players and staff focused on          REIDSVILLE - Highway 280
 velop into a team," stated head coach        a team."                                    said Sewak. "They also have to be               The only major changes that are         taking everything one day at a time.           & North Brazell Street  ,n
 Jerry Moore. "We had a good, sharp               Coach Sewak has also had to ad-         able to move the football team and         set to take place within the program             "We' ve got a long way to go, but at          SYLVANIA - 401 We::
 first practice. We are gradually trying      dress many glaring issues this summer,      make plays and that is going to be         are the walk-on candidates that will         least we are going to be at full speed         Ogeechee Street
 to work some of theyounger players in        with his current quarterback situation      the biggest factor in deciding who is      hit the field next Tuesday with the start    from now on."                                     MILLEN - Highway 25 fterth
 to what we are doing. Hopefully we
 can respond to this ranking in a real
 positive way."
      The Mountaineers received 1,838
 points to earn the second spot and their
                                                      COMING BACK HOME
 fourth straight top 10 pre-season rank-
 ing by the Sports Network.                        Americus] Chan Galley happy at Tech
      Picked as the preseason favorite to
                                              KRT Campus
 win the Southern Conference by both                                                                of his first meeting with Gailey.
 the league's media and coaches,                  In his new position as head coach at Georgia          O'Brien had been with previous Tech coach
      The Citadel                             Tech, Chan Gailey doesn't talk a lot about his        George O'Leary and was scrambling to find a
      Charleston, S.C.—Citadel head           days with the Dallas Cowboys.                         new job. The Minnesota Vikings were interested
 football coach Ellis Johnson is get-             But his words and wisdom often have roots         in him becoming their coordinator.
 tig his team ready for his second            in those hectic days of 1998-99, when Gailey              O'Brien knew better than to assume that Gai-
 season at the helm of the Bulldogs           was the head coach of an aging, frustrated            ley would not bring his own offensive system to
 program.                                     NFL team.                                             Tech. But after a short talk with Gailey, O'Brien
      "it has been a long off season and                                 Two years as coor-         knew he wanted to stay in Atlanta.
 we are really excited about getting the                             dinator of the Miami               Gailey had decided that being the head coach
 freshmen out on the football field,"                                Dolphins put a little          meant not being the coordinator, and he took
 Johnson stated.                                                     distance between Gailey        one look at Tech's production last season and
       All totaled there will be 45 fresh-                           and the Cowboys. In that       knew he wanted O'Brien.
  men involved in practice, with 27 of                               time, he has never pub-            "I'm not putting in my system," Gailey said.
  them being scholarship recipients.                                 licly criticized Cowboys       "Billy O'Brien's offense averaged 31.8 points
      "This is probably the largest group                            owner Jerry Jones or           a game. It's not like it's broke."
  of signees and walk-ons in recent his-                             others who hastened his            Still, this is a change in philosophy for
  tory," Johnson continued. "Almost           demise in Dallas.                                     Gailey, who died on the sword of his offensive                                                                                          Ga. Tech Media Relations
  half of our team will be taking part            What he does say, though, hints at lessons        philosophy in Dallas. Apparently, that experi-            Gailey will depend on returning starters like Ricardo Wimbush, right, this season. *
  in the freshmen two-a-days."                learned and routes he'd rather not re-travel.         ence changed Gailey's attitude.                       but not invading.                                       the past."
      Wofford                                 One does not have to be creative to draw the              "The last time I was a head coach, I was             "Knowing about his reputation as an offen-               But Gailey says he is careful not to take over
      Spartanburg, S.C.— Wofford              attachment to the Cowboys.                            head coach and offensive coordinator. I won't         sive coordinator, I was very flattered that he          the job of coordinator.
  College inside linebacker Erik                  For instance: Despite the fact that Gailey, 50,   do that again. You don't do either job justice        would use my offense," said O'Brien. "It's been             "I don't want to become a meddler," Gailey
  Hutchinson and defensive tackleBill         has specialized in offense and called plays for       when you try to do both," he said. "And you           great, because he has a lot of ideas that help:         said. "I've been on the other end of that."
  Pryor will be sidelined for the season      the Cowboys, he surprised many when he arrive         don't make a change just because you want                "He's brought me a better understanding of               Georgia Tech athletic director Dave Brauic
  due to injury.                              at GeorgiaTech by asking offensive coordinator        your system."                                         the run game from ideas he's developed over             introduced Gailey by telling fans "his soft-sgo-
       Hutchinson is recovering from a        Bill O'Brien to stay.                                     In the seven months since Gailey's arrival.       years in the NFL. And the other thing is to be          ken manner" would remind people a great c(eal
  torn ACL in his right knee, suffered            "I was surprised, myself," O'Brien recalled       O'Brien has found his new boss enlightening,          unique, and not settle for what we've done in           of the legendary Bobby Dodd.
  while working out this summer.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 **

                                                                                                                           Defending champ Montana tops I-AA,
                                                                                                                           GSU ranked fifth heading into season
                                                                                                                            G-A News Service
                                                                                                                                                                            for the second consecutive year.                top five after receiving 1,588 pointy
                                                                                                                                PHILADELPHIA- Defending I-AA                    After defeating Northwestern State,             Finishing out the Top 10 are Np. 6
                                                                                                                            National Champion Montana begins the            Sam Houston State, and Northern Iowa            Lehigh, No. 7 Furman, No. 8 Youngsrovn
                                                                                                                            2001 season in a familiar position as the       in the playoffs, the Griz won the NCAA          State, No. 9 William & Mary, and N8. 10
                                                                                                                            number one team in The Sports Network           crown by defeating Furman, 13-6. Mon-           Grambling State.
                                                                                                                            Top 25.                                         tana returns many of its key players from           InatNo. 11 is McNeese State, follow®!
                                                                                                                                The Grizzlies, who won their second         last year's team, including senior QB John      by Sam Houston State at No. 12, MJune
                                                                                                                            I-AA national championship last season,         Edwards. Montana received 79 of 87 first-       at No. 13, Eastern Kentucky at N« 14
                                                                                                                            are ranked in the preseason national top        place votes in the preseason poll.              and Hofstra at the No. 15 spot.       't> „
                                                                                                                            five for the eighth consecutive year, and           In the No. 2 slot heading into 2002 is          FloridaA&MisNo. 16,Portlandj!jtate
                                                                                                                            sit atop the preseason poll for the first       Appalachian State, which received 1,838         is No. 17, Western Kentucky is No^ 18.
                                                                                                                            time since 1997.                                points and is No. 2 in the poll for the first   with Northwestern State at No. l^and
                                                                                                                                Montana, which has been a top 10 team       time since Nov. 21,1995.                        Montana State ranked 20th.            |
                                                                                                                            for 44 straight rankings dating back to             ASU, which is 50-14 in Southern                 Closing out the Top 25 is Northern
                                                                                                                            1999, Were predicted to take home the           Conference play since 1994, has also            Arizona at No. 21, Delaware at No] 22.
                                                                                                                            Dec. 20 national title by a national panel of   been ranked in every I-AA poll since            Harvard at No. 23, Jacksonville StMe at
                                                                                                                            media and sports information directors.         Sept. 7, 1998.                                  No. 24 and Hampton at No. 25.
                                                                                                                                The NCAA I-AA championship                      Gateway Football Conference pre-                The Atlantic 10, Big Sky, and South-
                                                                                                                            will be played in Chattanooga, TN on            season favorite Northern Iowa is third          land Conferences lead all I-AA leagues by
                                                                                                                            December 20.                                    with 1.769 points, followed by No. 4            placing four teams each in the Top &5.
                                                                                     Univ. of Montana Media Relations           Last season, head coach Joe Glenn led       Eastern Illinois, which registered 1,641            The Southern Conference is repre-
     Montana quarterback John Edwards, shown here against Furman in last year's national cham-                              Montana to an 11-1 regular season mark          points.                                         sented by three schools (including 3iroe
     pionship game, returns for his senior season for the Grizzlies. Edwards' return is one of the                          and a Big Sky Conference title, before the          Georgia Southern, a winner of six I-AA      of the top seven), as is the Gatejvay
     reasons the defending champs are ranked first heading into 2002.                                                       Grizzlies marched to the I-AA title game        national championships, rounds out the          Football Conference.
Wednesday, August 14, 2002 — Page 7

  History seems stacked
  against Bobby Johnson
 Former Furman                                   at Georgia Tech. Getting his Com-           the quarterback. Walker may have the
                                                 modores to keep their hair cut neatly       edge. He rushed for two touchdowns
 coach not given                                 and attend class may be easier than         against Florida last year but is 2-of-7
                                                 giving hope to fans.                        for 48 yards in his career.
 much of chance to                                   The Commodores have won four                Vandy also needs a new starting
.succeedat Vandy                                 Southeastern Conference victories           running back with Lew Thomas and
                                                 in five years and none during last          Rodney Williams gone. Norval McK-
                                                 season's 2-9 record.                        enzie and Ronald Hatcher played well
 G-A News Service
                                                     "You can only go so fast," John-        last spring, and new fullback Matthew
        NASHVILLE, Term.-- He is                 son said.                                  Tant has a chance at playing when
 , Yanderbilt's fourth head coach since              The only way to improve Van-           Vandy needs only one back.
    1990, and he inherits a program try-        derbilt is through recruiting, ancT              Fixing the defense is imperative,                                                                        Furman Media Relations
    ing to avoid a 20th consecutive losing      Johnson's staff did what they could         and Johnson will go with a 4-3 ap-         ROCKY ROAD AHEAD? Former Furman head coach Bobby Johnson isn't expected to pull
 ' record in 2002.                               last January. They had a class of 20       proach. The unit that led the SEC          Vanderbilt out of the SEC East cellar, despite his past success with the Paladins.
        Bobby Johnson isn't shying away         led by wide receiver Erik Davis.            in recent years slumped to 111th
   from that possibility.                            Compare that to Tennessee, which       nationally, giving up 489.2 yards per
         "The thing you can't do is just say,   hasn' t had to worry about a new coach      game in 2001.
  ''God, all these people are so good.          saving recruits since 1977 when John-            Cornerback Rushen Jones (broken
   This is the SEC. We just got to try to
   be little old Vanderbilt and just be as
   good as we can,'" he said.
                                                ny Majors was coming offa national
                                                title at Pittsburgh.
                                                     "You just can't say because we're
                                                                                            hand) and safeties Justin Giboney (leg)
                                                                                            and Jonathan Shaub (shoulder) are
                                                                                            back and healthy.
                                                                                                                                           HEALTH SERVICES
        "That's the worst thing you can do,     working harder and practicing harder,            Punter Joe Webb is gone, leaving                       Quality * Caring * Convenient
   the worst way you can go about it."          we have more discipline and we're           Johnson without a punter on the roster
    _. A South Carolina native, Johnson,        more accountable that that's going          who has kicked in college. He hopes                 
- 52, knew what to expect when he left          to make up the gap right away,"             someone like walk-on Matt Weiss or
   Furman with a 60-36 record in eight          Johnson said.                               freshman Greg Johnson will earn
   seasons.                                          Johnson has to replace a three-year    the job.
        Vanderbilt chancellor Gordon
   Gee convinced Johnson he wants
                                                starter in quarterback Greg Zolman,
                                                now in the NFL, and linebackers Antu-
                                                                                                 Still, this wasn't the season for
                                                                                            Vanderbilt to play 12 games.
                                                                                                                                                      Appointments Encouraged
   to win and will support the program
   accordingly. Gee, whose resume
                                                ian Bradford and Nate Morrow.
                                                     Fourteen starters are back led by
                                                                                                 That team ended up being Geor-
                                                                                            gia Tech in a schedule already loaded                          Call 681-5484
   iricludes stops at Colorado, West            senior wide receiver Dan Strieker,          with SEC opponents including Ten-
   Virginia and Ohio State, has been on         who was third in the SEC and 18th           nessee, Alabama, Auburn, Georgia
   the job two years.                           in the nation averaging 90.4 yards          and Florida.
                                                                                                                                         Health Services was awarded the prestigious 1999 Georgia Southern University
        "I wouldn't have come here if it        receiving per game. M.J. Garrett                Not even the home opener Sept.           President's Staff Team Award for Excellence in Service to Students.
'Wasn't going to be like that," John-           also is healthy after dislocating his       7 against Furman, the I-AA national
   son said.                                    shoulder in 2001.                           runner-up under Johnson last season,         Location: The Health Center is on Forest Drive across from Watson Hall and
•"'• Vanderbilt opened a new foot-                  Johnson plans a two-back look           looks easy.                                  near the Lakeside Cafe.
   ball-only weight room last winter,           for an offense that was 62nd in the              "The good thing about playing
   arid the Commodores have new                 nation last year averaging 3 74.7 yards     a tough schedule, you have an op-
   practice fields.                             per game.                                   portunity to do something special,"
                                                                                                                                         Operating Hours:        8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.. Monday thru Friday during
      < Johnson is preaching patience and           Either redshirt junior Benj i Walker    Johnson said.                                semesters.
   discipline before the Aug. 31 opener         or redshirt freshman Jay Cutler will be         Or keep counting.
                                                                                                                                         Eligibility: Students enrolled in four (4) or more semester hours prepay the
  J'Ville State looks to make run on                                                                                                     health fee each semester. This entitles those students to unlimited office visits
                                                                                                                                         during the semester. Students taking less than four (4) semester hours may
' Southland Conf. behind Rogers                                                                                                          choose to prepay the health fee to receive the same benefits.

                                                ready ranks in the top five in school       knee injury that required surgery.           A valid Georgia Southern identification card is required for service.
 G-A News Service
                                                history in career passing and total              The defense has only two senior
     JACKSONVILLE, Ala.- Ten                    offense.                                    starters, lineman Jermaine Hoyt and
 years ago, Jacksonville State cel-                 "I think when you talk about win-       defensive back Markee Coleman,
                                                                                                                                        Supplemental Costs: Although the health fee allows students unlimited visits
 ebrated its exit from Division II with         ning championships, you have to have        from a unit that allowed 401 yards          throughout the semester, there.are additional costs for such services as
 a national championship.                       a championship quarterback," Crowe          and nearly 28 points per game. Hoyt         prescriptions and immunizations. Payment for these services is due at the time
     Coming off a 5-6 season, the               said. "Reggie has been emerging in          had three sacks and seven tackles for       of the visit. Health Services does not file insurance claims, but will provide a
 Gamecocks might be hard-pressed                that direction and this is clearly a year   loss last season.                           detailed invoice for insurance purposes.
 to similarly punctuate their tenure            that it will be an expectation."                Coleman led the team with 73
 in the Southland Football League                   Rogers set a school record with         tackles and three interceptions.
 before departing for the Ohio Valley           1,417 yards last year and rushed for             "I think we are an emerging                                            DIRECTORY
 Conference.                                    13 touchdowns, averaging 6.7 yards          defensive football team and I think
     "I would hope that this season             per carry.                                  with those two guys, I see us making
 takes on the tone of a championship                "I think Rondy is the best running      considerable improvements from the
 hunger," said coach Jack Crowe,                back in America," Crowe said. "He           beginning of the season over what
                                                                                                                                         Appointment Office       681-5484
 whose summer was marred by a                   has the talent to take over a game.         we've done the past two seasons,"            Main Off ice 681-5641
 heated argument with his boss.                 I have coached four All-Pro run-            Crowe said.
     Athletic director Tom Seitz sus-           ning backs, and Rondy has made as               The Gamecocks lost their last five       FAX 681-0792
 pended Crowe for three weeks in July           many dominating plays as any one            games in 2001, getting outscored by
 after the two argued. The suspension           of them.                                    an aggregate 36.8 to 19.6 points after       Health Education Office 871-1732
 was overturned by the university af-               "I would buy a ticket just to see       a 4-0 start.
»ter Crowe appealed and he returned             Rondy run."                                     The Gamecocks will play their
                                                                                                                                         Allergy Injection Services    486-7782
 to work.                                           The trouble is, Rondy will run be-      first Southeastern Conference team           Respiratory Services     681-0012
  „ Jacksonville State's hopes of im-           hind three new offensive line starters      on Sept. 14 at Mississippi State.
 proving on last year's seventh-place           and a new tight end.                        They close the season at Division            Pharmacy 681-5780
 league finish (2-5) begin with quar-               Leading receiver Ralph Jenkins is       I-AA power Georgia Southern.
 terback Reggie Stancil and tailback            back after hauling in 33 catches for            Crowe calls Jacksonville State's
 Rondy Rogers.                                  759 yards and eight TDs last season         slate "the toughest schedule in the
     Stancil, a three-year starter, al-         despite missing the final game with a       country."

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