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             BACK TO SCHOOL
                                                     ISSUE NINE 2019

p01_Instructor_2019_Issue09.indd 1                            23/09/2019 11:52 am
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p02_03_Instructor_Issue09.indd 1                                                                               23/09/2019 11:55 am

                                                                                       The official monthly magazine of the
                                                                                       Driving Instructors Association

                                                                                       Driving Instructor is published monthly by DIA (Int.) Ltd
                                                                                       Copyright © DIA (Int.) Ltd 2019
                                                                                       Printed by Warners Midlands plc
                                                                                       The views contained may not be the views of the publishers.
           It’s September which means it’s the start of the new school year.           Publication of an advertisement does not imply approval for the goods or services
                                                                                       offered. Reproduction by any means, electronically or otherwise, in whole or part,
           Even a decade or two after taking my A-Levels, I still have that            of any material appearing in this magazine is forbidden without the express prior
                                                                                       permission of the publishers.
           back to school feeling. September feels like a great time for a
           fresh start with the changing of the seasons. It’s the perfect
           opportunity to learn something new, or examine your future                  Editorial and design
           goals to see what else you’d like to achieve.                               Kathy Manson | Editor
               Though most of us left the classroom years ago, Carly Brookfield
                                                                                       Adam Trimby | Design
           suggests we return, this time as teacher. Her feature on page     
           20 explains the positives of training your students in both the
           classroom and the car. Not only will it help your pupils learn, she
                                                                                       Advertising and marketing
           says, it can be a great way to supplement your income.
                                                                                       Matt Russell | Head of marketing, publishing and digital
               Lowering the speed limit to 20mph in busy urban areas is      
           designed to keep everyone safe. Many councils have installed                Sara Jardine | Advertising manager
           20mph zones, but have they made a difference to casualty rates?   
           RoSPA discusses the issue on page 25.                                       Megan Cooper | Marketing co-ordinator
               Elsewhere, Anthony Fuller takes us through the process of a
           pupil’s very first driving lesson with his handy step-by-step guide.
           Nick Heath has spotted many bumper stickers apologising for                 DIA Membership and training team
           driving at the speed limit because a black box is fitted. He looks at       Olivia Baldock-Ward | Head of membership and training
           what this says about attitudes to road safety. See pages 28-34 to find
           out more.                                                                   Tom Foster | Training co-ordinator
               Don’t forget our DIA
                                                                                       Vicky Wilson | Membership services manager
           Conference is fast approaching.                                   
           This year we’re hosting three,                                              Rebecca Walker | Membership and e-commerce executive
           in Bristol, Nottingham and                                        

           the DVSA training centre at
           Cardington. We want it to be                                                Diamond membership and training team
           as easy as possible for you all to                                          Karen Bransgrove | Diamond chief examiner
           attend. See page 37 for all the                                   

           details of the November events                                              Chloe Denny | Diamond co-ordinator
           and information about the CPD
           workshops on offer.
                                                    Kathy Manson                       Carly Brookfield | Chief executive
                                                                                       Dean Mayer | Chair

                                       DIA GROUP

                                                                                       DRIVING INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION

                                                                                       020 8686 8010 | |
                                     DIA SPONSORS                                      11 Gleneagles Court, Brighton Road, Crawley RH10 6AD



                                                                  Driving Instructor

p02_03_Instructor_Issue09.indd 2                                                                                                                                 23/09/2019 11:55 am
               ADI                                              GUEST
       06 NEWS                                           16 COMMENT
                                                                                                                SLOWLY IMPROVING

      App to record driving tests, only 2% of illegal    Jim Milton reveals an anecdote that he
                                                                                                          25 SAFETY
                                                                                                         RoSPA looks at the thinking behind lowering
      instructor complaints result in conviction, test   shares when trying to persuade riders of        the speed limit to 20mph and whether previous
      centre closures and more.                          the merits of post-test training.               schemes have proved effective.

               BUSINESS                                         KING’S                                          FIRST
       15      HELPDESK                                  18     COMMENT                                  28     IMPRESSIONS
      Keith Halstead tells us that an investigation      Edmund King OBE gives us the results of a       Anthony Fuller, ADI, fleet trainer and
      into your tax affairs by HMRC can be onerous,      recent AA survey and wonders how many of us     Diamond examiner, explains what you need to
      and takes us through the process.                  really know what goes on under the bonnet.      cover in a learner’s initial driving lesson.

               CHIEF EXECUTIVE                                                                                  BOX
       16 REPORT                                          20
                                                                 BACK TO THE
                                                                 CLASSROOM                               33 CLEVER
      Carly Brookfield believes a problem shared         Carly Brookfield talks about how getting        Nick Heath discusses black boxes and what
      is a problem halved so urges our members to        out of the car for lessons can supplement and   they can show about attitudes towards safe
      pick up the phone if they have any issues.         improve the training experience for pupils.     driving.


       37                          #@!
                                                                                            YOU CA
                                                                                             DO IT N

      04                                                               Driving Instructor

p04_05_Instructor_Issue09.indd 1                                                                                                                 23/09/2019 11:57 am
MONTH                                           FINAL
            37 LEARN AND
               DEVELOP                                     48 IN NEWS                                       70 WORD
           Olivia Baldock-Ward gives us the lowdown        M1 safety week success, Halifax home to          Reading practical test centre is due for
           on what to expect at this year’s three DIA      Britain’s worst drivers, problems with popular   closure next year and local instructors are
           conferences in November.                        cars and more.                                   concerned.

                    TRAIN THE                                      DIAMOND
            41      BRAIN                                  51      COMMENT
                                                                                                            Follow us
           Kev and Tracey Field from Confident Drivers     Chloe Denny gives us her top tips for
           look at coaching questions to help conquer      driving safely in the changeable autumn         
           motorway lesson nerves.                         weather.

                                                                   WHAT IS A
                                                           52 SMART MOTORWAY?
            42      THE CROWD

           James Whalen discusses how some traffic         Auto Express tells us that less than half of
           violations can be explained by the psychology   drivers are aware of where to pull over safely            drivinginstruction
           of group behaviour.                             when driving on a smart motorway.


            42                                                                       47 driving

                                                                          Driving Instructor                                                              05

p04_05_Instructor_Issue09.indd 2                                                                                                                 23/09/2019 11:57 am
The largest driver trainer news resource

      App to record driving tests
      DVSA is developing an app to                     Examiners will conduct the test         from examiners. It has also held small
      electronically record driving tests.        in exactly the same way as with the          trial sessions with potential candidates.
          The new app prepopulates candidate      current paper form but will record it            To begin with, the app will only be
      and test information automatically from     electronically on the app.                   used on car driving tests. DVSA will
      the booking and allows an overview of            Capturing test results electronically   deliver a small number of tests, taking on
      the previous test to be easily completed.   will remove the need for almost two          board any feedback from the examiners
          It    provides    examiners      with   million test forms to be scanned each        and candidates, before increasing its use.
      immediate access to their testing           year and speed up notification of the            Over time, the app will be rolled out
      schedule and highlights any specific        result to DVLA, cutting the time taken       to all other test categories, including ADI
      needs the candidate might have. This        for successful candidates to receive their   tests.
      will better prepare the examiner before     full driving licence.                            DVSA will be providing more details
      meeting the candidate, to know how to            DVSA says the prototype version of      at our conferences in November. Visit
      help them.                                  the app has received positive feedback       page 37 for more information.

      06                                                       Driving Instructor

p06_13_Instructor_2019_Issue09.indd 1                                                                                               23/09/2019 11:59 am
Only 2% of illegal
          instructor complaints
          resulted in conviction
          Just 2% of complaints made about illegal driving instructors
          have resulted in a conviction over the last five years.
              The data, obtained by Hippo Leasing via a freedom of
          information request to DVSA, reveals 961 complaints about
          unqualified instructors taking payment for lessons since 2014,
          with only 18 convictions.
              The data reveals not a single prosecution was made for
          illegal driving instructors in the 2014/15 financial year, despite
          DVSA receiving 125 complaints from members of the public.
              DVSA says that multiple complaints may have been about
          the same instructor, and there is no indication whether the
          complaints this data relates to were valid.                              fraud and bring offenders to justice. Obtaining co-operation
              Since the 2018/19 financial year, DVSA decided to make               and witness statements is a vital part of the evidence required
          prosecutions for these offences itself, rather than rely on police       to prevent illegal driving instructors from operating. Therefore
          and the Crown Prosecution Service.                                       DVSA encourages individuals to come forward and work with
              DVSA said: “We have stringent measures in place to detect            our investigators.”

           Demand for Blue Badge                                                                     Change of
           spaces grows                                                                              address for DVSA
           There is an estimated 30 Blue Badge holders for every council-owned
                                                                                                     expense claims
           disabled parking space.
               Currently over two million people own a Blue Badge in Great Britain.                  The address to which candidates send their
           However, with the scheme now being extended to people with hidden                         out-of-pocket expense applications has
           disabilities, Blue Badge spaces are going to be in even higher demand.                    changed.
               Despite this, 74% of councils don’t have any current plans to create
           more parking spaces, research from has found.                                The new address is:
               Amanda Stretton, motoring editor at, said: “Clearly                      DVSA
           more parking for Blue Badge holders is needed – 30 drivers to one space                   PO Box 349
           is quite a challenge. It’s no wonder some of these drivers have had to park               Newcastle-upon-Tyne
           elsewhere. And the number of people competing for spaces is only going                    NE12 2GN
           to grow as more people can apply for a Blue Badge now.
               “Drivers who misuse these spaces are making the problem even worse.                   Any applications sent to the old address will
           They should be more respectful and leave them free for those who need                     not be processed.
           them.”                                                                                        The address for applications for a cancelled
      also conducted a survey of 2,000 UK drivers, which                       theory test is not changing.
           found that 48% of people believe that allowing drivers with hidden                            Your candidates are able to apply for a
           disabilities to claim a Blue Badge is a positive move.                                    refund of out-of-pocket expenses if their
               However, 30% think that councils should be creating more spaces to                    theory test or driving test is cancelled at short
           compensate, while 25% of respondents who currently have a Blue Badge,                     notice.
           or drive someone who has, are worried that they won’t be able to find a                       ‘Short notice’ means less than three clear
           disabled space because of the increase in the number of people eligible                   working days’ notice. Working days do not
           for the scheme.                                                                           include Sundays and public holidays.

                                                                       Driving Instructor                                                           07

p06_13_Instructor_2019_Issue09.indd 2                                                                                                       23/09/2019 11:59 am
Increase in drink drive
      The Department for Transport’s latest statistics show that
      there has been an estimated increase in the number of people
      killed in crashes where one driver was over the drink drive limit.
          The DfT reached a final central estimate of 250, up from
      230 in 2016, an increase of 9% and the highest level since 2009.
          However the number of total crashes involving a drink
      driver is estimated to have fallen by 6% to 5,700, down from
      6,070 in 2016.
          The new figures come after road safety charity Brake
      revealed that more than 5,000 drivers have been caught drink
      driving on two or more occasions in the past four years. The
      figures from DVLA, obtained via a freedom of information
      request, showed that in the past four years, there have been
      5,181 repeat drink-drive offenders, including 4,879 who were
      caught twice, 275 drivers who were caught three times and one
      driver who was caught six times in the same period.
          Drivers who are caught driving, or attempting to drive, while

                                                                                 Stop drivers using
      above the legal limit or unfit through drink, face an unlimited
      fine, between three and 11 points on their licence, a driving ban
      of at least one year, and six months in prison.
          Joshua Harris from Brake said: “Driving over the alcohol
      limit can have devastating consequences, and it is troubling to            hands-free mobiles,
                                                                                 say MPs
      see such levels of repeat offending. What is worse is that many
      of these drivers shouldn’t have been on the roads to offend
      again, if the full extent of the law had been used.
          “Technology also has a role to play in tackling the menace
      of drink driving. The use of alcohol interlocks must seriously             A ban on drivers using hands-free mobile phones should be
      be considered to prevent convicted drink-drive offenders from              considered, a report published by the Commons Transport Select
      getting behind the wheel over the limit.”                                  Committee has said.
                                                                                     Current laws only ban the use of devices being held by drivers.
                                                                                 This gives the “misleading impression” that hands-free use is safe
                                                                                 despite it creating “the same risks of a collision”, according to the
                                                                                     It recommended that the government should explore options
                                                                                 for extending the current ban on hand-held mobiles and publish a
                                                                                 public consultation on the issue by the end of 2019.
                                                                                     In 2017, there were 773 casualties on Britain’s roads – including
                                                                                 43 deaths and 135 serious injuries – in crashes where a driver using
                                                                                 a mobile was a contributory factor.
                                                                                     The committee said the number of people killed or seriously
                                                                                 injured in such accidents has risen steadily since 2011 but the rate
                                                                                 of enforcement of the law regarding phone use has plunged by
                                                                                 more than two-thirds since the same year.
                                                                                     Since March 2017, motorists caught using a hand-held phone
                                                                                 have faced incurring six points on their licence and a £200 fine –
                                                                                 up from the previous penalty of three points and £100.
                                                                                     The MPs urged the government to consider whether penalties
                                                                                 should be increased further “to better reflect the serious risks
                                                                                 created by drivers committing this offence”.
                                                                                     Labour MP Lilian Greenwood, who chairs the committee, said:
                                                                                 “There is a misleading impression that hands-free use is safe. The
                                                                                 reality is that any use of a phone distracts from a driver’s ability to
                                                                                 pay full attention and the government should consider extending
                                                                                 the ban to reflect this.”

      08                                                           Driving Instructor

p06_13_Instructor_2019_Issue09.indd 3                                                                                                             23/09/2019 11:59 am
          Bournemouth test centre will                                                    Calls to stop Reading test
          not reopen                                                                      centre closure
          DVSA has announced the Bournemouth test centre is to                            Reading practical test centre is due to close in May 2020.
          permanently close.                                                                  Local instructors are concerned as Reading is one of the
             The Gillam Road centre has been closed since February                        busiest test centres in the UK, with more than 10 tests an hour
          due to a flooding problem but driving instructors in the area                   undertaken. Students generally have to wait eight to 10 weeks
          believed it would reopen. However this is not the case and                      for a test in Reading. The waiting list is currently much longer
          learner drivers will have to travel to Poole, Southampton,                      due to concerns regarding the closure.
          Salisbury or Dorchester to take their tests.                                        A petition has been started to stop the
             DVSA said: “Following a detailed independent survey, we’ve                   closure. If you wish to add your support, visit
          taken the difficult decision to not re-open the test centre as a      
          result of the prohibitive repair costs.                                             There is no official information available at the moment
             “Candidates should continue to book tests at Poole driving                   regarding an alternative test centre if Reading closes.
          test centre. Traffic congestion in Bournemouth means that by                        For more information on this, see final word on page 70.
          moving tests to Poole we will be able to better test candidates
          on all parts of the new test, helping make Dorset roads even
             “To meet demand for testing, we’ll be refurbishing and
          extending the test centre building in Poole.”
             Local instructors are unhappy about the closure                             New locations for Salisbury
          and have started a petition which can be found here:

                                                                                         and Sutton Coldfield theory
                                                                                         test centres
                                                                                         The location of the Salisbury theory test centre is to change in
          Hayes driving test centre                                                      October.
                                                                                             The last day of testing at the current site at 39 Brown Street,
          closure                                                                        Salisbury, will be Monday 24 September. Testing will start at
                                                                                         the new site on Tuesday 1 October and bookings can now be
                                                                                         made at the new site.
          Hayes driving test centre is closing and relocating to Yeading
          driving test centre.                                                           The address of the new theory test site is:
              The last day of testing at the current test centre in Rigby                Suite 104, Ground Floor,
          Lane will be 25 October 2019.                                                  Warner House
              Yeading driving test centre will be open for testing on                    123 Castle Street
          4 November 2019 and tests are available to book.                               Salisbury SP1 3TB

          Test centre details                                                            Sutton Coldfield theory test centre will change location in
          Cygnet Way                                                                     November.
          Willow Tree Lane                                                                   The last day of testing at the current site at Four Oaks
          Yeading                                                                        House, 160 Lichfield Road, Sutton Coldfield will be Saturday
          Greater London UB4 9BS                                                         16 November. Testing will start at the new site on Monday
                                                                                         25 November and bookings can now be made at the new site.

                                                                                         The address of the new theory test site is:
               If you have any information about test centres                            31-33 Birmingham Road
                                                                                         Sutton Coldfield B72 1QE
               or want to let us know what you think about
                                                                                         Candidates will be informed of the new addresses in their email
               closures, email
                                                                                         confirmation of their test booking.

                                                                         Driving Instructor                                                               09

p06_13_Instructor_2019_Issue09.indd 4                                                                                                             23/09/2019 11:59 am
M6 drivers save time after upgrade
      Peak-time drivers on the M6 are now travelling up to 15 miles            collisions along the route has fallen by around 30%. There were
      per hour faster than before the motorway was upgraded earlier            97 incidents reported from April to June 2015 compared to 68
      this year.                                                               incidents during the same three months this year – an average
          Highways England says drivers travelling towards Crewe               of 10 fewer collisions every month.
      after 9am and leaving the office after 6pm are seeing the biggest             Overall, safety has improved by over 25% on England’s
      improvement to their journeys – saving more than eight minutes           ‘all-lane running’ sections of motorway where electronic signs
      along the 19-mile route every day.                                       display red Xs and variable speed limits to close lanes and
          Commuters working nine-to-five near Manchester are also              control the flow of traffic, and emergency areas provide a safer
      spending over 30 minutes less time on the road each week. They           place to stop. See page 52 for more on smart motorways.
      are now able to travel at an average speed of 66 miles per hour on            Highways England completed the £255 million project to
      their way home from work – 15 miles per hour faster than before          upgrade the M6 between Crewe and Knutsford in March 2019.
      work started on the upgrade.                                                  A fourth lane has been introduced in each direction and a
          Drivers travelling southbound previously faced average               total of 258 electronic signs, 104 traffic sensors and 70 CCTV
      speeds of 50 miles per hour between midday and 1pm. They                 cameras are helping to tackle congestion and improve journey
      are now able to travel 14 miles per hour faster, saving almost           times for around 120,000 drivers every day.
      six minutes along the route and cutting journey times by over                 Construction work is currently taking place on a similar
      a quarter.                                                               upgrade of the M62 near Warrington, and preliminary work is
          Initial statistics from the first three months following the         also due to start later this year on the stretch of the M62 over the
      M6 smart motorway’s completion also show that the number of              Pennines which links the North West to Yorkshire.

      10                                                          Driving Instructor

p06_13_Instructor_2019_Issue09.indd 5                                                                                                        23/09/2019 11:59 am
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                                                                                              Driving Instructor           11

p06_13_Instructor_2019_Issue09.indd 6                                                                              23/09/2019 11:59 am
Concerns over smart motorway safety
      THE AA has uncovered a report, first published in 2016, that claims          were predicted to reduce safety risk compared to conventional
      smart motorways could be 216% more dangerous for drivers who                 motorways and evidence states:
      have broken down.                                                               ■■ The figure is an estimate made before the schemes were
           The report differs from information given to the Transport                     built and relates to one specific hazard relating to the risk
      Select Committee in 2016 who were told that Stopped Vehicle                         associated with stopping in a live lane when there is little
      Detection Systems (SVDS) would be rolled out across all sections                    traffic.
      of smart motorways.                                                             ■■ This is one of over 140 hazards that exist on a motorway
           SVDS is only in place on a few parts of the road network, with                 when driving. Others include driving too fast, driver fatigue
      some not due to be completed until 2022.                                            and the risks associated with hard shoulders.
           SVDS warns Highways England of any danger, enabling it to                  ■■ Many of these hazards are reduced by the introduction of
      turn on the lane closure signs.                                                     smart motorways, but Highways England has always said
           The AA has learned that of the stretches of motorway that do                   the risk around stopping in a live lane increases, but this
      have the SVDS fitted, it’s sometimes taking too long to activate the                represents less than 5% of the overall risk of driving on a
      safety measures in place.                                                           smart motorway.
           Edmund King, president of the AA, said: “Taking three minutes              ■■ This same analysis showed that overall there would be
      to set the red-X (the sign on the gantry that closes lanes and advises              around an 18% reduction in risk – this has been shown
      of stopped vehicles) is too long for someone in a broken-down                       in practice with a reduced casualty rate with completed
      vehicle to wait. Expecting someone to wait in a dangerous and                       schemes of 28%.
      life-threatening position for 20 minutes is simply inexcusable.”
           Highways England responded with a statement. Chief highway
      engineer Mike Wilson said: “Motorways in this country are among              Drivers avoid hard shoulder
      the very safest roads in the world. Highways England would never
      carry out a major improvement scheme without being confident                 Over half of UK drivers wrongly avoid driving on the hard shoulder
      that we would maintain or enhance this position.                             of smart motorways, new research has revealed.
           “Evidence indicates that smart motorways are helping to                     According to a survey, 56% of motorists avoid using the lane –
      improve safety. The first nine of the latest generation of smart             even when signs indicate they should do so.
      motorways have reduced casualty rates by more than 25%.                          This research shows, many motorists still don’t understand the
           “Smart motorways are good for drivers, adding vital extra lanes         rules of ‘all-land running’ smart motorways. The poll, by KwikFit,
      to some of our busiest motorways and making journeys safer and               found high levels of confusion among drivers, with less than a third
      more reliable.”                                                              able to correctly identify which smart motorway sign indicated an
           Highways England also said that smart motorways are reducing            open hard shoulder.
      casualty rates. It also claims that more than a hundred people                   A fifth (20%) of motorists said they have no idea when a hard
      are killed or injured on the hard shoulder every year, and people            shoulder is in use as a driving lane, while 13% wrongly claim you
      stopping on them unnecessarily is an issue.                                  should never use a hard shoulder – even on a smart motorway.
           Smart motorways have emergency areas a maximum of 1.5                       15% of drivers believe a blank sign indicates an open hard
      miles apart – around 75 seconds of driving. They have emergency              shoulder – when it actually means it’s closed to traffic.
      telephones and are wider than hard shoulders to enable drivers to                Four people have been killed on the M1 in just 10 months after
      get further away from traffic.                                               being hit by vehicles while on the hard shoulder – prompting one
           Highways England says that the information that smart                   of the victim’s widows to sue Highways England for corporate
      motorways increase risk by 216% is incorrect – smart motorways               manslaughter.

      12                                                              Driving Instructor

p06_13_Instructor_2019_Issue09.indd 7                                                                                                            23/09/2019 11:59 am
Government doubles
          funding for on-street
          electric car charging
          The government has announced an additional £2.5 million to
          fund the installation of over 1,000 new electric car chargepoints.
              The funding will support the on-street residential
          chargepoint scheme, launched in 2017, which helps people
          access charging infrastructure near their homes when they
          don’t have off-street parking. It will go towards helping local
          authorities to install these chargepoints, which can be built
          into existing structures like lampposts.
              The scheme aims to encourage more people to choose an
                                                                                        NI Road Safety Award
          electric vehicle by making it easier to charge their cars near
          home, following a 158% increase in battery electric vehicle
          sales compared to July last year.
                                                                                        for driving instructors
              Transport secretary Grant Shapps said: “It’s fantastic                    Do you know any driving instructors who should be recognised
          that there are now more than 20,000 publicly accessible                       for their road safety work? Entries are now being sought for the
          chargepoints and double the number of electric vehicle                        Northern Ireland Road Safety Awards 2019.
          chargepoints than petrol stations, but we want to do much                         The awards, now in their fifth year, are organised by Road
          more.                                                                         Safe NI Charity and there is a total of 10 categories on offer. These
              “It’s vital that electric vehicle drivers feel confident                  include schools, emergency services, voluntary, public and private
          about the availability of chargepoints near their homes, and                  sectors as well as a dedicated driving instructor prize
          that charging an electric car is seen as easy as plugging in a                    Pat Martin MBE Chairperson of Road Safe NI Charity said:
          smartphone.                                                                   “We’ve had a great response to the Awards over the last four
              “That’s why we are now doubling the funding available                     years and we now look forward to emulating that with our 2019
          for local authorities to continue building the infrastructure                 nominees. It is vitally important that we properly recognise the
          we need to super-charge the zero emission revolution – right                  hard work and commitment that goes into helping keep our roads
          across the country.”                                                          safe.”
              The allocation of funding for on-street residential                           The closing date for entries is Thursday 31 October. Visit
          chargepoints is part of the £1.5 billion investment underpinned     
          by the Road to Zero Strategy.                                                     The awards ceremony takes place at Cultra Manor on Friday
              As part of this, the government is also investing                         22 November as part of Road Safety Week.
          £37m into British engineering to develop electric chargepoint
          infrastructure that could rapidly expand the UK chargepoint
          network for people without off-street parking and put the UK
          on the map as the best place in the world to own an electric

                                                                                        Ford Fiesta top of the
              Innovations to receive investment include underground
          charging systems, solar powered charging forecourts and
          wireless charging projects. Much like current mobile phone
          technology, wireless charging could mean an end to needing
          to plug in your electric vehicle.
                                                                                        pops again
                                                                                        The Ford Fiesta is the UK’s bestselling car of the year so far.

                                                                                        New car registration figures show that the Fiesta is once again
                                                                                        the most popular car, with 43,379 registered. Ford has the car in
                                                                                        second place as well; the Focus has 32,149 registrations.

                                                                                        Rounding off the top ten are:
                                                                                        3 Volkswagen Golf – 31,385 registrations
                                                                                        4 Vauxhall Corsa – 29,876 registrations
                                                                                        5 Nissan Qashqai – 29,215 registrations
                                                                                        6 Range Rover – 27,043 registrations
                                                                                        7 Volkswagen Polo – 23,691 registrations
                                                                                        8 Mercedes-Benz A-Class – 21,863 registrations
                                                                                        9 Ford Kuga – 20,483 registrations
                                                                                        10 Volkswagen Tiguan – 20,285 registrations

                                                                           Driving Instructor                                                               13

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                      n investigation by HMRC is every small                                        If HMRC launches an investigation into you or
                      business owner and sole trader’s worst                                     your business, there’s a broad range of records and
                      nightmare. Along with the enormous             ABOUT THE                   documents it might check. HMRC will contact you or
                      stress, it can take up a great deal of time    WRITER                      your accountant in advance to set out the evidence it
          and, in the worst case scenario, you could end up                                      wants to see or information it’s collecting.
                                                                     Keith Halstead MA
          with a heavy tax bill.
                                                                     (Oxon) FCA has been a
              It’s important to be aware of what might trigger
                                                                     partner in the chartered
          an HMRC investigation. It might be one or more of          accountancy profession          “NOT ALL ENQUIRIES
          the following factors:                                     for more than 20 years.          BY HMRC ARE THE
               Ä     HMRC receives a tip off that you are
                                                                     He is responsible for
                                                                     a wide range of owner
                                                                                                    SAME, AND THE TYPE OF
                     defrauding the Revenue                          managed businesses,           INVESTIGATION YOU WILL
               Ä     Your returns show unprofitability for
                     multiple years
                                                                     including driving               BE SUBJECT TO WILL
                                                                     instructors. He currently
               Ä     Your returns regularly include mistakes         heads up the DIA Tax                 DEPEND ON
               Ä     There are large fluctuations in your reported   Service for members.              ITS SUSPICIONS”
               Ä     Your figures look dramatically out of kilter
                     with the normal position for a business in                                      Occasionally HMRC might indicate that it wants
                     your industry                                                               to visit your home or other business premises. It can’t
               Ä     You don’t have an accountant. It’s been                                     legally force you to attend, but doing so willingly is
                     suggested that HMRC is less likely to                                       generally seen as a sign of co-operation and may have
                     investigate those who have an accountant to                                 an impact on the outcome of the investigation. You’re
                     prepare their returns.                                                      entitled to have an advisor such as your accountant
               Not all enquiries by HMRC are the same, and the                                       HMRC must tell you what it wants to discuss in
          type of investigation you may be subject to will                                       advance of a visit.
          depend on its suspicions or concerns. There are two                                        Once the investigation finishes, HMRC will write
          main types of HMRC enquiry:                                                            to you to explain the outcome.
               Full enquiries: These may take place when HMRC                                        If it finds something wrong on your returns but
          believes there is a high risk of errors on your returns.                               doesn’t believe the errors were made fraudulently or
          If you’re subject to a full enquiry, the Revenue will                                  negligently, it’ll tell you how it thinks the return
          look through all of your business records and,                                         needs to be corrected. You have 30 days to make the
          potentially, your personal records.                                                    correction.
               Aspect enquiries: An aspect enquiry happens                                           If HMRC believes that you have acted with
          when HMRC is concerned about one or more specific                                      negligence or fraudulently, you’ll be made to pay
          elements of your finances.                                                             penalties, extra tax, and interest. You’ll normally be
               This type of enquiry is much more common in                                       required to sign a contract pledging to do so, in
          the case of genuine mistakes, as opposed to wilful tax                                 exchange for HMRC waiving its rights to prosecute.
          evasion.                                                                                   The main message is, avoid being investigated

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                        e’ve noted an increase in calls to our                                   always endeavour to offer advice and support, we can
                        helpdesk of late. Some of our members                                    struggle to help with scant notice.
                        are facing quite thorny issues. We can      ABOUT THE                         We have cases where members have also panicked
                        offer advice directly on a lot of topics,   WRITER                       or lashed out due to the stress (or perceived injustice)
     we can even help solve some problems in a single               Carly has over 18 years
                                                                                                 of an issue, taken matters into their own hands and
     phone call. We can go away and do some research                experience in senior         made a situation even more challenging. It is always
     when we’re not so sure, so we make sure we give you            management helping to        prudent to seek some support in how best to tackle a
     the latest and most in-depth answers to queries or             develop and promote          problem before just wading in.
     challenges you may have. And, when we exhaust all              both private and public           We also have members who have engaged legal
                                                                    sector bodies including
     those avenues and we reach the limits of our own                                            advice at great expense when we could have offered a
                                                                    professional membership
     expertise (because we want you to have the right               and industry bodies in the   free initial consultation as part of their membership, or
     advice from suitably qualified and regulated people),          medical, education and       even been able to provide full representation under the
     we can also pass you onto other expert advisors.               financial services arena.    public liability or professional indemnity policy.
          Our team has a pretty comprehensive span of               She is also an experienced        The bottom line? Call us as soon as you realise you
                                                                    campaigner and lobbyist
     knowledge across a number of training and business                                          need some help and we’ll do our damndest to help you.
                                                                    on road safety issues and
     related issues, indeed we have personnel qualified in          member of the DfT’s Road          We understand that situations are stressful,
     many areas of business and driver education who work           Safety Delivery Group and    feelings run high and that when you have a sense
     with us full time to provide that helpdesk function.           a board member of the        of injustice, you can also have anger. We get ADIs
          The one piece of advice (which is common to               research and knowledge       swearing at us the moment we pick up the phone (not
     all issues) I’d give upfront to all members is that –          hub The Road Safety          because of something we’ve done but because they’re
     whatever the issue, however bad it is – the earlier you                                     mad as heck!), we get shouting and we get people who
     speak to someone who can offer you advice, or refer                                         just won’t listen to advice at all – or respect there are
     you to a point of advice, the better.                                                       simply some things at which we cannot wave a magic
          Some issues get worse when a) they’re ignored                                          wand. But still the team tries to help.
     or left too long (because people are scared/nervous/                                             When listening helps, and is all we can do, then
     just don’t know what to do) or b) you try and have a                                        we’ll spend as long as you need, just listening. The
     go at resolving it yourself, with no advice. From the                                       team here is incredibly passionate and caring (but not
     moment you even suspect you have an issue, giving the                                       afraid to give some tough love at times when needed)
     helpdesk a call or email helps us help you better.                                          and spend hours sometimes just talking things over
          We sometimes have members call us when they                                            with a member who clearly needs someone to talk
     have a matter of days before a transport tribunal or                                        to. So remember the sooner you call us, the sooner a
     interview with Fraud and Integrity, and whilst we                                           problem is shared and hopefully, halved

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          JIM MILTON
          DON’T KNOW IT ALL

                        couple of years ago I decided to sell my                                     you go under the railway bridge.
                        wares (advanced riding courses). I was at a                                      Me: “So you didn’t take the road surface conditions
                        biking event that supports a local hospital       ABOUT THE                  into account?”
                        that provides respite care for veterans. I felt   WRITER                         Him: “Well it was raining heavily”.
          it was certainly a worthy cause as the fee for my stall                                        I then suggested that perhaps he didn’t take the
                                                                          Jim Milton is a car and
          was being donated to the hospital.                              motorcycle trainer, and
                                                                                                     weather conditions into account.
              I’d had a few enquiries before a couple of new              Diamond examiner.              Him: “What is it with you?”
          riders had a chat with me. One in particular asked why                                         Me: “What is it with me? Well… it wasn’t me that
          should he give me his hard earned cash for a bespoke                                       came off my bike under the bridge at Crianlarich!”
          riding course as he “could do all that stuff ”. “I mean,”                                      Luckily the biker told me that no one was hurt,
          he said, “I’ve already passed my test, and they just don’t                                 and there was no damage to the truck and very little
          give it away you know!” I gave them a lot of my time                                       damage to his bike, as his speed was low at the time
          and information regarding the content of the course,                                       of the incident. However the whole event was entirely
          and suggested to him the virtues of further training in                                    preventable.
          general, and he left.
              Some time later he and his friend returned for                                               “HE COULD NOT
          further discussion, one reminding the other that he
          came off his bike. “Remember, after we passed the test                                       RECOGNISE HIS LACK OF
          we went on a run to Oban. You came off under the                                             SKILLS AS A NEW RIDER”
          bridge at Crianlarich,” he said.
              The other then felt he had to explain. He told me that                                      I’m sure the tanker driver didn’t find that part
          he came off his bike as it slid under the front bumper of                                  of his day very enjoyable. After he assisted the bloke
          a petrol tanker below the bridge. “But no one was hurt                                     with the removal of his bike from under his vehicle.
          and it didn’t hit the tanker,” he said. The signage at that                                It seemed he had quite a few choice words with him.
          location is clear and easily seen, on the approach to the                                  The biker’s bravado and his attitude while telling me
          bridge. The conversation went as follows:                                                  what happened, perhaps explains some of his actions.
              Me: “Didn’t you see the sign saying oncoming                                           He could not or would not recognise his lack of skills
          vehicles in the middle of the road?”                                                       as a new rider.
              Him: “Yes, but it wasn’t my fault. I was braking, but                                       This is a short but true anecdote. I’ve passed it on
          I came off because the ‘shellgrip’ was loose.”                                             to many pre-test bikers and drivers but convincing
              It seems it had been recently renewed and his mate                                     drivers and riders to take up post-test training remains
          said there were small piles of the material on the left as                                 a difficult task, as I’m sure we all know too well

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                   taying safe on the roads is about more                                      Only a third (34%) of young people surveyed said
                   than just a driver’s ability and attitude                               they could fit a spare wheel compared to two in three
                   behind the wheel, although they are, of     ABOUT THE                   pensioners (66%).
                   course, vitally important.                  WRITER                          When it comes to checking the tread depth on a
          The roads we drive on and the cars we drive also                                 car’s tyres, one in three (30%) young drivers said they
                                                               Edmund King is
      play a hugely important part in keeping all road users                               couldn’t do it alone, compared to one in five older
                                                               best known for media
      safe.                                                    appearances on the          drivers (18%).
          The engineering and maintenance of roads is          subject of motoring
      managed by Government, both local and national.          and transport policy.
          But, while the engineering behind cars is down to
      the manufacturers, the basic day-to-day maintenance
                                                               He is president of the
                                                               Automobile Association
                                                                                             “ONLY A THIRD OF YOUNG
      to keep them roadworthy is a driver’s responsibility.    and a visiting professor      PEOPLE SAID THEY COULD
          So, it came as a bit of a surprise when a recent     of transport at Newcastle       FIT A SPARE WHEEL”
      AA/Populus survey showed nearly one in 20 (4%)           University
      drivers cannot even open their car’s bonnet and
      nearly one in 10 (8%) do not feel confident checking                                     Being able to check fluid levels and tyre pressures
      tyre pressures.                                                                      are basic checks that all drivers should be able to
                                                                                           perform; they help ensure drivers can maintain their
             “NEARLY ONE IN 20                                                             cars and minimise their risk of breaking down.
                                                                                               At best, breaking down is inconvenient, but at
           DRIVERS CANNOT EVEN                                                             worst it is stressful and dangerous. As a new driver,
             OPEN THEIR CAR’S                                                              the thought of breaking down can be even more
                 BONNET”                                                                   troubling than for more experienced motorists.
                                                                                           Learner drivers with the AA get a year’s Standby
          Tasks that drivers were least confident carrying                                 membership included with their lessons, which helps
      out include changing the oil and oil filter (32%                                     reduce worry about a potential breakdown.
      would feel confident doing this), checking that                                          Anything novice drivers can do to alleviate the
      power steering is working (46%), changing a wheel,                                   likelihood and stress of a breakdown should be
      checking there is a safe level of brake fluid (both                                  done. Taking the theory test and ‘Show Me Tell Me’
      62%), and changing a windscreen wiper blade (73%).                                   elements of their driving test seriously is a good place
          Given the ‘Show Me, Tell Me’ section of the                                      to start.
      driving test it was even more surprising that young                                      New drivers should also make sure they know
      people (18-24) were more likely than older drivers                                   what to do in the event of a breakdown; how to safely
      to say that they were not confident carrying out car                                 exit their vehicle, where to place a warning triangle
      maintenance checks; in every category they scored                                    and who to contact. In a vulnerable situation on the
      lower than over 65s.                                                                 roadside, a little knowledge can go a long way

      18                                                             Driving Instructor

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Driving Instructor                                     FEATURE: BACK TO THE CLASSROOM

      Back to the
      20                                Driving Instructor

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Driving Instructor                                                                           FEATURE: BACK TO THE CLASSROOM

                                        AS YOUR SCHOOL AND COLLEGE AGE PUPILS HEAD
                                        BACK TO THE CLASSROOM THIS AUTUMN, MAYBE
                                        TRAINERS SHOULD TOO. CARLY BROOKFIELD TALKS
                                        ABOUT HOW GETTING OUT OF THE CAR FOR LESSONS
                                        CAN SUPPLEMENT AND IMPROVE THE TRAINING
                                        EXPERIENCE FOR OUR PUPILS

                                                  n this day and age, driver training               ÄÄ Students able to take ownership of
                                                  can be delivered in a much wider way                 the subject matter
                                                  than simply in-car practical sessions.            ÄÄ Students develop communication
                                                  Interacting with your students more                  and teamwork skills
                                             regularly, and expanding the educational               ÄÄ Content is reinforced as students
                                             experience and exposure of your pupils                    work together and ‘teach’
                                             to driver training can really boost their                 each other. This improves
                                             learning and understanding – and                          understanding through additional
                                             ultimately their driver competency and                    discussion and explanation
                                             safety.                                                ÄÄ Content may be broken down
                                                 An increasing amount of ADIs are                      into parts. This allows students to
                                             starting to offer their pupils supplementary              tackle larger and more complex
                                             forms of learning outside the box with four               problems and assignments
                                             wheels. In this feature we’ll look at why                 than they would be able to do
                                             more trainers should consider diversifying                individually
                                             their training offering into classroom-based           ÄÄ Students can work together to pool
                                             activity, either on and offline – as we’re now            their expertise, knowledge and
                                             firmly in the age of the virtual classroom!               skills
                                                                                                    ÄÄ Students hold one another
                                                                                                       responsible and accountable
                                             WHY GET INTO THE                                       ÄÄ Teaches students to plan more
                                             CLASSROOM?                                                effectively and manage their time
                                                                                                    ÄÄ Instructors benefit by seeing
                                             Apart from the fact it gives you some                     students approach problems
                                             variety and diversity in how you train,                   in novel and unique ways. This
                                             it’s a great opportunity to extend your                   can improve the instructor’s
                                             pupil’s learning – and encourage helpful                  perspective and make their future
                                             peer group learning opportunities. And                    teaching more effective
                                             rather than being another cost of time or              ÄÄ Instructors are able to have the
                                             money to your business, it can actually be                content reinforced by giving the
                                             a profitable part of your business – costing              students ways to apply what they
                                             little to deliver but delivering lots of value to         have learned in a collaborative
                                             your pupils, and extra income to you. Let’s               setting
                                             look at some of those key benefits in a bit            ÄÄ More time to focus on content
                                             more detail.                                              that’s maybe not working in the car
                                                                                                       and use a range of teaching tools
                                             PROMOTING GROUP LEARNING                                  and approaches less easy to use by
                                             Many scholarly papers and research reports                the side of the road or on the road
                                             point to the positive impact of learning                  (such as video, roleplay etc).
                                             delivered in a peer group context. Some key
                                             benefits include:
                                                 ÄÄ Direct interaction between                   RISK MITIGATION?
                                                      students promotes active learning
                                                 ÄÄ Studying with friends is more fun            Could classroom-based learning,
                                                      than learning alone                        particularly before on-road lessons or

                                                            Driving Instructor                                                              21

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Driving Instructor                                                                                     FEATURE: BACK TO THE CLASSROOM

      any kind of in-car session where riskier         online sessions. A group where the costs        package to other ADIs for a licence fee or
      activities are being undertaken, help lower      are already being covered by the paying         one-off charge. I’m really not convinced
      the risk of learning on road? Think of it like   pupils, and therefore delivering a profit,      it’s worth paying extra for that when
      this, if you were to book a flying lesson or     can withstand a few freebies or tasters for     the majority of the content can easily be
      a session on a racetrack in a performance        potential new pupils to try you out. You can    developed from your own knowledge, the
      car, there is no way your first session would    provide this extra service to the pupils of     National Standards, for free from expert
      be operating that expensive vehicle and          other ADIs who do not offer this product,       training bodies like us or from other online
      company asset.                                   without necessarily ‘stealing’ their pupils –   road safety/driver education resources. This
           An initial classroom-based session          you’re simply offering wider access to driver   is fundamentally where some of the ‘unique’
      for learners – one-on-one or in a group          education.                                      programmes I’ve seen being delivered
      – is vital in areas such as motorsport or                                                        have already have been drawn from. It’s
      flying. These are high-risk environments,                                                        fine to pay someone else for the ease and
      so it’s important to teach learners how to       INCREASE YOUR INCOME                            convenience of the materials already being
      mitigate and manage risk before letting                                                          pulled together, but don’t be sold into
      them loose. Yet some driving instructors let     I’ve been encouraging ADIs to think outside     thinking it’s a unique product you couldn’t
      learners drive after a quick in-car briefing –   the metal box on four wheels when it            create yourself with a little time, research
      a learning environment where the student’s       comes to learning delivery for a while now.     and effort. We’ll be putting together some
      mind is already on the road and probably         I’m sometimes met with expressions of           lesson outlines and classroom resources
      not able to concentrate on what they’re          incredulity as to why on earth I’d suggest      shortly for DIA members to use for free.
      being told.                                      that. “Oh yeah, and how do I afford to do
           Classroom-based briefings before a first    that – I haven’t got a classroom and why        EQUIPMENT:
      lesson can give you and your pupil more          would I spend money on that?” or “why           This depends whether you want to go full
      time to discuss key risks, embed learning,       would I want to spend time I could be           on projector/whiteboard/video. Some
      test knowledge and find out how your pupil       delivering lessons for money, in a classroom    training venues already come with this
      will react to key situations before taking       for free?”.                                     equipment pre-installed and included in the
      to the road. They will be better prepared             Who said anything about these              costs so shop around rather than thinking
      to safely acquire new skills in new driving      additional learning opportunities being free    you have to invest and lug your equipment
      contexts and environments.                       to the user or you not both covering costs      around.
                                                       and making a profit? Pupils perceive real           Our basic training kit is a low cost
                                                       value in additional learning opportunities      laptop or tablet and an inexpensive
      EXTEND YOUR                                      and are willing to pay extra for extra time,    projector. I’ve seen mini projectors on the
      ENGAGEMENT WITH                                  skills and knowledge development.               internet, perfectly serviceable for classroom
      LEARNERS                                              Let’s consider the resources and costs     training for as little as £30! Quite frankly
                                                       for this for one second.                        a blank light coloured wall is perfectly
      Delivering more than                                                                                                  adequate on which to
      a learner would expect                                                                                                project in most situations
      from the typical driving                                                                                              so check out the venues
      instructor can become                              “PUPILS PERCEIVE                                                   locally and see what they
      your unique selling point.                                                                                            have and what could
      It will be a talking point                           REAL VALUE IN                                                    work before investing in
      among pupils, creating                                                                                                lots of equipment.
      valuable word of mouth                           ADDITIONAL LEARNING                                                      The benefit of using
      – the most powerful form                                                                                              digital tools is that
      of marketing.
                                                          OPPORTUNITIES”                                                    you can include video
          Your existing pupils                                                                                              and other interactive
      will have an opportunity                                                                                              elements in your sessions.
      to have more regular interaction with you,                                                       However, worksheets on piece of paper,
      which studies show can increase retention        ROOM HIRE                                       group work or just a stand-up routine can
      of customers. Companies, who regularly           Cost to hire a church or village hall, local    be just as interactive and very low cost.
      engage with their customers and provide          training room etc: £50-100 (could be even       There’s less margin for error too when
      more information and advice, as well as          cheaper if you’re a volume booker) per          power or programmes fail!
      other services around the core product, add      two-hour session.
      more value to the customer experience and                                                        YOUR TIME
      the customer is more likely to be retained.      TRAINING MATERIALS                              Make sure you cost your time for a true
      Engaged and happy customers are also             FREE! Develop your PowerPoint skills or         evaluation of cost to deliver. Base it on
      more likely to talk about their experiences      create simple paper handouts. You can           your hourly rate for a two-hour session and
      to other potential customers, aiding new         receive free help from DIA’s wonderful          also spread the cost at your hourly rate of
      business development.                            training team on structure and content.         the time it took you to pull the training
          It could also aid recruitment without            A word of advice, there will be some        sessions together or consider that and the
      too much cost if you encouraged your             ADIs delivering in-classrooms sessions          equipment part of the start up costs/an
      pupils’ friends to attend your classroom or      already who may be marketing their              investment.

      22                                                             Driving Instructor

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Driving Instructor                                                                                       FEATURE: BACK TO THE CLASSROOM

                Class Size              Charge								                                                            Revenue
                10 pupils               £25 per 2-hour session						                                              £250
                20 pupils               £25 per 2-hour session						                                              £500
                10 pupils               £50 per 4-hour session (aka one morning or afternoon)		                   £500
                20 pupils               £50 per session						                                                     £1000

          Factoring in the cost of a meeting room
          for each session, teaching resources,
          equipment, your time and even
          refreshments for longer sessions (get down
          a value supermarket and pick up cheap
          individual bottled water or juices and a
          few biscuits), you’d be into profit on these
          sessions quite quickly.                                   CASE STUDY
               Of course, one learning you could
          offer for free is online learning. You could              Jimmy Ho, DIA’s Driver and Rider Training Awards ‘ADI Hero’ winner
          consider the value of that as a marketing,                2016, talks about how delivering additional teaching sessions using
          engagement or retention tactic, with only                 classroom and online programmes works for him and his pupils.
          an investment of your time. Free webinar
          tools now abound – either via specific                    “We are currently the only driving school in our area to offer theory test
          webinar services such as GoToWebinar                      workshops, not only for our customers but also clients of other driving schools.
          or via social media group chat and group                  We hold these in various conference rooms, and they have grown exponentially
          video functions (think Facebook Live,                     with all attendees giving us great feedback for the interactive and fun sessions.
          Google Hangouts, Skype etc).                              We provide handouts for them to take home, theory test questions and
               Next issue we’ll delve more deeply into              discussions, and hazard perception practice on a large projector screen.
          content, curriculum, lesson plans and
          online learning. In the meantime, have a                  “We are delighted that these have helped many clients to pass their theory test,
          think about how widening your learning                    despite struggling and failing multiple times before. We believe this interactive
          offering could work for you and your pupils               and engaging environment really helps individuals who would otherwise
          or if you’re already doing this, share your               struggle to effectively learn on their own. These workshops also cover discussions
          stories, tips and advice by emailing                      on practical elements of driving in different scenarios as well as the practical
 For any help and advice               driving test.
          about developing what you deliver as a
          trainer our ADI Helpdesk is always available              “From past experience, we’ve seen learners getting theory questions correct
          to give advice and share resources                        by learning the questions and answers ‘parrot-fashion’ but do they really
                                                                    understand it? It’s a bit like telling a pupil what to do in the car. How do we
                                                                    know it has been analysed and fully understood?

                                                                    “As driver trainers, it is important to understand that everyone learns differently
                                                                    and that ADIs could and should offer other educational interactions with pupils
                                                                    other than just in-car training. We also offer monthly webinar chats for those
                                                                    who require extra help, free of charge.”

                                                                       Driving Instructor                                                                     23

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You can also read