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Did Voice of the Martyrs mishandle a Nigerian scandal?

                                              SEPTEM B ER 1, 2018

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                                                         |   September 1, 2018 • Volume 33 • Number 16

  34                                                                   40                              46

                                                                       52                              59

F E AT U R E S                                                                      DISPATCH E S
                                                                                    9 News Analysis / Human Race /
                                                                                      Quotables / Quick Takes
34 Responding to ‘the unimaginable’
       When a trusted individual sins in a way that can ruin dozens of              CU LT U R E
       young lives, Christian groups and communities need to respond                21 Movies & TV / Books /
       quickly. Here’s one case study of ongoing recovery
                                                                                       Children’s Books / Music / Q&A
40 Papered over                                                                     NO T EBOOK
       Biblical truth-telling at college newspapers can sometimes conflict
                                                                                    59 Lifestyle / Technology /
       with the way administrators want to portray the school. Here’s a
       case study of how Liberty University handled the tension last spring            Medicine

46 Equal opportunity players                                                        VOICE S
       Many U.S. homeschoolers want to participate in public school                 6 Joel Belz
       sports, but some states have resisted them                                   18 Janie B. Cheaney
                                                                                    32 Mindy Belz
52 Far away from home                                                               65 Mailbag
       A sex and financial abuse case in Nigeria raises questions of                67 Andrée Seu Peterson
       accountability for U.S. groups funding overseas ministries                   68 Marvin Olasky

ON THE COVER: Illustration by Krieg Barrie

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                                                                              E S T. 1 8 5 9
Notes from the CEO                                                                                                                     “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof;
                                                                                                                                           the world and those who dwell therein.”
                                                                                                                                                         —Psalm 24:1
                      ou may have heard in recent weeks of the impact of tariffs on
                      some newsrooms in America. Because of increased prices on

                                                                                                                                              Chief Content Officer Nick Eicher
                      newsprint paper produced in Canada, many newspapers,                                                                      Editor in Chief Marvin Olasky
                                                                                                                                                  Senior Editor Mindy Belz
                      already operating on razor-thin margins, have reduced news-
                      room headcounts. At some newspapers, layoffs have begun                                                                         Editor Timothy Lamer
                      already, and they’re blaming the tariffs.                                                                                    National Editor Jamie Dean
                                                                                                                                            Managing Editor Daniel James Devine
                          Don’t believe it.                                                                                                       Art Director David K. Freeland
                                                                                                                                           Associate Art Director Robert L. Patete
    I’m not necessarily defending these tariffs. Clearly, increased costs make it                                                           Reporters Emily Belz • Charissa Crotts
                                                                                                                                            Sophia Lee • Jim Long • Harvest Prude
harder for businesses to operate profitably. And in businesses already struggling to                                                   East Asia Bureau June Cheng • Angela Lu Fulton
                                                                                                                                                    Story Coach Susan Olasky
be sustainable, such increases can have serious consequences. But the underlying                                                                Senior Writers Janie B. Cheaney
cause of economic distress in the newspaper industry—the whole news industry—                                                                   Andrée Seu Peterson • John Piper
                                                                                                                                                Edward E. P
                                                                                                                                                          ­ lowman • Lynn Vincent
is diminishing demand for the content the industry supplies.                                                                           Correspondents Sandy Barwick • Megan Basham
                                                                                                                                          Julie Borg • Anthony Bradley • Bob Brown
    Paper costs are increasing for WORLD Magazine (and our children’s maga-                                                                      Michael Cochrane • John Dawson
                                                                                                                                              Juliana Chan Erikson • Katie Gaultney
zines) too, although not because of the tariffs. The price of the paper we use in our                                                  Charles Horton • Mary Jackson • Sharla Megilligan
                                                                                                                                           Jill Nelson • Henry Olsen • Arsenio Orteza
magazines—“coated” paper, not newsprint—is unaffected by the tariffs. For now.                                                                Jenny Lind Schmitt • Russell St. John
                                                                                                                                                   Marty VanDriel • Jae Wasson
    But with paper mills consolidating and closing, demand for coated paper                                                                         Mailbag Editor Les Sillars
                                                                                                                                               Executive Assistant June McGraw
­currently exceeds supply, leading to backlogs and likely to price increases.                                                                Editorial Assistants Kristin Chapman
                                                                                                                                                Amy Derrick • Mary Ruth Murdoch
    One other factor may add some unpredictability to paper prices in coming                                                                     Graphic Designer Rachel Beatty
                                                                                                                                                     Illustrator Krieg Barrie
 months: China-based companies now provide more than 25 percent of North                                                                 Digital Production Assistant Arla J. Eicher
 American paper production. That’s a large-enough share to allow those companies
 the power to affect the entire market, should they decide to.                                                                                        Website wng.org
                                                                                                                                              Executive Editor Mickey McLean
    I probably pay closer attention to the paper markets than most people, since                                                             Assistant Editors Kiley Crossland
                                                                                                                                                Lynde Langdon • Dan Perkins
 paper costs do figure significantly in our budgeting at WORLD. But rising costs                                                                  Reporter Onize Ohikere
 aren’t leading to layoffs here, because you have made it clear that demand for                                                        Correspondents Gaye Clark • Samantha Gobba
                                                                                                                                       Rob Holmes • Bonnie Pritchett • Julia A. Seymour
 WORLD’s content is high, and increasing. Because of your increasing support for                                                            Editorial Assistant Whitney Williams

 WORLD, you ensure an increasing supply.
                                                                                                                                                    Website wng.org/radio
                                                                                                                                           Executive Producer/Cohost Nick Eicher
                                                                                                                                                 Managing Editor J.C. Derrick
                                                                                                                                                  News Editor Leigh Jones
                                                                                                                                                    Cohost Mary Reichard
                                                                                                                                            Reporters Kent Covington • Jim Henry
                                                                                                                                                     Sarah Schweinsberg
                                                                                                                                         Correspondents Paul Butler • Mary Coleman
                                                                   Kevin Martin                                                          Laura Finch • George Grant • Kim Henderson
                                                                                                                                                 Cal Thomas • Emily Whitten
                                                                   kevin@wng.org                                                       Producers Johnny Franklin • Carl Peetz (technical)
                                                                                                                                                      Kristen Flavin (field)
                                                                                                                                         Listening In Warren Cole Smith • Rich Roszel

            CONTACT US: 800.951.6397 / WNG.ORG                                                                                              Chief Executive Officer Kevin Martin
                                                                                                                                                     Founder Joel Belz
                                                                                                                                       Development Pierson Gerritsen • Debra Meissner
                                    Follow us on Twitter: @WORLD_mag                                                                           Andrew Belz • Sandy Barwick
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      TO BECOME A WORLD MEMBER, GIVE A GIFT MEMBERSHIP, CHANGE                                                                                   John Almaguer • Kyle Crimi
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             Write WORLD, PO Box 20002, ­Asheville, NC 28802-9998                                                                                   Website worldji.com
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                                                                                                                                           Biblically objective journalism that informs,
 WORLD (ISSN 0888-157X) (USPS 763-010) is published biweekly (24 issues) for $59.95 per year by God’s World Publications,                              educates, and inspires.
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VOICE S           Joel Belz
                                                                                  controllers and President Ronald Reagan’s firm
                                                                                  response. For that story, as for hundreds in the
                                                                                  issues that followed, we sought to pursue
                                                                                  ­fascinating coverage of current events, written
                                                                                   on an age-appropriate level, and always with
                                                                                   fitting Biblical truth in mind. Soon we were

    Nose for news
                                                                                   doing five different graded editions, and
                                                                                   ­circulation soared to over 250,000 a week.
                                                                                       Two significant events followed. Parents of
    AT WORLD, WE KNOW EVEN KIDS CRAVE                                               our young readers more and more frequently
                                                                                       came back to us, saying: “We like this. We
    A GOOD NEWS SOURCE                                                                 read this with our kids. When are you going
                                                                                       to do an edition for adults?” Wisely or not,
               Do you remember the name of the                                          we listened. WORLD magazine appeared in
    R          very first daily newspaper you got
    serious about reading? Or what prompted
                                                                                        1986—a child of our children’s ministry. No,
                                                                                                        the God’s World News papers are
    that behavior in the first place?                                                                  not a junior version of WORLD.
            The people who publish newspapers                                                          WORLD is actually, and histori-
    might like to hear from you. Their ability                                                         cally, a senior version of the kids’
    to convert young readers into loyal                                                                papers! Think it through, and
    ­customers has hit hard, hard times.                                                              you’ll appreciate the difference.
            For me, it was The Des Moines Register                                                        The second significant event
     that first hooked me with a daily exposure                                                       was the advent of the internet.
     to the fascinating size, variety, and color of                                                   Arriving through the 1990s—and
     God’s great world—although it was certainly                                                     then with a vengeance through the
     my parents who taught me to think of it all                                                    2000s—digital publishing
     in that God-centered way. From the Register,                                                   ­threatened the print media
     I graduated to The Wall Street Journal. Both                                                  ­industry everywhere. Remember
     Dad and Mom read it faithfully, and I was                                                     Weekly Reader’s circulation of over
     intrigued that a newspaper with no pictures                                                  4 million? Today, Weekly Reader is
     could so unfailingly hold their interest.                                                    no longer in business, having been
            Another newspaper, though, has shaped my                                              bought by another company and
     life more permanently. It was called My Weekly                                           then closed down.
     Reader, and although it wasn’t in the same                                                      But God’s World News, in God’s
     ­journalistic league with the Register and the                                            good providence, remains very much
      Journal, its circulation (over 4 million at its                                          in business! We publish at three
      peak) easily topped both of them. My Weekly                                              ­levels: Early readers will find God’s
      Reader was distributed through schools across                                 Big WORLD a good fit, elementary students
      America, virtually free to the children and their
                                                                 Our goal is to     will enjoy WORLDkids, and young teens will
      parents. Something like 90 percent of all                  be editorially     appreciate WORLDteen. Stories vary among
      American adults remember My Weekly Reader,                 ready with         the three levels, covering progressively more
      and for almost all of them, it’s a pleasant                                   detailed topics and concepts, but not the sort of
      ­memory. World news, written for kids.                     solid world        “adult” news topics that parents or teachers
            It was exactly such a memory in 1981 that            news from a        would have to censor.
       prompted me to propose to the organization                Biblical              Of critical importance is the fact that each of
       where I was working that we create a weekly                                  the levels includes its own bimonthly print
       newspaper for Christian children. World news,             mindset.           magazine, its own interactive website, and its
       written for kids—but with an important                                       own mobile app. Our goal is to be editorially
       ­distinctive. This newspaper would come from a                               ready with solid world news from a Biblical
        Biblical perspective. We could circulate it, I                              mindset, as well as with a technological package
        suggested, through Christian schools, through                               that will challenge and involve tens of thou-
        home schools, and among other Christian                                     sands of inquiring minds.
        ­families who might be interested.                                             What’s your goal? Maybe you can think of a
            Our first edition (called It’s God’s World)                             child, a family, or even a school classroom that
         appeared as the 1981 school year opened. Our                               would benefit from your gift invested on their
         lead story highlighted the strike of the air traffic                       behalf. We will welcome your involvement. A

6   WORLD Magazine • September 1, 2018                                                                                      jbelz@wng.org
Five regional winners were
     selected based on their
     embodiment of effective
     compassion. The overall
     winner is selected by you.

         ends Sept. 8th, so

      VOTE NOW
at   wng.org/compassion
DISPATCHES                News Analysis / Human Race / Quotables / Quick Takes

         A home destroyed
         Alyson Kohl of Redding, Calif., combs
         through the remains of her home
         after it was burned out in California’s
         Carr Fire. “The joke used to be we
         were going to have an earthquake and
         California would fall into the ocean,”
         Kohl said. “Instead of an earthquake
         we’re just going to burn up.”

Manage your membership: wng.org/membership                                 September 1, 2018 • WORLD Magazine   9
D I S PA T C H E S               News Analysis

     Facing waves
     AND COWARDICE by Marvin Olasky

                    The Pacific, contrary to its name,
 R                  has violent waves, but the
     smoothest boat ride I ever had was
     crossing that ocean to Japan on a
     freighter loaded with Canadian timber.
     That’s because the ship had “bottom,”
     as 18th-century mariners would say,
     with all that wooden ballast keeping it
     steady even during high winds and
     waves. Journalists back then applied
     the same word to leaders like George
     Washington who showed steadfastness
     amid adversity.
                 Google in 2010 showed bottom
     when it pulled out of China to avoid
     complicity in the Communist
     ­government’s censorship of information
      about freedom and democracy. But
      money talks, and the goal of Google’s
      new “Dragonfly” project is apparently a
      return to China, this time as a lap dog
      for China’s dictators. On Aug. 3 Marco
      Rubio and five other U.S. senators sent
      a letter to Google CEO Sundar Pichai
      requesting Dragonfly details and
      ­asking, “What has changed since 2010
       to make Google comfortable                        represent in Washington. August              Heng; Zion          c­ hildren only toward

                                                                                                                                                    ZION CHURCH: NG HAN GUAN/AP • HENG: MARC BLAKE • ARGENTINA: NATACHA PISARENKO/AP
                                                                                                      Church in
       ­cooperating with the rigorous                    started off with Facebook discriminat-                            a ­homosexual
        ­censorship regime in China?”                    ing against an ad for Heng that honors       pro-abortion         ­identity or a gender
                 Some on the front lines in China        her parents, who survived the                protesters in         transition. The state
         showed more bottom than Google                  Communist takeover in Cambodia that          Argentina             may yank the license
         ­displays, even though the Goliath              led to the death of one-fourth of the        (clockwise            of any professional
                                                                                                      from left)
          ­company has a safe haven in Mountain          population. Facebook first said no to                              who thinks that’s not
           View, Calif. In Beijing, 34 evangelical       the photos of some victims, but the                                helpful and offers
           churches called on the Chinese                Heng campaign showed bottom by               advice based on his beliefs.
           ­government to respect the Chinese            holding firm. After five days of protest,         But Aug. 9 brought some good news:
            Constitution’s clause respecting             Facebook announced its approval of the       Don’t cry for Argentina, because mem-
            ­freedom of religious belief. The largest,   ad, since the video “contains historical     bers of its Senate displayed surprising
             Zion Church, refused a government           imagery relevant to the candidate’s          bottom as they voted 38-31 against a bill
             demand for surveillance cameras in the      story.”                                      that would have legalized abortion up
             church’s auditorium. Police have shut           It takes a lot of bottom to stand firm   to 14 weeks of pregnancy. Abortion in
             down Zion’s six satellite sites and its     against today’s LGBT+ steamroller, and       Argentina is legal in cases of rape and
             public WeChat site, which posted            few politicians seem to qualify.             health risks, but that wasn’t enough for
             ­sermons, devotionals, and church           Delaware became the 14th state—the           protesters enraged by the vote: They
              announcements.                             fifth this year—to ban any therapy that      threw firebombs and glass bottles.
                 Facebook’s office on 1 Hacker Way       offers options for minors struggling              Doctors who show bottom by
              in Menlo Park, Calif., is 170 miles from   with same-sex attraction or gender           ­refusing to do abortions are facing a
              the 16th Congressional District, which     dysphoria. Its new law says licensed          threatening campaign from their
              Republican Elizabeth Heng hopes to         professionals may propel confused             ­pro-abortion peers. Unconscionable:

10    WORLD Magazine • September 1, 2018

When Providers Deny Abortion Care, a
report of a conference in Uruguay with
participants from 22 countries,
­contended that conscientious objection
                                                 $716 billion
                                                   The amount of military funding (though 2019) in a defense bill President
 to abortion should be renamed

                                                   Donald Trump signed Aug. 13. The act boosts military pay by 2.6 percent.
 ­“dishonorable disobedience” and “a
  violation of medical ethics.” Four new
  articles in The American Journal of
  Bioethics suggest that doctors who
  won’t do abortions “avoid fulfilling
  their moral duty” because they are
  ­purportedly putting their own beliefs
   ahead of their patients’ welfare. The
   bioethicists also said religious hospitals
   that won’t do abortions “can get out of
   the hospital business.”                          The percentage of Americans in a new PRRI survey who said business
        Here’s what took no bottom: About        ­owners should be allowed to refuse to provide wedding services to same-sex
   70 news outlets said they would join               couples on religious grounds. Last year, the figure was 41 percent.
   The Boston Globe on Aug. 16 in
   ­editorializing against President Donald
    Trump’s criticism of liberal press bias.
    At a rally on Aug. 2 in Wilkes-Barre, Pa.,
    Trump had continued his attack on
    “fake news” by asking, “What ever
                                                 $289.2 million
                                                     The amount a California state jury on Aug. 10 ordered Monsanto Co.
    ­happened to the free press? What ever           to pay a man who claimed the company’s Roundup and Ranger Pro
     happened to honest reporting?”

                                                                       weedkillers caused his cancer.
        Those are good questions, but
     instead of answering them, the Globe’s
     Marjorie Pritchard wrapped herself in
     the Constitution: “An attack on the
     First Amendment is unacceptable.”
     True, but decades of propagandistic
     reporting by her newspaper and others
     has done more to undermine public
     support for the First Amendment than
     any recent White House messages. A
                                                  The number of Catholic “predator priests” from six Pennsylvania dioceses
                                                   who are alleged to have sexually abused over 1,000 boys and girls since
   VOTING FOR THE 2018 HOPE                              the 1940s, according to a Pennsylvania grand jury report.

                                                 $3.3 million
   Please go to wng.org/compassion
   and vote for ­whichever of the
   Final Five moves you the most. To
   nominate a Christian poverty-
   fighting group in your own back-               The amount earned by Chicago Airbnb hosts who rented out their homes
   yard for the 2019 competition,                during the Lollapalooza music festival in August, according to the company.
   please email Charissa Crotts

   (ccrotts@wng.org) a brief descrip-
   tion of why the ministry impresses
   you, and include its name, address,
   and website. To be eligible,
   groups must offer challenging,
   personal, and ­spiritual help, with            The amount of lunch money police say two female public school cafeteria
   funding from individuals and                       workers—sisters—pilfered from cash registers at the high school
   churches, not the government.                        and middle school in New Canaan, Conn., from 2012 to 2017.

 molasky@wng.org  @MarvinOlasky                                                              September 1, 2018 • WORLD Magazine   11
D I S PA T C H E S       Human Race

                                                             Austin and Geoghegan     Hinted                last year’s Thomas Fire,
                                                                                        Social media        which burned 281,893
                                                                                        users on the        acres in Ventura and Santa
                                                                                        popular Chinese     Barbara counties. The
                                                                                        Sina Weibo          blaze consisted of two dif-
                                                                                        microblog have      ferent fires that met around
                                                                                        begun speculat-     Clear Lake, growing for
                                                                                        ing at a possible   days and destroying 75
                                                                                        loosening of        homes. Firefighters across
                                                                                        their govern-       California struggled to con-
                                                                                        ment’s restric-     tain 16 different fires in the
                                                                                        tions on birth      middle of a hot, dry sum-
                                                                                        control after the   mer, including an Orange
                                                                                        release of this     County fire where the state
                                                                                        year’s official     ordered mass evacuations
                                                                                        zodiac stamps.      and a blaze that has already
                                                                                        The govern-         claimed eight casualties in
                                                                                        ment’s design for   Shasta County.
                                                                                        the upcoming
                                                                                        Year of the Pig     Sanctioned
                                                                                        shows a happy       The U.S. Department of the
                                                                                        pig family with     Treasury released a state-
     Murdered                              Charged                          two parents and three           ment promising sanctions
     An ISIS-inspired terrorist            Denmark has charged a            ­piglets. Bloggers have con-    for top Turkish officials
     plowed into a group of                woman for the first time          nected the picture with a      responsible for the arrest
     seven bicyclists in                   under a new law banning           similar design from two        and detainment of
     Tajikistan on July 29, killing        full-face veils. She was                         years ago, a    American Pastor Andrew
     four of them. Two of the              arrested after police                            sketch with     Brunson. Brunson, who
     four killed were Americans,           were called to a fight                           two babies in   had lived in Turkey for 20
     Jay Austin and Lauren                 between her and                                   the happy      years, was arrested in 2016

                                                                                                                                               BICYCLISTS: HANDOUT • DENMARK: MARTIN SYLVEST/AFP/GETTY IMAGES • BRUNSON: EMRE TAZEGUL/AP
     Geoghegan, both 29, who               another woman at the                              family. That   and charged with aiding
     had quit their jobs to                top of an escalator in a                          stamp was      armed terrorist organiza-
     embark on a biking tour of            Copenhagen mall. One                               released      tions and stealing govern-
     the world in July of 2017.            early report suggested                             months        ment secrets. If he is
     Friends told the media that           the fight began after one                          before the    convicted, he could face
     the couple wanted to meet             woman tried to rip off            government changed its         life in prison. The Treasury
     new people and see new                the other’s face veil. Police     infamous one-child policy      Department said in its
     places, and that they had a           charged both with violating       to permit families a sec-                statement that
     strong belief in the good-            the peace and asked the           ond child. According                        these charges
     ness of human nature.                 woman wearing a niqab to          to the BBC, many                               are not
     “People, the narrative goes,          take it off. She refused, and     of the commenta-                                backed by
     are not to be trusted.                the police fined her under        tors said they                                   sufficient
     People are bad. People are            the new law on face               would find more                                  facts to
     evil,” Austin wrote. “I don’t         coverings.                        children to be                                  ­warrant
     buy it.” He called                                                      economically                                   Turkey’s
     evil “a make-                                                           unfeasible, even if it                       treatment of
     believe concept.”                                                       was permitted.                            the pastor.
     According to a                                                                                         President Donald Trump
     friend, Austin                                                         Burned                          has frequently voiced
     had ridden a                                                           The Mendocino Complex           ­displeasure at Brunson’s
     scooter across                                                         Fire has become the big-         continued imprisonment,
     America in 2013.                                                       gest in California history,      tweeting that the pastor is
     He nicknamed                                       Veiled women        destroying over 336,000          a “great Christian” and
                                                        protest arrest
     the scooter                                                            acres across several north-      should be released
                                                          in Denmark.
     Rousseau.                                                              ern counties. It outstripped     immediately.

12    WORLD Magazine • September 1, 2018                                                                        Visit WORLD Digital: wng.org
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D I S PA T C H E S      Quotables

                                                                                              ‘I’ve been a cop
                                                                                               for 30 years.
                                                                                               I’ve never seen
                                                                                               anything like
                                            ‘Liberals                                          Taos County (N.M.) Sheriff
                                                                                               JERRY HOGREFE on rescuing

                                                                                               11 malnourished children at a
                                                                                               squalid desert compound.
                                                                                               Police arrested two men—Siraj

                                            bully me.’
                                                                                               Wahhaj and Lucas Morton—
                                                                                               and three women at the scene.

                                                                                                                                       WEST: JAMES DEVANEY/GC IMAGES • RYAN: J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/AP • CHICAGO: JOSHUA LOTT/GETTY IMAGES • COMPOUND: TAOS COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE • MOORE: HANDOUT
                                                                                               Police described the men as
                                                                                               “heavily armed and considered
                                                                                               extremist of the Muslim belief.”
                                             Rap star KANYE WEST on being
                                               told that openly supporting
                                                 President Trump would
                                                      ruin his career.

     ‘I didn’t realize.’
 House Speaker PAUL RYAN, R-Wis., on
  President Trump’s past nickname for                                                         ‘Maybe it’s time
 him: “Boy Scout.” Ryan only realized it
    was an insult after the president
                                                                                               we got in one
   announced he would stop using it,                                                           another’s
   following passage of the GOP tax                                                            business.’
        reform bill last December.                                                             Author BETH MOORE in a
                                                                                               series of tweets urging
                                                                                               Christian leaders
                                                                                               to be more

                                                ‘It’s a war                                    The tweets
                                                                                               came after

                                              zone going on                                    reports of

                                           right now. Chicago                                  Chicago mega-
                                                                                               church pastor Bill

                                              is just crazy.’                                  Hybels’ alleged sexual miscon-
                                                                                               duct over several decades. Lead
                                                                                               Pastor Heather Larson and the
                                           DONOVAN PRICE, a pastor in Chicago,                 entire elder board at Willow
                                           after 11 people were killed and 70 were             Creek Community Church have
                                               wounded over a three-day span                   said they will resign. Elder Missy
                                               during early August in the city.                Rasmussen said the elders had
                                                                                               been “reflexively protective” of

14    WORLD Magazine • September 1, 2018                                             Give the gift of clarity: wng.org/giftofclarity
D I S PA T C H E S       Quick Takes

     Browsing burglar
     A California teenage burglar’s thievery plot was spoiled when he woke up the
     owners of the home he had entered illegally. But the awakening wasn’t an
     ­accident; he reportedly woke them up to ask for the Wi-Fi network password.
      One of the homeowners told police he got out of bed after being awakened
      and pushed the young intruder down the hall and out the door. After the victim
      called police, authorities arrested the 17-year-old suspect just a block away.
      Police say two knives were missing from the home’s kitchen and that the
      intruder’s motives weren’t clearly known.

                                                                                                 Valuable pawn
                                                                                         You wouldn’t normally find a $250,000 violin at
                                                                                             LBC Boutique and Loan, a pawn shop in
                                                                                           Somerville, Mass. But in July someone sold a
                                                                                        Ferdinando Gagliano violin, handcrafted in 1759, to
                                                                                          the shop for $50. Police say the violin had been
                                                                                        stolen and that they have returned it to its owner.
                                                                                        Dylan McDermitt, manager of LBC Boutique and
                                                                                        Loan, told Boston 25 News that the store will from
                                                                                         now on require sellers of musical instruments to
                                                                                                 prove ownership by playing them.

     A nose for crime

                                                                                                                                              ILLUSTRATION: KRIEG BARRIE • SOMBRA: RAUL ARBOLEDA/AFP • MCDERMITT: HANDOUT • CARTER: LOUISE CARTER/SWNS.COM
     It’s not surprising that a veteran Colombian cop has two armed bodyguards
     and travels in a van with tinted windows, given that the police veteran has a
     bounty on her head. The surprise is that the object of all this security is a
     6-year-old German shepherd named Sombra. Colombian police say Sombra
     has sniffed out 2,000 kilos of cocaine hidden in suitcases, boats, and shipments
     of fruit and helped lead police to make 245 arrests. Her success has reportedly
     caused the Gulf Clan drug cartel to offer a reward of $7,000 to anyone who
     kills or captures the dog. Sombra’s handler, Officer Jose Rojas, says Sombra
     has both the obedient temperament and natural talent required for the job:
     “Her sense of smell is far beyond that of other dogs.”

                                                                                             No horsing around
                                                                                         You can’t walk through a drive-thru lane, but at
                                                                                        one U.K. McDonald’s, you can’t even trot through.
                                                                                           Louise Carter tried proceeding through a
                                                                                          McDonald’s drive-thru lane in Worcestershire
                                                                                        while riding her horse Oliver in July. According to
                                                                                            a social media posting made by Carter, a
                                                                                         McDonald’s employee refused to take her order
                                                                                            because she wasn’t in a car. According to
                                                                                          McDonald’s website, the company only serves
                                                                                             drive-thru customers in motor vehicles.

16    WORLD Magazine • September 1, 2018
Center-field surprise
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Some fans may have made fun of his headgear. But Chicago Cubs fan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Kyle McAleer must be happy he chose to wear a bucket on his head
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        during a baseball game at Wrigley Field on July 24. During the Cubs
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        game against the Arizona Diamondbacks, a metal pin fell out of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        center-field scoreboard and struck McAleer in the head. The plastic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        bucket afforded some protection, but McAleer, 20, still needed staples
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        in his scalp to fix the cut. Club officials say the loose pin fell when a tile
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        was being changed.

                                                                                                                                                                         Eat out or else                                     Bound for the record books
                                                                                                                                                                         Elected officials in San Francisco are mulling      The quest for a record led a 64-year-old Bulgarian man to swim 2 miles while
                                                                                                                                                                         an unusual move designed to prop up local           enclosed in a sack. Yane Petkov completed the 2.1-mile swim in Macedonia’s
                                                                                                                                                                         eateries. Supervisors Ahsha Safai and Aaron         Lake Ohrid on July 24. Along with swimming while enclosed in a sack, Petkov
                                                                                                                                                                         Peskin unveiled a measure on July 31 that           was also bound by chains on his feet and hands. The Bulgarian man originally set
                                                                                                                                                                         would ban local companies from providing food       the record for bound swimming in 2013. That record—nearly 1.3 miles—stood for
                                                                                                                                                                         to their employees. According to Safai and          just three months until an Indian man broke it. Petkov says he trained for only
                                                                                                                                                                         Peskin’s logic, corporate cafeterias like ones at   two weeks to retake his record.
                                                                                                                                                                         Twitter or Uber steal potential customers from
                                                                                                                                                                         local businesses. The law
                                                                                                                                                                         would not allow a firm to
                                                                                                                                                                         have an “industrial
                                                                                                                                                                         kitchen in your office
                                                                                                                                                                         building,” Peskin
                                                                                                                                                                         said. “People will
                                                                                                                                                                         have to go out and
                                                                                                                                                                         eat lunch with the
                                                                                                                                                                         rest of us.”

                                                                                                                                                                         Creative license
                                                                                                                                                                         An inventive Ohio bureaucrat has devised a
                                                                                                                                                                         method of convincing Clevelanders to pose
                                                                                                                                                                         properly for driver’s license photos. Beneath
                                                                                                                                                                         the camera at an Ohio Bureau of Motor
                                                                                                                                                                         Vehicles office in the Cleveland area, an
                                                                                                                                                                         employee taped a picture of former Cleveland
                                                                                                                                                                         Cavaliers star forward LeBron James in a Los
                                                                                                                                                                         Angeles uniform. James left Cleveland by sign-
                                                                                                                                                                                                           ing as a free     The Windy City way
                                                                                                                                                                                                           agent with the    Willie Wilson’s campaign strategy could be
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Los Angeles       called bold and without pretense, but it can’t be
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Lakers on July    called illegal. The Illinois State Board of Elections
                                                                                                                                                                                                           9, a move that    said Wilson, a candidate for mayor of Chicago,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           gave Cleveland    broke no rules when he handed over $300,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                           sports fans       in cash and checks to parishioners of New
                                                                                                                                                                                                           the blues.        Covenant Missionary Baptist Church on July 22.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Many driver’s     Critics accused Wilson, who is also a millionaire
                                                                                                                                                                                                           license agen-     businessman, of trying to buy the votes of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                           cies discour-     2,000 attendees. An aide to Wilson told WGN
                                                                                                                                                                                                           age people        the money came from Wilson’s charitable orga-
                                                                                                                                                                                                           from smiling      nization and called the giveaway a property tax
                                                                                                                                                                                                           when taking       relief effort. An official with the Board of Elections said the event didn’t violate
                                                                                                                                                                                                           their license     campaign laws because the money came from Wilson’s organization. Illinois Gov.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           photo.            Bruce Rauner joined Wilson at the event.

                                                                                                                                                                         Manage your membership: wng.org/membership                                                              September 1, 2018 • WORLD Magazine      17
VOICE S           Janie B. Cheaney
                                                                                      ­ nrealistic than a caricature. But an unwary or
                                                                                      inattentive viewer could easily be fooled.
                                                                                           Digital imaging technology, from CGI to
                                                                                      motion capture to human image synthesis to
                                                                                      “deep video portraiture,” is now available to any
                                                                                      tech-savvy tinkerer able to appropriate the

 In too deep?
                                                                                      lingo and software. Only last winter, so many
                                                                                      fake-but-convincing celebrity porn videos were
                                                                                      showing up on Reddit that the website had to
                                                                                      ban them. But any savvy browser can find them,
 THE MANIPULATION OF IMAGES AND VOICES                                                along with software downloads and countless
 IS MOVING OFF THE SIDELINES                                                          web forums trading tips and how-tos.
                                                                                                                        What this means
                 In the last week of 2016, I lined up at the                                                       is, anyone with
 R               box office to see Rogue One, the Star Wars
     prequel. I had not heard much about it
                                                                                                                   knowledge, pretty
                                                                                                                   good hardware, and a
     ­beforehand, so I was startled by the appearance                                                              few hundred images
      of Grand Moff Tarkin (villain of Star Wars: A                                                                of you could produce
      New Hope), played by the original actor from                                                                 a video of you saying
      1977. Peter Cushing had been dead for 22 years,                                                              whatever the engineer
      but his head was masterfully superimposed on                                                                 wants to hear. The
      the body of a live actor. The appearance of a                                                                quality would vary,
      young Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia in the last                                                             and the voice, at least
      moment of the film enhanced the creep factor,                                                                so far, would depend
      as her death on Dec. 27 was still headline news.                                                             on a talented
              Digital facial manipulation isn’t new; it                                                            ­impersonator. But
      made a notable appearance in The Crow, a 1994                                                                 voice tech is catching
      martial-arts movie featuring Brandon Lee.                                                                     up—in a few years,
      When Lee was accidentally killed during                   Digital               improved sound could match improved video
      ­filming, the remaining footage had to be shot                                  in a product that looks entirely convincing. At
       with a body double and some seat-of-the-pants            ­imaging              that point, “fake news” moves off the sidelines
       computer-generated imaging (CGI) techniques.              technology           of political theater and becomes a major player.
       Since the 1990s CGI has made massive strides in           is now                    In a speech to the Atlantic Council last July,
       ­verisimilitude, and with Rogue One we haven’t                                 Sen. Marco Rubio warned about the potential:
        seen the end of it. Reviving Carrie Fisher was           ­available           “People are doing it for fun with off-the-shelf
        impressive—and disturbing—enough, but                     to any              technology. Imagine it in the hands of a nation
        ­computer imaging is just getting started. In             tech-savvy          state.” A frightening thought indeed—but does
         fact, we’ve entered the age of “deep fakes.”                                 it really put truth at risk?
              Where technology is concerned, when it              tinkerer                 In the last volume of C.S. Lewis’ Space
         comes to deep anything I’m in deep as soon as I          able to             Trilogy (That Hideous Strength), the hapless
         step off the Wikipedia ledge. But “deep fake,” a         appropriate         protagonist is persuaded to write misleading
         product of deep learning (that is, the ability of                            editorials to advance the power-mad dreams of
         artificial intelligence to improve itself by trial       the lingo and       his corrupt organization. His protest that
         and error) is an obvious danger sign on the              software.           ­educated people will see through the ruse is
         frontier of computer science. That’s because it’s                             met with scorn: “It’s the educated reader who
         no longer on the frontier. Last spring, comedian                              can be gulled. … When did you meet a workman
         Jordan Peele released a video of Barack Obama                                 who believes the papers? He takes for granted
         warning about manipulated images of real                                      that they’re all propaganda.”
         ­people saying things they never actually said.                                   The genuine truth-seeker is rare: People
          Only it wasn’t really Obama in that video; it was                            tend to believe what they want to believe, and
          Peele imitating his voice, with the visual image                             conviction precedes evidence. Deceptive tech-
          of the president synchronized to the lip                                     nology may increase gullibility, but it’s more
          ­movements of the comedian. The voice wasn’t                                 likely to increase skepticism. That makes God’s
                                                                                                                                             LUCASFILM LTD.

           quite right, and the visual sometimes wobbled                               Word even more precious. Our safeguard is not
           toward uncanny-valley territory, where an            A CGI Princess Leia    outlawing deep fakes, but holding fast to deep
           image that’s close to real can seem more             in Rogue One           truth. A

18    WORLD Magazine • September 1, 2018                                                               jcheaney@wng.org  @jbcheaney
CULTURE       Movies & TV / Books / Children’s Books / Music / Q&A

                                   Movie                                                                                                   maps of constellations you

                                   Becoming best friends
                                                                                                                                           can use to find your way
                                                                                                                                           home. And the fearsome
                                                                                                                                           black paint smeared over
                                   ALPHA HAS STRONG ELEMENTS, BUT IT COULD HAVE                                                            faces and chests? That’s
                                                                                                                                           bison dung. Because smell-
                                   BEEN BETTER by Megan Basham                                                                             ing like bison makes it
                                                                                                                                           ­easier to hunt them.
                                         While it’s a visually          Think of the storyline as    (Jóhannes Haukur                           Not that there isn’t a
                                   R     stunning movie that’s
                                   sure to please plenty of dog
                                                                    a reverse Call of the Wild,
                                                                    providing an origin myth for
                                                                                                     Jóhannesson) teaches Keda
                                                                                                     the basics of survival.
                                                                                                                                            minor pagan element—this
                                                                                                                                            is pre-Christian Europe,
                                   lovers, you can’t help feeling   the puppy love humanity          Seeing elements other                  and it would be strange if
                                   like Alpha missed an oppor-      has enjoyed for millennia.       ­historical dramas use to up           there weren’t some refer-

                                   tunity to be great. What’s       Young Keda (Kodi Smit-            their edgy pagan cred                 ence to native beliefs. But
                                   there is good enough to pro-     McPhee) is about to embark        explained as mere expedi-             they’re presented in the
                                   vide an afternoon of family      on his first hunt with his        ency will give older view-            most restrained way possi-
                                   fun—and that alone is some-      Ice Age tribe. Like any boy,      ers a chuckle. Are tribal             ble, like vague references to
                                   thing to celebrate given it’s    he’s anxious to prove him-                      ­tattoos just           being “guided by ancestors.”
                                   one of the few non-animated      self, all the more so because                    supposed to            The more forceful theme,
                                   movies appropriate for           his father, Tau, is the chief.    Smit-
                                                                                                                     look cool and          as Tau voices it, is that “life
                                   most ages—but it could               As they progress on           McPhee         druid-y?               is for the strong” and you
                                   have been so much more.          their journey, Tau                as Keda        Nope, they’re          have to “earn” your right to

                                          mbasham@wng.org  @megbasham                                                              September 1, 2018 • WORLD Magazine       21
C U LT U R E             Movies & TV
 it. It’s clear that Tau loves           whether to eat the dog.
 his son and is trying to                Again, for many a modern
 ­prepare him for hard reali-            Western mind it would be
  ties, so the theme offers an           unthinkable, but we’re                                                                                                                 Lynskey (left)
  interesting discussion point           ­supposed to be seeing                                                                                                                   and Holland
  with children on why this is            ­Cro-Magnon wheels
  the world’s logic without                ­turning. How much more                                                                   Television

                                                                                                                                     Castle Rock
  God. And Keda’s later                     moving would it have been
  ­experience presents a                    to see Keda planning to do
   ­subtle contradiction to it.             what should have come
          When the bison hunt               naturally to him—that is,                                                                       Shawshank State         Maine hometown after
    goes awry in a jaw-dropping             killing and eating an animal                                                             R      Prison hides an
                                                                                                                                     unregistered inmate.
                                                                                                                                                                    receiving a cryptic call
                                                                                                                                                                    from someone inside
    scene, it isn’t being strong            to stay alive—until some-
    that saves Keda. It’s being             thing in the encounter                                                                        “Warden Lacy told me      Shawshank prison. Most
    merciful to an injured wolf             ­convinces him not to?                                                                   the devil was a boy, and       Castle Rock residents
                                                                                                                                     Old Dale caught him and        aren’t happy to see
    that would have happily                       But I don’t want to be
                                                                                                                                     locked him in a box.” Thus     Deaver, though, and that’s
    made him its lunch.                      too hard on Alpha. Along
                                                                                                                                     retired sheriff Alan           not because he’s an
          With zero foul language            with showing a loving                                                                   Pangborn (Scott Glenn)         African-American in the
    and no romance save that                 father-son relationship and                                                             warns Shawshank’s new          “lily-white” town: They’ve
    time-honored affection                   a strong traditional family                                                             warden, who has replaced       long suspected him in the
    between a boy and his dog,               model, it offers some truly                                                             Lacy (Terry O’Quinn),          death of his adoptive
    the only thing that makes                spectacular scenery that                                                                recently dead by suicide.      father 25 years earlier. As
    PG-13 Alpha unsuitable for               refreshingly doesn’t shield                                                                  Yes, it’s that            a preteen, Deaver disap-
    the youngest viewers is the              kids from the harsher                                                                   Shawshank: Hulu’s              peared for 11 days in the
    realistic peril a variety of             ­elements of nature. And if                                                             ­popular new series Castle     dead of winter, but
    ferocious animals pose.                   those moments where dogs                                                                Rock (rated TV-MA for         returned without a trace
    That, and the fact that the               first learn to fetch or come                                                            occasional foul language      of hypothermia. At the
    under-6 crowd might                       when called seem a little                                                               and scenes of violence)       same time, his adoptive
    ­struggle with the subtitled              too cute for reality, try                                                               borrows many of horror-       father, a local pastor and
     fictional language.                      ­tapping into your inner                                                                fiction master Stephen        Shawshank chaplain,
                                                                                                                                      King’s settings and           ­suffered a serious injury
          Unfortunately Alpha’s                10-year-old. He or she will
                                                                                                                                      ­characters. Viewers have      and died.
     failure to fully buy into the             buy every second of it. A
                                                                                                                                              taken a shining to         Yet it seems everyone
     mind frame of its setting                                                                                                                a complex mystery      in town is hiding some-
     eventually undermines it.                                                                                                                that, true to King,    thing. Each episode floats
     Keda occasionally feels too            BOX OFFICE TOP 10                                                                                 straddles the psy-     more information about
     naïve to be credible. His                 FOR THE WEEKEND OF AUG. 10-12                                                                  chological-super-      increasingly puzzling
                                                       according to Box Office Mojo
     struggle to kill animals at                                                                                                              natural fence,         characters. Realtor Molly
     the outset is intended to              CAUTIONS: Quantity of sexual (S), ­violent (V),                                                   even if it explores    Strand (Melanie Lynskey)
     explain his reaction to the            and foul-language (L) ­content on a 0-10 scale,                                                   (as of Episode 5)      has an unusual psychic
                                            with 10 high, from kids-in-mind.com
     wolf he names Alpha, but it                                                                                                              no serious world-      connection to Deaver.
                                                                                                                  S V L
     mostly just comes off as                                                                                                                 view questions.        Deaver’s adoptive mother
                                             1̀ The Meg PG-13.......................................... 1 6 4                                 Executive pro-         (Sissy Spacek) is shack-
     implausible. How could any
                                             2̀ Mission: Impossible—                                                                          ducer J.J. Abrams      ing up with Pangborn.
     child raised in a hunter                    Fallout* PG-13............................................ 1 6 5
     ­culture where killing would                                                                                                             sustains a good        And Lacy’s captive, now a
                                             3̀ Christopher Robin* PG.............. 1 2 1
      be constant be squeamish                                                                                                                riddle through         young man (Bill Skarsgård),
                                             4̀ Slender Man PG-13.............................2 6 5
                                                                                                                                              flashbacks, high-      has spent years locked
      about stabbing a boar? By              5̀ BlacKkKlansman R......................... 1 5 10
                                                                                                                                              budget visuals,        inside a bear cage in an
      the same token, Keda shifts            6̀ The Spy Who Dumped
                                                                                                                                              and a top-notch        unused wing of the prison.
      a little too easily in trying to           Me R...................................................................... 7 7 10
                                                                                                                                              cast.                      Castle Rock portrays
      turn what up to that point             7̀ Mamma Mia! Here We
                                                                                                                                                   The story         Christianity—including
                                                 Go Again* PG-13......................................4 2 1
      in human history has been a                                                                                                             revolves around        believers and Scripture—
                                             8̀ The Equalizer 2 R.............................. 1 8 7
                                                                                                                                                                                                   PATRICK HARBRON/HULU

      bloodthirsty predator into a                                                                                                            Henry Deaver           as quaint but apparently
                                             9̀ Hotel Transylvania 3:
      pet, seeming no more afraid                Summer Vacation PG..................2 4 1                                                    (André Holland), an    no match for evil. If the
      of it than a child today might        10 Ant-Man and the
                                            `                                                                                                 attorney for Texas     “boy” is the devil, then,
      be of a boisterous Yorkie.                 Wasp* PG-13................................................2 5 4                             death-row inmates      what can be done?
          He doesn’t even consider          *Reviewed by WORLD                                                                                who returns to his                —by BOB BROWN
      in the worst of his starvation

22   WORLD Magazine • September 1, 2018

                                                     Dog Days
                                                            Do we love our pets      audience is never quite
                                                     R      more than we love
                                                      people? Are canines and
                                                                                     sure if she or her dog is
                                                                                     the subject of the
                                                                                                                                                                  Victoria Chilap
                                                                                                                                                                 as Sophie Scholl
                                                      felines more important to      ­counselor’s questions
                                                      21st-century North              and advice.
                                                      Americans than fellow                Tara, a barista (played
                                                      humans, created in God’s        by Vanessa Hudgens),
                                                      image? The previews for         thinks the handsome but
                                                      Dog Days had me worried         slightly self-centered
                                                      that this would be yet          ­veterinarian across the
                                                      another movie where              road is her perfect match.
                                                      dogs and cats are por-           But her work in a dog
                                                      trayed as so much wor-           adoption center helps
                                                      thier than their masters.        her meet the less confi-
                                                          Surprise! While              dent but more caring
                                                      ­certainly awash with cute       director of the animal         Documentary

                                                                                                                      Death of a Nation
                                                       rescue dogs and frisky          shelter. Which one will
                                                       pets, Dog Days focuses          she choose?
                                                       on human friendships                A husband and wife
                                                       and relationships, with         are excited and nervous as           Al Gore did not             The 20th century’s
                                                       animals playing an impor-
                                                       tant but supporting role.
                                                                                       they bring their adopted
                                                                                       daughter home for the
                                                                                                                      R     invent the propa-
                                                                                                                      ganda film. Fake-news
                                                                                                                                                    worst villains, D’Souza
                                                                                                                                                    also alleges, took their
                                                       (Parents should note pre-       first time. A husky stray      flicks date back at least     cues from Democrats.
                                                       marital sex is implied, but     dog they bring home            to The Birth of a Nation,     For example, the Nazis
                                                       not shown, in the PG film,      helps their daughter           the 1915 racist drama         modeled their exclusion-
                                                       and several characters          become more comfort-           that conservative pundit      ary Nuremberg Laws on
                                                                                               able with her new      Dinesh D’Souza credits        southern Democrats’
                                                                                               life. But when they    with revitalizing a nearly    segregation policies. In
                                                                                               find the canine’s      kaput Ku Klux Klan.           fascism, the state tightly
                                                                                               real master, will      President Woodrow             controls industry and
                                                                                               she be willing to      Wilson, a Democrat,           commerce, and is the ulti-
                                                                                               give up her new        screened the silent pic-      mate arbiter of the rights
                                                                                               friend?                ture at the White House,      of individuals. D’Souza
                                                                                                    Overgrown         D’Souza points out in his     maintains the Democratic
                                                                                               adolescent Dax         new documentary, Death        Party and its influential
                                                                                               has few responsi-      of a Nation (rated PG-13      allies (Margaret Sanger,
                                                                                               bilities besides       for thematic material and     George Soros) have
                                                                                               showing up to his      language).                    voiced similar principles.
                                                                                               musical gigs on            As one-sided as               “How do we fight the
                                                                                               time. Now his          Michael Moore, but more       tyranny of the left?”
                                                                                               ­sister, pregnant      solemn, D’Souza aims to       D’Souza asks. Trump is
                                                                                                with twins, needs     prove the political left’s    not D’Souza’s savior.
                                                                                                him to dog-sit.       favorite labels for           Rather, D’Souza expresses
                                                      casually use the Lord’s          Finally, an opportunity        President Donald              his answer through a
                                                      name.)                           for him to do something        Trump—“fascist” and           short dramatization of
                                                         The story follows four        for someone else.              “racist”—come closer to       the life of Sophie Scholl,
                                                      sets of characters in and            Each of these scenar-      describing the political      whom the Nazis guillo-

                                                      around LA, with dogs             ios could be cliché. And       left. And always have.        tined in 1943: It was her
                                                      bringing people together,        the script does stick to       Drawing on historical         strong Christian faith that

                                                      sparking friendships, and        fairly safe ground, with       records, interviews with      guided her anti-Hitler
                                                      helping families adapt to        few twists that the audi-      academics, and material       activities.
                                                      new circumstances. TV            ence couldn’t predict.         from two of his recent            A gospel choir closes
                                                      news host Elizabeth              Yet, by focusing on            books, D’Souza explains       the film with the final
                                                      (Nina Dobrev) has                human relationships            that racism has existed at    verse of the “Battle
                                                      dumped her cheating              rather than canine, Dog        the Democratic Party’s        Hymn of the Republic”:
                                                      boyfriend, and her dog           Days is an enjoyable,          core since its founding,      “Christ … died to make
                                                      seems to be grieving             humorous, and at times,        and remains entrenched        men holy / Let us live to
                                                      along with her. She visits       genuinely moving film.         in progressive politics       make men free.”
                                                      a pet psychiatrist: The                    —by MARTY VANDRIEL   today.                                     —by BOB BROWN

                                                   See all our movie reviews at wng.org/movies                                                 September 1, 2018 • WORLD Magazine   23
C U LT U R E          Books

 Human rights
                                                                                                              he acknowledges that
                                                                                                              Aristotle “shared his con-
                                                                                                              temporaries’ expectations

 and wrongs                                                                                                   that the state should
                                                                                                              ­coercively shape the
                                                                                                               ­character of citizens.”
 THE NEED FOR MORAL INTEGRITY                                                                                   That’s one reason Tertullian
                                                                                                                (c. A.D. 155-240) was wise to
 AND BIBLICAL CLARITY by Marvin Olasky                                                                          ask, “What does Athens
                                                                                                                have to do with Jerusalem?”
        Aaron Rhodes begins               vidual rights.” For decades                                                Rhodes examines the
 R      The Debasement of
 Human Rights (Encounter,
                                          the emphasis was on
                                          ­­economics—everyone has
                                                                                                                work of Immanuel Kant
                                                                                                                (1724-1804), who “showed
 2018) with a strong sen-                 the right to a guaranteed                                             how moral and ethical
 tence: “The international                income—but recently it has                                            ­questions can be solved by
 community’s concept of                   switched to sex: The                  Furthermore, the                 reason” and wanted a
 human rights lacks intellec-             International Sexuality and       UNCRC says “no child shall           s­ociety “in which individu-
 tual and moral integrity.” He            HIV Curriculum Working            be subjected to arbitrary or         als employ reason in making
 shows that expansion of                  Group has declared that we        unlawful interference with           moral and political deci-
 “human rights” from an                   have a right to sexual            his or her privacy”—which            sions.” Rhodes shows G.W.F.
 emphasis on liberty to                   expression and the pursuit        means that parents are out-          Hegel (1770-1831) reasoning
 include government provi-                of sexual pleasure.               of-line to seek information          his way to calling human
 sion of food, housing, and                    Children’s rights are also   about a daughter’s abortion.         rights “empty abstractions”
 healthcare kills the term’s              at the forefront: Nearly 200      The United States is the only        and arguing that “true free-
 essential meaning and moral              countries have signed the         UN member that has not               dom could be realized only
 power, and even becomes                  United Nations Convention         ratified the UNCRC—which             through the state.” That
 “moral justification for                 on the Rights of the Child        means we don’t believe that          opened the door to Karl
 strong states to restrict free-          (UNCRC), which says a             government officials out-            Marx’s linking of progress to
 dom in return for security.”             child has the right to            rank parents, and we don’t           the seizure of governmental
     Rhodes traces the                    “receive and impart infor-        want American parents sent           power.
 decline of the term to the               mation and ideas of all kinds     to jail for protecting their             Much of history demon-
 Universal Declaration of                 [in] media of the child’s         kids from propaganda and             strates that two Biblical
 Human Rights following                   choice”: Governments              porn.                                teachings offer the only
 World War II. Soviet func-               should ensure that a child            Rhodes says the basis for        consistent path to human
 tionaries and American                   “has access to information        real human rights is “the            rights: Political power
 ­progressives led the way to             and material from a diversity     moral teachings of                   should never be absolute,
  a document “emphasizing                 of national and international     Jerusalem and the rational           and the sacredness of each
  collective rather than indi-            sources.”                         philosophy of Athens,” but           human soul is absolute.

      BOOKMARKS                                                             flesh.” Kuyper understood the logical outcome of belief in
                                                                            evolution: a bsolute nihilism. In From Broken Glass
      Craig Bartholomew’s Contours of the Kuyperian Tradition               (Hachette, 2018) Steve Ross tells how he survived the
      (IVP, 2017) is a scholarly introduction to the work of the            applied nihilism known as Hitler’s death camps.
      great Dutch theologian/editor/prime minister. He shows                    Jay Stringer’s Unwanted (NavPress, 2018) examines a
      how Abraham Kuyper opposed Friedrich Nietzsche by                     key childhood driver of unwanted sexual behavior: Three-
                                            emphasizing Christ:             fourths of the 3,800 sexually struggling men and women
                                            “Certainly if there is          he surveyed report having “rigid” parents and almost 90
                                            anyone who is a radical         percent say they grew up with “disengaged” parents:
                                            protest against the             Clearly, the overlap can be particularly toxic. Nearly half
                                            very idea of evolution,         reported that their mothers had confided in them frustra-
                                            it is he who came down          tions concerning their fathers. Stringer argues that those
                                            from the Father of              with porn problems need more than exhortation to cease,
                                            lights to manifest              admit, and join an accountability group. They need to
                                            ­himself as God in the          ­recognize and end generational curses. —M.O.

24   WORLD Magazine • September 1, 2018
          reviewed by John Ottinger III

                                        THE STORY PEDDLER Lindsay A. Franklin
                                        Franklin, a Christian and homeschooling mom of three, believes
                                        art that expresses truth is powerfully subversive in an age
                                        when representing truth can invite society’s ire. In this novel,
                                        protagonist Tanwen’s magical ability to weave words into glass            AFTERWORD
                                        sculptures is too unrestrained, and her personality too contrary,
                                                                                                                  David Walton’s The Genius
                                        to accept the king’s edict allowing only crown-approved stories.
                                                                                                                  Plague (Pyr, 2017) won this
                                        So when she’s labeled a criminal, she joins a band of rebels
                                                                                                                  year’s Campbell Memorial
                                        ­seeking to overthrow the king. Despite its stock characters,
                                                                                                                  Award for best science
                                         the story explores important truths in a fast-paced plot with
                                                                                                                  f­iction novel. In it, two
                                         surprising twists. This clean, light, and enjoyable read is perfect
                                                                                                                  brothers—a mycologist and
                                         for a rainy afternoon.                                                   an NSA analyst—investigate
                                                                                                                  a pandemic fungal
          RELIC Alan Dean Foster                                                                                  infection that
          Relic explores the culture shock, loneliness, and personal transfor-                                    leaves its
          mation inherent in the immigrant experience. How would the last                                         ­survivors
          human alive in the entire universe act? Wallow in despair? Seek to                                       smarter, a
          overcome the tides of fate? Or join, as a sideshow and museum                                            result that is
          piece, the peaceable alien race that fosters him? Main character                                         miraculous
          Ruslan’s philosophical musings on life in an alien culture are so                                        but dangerous.
          emotionally absorbing that readers’ hearts will ache for him. At the
                                                                                                                   In a page-turner
          same time, this well-paced story delights with bouts of action and
                                                                                                                   reminiscent of Michael
                                                                                                                   Crichton, Walton’s well-
          surprise twists. Foster’s high-concept novel is a gripping tale of
                                                                                                                   researched near-future
          serenity amid sorrow.
                                                                                                                   thriller turns the two broth-
                                                                                                                   ers into adversaries seeking
                                      TERRA NULLIUS Claire G. Coleman                                              answers to age-old moral
                                      This debut novel follows the dreary and dry experiences of an                and political questions:
                                      escaped slave, an outlaw, a free woman, a nun, and a church inves-           What is the value of free
                                      tigator barely surviving Australia’s blighted desert. At first glance,       will? Can a free society
                                      Coleman seems to be constructing straw-man arguments that                    ­balance individual rights
                                      demonize imperialist settlers and idealize primitive cultures. To             and the collective good?
                                      some extent that’s true, but a crucial revelation in Chapter 9                   In his award acceptance
                                      reveals a more nuanced treatment of the settlers. Coleman, an                 speech, Walton said,
                                      indigenous Australian, transposes her people’s history of despair,            “Science fiction can take
                                      fear, and longing into humanity’s future in an intelligent and                what it means to be human,
                                      ­provocative sci-fi tragedy.                                                  and tear it apart, and put it
                                                                                                                    back together again, and
                                                                                                                    make you see it in a new
          FRANKENSTEIN IN BAGHDAD Ahmed Saadawi
                                                                                                                    way.” The Campbell
          Set in 2005 Baghdad, this novel uses Shelley’s monster—reimagined                                         Memorial Award (not to be
          as the accidental creation of an Iraqi junk dealer—to mirror the                                          confused with the Campbell
          patchwork society of once-dead desires, beliefs, and cultures revivi-                                     Award for Best New Writer)
          fied in post-war Iraq. In a style reminiscent of Flannery O’Connor,                                       has been given by the
          this moving and shocking tragicomedy weaves together the stories                                          University of Kansas since
          of a naïve journalist, a Christian mother mourning a lost son, two                                        1973 and is named for John
          merchants in a commercial war, the monster “Whatsitsname,” and                                            W. Campbell, the former
          its creator. Farcical, fantastic, and darkly humorous, the stories                                        renowned editor of Analog

          embody the rejuvenated but insecure new Iraq. (Cautions: sex                                              Science Fiction and Fact
          and violence)                                                                                             magazine. —J.O.

          To see more book news and reviews, go to wng.org/books                                               September 1, 2018 • WORLD Magazine   25
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