Battling Mental Monsters and Finding Hope

Page created by Marshall Sherman
Battling Mental Monsters and Finding Hope
                                                        CREATIVELY AND INDEPENDENTLY PRODUCED BY THE RESIDENTS OF LAKE NONA

        AUGUST 2018
        Volume 3 | Issue 7
                                                                                 The Artist:
                                                                          Mental Monsters
                                                                          and Finding Hope
                                                                                                                on page 11

                                 CREATOR MINDSET:    BEHIND THE SCENE:     RETHINK LIFE: HOW TO TAME        NEW COLUMN!!
                                  WASTED TALENT     RESOURCES FOR TEENS          YOUR TEMPER           ASK LADY NONA: WHERE IS
IN TH IS ISSU E                          9                19                            E12                MY VILLAGE? E13
             LOCAL LEADERS, 4
                  FEATURES, 12
        HEALTH & WELLNESS, 18
                EDUCATION, 25
             FOOD & DRINKS E4
                  LIFESTYLE E6
          SPORTS & FITNESS E14
           ARTS & CULTURE E19

          Orlando, FL 32827
          6555 Sanger Rd
          Nonahood News LLC
Battling Mental Monsters and Finding Hope
                                                                                           PUBLISHER'S DESK

                                                                    I Love My Job

Rhys & Jenny Lynn
                                                                    BY R H YS LYNN
Lead Web Developer
Michael Perez                                                       I’ve said it before, but I never imag-
                                                                    ined I’d have a newspaper. What an
Editor-in-Chief                                                     interesting thing for a self-professed
Elaine Vail                                                         tech-nerd to get involved in. It’s
Lead Content Developer                                              an anachronism in some ways, but
                                                                    there’s something intangible that pro-
Nicole LaBosco                                                      vides value and drives engagement in
Multimedia Specialist                                               the people who read it. Maybe it’s the
Brielle Perez                                                       fact that it is tangible -- something
                                                                    that you can physically hold in a world
Staff Writers/Reporters                                             that is increasingly focused on the on-
                                                                                                                                 We had the opportunity to ask Deepak Chopra what he thought about Lake Nona
                                                                                                                                                             ... video coming soon!
Brittany Bhulai, Linda Carvin, Vanessa Poulson,                     line and virtual world. That’s the part
Sophia Rogers                                                       I love -- I feel like what we do has im-           I love helping to drive awareness for            There’s something about the journal-
                                                                    pact, purpose, meaning and value.                  local charities. Stories about charities         ism field that draws people who truly
Contributing Writers                                                                                                   in need of help, announcing their up-            want to be in that environment. Some
Nir Bashan, Deborah Bullen, Chris Clark, Sharon                     I love connecting with our commu-                  coming events, and covering notable              people want to grow up to be astro-
Fuentes, Rodney Gage, Dr. Deborah C. German, Dr.                    nity. My wife, Jenny, and I brought                charity groups in the area are some              nauts, firefighters, or police. Others
Richard O. Gregory, Amber Harmon, Travis Jacob,                     our family here as an investment op-               of my very favorite things that we               want to grow up and be journalists.
Katie Jasiewicz, Matt Troy Jones, Abigale Lewis,                    portunity. We had no idea we’d be                  bring to our audience. Lake Nona has             We’ve been incredibly lucky to attract
Donald Long, Debra Lowe, Gem Marie Micheo, Dr.                      pulled into such an amazing network                proven to be a very engaged, consci-             some amazing, passionate, talented
Vladimir Neychev, Daniel Pyser, Edward Rodri-                       of friends and neighbors. The fact that            entious, and giving community. We                people. From people who are still in
guez, Dr. Ledy Rojas, Jessica Scully, Valerie Sisco,                we’re able to help tell the story of this          do all we can to help spread the word            school for journalism to people who
Samia Solh, Odette Vaccaro, Aaron Vail, Chris                       community as it is built is incredibly             when help is needed and to acknowl-              have worked on major newspapers,
White, Dr. Cheryl A. Wood, Suzanne Workum                           rewarding. We plan on spending a                   edge when it has been given.                     we’ve got an amazing (and growing)
                                                                    very long time here and we want to                                                                  crew. We’re small enough that it feels
Copy Editing & Proofreading                                         do our best to help make it the most               I love helping local businesses. Wheth-
                                                                                                                                                                        like a family and the pride in their
Nicole LaBosco & Joe Henry                                          outstanding community anyone has                   er it’s something as simple as running
                                                                                                                                                                        work really shows.
                                                                    ever seen.                                         print ads that help residents discover
Layout Design                                                                                                                            local businesses, or           I love the potential. When we took
Marnie Brophy                                                                                                                            telling the story of           over Nonahood News more than a
Graphic Designer                                                                                                                         business owners in a           year ago, I had so many great ideas
                                                                                                                                         business spotlight, I          to grow and expand our content and
Emily Kucala                                                                                                                             love connecting our            reach. How ambitious (and naive) I
                                                                                                                                         audience to the great          was! The realities of running a print
                                                                                                                                         local businesses we            publication were lurking there to give
                                                                                                                                         have. I am looking             me a sobering dose of reality. With
If you have news you would like to share with                                                                                            forward to Small               the help of our team, though, we’re
your community, visit or                                                                                             Business Saturday              poised to begin the next big push.
email                                                                                                          this year, where we            We’ll be moving beyond print media
Advertising                                                                                                                              hope to provide an-            and producing even more valuable
                                                                                                                                         other great event              content to tell the stories that hap-
For rates, deadlines, and specifications, visit
                                                                                                                                         and an opportunity             pen here to our audience and beyond. or email                                                                                                                 to connect residents           Over the last year, we’ve been adding                                                                                                            with great local small         all of the ingredients we need, one at a
Nonahood News, LLC is an independent, privately owned
                                                                                                                                         businesses. It’ll be           time. We’re on the brink of something
company. All submissions become the property of Nonahood                                                                                 the Saturday after             great, and I can’t wait to see what our
News, LLC. All rights reserved. No portion of this paper may be                                                                           Thanksgiving. Save            team can produce.
reprinted without permission of publisher. All advertisements,
announcements, and articles submitted are subject to refusal                                                                              that date!
or editing at publisher’s discretion. © 2018.                      Our Nonahood News Family Portrait — Serious Journalism at Its Finest!   I love our staff.

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                                                         |                          2    | AUGUST 2018
Battling Mental Monsters and Finding Hope
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Battling Mental Monsters and Finding Hope
                                              pies are stopping the cells in their tracks.   cer cells, an effort
                                                                                             that has earned
   Med School                                 The machines, called the CELLSEARCH
                                              System, have been FDA-approved since           her the nick-
                                                                                             name of “cancer
 Can See, Count                               2004 and remain the gold standard for
                                              isolating and counting individual circu-       assassin.”
                                              lating tumor cells in blood. The College       In 2012, she dis-
 Cancer Cells in                              of Medicine is only the second research
                                              entity in Florida with the machines. A gift
                                                                                             covered a pep-
                                                                                             tide called CT20
  Blood Thanks                                from the Catherine McCaw-Engelman
                                              and Family Cancer Research Collabora-
                                                                                             that kills meta-
                                                                                             static      cancer
   To Patient’s                               tive Fund made the purchase possible. The
                                              other CELLSEARCH system is at the Mof-
                                                                                             cells. The peptide
                                                                                             disrupts chaper-
                                              fitt Cancer Center in Tampa.
     Family                                   Dr. Annette Khaled, who leads the College
                                                                                             onin, a protein
                                                                                             that prompts the
                                              of Medicine’s cancer research division,        folding mecha-
                                              recently began using the machines to test      nism inside can-
BY DR. DEBORAH C. GERMAN, M.D.                                                               cer cells. If the
                                                                                                                   Ana Carr, Ph.D., a scientist in the College of Medicine’s Cancer Research Division, works
                                              blood samples from 48 women with meta-                                                    with the college’s new CELLSEARCH equipment.
                                              static breast cancer who are being treated     inner workings
                                              at Orlando Health’s UF Cancer Center.          of the cell can’t
                                                                                                                                                         Engelman. “We now have the technology
                                              The first stage of Dr. Khaled’s research is    fold into 3D units, the cell dies.
                                                                                                                                                         to analyze cancer in that tube of blood.
                                              to isolate and count the number of circu-      Dr. Khaled’s previous studies have shown                    We couldn’t think of a better way to honor
                                              lating tumor cells in the patient’s blood to   that the higher a patient’s levels of chap-                 Beth and to give back.”
                                              evaluate the progress the cancer is making.    eronin, the sicker they are. One goal of the
                                                                                                                                                         The technology is so advanced it can de-
                                              The next step will be to study the makeup      new CELLSEARCH technology is to docu-
                                                                                                                                                         tect as few as two circulating tumor cells in
                                              of the cells and how they respond to a new     ment the levels of chaperonin in the cir-
                                                                                                                                                         one milliliter (1/5 of a teaspoon) of blood.
                                              therapy Dr. Khaled has developed through       culating cancer cells before and after the
                                                                                                                                                         Levels of five tumor cells in a sample are
                                              funding from the Breast Cancer Research        peptide treatment.
                                                                                                                                                         considered evidence of metastatic cancer.
                                                                                             Elizabeth (Beth) McCaw-McKinney’s fam-                      Detecting the number of circulating tumor
                                              “There are thousands and thousands of          ily said they were inspired to donate funds                 cells in the blood can warn doctors that a
                                              cells in a drop of blood,” Dr. Khaled ex-      for the machine after their sister died of                  patient’s cancer is spreading – before they
                                              plained. “But before technology like the       colon cancer in 2017. McCaw-McKinney                        have symptoms.
                                              CELLSEARCH system, we couldn’t see             was the family “rock,” the one who always
                                                                                                                                                         “What I want to do is get these guys,” Dr.
                                              these circulating tumor cells on their jour-   ate healthily and loved spin classes at the
                                                                                                                                                         Khaled said of the spreading cancer cells.
                                              ney through the body. Now, we can isolate      YMCA. She was the picture of health, they
                                                                                                                                                         “Thanks to this generous gift, we are one
                                              individual circulating tumor cells and cap-    said, but was terrified to get a colonoscopy.
                                                                                                                                                         step closer to stopping cancer.”
             Dr. Deborah German               ture them as they go from point a to point     She finally scheduled one but canceled the
                                              b. Once we isolate these cells, it opens the   day before the procedure. When McCaw-
On a computer screen, the enemy is a mis-     door to more study.”                           McKinney finally had a colonoscopy at age
shapen neon-colored blob – a metastatic                                                      52, doctors found Stage 4 colon cancer.
cell that’s spreading cancer to the lungs,    Physicians know that metastatic or spread-                                                                     Deborah German, M.D. is the Vice
                                                                                             They gave her three months to live. Mc-
brain and liver. Thanks to a donation from    ing cancer cells are what cause death in
                                                                                             Caw-McKinney lived three years.                                  President for Medical Affairs and
a Winter Park cancer patient’s family, UCF    most cancer patients because such cells                                                                       Founding Dean of the UCF College of
College of Medicine researchers now have      invade key organs like the brain and lungs.    Throughout her cancer battle, McCaw-                                  Medicine. To learn more,
machines that can isolate, photograph and     They can appear even years after the origi-    McKinney urged everyone she knew and                                     visit
count these cancer cells from a single tube   nal tumor has been removed through sur-        everyone she met to get a colon cancer
of blood. With the technology, scientists     gery or chemotherapy. Dr. Khaled’s spe-        screening. “From the point she received
can see if the cancer cells are spreading     cialty is breast cancer, and her goal is to    her diagnosis, Beth was all about early de-
from the original tumor and if new thera-     find ways to destroy metastatic breast can-    tection,” said her sister, Catherine McCaw-

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                                                 |                    4    | AUGUST 2018
Battling Mental Monsters and Finding Hope
• Club membership                                                                                                                                                is a distinguished Paul Harris Fellow. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Paul Harris Fellow recognition acknowl-
 Rotary Update:                                                • Attendance
                                                               • Member of our Rotary club for at least
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                edges individuals who contribute, or who
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                have contributions made in their name, of
 Jason Palinkas                                                  one full year
                                                               • Member in good standing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                $1,000 or more to The Rotary Foundation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                of Rotary International. He is an amazing
    Named                                                      • Involvement with service projects
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                father, a loving husband, a brother, a Lake
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Nona resident, an upstanding neighbor

 Rotarian of the                                               • Involvement with fundraising projects
                                                               • Additional club activities that help to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                and the founder of JP Capital.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                What is JP Capital?
 Year 2017-2018                                                  strengthen the camaraderie of the club
                                                               • Contribute to the day-to-day workings
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Founded in 2013 by Jason Palinkas, JP
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Capital Realty Inc. is Orlando’s boutique
                                                                 of the club                                                                                                                                                    real estate brokerage specializing in pro-
BY GEM MICHEO, P R E S ID E N T,                                                                                                                                                                                                viding a unique, end-to-end buying or
                                                               • Leadership and recruitment
ROTA RY CLUB O F LAK E NONA                                                                                                                                                                                                     selling experience. The magic behind the
LUNCH                                                          • Worked on a committee for the club                                                                                                                             JP Capital experience is Palinkas’ com-
                                                               • An active                leadership            role       within                                                                                               mitment to matching his clients with the
                                                                 the club                                                                                                                                                       house of their dreams and his philosophy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                that good is not good enough. Your house
                                                               • Brings visitors and/or candidates for                                                                                                                          needs to be “just perfect.” JP Capital is not
                                                                 membership to the club                                                                                                                                         just a broker, but a partner who will be by
                                                               • An active participant in the club’s an-                                                                                                                        your side guiding you through the process
                                                                 nual membership drive                                                                                                                                          from initial consultation through post-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                close and beyond.
                                                               • Participated in or helped to facilitate
                                                                 a District or RI (Rotary International)                                                                                                                        Special Rotary Thanks to               PBM
                                                                 program                                                                       Who is Jason Palinkas?                                                           Specialties and Nona Social
                                                              This annual award is designated for one                                          Jason Palinkas is an outstanding club                                            Thank you to all the amazing local compa-
                                                              Rotarian in our club who clearly stands                                          member; he has made significant contri-                                          nies that open their doors and volunteer
                                                              out by demonstrating "service above self"                                        butions to the mission and operation of our                                      services to our Rotary Club. I want to spe-
                                                              and has a principled commitment to the                                           club. Palinkas exhibits “service above self”                                     cifically thank PBM Specialties and Nona
                                                              four-way test.                                                                   in his daily activities, promotes Rotary by                                      Social for helping us host our first “Rotary
                                                                                                                                               his actions as well as his involvements and                                      Rocks Social.” PBM Specialties is a com-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                mercial sign company that does extraordi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                nary signs and custom awards. Nona So-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                cial is a local restaurant that has become
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                the preferred place to hang out while in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Lake Nona. Both have provided uncanny
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                support to our mission and for that Rotary
   Gem Micheo, President, Rotary Club of Lake                                                                                                                                                                                   thanks you.
                 Nona Lunch

Being a member of a Rotary club does not                                                                                                                                                                                        For additional information on the Rotary
make someone a Rotarian, it only makes                                                                                                                                                                                                Club of Lake Nona Lunch, visit
them a member of a specific club. A Ro-                                                                                                                                                                                  or call
tarian volunteers tirelessly to help the club                                                                                                                                                                                   (407) 720-0614. Meetings are held on the
achieve its goals, acts with high ethical                                                                                                                                                                                       second and fourth Tuesdays at 11:45 a.m.
standards and participates in the club’s                                                                                                                                                                                          at the Ronald McDonald House, 13551
community projects both locally and in-                                                                                                                                                                                           Nemours Pkwy., Orlando, FL, 32827.
The Rotary Club of Lake Nona Lunch is
proud to announce Jason Palinkas as the
Rotarian of the Year 2017-2018.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                7) 962-6888.
What does it take to be nominated
for Rotarian of the Year?
                                                                                                           Jason Palinkas, Rotarian of the Year 2017-2018

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     Tatiane Aponte | 305.804.4366                                          Peter Luu | 321.917.7864                                         Seda Gulliver | 321.506.6295                                                          Tasha Osbourne | 352.613.6613

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                                         Property information herein is derived from various sources including, but not limited to, county records and multiple listing services, and may include approximations. All information is deemed accurate.

                                                                        |                                                   5     | AUGUST 2018
Battling Mental Monsters and Finding Hope
                                               haircut, either,” says Sawyer.                        assist her team mem-
                                                                                                     bers and seeing them
   Business                                    The Sport Clips signature service is an
                                               MVP, and It includes a precision haircut,
                                                                                                     develop as people. She
                                                                                                     states, “I’ve also given
Spotlight: Sport                               the hot steamed towel wrap treatment, a
                                               tea tree shampoo massage and a neck and
                                               shoulder massage treatment, all four of
                                                                                                     that financial opportu-
                                                                                                     nity to my team mem-
 Clips Coming                                  which costs only $25 and takes just a lit-
                                               tle under 30 minutes. Sport Clips even
                                                                                                     bers, my employees.
                                                                                                     I’ve had team mem-

 Soon to Lake                                  offers a bonus for all new clients. Anyone
                                               who is walking in for the first time gets the
                                                                                                     bers buy cars, buy
                                                                                                     their own house, [and]
                                                                                                     move out on their own.
     Nona                                      MVP upgrade service at no charge, a free
                                               $5 value. That means all first-time clients
                                                                                                     Just watching them
                                                                                                     grow and mature and
                                               receive the Sport Clips signature MVP ser-
                                                                                                     having the ability to
                                               vice for the price of a regular haircut ser-
ARTICLE BY BRITTANY BHULAI                                                                           earn an income and
                                               vice. Sport Clips also offers beard detailing
PHOTOS COURTESY OF                                                                                   support      themselves
                                               and a complimentary neck trim in between
SPORT CLIPS                                                                                          is rewarding.”
                                               haircut visits.
                                                                                                     The company owns
                                               While Sport Clips features “guy-smart”
                                                                                                     nearly 1,800 stores in
                                               stylists, all clients are welcome. In fact,
                                                                                                     the U.S. and Canada.
                                               Sawyer herself is no stranger to being a cli-
                                                                                                     Nine of Sawyer’s stores are located in Rich-           To keep a tab on promotions or to
                                               ent at her own stores. “My two daughters
                                               get their hair cut there. I’ve gotten my hair
                                                                                                     mond, Va., while 11 are located in Florida.            find a store near you, visit sportclips.
                                                                                                     Her current Florida store locations in-                com. To get updates on the Lake Nona
                                               cut there many times,” she says. It is also a
                                                                                                     clude Waterford Lakes Town Center and                  location that is coming soon, visit
                                               welcoming place for children and seniors.
                                                                                                     one near University Boulevard. Sawyer         or follow the
                                               The founder, Gordon Logan, opened                     is working on three more Florida stores                Facebook page: Sport Clips Haircuts of
                                               the franchise’s first store back in 1993 in           as she continues to expand from Orlando                Orlando - Lake Nona.
                                               Austin, Texas. His mission, as stated on              to Tampa.
                                     , is to give clients a “cham-
                                               pionship haircut experience in an exciting
                                               sports-themed environment.”
                                               Sawyer says Sport Clips invests a lot of
                                               effort and dedication into their staff. She
                                               mentions that when one comes out of
                                               beauty school, there is not much training
                                               done on the barbering side. Therefore, the
                                               company spends a lot of time providing
                                               additional classes for their team members.
                                               Stylists’ skills are further sharpened in
                                               men's hairstyling and trends. “That way,
                                               they are better prepared to handle all male
                                               clients that walk in the door,” Sawyer adds.

                Debra Sawyer
                                               Sawyer has been a Sport Clips franchise
                                               owner for over 12 years now, and she does
                                               not see herself going anywhere else any-
Sport Clips Haircuts franchise owner De-       time soon. Being an absentee owner is not
bra Sawyer is opening up her 21st store        her cup of tea. She visits all of her stores in
here in Lake Nona on August 7, 2018. The       Virginia and Florida frequently. Soon, she
store will be located on Narcoossee Road       will be moving to Florida from Virginia
in front of Wal-Mart and near Firehouse        to guide the future stores and help them
Subs. Residents can expect a quality hair-     grow. She says that her “word of the year”
cut experience at a reasonable price and       for 2018 is “embrace.” She is embracing
can check in online to reduce any poten-       her work, her two daughters, and all of the
tial wait time in the store. “Most men don’t   opportunities that might come.
want to be in a salon for a whole hour or
longer, but they don’t want a five-minute      In addition to satisfied customers, Sawyer
                                               also finds a warm feeling in being able to

  Nona Growth:                                 Lagoon – and adjacent
                                               to USTA National Cam-

 Lake Nona Golf                                pus and KPMG, lot sizes
                                               will range from 70 to 85

 & Country Club                                feet wide.
                                               In May, Tavistock Devel-
                                               opment Company filed
BY SOPHIA ROGERS                               a Specific Parcel Master
                                               Plan with the City of Or-
After more than 30 years of delivering
                                               lando for this first phase of
high-quality living in Orlando, Lake Nona
                                               development on 102 acres
Golf & Country Club plans to expand with
                                               (Lot 2 within Parcel 10)
the addition of 54 estate home lots. Plans
                                               for 54 estate homes. Tavis-
are to include exclusive access to the high-
                                               tock also filed a Prelimi-
ly anticipated man-made lagoon.
                                               nary Plat for two residen-
Situated along the southern side of Lake       tial parcels and a future
Nona – between the planned 250-room            development tract within
Lake Nona Resort and its 11-acre Crystal       Lake Nona Parcel 10b.
                                                           According to         Lake Nona Resort is located along the shores of Lake Nona within the master-planned community’s growing Sports & Performance
                                                           Lake Nona Re-                   District, which is home to Johnson & Johnson, KPMG, and USTA (Credit: Tavistock Development Company).
                                                           alty marketing
                                                           materials, “Ex-                           clubhouse with an 18-room lodge, bath                     today has about 300 luxury homes.
                                                           pansion plans include the addi-           and racquet club with all-inclusive fitness
                                                           tion of luxury condominiums,              and tennis facilities, a resort-style, lake-
                                                                                                                                                                 Sophia Rogers is a six-year Lake Nona
                                                           custom homes and a lake club              side pool, and year-round children’s pro-                    area resident and Realtor/founder of
                                                           on the beaches of the crystal             gramming.”                                            A wife
                                                           lagoon. Members will enjoy                                                                            and mom of four, family, relationships
                                                                                                     Access to the private community will in-
                                                                                                                                                                and real estate are her passions. She can
                                                           not only these new amenities              clude a gated entrance off Wellspring                                    be reached at
                                                           but all the benefits club mem-            Drive, providing access on the west, and            
                                                           bers currently enjoy, including           an extension of Cromwell Road will branch
                                                           a premier championship golf               from the northeast corner into the existing
                                                           course,     40,000-square-foot            Golf and Country Club community, which

                                                  |                           6   | AUGUST 2018
Battling Mental Monsters and Finding Hope
this day. At the halfway point, the climb-      cated frequently and clearly to everyone        municate the plan, see results from the
                                                ing had already taken a huge toll on my         about the process every step of the way.        plan, and yet still go through tough times
  Fitness and                                   legs. I stopped for 10 minutes to rest at the   When we were ready to share the results,        while working the plan. Don’t get discour-
                                                checkpoint, where I grabbed my special                                                          aged and remember part one of this series,
Organizational                                  needs bag and quickly consumed a cold
                                                Mountain Dew and king-sized Snickers
                                                                                                I met with each employee individually
                                                                                                along with their director. Everyone was re-     “Keep Your Eye on the Goal,” and when
                                                                                                                                                the going gets tough, just keep going. If
 Culture, Part                                  bar (don’t judge, it worked for me!) before
                                                continuing on for the second 56 miles … of
                                                                                                ceptive and thankful for the work we did,
                                                                                                except for one person. That person sat in       you do, you will be surprised at the sup-
                                                                                                                                                port you will get coming from the people
                                                                                                my office and called me a liar and said I
  Two: When                                     long hills.                                     was not being fair and was not following        around you.
                                                That second half was tough. At mile 100,        through on what I told everyone we were         Stay tuned next month for part three
The Going Gets                                  with only 12 miles to go as I was check-
                                                ing my time and current speed, which
                                                                                                going to do. Even though I knew what he
                                                                                                was saying was not true, it was still a tough
                                                                                                                                                of this Fitness and Organizational
                                                                                                                                                Culture series.
 Tough, Keep                                    was against the wind and slightly uphill,
                                                it didn’t seem possible that I would make
                                                                                                one for me because I had been trying so
                                                                                                hard to build trust, which would provide
     Going                                      the cut-off time and I would likely be get-
                                                ting pulled from the race. The going was
                                                                                                the foundation for improving the culture.
                                                                                                The going was tough at that moment, but
                                                                                                                                                 Travis is the founder and chief culture
                                                                                                                                                consultant of Ultimate Synergy, a com-
                                                                                                I kept going. I had a great team, and we        pany based in Lake Nona that consults
                                                tough, very tough, and in that time I had
                                                                                                                                                  with organizations to help build and
BY TRAVIS JACOB                                 to just keep telling myself to keep going       all kept going. This individual tried to gain
                                                                                                                                                maintain a foundation for a strong and
                                                no matter what. I kept going, pedaling as       support from his co-workers, but because        winning culture by taking care of people
One of the best aspects of the Lake Nona        hard as I could, checking my watch and the      we stayed the course and kept going, no             and focusing on team dynamics.
community is the design and focus on            distance I had left.                            one would listen to him because they knew          Email:
personal health and fitness together with                                                       we were being fair to everyone.                 Website:
                                                Then, at just the right time, a right turn
a strong and healthy business and medi-
                                                took me downhill into town. I finished the      There is not a step-by-step process to this
cal community. When it comes to perfor-
                                                bike course with only 10 minutes to spare,      one. No magic formulas. You can have
mance and success, these factors go hand
                                                but I had finished, and now “only” had a        a great plan that focuses on building a
in hand. Personal performance is not only
                                                marathon to go. Yes, I finished the race!       great culture for your organization, com-
beneficial to your personal health, but it is
beneficial to the health of your business       Building and main-
or organization as well. This article is the    taining a winning or-
second in a four-part series on just four       ganizational culture
of the principles I have learned and teach      can be very tough at
from iron distance racing related to build-     times. Dealing with
ing and maintaining a winning culture in        issues that come
organizations.                                  along with the busi-
                                                ness can be hard
Principle Number Two: When the                  enough, but add in
Going Gets Tough, Keep Going.                   the “people” factor
In 2010, I completed the Silverman iron         and the road can get
distance triathlon in Henderson, Nev., just     really tough.
outside of Las Vegas. What made this race       I worked on a pro-
unique and also very difficult was the bike     ject at a company
course. The 112-mile course was in the          where I was put in
Mojave Desert, which has hills with long        charge of building a
climbs. All total, there was 10,000 feet of     winning culture. We
climbing. Very. Long. Climbing! I trained       were trying to build
on hills, so I was ready, but I’m still not a   trust in what was a
great climber. Consistent and steady, just      very toxic environ-
not fast.                                       ment. We were try-
With the amount of climbing, this was           ing our best to make
the toughest bike course I had ever raced       sure everyone was
on. Each stage of an iron distance triath-      treated fairly relat-
lon has a time cut-off. If you don’t make       ing to pay range for
it by the cut-off, you are pulled from the      each position. A
race and your day is over. I had never had      market study had
an issue finishing a bike course … until        been completed, and
                                                we had communi-

                                                   |                    7   | AUGUST 2018
Battling Mental Monsters and Finding Hope
Creator                                     have other skills in addi-
                                                tion to what you are an
                                                expert in.
    Mindset:                                    It is simply not good

  Wasted Talent                                 enough to be a brilliant
                                                surgeon anymore. Sure,
                                                you might have some
BY N I R BAS HAN                                incredible expertise and
                                                lengthy training and the
                                                gift of precision, but if
                                                you cannot appeal to a
                                                patient on a human level
                                                – or connect with them
                                                in a way that allows them
                                                to understand the proce-
                                                dure or predicted out-
                                                come – then your talent
                                                is wasted.
                                                Now, this might come as
                                                a shock to some folks. We
                                                are taught that the more
                 Nir Bashan                     we excel in one specific
                                                path in life, the better.
                                                We are taught this by
I have a friend who is a brilliant carpen-      colleges and universities
ter. He truly has a gift. He does high-end      across the country, yet it
wood finishing for private homes. His           is all a lie.
work is incredible. We are talking some
                                                In order to harness the                        your assumption of what makes someone
very intricate finishes that are amazing to
                                                power of the Creator Mindset, we must re-      “good” at their job.
see in person. His manipulation of wood                                                                                                         Nir Bashan is an executive creative
                                                alize that being an expert is important. But
is second to none. His use of stain makes                                                      Now, I wonder how many of us are like my
                                                equally important is a whole host of other                                                     director/managing director with over
the woodwork come alive. Woodcraft has                                                         carpenter friend? I know that from time to
                                                related skills in the journey along the way.                                                   18 years of advertising, entertainment
always come easy to him, and he had gone                                                       time I am. And how many of us are really
to school for it, becoming an expert at         My carpenter friend simply cannot main-        good at that one thing and insist that the      and business development experience.
fine woodworking. His website reads like        tain work on a regular basis because he        world accept it as it is, with no supporting     He helps teach folks in non-creative
a best hits of some of the most advanced        understands little about client service or     skills around the expertise? Like the kid
                                                the constraints of working on a schedule.      who graduates from college and shows up          fields how to think creatively to solve
woodworking you have ever seen.
                                                While his work is great, he is often doing     for an interview saying, “Hire me. I have a       problems. He leads workshops and
Yet, there is a problem here. He is unem-
                                                what he feels is best and not what the cli-    degree, therefore, I am an expert.”            lectures on topics relating to The Creator
                                                ent wants. He is rude to customers, talks
                                                                                               I think it’s a dangerous position to be in.    Mindset. He is publishing a book on The
You see, in our race to get super special-      over people, cannot tolerate mediocrity,
                                                                                               I think it’s a dangerous position for our
ized in one very specific thing, we have for-   and has no patience for late deliveries or                                                    Creator Mindset, which will be released
                                                                                               country to be in. Specializing is important.
gotten that being an expert at something        incorrect orders. His way is the only way.                                                     soon. Visit for more
                                                                                               Being an expert is critical. But without ex-
is only the beginning. In this day and age,     And his way is best.                                                                                        information.
                                                                                               perience and supporting skills – especially
it is no longer good enough to be an ex-
                                                Yet he’s often baffled as to why he is not     with an ability to connect with people –
pert at any one thing. What I mean here
                                                working because he is so good at what he       this talent is shamefully wasted.
is that, in order to earn success, you must
                                                does. But I challenge you to re-evaluate

                                                  |                    8   | AUGUST 2018
Battling Mental Monsters and Finding Hope
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Battling Mental Monsters and Finding Hope
My kids noticed the ordeal and joined my
                                                quest to help the sparrow. They opened
     Get In-                                    the front double doors of the house to see
                                                if that would attract the bird, but instead,
Powered!: From                                  it flew 18 feet to the ceiling of the family
                                                room where there were several recessed
 Attraction and                                 lights … hmmm, more shiny objects? The
                                                bird went from light to light and then in-

Distractions to                                 side the guest room.
                                                We quickly went up the stairs to the room
                                                and finally were able to catch it. We came
   Freedom                                      downstairs and out of the house. Almost
                                                ceremoniously, the bird was released …
                                                The little bird could not distinguish the
                                                difference between shiny objects and the
                    What are you at-            path to freedom. On a couple of occasions,
                    tracted to that is          the opportunity to escape was just a few
                    distracting     you         feet away, but the lure of the shiny attrac-
                    from your best              tion was so strong that, instead of pursu-
                    work, your better           ing freedom, it got deeper and further
                    self, and even your         away from it and, had it not been for an
                    freedom?                    outside influence, this sparrow would have
                                                remained hostage of its own instincts.
                    While living in New
                    York, right before          In the same way, we as humans are at-
                    sunset, I was arriving      tracted to shiny objects that distract us
                    home, opened the ga-        from becoming our best and from freeing
Edward A. Rodriguez rage, parked the car        ourselves from those things that hold us         • What is this attraction/distraction cost-         Edward A. Rodriguez is a coach, co-
                    and before closing it, I    back. Contrary to the bird, however, we of-        ing you?                                       author and transformational trainer. He
heard something. I stayed quiet and heard       ten DO see the door to freedom. We know          • What don't you have in your life right           is founder and CEO of Better Graphics
it again. All of a sudden, there it was. A      what we should be doing and we are aware           now that you would have otherwise?              (a promotional products company) and
bird. A house sparrow that somehow made         of what we should not be doing, but we al-                                                        In-Powerment! Center (an international
its way into the garage.                        low the bright light of the instant gratifica-   • How do you feel about it?                       training company for productivity and
                                                tion to blind us and to keep our true poten-     • What can you do about it?                        personal development). He is an NLP,
I started walking toward it in such a way
                                                tial hostage.                                                                                         HNLP, and neuro-strategy certified
that, if trying to escape, it would go toward                                                    • What will you start doing about it now?
the big, open garage door … but it did not.     Passing the doors of freedom requires per-                                                         trainer. He has many certifications as a
Instead, it flew toward a closed window on      sonal responsibility. It requires that you       To an extent, the bird did not have a choice      life and executive coach, serving clients
the side of the garage that faces the street    allow yourself to be comfortable being un-       … it was following its own instincts. The          in different countries. Edward has de-
through which you could still see a glimpse     comfortable while you pursue the bigger          bird could not observe or critique its own       veloped internationally known transfor-
of what was left of the daylight. The bird      light of a brighter future.                      behavior, but we are not little birds. We        mational programs and has co-authored
kept trying to fly through the glass not re-                                                     are the thinker behind our thoughts and
                                                                                                                                                    books like “La Biblia de la Motivación”
alizing that, just a few feet away, there was   What shiny objects are you attracted             the doer behind our actions.
                                                                                                                                                      (“The Bible About Motivation”) and
the path to freedom.                            to which distract you from becoming              We don't have to wait for an external force         “Empowered,” which was co-written
                                                your best self?                                  to motivate us. We don't have to wait for
Quietly, I walked toward the window to                                                                                                               with other authors such as Wayne W.
help direct the distressed sparrow to the       When I ask this question in my seminars,         illness to kick in. We don't have to wait for    Dyer, John Assaraf (from the movie The
garage door again. This time, it noticed        I receive responses such as social media,        financial difficulties. We don't have to wait    Secret), Brian Tracy, etc. For more infor-
something else that was shining … a light       sleeping late, watching TV, constant phone       for our important relationships to be bro-       mation, call 1-888-2-IN-POWER or write
bulb in the laundry room on the opposite        notifications, a new idea, the new tech          ken. We can choose now to cross the door            to
side. It flew toward it, circled it a couple    gadget that just came out, playing Candy         and embrace freedom.
of times and then flew to another shiny         Crush, etc. Your distractions may or may         How far will you allow your wings to take you?
object, the chandelier in the dining room       not be similar, but either way, consider the
past the kitchen.                               following:

    Get Traction:
     136 Issues

                 In business, we’re con-
                 stantly     bombarded
                 with issues: company
                 issues,    department
                 issues, and people is-
                 sues. When you think
                 about it, on average,
                 we’re probably dealing
                 with 136 issues every
                 single day. In order to
                 handle them quickly,
                 most leaders and man-
    Chris White  agers pick the easiest
                 ones to do first, while
ignoring the more complex or tougher
These leaders end up spending twice the
amount of time on what they thought were
going to be easy and fast issues, while
pushing the more important issues to the
corner of their desk, left ignored. The prob-
lem is, the important issues could actually
sink your company if avoided for too long.
If this sounds familiar, don’t despair, I
have the solution.
It’s called compartmentalization, and you
can sort and prioritize your issues into four   that have to be resolved this quarter. In
buckets:                                        the seven-day bucket, place the issues that
                                                                                                 Chris is a successful entrepreneur, author
1. One Year                                     have to be addressed this week. And finally,
                                                                                                  and head coach at Traction in Florida.
                                                in the parking lot bucket, place the issues
2. 90 Days                                                                                         He’s passionate about helping entre-
                                                that are on hold until next quarter.
                                                                                                  preneurs get what they want from their
3. Seven Days                                   You’ll find compartmentalizing a simple                    business. Learn more at
                                                but powerful tool to help you take control 
4. Parking Lot (long-term            issues)
                                                and stop ignoring the important issues.
   Here’s how it works:
In the one-year bucket, place the issues
that have to be addressed this year, but not
now. In the 90-day bucket, place the issues

                                                  |                     10     | AUGUST 2018
                                                          as mental disorders.                                 NHN: Which
                                                                                                               of your art-
   The Artist:                                            NHN: What inspired you to cre-
                                                          ate the Mental Disorder Monsters
                                                                                                               tures would
 Battling Mental                                          sculpture line?
                                                          NC: I was inspired to create my monsters
                                                                                                               you consider
                                                                                                               to be your fa-
                                                                                                               vorites? (Pick
  Monsters and                                            due to my interest of the human mind and
                                                          how it works, as well as the fact that I have        a top three.)

  Finding Hope                                            many people close to me that suffer from
                                                          these monsters you see. After knowing
                                                                                                               NC: It is always
                                                                                                               difficult to pick
                                                          people so long and seeing how the mind               which of my
                                                          affects them, I knew something had to                sculptures      is
                                                          be done to get these creatures more well             considered my
                                                          known. People always skip to the excuse of           favorite, though
                                                                  telling victims of mental disorders          I feel as though
                                                                  that it’s “all in their head” without        I can pick a top
                                                                  seeming to realize that being “all           three somewhat
                                                                  in their head” is the issue. With the        easier than one
                                                                  mind being the most complex or-                                           Nicolet working on the Anorexia sculpture about a year and a half ago.
                                                                                                               single piece. I
                                                                  gan in the human body, it isn't as           believe that my
                                                                  simple as putting a Band-Aid over            top three sculp-                                       NC: My goals are simply to help others
                                                                  it and calling it a day. It is some-         tures would be that of PTSD, a bull-like               and leave an impact on those who knew
                                                                  thing that must be worked with,              beast with a lion’s mane and four pure                 me. I wish to bring forth conversations
                                                                  and people need to learn this and            white eyes, Selective Mutism, a small                  that people are too worried to touch upon
                                                                  understand it.                               mouse creature with bare skin and fused                in a healthy and intriguing way so peo-
                                                                                                               lips, and last but not least, Schizophrenia.           ple do not need to feel like topics such as
                                                                    NHN: How long have you                     I would discuss him further, but he is cur-            mental health need to stay silent. Those
                                                                    been sculpting and creating                rently being worked on, and I intend on                who suffer from the monsters in their own
                                                                    art?                                       keeping this creature’s design a bit of a              mind need to know that it is perfectly fine
                                                                    NC: I have been sculpting since            mystery until the sculpture’s release.
                                                                    the age of 14, but I had made mi-          (Carson doesn’t have an expected release
Bipolar Disorder: A chameleon-themed reptile with multiple colors   nor clay projects since I was five.        date for Schizophrenia as of yet, but she is
                           on his skin.                             It had only become serious once I          about halfway done with the sculpture at
                                                                    had started high school.                   the time of this interview.)

“My hope lies in the thought that by look-                NHN: How often do you find your-                     NHN: Which of your projects were
ing at these creatures, those who struggle                self creating art?                                   the most time-consuming/challeng-
                                                                                                               ing and why?
to feel safe or at home in their own minds                NC: I do not sculpt all that often, but I do
can realize this: You are not a victim                    draw, paint and sketch at least once a day.          NC: My most time-consuming of my pro-
of a mental disorder. You are a per-                      I also create jewelry pieces in some of my           jects would have to be Paranoia. Paranoia
son with a story, a life, and battle scars                free time.                                           is a cat-like creature whose body has been
who just so happens to have a monster on                                                                       reduced to that of a spring. His body de-
their mind.”                                              NHN: Is art something you plan on                    fies gravity as it stays in this curled shape
Meet Nicolet Carson, an intuitive and driv-               studying in further education or is                  and has been broken multiple times in the
en young lady who, currently just 19 years                it just a hobby for you? What do you                 process of making him. Luckily, he has
old, had her Mental Disorder Monsters                                                                              been modified to be a bit sturdier than
sculpture line featured by the Men-                                                                                he was in the past, and we have learned
tal Health Association at its Legacy of                                                                            how to transport him properly without
Champions Luncheon, held right here in                                                                             the possibility of his back shattering.
Lake Nona. Carson was born and raised
                                                                                                                  NHN: What are some of your
in Oviedo and is wise beyond her years.
                                                                                                                  dream projects?
She spent days researching specific dis-
orders and was able to pick apart each                                                                            NC: I dream of continuing my line of            OCD: A dark brown creature with bark going down his
                                                                                                                  mental disorder monsters, as well as            spine and marionette handles hanging from his hands.
individual disorder and shape it into the
monsters in the Mental Disorder Mon-                                                                              branching out to more
sters line.                                                                                                       lessons I hope to teach
                                                                                                                  others. I have plenty
“By creating these pieces, I do not intend
                                                                                                                  of ideas and designs
to just show healthy-minded people
                                                                                                                  that I plan on bringing
what it is like to live with a disorder but
                                                              PTSD: A bull-like creature with a lion's mane.      to the light once the
also to help those who do fight to keep a
                                                                                                                  time is right.
steady mind. These physical representa-
tions of mental disorders are meant to help                                                                    NHN: What serves as
those who are ailed,” stated Carson. “By                                                                       your inspiration on a
seeing a physical representation, I hope                                                                       day-to-day basis?
to help them come to terms with knowing
what it is they are facing while also show-                                                                    NC: My inspiration
ing that it can be defeated. That no matter                                                                    comes from those who
how tough or scary it may seem, that there                                                                     surround us on a day-
is always hope.” Carson continued, “Hope                                                                       to-day basis. People are
is a common theme in this line of                                                                              my inspiration, not just
pieces. With a white space on each piece,                                                                      the ones we see on TV or
I am able to show you where it is that hope                                                                    hear on the radio, but the
lies in each of these monsters.”                                                                               ones we pass as we walk
                                                                                                               down the street, the ones             Misophonia: A dragon-like creature with scratched-out eyes.
Nonahood News set out to discover more                                                                         we see as we shop in the
about Carson and her Mental Disorder                                                                           mall, those who have a
Monsters.                                                                                                      voice but aren't always heard.                        to find help. It is not a sign of weakness
                                                                                                                                                                     but that of strength for being able to go to
NHN: What drove you to become an                                                                               NHN: Which artists would you say                      someone and help yourself and others.
artist? When did you realize creat-                                                                            you share a vision with?
ing art and sculptures were your                                                                                                                                     Those interested can connect with Carson
passions?                                                                                                      NC: I did not go into this field trying to            on Instagram @names_shouldnt_matter.
                                                                                                               share a vision with other artists, but there
NC: Ever since I was just a little kid, I have                                                                 are many artists who create art to show
                                                                                                                                                                     “You are more than your disorder and with
been creating art. Of course, the pieces I                                                                                                                           time and hard work, one day you can
                                                             Selective Mutism: A mouse-like creature with      their views and to bring light to the top-            make your mental disorder a victim
made as a kid were nothing extraordinary,                                                                      ics that they find important. It is the great-
                                                                        glowing eyes and ears.                                                                       of you. Stay strong and believe in your-
but they were the start to something far                                                                       est power that artists hold; once you are
more important in the long run. It wasn't                                                                                                                            self, do not be afraid of asking for help.
                                                                                                               known or have a following of sorts, you               These creatures are scary to fight, but you
until I was in high school that I realized                                                                     have the chance to make a difference for
                                                          want to do as a career?                                                                                    are never alone.”
I can do more than doodle in my sketch-                                                                        the best. Not everyone takes this chance,
books and actually make a difference. Af-                 NC: I am planning on taking my art fur-              but I intend on doing so.
ter taking an art class that specializes in               ther. I hope to one day get into the field
                                                          of art therapy so I can show others the                                                                              NOMINATE AN ARTIST
three-dimensional art, I had started to fall                                                                   NHN: What style/form of art is your
in love with the medium of clay and papier-               healing properties of art and get them to            favorite to create?                                     We are looking for interesting artists
mâché. After three years of the class, I was              open up while creating something beauti-                                                                   who live in the Nonahood to be featured.
able to move up to an Advanced Placement                  ful and meaningful. If I am unable to reach          NC: Although I am not the best at this yet,
                                                                                                               I am a fan of creating sculptures and piec-            If you or someone you know should be
[program] level. It was in this AP class that             this goal, I still plan to stay with art. With
                                                                                                               es with the intent of looking both realistic          nominated to be a Nonahood News Fea-
I had created the Mental Disorder Mon-                    sculptures and paintings being a large part
                                                          of my life, I intend to move higher up in            yet grotesque. It is fun to create something           tured Artist, send your nomination to
sters, and I continue to design them to this
day, creating more sculptures that I will                 this field and sell my art while continuing          that looks as if it can fit within this world        
bring to the light soon. I have plenty more               to spread the messages I find important              while also bending the norms of reality.
monsters in store, and I hope to continue                 for others to know, such as the impor-
bringing attention to the monsters known                  tance of mental health and getting help.             NHN: Future goals/plans?

                                                             |                        12     | AUGUST 2018
Local Family
   $100,000 to
   The National
   Fisher House

A local family donated $100,000 to the
National Fisher House Foundation on July
2. The check was presented at the Orlando
Fisher House, where the donor (who pre-
ferred to remain unnamed) spoke of her
son who, in 2007, was a patient at Brooke
Medical Army Center located in San Anto-
nio, Tex. Her husband also was a veteran.
When her son was receiving medical care,
she was a guest at the Fisher House in San
Antonio for about five months. She was
impressed by how caring and accommo-
dating the staff was. They truly went out of   cake that was brought by the Fisher House
their way to meet the needs of every guest.    Foundation in honor of her contribution.
“I saw young women with babies with hus-       Others in attendance included members
bands that have been wounded, and they         from the board of directors of Friends of
were there for long periods, and I can’t im-   Fisher House Orlando. She also carried
agine what they would have done if they        with her a framed photo of her husband,
didn't have Fisher House available. So, it     who had passed away.
made me realize Fisher House serves a          Orlando Fisher House Manager Terri
very, very important function,” stated the     Turner expressed that she is very grateful
donor.                                         for the donation and that it means a lot to
She went on to say that it would have been     her. Since the donation was placed toward
a massive financial burden if she had to       the national foundation, it will go toward
stay in a hotel room. Additionally, stay-      construction costs of Fisher Houses that
ing elsewhere would have taken away the        are still being built in the United States.
convenience of her being right next to the     Currently, there are 38 houses under con-
hospital that her son was in. Being walking    struction across the nation. Since the do-
distance from the medical center was one       nor lives in Port Orange and her son lives
less thing to worry about. Having a place      in Oviedo, Orlando Fisher House was the
that felt “home-like” to come back to after    closest location for the family to present
spending hours in the hospital was more        their donation.
than she could ask for. Her experience         There is also a plaque that is placed in each
placed the Fisher House Foundation num-        Fisher House that gives credit to the do-
ber one on her donor list.                     nors and their donations toward the Fish-
After the presentation of the check, the       er House Foundation. “It makes me feel
donor went into the kitchen area of the        great … knowing the community support
Fisher House to make the first cut to a        is there,” Turner said.

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                                                 |               13   | AUGUST 2018
For events, membership, and partnership information, visit

                                                   lidify and document policy and procedure
                                                   for the Chamber before becoming manag-
     A Note of                                     ing editor of Nonahood News. On Dec. 1,
                                                   2017, the Board of Directors hired Don
   Thanks From                                     Long, retired Master Gunnery Sergeant
                                                   USMC, who is presently serving as presi-
   The Chamber                                     dent and CEO of the Chamber. That was
                                                   followed shortly after by the addition of a
                                                   second administrative coordinator in Jan-
                                                   uary 2018, Madelyn Long, who brought
                                                   with her more than 16 years of dedicated
                                                   chamber experience.
The Board of Directors and staff of the
Lake Nona Regional Chamber of Com-                 The Chamber is a member of the Florida
merce thank the publishers and staff of            Association of Chamber Professionals and
Nonahood News for this opportunity to              the Association of Chamber of Commerce
share news and information about the               Executives. A Board of Directors governs
Chamber of Commerce for the Lake Nona              the employee staff, and the Chamber oper-
region. This new partnership will allow            ates as an IRS 501(c)(6) corporation.
Lake Nona readers to acquire important             The Chamber is growing almost daily with
information and knowledge of subjects              an approximate membership today of 245.
that affect this quickly-growing region.           Some of the major partners include Guide-
This monthly section will contain an-              Well Innovation Center, Nona.Media,
nouncements of:                                    Orlando Utilities Commission, Crunch
                                                   Fitness (Lake Nona), Ronald McDonald
Upcoming events of interest to the members
                                                   House (Lake Nona), A.Clore Interiors,
and the entire community
                                                   Institute of Aesthetic Surgery, and Earth
                                                                                                     Rafael Pratts (center), certified business counselor with UCF Florida Small Business Development Center,
                                                                                                    delivers a brief on the reasons for strategic planning at the Lake Nona Lakehouse on July 11. Starting in July
                                                                                                                        2018, Pratts will offer free business counseling to Chamber members.
                                                                                                                                      Contact the Chamber for more information.

                                                                                                       9161 Narcoossee Road Ste 108                                    Coming Soon!!!!
                                                                                                        orlando Fl, 32827 (near wawa)                          120 Independence Ln Suite A
                                                                                                                                                                    Maitland Fl, 32751
                                                                                                            New Location!!!!                                        Present this coupon and receive

                                                                                                        945 City Plaza Way =Suite 1011                          15%OFF
                                                                                                                                                                  Limit one coupon per customer per visit.
                               Don Long, President | CEO of LNRCC                                              oviedo Fl, 32765                                   Cannot be combined with other discount.
                                                                                                                                                                  407 CAFE - Exp: 08/31/2018 code: nh1117

Business advocacy efforts undertaken by the        Fare supermarket.
Lake Nona Regional Chamber of Commerce
                                                   Chamber monthly events include infor-
Who is new to the Chamber along with               mational and educational breakfasts and
who renewed their investment                       luncheons in addition to two signature
Member-to-member discounts                         events per year, Nona Chamber Festival
                                                   (in March) and Taste of Nona (scheduled
Chamber committee actions and missions
explaining how they affect the region
                                                   for Oct. 12 this year). Complete event infor-
                                                   mation is available by visiting the Cham-               MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS
This section will also occasionally con-           ber website at                       June 1- July 15, 2018
tain notes of interest from Andrea Byrge,          and clicking on the “Event Calendar” tab.
Chairman of the Board of Directors, or             People wishing to attend any of the events              Courtyard & Residence Inn by                    SilzerLaw Chartered
                                                   can easily register online for each event.              Marriott Orlando/Lake Nona
Don Long, President/CEO of the Cham-                                                                                                                       Caliber Home Loans
ber. Readers who are not yet familiar with         The Chamber website also contains a com-                Creative PGM
the Lake Nona Regional Chamber of Com-             plete and easy-to-use member directory                                                                  Representative Rene ''Coach P''
merce (LNRCC) will find this short his-            where visitors can research for services or             Seacoast Bank                                   Plasencia
tory of LNRCC and chambers in general              products offered by Chamber members.                    Dream Team Insurance, LLC                       Fish Window Cleaning - Next
interesting.                                       The Chamber board and staff encourage                                                                   Pro, LLC
                                                   Nonahood News readers to visit this page                Kerinver Chiropractic Health
Most chambers of commerce are organ-               every month to stay up-to-date with events                                                              Fine d-Zign Signs
ized as not-for-profit membership organi-                                                                  Parker Realty Group
                                                   and business in the area.                                                                               USTA National Campus
zations whose goals are usually focused on                                                                 Fidelity National Title
business development and positive growth           Anyone interested in joining the Chamber                                                                Cari Rubin Photography, LLC
within a certain region, business type or          can do so at the website by clicking “Join the
ethnic group. Chambers of commerce are
not government organizations, though
                                                   chamber” at the top of the page, by emailing
                                                                                                           NEW MEMBERS
                                                   or calling the Chamber office at (407) 796-             June 1- July 15, 2018
most strive to maintain influential posi-
tions in business, residential and govern-         2230. Membership levels range from indi-
                                                   vidual person to large corporate involve-               Sport Clips                                     Friends of Fisher House -
ment arenas.                                                                                                                                               Orlando
                                                   ment. It is not necessary to own a business             Fiesta Time Rentals To Go
The LNRCC mission is “To serve the Lake            to become involved in the Chamber. In-                                                                  Stockworth Realty Group - Evan
Nona Region by promoting commerce and              dividuals wishing to participate can do so              Shamrock Auto Body & Service                    Caulfield
providing resources for the benefit of our         for a very affordable investment that will
members and the community.” LNRCC
                                                                                                           Center                                          AV Matters
                                                   allow them to attend all Chamber events
was created in 2013 by a volunteer board           at the discounted member rate while also                NONAride                                        New Home Title, LLC
of directors headed by Lidya Gongage,              participating in the efforts of the Cham-               Vital Realty Group, Inc
founder of the Chamber and the annual              ber to make the Lake Nona region a great
                                                                                                                                                           The Law Office of Gretchen M.
Taste of Nona event. From then until May           place to work and live.                                 Keller Williams Advantage III                   Ortiz
2017, the Chamber ran under the direction                                                                  Realty - Dawn Leyva-Mendez                      Markowitz Communications
of volunteer professionals and business
owners. During that time, they made sig-
                                                                                                           Brit Capital Group, Inc                         FBC Mortgage
                                                     The Lake Nona Regional Chamber of
nificant progress, including growing the             Commerce is a membership not-for-                     Lost Society Media & Marketing                  MicroGen DX
membership to 160 business members, the            profit organization with offices located in             The Florida Hotel and
establishment of several standing board of         Lake Nona at 6555 Sanger Rd., Orlando,                                                                  Eagle Creek Golf Club & The
directors committees, and the successful                                                                   Conference Center                               Belfry Restaurant
                                                   FL 32827. Comments or information are
creation of both monthly and annual sig-                         encouraged at                             My Kids’ Doctor                                 New American Funding
nature events.                                                     VIP Transportation Group, LLC                   King Investments Group of
The first LNRCC employee, Elaine Vail,                                                                                                                     Companies
was hired by the Board of Directors as ad-                                                                 Chicken Salad Chick
ministrative coordinator in May 2017. Vail                                                                                                                 Central Florida Children’s Home
quickly procured physical office space in
Lake Nona Town Center and helped to so-

                                                      |                   14     | AUGUST 2018
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