Developed by - Be The Match Atlanta

Page created by Jennifer Rhodes
Developed by - Be The Match Atlanta
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Developed by - Be The Match Atlanta
 When trials come, exercise
                                         Lesson Introduction:
 faith over fear                         This lesson is all about the benefits of exercising our faith,
 MUSICAL PRELUDE:                        especially in the darkest and most challenging times of our lives.
 Keep The Faith                          There is a scene in the movie “Facing the Giants” that demonstrates
 by Charles Jenkins                      an exercise known as the death crawl. A football player is asked to
 OPENING PRAYER:                         carry a fellow player down the field on his back while crawling on
 Psalm 27:1-3                            hands and feet while keeping his knees from touching the ground.
                                         The coach has the player do this exercise blindfolded because what
 LESSON SCRIPTURE:                       we see and what we hear can impact our faith. In the end all are
 Hebrews 11:1                            surprised that the player does this physically straining exercise for
 James 1:2-4                             the entire 100-yard length of the football field. This is especially
 Supporting Scriptures:                  impactful because originally, he thought he could only go 30 or at
 Hebrews 11                              most 50 yards. Watch the video clip here.
 Mark 9:23, 11:24                        The Bible has a lot to say about faith. The Scriptures tell us that
 John 3:16, 2                            we are saved by faith in Jesus (John 3:16) and by grace through
 Corinthians 5:7                         faith (Ephesians 2:8). It tells us that faith without action, often
 Ephesians 2:8, 6:16                     referred to as works, is worthless (James 2:17) and that we are
 James 1:22-25, 2:17                     to pray in faith so that we can receive our requests (Mark 11:24).
                                         The word also tells us that we are to walk by faith rather than
                                         our limited sight (2 Corinthians 5:7) and to protect ourselves by
                                         putting on the shield of faith (Ephesians 6:16). Yes, there is much
                                         in the word about faith.
                                         The question to consider: When the trials of life come, and we
                                         know they will come, how do we apply our faith? Often, we find
                                         that faith can be most elusive when it is needed most. James tells
                                         us about experiencing the trials of life and how we are to respond
                                         with joy. This is because when we endure trials with faith, they
                                         produce perseverance and maturity. As believers we are called
                                         to be doers of the word, (James 1:22-25) acting based on God’s
                                         direction, not the circumstances we face or the emotions we feel.
                                         The entire chapter of Hebrews 11 is about faith. The word “faith”
                                         appears 24 times in that chapter alone. Hebrews 11 has been called
                                         the hall of fame of faith because it revisits many persons of great
                                         faith from the Old Testament to the New Testament. This chapter
                                         is a wonderful place to spend time reading if you feel your faith
                                         muscle needs a little strengthening. The first verse speaks of faith
                                         and sight. In the King James Version of the Bible it uses the words
                                         substance and evidence in defining faith. In Greek, substance
                                         translates to “hupostasis” which means assurance or confidence,
                                         and evidence means “elegcho” which means proof. Therefore, we
                                         can further translate Hebrews 11:1 to say that faith is the assurance,
                                         confidence, and proof of things we cannot yet see.

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Video Testimony: Jermaine
                                            Jermaine was a provider, a loving husband and father of three
                                            young children when doctors delivered a deadly diagnosis—an
                                            aggressive form of leukemia. The question, “How do you apply
                                            your faith when you receive bad news?” was one he had to deal
                                            with directly. Learn how Jermaine applied his assurance and
                                            confidence (faith) at a time when he had yet to see the proof
                                            during a very challenging time.
 Jermaine, stem cell transplant recipient

                                            Discussion questions:
                                            1. Share a time that you had a tremendous obstacle before you.
                                               How were you able to use your faith to get through the challenge?
                                            2. What impact has lack of faith, or leaning on your faith, had on
                                               your circumstances?
                                            3. What tools do you use to keep your faith during difficult times?

                                            MUSICAL POSTLUDE: I Believe—Jonathan Nelson

                                            Prayer Requests:
                                            Pray for Dorian
                                            Before receiving a leukemia diagnosis, Dorian was working as
                                            an engineer and enjoyed building his strength in the gym and
                                            his faith at weekly Bible studies. As the son of a minister, he
                                            knows how important faith is in facing the same diagnosis that
                                            Jermaine received. Dorian urgently needs a matching donor to
                                            receive a blood stem cell transplant to help him beat leukemia.
                                            Dorian leans on his faith to meet the demands of each day,
                                            which sometimes include rounds of chemotherapy and blood
                                            transfusions. He regularly shares his story of endurance during
                                            this trial in his life, always giving God glory and resting in the
                                            knowledge that God has a good plan for his life. Please pray that
                                            Dorian will find the donor and healing he is believing God for.
                                            AFFIRMATION: I am a believer and have faith in Your promises
                                                         Lord to give me strength to handle all of my
                                                         challenging circumstances.
 Dorian, searching patient
 with leukemia                              To Join the Be The Match Registry text FAITH to 61474





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                                         Addie K. Sanders, Author
                                         Addie Sanders is a wife, mother, and grandmother who serves as
                                         Associate Minister of Grace AME Zion Church in Charlotte, NC.
                                         Addie is also a member in Barbara L. Peacock Ministries where
                                         she serves as a Spiritual Formation Ministry leader. Addie is
                                         currently pursuing a Master of Divinity degree at Gardner Webb
                                         University School of Divinity with a concentration in Pastoral
                                         Care and Counseling. She is employed by Be The Match as the
                                         Community Operations Program Manager. Addie’s heart’s desire
                                         is to experience an ever-increasing presence of God in her walk,
                                         family life and ministry.

                                         Xavier Brandon, Contributor
                                         Xavier Brandon holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Morehouse
                                         College and a Masters of Divinity with a concentration in Race and
                                         Religion from Candler School of Theology at Emory University. He
                                         is a prominent hip-hop artist, DJ, content curator, radio producer,
                                         podcaster and minister. He’s married to his wife Ifie Natasha, and
                                         has two children, Brooklyn and Malik. Xavier strives to reconcile
                                         Hip-Hop culture with God, demonstrating that it is okay to have
                                         a love for the music and be in love with Jesus Christ.

                                         Erica Sevilla, Editor
                                         Erica Sevilla is a senior multicultural public relations strategist for
                                         Be The Match who shares the stories of lives changed through
                                         blood stem cell and marrow transplants. Erica holds a B.S. in
                                         journalism from the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern
                                         University and is the producer of Be The Match’s Black Blood
                                         Heals podcast in partnership with iHeart Media. A mother of
                                         three children, she loves Gospel music and teaching Bible classes
                                         to elementary school children on Sunday mornings at Lifepoint
                                         Church in Lewis Center, Ohio.

                                         KD Bowe, Video Production
                                         A “motivator to the masses”, KD Bowe is a legendary radio
                                         broadcaster turned philanthropist who daily provides actionable
                                         solutions and insightful responses to the socio-economic ills
                                         plaguing individuals, families and communities. His life’s mission
                                         of educating and empowering individuals by offering a practical,
                                         principle-centered approach to living has caused KD to become
                                         a trusted advisor to many. He is the Founder and Executive
                                         Director of ManUP! Community, Inc. and owner of Kontent
                                         Faktory, Atlanta’s premier digital content creation company.

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About Be The Match
For people with life-threatening blood cancers–like leukemia and
lymphoma—or other diseases, a cure exists. Be The Match connects
patients with their donor match for a life-saving marrow or umbilical cord
blood transplant. People can contribute to the cure as a member of the
Be The Match Registry®, financial contributor or volunteer. Be The Match
provides patients and their families one-on-one support, education, and
guidance before, during and after transplant.
Be The Match is operated by the National Marrow Donor Program®
(NMDP), a nonprofit organization that matches patients with donors,
educates health care professionals and conducts research through its
research program, CIBMTR® (Center for International Blood and Marrow
Transplant Research®), so more lives can be saved. To learn more about
the cure, visit or call 1 (800) MARROW-2.

                                            © 2021 National Marrow Donor Program. All Rights Reserved. | P00415; JUL 2021
Developed by - Be The Match Atlanta Developed by - Be The Match Atlanta
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