Connect September 2021 - Parent Volunteers Cooking for Fusion - Lakewood Baptist Church

Page created by Gregory Estrada
Connect September 2021 - Parent Volunteers Cooking for Fusion - Lakewood Baptist Church
Connect                  September 2021

     Parent Volunteers Cooking for Fusion
Connect September 2021 - Parent Volunteers Cooking for Fusion - Lakewood Baptist Church
                      We want to meet you, answer your questions
                            and help you get connected.

      Visit our                      Fill out the tear-out                      Go to
                      OR            card in the middle of       OR     LAKEWOODLIFE.ORG/INFO
     Info Desk
                                   this issue. Drop it in the
                                  offering basket or take it
                                       to the Info Desk.

                               GET INVOLVED
                            Discover your place at Lakewood

 ATTEND DISCOVER                     FIND A GROUP                          JOIN A TEAM
    This basic intro to     We believe you grow to be like Christ      God has gifted each of us
  Lakewood is designed       as you do life with other people. In    differently and at Lakewood
to help you discover who    addition, we are convinced sustained      we have ways to serve that
we are and where we are       life-change happens best in the          match your gifting! Visit
    going as a church.       context of a small group. Visit our     LAKEWOODLIFE.ORG/SERVE
 NEXT DISCOVER CLASS          Info Desk to learn about Sunday         to see some of the ways to
 Sunday, September 26          morning groups. We also have          serve using your personality,
       in the Lodge          groups that meet all week around              gifts and abilities.
 LAKEWOODLIFE.ORG/           Hall County. To find a group, go to

NEXT BAPTISM 		                                                       NEXT LORD’S SUPPER
October 10                                                                              October 17

                            FOLLOW US! @LAKEWOODLIFE
2 / September 2021
Connect September 2021 - Parent Volunteers Cooking for Fusion - Lakewood Baptist Church
Dr. Tyler Smiley
August was the beginning of a
new church year at Lakewood. Among many things, it means
that Wednesday Night Activities are back! There is something
for everyone on Wednesday nights.
Our Worship Center renovation project is well underway. We
are so thankful to have the Ministry Center for worship until we
are back in the Worship Center. Thank you for your flexibility
and grace during this construction process. It will be a joyous
celebration when we are back in the Worship Center.
During the month of September, there will be several
opportunities to focus on our missions efforts at Lakewood. With
over 30% of our annual budget going towards missions, Lakewood
is, by God’s grace, able to join God in a number of different and
important missions works. On September 19, I hope you will join
us for our Missions Information Night where you can learn more
about Lakewood's missions work locally, nationally, and globally.
Also, our Adoption and Foster Care Ministry is one of our missions

ministries that you can be a part of even if you are not a foster
or adoptive parent. A big part of this ministry is supporting our
foster and adoptive families. On October 3, we will be offering
information sessions for families interested in adoption and foster
care, as well as a session on supporting and serving foster parents.                   Contents
I am so humbled to serve as the Senior Pastor in a church that is
full of people who love the Lord and are giving themselves to live for
him. We are called to serve “for the sake of the name of Jesus Christ       2                Welcome
among all the nations” (Rom. 1:5), and I praise the Lord that this is the
heart and motivation of our ministry. That is a result of God’s mercy       4       Missions Spotlight
and grace among us. Stay faithful! Trust the Lord. Walk in wisdom.
                                                                            5   Meet a Church Planter
                                                                            6   Adoption/Foster Care

Dr. Tyler Smiley, Senor Pastor
                                                                            7              Coming Up

The VISION of Lakewood is to be a regional church that makes
                                                                            8           Looking Back
disciples of Jesus Christ locally, nationally and globally.
CROSSPOINT WORSHIP is a traditional blend of praise and
worship at 9:30 AM in the Chapel.
REAL LIFE is a vibrant, contemporary worship experience at
11:00 AM in the Ministry Center.                                             / 3
Connect September 2021 - Parent Volunteers Cooking for Fusion - Lakewood Baptist Church
FIRST Wednesday Men's Gathering
                                            September 1
                                            Men of Lakewood will
                                            gather on the first
                                            Wednesday morning of
                                            each month to drill down
                                            on a "Habit of Grace." Each
                                            habit will be formative
                                            in your spiritual life, as well as, in the life of your group. Scott
                                            Smith will lead this group in the Fellowship Hall from 6:15-7:30
                                            AM. Biscuits and coffee provided.

              EMILY                           BEGINNER GROUP GUITAR CLASS
           EAST AFRICA                        Wednesdays | 5:00-5:40 PM
Emily is a nurse who lives and works
in East Africa among an unreached
                                            Lakewood Music Institute is offering a six-week Group Guitar
people group. Emily uses her skills as a
                                            Class for beginners for all ages (6th grade through adult). The
nurse to love and serve those in Africa
                                            class will begin September 8 and costs $90. To register, visit
who are in desperate need of hearing
                                   or email
the gospel and seeing it lived out. As a
supporting church, we are co-laborers
in the work to which God has called

                                              CRI Benefit Cookout
• For Emily's encouragement in the
                                              September 15 | 5:00-6:15 PM
Lord as she lives in a difficult context.
                                              Make plans to eat in the Fellowship Hall before
• For boldness and compassion as
                                              Wednesday night activities on September 15. For $7 get
Emily shares the gospel with those
                                              a hamburger, baked beans, chips, dessert and a drink.
around her.
                                              All proceeds will benefit Lakewood's Prison Ministry.
• For more laborers who desire to use
their professional skills in order to
reach the unreached with the gospel of
                                            Missions Information night
Jesus Christ.
                                            September 19 | 6:30-8:00 PM
                                            Join us Sunday, September 19 in the Chapel for Lakewood's
For more Information please contact
                                            Missions Information Night. During this event you will learn
                                            more about Lakewood's Missions Ministries and how you can
                                            be involved. Please join us as we sing, pray, and share how our
                                            church is engaged in missions locally, nationally, and globally.
44 // September
       2021     2020
Connect September 2021 - Parent Volunteers Cooking for Fusion - Lakewood Baptist Church
Binders for Sermon Notes
If you would like to get a small binder to put sermon notes
in, stop by the information centers in the Chapel Foyer
(Crosspoint) or in the Ministry Center (Real Life) to pick one up.

Senior Adult Rally                                                     MEET OUR NEWEST
September 23 | 10:30 AM-12:00 PM
                                                                       CHURCH PLANTER
The Chattahoochee Baptist Association Senior Adult Rally will
be at Riverbend Church in Gainesville. Hear from Ann Gainey,
former executive director of Choices Pregnancy Center, as
she speaks about her journey with a medical issue and the
goodness of God in her life. Lunch will be served for $5 after
the program. Visit for more

                                                                              CLAY WERNER
                                                                               ATHENS, GA
                                                                     A few years ago, Lakewood helped
                                                                     Clay Werner plant Good Shepherd
                                                                     Church in Athens, Georgia. Now,
                                                                     by God's grace, Good Shepherd is
                                                                     already planting another church in
                                                                     a neighboring city. Clay has been
                                                                     commissioned by Good Shepherd to
                                                                     plant Oconee Fellowship! They will
                                                                     hold their first service in September.

                                                                     PLEASE PRAY:
                                                                     • For encouragement and faith for the
                                                                     Werner family as they follow the Lord
                                                                     in the work of church planting.
                                                                     • For Oconee Fellowship to be bold
                                                                     proclaimers of the gospel in their
                                                                     • For God to be glorified and lives to
                                                                     be transformed in Oconee through
                                                                     Oconee Fellowship.

                                                                     For more Information please contact

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Connect September 2021 - Parent Volunteers Cooking for Fusion - Lakewood Baptist Church

                                                        INFORMATION SESSIONS
                                                        Sunday, October 3 • 12:15-2:30 PM
                                                        Join us over lunch for ONE of three Information
                                                        Sessions to learn more. Childcare provided by

   Lakewood’s Adoption and Foster Care Ministry         SESSION A
   has embraced adoption and offered ministry           So You Might Want to Adopt: Learn about the
   and support to adoptive families and their           adoption process.
   children. This ministry seeks to meet the critical   SESSION B
   need for foster homes in Hall County.                Foster Care Information: Find out what being a
                                                        foster parent means and the process involved.
   Through no fault of their own, about 14,000
   children in Georgia and 371 children right here      SESSION C
   in Hall County are in foster care. These children    Supporting & Serving Foster Parents: Find out how
   are today’s orphans and we ask YOU to be a           you can serve foster children and families.
   part of caring for “the least of these.”
                                                        Sign up and make childcare reservations at
   At Lakewood we have multiple opportunities
                                                        LAKEWOODLIFE.ORG/EVENTS or
   to learn about Adoption and Foster Care and
                                                        by scanning the QR code. Childcare
   receive support -- including info sessions and
                                                        reservations must be made by
   an ongoing Bible Study.
                                                        September 27.

Wednesday Nights Adoption/Foster Care Bible Study • 6:15-7:30PM
Adoptive and foster care parents are invited to a time of fellowship, community and Bible study on
Wednesday nights in Room 208. For more information contact Tanna Roush (
Connect September 2021 - Parent Volunteers Cooking for Fusion - Lakewood Baptist Church
 September 1		                 First Wednesday Men's Gathering | 6:15 AM
 September 5		                 Discover Step 4 | 11:00 AM
 September 7		                 Women on Mission | 10:30 AM
 September 15		                Prison Ministry Benefit Dinner | 5:00 PM
 September 18		                DYM's National Day of Youth Ministry Training
 September 18		                Joy Ministry Respite | 5:00 PM
 September 19		                Missions Info Night | 6:30 PM
 September 22		                Middle School ONE NIGHT | 6:30 PM
 September 23		                Senior Adult Rally | 9:00 AM
 September 24-26               Girls' Retreat (Student Ministry)
 September 26 		               Discover Step 1 | 12:15 PM
 September 26		                Parent Child Dedication | 4:00 PM
 September 26		                Gather Trivia Night | 6:30 PM
 September 28		                Senior Adult Luncheon | 12:00 PM
 October 3		                   Discover Step 2 | 11:00 AM
 October 3		                   Adoption/Foster Care Info Sessions | 12:30 PM
 October 5		                   Women on Mission | 10:30 AM
 October 6		                   First Wednesday Men's Gathering | 6:15 AM
 October 10		                  Discover Step 3 | 11:00 AM
 October 16		                  Joy Ministry Respite | 5:00 PM
 October 17		                  Discover Step 4 | 11:00 AM
 October 19		                  Senior Adult Luncheon | 12:00 PM
 October 22		                  Women's Fall Refuge | 6:00 PM
 October 23-24		               Mantreat
 October 27		                  Pumpkin Fest
 *Events are subject to change. Use your smart phone to scan the QR code above for the latest information.

             SUNDAY MORNINGS                                  WEDNESDAY NIGHTS

       Babies, Preschool & Children 9:30 & 11:00     Babies, Preschool & Children 6:00
         Middle & High School Students 9:30         Middle & High School Students 6:30
               Young Adult Groups 9:30                     Adult Bible Studies 6:15
        Adult Small Groups 8:30 & 9:30 & 11:00              Crosspoint Choir 6:15
            Worship Services 9:30 & 11:00                     DivorceCare 6:30

           TUESDAYSCelebrate   CelebrateRecovery
                                         Recovery• •6:30

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Connect September 2021 - Parent Volunteers Cooking for Fusion - Lakewood Baptist Church

                                                                                             Ways to Give:
                                                                                                  GIVE ONLINE:
Parent volunteers serving weekly at Fusion

Average Weekly Ministry Budget Need: $114,375
Average Weekly received 6/20 to 7/11: $89,938.17
New Members Raleigh Jones, Dylan Rowland, Ames Keller, JW                                      OFFERING BASKET:
Caldwell, Kate Rhoads, Andrew Smiley, Hunter Echols, Cece Gillum, McKayla                          cash or check
Gillum, Dwayne Shelton, Collin Peters, Sydney Nunnally, Wayne & Melody                        ENDOWMENT FUND:
Banister, Jackson & Anika Dockery, Kevin & Lynn Jarvis, Eric & Erin Osteen,            
Brandy Rowe, Maci Weathers, John & Margaret Bryan, Fred Stahl
The Real Life service may contain flashing lights that might cause difficulties for people with photosensitive epilepsy.

          SENIOR PASTOR 		                            Dr. Tyler Smiley •

          EXECUTIVE/MISSIONS PASTOR                   Robert Puckett •
          WORSHIP PASTOR 		                           Zak McQueen •
          ASSOCIATE/SR. ADULT PASTOR Don Ormsbee •
          DISCIPLESHIP PASTOR		                       Scott Smith •
          STUDENT PASTOR 		                           Jamie Willis •
          INTERIM CHILDREN'S DIRECTOR Andrew Beccue •
Connect September 2021 - Parent Volunteers Cooking for Fusion - Lakewood Baptist Church Connect September 2021 - Parent Volunteers Cooking for Fusion - Lakewood Baptist Church
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