Dental Hygiene Alumni Day - April 26, 2019 - Augusta University

Dental Hygiene Alumni Day - April 26, 2019 - Augusta University
Dental Hygiene Alumni Day
April 26, 2019
                                                      COURSE SCHEDULE
                                                      7:30 a.m. Registration and Continental Breakfast
                                                      7:45 a.m. Welcome and Announcements-
                                                     		Kandyce M. A’see, RDH, MS, Course Director
                                                      8:00 a.m. HPV: A Cause for Concern - Jacquelyn L. Fried, RDH, MS
                                                     10:00 a.m. Break
                                                     10:15 a.m. That’s Not What I Learned in School - Carol Jahn, RDH, MS
                                                     12:15 p.m. Adjourn
                                                     12:30 p.m. 2019 Sigma Phi Alpha Members Annual Meeting

                                                      COURSE LOCATION
                                                     Augusta University Alumni Center
                                                     919 15th Street
                                                     Augusta, Georgia 30912

                                                      GUEST FACULTY
                                                                             Jacquelyn Fried, RDH, MS, Associate Professor at the University
                                                                             of Maryland’s Dental School is a graduate of the Ohio State
                                                                             University, earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and
                                                                             a Certificate in Dental Hygiene. She earned her Master’s Degree
                                                                             in Dental Hygiene from Old Dominion University. Ms. Fried has
                                                                             been a dental hygiene educator for 40 years and has served
Presented by the College of Allied Health Sciences                           in every key programmatic administrative position during that
Department of Dental Hygiene and Division of                                 time. Her speaking engagements, research and publications
Professional and Community Education at the                                  focus on the dental hygienist’s role in preventing and stemming
Augusta University Alumni Center, Augusta, Georgia   the use of addictive nicotine products, interprofessional education, scientific writing,
                                                     and HPV and head and neck cancers. She is a prolific speaker, addressing health profes-
                                                     sional groups nationally and internationally. Active in the American Dental Hygienists’
                                                     Association (ADHA), she has served on councils, ad hoc review committees, the Journal
                                                     of Dental Hygiene’s editorial review board and special task forces that addressed the
                                                     advanced dental hygiene practitioner and tobacco prevention and cessation. She has
                                                     received numerous teaching awards at her university and in 1997 was a Warner Lam-
                                                     bert/ADHA Award for Excellence in Dental Hygiene recipient. Old Dominion University
                                                     named her Alumni of the Year in 2011. In 2015, she was honored as one of Maryland’s
                                                     top 100 Women and, in 2016 she received the ADHA’s Irene Newman Award.
Dental Hygiene Alumni Day - April 26, 2019 - Augusta University
Dental Hygiene Alumni Day
April 26, 2019
                                 Carol Jahn, RDH, MS, has a BS in Dental Hygiene from
                                 the University of Iowa and an MS in Continuing Education     CREDIT
                                 from the University of St Francis. She has been a dental
                                 hygienist since 1982. Currently, she is the Director of     Attendancee for the entire program is approved by Augusta University for 4.25 ADA
                                 Professional Relations & Education for Water Pik, Inc       CERP Hours. Florida License Continuing Education Credit Number is P00018.

                                                                                            The purpose of this course is to provide Dental Hygienists with the continuing education
                                                                                            they need to successfully provide preventive oral care.

   COURSE DIRECTOR                                                                             OBJECTIVES
                                                                                            At the conclusion of the program participants should be able to:
Kandyce M. A’see, RDH, MS, Assistant Professor in the Department of Dental Hygiene          • Describe national and global trends related to the incidence and prevalence of HPV
at Augusta University. Kandyce received her Bachelor of Science in Biology at South              associated head and neck cancers.
Carolina State University and both her Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene and            • Understand how characteristics or oral and oropharyngeal cancers differ.
Master of Allied Health at the Medical College of Georgia. She worked as a hygienist        • Discuss theories associating bacteria, inflammation, plaque biofilm and saliva with
in private practice for 2 years before becoming a Dental Hygiene Educator at Augusta             HPV positive head and neck cancers.
University. Kandyce teaches in the clinical and didactic settings, as well as online.       • Identify ways to enhance their current practices to address HPV associated head
She also serves on various committees within the institution as well as participates in          and neck cancers.
several community service activities.                                                       • Develop approaches to patient education regarding the prevention of HPV-
                                                                                                 associated head and neck cancers.
   SPECIAL NEEDS                                                                            • Discover how putting employees first leads to enhanced patient care
                                                                                            • Discuss the difference between patient awareness and patient education
The Augusta University Division of Professional and Community Education complies            • Explain risk-based recommended intervals for prophy’s, x-rays, and fluoride
with the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you require special services, facilites or          treatments
dietary considerations (vegetarian or otherwise) to support your participation in this      • Recognize the limitations of dental floss
continuing education program, contact the conference coordinator at 800-221-6437            • Identify the best strategies for caries management
or 706-721-3967.                                                                            • Examine the benefits of sealing over incipient decay
                                                                                            • Analyze the body of evidence on the water flosser and recommend it to appropriate
   COMFORT ZONE                                                                             • Develop the confidence needed to implement these changes
Although every effort is made to have a comfortable temperature in the meeting room,
we realize everyone’s comfort zone is different. Please bring a jacket or light wrap in
case the room is too cool for your comfort.
Dental Hygiene Alumni Day - April 26, 2019 - Augusta University
Dental Hygiene Alumni Day
April 26, 2019

    SAVE the DATE                                                 REGISTRATION
                                                                Registration Fees:
                                                                MCG/Augusta University Alumni-$85
                                                                All others-$115
        37th Annual                                                                            Please register online via credit card at:

 Dental Hygiene Symposium                                                     

     Savannah, Georgia                                                                           For questions or registering via check
                                                                                                       please call 706-721-1490
      July 19-21, 2019
                                                                The registration fee, less a $75 administrative charge, is refundable if notice of cancella-
                       Be sure to LIKE and FOLLOW               tion is received by April 12, 2019.
                    us on Facebook to stay up-to-date           Augusta University is not responsible for any circumstance making it impossible to attend
                      on all of our course offerings,           their continuing education courses due to acts of God, war, government regulations, disas-
                        deadlines and discounts!                ter, strikes, civil disorder or curtailment of transportation facilities. If Augusta University
                             cancels a continuing education activity you will be refunded your registration fee.

                                      SAVE THE DATE FOR UPCOMING CDE
           Clinical Advances in a Restorative Practice                               Cone Beam Computer Tomography
     May 25-27~Omni Hilton Oceanfront, Hilton Head Island, SC                 September 27 ~ Snelling Center, Augusta, Georgia
                 Symposium on General Dentistry                                       Pediatric Dentistry at the Beach
        June 30 – July 6 ~ K and P Resort, St. Simons Island             October 4-6 ~ Omni Hilton Oceanfront, Hilton Head Island, SC
      New Therapies and Current Controversies in Dentistry                           Update for the Dental Practitioner
               July 19-21 ~ Kiawah Island Resort, SC                      October 11-13 ~ Brasstown Valley Resort, Young Harris, GA
      Lasers for Hard and Soft Tissues: Hands-on Workshop                                    Last Chance CDE
               August 9-10 ~ Augusta University, DCG                       December 5-6 ~ Augusta University, Education Commons
Dental Hygiene Alumni Day - April 26, 2019 - Augusta University Dental Hygiene Alumni Day - April 26, 2019 - Augusta University Dental Hygiene Alumni Day - April 26, 2019 - Augusta University
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