Let's Bring the Elephant into the Room!

Page created by Rene Goodman
Let’s Bring the Elephant into the Room!
           Reshaping the Inclusive Environment in Further & Higher Education
            March 20th & 21st 2018 | Croke Park Conference Centre, Dublin

You know the old phrase ‘the elephant        This event aims to bring the elephants
in the room’? ...the big thing staring       into the room and talk about them.
everyone in the face that nobody finds it
easy to talk about?                          The Biggest Elephants
                                             The 4 elephants we’ll be examing closely
As we change our focus from an add-on
                                             at this event are:
individual model of disability support
towards a more inclusive cross-campus
approach, this conference will explore
                                                          UDL - Whose Job Is It?
                                                          - in the change to a UDL
the challenges of this strategic move and
                                                          model, who does what?
examine best practice approaches on the
institution, faculty and student support
levels. How can we ensure that we
                                                          Student Resilience
                                                          - as pressure on services
manage the transition to a more inclusive
                                                          rises, how can we promote
campus while maintaining support
                                                          resilience & performance?
services which remain an essential part
of a successful college experience for
                                                          Diagnostic Tools
many students with disabilities? How
                                                          - do we need them and
will the roles of faculty and support
                                                          should we use them?
staff evolve to meet the demands
of a universally designed learning
environment? How can we ensure that                       Student Success
non-classroom activities like social                      - what is success and are we
experiences, work placement and study                     setting our students up for it?
abroad are also universally designed?

Fees                                          More Info
Selected contributors will recieve 20% off    Visit ahead.ie/conference2018 for
the standard registration fees below.         further information and booking links.
AHEAD Member Rate		     €240                  To view sponsorship and exhibition
AHEAD Non - Member Rate €295                  opportunities, please visit
Let’s Bring the Elephant into the Room!
         Reshaping the Inclusive Environment in Further & Higher Education
          March 20th & 21st 2018 | Croke Park Conference Centre, Dublin

                            Draft Schedule - Day1
10:15   Registration Opens
11:15   Welcome and Introduction
        Prof. Michael Shevlin (Chair of the Board of AHEAD)
        Opening Remarks
        Dr. Graham Love (CEO, Higher Education Authority)
        Launch of 'The Role of the Disability Officer and the Disability Service in Higher
        Education in Ireland'
        Patricia McCarthy, (Associate Researcher, Trinity College Dublin)
        Elephant #1 - UDL: Whose Job Is It? - in the change to a UDL model, who does what?
        Frederic Fovet (University of Prince Edward Island)
13:00   Lunch
        Breakout Session 1 - Choose Your Path (no switching mid session please!)
        Main Hall                          Green Room                       Blue Room
14:00   The Proof is in the                The top-down / bottom-up         Disability Officer – what
        Pudding- The Necessity             interaction between cross-       is the future?
        of Impact Measurement              campus UDL initiative and        Mary Quirke (AHEAD),
        when Supporting Disabled           individual support services.     Patricia McCarthy & Declan
        Students in HE                     Dr.Shira Yalon-Chamovitz &       Treanor (Trinity College
                                           Neta Linder-Katz (Ono Academic   Dublin)
        Mr. Atif Choudhury (Diversity
        and Ability) & John Harding        College)
        (University of Cambridge)

14:30   Mainstreaming and                  Developing inclusive             How implementing
        Inclusion: University for all      practice - A Strategic           Universal Design for
        Dr. Anna Kelly & Dr. Lisa Padden   Approach                         Learning principles
        (University College Dublin)        Ian Carter (University of        within a Teaching
                                           Brighton)                        for Understanding
                                                                            pedagogical framework
                                                                            can provide the tools
                                                                            necessary to critically
                                                                            research record and
                                                                            reflect upon UDL success
                                                                            Dr. Marian McCarthy & Dr.
                                                                            Brian Butler (University
                                                                            College Cork)

15:00   Move to Main Hall
Let’s Bring the Elephant into the Room!
           Reshaping the Inclusive Environment in Further & Higher Education
            March 20th & 21st 2018 | Croke Park Conference Centre, Dublin

                     Draft Schedule - Day 1 Cont...
          Elephant #2 - Student Resilience - as pressure on services rises, how can we promote
          resilience & performance?
          Prof. Shane O’Mara (Director of the Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience)
16:00     Tea/Coffee Break
          Breakout Session 1 - Choose Your Path (no switching mid session please!)
          Main Hall                         Green Room                           Blue Room
16:30     Inclusive Learning and the        Executive Functioning and            Students and Graduates:
          Provision of Reasonable           Learning Strategies for              What worries them?
          Accommodations: Students          Third Level                          Aoife Price (Union of
          Experiencing Mental Health        Helen Carroll (Dublin Institute of   Students in Ireland) &
          Difficulties                      Technology)                          Hannah Kelly (AHEAD)
          Kieran Lewis & Declan Treanor
          (Trinity College Dublin)

17:00     Mindfulness + Reflection =        The Science of Happiness:            Reshaping Education
          Engagement                        Positive Psychology in               and the Rise of
          Alexis Reid (Boston Child Study   International Student                Graduate Attributes:
          Center)                           Guidance and Counselling             How can students with
                                            Frank Haber (Jacobs University       disabilities be included?
                                            Bremen)                              Dr. Declan Reilly (Trinity
                                                                                 College Dublin)

17:30 -
20:30                 Evening Reception - Let’s all go to the circus!
Let’s Bring the Elephant into the Room!
         Reshaping the Inclusive Environment in Further & Higher Education
          March 20th & 21st 2018 | Croke Park Conference Centre, Dublin

                            Draft Schedule - Day2
08:50   Registration (New Arrivals Only), Tea & Coffee
09:25   Move Straight to Breakouts

        Breakout Session 3 - Choose Your Path (no switching mid session please!)
        Main Hall                         Green Room                       Blue Room
09:30   “What about the dog in            Transforming vision              Moving towards
        the room?” – The role of          into useful policy for           inclusion and universal
        the disability service in         all students in higher           design: The evolution of
        supporting students who           education                        an accessible module
        wish to attend college            Judith Jansen & Evelien          Michael Mc Mahon &
        accompanied by a support          Westerbeek van Eerten (Expert    Catherine O Donoghue
        animal                            Centre handicap + studie)        (Athlone Institute of
        Julie Tonge (University College
10:00   Precarious spaces or the          Enough is enough! What           Exploring the Cultural
        trouble with ‘normal’ in          should professional              Mosaic: the inclusion
        Higher Education: Finding a       assessment of dyslexia for       of students with
        theoretical approach              students in HE look like?        disabilities in Bethlehem
        Dr. Malin Ekström (Uppsala        Michelle Kinsella & Donald       University’
        University)                       Ewing (Dyslexia Association of   Mai Jaber (Bethlehem
                                          Ireland)                         University)

10:30   Move to Main Hall
10:40   Elephant #3 - Diagnostic Tools - do we need them and should we use them?
        Paddy Turner (Sheffield Hallam University and NADP)
11:30   Tea/Coffee
Let’s Bring the Elephant into the Room!
         Reshaping the Inclusive Environment in Further & Higher Education
           March 20th & 21st 2018 | Croke Park Conference Centre, Dublin

                    Draft Schedule - Day2 Cont...
11:55   Move to Breakouts

        Breakout Session 3 - Choose Your Path (no switching mid session please!)
        Main Hall                            Green Room                         Blue Room
12:00   Active Inclusion in FET in           Digital Inclusion or               GDPR: What are your
        Ireland – From Policy to             Exclusion? Challenging             responsibilities under
        Practice through Universal           Assumptions of                     the new data protection
        Design in Education                  Accessibility within Online        law?
        Rory O’Sullivan (Killester College   Business Studies                   Jennifer Ryan (Trinity College
        of Further Education)                Miriam Edwards (University of      Dublin)

12:30   CETB Pilot: UDL in Further           EMASI Project: Enhancing           Will College Get Me a
        Education                            Mobility of Access                 Job?
        Liz Moynihan (Cork ETB)              Students Ireland                   Anne Feehily (Employment
                                             Sinéad Lucey (Irish Universities   Response North West)

13:00   Lunch
14:00   Elephant #4 - Student Success - what is success and are we setting our students up for
        Annie Hoey (Former President of the Union of Students in Ireland)

15:00   Key Conference Themes Reviewed

15:30   Close

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