Delivering World-Class Multilingual Customer Support - February 16, 2022

Page created by Gene Wilson
Delivering World-Class Multilingual Customer Support - February 16, 2022
Delivering World-
Class Multilingual
Customer Support
February 16, 2022
Delivering World-Class Multilingual Customer Support - February 16, 2022
About Language I/O
Language I/O builds intelligent technology that powers meaningful conversations
between global organizations and people.

Article                                                Case


Social                                                 Chat
Delivering World-Class Multilingual Customer Support - February 16, 2022
Some of our clients
Delivering World-Class Multilingual Customer Support - February 16, 2022
ISO 27001 Certified & GDPR Compliant

Improve CSAT & NPS with an average ROI
of 550%
Delivering World-Class Multilingual Customer Support - February 16, 2022
The Importance of Providing
Multilingual Customer Support
Delivering World-Class Multilingual Customer Support - February 16, 2022
of consumers have higher expectations for
      customer service today than they did 3-5 years

65%   ago.

      - Netomi’s 2021 State of Customer Service Report
Delivering World-Class Multilingual Customer Support - February 16, 2022
Most Common
Languages Spoken on
the Internet

                      Source: Statista; data as of January 2020
Delivering World-Class Multilingual Customer Support - February 16, 2022
Most Common                      25.90%

Languages Spoken on
the Internet          74.10%

                      English   Not English
Delivering World-Class Multilingual Customer Support - February 16, 2022
of customers are more likely to buy if post-
      purchase support is provided in their native

74%   language.

      -CSA Research
Delivering World-Class Multilingual Customer Support - February 16, 2022
Retail e-commerce
sales worldwide
from 2014 to 2025
Types of Multilingual Support
Chatbot              Website /                  Social
                  Knowledge Base               Content

          Email                    Live Chat
Human Translation
           of Static Content

Chatbot       Website /         Social
           Knowledge Base      Content
Multilingual Support Agents
          For Real-Time Support

Email                                 Live Chat
Monolingual Customer Support Scenario
Option A: Duplicate Services For Every Supported Language
Option B: Install Language I/O
Ensuring Translation Quality
World-class support requires more than generic
  translated conversations.

Generic NMT engines and                        Google focuses on generalizing                 One Machine Engine is not
translations do not please                     consumer translations.                         enough for quality translation.

Different companies require different          Google prioritizes speed and scale over        For company-specific translations,
glossary term translations. For example,       quality. When revenue relies on                Google’s results vary drastically based
the word ‘player’ can be translated as         accurate translation of company-               upon quantity and human-translated
’basketball player’ or ‘video game             specific terms generalizing isn’t              content.
player’.                                       enough.
                                                                                              - Slator
- Adam Bittlingmayer, CEO Modelfront, former   - Adam Bittlingmayer, CEO Modelfront, former
Google Translate Software Engineer, Heather    Google Translate Software Engineer
Shoemaker CEO Language I/O
I have made the                                                            I have redeemed
                                         he realizado la                   the promo code
promotion for the                                                          for the French
ganafor of the rg
                                         promocion para el
                                                                           Open winner
with rafa, and you                       ganafor del rg con rafa, y        with Rafael Nadal
have not given me                        no me habis dafo la               and you have not
                                         iltima free                       given me the
the iltima free                                                            latest free

     Support chat translated by Google                                Support chat translated by Language I/O
Problem:                         Solution:
A client providing open-source   The client implemented
web browsing was relying         Language I/O’s ticket
solely on manually copy &        translation solution for
pasting content into Google      ZenDesk. Now, agents can get
Translate to translate           accurate translations with one
thousands of multilingual        click, directly within the
support tickets every month.     platform they’re working in.
Ensuring Security & Compliance
                              动作。但老是不触              I have an Eldrazi
I have Zhang Zhaozaiqi        发。瞎菜了。能帮              Devastator card with
card with annihilation                              annihilator keyword
keyword action. But it        我解决这个问题               action. But it doesn't
doesn't always trigger.       吗?gkd。我的电邮            always trigger. I'm
Blind dishes. Can you help                          confused. Can you help me
me solve this problem? gkd.
                              eldrazi.devastator@   solve this problem? Do it
My email is         ,我的DCI       quickly please! My email is
eldrazi.devastator@gmail.     号是9783472952。         eldrazi.devastator@gmail.
com, and my DCI number                              com, and my DCI number
is 9783723952.                                      is 9783723952.
                              Eldrazi Devastator
                              Magic the Gathering
Find and encrypt any embedded personal data for GDPR          题吗?gkd。我的电邮是
compliance before sending it to machines for translation.     eldrazi.devastator@gmail我的 9783472952。

                                                              不触发。 能帮我。能帮我解决这个问题吗
Detect terms that require company-specific                    ?gkd。我的电邮是  我的
translations.                                                 。

                                                              我有 Eldrazi Devastator 牌,关键字动作。但
Our self-improving glossary machine learning finds            老是不触发 annihilator 。能帮我解决这个问
other non-dictionary terms and keeps track of them. Once      题吗? gkd。我的电邮是  我
we hit a threshold of chats containing this new term, it is   的 。
automatically added to the previous step.

                                                              I have Eldrazi Devastator card with annihilator
Intelligently select the best machine translation             keyword action. But it doesn't always trigger.
engine for this chat message and impose our preferred         I’m confused. Can you help me solve this
translations for glossary terms to produce a high-quality     problem? Please help as quickly as possible!
translation without compromising PII.                         My email is , and my DCI
                                                              number is .
Integrating with Your CRM
Problem:                           Solution:
A global stock photography
                                  The company integrated
provider’s efforts to translate
                                  Language I/O’s solutions for
its knowledge base for
                                  case and article translation
customers in 100+ countries
                                  directly into Salesforce,
proved to be a laborious,
                                  shaving days off its
manual process, with work
                                  operational translation
order requests getting passed
                                  process. It is now able to
back and forth between
                                  provide support in more than
translation agencies and team
                                  20 languages.
Thank you, questions?

Heather Shoemaker

Sales Inquiries
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