Membership A united voice for Australia's gold industry - Working together to strengthen our industry, promote our value, support our people and ...

Page created by Dustin Rodriguez
Membership A united voice for Australia's gold industry - Working together to strengthen our industry, promote our value, support our people and ...
A united voice for
Australia’s gold industry

Working together to strengthen our
industry, promote our value, support our
people and grow our communities.
Membership A united voice for Australia's gold industry - Working together to strengthen our industry, promote our value, support our people and ...
Gold Industry Group

The Gold Industry Group (GIG) is                             Membership benefits include:
a not-for-profit, member-based                               • Company opportunities to promote gold across
                                                               Australia and beyond
industry association governed by
                                                             • Opportunities to champion change in the
a Board of Directors.
                                                               gold industry
We are connecting gold producers, explorers,                 • Company and employee opportunities to
prospectors, fabricators and service providers to              participate in a range of projects from innovation
champion the gold sector and support communities               and diversity to mental health and education
across Australia.                                            • Collaboration with members of the gold sector
                                                             • Opportunities to shape and participate in long-
Become a gold champion                                         term community engagement initiatives
Together, we’re leaving a legacy for gold in Australia.      • Be recognised as an active supporter of the gold
Our activities and services aim to:                            industry, your employees and the community
                                                             • Company promotional opportunities
• DRIVE positive change within the industry and
  community                                                  • Events and networking opportunities
                                                             • Access to business and community social media
• GROW awareness and understanding of gold’s
  value, its relevance in everyday life, the diverse           groups, news, research and publications
  opportunities it provides and its significance to the      • Access to member only events, sponsorship
  community and economy                                        and programs
• CREATE and support long-term education and
  community initiatives that leave a positive legacy         Community partners
• PARTNER and collaborate with industry and                  The GIG is committed to advancing communities and
  community organisations                                    supporting its people around Australia.
                                                             We’re proud to give back and so are our people, which
Join us to build a strong, connected and
sustainable gold industry in Australia.                      is why the GIG have formed long-term partnerships
                                                             with West Coast Fever, Netball WA, Indigenous
                                                             netball education program Shooting Stars, mental
Join us                                                      health charity LIVIN and Australian Earth Science
Membership is open to gold producers and                     Education, to enrich the lives of our workers, their
explorers, as well as companies providing services           families, and the broader Australian public.
to the gold sector.
The union of diverse stakeholders is extremely
important to our industry’s future. Collectively our
members represent the entire gold value chain.

  P +61 8 6314 6333 E W A 4/317 Churchill Avenue, Subiaco WA
Membership A united voice for Australia's gold industry - Working together to strengthen our industry, promote our value, support our people and ...
Board of Directors
Richard G Hayes               Kelly Carter
Chairperson                   Vice Chairperson
Chief Executive Officer       Vice President: Legal
Gold Corporation              and Compliance
                              Gold Fields

Stuart Tonkin                 Phillip Cochineas
Director                      Director,
Chief Executive Officer       Managing Director
Northern Star Resources Ltd   ABC Refinery

Andrea Maxey                  Stuart Jenner
Director,                     Director,
Vice President: Corporate     General Manager: Capability
Affairs, Community and HR     and Culture
AngloGold Ashanti             Gold Road Resources
Australia Ltd

Nathan Edwards                Fiona Murfitt
Director,                     Director,
General Manager Refinery      Executive General Manager
Gold Corporation              Sustainability
                              Evolution Mining

David Woodford                Giulia Savio
Director,                     Director,
Chief Commercial Officer      Principal - Diversity and
Pallion                       Inclusion
                              Newcrest Mining Ltd
Membership A united voice for Australia's gold industry - Working together to strengthen our industry, promote our value, support our people and ...
GIG Members

                                      NORTON GOLD FIELDS



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Membership A united voice for Australia's gold industry - Working together to strengthen our industry, promote our value, support our people and ...
Gold Industry Group
  The Gold Industry Group (GIG) is a not-for-profit,
  member-based industry association governed by a
  Board of Directors.
  By connecting gold producers, explorers, prospectors
  and companies which service the sector, we can enable
  a strong, connected and sustainable gold industry.

  Contact details
  Primary Contact

 Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss/Dr                  Name

 Company                                                                     Job Title

 Phone                                                      Email

 Address                                                              Suburb                                               P/code

  Managing Director/CEO

 Name                                                                   Email

  Other Company Contacts

1 Name                                                                                    Title

 Phone                                                      Email

2 Name                                                                                    Title

 Phone                                                      Email

  Accounts Contact

 Name                                                                   Email

      Please send me available sponsorship opportunities

 PRIVACY STATEMENT: In accordance with the data privacy act, GIG does not disclose members contact details to third parties. The purpose of collecting
 contact information is to process membership and keep members informed on GIG and industry initiatives, events, news, issues and activities.

 Payment options
      Cheque                                                                         Bank Transfer
      Payable to Gold Industry Group                                                 As per invoice

                Please send your membership application to:
                or mail to 4/317 Churchill Avenue, Subiaco WA 6008.
                Alternatively, apply online at

  P +61 8 6314 6333 E W A 4/317 Churchill Avenue, Subiaco WA
Membership A united voice for Australia's gold industry - Working together to strengthen our industry, promote our value, support our people and ...
                                       SUSTAINABLE GOLD INDUSTRY.


P: +61 8 6314 6333                                  @heartofgoldaus   @gold-industry-group
A: 4/317 Churchill Avenue, Subiaco WA 6008      @ausgoldindustry      Heart of Gold Australia
Membership A united voice for Australia's gold industry - Working together to strengthen our industry, promote our value, support our people and ... Membership A united voice for Australia's gold industry - Working together to strengthen our industry, promote our value, support our people and ... Membership A united voice for Australia's gold industry - Working together to strengthen our industry, promote our value, support our people and ... Membership A united voice for Australia's gold industry - Working together to strengthen our industry, promote our value, support our people and ...
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