DANCE - United Arts of Central Florida

Page created by Alfredo Chang
DANCE - United Arts of Central Florida
                                                                                                                     CENTRAL FLORIDA BALLET
                                                                                                                     July 8-August 2
                                                                                                                     2019 Summer Intensive Dance Program
                                                                                                                     This summer Intensive is a formal program
                                                                                                                     offering professional ballet training in the
                                                                                                                     Russian Method as well as a variety of other
                                                                                                                     dance styles. Students are placed in ballet
                                                                                                                     groups by age and ability, and can expect 3
                                                                                                                     to 7 hours of dance each day. A Showcase
                                                                                                                     performance is at the end of the session for
                                                                                                                     all students participating in the final three
                                                                                                                     weeks. Audition is required. TUITION: Varies
                                                                                                                     upon level and number of weeks enrolled

                                                                                                                     CHANCE 2 DANCE FLORIDA
                                                                                                                     June 10-August 2
                                                                                                                     Ages 7-35
                                                                                                                     Dance Camp: Full of Fairy Tales
                                                                                                                     Each week, campers focus on a different
                                                                                                                     fairy tale, learning choreography, theater/
                                                                                                                     acting skills, and building their own sets and
                                                                                                                     costumes. Camp days have an 8:30 a.m.
                                                                                                                     drop-off time and run until 3 p.m. At the end
                                                                                                                     of each week, campers perform the “fairy
                                                                                                                     tale of the week” for family and friends.
                                                                                                                     Campers may enroll for all weeks or on a
                                                                                                                     weekly basis. TUITION: See Website or Call

                                                                                                                     ORLANDO BALLET SCHOOL
                                                                                                                     June 3-14
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                                                                                                                     Ages 6-12
                                                                                                                     Dance Camp: Alice in Wonderland
                                                                                                                     With both half-day and full-day options, this
                                                                                                                     camp provides our younger students
                                                                                                                     continued intense ballet training, as well as
                     CREATIVE WRITING | DANCE | FILM | HISTORY | MUSIC | SCIENCE & NATURE | THEATER | VISUAL ARTS    exposes them to other forms of dance such
                                                                                                                     as jazz, character and musical theater. Level
                                                                                                                     2 students participate in pre-pointe classes.

                         W         hat time is it when the school
                                   bell rings for summer break?
                         It’s time for exploration and adventure.
                                                                        lessons can be gained through these
                                                                        wonderful offerings. Children learn to
                                                                        collaborate, build self-confidence, as
                                                                                                                     On June 14, parents can observe their child’s
                                                                                                                     ballet class. Following class, students will
                                                                                                                     present a showcase performance of Alice in
                         It’s summer camp time. It’s the moment         well as develop leadership skills. Here’s    Wonderland for family and friends. TUITION:
                         when your children can fill their time         to a summer journey filled with explo-       Full Day, 2 Weeks, $550; Full Day, 1 Week,
                                                                                                                     $325; Half Day, 2 Weeks $325; Half Day 1
                         and minds with new opportunities and           ration, stimulation and enthusiasm.
                                                                                                                     Week, $185
                         experiences that might even result in a        Here’s to a summer of pure fun.
                         lifelong love. Whether it is theater, paint-                                                June 3-July 27
                         ing or science experiments, the excite-        While this guide is extensive and based
                                                                                                                     Ages 18 mo.-7
                         ment of learning something new and             on information provided by the organi-
                                                                                                                     Young Dancers Summer Session
                         reuniting with friends from summers            zations, please visit
                                                                                                                     Classes help develop the student’s
                         past is palatable. The cultural organi-        or the individual organization websites to   imagination and musicality, while making
                         zations in our community have created          confirm the information listed, as well as   new friends, having fun and discovering the
                         opportunities for all ages, talents and        for additional information or camp offer-    joy of movement through dance. TUITION: 8
                         learning needs. A multitude of life            ings not included herein.                    Weeks, $160; 4 Weeks, $90
                                                                         ORLANDO ARTS MAGAZINE MARCH/APRIL 2019


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DANCE - United Arts of Central Florida
June 17-July 25                                  June 17-21
                                                         Vintage Vacay
        Ages 7-12
        Performing Arts Summer Camp                      Pack up your old jalopy just like a “tin can     UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL
        In this camp, students are exposed to a          tourist” as we explore Florida as the land of    FLORIDA
        broader lens of dance, acting and vocal          both destination vacations and the               407.823.3724,
        training. TUITION: 6 Weeks, $450; 3 Weeks,       staycation state.                                teachered/clinics-and-camps/
                                                         June 24-28                                       June 3-21
        July 8-19
                                                         Camp Wild, Wild Florida
        Ages 11-13                                                                                        Grades K-6
                                                         Saddle up your sturdy marsh tackie as we
        Performing Arts Summer Camp                                                                       Summer Reading Clinics at UCF College
                                                         learn about the pioneers and cow hunters
        In this camp, students are exposed to a                                                           of Community Innovation & Education
                                                         who came down to tame the “wild lands” of
        broader lens of dance, acting and vocal                                                           Pizza party for all campers on Friday TUITION:
                                                         the South.                                       3-Week Daily Reading Clinic, $200; Weekly
        training. TUITION: 2 Weeks, $300; 1 Week, $150
                                                                                                          Digital Storytelling Camp, $150 per week
        FILM                                             July 1-3
                                                         Order in the Court                               June 4-20
        ENZIAN                                           Before the History Center was a museum,
        407.629.1088,                                                                          Grades K-5
                                                         our historic 1927 building was the Orange
                                                                                                          UCF South Lake Summer Reading and
        July 8-21                                        County Courthouse. Get a behind-the-             Storytelling Camp 2019
                                                         scenes glimpse of the court process while        The camp pairs students with undergraduate
        Grades 5-9                                       creating your own mock trial.
        KidFest Young Filmmakers’ Summer                                                                  education students for individualized
        Camp                                                                                              support in developing their reading, writing
                                                         July 8-12                                        and thinking abilities. Online registration
        Campers create their own movie and
        experience the art of filmmaking by studying     Highways and Byways                              begins April 15. TUITION: $70
        cinematic techniques, learning about the         Learn about how people made it down to
        exciting history of filmmaking and diving into
        the production of an independent film. After
                                                         the Sunshine State – from indigenous
                                                         peoples 12,000 years ago to folks who
        wrapping the shoot, they can see their work      traveled by steamboats, trains and space         CENTRAL FLORIDA VOCAL ARTS
        projected on the big screen with their fellow    shuttles. It’s sure to be a fun ride.            863.510.7236,
        filmmakers, family and friends. TUITION:
        $550 (Non-Members), $475 (Members)                                                                events/966789480197932/
                                                         July 15-19
                                                                                                          June 17-22
        HISTORY                                          Museum Nomads
                                                         Join us for a nomadic adventure as we visit      Ages 7-12
        ORANGE COUNTY REGIONAL                           different history and art museums in our area    Summer Institute I
        HISTORY CENTER                                   to learn more about what these education         A comprehensive performing-arts training
        407.836.8580,               hubs do and why they are so awesome.             program, with an emphasis on vocal
                                                         Ages 6-9                                         performance and studies in dance, acting,
        June 3-August 9                                                                                   scriptwriting, scenic production and more.
        Ages 6-11                                        July 15-19                                       Scholarships available by audition for those
        Adventures in History Summer Camps               Junior Curator                                   with financial need. Limited enrollment.
        This summer camp combines cool historic                                                           TUITION: $300 by May 1; $325 after
                                                         From artifacts to education, go behind the
        facts with STEM content through hands-on         scenes at the History Center. In this hands-on
        activities, interactive guest-speaker                                                             June 24-29
                                                         camp, you’ll design and display your own
        programs and field trips. Each camp offers       mini-museum exhibition. Ages 10-11               Ages 13-18
        three classes and, unless otherwise                                                               Summer Institute II
        noted, is divided by age group (1) ages 6-7,                                                      A comprehensive performing-arts training
                                                         July 22-26
        (2) ages 8-9, and (3) ages 10-11. Includes                                                        program, with an emphasis on vocal
        morning and after care until 6 p.m., T-shirt,    A Day in the Decade
                                                                                                          performance and studies in dance, acting,
        and pizza parties on Fridays. TUITION: Early     Explore artifacts, and create your own
                                                                                                          scriptwriting, scenic production and more.
        Bird Member Registration Feb. 1-15, $150;        take-home time capsule as you learn about
                                                                                                          Scholarships available by audition for those
        Feb. 16-April 15: $150 Members; $175             20th-century life.
                                                                                                          with financial need. Limited enrollment.
        Non-Members; Beginning April 16: $175
                                                                                                          TUITION: $300 before May 1, $325 after
        Members; $200 Non-Members                        July 29-August 2
                                                         Sails, Trails, and Manatee Tails                 METROPOLITAN AREA YOUTH
        June 3-7
                                                         Explore how Native Americans and animals
        Art Smart Historians                             have survived and thrived in Florida’s wild
        Create your own masterpieces based on the
                                                         swamps, forests and prairies.                    800.978.0407,
        works of Florida artists and have your
        artwork on display in the museum.                                                                 June 10-14
                                                         August 5-9                                       MAYS Summer Camp (Orlando)
        June 10-14                                       Time Travelers                                   Camp includes full orchestra rehearsals,
        To Orlando and Beyond                            Round out the summer in this hands-on            chamber music, music theory, composition,
        Learn about the famous sailors, scientists       camp by learning about people who have           recitals, music, appreciation, master classes
        and astronauts who have helped us                called Florida home — from the past to the       and practice techniques. Snacks included.
        understand our world and beyond.                 present.                                         TUITION: See Website or Call
                                                          ORLANDO ARTS MAGAZINE MARCH/APRIL 2019


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DANCE - United Arts of Central Florida
2019 Cultural Camps Guide

        ORANGE COUNTY LIBRARY                            UCF SCHOOL OF                                      July 7-13
        SYSTEM                                           PERFORMING ARTS                                    UCF Percussion Summer Institute
                                                         407.823.2869,                    A unique opportunity to study closely with
        407.835.7323,                                                                         UCF percussion faculty Thad Anderson,
        June 1-22                                        June 7-9                                           percussionist, composer and contemporary/
                                                         Ages 11-19                                         electroacoustic music specialist; Kirk Gay,
        All Ages                                                                                            world-class timpanist and orchestral
                                                         UCF Sax Boot Camp
        Celebrate Summer With Free Daps                                                                     musician; and Jeff Moore, internationally
                                                         This three-day intensive includes daily
        Celebrate our Summer Reading Program                                                                recognized percussion clinician, lecturer, and
                                                         master classes with continual and
        with Free Daps, a local group of freestyle       concentrated input from Dr. Weremchuk.             soloist. Participants perform in master
        rappers and improvisers who use hip-hop to       Areas of concentration include fitness,            classes and concerts, and receive
        create a thrilling, one-of-a-kind musical        nutrition, All-State preparation and daily         instruction on a variety of percussion
        comedy show every time they perform.             saxophone master classes in classical and          subjects including: marimba, vibraphone and
        Recommended for the whole family.                jazz, and guest artists. TUITION: Registration     timpani; orchestral instruments snare drum
        Registration begins April 1. Limited seating.    by May 1, $120; by June 1, $150; Housing           and accessories; chamber music and
        June 1, 3-8, 10-12, 22 TUITION: Free             Registration by May 1, $100; by June 1), $120;     percussion ensemble; world music, including
                                                         15% discount for second child.                     Brazilian, Amadinda and steel band; and
        June 22                                                                                             music technology and practice techniques.
                                                         Ages 11-19                                         All instruments are provided. Contact Thad
        All Ages                                                                                            Anderson to make arrangements if you wish
                                                         UCF Flute Boot Camp
        Potterversary                                                                                       to bring your own instruments. TUITION:
                                                         In addition to the daily curriculum, guest
        A universe of stories collide at the Orange      artists give classes. Areas of concentration       Registration by May 1, $450; by June 1, $550;
        County Library System. Dress in the colors of    include fitness, nutrition, preparing for          Housing, $230
        your house and celebrate 20 years since the      marching band (memorization) and daily             July 14-20
        release of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of      flute master class. TUITION: Registration by
        Azkaban. Magic awaits with trivia, games         May 1, $120; by June 1, $150; Housing              Grades 7-12
        and fun for the entire family.                   Registration by May 1, $100, by June 1, $120;      UCF Summer String Camp
                                                         15% discount for second child.                     This intensive designed to educate and
                                                                                                            inspire young string players through a
        ROCK AND ROLL CAMP                                                                                  rigorous and stimulating curriculum includes
                                                         June 14-23
        407.761.7730,                                                                   technique (improving intonation, vibrato,
                                                         Ages High-School & Up                              set-up) and musicianship (foundations of
        June 3-7                                         Summer Opera Institute                             rhythm, sight singing and theory).
        Ages 10-17                                       This intensive for singers who are pursuing a      Instruments covered are violin, viola, cello
        Rock and Roll Camp                               music education or performance career              and double bass. TUITION: Registration by
                                                         includes voice lessons, private coaching,          May 1, $275; by July 1, $325; Housing, $230
        Guitar, drums, bass and voice. Students
                                                         diction study, acting and movement classes,
        learn to play in a rock band, and perform in a
        rock show on the fifth day. Beginners to
                                                         master classes with guest clinicians, the
                                                         Business of Singing/Marketing classes,
        advanced. Registration online. TUITION: $320     audition skills/performance classes,               HARRY P. LEU GARDENS
                                                         Alexander Technique sessions, opera                407.246.3621,
        SAINT ANDREW’S                                   awareness/appreciation. Students
                                                         participate in a final free concert on Sunday,     June 24-28
                                                         June 23. Singers showcase progress at UCF’s        Ages 6-8
        407.328.0528,                                    Summer Opera Institute. TUITION:                   Nature Nut Camp                     Registration by May 15, $500; by June 1,           Explore Leu Gardens to discover many
                                                         $550; Housing $40 per night, or $400 for the       mysteries and marvels about the world of
        June 24-28
                                                         entire program (checking in on Thursday            plants, and many creatures that depend on
        Grades K-12                                      evening, June 13 and checking out on               them, including us, of course. We’ll travel to
        Summer Music Academy                             Sunday, June 23). Includes basic linens.           rainforests and deserts and places in
        The Half-Day Program (9 a.m. -12 p.m) is                                                            between to see what plants grow and what
        open to students grades K-5 with no              June 23-29                                         clever things they do to survive. Games,
        previous musical experience required.            Ages 11-18                                         crafts and living projects to take home are all
        Students spend the week singing in choir, as     UCF Piano Camp                                     part of the fun. Bring a snack and water
        well as playing Orff instruments,                This intensive for young pianists includes         bottle. Pre-registration and payment
        handchimes, and recorders. Parents and           daily activities such as private lessons, group    required through website. TUITION: $80
        friends are invited to join us for a closing     sessions in a master-class setting, piano          Members; $100 Non-Members
        concert on Friday, June 28, at 11:30 a.m. The    injury-preventive technique classes,
                                                                                                            July 15-19
        Full-Day Program (9 a.m.-3:45 p.m.) is open      literature/sight-reading /theory, group piano
                                                         ensemble classes, practice time. Enjoy             Ages 9-12
        to students in grades 6-12 who are
                                                         additional activities such as yoga for pianists,   Full STEAM Ahead Camp
        intermediate to advanced musicians. .
                                                         university tours, games and sports, movies,        In this science- and art-based camp in one,
        Students spend the week rehearsing in both                                                          campers discover many wonders of plant
                                                         ice cream social, pizza night, field trip to
        small and large ensemble settings (chamber       mall, etc. All participants perform in a final     and animal sciences with games, hikes,
        ensembles, orchestra, choir), learning music     recital at the end of the week. Please note        experiments and takehome projects. In the
        theory, and working with faculty in recital      that minimum age for Housing is 13 years           afternoon, create projects that complement
        and master-class settings. Parents and           old. TUITION: Registration by May 1, $450; by      the morning activities. Bring your lunch,
        friends are invited to join us for a closing     June 1, $520; Housing Registration by May 1,       snack and water bottle. Pre-registration and
        concert on Friday, June 28, at 6 p.m.            $240; by June 1, $270; 15% discount for            payment required. TUITION: $240 Members;
        TUITION: Half-Day: $80; Full-Day: $175           second child.                                      $270 Non-Members
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July 29-August 2                                 Grades 3-4                                       to experience bioluminescent dinoflagellates
        Ages 6-8                                         Our World of Minecraft                           in coastal lagoons. Spend the night at OSC
        Nature Around the World                          Bring the world of Minecraft to life one block   after our kayaking adventure and wake up
        Travel the world to explore nature and art. A    at a time while defending your creation from     ready to understand how living things react
        different continent is explored each day to      Creepers. Explore gravity and test how the       with their environment. TUITION: $375
        learn about the plants and animals through       physics of this compelling game compares         Members; $425 Non-Members
        nature treks, games and activities. Campers      to the world around us. Minecraft is a
        create works of art inspired by the culture on   registered trademark of MOJANG SYNERGIES
                                                                                                          June 10-14; July 1-5, July 29-August 2
        the continents. Bring your lunch, snack and      AB, which does not sponsor, authorize or
        water bottle. TUITION: $240 Members; $270        endorse this site. TUITION: Full-Day $260        Grades 3-4
        Non-Members                                      Non-Members; $230 Members                        Superhero Science
                                                                                                          Push yourself to soar higher, go farther and
                                                         June 3-7; July 1-5, 22-26                        be faster as we plunge into the science
                                                         Grades 1-2                                       behind your favorite super heroes. Harness
                                                         Junior Astronaut                                 the power of the elements, master
        June 3-7                                         Strap in for a journey to the Sun, Moon and      magnetism and race to super speeds while
        Preschool                                        the amazing planets that call our solar          working as a team to overcome obstacles.
        Seed, Soil, Sun                                  system home. Train like an astronaut,            TUITION: Full-Day $230 Members; $260
        Let’s explore how we use different methods       engineer rockets and shuttles, and plan your     Non-Members
        (hydroponics, greenhouses), planting tools       mission before you touch down on the
        and experiments to grow fruits, vegetables       surface of Mars. TUITION: Full-Day $260          June 10-14; July 8-12, July 29-August 2
        and plants in our world. Don’t forget your       Non-Members; $230 Members
        garden hat and work boots. TUITION: $230                                                          Grades 1-2
        Members; $260 Non-Members                        June 3-7; July 15-19                             #ScienceStar
                                                                                                          Learn about the world of vlogging and
        Grades 3-5                                       Kindergarten
                                                                                                          discover the tech behind your favorite social
        Adventures in Science, Art and Theater           How to Train Your Dinosaur
                                                                                                          media videos. Learn responsible social
        Discover the unique relationship between         We’ll explore the world of dinosaurs and
                                                         learn about what it would have taken to keep     media usage and work as a team to create
        science, theater arts and visual arts. This
                                                         one of these giants as a pet. TUITION:           your own science vlog and explore your
        collaborative camp starts and ends each day
                                                         Full-Day $260 Non-Members; $230 Members          favorite science topics, from dinosaurs to
        at OSC and includes daily sessions at
        Orlando Shakes and Orlando Museum of Art.                                                         animals to space and more. Videos are
        TUITION: $230 Members; $260 Non-Members          Grades 3-4                                       posted to OSC’s private social media
                                                         Nature Inspired                                  channel. TUITION: Full-Day $230 Members;
        Grades 7-9                                       Dive into the world of biomimicry, where         $260 Non-Members
        Augment Your Reality                             scientists are taking their cue from nature to
        Check out the world of simulation as we          create technology like exoskeletons or           June 10-14, 24-28; July 15-19; August 5-9
        explore how the fields of healthcare, aviation   planes to help us overcome everyday              Grades 1-2
        and exploration are using this technology to     obstacles. TUITION: Full-Day $260
                                                                                                          Pet Vets
        improve our lives and expand our                 Non-Members; $230 Members
                                                                                                          What do you do when a crocodile has a
        understanding of our universe. TUITION:
                                                                                                          toothache? How do you check a shark’s
        $375 Members; $425 Non-Members                   Grades 5-6
                                                                                                          pulse? When our furry (and scaly) friends get
                                                         SciFi Jedi
        June 3-7, 10-14, 17-21, 24-28; July 1-5,                                                          sick, the veterinarian is there to make them
                                                         Become a Sci-Fi Jedi. Explore the science
        8-12, 15-19, 22-26; July 29-August 2, 5-9        behind the force, lightsabers, droids and        feel better. Spend a week in vet school and
                                                         other technologies of tomorrow. Learn about      get hands-on experience caring for your
        Grades 1-2                                                                                        favorite animals. TUITION: Full-Day $230
        Who Loves Robots? We Do                          the history of our universe from long, long
                                                         ago as we explore how planetary bodies           Members; $260 Non-Members
        Test your STEM skills by building a chomping
        alligator and a rocking boat, all from LEGO      form. TUITION: $285 Members; $325
        Education. Discover the basic principles of      Non-Members                                      June 10-14; July 22-26
        robotics by putting gears, levers and wheels                                                      Grades 3-4
        to work. LEGO is a registered trademark of       June 10-14
                                                                                                          Coding Cadets
        the LEGO Group of companies, which does          Preschool                                        Learn to create your own virtual stories and
        not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site.     Invisible Forces                                 adventures step-by-step through a variety
        TUITION: Full-Day $260 Non-Members; $230         Join us as we investigate the science you        of popular new coding programs. Explore
        Members                                          can’t see — gravity, static electricity,         the secrets of binary code, solve fascinating
                                                         magnetism and sound, to name a few. Use          puzzles, and learn how to program your
        June 3-7, 17-21; July 29-August 2                simple machines, everyday objects and            friends. TUITION: Full-Day $230 Members;
                                                         STEM resources as we explore and observe
        Grades 1-2                                                                                        $260 Non-Members
                                                         these invisible forces. TUITION: $230
        Turtle Power
                                                         Members; $260 Non-Members
        Are you a Hero in a Half-Shell? Test your
        creativity as we create an invention like                                                         Grades 5-6
        Donatello, conquer puzzles like Leonardo         Grades 7-9                                       Next Food Star
        and become a team-leader like Master             Expedition Florida                               Check out how chefs, cooks and everyday
        Splinter. Explore the Teenage Mutant Ninja       Embark on a freshwater journey through           people use chemistry to prepare our favorite
        Turtles traveling exhibit and learn about real   Florida’s interactive river and spring system,   foods and work as a team to create your
        turtle adaptations. TUITION: Full-Day $260       exploring fascinating freshwater ecology         own mini-cooking show. TUITION: $285
        Non-Members; $230 Members                        with an unforgettable nighttime kayak tour       Members; $325 Non-Members
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DANCE - United Arts of Central Florida
2019 Cultural Camps Guide

        (Orlando Science Center continued)                strange chemical creations — safely, of          June 24-28; August 5-9
                                                          course. TUITION: Full-Day $230 Members;
                                                                                                           Grades 3-4
        June 10-14; August 5-9                            $260 Non-Members
                                                                                                           Robot Revolution Vex v. Mindstorm
        Kindergarten                                      June 17-21, July 24-28                           Bring robots to life. With LEGO Mindstorm
        Ocean Explorers                                                                                    and VEX Robotics, we’ll learn the basics of
        Travel on the East Australian Current with a                                                       robotic design and programming, then put
                                                          Mini Builders
        bale of sea turtles, learn to eat like a coral                                                     our robots to work performing tasks and
                                                          Grab your hard hat and explore your creative     solving problems. LEGO is a registered
        polyp and measure a Blue Whale. From              side as we engineer a flying machine, design
        jellyfish that light up to underwater                                                              trademark of the LEGO Group of companies
                                                          and build a playground and much more.            which does not sponsor, authorize or
        volcanoes, you’ll never guess what we’ll find     $230 Members; $260 Non-Members
        under the sea. TUITION: Full-Day $230                                                              endorse this site. VEX and VEX Robotics are
        Members; $260 Non-Members                                                                          trademarks or service marks of Innovation
                                                          June 17-21; August 5-9
                                                                                                           First International, Inc. which does not
        June 17-21                                        Grades 5-6                                       sponsor, authorize or endorse this site.
                                                          Express Your Tech                                TUITION: Full-Day $230 Members; $260
        I’m a Wildlife Biologist                          Come express yourself and become a
        Join the OSC wildlife team as we investigate                                                       Non-Members
                                                          master maker as we dive into the world of
        similarities and differences in the               DIY. Explore wearable technology and 3-D
        ecosystems, collect data and use our                                                               July 1-5
                                                          printing in the Hive exhibit, make your own
        science tools as we explore. Don’t forget         arcade game and discover what being a            To Infinity and Beyond
        your binoculars and journal. TUITION: $230        maker is all about. TUITION: $285 Members;       Prepare to blast off as we venture into outer
        Members; $260 Non-Members                         $325 Non-Members                                 space with the stars, sun, moon and planets.
                                                                                                           Buckle up in the OSC rocket ship as we
        Grades 7-9                                        June 24-28                                       count stars, explore constellations, journey
        Aviation Adventure                                                                                 to other planets and check out the third
                                                          Kindergarten                                     planet from the sun — Earth. TUITION:
        Become a pilot and guide your aircraft safely     Mother Goose on the Loose
        through the skies using aeronautical                                                               Full-Day $230 Members; $260 Non-Members
                                                          Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall — what
        technologies, including OSC’s Flight Lab. Sit     happened to Humpty’s shell? Jack and Jill
        back, relax and get ready for departure.          went up a hill, why did they tumble down?        Grades 3-4
        TUITION: $375 Members; $425 Non-Members           Check out these classic nursery rhymes and       Ready? Set? Create
                                                          more as we explore the science behind the        With imagination as your guide, campers
        June 17-21, 24-28; August 5-9                     stories. TUITION: Full-Day $230 Members;         design, test and build their own creations.
                                                          $260 Non-Members                                 Explore the Hive exhibit and learn what
        Grades 1-2
                                                                                                           being a maker or inventor is all about with
        Pokemon Evolve
        Explore the amazing animals and                   Adventurous Adaptations                          projects like wearable technology and
        environments that are the inspiration for         Have you ever wondered why a zebra has           3Doodler creations. TUITION: Full-Day $230
        Pokemon. Master the skills you’ll need to         stripes? Or why an alligator has so many         Members; $260 Non-Members
        create your own fantastic creatures and go        teeth? Step into the role of junior biologists
        on a fun scavenger hunt to catch ‘em all.         to explore the exciting world of animal          Grades 5-6
        Pokemon is a registered trademark of              adaptations. TUITION: Full-Day $230              NatureWorks Naturalists
        Nintendo, which does not sponsor, authorize       Members; $260 Non-Members                        Become a NatureWorks Ambassador and
        or endorse this site. TUITION: Full-Day $230                                                       help develop a NatureWorks expansion, see
        Members; $260 Non-Members                         Grades 7-9                                       how chemistry, physics and biology play a
                                                          Survival Science                                 major role in the care of a wide range of
        June 17-21, July 8-12                             How do scientists and engineers come up          animals, and explore the world of animal
        Movie Makers                                      with innovative solutions for extreme            husbandry by training tortoises. TUITION:
        Using stop-motion technology, you and your        weather and the global challenges facing         $285 Members; $325 Non-Members
        team will become the directors of                 humanity? From monster hurricanes and
        Hollywood’s next blockbuster. Reserve the         tornados to clean drinking water, what skills    Grades 7-9
        best seats for your friends and family at your    do humans need to survive these                  Stop-Motion Animation
        group’s big movie debut. TUITION: $230            challenges? Come explore how we can              Bring clay, Legos and everyday objects to life
        Members; $260 Non-Members                         continue to adapt and thrive in our changing     on the big screen. Using the latest in
                                                          world using modeling software, engineering
                                                                                                           animation technology and stop-motion
        June 17-21; July 15-19                            solutions, and basic survival techniques.
                                                                                                           cameras, you’ll develop spectacular short
                                                          TUITION: $375 Members; $425 Non-Members
        Grades 1-2                                                                                         films to impress your family and friends.
        Wicked Reactions                                  June 24-28, July 22-26                           TUITION: $375 Members; $425 Non-Members
        From dazzling chemical reactions like a
                                                          Grades 3-4                                       July 1-5; July 22-26
        carbon dioxide sandwich to physical
                                                          Space Madness
        reactions like ooblek and liquid nitrogen, this                                                    Grades 1-2
                                                          Why are there different constellations visible
        camp is sure to get the right reaction out of                                                      Science of Angry Birds
                                                          during different seasons? What force
        you. TUITION: Full-Day $230 Members; $260                                                          Having a pig problem? We’ll build catapults
                                                          controls the motion of the planets, moons
        Non-Members                                                                                        to bring a pig fort crashing down. Test
                                                          and asteroids in our solar system? How does
                                                          our sun provide energy for living things on      changes to your catapult to make your
        June 17-21; July 15-19; August 5-9                                                                 projectile fly higher and faster, and finish up
                                                          Earth? Why can’t we live on Venus? Come
        Grades 3-4                                        help us explore the answers to these             the week with a class competition. Angry
        OSC La-BOR-atory                                  questions and more as we learn about our         Birds is a registered trademark of 2012 Rovio
        We’ll explore the physics and chemistry           place in Space. TUITION: Full-Day $230           Entertainment Ltd. Angry Birds. TUITION:
        behind explosions, electricity and new            Members; $260 Non-Members                        Full-Day $230 Members; $260 Non-Members
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July 1-5, July 29-August 2
        All Paws on Deck
        Grab your Pup Pack and get ready to spend the day with your
        favorite rescue dogs, the Paw Patrol. Explore how all kinds of people
        and pups use science and engineering to make our lives better. Paw
        Patrol is a registered trademark of Spin Master Ltd., which does not
        sponsor, authorize or endorse this site. TUITION: Full-Day $230
        Members; $260 Non-Members

        Grades 5-6
        3D Modeling
        Use real-world rendering technology and 3-D printers to create a
        model of your own drawing, your room or even of an exhibit here at
        OSC. Discover how scientists, engineers and even doctors are using
        this technology to improve our lives. TUITION: $285 Members; $325
        Non-Members                                                                                 5 TH ANNUAL
        July 8-12
        Our Big Backyard
        Who shares our space? Let’s explore our backyard environment full
        of birds, insects, animals and plants. Using binoculars, bird guides
        and other exploration tools, we’ll check out our big backyard.
        TUITION: Full-Day $230 Members; $260 Non-Members

        Let your imagination run wild while creating cars, buildings and
        more. Test the basic principles of engineering as you work together
        to plan the ultimate LEGO city. LEGO is a registered trademark of the
        LEGO Group of companies, which does not sponsor, authorize or
        endorse this site. TUITION: $230 Members; $260 Non-Members

        Grades 5-6
        Dissect, Deconstruct, Discover
        Ever wonder what’s inside the things around you? Roll up your
        sleeves and delve into the guts of everything from toasters to sheep
        hearts. Pull apart a computer and explore how scientists and

                                                                                              APRIL 5 -14
        educators are using virtual dissections to learn about the world
        around us. TUITION: $285 Members; $325 Non-Members

        Grades 7-9
        Ocean Watch
        Dive into the food chains and habitats of Florida’s oceans. Study the
        endangered loggerhead sea turtle and explore fragile shoreline
        ecology, while discovering new ways to conserve our ocean
        resources and protect organisms on the verge of extinction.
        Campers spend the night at OSC following their turtle walk
        experience. TUITION: $375 Members; $425 Non-Members

        July 15-19
        Oh, the Places We’ll Go
        Working together, we set off on an adventure around the world using
        different modes of transportation, exploring the sights, sounds,
        natural wonders and cultures we encounter. TUITION: $230
        Members; $260 Non-Members

        Grades 7-9
        Drone Zone
        Explore drone technology and try to master flying these marvelous
        machines. Then learn how scientists are using the latest technology
        to follow bird migrations, deliver relief packages after natural
        disasters, map uncharted territory and discover lost cities. TUITION:
        $375 Members; $425 Non-Members
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2019 Cultural Camps Guide

        (Orlando Science Center continued)               wetlands exploration. Each Friday Fun Day         Elementary Vocal Music Camp
                                                         we will have a special event on-site or a field   In this camp, young singers in grades 3-5
        July 22-26                                       trip off-site. The children swim or have a        learn important fundamentals and advanced
                                                         water day two times per week. Includes            skills in vocal music through songs, playing
        My BodyWorks                                                                                       musical games, and making new friends.
                                                         camp T-shirt that must be worn on Fridays.
        What would happen if we didn’t have any                                                            TUITION: $200
                                                         No camp on July 4. TUITION: $95 per week
        muscles or bones to support our body?
                                                         Residents; $120 Non-Residents. A $5
        What is under our fingernails? What lives on                                                       June 17-21
        our skin? Is our heart shaped like a heart?      discount per week/per child
        Along with our five senses, explore how our                                                        Early Elementary Musical Theatre
        body works to keep us fit, healthy and
        together. TUITION: Full-Day $230 Members;
                                                         THEATER                                           Young singers, actors and dancers of all
        $260 Non-Members                                 BAY STREET PLAYERS                                levels gain performance skills in using
                                                                                                           age-appropriate training in musical theater.
                                                         352.357.7777,                TUITION: $100
        Grades 7-9
        Maker Revolution                                 July 8-August 4
                                                                                                           Elementary Acting and Theatre Camp
        Have you ever wondered how to make               Bay Street Players YPT Summer Camp
                                                                                                           Young performers of all experience levels in
        wearable technology, create your own 3-D         (Show TBD)
                                                                                                           grades 3-5 learn important theatrical skills
        designs or produce creative original             A four-week production summer camp.
                                                                                                           and experience in character creation, improv
        artwork? Create, build, design, discover and     Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-2 p,m. Performances
                                                                                                           and comedy, movement and expression,
        draw inspiration from scientists, engineers      run Aug. 1-4. TUITION: $350                       dramatic scenes, and theater games and
        and artists in this unique STEAM camp.
                                                                                                           activities. TUITION: $200
        TUITION: $375 Members; $425 Non-Members          CENTRAL FLORIDA
        July 29-August 2                                 COMMUNITY ARTS                                    June 17-28
                                                         407.937.1800,                         Early Childhood Performing Arts Camp
        Ocean Explorers Ahoy
                                                                                                           — Dapper Dance
        Get ready for some sun, sand and surf as we      June 3-7                                          This camp provides preschoolers with
        explore the ocean waters around us. What
                                                         Early Elementary Performing Arts                  age-appropriate skills in the performing arts,
        animals, plants, habitats are in the water?
                                                         Sampler Camp Summer Spotlight                     including music, movement, storytelling and
        Why is the water salty? What is the
                                                         Campers entering grades 1-2 explore all of        visual art using exciting, hands-on dance
        difference between a fish and a whale?
                                                         the performing arts, from hands-on                activities and movement experiences to
        Don’t forget your sunscreen and towel.
                                                         experiences with instrumental and vocal           introduce our youngest artists to fun and
        TUITION: Full-Day $230 Members; $260
                                                         music to action-packed dance and acting           exciting artistic concepts. Session A: June
                                                         exercises and games. TUITION: $100                17-21, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.; Session B: June
                                                                                                           24-28, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. TUITION: $100 for
        Grades 7-9                                                                                         one session, $175 for both sessions
                                                         Elementary Musical Theatre Camp
        Forensic Files
                                                         For young performers of all experience
        Analyze physical evidence, find hidden                                                             Middle School & High School Musical
        fingerprints, take shoe impressions, analyze     levels, in this camp young singers, actors,
                                                         and dancers gain performance skills from          Theatre Intensives
        hair and fiber samples, and examine DNA.                                                           These two-week-long, full-day camps train
        Through scientific observation,                  professional artists and age-appropriate
                                                         training in musical theater. TUITION: $200        talented performers in the art of musical
        measurement, deduction and prediction,                                                             theater, including skills in the areas of acting,
        you’ll close this case within a week. TUITION:                                                     singing, and dancing, culminating in a
        $375 Members; $425 Non-Members                   June 3-14                                         musical theater showcase. TUITION: $350
                                                         Early Childhood Performing Arts Camp
        August 5-9                                       Acting Adventures                                 June 24-28
        Grades 7-9                                       This camp provides preschoolers with              Early Elementary & Elementary
        Insight Mission to Mars                          age-appropriate skills in the performing arts,    Instrument Exploration Camps
        More missions have been attempted to Mars        including music, movement, storytelling and       During these camps, young musicians gain
        than anywhere else in the solar system.          visual art. Session A: June 3-7, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.   hands-on experience and technique with a
        What’s next for the exploration of the Red       Session B: June 10-14, 9 a.m. -12 p.m.            wide variety of instruments, as well as
        Planet? Explore how the science and              TUITION: $100 for one session, $175 for both      important music skills that all musicians
        technology of previous missions have             sessions                                          should know. TUITION: Early Elementary,
        informed the planning for missions InSight                                                         $100; Elementary, $200
        and MARS 2020. TUITION: $375 Members;            Middle School & High School Acting
        $425 Non-Members                                 and Theatre Intensives                            July 8-12
                                                         In these two-week-long, full-day camps,           Early Elementary Vocal Music Camp
        SPECIAL EVENTS                                   participants gain high-level skills in
                                                         characterization, scene work, improv and
                                                                                                           This camp teaches our youngest singers
                                                                                                           important fundamentals of vocal music in a
        CITY OF CASSELBERRY                              monologue, culminating in a theater               fun, exciting, and supportive learning
        407.262.7700,                    showcase. TUITION: $350                           environment. Campers learn new songs as
                                                                                                           well as rock out to favorites, play musical
        June 3-July 26                                   June 10-14                                        games and make new friends. TUITION: $100
        Entering Grades 1-7                              Early Elementary Dance &
        Summer Camp 2019                                 Movement Camp                                     July 8-19
        Participants enjoy weekly themes, arts &         Designed for students entering grades 1 and       Early Childhood Performing Arts Camp
        crafts, sports, games, swim time, songs and      2, this camp touches on major areas of            — Mini Melodies
        skits as well as eco-discovery days with         dance, from jazz and ballet to hip hop.           This camp uses exciting, hands-on singing
        activities such as fishing, kayaking and         TUITION: $100                                     activities and musical experiences to
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introduce our youngest artists to fun and        a joint piece between our young strings and      Grades 7-12
        exciting artistic concepts. Session A: July      winds musicians. TUITION: Each $200              Make ‘em Laugh: The Art of Comedy
        8-12, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.; Session B: July 15-19, 9                                                    From classics to SNL, laugh your way
        a.m.-12 p.m. TUITION: $100 for one session,      August 5-9                                       through a week of comedy. Through
        $175 for both sessions                           Elementary Dance & Movement Camp                 theatrical and movie scenes focusing on
                                                         In this camp for students entering grades 3      slapstick, farce, improv and more, you’ll
        July 8-26                                        -5, young dancers of all experience levels       learn tricks to get audiences rolling in the
        Performance Camp — Disney’s Peter                gain experience in dance, make friends and       aisles. TUITION: $170
        Pan Jr.                                          have a blast on the dance floor. Campers are
        Admitted by audition only, young performers      introduced to major areas of dance, from         June 17-21
        learn advanced, high-level skills in acting,     jazz and ballet to hip-hop. TUITION: $200        Grades 1-2
        singing and dancing as they prepare to                                                            Chillin’ Like a Villain
        perform in a musical theater production that     Middle/High School Vocal Music Camp              Join Maleficent, Cruella, Gaston, Ursula and
        culminates in ticketed performances of           Vocalists entering grades 6-12 learn             others as you sing and dance to the music of
        Disney’s Peter Pan Jr. TUITION: $400             high-level skills in vocal pedagogy and          the Disney villains. Don’t forget your cackle...
                                                         receive advanced musical training, which         or that poisoned apple. TUITION: $170
        Advance Production Camp — Disney’s               helps prepare them for future choral and
        Peter Pan Jr.                                    solo singing. as well as learning a variety of
        Admitted by scheduled interview only,                                                             Grades 3-6
                                                         pieces, both singing in a group and with         Get Sorted: The Four Houses at
        campers learn advanced, high-level skills in     opportunities to sing solo. TUITION: $200
        their chosen area of artistry as they prepare                                                     Hogwarts
        to produce a musical theater production.                                                          Immerse yourself in the wizarding world of
        Camp culminates in ticketed performances         GARDEN THEATRE                                   Hogwarts while learning voice, movement,
        of Disney’s Peter Pan Jr. TUITION: $300          407.877.4736,                  collaboration and stage presence. TUITION:
                                                         June 3-7
        July 15-26
        Jr. Performance Camp — Disney’s Peter            Grades 1-2                                       Grades 6-10
        Pan Jr.                                          Practically Perfect: The World of Mary           Spotify, The Musical
        Students learn advanced, high-level skills in    Poppins                                          Who’s on YOUR playlist? From the Beatles to
        acting, singing, and dancing as they prepare     “Anything can happen if you let it.” Let your    Taylor Swift and Jackson 5 to Ed Sheeran,
        to perform in a musical theater production       imagination soar in the practically perfect      you’ll get a chance to shine in solo and
        that culminates in ticketed performances of      world of Mary Poppins and her unforgettable      ensemble performances of some of the
        Disney’s Peter Pan Jr. TUITION: $250             friends. TUITION: $170                           greatest songs ever, including today’s
                                                                                                          hottest hits. TUITION: $170
        July 22-August 2                                 Grades 3-6
        Early Childhood Performing Arts Camp             Descendants: The Isle of the Lost                June 24-28
        — Silly Symphony                                 The children of Disney villains have been        Grades 1-2
        This camp uses hands-on instrument and           released from the Isle of the Lost. What         A Dreamworks Adventure
        musical experiences to introduce our             could go wrong? Uncover your own “rotten         Bring the colorful, hair-raising characters
        preschool artists to fun and exciting artistic   core” through music and scenes from              from Trolls, Kung Fu Panda, Madagascar, and
        concepts. Session A: July 22-26, 9 a.m.-12       Disney’s Descendants. TUITION: $170              Shrek to life through creative stories, songs,
        p.m.; Session B: July 29-Aug. 2, 9 a.m.-12                                                        crafts and costumes that are inspired by the
        p.m. TUITION: $100 for one session, $175 for     Grades 5-9                                       Dreamworks animated movies. TUITION:
        both sessions                                    Stranger Things: Jump Into the                   $170
        July 29-August 2                                 Jump into this ‘80s-inspired, monster-finding,   Grades 3-6
        Early Elementary Acting & Theatre Camp           mystery-solving camp based on the hit            Broadway Showstoppers
        Performers of all experience levels entering     Netflix show Stranger Things. Through            Sing and dance your way through
        grades 1-2 learn character creation, improv      collaboration and imagination, you’ll create     Broadway’s show-stopping hits in this fun
        and comedy, movement and expression, and         and perform stories worthy of the Upside-        and high-energy camp for beginners to
        theater games and activities. TUITION: $100      Down. TUITION: $170                              advanced performers. TUITION: $170

        Elementary, Middle & High School                 June 10-14                                       Grades 7-12
        Audition Intensives                                                                               Harry Potter: The Unwritten Chapter
                                                         Grades 1-2
        These week-long, full-day camps provide
                                                         Incredibles University                           No portkey required. Jump into the shoes of
        age-appropriate training to gain skills in
                                                         Using the Disney/Pixar films The Incredibles     author J.K. Rowling, and write the next
        audition preparation, along with helpful tips
                                                         and The Incredibles 2 as a guide, you’ll         original chapter in the hit series Harry Potter.
        and tricks to help get the role of your
                                                         discover your own superhero strength             Collaboration is key as you create your own
        dreams. TUITION: Each $200
                                                         through music, acting and creative play.         storyline and bring the script to life at the
                                                         TUITION: $170                                    Garden. TUITION: $170
        Young Artists Orchestra Strings &
        Winds Camps
                                                         Grades 3-6                                       July 8-12
        These camps provide young musicians of all
        levels, entering grades 6 through 12, with       This Is Me: Journey to the Greatest Show         Grades 1-2
        fundamental through advanced skills and          Take the stage with your favorite songs from     Disney BFFs
        exciting musical experiences during a            the hit movie, The Greatest Showman. You’ll      Perform stories and songs about friendship,
        unique, fun-filled week of music making and      develop musical theater skills and celebrate     using the beloved songs from animated
        learning. Each camp culminates in a              your own unique story right on the Garden        classics including Aladdin, Toy Story, The
        performance alongside the other camp, plus       stage. TUITION: $170                             Jungle Book, and more. TUITION: $170
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2019 Cultural Camps Guide

        (Garden Theatre continued)                        July 29-August 2                               Grades 1-6
                                                          Grades 1-2                                     Star Wars, Marvel and the Justice
                                                          Disney Heroes                                  League
        Grades 5-10                                                                                      Discover the force within as you learn Jedi
        Pitch Perfect: New Recruits                       Join Moana, Rapunzel, Hercules and others
                                                                                                         skills or find the super hero in you. TUITION:
        Create your own vocal mash-ups and get            as you embrace your inner hero in this
        your dance moves as perfect as your pitch in      musical class exploring vocal techniques,
        this musical camp for beginners to the most       character movement and fun dance moves.
                                                          TUITION: $170                                  Grades 1-6
        experienced of performers. TUITION: $170                                                         Disney’s Descendants a Musical
                                                          Grades 3-6                                     Extravaganza
        July 8-August 3                                   Descendants: School of Secrets                 Act out your favorite scenes and sing and
        Grades 3-9                                        Ready to learn high-energy scenes, songs       dance to the hit music in all three
        Production Camp: Aladdin, Jr.                     and dance numbers from Disney’s                Descendant movies. TUITION: $225
        This performance-based program provides           Descendants series? TUITION: $170
                                                                                                         June 17-21
        an opportunity for theater enthusiasts to join
                                                                                                         Ages 4-8
        together to perform on the Garden Theatre         August 5-9                                     Star Wars or Frozen Adventures
        stage. No auditions necessary to participate      Grades 1-2                                     Discover the force in you as you learn Jedi
        in this camp bringing Disney’s Aladdin Jr.,       Nickelodeon Mania                              skills and act out movie scenes, or join the
        alive. Camp culminates with performances          Embark on a fun-filled adventure to Bikini     Frozen group to sing, dance and explore with
        on Aug. 2 and 3. TUITION: $650                    Bottom, where you’ll develop memorable         Frozen activities. TUITION: $195
                                                          characters while exploring stories and songs
        July 15-19                                                                                       Grades 5-12
                                                          inspired by Spongebob Squarepants, The
                                                                                                         Advanced Dance & Vocal Intensive
        Grades 1-2                                        Adventures of Captain Underpants and other
                                                                                                         Get ready to work hard in this vocal and
        Be Our Guest                                      Nickelodeon favorites. TUITION: $170
                                                                                                         dance intensive for serious-minded,
        Campers bring favorite Disney fairytale           Grades 3-6                                     advanced campers. TUITION: $225
        characters to life in this magical and musical    Minecraft 3D
        class featuring theater games, creative           Submerge yourself into a multiplayer world     June 24-28
        storytelling, songs and movement. TUITION:        and create new adventures using your
        $170                                                                                             Ages 4-8
                                                          limitless imagination. You’ll develop heroic   Super Star Camp
                                                          characters while exploring concepts such as    Make your own mock commercial,or star in a
        Ages 4-5                                          voice, movement and stage presence.            scene from your favorite TV show or movie.
        Kinder Drama: Blue’s Clues                        TUITION: $170                                  Learn audition skills and how to get an agent.
        Get out your Handy Dandy Notebook and                                                            TUITION: $195
        explore the world of Blue and Magenta, and        MAGIC CURTAIN
        look for clues to solving the mystery while       PRODUCTIONS                                    Grades 1-8
        learning movement, voice, storytelling, and       407.282.8368,                   Harry Potter 1
        arts and crafts. TUITION: $100                                                                   All aboard for Hogwarts in this fantastical
                                                          June 3-7                                       camp based on Harry Potter. You will be
                                                          Ages 4-8                                       sorted into houses, face challenges, learn
        Ages 4-5                                                                                         spells, visit Honey Dukes and have potions
                                                          Sing & Dance With Vampirina, Sophia &
        Kinder Drama: Pinkalicious and                                                                   day. TUITION: $225
                                                          Sing, dance and act scenes and songs from
        Step into the sparkly world of Pinkalicious       your favorite Disney Channel shows. We will    Grades 1-8
        and her little brother Peterrific. Join their     also have a craft, dress-up and cooperative    Tumbling, Acro
        adventures and ignite your imagination to         game time. TUITION: $195                       Learn tumbling and acro skills. TUITION: $225
        make everyday a little extra-terrific. TUITION:
        $100                                                                                             July 8-12
                                                          Grades 3-10
                                                          Sing & Dance: Hamilton                         Ages 4-8
        July 22-26
                                                          High-energy dance and vocal training using     Toy Story
        Grades 1-2                                        music from Hamilton. TUITION: $225             Act out scenes from your favorite Toy Story
        Seuss                                                                                            movie, make a special toy of your own, and
        Enter the whimsical world of Dr. Seuss. Using     June 10-14                                     dress as your favorite character. TUITION:
        music, movement and the actor’s toolbox,          Ages 4-8                                       $195
        you’ll get to know old and new friends as you     Creative Drama, Art and Science Fun
        discover that a person’s a person no matter       Explore your creative side with hands-on       Grades 1-8
        how small. TUITION: $170                          science and art activities including slime     Harry Potter 2
                                                          making, experiments with color, exploring      Revisit or come to Hogwarts for the first
        Grades 7-12                                       drama using puppets, reader’s theater and      time. You will be sorted into houses, face
        From Big Screen to Broadway:                      drama games. TUITION: $195                     challenges, learn spells, visit Honey Dukes
        Anastasia, Mean Girls, Mary Poppins                                                              and have potions day. TUITION: $225
        and More                                          Ages 4-8
        Perform the greatest Broadway hits based          Disney Princess Camp                           Grades 2-8
        on popular movies. Challenge yourself as          Dress up, do crafts and learn princess         Epic Musical Theater
        you perfect your musical theater skills           etiquette. With more than 100 princess         Dance and sing to epic Broadway musicals.
        through the very best Broadway has to offer.      dresses, wands and crowns, you are sure to     Camp culminates with a performance for
        TUITION: $170                                     find the princess in you. TUITION: $195        family and friends. TUITION: $225
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July 8-August 9                                August 5-9                                       June 10-14, 24-28; July 15-19,
                                                                                                        July 29-August 2
        Ages 4-8                                       Grades 1-6
        Movie Maddness                                 Movie Madness                                    Grades 3-5
        Make a movie short film, watch favorite        Create a theme and film a movie short film.      Harry Potter and the REPwizard
        movies, and act out scenes from movies.        Watch your favorite movie, play games and        Tournament (3-5 gr)
        TUITION: $195                                  do crafts. TUITION: $225                         Prep with your housemates by creating your
                                                                                                        own Harry Potter character and role-play
        July 15-19                                                                                      with your fellow Hogwarts students using
                                                       MICHELEE PUPPETS                                 games and improvisation. Do you have what
        Ages 4-8                                       407.898.7925,                it takes to become a REPwizard legend?
        Sing Beauty & the Beast and Aladdin                                                             TUITION: $235
        Campers work together to learn songs and       June 17-July 29
        dances from the famous Broadway shows.                                                          June 10-15
                                                       Teens/Adults                                     Performance Workshop: How to
        Camp culminates with a performance for
        family and friends. TUITION: $195              Puppetry Exploration for Teens and               Make a Musical in Five Days
                                                       Adults With Unique Abilities                     This class is designed for students who do
                                                       This carefully designed curriculum for teens     and do not read music or play an instrument.
        Ages 4-8
                                                       and adults with unique abilities includes        Students create characters, setting, plot and
        Sing Like a Disney Pop Star
                                                       physical movement, quiet activities, puppet      conflict as a group before breaking out into
        Learn songs and dances from Disney shows
                                                       design/construction, and performance             work on individual or small-group songs as a
        and sing like a pop star. TUITION: $195
                                                       techniques. Each session highlights a            part of your original musical creation. The
                                                       different puppetry style or technique.           class concludes in a staged reading of the
        Grades 1-5                                                                                      work created. TUITION: $285
        Music Theater Mania                            Parents may participate for FREE. The
                                                       six-week session is on Mondays 5:30-6:30         June 10-14, 17-21; July 17-21
        With a focus on dance and vocals, learn
        about popular Broadway shows. Camp             p.m. June 17, 24, July 8, 15, 22, 29. Class is   Grades 1-2
        culminates with a performance for family       limited to 10 participants TUITION: $60          Frozen: We Can’t Let It Go
        and friends. TUITION: $225                                                                      Hot summers always need chill time. Cool
                                                       ORLANDO REPERTORY                                down with a week of Frozen musical magic
        July 15-26                                                                                      with Arendelle friends including Olaf, Kristoff,
                                                       THEATRE                                          Sven, the Ice Monster and, of course, Anna
        Grades 3-10                                    407.896.7365,                     and Elsa. TUITION: $235
        Rehearse and perform Newsies in this           June 3-7                                         June 17-21
        two-week camp. TUITION: $425                   Grades 9-12                                      Grades 1-2
                                                       Musical Theater Intensive                        Cardboard Creators: Building
        July 22-26                                                                                      Bricksburg
                                                       Through classwork and rehearsal, students
        Ages 4-8                                                                                        Design and create buildings, costumes and
                                                       gain an understanding of real-world musical
        Pirates, Princess and Super Heroes                                                              more out of cardboard and paper and then
                                                       theater skills needed to take the stage in the   build stories inspired by your creations. Class
        A pirate treasure hunt, a princess tea and     great Broadway shows of yesterday and            concludes in a design showcase and sharing
        challenging super hero games are all a part    today. TUITION: $260                             on the final day. TUITION: $235
        of this camp with something for everyone.
        TUITION: $195                                  June 3-7, 24-28; July 22-26                      Grades 3-5
                                                                                                        Broadway Bound
        Grades 1-6                                     Grades 1-2                                       Explore the high-energy Broadway musicals
        I Want to Be on TV                             Disney Summer CineMagic                          while building your skills as singers, dancers
        Work on your acting skills and learn what it   Learn songs and dances from your favorite        and actors. The week concludes sharing
        takes to get an agent. Make a mock             Disney movies. Make sure to grab your            these musical theater scenes and songs.
        commercial. TUITION: $225                      shades for a beach party you won’t forget.       TUITION: $235
                                                       TUITION: $235                                    June 17-21, 24-28
        July 29-August 2                               June 10-14                                       Grades 6-10
        Ages 4-8                                       Ages 4-5                                         #MusicalTheatreGoals
        Disney & Nick Jr. Mania                                                                         Inspired by musicals like Spongebob, Be
                                                       Baby Shark & Friends
        Play games, dress up and do crafts with                                                         More Chill, Hamilton and Mean Girls, young
                                                       Join us for an undersea adventure and sink
        Disney and Nick Jr. show themes TUITION:                                                        actor/singers explore the art of acting
                                                       your teeth into games and creative play          through the song and learn to connect to a
                                                       while saving the day with your actor’s           character, activate text and create powerful
                                                       toolbox of the body, voice, mind and             performances through solo and small-group
        Grades 5-10
                                                       imagination. Sessions offered in a.m. and        musical numbers. TUITION: $260
        Sing & Dance: Hamilton, Mean Girls and
                                                       p.m. TUITION: $135
        Dear Evan Hansen                                                                                June 17-21; July 1-5, 8-12, 22-26;
        Dance and vocal intensive with songs from                                                       August 5-9
        Hamilton, Mean Girls and Dear Evan Hansen      Grades 3-5
                                                                                                        Grades 3-5
        TUITION: $225                                  Theatre Explorers                                Descendants: Ways to Be Wicked
                                                       Explore acting, musical theater and              Rock out this summer to an array of songs
        Grades 1-6                                     improvisation each day to build confidence       from the movies. Explore and celebrate the
        Sing & Dance: Matlida, Wicked & Aladdin        and comfort on stage. Strengthen your            Disney villain through song, dance and
        Dance and vocal intensive with songs from      performance skills through theater games,        character development. Session A offered
        Matilda, Wicked and Aladdin. TUITION: $225     scenes and songs. TUITION: $235                  July 1-5, Session B August 5-9. TUITION: $235
                                                        ORLANDO ARTS MAGAZINE MARCH/APRIL 2019


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2019 Cultural Camps Guide

        (Orlando Repertory Theatre continued)             and confidence in song and show-stopping          July 8-13
                                                          dance skills. TUITION: $260
                                                                                                            Grades 3-8
        June 17-21, July 22-26                                                                              Performance Workshop: Aladdin Jr.
                                                          July 1-5
        Grades 6-10                                                                                         In this workshop, this new adaptation of the
        Keep Calm, Own the Stage                          Grades 1-2                                        beloved story opens up a whole new world.
        This course is perfect for both beginners and     Moana, Maui and Me                                TUITION: $285
        those with experience looking to enhance          Explore islands, oceans and mystery through
        their scene-work skills. Dive into scene work     song and dance as you learn what it takes to      July 8-20
        making strong character choices, examining        believe in yourself and learn from the world      Performance Workshop: Stranger
        the text for clues, and so much more. Learn       around you. TUITION: $205                         Things in the Upside Down
        to conquer those nerves and be confident                                                            Step inside the hair-raising world of Stranger
        and poised on stage. TUITION: $235                Grades 6-10                                       Things and prepare to brave the Upside
                                                          Fortnite Dance-Off                                Down. Secret experiments, terrifying
        June 17-21, August 5-9                            Learn high-energy choreography sampling           supernatural forces and loads of mystery
                                                          moves from your favorite online game              make this suspenseful adventure into
        Ages 4-5                                          without touching a game controller. TUITION:
        Puppies on Patrol                                                                                   another dimension one that only the bravest
                                                          $205                                              would dare to explore. TUITION: $350
        Em-BARK on a journey of friendship, loyalty
        and bravery where “no job is too big, no pup      Grades 6-10                                       July 15-19
        is too small” to accomplish great things.         Face Off: Stage Makeup                            Grades 1-2
        Morning and afternoon sessions offered in         Create a different makeup look each day.          Star Wars Rebels
        August. TUITION: $145 for June Camp; $135         Find your inspiration, sketch designs, create     The Force is strong. Learn the ways of the
        each session for August Camp                      a character, and then get hands-on, applying      Jedi while you stand with the rebels against
                                                          makeup to yourself and your classmates.           the Dark Side to bring down The Empire
        June 17-29                                        Conclude with a design showcase where             while you build your own Star Wars storyline
        Grades 3-8                                        students share their process and walk away        and explore endless galaxies. TUITION: $205
        Performance Workshop: Mary Poppins Jr.            with a portfolio of their designs. A personal
        Using a combination of magic and common           stage makeup kit is included. TUITION: $235
                                                                                                            Escaping the Empire: A Star Wars
        sense, Mary Poppins must teach the family
                                                          July 1-5, 22-26                                   Escape Room
        members how to value each other again.
                                                                                                            Use your Jedi training to design, create and
        Even grown-ups can learn a lesson or two          Grades 3-5                                        escape from the evil Empire. Work together
        from the nanny who advises that “Anything         Mission IMPROVable
        can happen if you let it.” TUITION: $350                                                            to develop a theme, create clues, and design
                                                          Your mission — should you choose to               your own escape-room experience. Family
                                                          accept it — is to infiltrate the lair of short-   and friends are invited to experience this
        June 24-28                                        form improv. Builds the listening,                design installation on the final day. TUITION:
        Grades 1-2                                        observation and collaborative thinking skills     $235
        The Circus of Dr. Seuss                           required of all stealth operatives. Games and
        Join us under the big top for some circus fun     improvised scene work are the key to this         Grades 9-12
        exploring our favorite Dr. Seuss characters       covert mission of comedy. TUITION: $205           Audition Prep
        and using our actor’s toolbox of the body,                                                          Receive professional coaching on songs and
        voice, mind and imagination. TUITION: $205        July 8-12                                         monologues as you prepare for your next big
                                                                                                            audition. Hear helpful advice on picking
                                                          Ages 4-5
        Grades 3-5                                                                                          appropriate material, craft a complete
                                                          Friend Like Me
        Twisted Circus Takeover                                                                             performance in under two minutes, and
                                                          Students discover the Arabian nights of
        Learn some cool moves and tricks with a           Agrabah through song and dance while              learn the tools to help you succeed.
        circus twist. Explore your physical theater       learning how important friends really are.        Students also get advice on making sure
        skills through juggling, tumbling, clowning       Morning or afternoon sessions available.          they have a headshot to impress. Students
        and more. TUITION: $235                           TUITION: $135                                     are encouraged to bring songs and
                                                                                                            monologues they wish to work on for future
                                                                                                            auditions. TUITION: $260
        Grades 3-8                                        Grades 1-2
        Performance Workshop: Aladdin Jr.                 Magic Carpet Adventures
                                                                                                            July 15-19; July 29-August 2
        In this workshop, this new adaptation of the      Join the beloved characters from Aladdin as
        beloved story opens up a whole new world.         they take you exploring across rivers,            Grades 1-2
        TUITION: $280                                     mountains and deserts. Through song and           Friendship Is Magic: Party in Ponyville
                                                          dance, you will learn that anything is            Work as a team to sing, dance and act like
        June 24-28; July 15-19                            possible, and if you just open your eyes you      your favorite pony characters to prove that
        Ages 4-5                                          can see a whole new world around you.             friendship really is magic. TUITION: $280
        Daniel Tiger Puppet Playtime                      TUITION: $235
        Through basic puppetry, imagination,                                                                July 22-26
        creativity, music and our favorite Daniel Tiger   July 8-12; August 5-9                             Grades 3-5
        storybooks, we can all learn how to be good       Grades 1-2                                        Making Magical (and Fantastical)
        friends and neighbors. TUITION: $145              Toy Story Block Party                             Beasts
                                                          Come see what is inside Andy’s toy box as         Become a true wizard of invention by
        Grades 6-10                                       your favorite Toy Story characters come to        creating your own fantastic beasts through
        This is Me: The Greatest Show                     life. Create new adventures through song,         puppetry. Use paper, cardboard and found
        Using music from the wildly popular motion        dance, and storytelling, taking your              objects to craft your own magical creature,
        picture The Greatest Showman, students            imagination to “infinity and beyond.”             and then bring it to life in a way only a true
        learn stage presence, portraying emotion          TUITION: $235                                     Magizoologist can. TUITION: $235
                                                           ORLANDO ARTS MAGAZINE MARCH/APRIL 2019


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