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1. SCHOOL INFORMATION 1.1 School Name and Complete Address with Phone number(s), Fax No., Email ID, Website etc. BML MUNJAL GREEN MEDOWS SCHOOL Near Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Haridwar Greens, Roshnabad, Hardwar Pin Code - 249402 1.2 Name of the Principal/ HOS: Mrs. Kala Nagarkoti 1.3 Contact No.: 9358194141 Email ID: 1.4 School Details: Year of Affiliation: Affiliation No.: 3530431 2016 School Code: 81655 Type of School: • Middle/Secondary/Senior Secondary – Senior Secondary • Boys/Girls/Co-Education - Co-Education • Day School/Day Boarding/ Residential - Day School • (May tick more than one option) • No. of Students: 1518 (Total) 888 (Boys) 630 (Girls) • No. of Divyang (with Special Needs) Students: NIL • Facilities Available: _ Ramp and Wheel chair • No. of Students in: Day School 1518 Day Boarding Boarding • Location Type : Urban/ Rural/ Hilly Area: RURAL • Is the School a Minority School? NO • School Quality Accreditation Details (if any): 1.5 Number of Students on Roll (Class-wise): Pre- Class I II III IV V VI VII VIII Primary Number of 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Sections Students 173 112 134 133 132 121 129 115 123 on Roll ANNUAL PEDAGOGICAL PLAN FOR SESSION 2021-22
Streams and Subjects in Senior Secondary Level Class IX X XI XII Class Science Commerce Humanities Vocational Number of 3 2 2 2 XI 53 16 10 79 Sections Students on 116 81 79 70 XII 35 16 19 70 Roll 1.6 School Academic Performance: a) Pass Percentage during the last Academic Session: (2020-21) Number of students Number of students Pass Class appeared passed Percentage VI 118 118 100% VII 122 122 100% VIII 113 113 100% IX 83 83 100% XI 69 69 100% b) Board Examination at a Glance Number of Number of students students Special Number of Number of Pass with 10 CGP/ with A2/ Remarks (if CLASS Students Students Percentage marks marks any) Appeared Passed between 91% between 81% to 100% to 90% X (2017-18) 35 35 100% 10 11 School Av : 83.5 X (2018-19) 51 51 100% 31 14 School Av : 89.6 X (2019-20) 64 64 100% 18 19 School Av : 81.5 X (2020-21) 82 82 Result Awaited XII (2019-20) 35 35 100% 9 16 School Av : 83.0 XII (2020-21) 46 46 Result Awaited ANNUAL PEDAGOGICAL PLAN FOR SESSION 2021-22
Overall School Performance of the Current/ Previous Academic Session School performed very well in academics specially in grade X CBSE Examination. 1.7 Key Strengths of the School • A clear and shared vision for the school. • A conducive and safe learning environment. • Skilled and supportive teachers. • Focus on every child by personal interaction with students and daily feedbacks shared with parents. • Inculcating interpersonal relationships with students, parents and staff. • Suggestions and feedbacks invited frequently from parents and worked upon immediately. • Focus on building 21st century skills including all Life skills in students. 1.8 Staff Details: The number of the teachers including Librarian, PET and Principal in position (Regular, Ad-hoc or Part -Time) Number of Teachers Group Regular Ad-hoc Part- Time Trained Un-Trained Pre-Primary 10 NIL NIL 10 NIL Primary 21 NIL NIL 21 NIL Secondary (TGTs) 13 NIL NIL 13 NIL Senior Secondary (PGTs) 16 NIL NIL 16 NIL Supervisory Heads 1 NIL NIL 1 NIL Special Educator 1 NIL NIL 1 NIL PETs 2 NIL NIL 2 NIL Librarian 1 NIL NIL 1 NIL Music Teachers 1 1 NIL 2 NIL Dance Teachers 1 NIL NIL 1 NIL Yoga Teacher 1 NIL NIL 1 NIL Counsellor NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL Others (if any) NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL Total 68 01 00 69 00 ANNUAL PEDAGOGICAL PLAN FOR SESSION 2021-22
1.9 Alumni Details: a) Admissions in Professional courses in the Current Academic Session b) Number of students appeared in Class XII Examination Number of students Courrse/Competition Special Remarks (if any) Appeared Selected JEE NA NA NEET NA NA NDA NA NA Any Other NA NA c) Special Achievements of School Alumni 2. ANNUAL PEDAGOGICAL PLAN 2021-22 2.1 PEDAGOGICAL PLAN COMMITTEE Name Designation Role in PPC KALA NAGARKOTI PRINCIPAL PEDAGOGICAL LEADER RICHA LALWANI PGT CUM COORDINATOR KANCHAN JOSHI PGT NEHA GUPTA PGT TEACHING STRATEGIES SUNITA SINGH PRT AND RESOURCES CHANDRESH JITSA PRT VIDULA TEWARY PRE-PRIMARY TEACHER SWATI CHAUDHARY TGT COMPILATION OF DATA PPC Meetings to develop APP DATE Stakeholders Consulted Discussion Held 1.2.2021 Teaching Staff Annual Academic Plan 15.2.2021 Teaching Staff Annual Co-Scholastic Plan 1.3.2021 Teaching Staff Teaching Strategies 15.3.2021 Teaching Staff New Teaching Pedagogies 1.4.2021 Teaching Staff Review of academic Plan 1.5.2021 Teaching Staff Feedback session 23.08.2021 Teaching Staff Vision Building 15.10.2021 Teaching Staff Experiential Learning 15.15.2021 Teaching Staff Team Building ANNUAL PEDAGOGICAL PLAN FOR SESSION 2021-22
2.2 VISION, MISSION, VALUES, FOCUS & APPROACH Name of the Academic Resources Segment –wise Vision Statement To provide value based high quality education to the children in a manner which enables them to realize their true potential and face the challenges of life confidently. To create a homogeneous environment among students and teachers, to adopt latest technologies as a result of which the students attain fruitful skills and also aspire to become healthy and responsible citizens. Mission Statement To stimulate and nurture young minds which strive for excellence through active learning. To enable children to become thinking sensitive and respectful global citizens with a progressive outlook. Our Values The school is redefining the operational strategies, retaining and adding on to the current strengths and creating new synergies to prepare students to meet 21st century demands. Our endeavour is to provide our students with an environment where children are encouraged to channelize their potential in the pursuit of excellence. BML Munjal Green Medows School focuses on value based teaching along with modern course curriculum. School focuses on developing following values • Respect • Integrity • Humanity • Leadership • Commitment Our Pedagogical Vision : We aim that children acquire and integrate knowledge, extend and refine it, think critically, use it meaningfully, integrate technology, understand cross-culturalism, create multi-cultural links and work in teams to become sensitive human beings towards sustainable development. Our Teaching Learning Approach: At BML MUNJAL GREEN MEDOWS SCHOOL, we encourage innovation and inquiry among young learners to have a positive impact on society. We believe that each child is unique and needs to be understood, respected, admired and accepted as a precious gift of life. We facilitate learning as a natural process, value questions above answers, creativity above facts, individuality above conformity and excellence above performance. We work towards the maximum development of every young mind. The professional and enthusiastic educational community prepares the students by incorporating the core skills- Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Creative Thinking, ICT, Leadership and Effective Communication. We endeavor 21st century global education where learning is imparted with the help of state of the art educational technology. As a facility, the school has implemented Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) which is a complete school management and resource planning solution. It empowers the students, teachers and school to achieve more with the different assessment tools; reports and onlineinformation. Its implementation will enhance the overall productivity of the students and school alike. ANNUAL PEDAGOGICAL PLAN FOR SESSION 2021-22
2.3 ACADEMIC RESOURCES Name of the Academic Resources Segment –wise Segment Name of Resource/s Usefulness Pre-primary/Primary/Sec/Sr. Sec. It provides scope for individual participation in the process of Maths lab Primary, Secondary, Sr. Sec learning by making mathematical concepts connected to real life and helps in becoming autonomous learners. Textbooks give us all the plans Text book Primary, Secondary, Sr. Sec and lessons we need to cover in any topic in detail. They provide a framework for lesson planning. It provides the opportunity to Pre-Primary, Primary, Secondary, Sr. discover numbers, patterns, Playground Sec shapes, sizes, angles, volumes and distances through different games and physical activities. Classrooms enable educators to craft powerful collaborative Pre-Primary, Primary, Secondary, Sr. Classroom learning experiences that Sec support problem solving and critical thinking of students. To understand different 3D shapes like cylinder, cone etc. and the combination of figures using different apparatus like Chemistry lab Secondary, Sr. Sec conical flask, test tubes, cylindrical flask. Also to understand the concept of volume by transferring liquid from one container to another. To find the diameter using Secondary, Sr. Sec vernier calliper, screw guage, Physics lab density, displacement of water (Archimedes principle) and making the abstract concepts concrete. It provides immediate access to the necessary books and Pre-Primary, Primary, Secondary, Sr. facilitates timely use of these Library Sec books and also inculcates reference skills. ANNUAL PEDAGOGICAL PLAN FOR SESSION 2021-22
It helps to build IT skills in students which are the most important skills of 21st century. Computer lab Primary, Secondary, Sr. Sec Computer subject is a practical subject that can be learnt only by working directly on a computer so a computer lab provides such an opportunity to students. Art builds creativity and Pre-Primary, Primary, Secondary, Sr. innovation in students. Art Art room room provides a space for Sec students to explore their ideas and create a masterpiece from their thoughts. Online tools are the demand Pre-Primary, Primary, Secondary, Sr. of present education scenario. Sec They help to make education Online Tools available in every house and Microsoft Teams, you Tube also make students self Simulation (olabs),Google padlet, Google Jamboard, Power sufficient. These also help to Point Presentation etc. make students and teachers skillful with modern tools and applications available on internet. 2.4 PEDAGOGICAL STRATEGIES Class-wise and Subject-wise: Art integration, innovative pedagogies, co-scholastic activities. Stakeholde Domain 1- Domain 2- LANGUAGE Domain 3- Domain 4- Domain 5- rs → COGNITIVE AND LITERACY SOCIO-EMOTIONAL PHYSICAL- CREATIVE CLASS ↓ MOTOR AND AESTHETIC Cognitive development Language and literacy Socio Emotional skills are Physical motor To develop the refers to the students development are major essential for connecting development refers to creative and understanding of concepts domain of early childhood with others they help physical skills that aesthetic side of and the ability to think and development. They involve children to manage their use large body children ample reason. development of the skills emotions, build healthy movements normally amounts of used to communicate as well relationships and feel involving the entire encouragement • Visual as the ability to read and empathy. body. from the NUR discrimination/classif write. teacher is ication activities • Greeting in the morning • Engaging children needed in all • Listening to small poems/ and closing time. in interesting activities like using games, activities, objects, rhymes and repeating • Familiarization with activities and art, music, them. simple gestures like talking to them to dance creative picture cards, sorting • Listening to simple namaste and hello etc. make them feel role, play. trays, memory comfortable and Through these instructions during • Stimulating social cards/games, etc. classroom activities (e.g., children are interactions among adjusted. free to express "Find the block and bring it children. • Turn taking games • Hands-on activities their innermost to me.", "keep your books • Talking about and activities such feelings or that encourages in your bag."). environmental concerns as listen and personal sorting, matching, • Using small words in daily during circle time move, finger game thoughts. imagining, pushing, routine activities( e.g. good activities e.g., not etc. pulling, etc. morning, thank you , wasting water, closing • Developing gross • Drawing, • Matching and sorting welcome etc). the faucet when not in motor skills painting, through a variety ANNUAL PEDAGOGICAL PLAN FOR SESSION 2021-22
Picture cards on the • Variety of communication use while brushing of gross motor colouring basis of one category strategies including teeth, throwing the such as walking, etc. such as keeping all gestures. litter in dustbins, jumping, hopping, • Expressing animal pictures in • Listening to sound based keeping back the toys crawling, climbing, and one box and birds in rhymes; Listening to short to the storage after the rhythmic recognizing another; all red play, etc. movement, feelings poems having rhyming throwing, (happy, sad, buttons/blocks in words. • Knowing about catching, kicking. angry) using one bowl and yellow • Listening to others and themselves, their body In case of kicking feeling cards buttons/blocks in talking in turns that help in parts and family and throwing the and stories. another bowl. extension of the attention members. ball should not be • Exploring • Playing “ I spy” span.(e.g., gradually too heavy and colours games such as “ I spy extending story time; using • Knowing the names and small and the during close ended materials such understanding the something green in target must be of creative relationships through the surrounding that as simple two piece story appropriate activities. related puzzle; Picture different games and starts with the sound distance. • Creative art reading Poster--- keep activities for example /s/”. • Doing dance, activities looking to find out and clapping name etc. • Activities such as rhythmic and using large speaking). • Recognizing their role in storytelling, puppet • Encouraging children to other movement and thick different settings and play to stimulate activities such as paint listen carefully to recorded their value for example children’s bending, twisting, brushes/ sounds heard in the through celebration of imagination. stretching, crayons. environment and identify birthdays and • Small group activities balancing etc appreciate and display and child initiated the sounds. • Messy play like their contribution/ activities where the • Making sound boxes by work. water play, clay children get filling the cans / match moulding, printing • Free conversation opportunities to boxes with items that make etc. where children can generate questions different sounds. For • Tearing and express themselves (e.g., activities like “ example: rice, beans, paper pasting small such as playing on what would happen clips, and buttons. pieces of papers, playground. if….”;creating • Stimulate by asking peeling/ sticking • Demonstration and wonder wall where questions during talking stickers, picking practicing healthy teacher would paste time and storytelling (e.g., up small objects habits and sanitation some new circle time, free with fingers etc. like washing hands with pictures/object to conversations. • Using appropriate adult assistance etc. encourage curiosity • Group singing, music / • Discussing good and play toys/tools to question and rhythm activities and small such as sand tray, bad touch and telling brainstorm). action songs. water tub, scoops them if they face such • Playing with • Display of daily routine with , sifters, sieves, situation they must manipulating pictures and printed words water can, inform teachers/ concrete and talking about it. shovels, floating parents and anybody toys/objects/ • Using variety of puppets, close to them. toys, etc. materials to develop props, pictures, flash cards Games and activities • Using small words in having simple rules eye hand while telling a story or daily routine activities( and instructions such coordination e.g., during conversation. e.g. good morning, as freeze dance, stringing beads with ●Playing same rhyming family thank you , welcome follow my clap, loud big holes, handling game for e.g.,- This furry etc). or quite etc. objects /puzzles with animal says “ meow”( • Sensory development knobs. children say ‘cat’); activities for taste, • Playing and handling • Visual perceptual activities: smell, , sight, sound with lego blocks, Matching directions ( on ,and touch such as inset puzzle boards worksheets);Picture lotto using materials like real with knobs, sorting games/ activities. and concrete objects, objects etc. • Read Aloud or Shared visual coordination and • Playing games that Reading:- Read in small or discrimination involve children in large groups and to activities, auditory visual discrimination individual children; Children discrimination activities activities. Such as :- to look at how to turn the and so on. ANNUAL PEDAGOGICAL PLAN FOR SESSION 2021-22
matching pictures, pages of the book. • Exploring immediate object colors, and • Listening to sound based surroundings to know shapes; matching rhymes; Listening to short about their world with dominoes with poems having rhyming e.g.,drawing images of either matching words. the places visited and pictures / • Play with Shape templates/ speaking about it etc. colors/dots and so sensory or textured letters; • Using variety of Exploring familiar letters in puppets, props, on. the print rich classroom pictures, flash cards • Solving simple • Drawing children’s while telling a story or problem situations attention towards print during conversation. e.g., matching the /letters (In their names) appropriate bottle • Showing children how to cap to the bottle and move a finger across the try to close / open page and have the eyes the same. follow the finger ( during • Using Picture reading the story telling posters and time/picture reading). encouraging children • Matching uppercase letters; to observe and talk Playing with cut about the picture. outs/colouring inside the • Repeating a given drawn letters and related pattern, recalling picture. events and stories in • Asking and answering correct sequence, questions. Arranging in order, • etc. using objects, picture cards etc. • Solving simple mazes (both on the paper and floor), 2-3 piece puzzles. • Finding the 1-2 missing parts in a familiar picture. • Playing games, activities using objects, flash cards, dominos, etc for learning about different concepts. • Talking and showing pictures/ posters on different concepts during circle time. • Singing number rhymes, listening to number stories. • Using number matching dominos, flash cards. • Matching concrete objects/pictures / numerals. • Observing numbers and symbols in the immediate surroundings/day to ANNUAL PEDAGOGICAL PLAN FOR SESSION 2021-22
day life like numbers on mobile phone, calendar, etc. • Exposure of interactive and age appropriate websites, educational videos and software. Activities are designed in Activities are designed in Activities are designed in Activities are Activities are order to make children an order to make children an order to make children designed that could designed that involved learners that effective communicator. maintain good health and help children to could help could connect with their • Attention Span & well-being. have good control on children to immediate environment. Listening- • Awareness of self their muscles. develop LKG • Observation- Visit to Free & guided conversation and others- Children • Gross Motor Skill- imagination nearby park, mall, zoo and supporting them in to know about Using safe and their etc through virtual tour. using a variety of themselves, their equipment and ability to Observing immediate communication strategies body parts, family environments that communicate surroundings during including gestures & no- members, vary in skill levels and to express virtual trip. (e.g., Tricycles, ideas and verbal expressions. neighbours, and feelings in • Identification- Visual • Conventions of speech- distinguish between tires, hoops, balls creative ways. discrimination cards, Listens to others for short people and etc.), Practicing • Expressing picture reading and period of time & relationships. skills e.g., hopping, their memory cards, finding responds, demonstrating • Development of catching, throwing experiences, out the missing parts in some social conventions positive self-concept- and jumping, feelings and a picture or drawing. like eye- contact, listening supporting children for Dance, rhythmic ideas through • Memory- Playing what is to others and talking in their sense of self-worth and other their own way missing games, narrates turns. and pride in movement of early events or stories in a • Creative self-Expression accomplishments, activities that use attempts of sequence (Where have and Conversation- Celebration of birthdays both sides of the writing and you visited yesterday? Communicates needs and and festivals for body (bending, drawing. what do you do after thoughts verbally and example, display of twisting, stretching • Observing waking up? non-verbally, follows one children’s work, and balancing) and copying • Matching- Matching, or two steps of simple oral appreciating their work/ • Fine Motor Skill- the sorting, classification instructions and can talk creation. Clay Modelling, environment using concrete objects about their likes & • Self-Regulation- Colouring, al prints they such as pulses, buttons, dislikes, can share Children to learn how to Scribbling, Activities see toffees etc. personal experiences. control their emotions, using objects that (classroom, • Classification- Sorting on • Language and creative become secure, encourage sorting, roads, home) the basis of two thinking- Picture confident, curious and matching, • Practicing categories e.g., shape & reading/conversation- communicative. imagining, pushing, drawing lines colour (blue square, select pictures that have • Decision Making and pulling etc, using or early yellow triangle etc) many talking points e.g., a Problem Solving- pincer grasp of attempts of • Pattern Making- railway station, a market, Children to make thumb/forefinger writing on a Copying simple pattern etc. choices such as choosing (e.g., tearing and variety of using different material • Vocabulary- Vocabulary their favourite play, pasting small pieces papers (lined e.g., cut outs of shapes, development games. food etc. of papers, peeling/ and plain) ANNUAL PEDAGOGICAL PLAN FOR SESSION 2021-22
colours, environmental • Print Awareness- • Development of Pro- sticking stickers, • Letter material such as leaves, Observing and exploring Social behaviour like picking up small formation flowers, buds etc., print in the immediate Sharing, Caring, respect objects with activities Creating & extending environment such as for other’s feelings- fingers) using thick patterns in music such familiar signs, logos on Showing empathy and pencils, as, clap- clap-clap etc. toffee/biscuit & wrappers understanding for both creating • Sequential Thinking- (recognize favourite children at times of letters with Arranging story cards up biscuit/ toffee, chocolate conflict such as sharing clay/play, to 3-4 levels using wrapper, logos, signs and of toy, adopting a pet, dough. appropriate vocabulary, symbols for stop & exit) sharing of eatables with • Talking about Picture Reading, Knows print conventions- top their siblings and their • Critical Thinking- to bottom and left to right parents. drawings Completing Puzzles & as per script. • Development of healthy using simple Mazes, Visual perceptual • Visual Discrimination- habits, hygiene, prepositions activities, Games such as Spot the sanitation and (e.g., up- Answering to open ended difference, odd one out, awareness for self- down, left- questions e.g., Should Missing objects etc. protection- Using of right, top- we pluck a flower or • Pretend Reading- Shared toilet and washing bottom, in- not? reading (levelled text to hands independently. out, on- • Problem Solving- do finger-print-voice • Healthy eating habits under) Solving simple problem- matching), Turns pages of through conversation • Using drag solving questions e.g., “If a story book (one at a and stories. and drop or it is raining, how will go time) and pretends to • Discussion and colouring to market?”, read on his/her. demonstration on safety activities. ‘What will you do if you • Phonological Awareness- rules that children can • Making want a toy that is kept Activities for awareness of follow inside and drawings and on the top of the sound segments outside the house. colouring in almirah?’ (phonemes, rhyming • Creating awareness Paint App. • Creative Thinking & words) e.g., phonic games about good touch and Reasoning- Asking with beginning and end bad touch. divergent (Open ended) sounds, playing rhyming • Games where children questions that probe games such as while enjoy free formation and elicit expanded singing a rhyme. Or read such as musical game, thinking and processing aloud, leave out the number-up (grouping of information. rhyming word and pause. according to number), • Curiosity- Visiting • Letter Perception and fire in the mountain run Garden, park, zoo, Recognition- Play with run…, etc. that involves market, railway station, letter-picture/object sense of space, distance petrol pump through dominos, Matching and directions. google earth. uppercase and lowercase • Experimentation- letters, Letter recognition Experimenting with and letter sound colours, shapes e.g., correspondence, letter mixing two colours and formation activities with exploring new colours. crayons, creating letters • Exploration- Sensory with play dough, hunting development activities the letters in sand tray / in for taste, smell, sight, any slide shared in virtual sound, and touch such class. as using materials like • Eye-Hand Coordination- real and concrete Playing with toys to refine objects, visual eye-hand coordination coordination and e.g., sorting of pulses etc., discrimination activities Scribbling on variety of and so on. papers, Colouring-free and • Colours, shapes, within large closed spaces, distance, measurement Tracing and joining dots, size length, weight, tracing the letter. • Second Language- Use of ANNUAL PEDAGOGICAL PLAN FOR SESSION 2021-22
height and time- golden words (sorry, Activities for ordering or please, thank you, sequencing e.g., welcome, excuse me), arranging objects/ Greeting in virtual class in pictures from big to the beginning and end of small and heavy to light the class and using polite and so on, measuring expressions inn daily objects using simple routine activities, listening measuring tools such as to short stories in English, cups, glasses and non- reading of sight words. standard measurements (handful of seeds, toffees, a cup of water/milk, a pinch of salt etc.) • Spatial- Uses mathematical vocabulary such as in- out, on- under to describe objects. • Count & tell how many- Observing numbers & symbols in the immediate surroundings to find out how many objects are there? • Numeral Recognition- Counts and give up to five objects when asked to, Identifies numerals with corresponding numbers up to 70. • Sense of order- What comes just before, just after and in between, Forward Counting up to 70 & Backward Counting from 70 to 01. • Number Sense- Places 4 to 5 objects in one-to - one correspondence, using numbers and counting in day to day life and understands that numbers represents quantity (e.g., give me 2 chocolates). The focus is on The focus is on developing The focus is on how The focus is on The focus is on achievement through competence in talking and children work, play, developing physical development of practical activities and on listening and in becoming cooperate with others and control, mobility, children’s using and understanding readers and writers. function in a group beyond awareness of space imagination and languages in the the family. This covers and manipulative their ability to development of simple pre • Free and guided important aspects of skills in indoor and communicate UKG number concepts. conversation and supporting personal, social, moral, and outdoor and to express them in using a variety of spiritual development environments. This ideas and • Manipulating objects/ communication strategies including the development includes establishing feelings in materials such as including gestures, non- of personal values and an positive attitudes creative ways. interlocking blocks, Lego verbal expressions, talking in understanding of self and towards a healthy and ANNUAL PEDAGOGICAL PLAN FOR SESSION 2021-22
toys, nuts and bolts, turns and listening to others of others. active way of life. • Making their construction toys • Playing games with children own alphabet / • Hunting games/activities that require talking about • Children to know • Engaging children my favourite such as hunting letters in recent events by asking about themselves, their in dance, action song words books. the sand tray/ hunting simple questions body parts, family involving simple turn, • Expressing number symbols in the • Picture reading with members, neighbours, twist and stretch of their immediate environment. creative thinking (using preschool staff and body, creative and experiences, • Using concrete objects for problem-solving and rhythmic movements feelings and distinguish people and matching and sorting… anticipatory questions such as • Games where ideas through relationships (during (matching number of dots “what do you think why the children enjoy free their own way to number symbols, boy in the picture is looking daily activities such as formation such as of early matching of patterns, at the sky?”, what the little circle time, pick-up and musical game, attempts of matching of toffee/biscuit girl is saying to the balloon dispersal etc.) number-up (grouping writing and wrappers, followed by man?”) • Supporting children according to number), drawing. matching of familiar words • Rhythmic songs and for their sense of self- fire in the mountain • Observing and that they frequently see in movements involving a lot of worth and pride in run run…, etc., that copying the story /text and body coordination • Re- accomplishments • involves sense of environmental environment) • Offering telling stories by children in Celebration of birthdays space, distance and prints they see thinking challenges their own words (e.g., talking and festivals for direction (classroom, throughout the day e.g., about the events, characters, example, display of • Individual, pair roads, home) sorting/ grouping activities etc.) children’s work, activities, small group • Practicing (two-three attributes at a • Learning new words and appreciating their work/ and large group drawing lines or time) such as sorting vocabulary for e.g., “by creation activities involving early attempts colourful buttons on the creating a word wall”, “my basic gross motor of writing on a • Recognizing and basis of colour, size and first word book” • Taking skills on different variety of shapes in different bowls advantage of everyday understanding the rules surfaces. papers (lined followed by touching and activities and talking about for being together with • Using pincer grasp and plain) • counting); sorting different words and sounds • Asking others such as group of a thumb/ forefinger Letter fabric pieces on the basis of open-ended questions to activities, playing in (e.g., tearing, cutting formation patterns/ designs, sorting stimulate thinking like “what various activity areas, and pasting small activities using different fruit pictures— will you do if your favourite storytelling, playing pieces of papers, thick pencils, fruits that are eaten directly toy has been kept on the top outdoor games and peeling/ sticking creating letters or peeled and so on. of the almirah and you want follow the rules of the stickers, picking up with clay/play, • Picture reading posters on to play with that?”; “if you games/ activities. small objects with dough/plasticin different topics and could get wings and fly, • Children to learn how fingers) e. encouraging children to where would you go?” “What to control their • Hands-on • Talking about observe the picture and do you think this story book emotions, become experiences using their drawings notice small details (how is about?” and so on. secure, confident, manipulative objects using simple many animals and birds are • Describing daily events to that encourage prepositions curious and in the picture?’ what colour the children and providing sorting, matching, (e.g., up-down, communicative. were the two vehicle?) print-rich classrooms imagining. left-right, top- • Extending the patterns (teachers points to narrative • Children to make bottom, in-out, and creating patterns print or embedded in choices such as on-under) /design on their own using drawings and illustrations). choosing their favorite • Using drag environmental materials Observing the teacher using play material/ area and drop or such as twigs, flowers, her finger beneath the words • Showing empathy and colouring leaves/objects, blocks, etc. across the page from left to understanding for both activities. • Creating and extending right and top to bottom. children at times of patterns in music such as, • Actively engaging children conflict such as sharing clap-clap-snap-snap in different aspects of shared of play material • Putting letters or words in Reading (levelled text to do • Interacting and building the pocket chart and finger-print-voice matching) relationship with other reading them. AA BB, AA and read aloud sessions and children (e.g., dramatic BB or similarly with words helping them to explore play, puppet play, rule- and numbers cat, cat, dog; different dimensions of based games) cat, cat, dog; 44, 88, 11, 44, language and literacy • Familiarising with simple 88…? (interactive story reading signs and/or gestures • Listening, re-telling the sessions) • Adapting activities to stories in sequence and • Helping children making ensure participation of arranging the 5–6 story connections between words children with special needs. cards in sequence (from left and concepts (adding pictures • Involving parents and to right); giving words to to the words) community. ANNUAL PEDAGOGICAL PLAN FOR SESSION 2021-22
wordless picture books; • Visual discrimination games • Using toilet and washing talking about daily (e.g., which letter/picture/ hands independently activities what they do first, shape/ word is different?) • Periodic health checkup next, then next and last. • • Visual perceptual activities (height, weight and general Posing problems and (activities for spotting health), ensuring asking for solutions, e.g., differences, mazes, finding immunisation and safety of “what will you do if you the hidden word/ letter/ children are locked in the room?”, pictures, familiar word • Developing healthy eating “if it is raining, how will searches etc.) habits through you go to school and why?” • Reading aloud and conversation, role-play and • Completing 6–7 piece providing graded story books stories etc. • Discussion puzzles, solving maze, to expose children to the and demonstration on completes a picture, find written language, safety rules that children outs the missing parts in a conversation on different can follow • Creating picture etc. themes focusing on many awareness about good • Pairing pictures having talking points for e.g., touch and bad touch. relations e.g., cup and animals, transportation, plants • Sensory development saucer etc. activities for taste, smell, • Stimulating thinking • Solving and creating simple sight, sound and touch such skills e.g., pointing out riddles in context (4–5 lines) as games–tasting and cause and effect • Awareness of sound guessing, exploring taste relationships, using open- segments (phonemes, with edible fruits/ ended questions to support syllables, rhyming words) vegetables and telling estimation and prediction. e.g., phonic games with name, fun with smelling Asking open-ended beginning and ending sounds. bottles, creating with questions e.g., “what will • Follow the beat — Helping scented play dough, happen next” “what would children to learn about experimenting with objects have happened if the syllables by clapping the that smell, name/letter tortoise had slept while he ‘beats’ s/he hears in words scavenger hunt, I spy was racing with the e.g., the teacher selects the games, playing hide and rabbit?” and so on. word elephant Pause as you seek, blindfold games, • Experimenting with say each syllable – e-lephant seriating sound boxes from colours, shapes e.g., mixing and clap out for each syllable loudest to softest and vise colours and exploring new together versa, outdoor sound hunt, colours, seriating colours • Making a rhyming word sorting textured letters and from darkest to lightest and chain for example, rain- so on so on. chain-drain-train-grain-pain- • Making observations • Narrating what happened gain-… through the senses such as the day before, or what • Using inset alphabet puzzles encouraging children— they did after their with knobs for children with Listening to sounds of favourite field trip etc.? motor challenges. nature while walking on • Hands-on experiences for • Using simple English words dry leaves, wind blowing, comparing using charts, through conversations (during etc., smelling the dinner concrete objects, and circle time, small group cooking, tasting the bitter books. activities, adults talking) and sweet chocolate, • Activities for ordering/ • Using audio-video aids, listening and playing seriation e.g., arranging stories (age appropriate musical instruments and objects/pictures from graded stories) experimenting with sense biggest to smallest/heaviest • Activities for spatial of hearing, going for a to lightest and so on. relationships such as stand in small walk, listening to • Counting objects in the front of chair, behind a chair, sense-based stories, visual immediate surroundings in next to the chair, on top and tracking different coluored a meaningful way to find under the chair, music and bottle caps/fabric pieces, out how many objects are movement activities and play with feely bag, etc. there exploring how much space • Solving riddles on senses • Observing my body will take, followed such as I am soft and furry numbers/symbols in the by fun worksheets; using and says meow, who I am? immediate surroundings, spatial language in everyday (Cat) hunting numerals, counting language (stand straight, bend • Discussion on questions dice body, squeeze and become a during circle time such as, • Using numbers and tiny seed etc.) when you wake up in the counting in day-to-day life morning, what is the first ANNUAL PEDAGOGICAL PLAN FOR SESSION 2021-22
and recognises that thing you see/hear/ numbers represent quantity touch/smell/taste?; which (e.g., give me three toffees part of the body help you from the box) see/listen/smell • Matching/pairing one /taste/touch? object or name with a • Children to ask “why” number, keeping one questions and find answers pebble under each leaf, through exploration (e.g., putting one straw in each conducting simple glass and so on experiments with teacher’s • Counting down days to an support such as making and event such as birthday floating paper boats, celebration/festival making and flying paper celebration using concrete rocket, feeling air while materials (e.g., using blowing balloons etc.); twigs/sticks/picture asking questions arising calendar) from play activities • • Completing maze of Actively participating in numbers, making number early science experiences tower, creating numeracy- with teacher’s support (e.g., rich classroom. floating of toys, observing plants as they grow and name their basic parts, observing how water changes from one form to other, from ice to water etc.); using the senses to explore the world around and acquire information; exploring different materials and knowing the purposes; activities where children need to measure and make estimations using cups and glasses and carry out non-standard measurement such as handful of sugar, pinch of salt. • Taking care of garden/ plants in their surroundings and appreciate their beauty, play activities related to different concepts • Visiting nearby parks, gardens, markets, neighbourhood where children can observe and discuss about their environment (e.g., animals, birds, plants, community helpers etc.) • Developing sensitivity towards animals e.g., feeding animals, birds, not hurting them, playing with them, etc. • Talking about their past events and next day plans during the day (e.g., during circle time, etc.) • Interacting with family ANNUAL PEDAGOGICAL PLAN FOR SESSION 2021-22
members about family and community history (e.g., family album, family tree, grandparents visiting to preschool and sharing their childhood experience, etc.) 2.5 STUDENT DEVELOPMENT PLAN Student Needs Assessment Mechanism Student Needs Assessment No. of Students Identified for No. of Students identified for Mechanism Remedial Class Enrichment Class Remedial Classes, Quiz, Class Tests, Observation, Interaction, Student Profile Register, Peer Assessment, Parents’ feedback, Main Exams, Student Portfolio, Regular telecommunications with parents, Orientation Sessions Classroom Observation Schedule Classroom Observation Schedule Frequency Done By Findings Students using chat box to answer questions. Students reciting poem actively, one by one. I Twice a month Coordinator Students watching videos on healthy habits and some students answering without turns. Students reading one by one, some struggling to read difficult words, teacher guides to read correctly. II Twice a month Coordinator Some struggling with word problems. Students sharing their personal experiences on pets. ANNUAL PEDAGOGICAL PLAN FOR SESSION 2021-22
Students participating actively in answering open ended questions related to the lesson. III Twice a month Coordinator Some students struggling with Hindi spellings. Some students not taking turns to answer. Students attaching math answer sheets in chat box after completing given task. Students sharing their IV Twice a month Coordinator personal experiences related to EVS topic. Reading comprehension being done by students. Students participating in role plays in small groups. Answering open ended questions one by one. V Twice a month Coordinator Reading one by one and explaining the extract read. Few students struggling in comprehending the text. Active participations of students during discussion VI Twice a month Coordinator Students were not in habit of taking turns while answering Students were VII Twice a month Coordinator engaged in activities Students were found quitting the class when asked for participation. Initiatives by students, good speaking skill and VIII Twice a month Coordinator effective expression among students Few students less interested in co- ANNUAL PEDAGOGICAL PLAN FOR SESSION 2021-22
scholastic activities. Students prone to logical reasoning discussions with IX Thrice a Month Coordinator teachers, good monitoring skill Discipline found to be area of improvement Students were attentive. Individual X Thrice a Month Coordinator attention over students Students’ reluctance for writing Students’ inclination towards career oriented XI Thrice a Month Coordinator topics of their choice, Reciprocal Classes Students’ talkative attitude Students’ inclination towards career oriented topics of their choice, XII Thrice a Month Coordinator Reciprocal Classes Often students seemed to be tired and sleep deprived 2.5 TEACHER DEVELOPMENT PLAN Teacher Needs Assessment & Training TNA Activity Method Executed Date Outcome Training, Annual SWOT Analysis 1st and 3rd Friday of Empowered Staff and Appraisal form, Observation, Individual each month upgrade their skill sets Feedback interaction, mechanism Synchronous and asynchronous methods ANNUAL PEDAGOGICAL PLAN FOR SESSION 2021-22
Teacher Training Schedule Teacher Training Proposed Target Group Learning Outcome Topic/Activity Date/Week/Month Discovery based 16/4/21 Primary/Sec/Sr. Sec To analyze and interpret learning information. To promote autonomy and independence. To achieve a deeper level of understanding. Art integration 7/5/21 Pre Primary/Primary/ To make learning joyful & pedagogies Sec./ Sr. Sec engaging and enhance observation, curiosity, exploration and creativity. To allow free emotional expression, communication and creative involvement. To understand and improve Sports integration 21/5/21 Pre Primary/primary/ physical well-being of pedagogies Sec./ Sr. Sec individuals. To increase the value placed on physical activity for health, enjoyment, self- expression, and confidence. To stimulate recall and use Art of 4/6/21 Pre Primary/primary/ of existing knowledge and questioning Sec./ Sr. Sec experience in order to create new understanding and meaning. To extend learners' thinking from the concrete and factual to the analytical and evaluative. Innovative 18/6/21 Pre Primary/primary/ To create curiosity among pedagogies Sec./ Sr. Sec the students in the class by way of challenging them through some minor projects and self-chosen activities to demonstrate their learning through application of the concepts learnt in the classroom and laboratory exercises. To enhance rhetorical Art of 2/7/21 Pre Primary/primary/ skills in order to present Sec./ Sr. Sec ideas creatively and communication artistically and imbibe a sense of confidence. To display intellectual and independent thinking skills. To build fluency in the listening and speaking skills needed to achieve academic and personal success. ANNUAL PEDAGOGICAL PLAN FOR SESSION 2021-22
To involve teacher’s 21st century 23/7/21 Pre Primary/primary/ thinking broadly and skills- part1 Sec./ Sr. Sec deeply using skills, behaviors and dispositions such as reason, logic, resourcefulness, imagination and innovation in all learning areas at school so as to practice the same during the teaching learning process in the well as in their lives beyond school. To involve teacher’s thinking 21st century 6/8/21 Pre Primary/primary/ broadly and deeply using Sec./ Sr. Sec skills- part2 skills, behaviors and dispositions such as reason, logic, resourcefulness, imagination and innovation in all learning areas at school so as to practice the same during the teaching learning process in the well as in their lives beyond school. Competency 3/9/21 Pre Primary/primary/ based Sec./ Sr. Sec education To demonstrate knowledge, skills, values and attitudes required for dealing with real life situations To demonstrate required level of competency in order to progress to higher grades.after learning a given topic/concept To inculcate ownership of learning into the students ANNUAL PEDAGOGICAL PLAN FOR SESSION 2021-22
Teacher Training Proposed Target Group Learning Outcome Topic/Activity Date/Week /Month Multidisciplinary Primary/ Sec./Sr. Sec Learners gain an Approach 17/9/21 arsenal of skills- including 21st century skills which are easily transferable in their work environment To develop critical thinking, problem solving skills and collaboration skills. To gain holistic understanding. Pre Primary/Primary To give teachers a clear Early childhood 1/10/21 view that early education – learning in childhood education can the formative years help in developing a lifelong love of learning in children. To stimulate intellectual curiosity and develop conceptual understanding of the world around by providing opportunities to explore, investigate and experiment. To enhance development of pro social skills, social competence and emotional well being. To imbibe culturally and developmentally appropriate behavior and core human values of respect and love for fellow human beins. To enable a smooth transition from home to ECCE centre to formal schooling. Multilevel Pre Primary/Primary Students are able to play/activity based 22/10/21 learn at their own pace. learning Students learn to work well in a group. Students become ANNUAL PEDAGOGICAL PLAN FOR SESSION 2021-22
independent learners. Students develop strong relationships with their peers. Students become partners in learning To express what is being learnt by the act of doing as well as through the act of verbal presentation. To develop collaboration and social skills by the group based activities. Types of leadership Pre Primary/primary Learn skills 12/11/21 Sec./ Sr. Sec the skills required to make data-driven decisions to real-world challenges. Team Motivation. Influence & Persuasion. Managing Stakeholders. Effective Decision Making. To understand and be able to use a process for decision making. To understand how ethics, morals and values relate their leadership dilemmas. To develop a comprehensive set of practical skills To manage conflict or opposition. Foundational Pre Primary/primary foundational literacy literacy and numeracy 26/11/21 and numeracy are critical prerequisites for schooling and education To read with comprehensions. Identify letters, Identify initial and final words, Read non words, Read ANNUAL PEDAGOGICAL PLAN FOR SESSION 2021-22
familiar words, Listen with comprehension, Orally read with fluency and comprehension. To have number sense, identify numbers, Discriminate between numbers, Find missing numbers, solve addition problems, solve subtraction problems, solve word problem. To read and meaningfully comprehend as well as use basic mathematical operations in real life. 2.5 COLLABORATIVE ACTIVITES Name of the collaborative activities including exchange programs etc. Month/Week Activity Learning Objective Proposed Schools For Collaboration April to December Festival: Celebrating The activity aims to explore Rivne Humanitarian Happiness: the reasons and significance High School, Rivne, of celebrating festivals in Ukraine India, Ukraine, UAE and USA. Students will gain understanding of the purpose of celebrating festivals – Religious origin, cultural believes and seasonal change in the countries understudy. ANNUAL PEDAGOGICAL PLAN FOR SESSION 2021-22
Heritage: Gift of Inheritance The activity aims to spread awareness about World April to July Heritage Sites based on their categories, biodiversity and historic importance. Rivne Humanitarian High School, Rivne, Ukraine. Students will gain understanding of the rich and diverse World Heritage Sites of India, Ukraine, Italy, and China. And Students will appreciate and value diversity of World Heritage Sites. The activity aims to explore May to August and acquaint the students Rivne Humanitarian AUTHORS AROUND THE withthe writing works of the High School, Rivne, authors from the countries Ukraine. WORLD: - Flair for writing like India, Ukraine, UK, and UAE. The activity also aims to inspire students for developing imagination andcreativity and also consider writing as a career option. ANNUAL PEDAGOGICAL PLAN FOR SESSION 2021-22
HOW GREEN IS MY May to Dec SCHOOL AND NEIGHBOURHOOD :- My The activity aims to Contribution develop environmental sensitivity among the students to help them grow as responsible citizens. Students will gain Rivne Humanitarian understanding of High School, Rivne, sustainable Ukraine. development and its principles by harmonizing the relationship between environment and society. Students will evaluate and analyze the factors contributing to sustainable development and will learn to appreciate and value natural resources. August to November ENDANGERED SPECIES Rivne Humanitarian :- Existence to Extinction The activity aims to spread High School, Rivne, awareness and develop Ukraine. empathy for endangered plants and animals andways to protect them. Students will gain understanding of different endangered species of plants and animals and cause of their being endangered. Students will evaluate and analyze the factors contributing towards making these species endangered. Students will develop empathyand sensitivity towards endangered species and their conservation. ANNUAL PEDAGOGICAL PLAN FOR SESSION 2021-22
Oct to Dec HEALTHY FOOD: Eat Right, Be Bright Rivne Humanitarian The activity aims to High School, Rivne, explore the special dishes, Ukraine. cooking methods and ingredients used during different festivals in India, Ukraine, UAE and UK. Students will be acquaint with different recipes across the countries understudy based on their taste, flavour, origin, common nutritive value, food groups and cooking methods during festivals. Students will evaluate and analyze the food groups and nutritive values present in the recipe. Students will learn toppreciate the variety of dishes cooked during festivals in the countries understudy. 2.6 WELLNESS ACTIVITES Name of the activities planned for Well-being of pupils Date Type of Activity Objective/s Target Group The activity aims to explore the role and Talk on Road (Road impact of transport I to V 15/04/21 system on citizens, Safety) VI to VIII environment and the economy of the countries understudy. ANNUAL PEDAGOGICAL PLAN FOR SESSION 2021-22
4/8/21 To spread awareness and 24/9/21 ways to contribute towards sustainable development, various activities like Best out of waste – Inter House Inter-house poster making NUR to XII Competition and slogan writing VI to XII competition, best out of waste competition and awareness rally will be organized. Sustainable Development Knowledge- Gain • Poster Making – understanding of 30/6/21 IV to XII Sustainable Development the present and the future 9/11/21 • Slogan Writing - IV to XII Sustainable Development transport system and its impact on 23/12/21 • Plantation Drive / Rally on NUR to XII the resources and Sustainable Development environment of 11/2/22 the countries • Hindi Debate and Report VI to XII under study. Writing – Sustainable Development Skill - Compare and analyse current and next generation transport system for sustainable development. Attitude - Appreciate and adapt responsible behaviour while using various modes of transport. The activity aims to spread Power Point Presentation – awareness and develop 9/11/21 Causes, Effects and Solution to empathy for endangered VI to VIII save Endangered Species plants and animals and ways to protect them. The activity aims to explore the special dishes, cooking methods and ingredients used during 27/8/21 Healthy Eating – No to Junk Food different festivals in the I to V countries understudy. They will analyze the nutritive value of these dishes. ANNUAL PEDAGOGICAL PLAN FOR SESSION 2021-22
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