City of Arcadia
Recreation, Library & Museum Activities


         626.574.5113   •   •   @EnrichArcadia
                                                                    Special Events.................................................1-2

                                                                    Tot Programs and Classes...................................3-5
      Arcadia City Council
                                                                    Youth Programs................................................. 6
           Mayor      April Verlato
   Mayor Pro Tem      Roger Chandler
  Council Member      Peter Amundson                                Youth Classes................................................ 7-15
  Council Member      Tom Beck
  Council Member      Sho Tay                                       Teen Programs.................................................16
        City Clerk    Gene Glasco
                                                                    Adult Programs.............................................17-18
     City Manager     Dominic Lazzaretto
  Arcadia City Hall   626.574.5400
                                                         16         Adult Classes...............................................19-25
  Director of Recreation and                                        Seniors 50+ Programs.....................................26-28
Community Services Department
             Sara Somogyi                                           Seniors 50+ Classes.......................................29-31
    Director of Library and                                         Registration Form .............................................32
 Museum Services Department
            Darlene Bradley                              30         Registration & Facilities......................................33

                 follow us
                                                 Recreation and Community                          Arcadia Community Center

@ENRICHARCADIA                                     Services Department
                                                                                                 375 Campus Drive, Arcadia, CA 91007
                                                375 Campus Drive, Arcadia, CA 91007                        626.574.5113
                                                          626.574.5113                      Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 7:30am-5:30pm
                                           Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 7:30am-5:30pm                 Friday, 7:30am-4:30pm
                                                           Friday, 8am-5pm

     FOR RECREATION                                   The Gilb Museum of                             Arcadia Public Library
PROGRAM CANCELLATIONS                                  Arcadia Heritage                        
DUE TO INCLIMATE WEATHER,                                         20 West Duarte Road, Arcadia, CA 91006
        PLEASE CALL                         380 West Huntington Drive, Arcadia, CA 91007                    626.821.5567
                                                                                                    Monday - Thursday, 10am-9pm

626.574.3880                                          Admission is always free
                                             Tuesday - Saturday, 10am-12pm and 1-4pm
                                                                                                     Friday - Saturday, 10am-6pm


               Fall Craft Fair                                          t t e r s t o Santa
                                                                     Le                        us
                                                                                   Santa Cla & Community
                                                                                ia R ec re ation
                                                                       c/o Arcad rvices Departmen
                 Saturday • October 26 • 9am-2pm                               Se
                                                                                         B ox 60 021
                                                                                   P.O .           -6021
                                                                                         CA 91066
                      Arcadia Community Center                                Arcadia,

           Handmade creations, including seasonal items.
           Enjoy a live band, craft demo, and raffle prizes!     Santa's elves will be delivering your wish list to the North Pole. Santa will
                                                                respond to every child who writes to him. Please send a self-addressed and
                                                                pre-stamped envelope, postmarked between November 11 and December 13.

                                                                                         With Santa

                                                                Saturday, December 7
                                                                                   8:30 or 10:30am

                                                                                    $10 per person

                                                                     Arcadia Community Center

                                                                Enjoy breakfast, hot chocolate bar, holiday

                                                                  caroling, games, and a photo with Santa!

                                                                  Registration begins Tuesday, October 22.

                  Saturday, December 7
                    Arcadia Community Center

                    Activities | Sled Runs
               Crafts | Snow Play | Train Rides
                     Free parking & shuttle service at the
                         Centennial Way entrance to
                 Santa Anita Race Track beginning at 7:45am.

The Buzz   •   •   Fall 2019
SPECIAL EVENTS   Gilb Museum                                  All programs are at the Gilb Museum
                                                                     unless stated otherwise.        Public Library                            All programs are at the Public Library
                                                                                                                                                      unless stated otherwise.

                 POP-UP MUSEUM                                                                       IN-N-OUT “COVER TO COVER CLUB”
                 Wednesdays beginning September 4 • 10-11am                                          Saturday, October 5 – Saturday, November 16 • 4-12yrs
                 Children and their families are invited to drop in and explore the Pop-Up                                   Register for the program and read five books to earn a
                 Museum! Different crafts and activities are available to kids to use from our                               certificate for a free In-N-Out hamburger, cheeseburger,
                 educational kits.                                                                                           or cheese sandwich. Each child may earn up to three
                                                                                                                             burger certificates during the program. Join the Cover
                                                                                                                             to Cover fun!
                 DINO DAY
                 Saturday, September 28 • 1-3:30pm                         Dino Day!
                 ROAR! Come and celebrate dinosaurs,
                                                                                                     MOON FESTIVAL ART MARKET
                 their prehistoric past, and the science                                             Saturday, September 14 • 3pm • All Ages
                 that brings their world back to life! Meet                                          Drop by the Library’s Art Market and receive special APL dollars to purchase
                 paleontologist from the Alf Museum and                                              a variety of supplies to make crafts in celebration of the Moon Festival. A fun
                 take part in hands-on activities for the                                            and educational program for all ages. Younger children must be accompanied
                 entire family!                                                                      by an adult to assist with the crafts. All materials will be provided and available
                                                                                                     while supplies last.
                 ARCHAEOLOGY DAY
                                                        Saturday, October 19 • 1-3:30pm
                     Archaeology                        Join us as we celebrate California
                         Day                            Archaeology Month at the Gilb Museum!
                                                        Come and learn about the different
                                                        types of archaeology, and meet real
                                                        archaeologist who are responsible for
                                                        uncovering the past! Take part in hands-
                                                        on activities for the entire family as you
                                                        learn how to excavate your own artifact!

                 DIA DE LOS MUERTOS
                 Saturday, November 9 • 1-3:30pm
                 Join us as we celebrate Dia de Los                  Diá de Los
                 Muertos (Day of the Dead), a Mexican
                 celebration to remember and honor                   Muertos
                 those who have departed. This time is
                 spent celebrating, and remembering
                 family and friends that we have lost with
                 joy and cheer. Activities for the entire

                  SWAZZLE PRESENTS
                 “HOLIDAY EXTRAVAGANZA”
                 Saturday, December 7 • 10am and 11:30am
                 Reggie is a self-centered reindeer who thinks the holidays are just about           SUPERHERO TRAINING ACADEMY
                 getting presents. His world is turned upside down when a magical sugar-plum         Saturday, October 19 • 3pm • 4-10yrs
                 fairy-in-training sends him on a quest for “The Best Gift in the Entire World!”
                 Come and learn what happens to Reggie in his adventure!                             Do you have what it takes to be a superhero? Join our Superhero Training
                                                                                                     Academy to test your speed, strength, and brain power. Unleash your super
                                                                                                     skills and help save the day! Space is limited, registration required.
                                                                                                     Walk-in registration begins Saturday, October 5
                                                                                                     Arcadia resident registration: 10-11am
                                                                                                     (must show proof of residency)
                                                                                                     Open registration: 11am onward
                                                                                                     If space is available, phone-in registration accepted starting Monday, October 7

                                                                                                     MAGIC SCHOOL BUS ADVENTURE
                                                                                                     Saturday, November 9 • 3pm • All Ages
                                                                                                     Hop on the school bus and join Ms. Frizzle for a magical adventure into outer
                                                                                                     space. Learn about the cosmos while listening to a Magic School Bus story
                                                                                                     and apply what you have learned with fun hands-on activities. All materials will
                                                                                                     be provided and available while supplies last.

                                                                                                                                                 Fall 2019   •   •   The Buzz
Gilb Museum                                    AllAll
                                                   programs   areare
                                                                   at at
                                                                           Gilb Museum

                                                                                                                                                                              TOT PROGRAMS & CLASSES
                                                      programs               Gilb Museum
                                                       unless stated
                                                         unless stated otherwise.

PRESCHOOL PROGRAM                                                              Free        PARENT AND ME 2D PAINTING & DRAWING
Fridays, beginning September 6 • 10-11am                                                   Develop educational concepts like 1,2,3’s and A,B,C’s while creating art
Come discover, explore, and learn new things with us at the Museum!                        projects. Parents must attend all classes with their child. $12 materials fee.
Limited enrollment, no groups accepted.                                                    Instructor: KT Boyce
                                                                                           Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr

Public Library                                  All programs are at the Public Library
                                                       unless stated otherwise.
                                                                                           (no class 11/30)
                                                                                                             10:30-11:15am        Sat 3-5yrs          $86       F19-4446

STORYTIMES                                                                                 PARENT AND ME ART WITH U.S. ARTS &
Storytimes are a wonderful way to introduce children to the lifelong love of
reading and the fun of visiting the community Library. Registration is required.           DESIGN ACADEMY
                                                                                           In this fun art class, everyone will have the opportunity to explore art using
Early Fall Session
                                                                                           many different materials and mediums. Learn drawing and painting techniques,
September 10 – October 16
                                                                                           print making, collages, and sculpture. $140 materials fee.
Walk-in registration begins Saturday, September 7
Arcadia resident registration: 10am – 12pm (must show proof of residency)                  Instructor: U.S. Arts & Design Academy Staff
Open Registration: 12pm onward                                                             Location: U.S. Arts & Design Studio, 38 E Live Oak
If space is available, phone-in registration accepted starting Monday,                     09/08-12/15        10-11am       Sun        2-3yr 6mo      $142       F19-4364
September 9.                                                                               (no class 12/01)
                                                                                           09/08-12/15        4-5pm         Sun        2-3yr 6mo      $142       F19-4363
Late Fall Session                                                                          (no class 12/01)
November 5 – December 11
Walk-in registration begins Saturday, November 2
Arcadia resident registration: 10am – 12pm (must show proof of residency)                  PARENT AND ME PAINTING POTTERY/
Open Registration: 12pm onward                                                             CERAMIC ART
If space is available, phone-in registration accepted starting Monday,                     You and your child will experience painting pottery and ceramics together in
November 4.                                                                                a children friendly art studio. Families will learn a variety of age-appropriate
                                                                                           techniques, creating pieces of art to celebrate their age. $20 materials fee.
BABY TALES – INFANT STORYTIME                                                              Instructor: Paint n’ Play Staff
Tuesdays,10:15am • 4-23mo		                                                                Location: Paint n’ Play, 418 S Myrtle Ave
Join us for a 15-20 minute program of songs, stories, finger plays,                        09/13-09/27       12:30-1:15pm          Fri     2-5yrs       $70       F19-4203
and more.                                                                                  10/04-10/18       12:30-1:15pm          Fri     2-5yrs       $70       F19-4203a
                                                                                           10/25-11/08       12:30-1:15pm          Fri     2-5yrs       $70       F19-4203b
TODDLER TIME                                                                               11/15-12/06       12:30-1:15pm          Fri     2-5yrs       $70       F19-4203c
Tuesdays, 6:30pm or Wednesdays, 10:15am • 19 - 47mo                                        (no class 11/29)
This 30-40 minute storytime is just right for toddlers.
                                                                                           PRESCHOOL DRAWING FUNDAMENTALS
PRESCHOOL STORYTIME                                                                        Designed with young learners in mind. We provide a nurturing environment
Wednesdays, 6:30pm • 4-7yrs                                                                while students learn to draw fun, familiar objects. Students will develop skills
This 30-45 minute structured storytime is designed specifically for children               that will help prepare them for Kindergarten, such as following directions,
only. Parents may enjoy the storytime with their child or stay in the Children’s           staying on task, and working with peers.
Room while their child attends by themselves.
                                                                                           Instructor: Young Rembrandts Staff
                                                                                           Location: Museum Education Center, 382 W Huntington Dr
WINTER STORY CRAFT AND PLAY DATE                                                           9/24-10/29         11-11:45am Tue 3yr 6mo-5yrs            $62        F19-2048
Saturday, December 14 • 3pm • 2-6yrs
Listen to a cozy winter story, make a craft inspired by the story, then stay and
play with friends. This program is ideal for a play date with friends or to make
                                                                                           PRE-MIQ ART
new friends.                                                                               Kids will have the opportunity to explore art through different materials
                                                                                           and mediums. They will also learn different types of drawing and painting
                                                                                           techniques inspired by the book we read in class. No need for parent to attend.
VALUE TALES FAMILY STORYTIME                                                               $140 materials fee.
Mondays • September 23, October 21, November 25, and December 16
6:30pm • 4-7yrs                                                                            Instructor: U.S. Arts & Design Academy Staff
                                                                                           Location: U.S. Arts & Design Studio, 38 E Live Oak
Honesty, kindness, bravery and more will be explored through this values-
themed storytime for children and their family members.                                    09/08-12/15       10-11am Sun 3yr 6mo-4yr 6m $142                    F19-4498
                                                                                           (no class 12/01)
                                                                                           09/08-12/15       4-5pm        Sun 3yr 6mo-4yr 6m $142               F19-4499
TRICK OR TREAT AT THE LIBRARY                                                              (no class 12/01)
Tuesday, October 29, 4pm or 6:30pm • 2-6yrs
Wednesday, October 30, 4pm or 6:30pm • 2-6yrs
Come in costume for some Halloween fun! There will be stories, activities, a
video, and a snack. Plus, of course, the chance to trick or treat through the
Library. This is a drop-in program. No registration required, but space is limited.                                                                                                   3
The Buzz   •   •   Fall 2019
TOT PROGRAMS & CLASSES   Dance                                                                                TUMMY TIME
                                                                                                              Brings parents, babies, and other families together to make tummy time fun
                         BALLET AND TAP                                                                       for babies and easier for parents. Using engaging songs, activities, and sign
                         We educate the youngest of dancers in ballet, tap, and jazz techniques and           language, parents will get lots of ideas for extending the experience at home.
                         vocabulary. Each child will experience the joy of self-expression through fun        $4 materials fee.
                         and artistic routines and activities. Best of all, your child will gain confidence   Instructor: Monique Soderstrom, Marriage and Family Therapist
                         and self-esteem in a nurturing environment.                                          Location: Museum Education Center, 382 W Huntington Dr
                         Instructor: Petite Feet Dance and Fitness                                            09/09-10/14       1:15-2pm             Mon 1m-6mo $85                F19-4209
                         Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr
                         09/10-10/22        4-4:45pm             Tue 3-5yrs           $77         F19-4197
                         10/29-12/10        4-4:45pm             Tue 3-5yrs           $77         F19-4197a
                         Location: Museum Education Center, 382 W Huntington Dr
                         09/12-10/17      10:15-11am     Thu 3-5yrs        $66                 F19-2052
                         10/24-12/12      10:15-11am     Thu 3-5yrs        $77                 F19-2052a
                         (no class 10/31)

                         CREATIVE MOVEMENT FOR TODDLERS
                         This class is specially designed for toddlers to learn rhythm, gross motor and
                         basic tumbling skills with engaging music. With many exciting props and
                         equipment used in every class, students will explore their creative imaginations
                         in a nurturing environment.
                         Instructor: Petite Feet Dance and Fitness
                         Location: Museum Education Center, 382 W Huntington Dr                               EARLY CHILDHOOD MUSIC
                         09/12-10/17       9:45-10:15am Thu 1yr 6mo-3yrs $60 F19-2029                         Children will be introduced to music instruments, including those in an
                         10/24-12/12       9:45-10:15am Thu 1yr 6mo-3yrs $60 F19-2029a                        orchestra. Classes will cover creative movement, singing, listening and
                         (no class 11/28)                                                                     rhythm. This is a developmentally appropriate class; it will enhance a child’s
                                                                                                              awareness of music.
                         PARENT AND ME DANCE                                                                  Instructor: Kids Music ‘N’ Motion Staff
                         Parent and Me creates delicate nuances that are established between a parent         Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr
                         and child in a special impactful way. It will create a foundation of strong          09/14-10/12       11:30am-12:15pm Sat 0-5yrs             $67        F19-4137
                         security for the young child’s life for years to come.                               10/26-11/23       11:30am-12:15pm Sat 0-5yrs             $54        F19-4137a
                         Instructor: Instructor Kirkland                                                      (no class 11/02)
                         Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr
                         09/11-10/02        3-3:30pm              Wed 2-4yrs         $34        F19-4093      KINDERMUSIK MIXED AGES
                         10/09-10/30        3-3:30pm              Wed 2-4yrs         $34        F19-4093a     Discover a musical world with your child through singing, moving, listening,
                         11/06-11/27        3-3:30pm              Wed 2-4yrs         $34        F19-4093b     instruments, and making friends. Materials include instruments or props,
                         12/04-12/18        3-3:30pm              Wed 2-4yrs         $26        F19-4093c     downloadable class songs, lyrics, activities, and an eBook. $25 materials fee;
                                                                                                              $6 fee for each additional sibling.
                                                                                                              Instructor: Emily Chang
                         Enrichment                                                                           Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr
                                                                                                              09/23-10/28       4:45-5:30pm        Mon 0-6yrs          $79       F19-4062
                         ABCS AND 123S                                                                        (no class 10/14)
                         Expose your child to shapes, colors, letters, and numbers using DUPLO®               11/04-12/09) 4:45-5:30pm             Mon 0-6yrs          $79       F19-4062a
                         bricks, and other fun learning materials in order to strengthen their knowledge      (no class 11/11
                         in a playful manner. Parent must participate for children who are two to three
                         years of age.
                         Instructor: Snapology Staff                                                          Sports & Fitness
                         Location: Museum Education Center, 382 W Huntington Dr
                         09/10-10/01       9-10am              Tue 2-5yrs          $47         F19-2045       BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL TRAINING
                                                                                                              Learn the skills of baseball and softball by fielding, throwing, hitting, base
                         10/22-11/12       9-10am              Tue 2-5yrs          $47         F19-2045a
                                                                                                              recognition, and more! We maintain a highly active program that will teach,
                                                                                                              encourage and advance your young players, regardless of their skill level.
                         BABY SIGN                                                                            Instructor: BEST Sports Coach
                         Wondering what your baby is thinking or why your baby is crying? In this             Location: Arcadia City Hall, 240 W Huntington Dr
                         parent/child class, you and your baby will learn how to communicate by using         09/14-10/19       10-10:45am           Sat 2-3yrs           $82        F19-4502
                         baby signs through singing, dancing, games and playful interactions with objects.
                                                                                                              11/02-12/14       10-10:45am           Sat 2-3yrs           $82        F19-4502a
                         Instructor: Monique Soderstrom, Marriage and Family Therapist
                         Location: Museum Education Center, 382 W Huntington Dr
                         09/09-10/14       12:15-1:15pm        Mon 6mo-5yrs $82                F19-2023

                                                                                                                                                         Fall 2019   •   •   The Buzz

                                                                                                                                                                          TOT PROGRAMS & CLASSES
Introduce your toddler to the world’s most popular sport! As you participate in
our fun age-appropriate activities together, your child will be developing their
large motor skills and socialization skills.
Instructor: Kidz Love Soccer Staff
Location: Dana Middle School Lawn, 1401 S First Ave
09/21-11/02       9-9:30am        Sat        2-3yr 6mo        $92 F19-3053

Class will cover the basic skills through activities such as dribbling, kicking,
throw-ins, goalie skills, and more! Our goal is to maintain a highly active
program that will teach, encourage and advance your young players, regardless          PEE WEE TENNIS ACADEMY
of their skill level.                                                                  This clinic is the perfect tennis introduction for new younger tennis players
Instructor: BEST Sports Coach                                                          ages 3-6. Students learn the basics of the: forehand, backhand, volley, and
Location: Arcadia City Hall, 240 W Huntington Dr                                       serve in a coordination-building, fitness-friendly, fun, atmosphere. Visit our
09/15-10/20         9-9:45am       Sun      1yr 6mo-2yrs $82          F19-4593         website at
11/03-12/15         9-9:45am       Sun      1yr 6mo-2yrs $82 F19-4593a                 Instructor: Tennis Anyone Staff
(no class 12/01)                                                                       Location: Arcadia High School, 180 Campus Dr
                                                                                       Session 1: 09/17-10/12
MULTI SPORT                                                                            1 day/week   5:45-6:30pm          Tue              3-6yrs    $65     F19-4226
Perfect for littles ones to learn the basics of soccer, baseball/softball, and track   1 day/week   5:45-6:30pm          Thu              3-6yrs    $65     F19-4227
n’ field while developing motor skills. Our goal is to maintain a highly active        1 day/week   9-9:45am             Sat              3-6yrs    $65     F19-4228
program that will teach, encourage and advance your young players, regardless          2 days/week		                     Tue, Thu, Sat    3-6yrs    $109    F19-4229
of their skill level.
                                                                                       3 days/week		                     Tue, Thu, Sat    3-6yrs    $149    F19-4230
Instructor: BEST Sports Coach
Location: Arcadia City Hall, 240 W Huntington Dr                                       Session 2: 10/15-11/12 (no class 10/31)
09/14-10/19         9-9:45am        Sat       2-3yrs           $82 F19-4599            1 day/week    5:45-6:30pm         Tue              3-6yrs    $81     F19-4226a
09/15-10/20         9-9:45am        Sun       2-3yrs           $82 F19-4605            1 day/week    5:45-6:30pm         Thu              3-6yrs    $65     F19-4227a
11/02-12/14         9-9:45am        Sat       2-3yrs           $82 F19-4599a           1 day/week    9-9:45am            Sat              3-6yrs    $81     F19-4228a
(no class 11/30)                                                                       2 days/week 		                    Tue, Thu, Sat    3-6yrs    $136    F19-4229a
11/03-12/15         9-9:45am        Sun       2-3yrs           $82 F19-4605a           3 days/week		                     Tue, Thu, Sat    3-6yrs    $173    F19-4230a
(no class 12/01)
                                                                                       Session 3: 11/19-12/17 (no class 11/28)
                                                                                       1 day/week   5:45-6:30pm          Tue              3-6yrs    $81     F19-4226b
TUMBLING AND PRE-GYMNASTICS                                                            1 day/week   5:45-6:30pm          Thu              3-6yrs    $65     F19-4227b
Gymnastics and tumbling for even the smallest of gymnasts! Develop strength,
coordination, flexibility and rhythm through progressive gymnastic skills.             1 day/week   9-9:45am             Sat              3-6yrs    $81     F19-4228b
Instructor: Charter Oaks Gymnastics Staff                                              2 days/week		                     Tue, Thu, Sat    3-6yrs    $136    F19-4229b
Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr                                      3 days/week		                     Tue, Thu, Sat    3-6yrs    $173    F19-4230b
09/10-10/08       4-4:40pm         Tue     2-3yrs          $60     F19-4066
                                                                                       Martial Arts
10/25-11/22       4-4:40pm         Fri     2-3yrs          $60     F19-4067a           LITTLE NINJAS KARATE
                                                                                       Designed to teach the youngest of children important life skills in an enriching
PEE WEE TENNIS ACADEMY -                                                               manner. Skills include focus, teamwork, discipline, self-control, fitness,
                                                                                       balance and coordination all while participating in a kid-friendly environment.
ADVANCED SEMI-PRIVATE                                                                  Instructor: Champions Karate Staff
For students who know the basics and want a more personalized lesson.
                                                                                       Location: Champions Karate, 947 “B” W Duarte Rd
Students will enhance their forehand, backhand, volley, and serve in a
coordination-building, fitness-friendly, fun, atmosphere. Visit our website at         09/09-10/21 4-4:30pm             Mon               3-4yrs $121 F19-4109                                                                     09/10-10/22 5-5:30pm             Tue               3-4yrs $121 F19-4111
Instructor: Tennis Anyone Staff                                                        09/11-10/23 4-4:30pm             Wed               3-4yrs $121 F19-4112
Location: Arcadia High School, 180 Campus Dr                                           09/12-10/24 5-5:30pm             Thu               3-4yrs $121 F19-4113
09/21-10/12      9:45-10:45am         Sat 3-6yrs         $109        F19-4231          09/14-10/26 11-11:30am Sat                         3-4yrs $121 F19-4110
10/19-11/16      9:45-10:45am         Sat 3-6yrs         $136        F19-4231a         10/28-12/09 4-4:30pm             Mon               3-4yrs $121 F19-4109a
11/23-12/21      9:45-10:45am         Sat 3-6yrs         $136        F19-4231b         10/29-12/10 5-5:30pm             Tue               3-4yrs $121 F19-4111a
                                                                                       10/30-12/11 4-4:30pm             Wed               3-4yrs $121 F19-4112a
                                                                                       11/02-12/14 11-11:30am Sat                         3-4yrs $121 F19-4110a
                                                                                       11/07-12/12 5-5:30pm             Thu               3-4yrs $87 F19-4113a
                                                                                       (no class 11/28)
The Buzz   •   •   Fall 2019
YOUTH PROGRAMS   Recreation & Community                                                                     Afterschool Elementary Program
                 Services                                                                                   August 19, 2019-May 29, 2020 • Monday-Friday
                                                                                                            End of school-4:30pm • Grades K-5, Free
                 FALL KIDS’ CAMP                                                                            All Arcadia Unified School District Elementary Schools
                 8am-6pm, 5-12yrs • $27 per day • Highland Oaks Elementary: 10 Virginia Rd                  School year playgrounds offer a variety of organized recreation activities led
                                                                                                            by Recreation staff. Board games, outdoor games, and crafts are a few of the
                 Monday, November 25                       F19-1026                                         activities provided. Playgrounds will be closed on AUSD holidays. Participants
                 Tuesday, November 26                      F19-1026a                                        are required to attend the program for a minimum of one hour, at least three
                 Wednesday, November 27                    F19-1026b                                        days each week. Children must be signed out by an authorized parent/adult.
                                                                                                            A late fee will be charged if your child is picked up after 4:30pm. Space is
                 Each day is filled with fun group activities including crafts, board games,                limited. Registration is required before the first day of attendance.
                 movies, and outdoor games. Sign up your child for one day or all three days.
                 An afternoon snack will be provided; please be sure to pack your child a lunch.            RAINY DAYS: Please call the Buzz Hotline at 626.574.3880 for information
                                                                                                            on Playground closures. The Buzz Hotline is updated daily by noon.

                 KIDS’ NIGHT OUT
                 Get ready for a fun night with friends and Recreation staff. Participants will
                 enjoy a night filled with games, crafts, a movie, and dinner while parents can
                                                                                                            Gilb Museum                                All programs are at the Gilb Museum
                                                                                                                                                              unless stated otherwise.
                 take this opportunity to catch a movie, check out a new restaurant, or have a
                 quiet night at home.
                                                                                                            KIDS’ CORNER
                                                                                                            Come visit the Gilb Museum any time during business hours and check out
                 6-11pm • 4-12yrs • $22 • Arcadia Community Center                                          our new Kid’s Corner filled with crafts and activities for the whole family to enjoy!
                 Friday, September 13                      Artful Antics		                  F19-1065
                 Friday, October 11                        Gameshow Mania		                 F19-1066        SCOUT PROGRAMS!
                 Friday, November 8                        Give Back Night		                F19-1067        Bring your troop or den for a fun-filled trip to the museum and earn a badge
                                                                                                            while you’re here! Please call 626.574.5478 for details and to schedule your trip!
                 Friday, December 13                       Polar Express		                  F19-1068

                                                                                                            SCHOOL TOURS
                                                                                                            The Gilb Museum is pleased to offer FREE field trips and outreach to local
                                                                  NOTHING BUT NET!                          Arcadia schools. Field trips are available Wednesdays and Fridays at 10am.
                                                                                                            Can’t make it to the museum? No problem, we can come to you! For more
                                                                     YOUTH                                  information, please call 626.574.5478 to schedule your trip today!
                                                                    LEAGUE                                  Public Library                             All programs are at the Public Library
                                                                                                                                                              unless stated otherwise.

                          Team practices will be held          GIRLS
                                                                                W20-1040 : A Division
                                                                                W20-1041 : B Division
                                                                                                            FIRST FRIDAY FILMS FOR
                       two times a week at Dana Gym                             W20-1042 : C Division
                                                                                                            MIDDLE SCHOOLERS
                   League Fee: $40 (Jersey Included)                                                        Fridays, September 6, October 4, November 1, and December 6
                                                                                W20-1043 : A Division
                   League begins Monday, January 6                              W20-1044 : B Division       3:30pm • Grades 6-8
                        Practice Days & Games: TBD                              W20-1045 : C Division
                                                                                                            Calling all middle schoolers - join us on the first Friday of each month to meet
                                   Registration Begins October 7                                            up with friends, relax, and enjoy a fun movie. Snacks will be served.

                                                                                                            BARKS AND BOOKS
                  serve                                                                                     Saturdays, September 7, October 5, November 2, December 7
                  set                                                                                       11am • Grades K-5

                                                                                                            Practice reading aloud to a specially trained therapy dog who loves to hear a
                                                                                                            good story. This program is made possible by the generous time and effort of
                                                                                                            the Pasadena Humane Society.
                  Girls Volleyball
                  is BACK!                                                                                  MIDDLE MONDAY FUN DAYS
                   Registration Is NOW OPEN!                                                                Mondays September 16, October 14, November 18, and December 9
                  F19 - 1055 : A Division - Grades 7 & 8       A & B Division practices will be held two
                                                                                                            3:30pm • Grades 6-8
                  F19 - 1056 : B Division - Grades 5 & 6       times a week after-school at Dana Gym.
                                                                                                            Looking for something fun to do with friends after school? Middle schoolers
                  F19 - 1057 : C Division - Grades 3 & 4      C Division practices will be held two times   are invited to come craft, create, and more.
                                                                 a week after-school at Highland Oaks .

                  League Fee: $40 (Jersey Included)           Transportation to & from games is              Junior Golf Academy
                  League begins 9/9                           the responsibility of the participant.
                  Practice Days & Games: TBD                            LATE FEES WILL APPLY                              at the Par 3 Golf Course

                                                                                                             4 classes per month for $69
                                                                                                             8 classes per month for $99
                                                                                                             For more information, please contact
                                                                                                             the Par 3 Golf Course at 626.443.9367.

                                                                                                                                                          Fall 2019   •   •   The Buzz
Art                                                                                 DRAWING AND PAINTING

                                                                                                                                                                          YOUTH CLASSES
                                                                                    Students will have fun learning about color and design by exploring their
DRAWING AND SKETCHING                                                               imagination with painting and drawing realistic or fantasy subjects.
Students will develop the habit of creating in their sketch books and finishing a   $12 materials fee.
few beautiful drawings. A variety of tools and techniques will be explored. $12     Instructor: KT Boyce
materials fee.                                                                      Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr
Instructor: KT Boyce                                                                09/09-10/21      4:15-5pm             Mon 5-13yrs $86                F19-4016
Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr                                   09/14-10/26      11:30am-12:15pm Sat 5-13yrs $86                     F19-4042
09/10-10/22       4:15-5pm             Tue 5-13yrs $86               F19-4012       10/29-12/10      5:15-6pm             Tue 5-13yrs $62                F19-4355
11/09-12/14       11:30am-12:15pm Sat 5-13yrs $38                    F19-4014       (no class 11/26 & 12/3)
(no class 11/23, 11/30 & 12/7)
                                                                                    WATERCOLOR AND COLOR PENCIL
CARTOONING                                                                          Learn to paint realistic and fantasy subjects using color pencils and watercolor.
Students will develop various drawing techniques, as well as their imagination.     Students will also learn color theory composition and design. $12 materials fee.
They will also learn how to present their work that will be valuable for school     Instructor: KT Boyce
projects. $12 materials fee.                                                        Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr
Instructor: KT Boyce                                                                10/28-12/09       4:15-5pm              Mon 5-13yrs $50              F19-4003
Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr                                   (no class 11/11, 11/25 & 12/2)
09/14-10/26       12:30-1:15pm        Sat 5-13yrs $86                 F19-4040      11/09-12/14       12:30-1:15pm          Sat 5-13yrs $38              F19-4015
10/29-12/10       4:15-5pm            Tue 5-13yrs $62                 F19-4075      (no class 11/23, 11/20 & 12/7)
(no class 11/26 & 12/3)
                                                                     NEW            MIXED MEDIA
COMIC BOOK CREATION                                                                 Students are exposed to a wide variety of mediums each session and class for
Students will develop various drawing techniques, as well as their imagination      a rich exploration of a wide variety of art techniques, methods, and styles.
as they create their very own comic book. $12 materials fee.                        $35 materials fee.
Instructor: KT Boyce                                                                Instructor: Paint n’ Play Staff
Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr                                   Location: Paint n’ Play, 418 S Myrtle Ave
10/28-12/09       5:15-6pm           Mon 5-13yrs $50                F19-4043        09/10-11/19       4-5:30pm              Tue 4-6yrs         $275      F19-4210
(no class 11/11, 11/25 & 12/2)                                                      09/11-11/20       4-5:30pm              Wed 7-9yrs         $275      F19-4211
11/7-12/12        5:15-6pm           Thu 5-13yrs $50                F19-4078        09/12-11/21       4-5:30pm              Thu 10-12yrs $275            F19-4212
(no class 11/21 & 11/28)                                                            09/13-11/22       4-5:30pm              Fri     13+yrs     $385      F19-4213

POKÉMON ART ACADEMY                                                                 CHINESE BRUSH PAINTING WITH U.S. ARTS
Learn techniques to draw characters like Pikachu, Charizard, Mewtwo,                Students will learn and use basic skills, materials, and ideas of traditional
Dragonite, and many more! Explore different hands-on art media such as              Chinese brush painting, including the use of brush, ink, and traditional colors.
watercolor, modeling clay, pastels, and more as you create Poké-Balls,              Moreover, students appreciate the features of the brush painting in comparison
Pokémon Shrinky Dinks, and Pokémon Trading Cards! $25 materials fee.                to Western painting. $195 materials fee.
Instructor: Parker-Anderson Enrichment                                              Instructor: U.S. Arts & Design Academy Staff
Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr                                   Location: U.S. Arts & Design Studio, 38 E Live Oak
09/19-11/07     5-6pm                 Thu 6-12yrs $130            F19-4367          09/11-12/11       6:30-8:30pm          Wed 7-12yrs $197               F19-4362
                                                                                    (no class 11/27)
Students will have fun learning about color and design by exploring their           CLAY AND CRAFTS
imagination with painting and drawing realistic or fantasy subjects.                Turn your imagination into a decoration. Students will explore how they can
$12 materials fee.                                                                  turn a 2D image into a fun, tangible 3D object and keepsake. Students will use
Instructor: KT Boyce                                                                bake and air dry clay while learning about the different tools. $210 materials fee.
Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr                                   Instructor: U.S. Arts & Design Academy Staff
09/12-10/24      4:15-5pm             Thu 5-13yrs $86                F19-4039       Location: U.S. Arts & Design Studio, 38 E Live Oak
                                                                                    09/08-12/15       4-5pm                Sun 6-12yrs $212                F19-4361
PAINTING                                                                            (no class 12/01)
Learn about the color wheel, composition, various paints and brushes to
express your own style while working with realistic subjects and fantasy            BASIC PHOTOSHOP
subject matter. $12 materials fee.                                                  Covers the basics on Adobe Photoshop CS6: the fundamentals of editing
Instructor: KT Boyce                                                                images, color correcting, text, working with multiple layers and many aspects
Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr                                   of the software. $280 materials fee.
09/09-10/21       5:15-6pm          Mon 5-13yrs $86                 F19-4044        Instructor: U.S. Arts & Design Academy Staff
09/10-10/22       5:15-6pm          Tue 5-13yrs $86                 F19-4013        Location: U.S. Arts & Design Studio, 38 E Live Oak
                                                                                    09/07-12/14       2-4pm               Sat 9-12yrs $282              F19-4365
                                                                                    (no class 11/30)
The Buzz   •   •   Fall 2019
                Let’s get messy! Join us as we create fun, 3D projects with papier-mache and
                clay. $12 materials fee.                                                             MEDITERRANEAN FAVORITES
                Instructor: KT Boyce                                                                 We teach kids to expand their palates and learn a variety of easy recipes. At the
                Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr                                    end of the session, parents are invited to our “restaurant” where kids are the
                11/09-12/14       10:30-11:15am       Sat 3-12yrs $38               F19-4031         chefs. Recipes are nut-free and have vegetarian options. $30 materials fee.
                (no class 11/23, 11/30 & 12/7)                                                       Instructor: LIFT Enrichment
                                                                                                     Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr
                CLAY HAND BUILDING                                                                   10/02-10/30      4-5pm                 Wed 5-10yrs $120              F19-4345
                This three part, workshop introduces students to creating forms with clay by
                hand. Students will paint their projects with their own design. Perfect for an       BAKING 4 KIDS
                introduction to clay before taking potter’s wheel classes.
                                                                                                     Kids will love this fun class where they can create their own delicious baked
                Instructor: Paint n’ Play Staff                                                      masterpiece, discover new ingredients and learn the fundamentals of baking.
                Location: Paint n’ Play, 418 S Myrtle Ave                                             5 weeks: $40 materials fee; 4 weeks: $32 materials fee.
                09/12-09/26       3-3:45pm             Thu 7+yrs           $85       F19-4204        Instructor: Chef Omar Garcia
                10/03-10/17       3-3:45pm             Thu 7+yrs           $85       F19-4204a       Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr
                10/24-11/14       3-3:45pm             Thu 7+yrs           $85       F19-4204b       09/11-10/09        5:30-7pm            Wed 4-14yrs $62               F19-4162
                (no class 10/31)                                                                     10/16-11/13        5:30-7pm            Wed 4-14yrs $62               F19-4162a
                11/21-12/12       3-3:45pm             Thu 7+yrs           $85       F19-4204c       11/20-12/11        5:30-7pm            Wed 4-14yrs $52               F19-4162b
                (no class 11/28)

                POTTERY AND CERAMIC PAINTING                                                         Dance
                Kids will learn the art of glazing and painting pottery. Students will be
                encourage to explore the corners of their imagination through creative               ELEMENTARY DANCE
                expression in a professional, children friendly art studio setting for all levels.   While learning jazz, ballet, and tap techniques and vocabulary, your child will
                $20 materials fee.                                                                   share the joy of self-expression through fun routines. Students will build their
                Instructor: Paint n’ Play Staff                                                      skills, memory, concentration, coordination, creativity, and self-confidence, all
                Location: Paint n’ Play, 418 S Myrtle Ave                                            in a positive atmosphere.
                09/13-09/27       3:30-5pm              Fri    6+yrs        $65        F19-4202      Instructor: Petite Feet Dance and Fitness
                10/04-10/18       3:30-5pm              Fri    6+yrs        $65        F19-4202a     Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr
                10/25-11/08       3:30-5pm              Fri    6+yrs        $65        F19-4202b     Beginner
                11/15-12/06       3:30-5pm              Fri    6+yrs        $65        F19-4202c     09/10-10/22      4:45-5:30pm          Tue     5-8yrs          $77       F19-4050
                (no class 11/29)                                                                     10/29-12/10      4:45-5:30pm          Tue     5-8yrs          $77       F19-4050a
                                                                                                     09/10-10/22      5:30-6:15pm          Tue     5-8yrs          $77       F19-4051
                                                                                                     10/29-12/10      5:30-6:15pm          Tue     5-8yrs          $77       F19-4051a

                                                                                                     CLASSICAL BALLET
                                                                                                     Classical Ballet is the foundation of all dance forms and adds a beautiful
                                                                                                     richness to all other art forms, which would never be obtained without it. Uses
                                                                                                     both Russian Vagonova and Balanchine ballet styles.
                                                                                                     Instructor: Instructor Kirkland
                                                                                                     Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr
                POTTER’S WHEEL WORKSHOP                                                              09/11-10/02        3:30-4:15pm          Wed 5-12yrs $34             F19-4092
                Create hand thrown pots, mugs or vases with clay, ceramic tools, and the             10/09-10/30        3:30-4:15pm          Wed 5-12yrs $34             F19-4092a
                electric potter’s wheel. Price is for 4 class sessions of your choice between the    11/06-11/27        3:30-4:15pm          Wed 5-12yrs $34             F19-4092b
                date and time range; unlimited studio time to glaze projects. $50 materials fee.     12/04-12/18        3:30-4:15pm          Wed 5-12yrs $26             F19-4092c
                Instructor: Paint n’ Play Staff
                Location: Paint n’ Play, 418 S Myrtle Ave
                09/09-12/14        4-6pm              Wed, Thu       6+yrs $200 F19-4205
                                                                                                     BALLET AND JAZZ
                                                                                                     Beginning ballet and Jazz is taught in a fun, encouraging environment
                (no class 11/28)
                                                                                                     where kids will learn while they play. We cover the basics of ballet and Jazz,
                                                                                                     classroom etiquette, and working together with friends.
                IPAD DRAWINGS                                                                        Instructor: Bronte Grant
                Come join us to paint by a non-traditional way! Learn the fundamentals of art        Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr
                and design using the iPad Pro with the Apple pencil. iPad and Apple pencil will      09/19-12/05       4:45-5:15pm          Thu 2-3yrs        $92          F19-4106
                be provided by school. $285 materials fee.                                           (no class 10/31, 11/28)
                Instructor: U.S. Arts & Design Academy Staff
                Location: U.S. Arts & Design Studio, 38 E Live Oak
     8          09/11-12/11
                (no class 11/27)
                                 3-5pm                Wed 8-12yrs $302            F19-4366

                                                                                                                                                 Fall 2019   •   •   The Buzz
HIP HOP JAZZ                                                                        ABACUS

                                                                                                                                                                        YOUTH CLASSES
Learn Hip-Hop Jazz moves to the latest music in a traditional dance class           Enhances student’s mathematical and calculation skills with the traditional
setting. We will learn new technique and skills as well as a fun routine which      usage of an abacus. Students will begin learning basic addition/subtraction
will be performed on the last day of class during a recital.                        with the goal of being able to do mental calculations and apply these skills into
Instructor: Bronte Grant                                                            real-life settings.
Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr                                   Instructor: Arisa Ogino
09/19-12/05        5:15-6:15pm         Thu 7-14yrs $102               F19-4107      Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr
(no class 10/31, 11/28)                                                             Beginner
                                                                                    09/13-10/25      5-6pm                Fri     5+yrs      $142        F19-4527
THE ART OF HULA - HAWAIIAN DANCE                                                    11/01-12/13      5-6pm                Fri     5+yrs      $142        F19-4527a
Learn hula and Hawaiian culture. Hawaiian names for basic hula steps, hand          (no class 11/29)
motions, hula etiquette and protocols will be taught. Intermediate class only for   Intermediate
students that have taken the beginning course for at least 8 weeks.                 09/13-10/25      6-7pm                Fri     5+yrs      $142        F19-4528
Instructor: Mikilani Young                                                          11/01-12/13      6-7pm                Fri     5+yrs      $142        F19-4528a
Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr                                   (no class 11/29)
09/25-10/16         6-6:30pm                   Wed   4-10yrs   $42   F19-4333       SUCCESS SKILLS
09/25-10/16         7:45-8:30pm                Wed   13+yrs    $54   F19-4335       A lively, interactive class that helps middle schoolers learn a variety of life
10/23-11/13         6-6:30pm                   Wed   4-10yrs   $42   F19-4333a      skills that prepare them for greater success in school, society, and in life.
10/23-11/13         7:45-8:30pm                Wed   13+yrs    $54   F19-4335a      Topics covered include: conflict resolution, time management, problem
11/20-12/11         6-6:30pm                   Wed   4-10yrs   $42   F19-4333b      solving, goal-setting, decision-making, and project achievement.
11/20-12/11         7:45-8:30pm                Wed   13+yrs    $54   F19-4335b      Instructor: Laura Meyer, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
                                                                                    Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr
Intermediate                                                                        09/19-10/24         4:15-5:15pm         Thu 11-14yrs $135              F19-4381
09/25-10/16         6:30-7:45pm                Wed   4-10yrs   $54   F19-4334
09/25-10/16         8:30-9:45pm                Wed   13+yrs    $62   F19-4336
10/23-11/13         6:30-7:45pm                Wed   4-10yrs   $54   F19-4334a
                                                                                    STRESS COMBAT CAMP
                                                                                    An interactive group discussion and practice class geared to help learn new
10/23-11/13         8:30-9:45pm                Wed   13+yrs    $62   F19-4336a
                                                                                    ways to combat stress. We will try out a variety of “Stress Busters” including
11/20-12/11         6:30-7:45pm                Wed   4-10yrs   $54   F19-4334b      meditation, progressive relaxation, tai chi, yoga, pilates, “Laughter Therapy,”
11/20-12/11         8:30-9:45pm                Wed   13+yrs    $62   F19-4336b      and assertiveness training.
                                                                                    Instructor: Laura Meyer, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

Enrichment                                                                          Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr
                                                                                    09/19-10/24       5:30-6:30pm          Thu 11-14yrs $135              F19-4401
Get your scare on with Snapology’s Monster Mania! Use                NEW            JUNIOR SCIENTISTS: ALL ABOUT ANIMALS
LEGO® bricks to create your own monster, build a haunted                            Children will learn various concepts of animal life cycles and animal
town, and have a scary good time during this fun workshop.                          characteristics and traits using K’nex®. Parent participation is mandatory with
                                                                                    children who are three years old.
Instructor: Snapology Staff
Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr                                   Instructor: Snapology Staff
10/19            10:30am-12:30pm Tue 5-10yrs $30                     F19-2028       Location: Museum Education Center, 382 W Huntington Dr
                                                                                    09/17-11/05       10-11am             Tue 3-6yrs          $92       F19-2043
HOW THE GRINCH STOLE LEGO                                            NEW            ROCKET SCIENCE & ASTRONOMY
HOLIDAY WORKSHOP                                                                    Explore the Universe as we launch film canister rockets, water bottle blasters,
In this festive workshop, children will recreate memorable moments from the         business card boomerangs, and more! Our adventures will take us to Titan,
story “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” with LEGO® bricks and add their own          Mars, and a galactic cluster as we learn about comets, constellations, and our
imagination to the fun.                                                             galaxy. $25 materials fee.
Instructor: Snapology Staff                                                         Instructor: Parker-Anderson Enrichment
Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr                                   Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr
12/14              10:30am-12:30pm Tue 5-10yrs $30                F19-2027          09/18-11/06      5-6pm                Wed 6-12yrs $130              F19-4371

BASIC ENGINEERS                                                                     EGGHEAD LAB ADVENTURES
Children will gain the tools they need to understand the movement and               Come to our lab for a new Adventure in Science every week! We’ll perform
importance of simple machines as they follow instructions to build various          awesome new experiments, create crazy chemical reactions, and make wild
machines with their partners.                                                       discoveries! Learn the science behind everything and become a real scientist.
Instructor: Snapology Staff                                                         Instructor: Professor Egghead
Location: Museum Education Center, 382 W Huntington Dr                              Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr
10/22-12/03       5:45-6:45pm         Tue 5-8yrs         $95       F19-2026         10/23-11/20      4-5pm               Wed 5-9yrs        $100       F19-4375
The Buzz   •   •   Fall 2019
YOUTH CLASSES   EGGHEAD EXPLORERS                                                                  JIU-JITSU
                Join the Egghead Explorer Squad as we fizz, pop, mix, and experiment our           Instruction for this class includes karate, joint locking, mat holds, chokes,
                way around the Earth! Students will make a sundial, a flashlight, fake tar pits,   strangles, throwing, and more. This class is geared for people who want
                fossils, volcanoes, snow, magnetic bumper cars, and tons more.                     practical techniques for any situation.
                Instructor: Professor Egghead                                                      Instructor: Alan Whitaker
                Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr                                  Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr
                09/11-10/09      4-5pm               Wed 5-9yrs          $100        F19-4369      09/10-12/10        6:30-8pm             Tue 10+yrs          $100       F19-4225

                LEGO ENGINEERING: ANCIENT WONDERS                                                  YOUTH KARATE
                We’re hopping in the time machine and going back in time to build huge             Designed to teach children important life skills in an enriching manner.
                engineering marvels! Using LEGOs, we’ll build creations like aqueducts, dams,      Skills include focus, teamwork, discipline, self-control, fitness, balance and
                wells, and coliseums. Then, we’ll test them to make sure they can stand up to      coordination all while participating in a kid-friendly environment.
                the challenge!                                                                     Instructor: Champions Karate Staff
                Instructor: Professor Egghead                                                      Location: Champions Karate, 947 “B” W Duarte Rd
                Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr                                  09/09-10/21       5-5:45pm             Mon 5-12yrs $121                F19-4114
                10/22-11/19       4-5pm                Tue 5-9yrs       $100        F19-4377       09/09-10/21       7-7:45pm             Mon 5-12yrs $121                F19-4115
                                                                                                   09/10-10/22       4-4:45pm             Tue 5-12yrs $121                F19-4116
                LEGO ENGINEERING: SUPER STRUCTURES                                                 09/10-10/22       6-6:45pm             Tue 5-12yrs $121                F19-4117
                Join us as we build huge structures! Using LEGO™, students will build mega         09/11-10/23       5-5:45pm             Wed 5-12yrs $121                F19-4118
                bridges, tall skyscrapers, gigantic pyramids, and tons more. Then, we’ll try to    09/11-10/23       7-7:45pm             Wed 5-12yrs $121                F19-4119
                knock ‘em down, crush them, and put them to the test!
                                                                                                   09/12-10/24       4-4:45pm             Thu 5-12yrs $121                F19-4120
                Instructor: Professor Egghead
                                                                                                   09/12-10/24       6-6:45pm             Thu 5-12yrs $121                F19-4121
                Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr
                                                                                                   09/14-10/26       10-10:45am           Sat 5-12yrs $121                F19-4122
                09/10-10/08       4-5pm                Tue 5-9yrs       $100       F19-4376
                                                                                                   10/28-12/09       5-5:45pm             Mon 5-12yrs $89                 F19-4114a
                                                                                                   (no class 11/11)
                ANIMATION STUDIO                                                                   10/28-12/09       7-7:45pm             Mon 5-12yrs $89                 F19-4115a
                Create fantastic movies with stop motion animation using LEGO® bricks.             (no class 11/11)
                Children will work in teams and go through the entire movie making process         10/29-12/10       4-4:45pm             Tue 5-12yrs $121                F19-4116a
                including plot, character development, and editing. Videos will be uploaded to
                                                                                                   10/29-12/10       6-6:45pm             Tue 5-12yrs $121                F19-4117a
                Snapology’s Youtube channel.
                                                                                                   10/30-12/11       5-5:45pm             Wed 5-12yrs $121                F19-4118a
                Instructor: Snapology Staff
                                                                                                   10/30-12/11       7-7:45pm             Wed 5-12yrs $121                F19-4119a
                Location: Museum Education Center, 382 W Huntington Dr
                09/10-10/15       5:45-6:45pm        Tue 7-14yrs $152               F19-2025       11/02-12/14       10-10:45am           Sat 5-12yrs $121                F19-4122a
                                                                                                   11/07-12/12       4-4:45pm             Thu 5-12yrs $89                 F19-4120a
                                                                                                   (no class 11/28)
                TECHKIDZ: VIDEO GAME DESIGN                                                        11/07-12/12       6-6:45pm             Thu 5-12yrs $89                 F19-4121a
                Students will learn how to design and modify their own exciting arcade-style       (no class 11/28)
                video games! They will learn how to control characters, objects, and outcomes
                in their games as they increase the difficulty level and add more features.
                Instructor: Parker-Anderson Enrichment
                                                                                                   Learn the philosophy, timing, and proper use of Hapkido techniques so that
                Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr
                                                                                                   you will be able to keep yourself and your loved ones safe. In addition, you will
                09/16-11/04       5-6pm                Mon 6-12yrs $130              F19-4368
                                                                                                   also gain increased flexibility, physical fitness, coordination, self-confidence,
                                                                                                   and discipline.
                Martial Arts                                                                       Instructor: Champions Karate Staff
                                                                                                   Location: Champions Karate, 947 “B” W Duarte Rd
                YOUTH BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU                                                          09/09-10/21       7:30-8:30pm           Mon 13+yrs          $121        F19-4123
                Learn this system of self-defense that allows a smaller and weaker person to       09/10-10/22       7:30-8:30pm           Tue 13+yrs          $121        F19-4124
                successfully defend against bigger and stronger attackers by using technique,      09/11-10/23       7:30-8:30pm           Wed 13+yrs          $121        F19-4125
                leverage, and applying submission holds. Listed fee is for any days during the     09/12-10/24       7:30-8:30pm           Thu 13+yrs          $121        F19-4126
                listed time and dates.                                                             10/28-12/09       7:30-8:30pm           Mon 13+yrs          $89         F19-4123a
                Instructor: School BJJ Staff                                                       (No class 11/11)
                Location: School Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, 310 S First Ave                              10/29-12/10       7:30-8:30pm           Tue 13+yrs          $121        F19-4124a
                09/12-10/17       4-5pm               Thu 5-8yrs         $116       F19-4389       10/30-12/11       7:30-8:30pm           Wed 13+yrs          $121        F19-4125a
                09/12-10/17       5-6pm               Thu 9-12yrs $116              F19-4390       11/07-12/12       7:30-8:30pm           Thu 13+yrs          $89         F19-4126a
                09/12-10/17       5-6pm               Thu 13-17yrs $116             F19-4388       (No class 11/28)
                10/24-12/12       4-5pm               Thu 5-8yrs         $137       F19-4389a
                (no class 11/28)
                10/24-12/12       5-6pm               Thu 9-12yrs $137              F19-4390a
                (no class 11/28)
    10          10/24-12/12
                (no class 11/28)
                                  5-6pm               Thu 13-17yrs $137             F19-4388a

                                                                                                                                              Fall 2019   •   •   The Buzz
TAI CHI FOR YOUTH                                                                     BEGINNING GROUP PIANO

                                                                                                                                                                      YOUTH CLASSES
Learn striking, throwing, and submission techniques from the founder of               This small group piano class is offered with a foundation for music theory
Kinetic Tai Chi and 2014 Kung Fu Master. Coupling advanced, physical                  and basic concept of reading music. Each student is provided with their own
routines with Tai Chi’s rich philosophy, achieve the ultimate goal of “soft as silk   keyboards to use for class. $25 materials fee.
and hard as steel”.                                                                   Instructor: Kids Music ‘N’ Motion Staff
Instructor: Grand Master Arnold Chien                                                 Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr
Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr                                     09/11-10/09      4:15-5pm             Wed 4-6yrs         $82        F19-4135
09/11-10/30       4:10-5:10pm         Wed 7-11yrs $159                F19-4084        09/11-10/09      5-5:45pm             Wed 7-10yrs $82               F19-4144
09/11-10/30       5:15-6:15pm         Wed 12+yrs          $159        F19-4085        09/14-10/12      10-10:45am           Sat 4-6yrs         $82        F19-4139
                                                                                      09/14-10/12      10:45-11:30am        Sat 7-10yrs $82               F19-4140
TAI CHI MIXED MARTIAL ARTS (MMA)                                                      10/23-11/20      4:15-5pm             Wed 4-6yrs         $82        F19-4135a
Focus on the principle of softness to conquer hardness to achieve physical and        10/23-11/20      5-5:45pm             Wed 7-10yrs $82               F19-4144a
mental fitness, to reach the ultimate level of “soft as silk and hard as steel”.      10/26-11/23      10-10:45am           Sat 4-6yrs         $66        F19-4139a
Sessions include striking, throwing, submission, and apply MMA’s full contact         (no class 11/02)
rules when Sparring.                                                                  10/26-11/23      10:45-11:30am        Sat 7-10yrs $66               F19-4140a
Instructor: Grand Master Arnold Chien                                                 (no class 11/02)
Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr
All Ages                                                                              RETURNING PIANO
09/11-10/30         6:20-7:20pm                Wed   All Ages   $159   F19-4086       Build on the basics learned through the beginning piano class. More
                                                                                      techniques and music theory will be taught in this class. $25 materials fee.
Advanced Sparring
09/11-10/30         7:25-8:25pm                Wed   All Ages   $159   F19-4087       Instructor: Kids Music ‘N’ Motion Staff
                                                                                      Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr
                                                                                      09/14-10/12      9:15-10am           Sat 4-6yrs          $82       F19-4141
Music                                                                                 09/14-10/12      12:15-1pm           Sat 4-6yrs          $82       F19-4142
                                                                                      09/14-10/12      2:45-3:30pm         Sat 7-10yrs $82               F19-4143
YOUTH VOICE CLASS                                                                     10/26-11/23      9:15-10am           Sat 4-6yrs          $66       F19-4141a
Learn the fundamentals of singing to gain vocal power, range, pitch, and              (no class 11/02)
rhythmic skills. Musical, vocal, social skills, and language are addressed.           10/26-11/23      12:15-1pm           Sat 4-6yrs          $66       F19-4142a
Parents are welcome to observe classes, including an informal performance for         (no class 11/02)
family and friends in the final class.                                                10/26-11/23      2:45-3:30pm         Sat 7-12yrs $66               F19-4143a
Instructor: Judith Townsend                                                           (no class 11/02)
Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr
10/01-11/05       4-4:40pm             Tue 5-8yrs         $50        F19-4215         MUSIC THEORY
10/01-11/05       4:45-5:30pm          Tue 9-12yrs $50               F19-4216
                                                                                      FOR PIANO
                                                                                      Prepares students to take the
PIANO PREP CLASS                                                                      MTAC Certificate of Merit exam
Learn basic music theory as well as fine motor skills necessary for playing           at each student’s appropriate
piano or other instruments. This fun and educational class will be filled with        level of proficiency. Students will
hands-on skills on keyboards, as well as music games.                                 develop a working knowledge of
Instructor: Kids Music ‘N’ Motion Staff                                               notation and harmony to improve
Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr                                     sight-reading, memorization,
09/14-10/12       1-1:45pm            Sat 3-4yrs         $71         F19-4138         interpretation, and improvisation.
10/26-11/23       1-1:45pm            Sat 3-4yrs         $58         F19-4138a        $25 materials fee.
 (no class 11/02)                                                                     Instructor: Arcadia Music Staff
                                                                                      Location: Arcadia Music, 32 E Duarte Rd
YOUTH PIANO                                                                           09/27-10/25        7-7:50pm         Fri 5+yrs          $77        F19-4208
Learn to play various musical styles from the beginning! Parent is                    11/01-12/06        7-7:50pm         Fri 5+yrs          $77        F19-4208a
required to attend class with the child. If you have any questions, email:            (no class 11/29) $18 materials fee.
Instructor: Emily Chang                                                               CLARINET
Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr                                     Learn to play the clarinet in a supportive and encouraging group setting.
09/26-10/24       4-4:40pm             Thu 5-6yrs          $61       F19-4064         As students’ progress, they will practice, play and perform a wide variety of
(no class 10/17)                                                                      familiar songs. $25 materials fee.
09/26-10/24       4:45-5:25pm          Thu 7-14yrs $61               F19-4065         Instructor: Arcadia Music Staff
(no class 10/17)                                                                      Location: Arcadia Music, 32 E Duarte Rd
11/14-12/12       4-4:40pm             Thu 5-6yrs          $61       F19-4064a        09/26-10/24       7-7:50pm             Thu 8+yrs          $87       F19-4101
(no class 11/28)                                                                      10/31-12/05       7-7:50pm             Thu 8+yrs          $87       F19-4101a
11/14-12/12       4:45-5:25pm          Thu 7-14yrs $61               F19-4065a        (no class 11/28)
(no class 11/28)
The Buzz   •   •   Fall 2019
                Students will develop and learn notes, fingering, and other      NEW
                                                                                                  Sports & Fitness
                basics needed to play the trumpet. Students may contact                           BEGINNING FENCING PROGRAM
                Instructor Thomas at 626.437.6769 if they have questions about acquiring a        This class is for people interested in learning the Olympic sport of fencing. In
                trumpet or music stand.                                                           this program, learn proper techniques, conditioning exercises, footwork, and
                Instructor: Howell Thomas                                                         drills of the Olympic sport of fencing. No prior knowledge necessary.
                Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr                                 Instructor: Fortune Fencing Staff
                09/10-11/26      7-8pm               Tue 8+yrs           $197    F19-4108         Location: Fortune Fencing, 139 W Maple Ave
                                                                                                  09/11-10/02        4:30-5:30pm          Wed 7+yrs         $260        F19-4399
                FLUTE                                                                             09/14-10/05        10-11am              Sat 7+yrs         $260        F19-4400
                Learn to play the flute in a supportive and encouraging group setting. As         10/09-10/30        4:30-5:30pm          Wed 7+yrs         $260        F19-4399a
                students’ progress, they will practice, play, and perform a wide variety of       10/12-11/02        10-11am              Sat 7+yrs         $260        F19-4400a
                familiar songs. $25 materials fee.
                                                                                                  11/06-11/27        4:30-5:30pm          Wed 7+yrs         $260        F19-4399b
                Instructor: Arcadia Music Staff
                                                                                                  11/09-11/30        10-11am              Sat 7+yrs         $260        F19-4400b
                Location: Arcadia Music, 32 E Duarte Rd
                09/28-10/26       3-3:50pm              Sat 8+yrs         $87         F19-4100
                11/02-12/07       3-3:50pm              Sat 8+yrs         $87         F19-4100a
                (no class 11/30)                                                                  Develop strength, coordination, flexibility and rhythm through progressive
                                                                                                  gymnastic skills.
                BEGINNING GUITAR                                                                  Instructor: Charter Oaks Gymnastics Staff
                                                                                                  Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr
                Covers proper playing position, tuning, basic strumming and chords.
                                                                                                  09/10-10/08       4:45-5:25pm         Tue 4-5yrs          $60      F19-4068
                $25 materials fee.
                                                                                                  09/10-10/08       5:30-6:10pm         Tue 6-12yrs $60              F19-4070
                Instructor: Arcadia Music Staff
                Location: Arcadia Music, 32 E Duarte Rd                                           09/13-10/11       4:45-5:25pm         Fri     4-5yrs      $60      F19-4069
                09/28-10/26      2-2:50pm            Sat 8+yrs         $87       F19-4103         09/13-10/11       5:30-6:10pm         Fri     6-12yrs $60          F19-4071
                11/02-12/07      2-2:50pm            Sat 8+yrs         $87       F19-4103a        10/22-11/19       4:45-5:25pm         Tue 4-5yrs          $60      F19-4068a
                (no class 11/30)                                                                  10/22-11/19       5:30-6:10pm         Tue 6-12yrs $60              F19-4070a
                                                                                                  10/25-11/22       4:45-5:25pm         Fri     4-5yrs      $60      F19-4069a
                BEGINNING UKULELE                                                                 10/25-11/22       5:30-6:10pm         Fri     6-12yrs $60          F19-4071a
                Students learn posture, rhythm, and bowing while building a foundation for
                learning to read music. Basic technique and music theory will be taught.          PRE-SOCCER
                Students must provide own ukulele or purchase one from Kids Music N               Children will have fun and learn the basic techniques of the game; all while
                Motion. $25 materials fee.                                                        building self-esteem and learning to follow instructions in a nurturing teaching
                Instructor: Kids Music ‘N’ Motion Staff                                           environment.
                Location: Arcadia Community Center, 365 Campus Dr                                 Instructor: Kidz Love Soccer Staff
                09/14-10/12       2-2:45pm           Sat 8+yrs         $82         F19-4136       Location: Civic Center Athletic Field, 240 W Huntington Dr
                10/26-11/23       2-2:45pm           Sat 8+yrs         $66         F19-4136a      09/11-10/23 3-3:30pm              Wed 3yr 6m-5yrs $92                F19-4192
                 (no class 11/02)
                                                                                                  11/13-12/11 3-3:30pm              Wed 3yr 6m-5yrs $60                F19-4192a
                                                                                                  Location: Dana Middle School Field, 1401 S First Ave
                MUSIC THEORY FOR                                                                  09/21-11/02    9:40-10:10am Sat       3yr 6m-4yrs $92                     F19-3054
                STRING INSTRUMENTS                                                                09/21-11/02    10:10-10:45am      Sat 4-5yrs         $92                  F19-3055
                Prepares students to take the MTAC Certificate of Merit exam at each student’s
                appropriate level of proficiency. Students will develop a working knowledge of
                notation and harmony to improve sight-reading, memorization, interpretation,
                                                                                                  SOCCER 1 - TECHNIQUES AND TEAMWORK
                and improvisation. $25 materials fee.                                             Learn dribbling, passing, defense, and shooting! Play fun skill games and
                                                                                                  every participant will have a ball at his or her feet. Perfect for first time players
                Instructor: Arcadia Music Staff
                                                                                                  while being fun and engaging for kids with some experience.
                Location: Arcadia Music, 32 E Duarte Rd
                                                                                                  Instructor: Kidz Love Soccer Staff
                Preparatory-Level 5                                                               Location: Civic Center Athletic Field, 240 W Huntington Dr
                09/27-10/25      5-5:50pm            Fri     5+yrs      $77        F19-4206       09/11-10/23 3:30-4:15pm Wed                   5-6yrs         $92           F19-4193
                11/01-12/06      5-5:50pm            Fri     5+yrs      $77        F19-4206a      11/13-12/11 3:30-4:15pm Wed                   5-6yrs         $60           F19-4193a
                (no class 11/29)                                                                  (no class 11/27)
                Level 6-Advanced                                                                  Location: Dana Middle School, 1401 S First Ave
                09/27-10/25       6-6:50pm           Fri     5+yrs      $77        F19-4207       09/21-11/02 10:45-11:30am Sat         5-6yrs                    $92       F19-3061
                11/01-12/06       6-6:50pm           Fri     5+yrs      $77        F19-4207a
                 (no class 11/29)

                                                                                                                                                Fall 2019   •   •   The Buzz

                                                                                                                                                                      YOUTH CLASSES
Players will learn dribbling, passing, receiving, shooting, age-specific defense,                       Merit Badge Classes
and more. Enjoy fun drills and games to build individual skills and play
small-sided scrimmages to develop teamwork and positional play.
                                                                                                            Emergency Preparedness
Instructor: Kidz Love Soccer Staff
                                                                                                            Citizenship in the World
Location: Civic Center Athletic Field, 240 W Huntington Dr                                                                                      Register
                                                                                                             Personal Management             online at or at
09/11-10/23       4:15-5pm         Wed 7-10yrs            $92        F19-4194                                   Communications               the Recreation
11/13-12/11       4:15-5pm         Wed 7-10yrs            $60        F19-4194a                                   Personal Fitness
(no class 11/27)                                                                                                  Sustainability
Location: Dana Middle School, 1401 S First Ave                                                                       First Aid
09/21-11/02 11:30am-12:15pm Sat       7-10yrs             $92        F19-3062
                                                                                                                   Much More!
SOCCER SKILLS AND TRAINING                                                                                       Prepared. For Life.

Class will cover the basic skills through activities such as dribbling, kicking,
throw-ins, goalie skills, and more! Our goal is to maintain a highly active         NRG BASKETBALL
program that will teach, encourage and advance your young players, regardless       A fundamentals-based training program teaching
of their skill level.                                                               basketball skills needed to succeed on the court,
Instructor: BEST Coach                                                              developing players of all ages and skill levels. We’re
Location: Arcadia City Hall, 240 W Huntington Dr                                    on a mission to create the Next Rising Generation of
09/15-10/20         10-10:45am         Sun 3-6yrs          $82        F19-4594      basketball stars!
09/15-10/20         11-11:45am         Sun 7-10yrs $82                F19-4595      Instructor: NRG Basketball Academy Staff
11/03-12/15         10-10:45am         Sun 3-6yrs          $82        F19-4594a     Location: Dana Middle School Gym, 1401 S First Ave
(no class 12/01)                                                                    Rookies
11/03-12/15         11-11:45am         Sun 7-10yrs $82                F19-4595a     09/07-09/28     10-10:50am       Sat      5-7yrs         $87        F19-3005
(no class 12/01)                                                                    10/05-10/26     10-10:50am       Sat      5-7yrs         $87        F19-3005a
                                                                                    11/02-11/23     10-10:50am       Sat      5-7yrs         $87        F19-3005b
BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL TRAINING                                                      11/30-12/21     10-10:50am       Sat      5-7yrs         $87        F19-3005c
Focusing on soccer, baseball/softball, and track n’ field, players will learn the
basics and fine tune skills. Our goal is to maintain a highly active program        Beginners
that will teach, encourage and advance your young players, regardless of their      09/07-09/28     11am-12:20pm     Sat      8+yrs          $87        F19-3006
skill level.                                                                        10/05-10/26     11am-12:20pm     Sat      8+yrs          $87        F19-3006a
Instructor: BEST Coach                                                              11/02-11/23     11am-12:20pm     Sat      8+yrs          $87        F19-3006b
Location: Arcadia City Hall, 240 W Huntington Dr                                    11/30-12/21     11am-12:20pm     Sat      8+yrs          $87        F19-3006c
09/14-10/19        11-11:45am          Sat 4-6yrs          $82        F19-4503
09/14-10/19        9-9:45am            Sat 7-10yrs $82                F19-4504      09/07-09/28     12:30-2pm        Sat      11+yrs         $97        F19-3007
11/02-12/14        11-11:45am          Sat 4-6yrs          $82        F19-4503a     10/05-10/26     12:30-2pm        Sat      11+yrs         $97        F19-3007a
(no class 11/30)
                                                                                    11/02-11/23     12:30-2pm        Sat      11+yrs         $97        F19-3007b
11/02-12/14        9-9:45am            Sat 7-10yrs $82                F19-4504a
(no class 11/30)                                                                    11/30-12/21     12:30-2pm        Sat      11+yrs         $97        F19-3007c

                                                                                    MULTI SPORT
                                                                                    Focusing on soccer, baseball/softball, and track n’ field, players will get a
                                                                                    well-rounded athletic program every week. Our goal is to maintain a highly
                                                                                    active program that will teach, encourage and advance your young players,
                                                                                    regardless of their skill level.
                                                                                    Instructor: BEST Coach
                                                                                    Location: Arcadia City Hall, 240 W Huntington Dr
                                                                                    09/14-10/19       10-10:45am          Sat 4-6yrs           $82        F19-4600
                                                                                    09/14-10/19       11-11:45am          Sat 7-10yrs $82                 F19-4601
                                                                                    09/15-10/20       10-10:45am          Sun 4-6yrs           $82        F19-4606
                                                                                    09/15-10/20       11-11:45am          Sun 7-10yrs $82                 F19-4607
                                                                                    11/02-12/14       10-10:45am          Sat 4-6yrs           $82        F19-4600a
                                                                                    (no class 11/30)
                                                                                    11/02-12/14       11-11:45am          Sat 7-10yrs $82                 F19-4601a
                                                                                    (no class 11/30)
                                                                                    11/03-12/15       10-10:45am          Sun 4-6yrs           $82        F19-4606a
                                                                                    (no class 12/01)
                                                                                    11/03-12/15       11-11:45am          Sun 7-10yrs $82                 F19-4607a
                                                                                    (no class 12/01)
The Buzz   •   •   Fall 2019
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