Winter spring 2020 Program Guide - Webster Parks and Recreation - 1350 Chiyoda Drive - Webster, NY

Page created by Curtis Barton
Winter spring 2020 Program Guide - Webster Parks and Recreation - 1350 Chiyoda Drive - Webster, NY
Webster Parks and






1350 Chiyoda Drive		   585•872•7103	
1350 Chiyoda Drive       585.872.7103
Winter spring 2020 Program Guide - Webster Parks and Recreation - 1350 Chiyoda Drive - Webster, NY
Table of Contents

AARP Taxes			2
Parks and Recreation News		 3
Camp Info			4
Fmily Clue Night			         5
                                            Webster Parks and Recreation will offer Webster residents free tax return preparation
Fly Fishing			5
Karate				5                                 by AARP volunteers at The Webster Recreation Center. Tax appointments will be on
Everybody Dance Now		       5               Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9am-2pm from 2/3/2020 to 4/13/2020 .

Preschool Programs                          Tax Appointments can be made by calling the dedicated appointment line at
Come and Play			                5           (585) 678-5260 starting 1/6/2020. Please leave a message you will be called back to
Progressive Learning Programs   6           schedule a day and time.
Horseback Riding 2 - 5 yrs olds 6
Sports Programs			7                         To prepare for your scheduled appointment:
Cheer & Dance Programs		        8
Storybook Cooks			8
                                            •    You MUST arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment to complete the required
                                                 IRS information sheets. Should you wish, you may pick up the required IRS
Youth Programs
PE Fun w/ Coach Deb		 9                          information sheets prior to your appointment at The Webster Recreation Center.
Horseback Riding			9                        •    You MUST bring: Social Security Cards (NO Medicare Cards) for each taxpayer
Hairbraiding 101			9                             and dependent and Drivers Licenses for each taxpayer
Doll Adventures			9                         •    Last year’s tax return package
Safety Training			10                        •    All 2019 tax forms
Snapology Programs		  10
Mad Science CLub			   10
Tween Cooks			11

Adult Cooking Demostrations      11
Sports & Sport Leagues		         11 - 13

Fitness Membership Information   14

Fitness Classes
Kids				15
Cardio & Strength			 15- 16
Low Impact			17
Yoga				17 - 18
                                                          HOW TO REGISTER?
Senior Fitness			19
                                                        In Person                                     Online
                                           Registration for any of our programs can
                                                                          Register anytime using our online registration process:
Lunch 60 & Transportation		 20
                                           be completed in person, during regular
                                                                          1. Go to
AARP				20
                                           office hours at:               2. Create an account/username and password if you
Luncheons & Trips			        21 - 22
                                                            1350 Chiyoda Drive have not registered for a program before
Cards & Games			            22
                                                             Webster, NY 14580
                                                                          3. Search for your class
                                                                          4. Add your programs to cart
Parks & Trails			                23
                                                      Office Hours:       5. Select participant participating in program
                                            Monday—Saturday 8:00AM—9:00PM 6. Checkout by paying for your program with a debit or
Lodges				24
                                                Sundays 8:00AM—6:00PM          credit card
Field & Gym Rental Fees		 25
                                                 Saturday Summer Hours:                         Fitness Center Hours:
Policies				26
                                             7/6—8/31 building closes at 6:00PM           Monday—Friday 5:00AM—9:00PM
                                                                                             Saturday 7:30AM—9:00PM
                                                                                              Sunday 7:30AM—6:00PM

                                           Town Board 			PROSAR Committee
                                           Town Supervisor - Thomas J. Flaherty        Megan Alchowiak       Rob Ambrosetti
                                           					                                       Sarah Comptor         Barry Deane
                                           Board Members:				                          Kyle Hadcock          Joseph Manachino
                                           William Abbott    Patricia Cataldi          Emily Pettit          Mark Yaeger
                                           John Cahill       Barry Deane		             John Zicari
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Winter spring 2020 Program Guide - Webster Parks and Recreation - 1350 Chiyoda Drive - Webster, NY
Parks and Recreation News

As I write this article, we are all waking up to our first significant snowfall of the season. The snow lovers are in their happy
place, looking forward to their favorite winter outdoor activities. With the last two winters on the mild side, the sight of
a 10-inch snowfall the second week in November gives hope that this season will provide the snow we never received
the last two seasons. Winter is a great time to explore our parks and open space. With 35 miles of trails there is plenty of
opportunity for cross country skiing, snowshoeing, sledding, hiking, horseback riding, bird watching and Ice skating. We
too are hoping for a cold winter, so we will be able to provide a natural ice skating rink here at the recreation center. The
rink is located at the south end of the parking lot and is lit for night skating. A new addition this year is a warming shed for
changing in and out of your skates and taking a break from the wind. We would like to thank the Webster Rotarians for
donating the new warming shed! There is plenty of room for open skaters, figure skaters and hockey players. Once the
ground has frozen and we have several days in a row of highs in the 20’s and lows in the low to mid teens, we will begin
building the rink. You can call our rink hotline for updates at 585-872-7103 ext. 7115; which will be updated daily beginning
December 1st.

Recapping 2019, we have completed the first phase of a barrier-free playground next to challenger Miracle Field. The final
phase will be installed the spring of 2020. The instillation and completion of the playground will conclude a 6-year long
project, that includes an artificial turf field, concession stand, and playground, all designed for participants of all abilities.
The Challenger Miracle Field Board is transitioning from capital fund raising to operations and programing. This transition
continues to require fundraising activities by the board of directors, ensuring that the vision and mission are fulfilled. If you
are interested in helping with this effort through a fundraising activity you would like to organize or wish to participate as a
board member, visit our website at, or contact me at 872-7103.

Our archery deer hunt program is in its ninth season and to date we have harvested 21 deer 10 female and 11 males. The
archery program is a vital component in controlling the deer herd in Webster. Archery season opened the 1st of October
and will close the 19th of December. Over the past nine years we averaged 20 harvests per year, the majority female.
Although 21 seems like a relatively low number, if you consider the compounding effect of 2 fawns produced for every
female, the number becomes large quickly. For an example, if 10 of the 20 harvested deer are female and each female
produces 2 fawn that is an additional 20 deer per season. Adding the 20 offspring to the 10 original become 30 additional
deer running around Webster, increasing deer car accidents exponentially. If you are interested in finding more information
about joining our program next season, our 2020 summer program guide will have all the information you need to enroll.

I would like to thank the many volunteers and volunteer organizations that make Webster “where life is worth living.”
Below is a partial list of the many volunteer organizations looking for you to share your time and talent.

The Webster Youth Sports Council represents eight different youth sport organizations. Other organizations include the
Arboretum Association, Friends of Webster Trails, many garden clubs, Webster Senior Program Supporters, Webster
Senior Lunch Program. Fraternal organizations including, (Lions club, Rotary Club, Kiwanis Club), Miracle Field of Greater
Rochester, Hope House, Community Chest, and more! There are many others not mentioned. If you need contact
information for any of the above organizations please contact our office and we would be happy to help you.

Wishing you and your family good health and happiness in the coming year!

Mark Yaeger,
Commissioner Parks and Recreation

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Winter spring 2020 Program Guide - Webster Parks and Recreation - 1350 Chiyoda Drive - Webster, NY
Register online @
Winter spring 2020 Program Guide - Webster Parks and Recreation - 1350 Chiyoda Drive - Webster, NY
Family & Preschool
CLUE Family Game Night • Instructor: Recreation Staff                                Kids in the Kitchen • Instructor: Sherry Murray
Do you remember the board game Clue? Well here is your chance to                     Does your little one love to help in the kitchen? In this class toddlers
play the game LIVE! You will get to be on Colonel Mustard, Miss Scarlet,             and preschoolers will be able to make their own snacks by following
Mrs. White, Professor Plum, Mr. Green or Mrs. Peacocks team. You                     simple instructions. They will be encouraged to mix, measure, create,
will compete with other families and try to find all the clues to solve the          and taste new foods. Adults will learn some creative ways to serve old
mystery. There will be a prize for the winning team and snacks will be               favorites. Each week will center around an age-appropriate theme. We
provided. Please register everyone participating in your family.                     will also read a story, make crafts, and play games. Children will practice
                                                                                     following directions, listening to a teacher, taking turns, and using
Location: Webster Recreation Center                                                  classroom materials appropriately in a relaxed environment with their
Fee:      $10 per family                                                             caregiver present. Colors, numbers, and shapes will be discussed as well.
                                                                                     This fun class is led by a preschool teacher with a BS in Early Childhood
Activity:      Dates           Day     Time               Age                        Education and a Monroe County Food Handling Certificate. Please
101203-A       3/6             F       6:45-9:00P         4 years and older          note: This is a parent participation program. Register child only.

                                                                                     Location:        Arboretum (1700 Schlegel Road)
Fly Fishing • Instructor: Scott Feltrinelli                                          Fee:    $50 Res/$55 NR • Session D* $38 Res/ $43 NR
Come learn about fly fishing. In this free informational program you
will be introduced to fly fishing in a classroom setting for ages 8 to 80.
                                                                                     Activity #    Dates         Day       Time               Age
NYS Licensed Guide, Captain and Outdoor Writer/Photographer Scott
                                                                                     112200-A      1/7 - 1/28    T         10:00-11:00A       2-5 year olds
Feltrinelli will present information on our local world class fishery and
                                                                                     112200-B      2/4 - 3/3     T         10:00-11:00A       2-5 year olds
how to get started with fly fishing.
                                                                                     112200-C      3/10 - 3/31   T         10:00-11:00A       2-5 year olds
                                                                                     112200-D*     4/14 - 4/28   T         10:00-11:00A       2-5 year olds
Location: Webster Recreation Center
Fee:      FREE
                                                                                    Everybody Dance Now! • Instructor: Donna Evevsky
                                                                                    Enjoy a fun family fitness evening showing off your dance skills and/or
Activity:      Dates           Day     Time               Age
                                                                                    karaoke talents. This event is for all ages. Ask our DJ to spin your favs or
106001-A       3/4             W       6:00-8:00P         8 years and older
                                                                                    sign up to karaoke! Karaoke sign up is first come first served and available
                                                                                    at the event. A parent/guardian must accompany their child.
Come and Play • Instructor: Recreation Staff
Is your little one ready to test those new walking and running skills? Join         Location: Webster Recreation Center
us for this unstructured open gym time. Children will get to play with all          Fee:      $5 Res/$5 NR
of our fun toys. A parent/guardian must accompany and supervise their
child. Sneakers are required for both adults and children.                          Activity:      Dates     Day        Time            Age
                                                                                    153001-A       1/11      Sa         6:30-8:30P      5-15 year olds
Location: Webster Recreation Center                                                 153001-C       2/8       Sa         6:30-8:30P      5-15 year olds
Fee:      $5 Res/$10 NR                                                             153001-E       3/14      Sa         6:30-8:30P      5-15 year olds
                                                                                    153001-G       4/25      Sa         6:30-8:30P      5-15 year olds
Activity:      Dates           Day     Time               Age
111001-A       1/3 - 4/3       F       9:00-11:00A        1 - 5 year olds

Karate •Instructor: Matthew McSain
This program is for new or returning students of any skill level. Students will be introduced to traditional Martial Arts and American Freestyle Karate.
Emphasis is on physical and aerobic conditioning technique, forms, free sparring, practical self-defense, and sport karate. Students learn discipline,
respect, and good sportsmanship. Ranks are based on established testing standards and awards based on student’s effort. Parent participation and/or
attendance is required for children 5 - 7 years old. Each class is broken into a primary portion (required) that is dismissed between 8:15 and 8:30pm
and an advanced portion (not required) that begins immediately after. PLEASE NOTE: those registering for just one day per week must decide between
Monday or Wednesday and attend only on that chosen day. Family rates are automatically calculated when registering on our website.

Location: Webster Recreation Center
 Activity #          Dates                      Day        Time               Age      Individaul Rate       Family Rate                Each additional
                                                                                                             2 Family Members           Family Member

 104501-A            1/6 - 2/24                 M          6:45-9:00P         5+       $40 Res/$45 NR        $60 Res/$65 NR             $13.00 per person
 104501-B            1/8 - 2/26                 W          6:45-9:00P         5+       $40 Res/$45 NR        $60 Res/$65 NR             $13.00 per person
 104501-C            1/6 - 2/26                 M,W        6:45-9:00P         5+       $60 Res/$65 NR        $80 Res/$85 NR             $18.00 per person
 104501-D            3/2 - 4/27                 M          6:45-9:00P         5+       $40 Res/$45 NR        $60 Res/$65 NR             $13.00 per person
 104501-E            3/4 - 4/29                 W          6:45-9:00P         5+       $40 Res/$45 NR        $60 Res/$65 NR             $13.00 per person
 104501-F            3/2 - 4/29                 M,W        6:45-9:00P         5+       $60 Res/$65 NR        $80 Res/$85 NR             $18.00 per person
Winter spring 2020 Program Guide - Webster Parks and Recreation - 1350 Chiyoda Drive - Webster, NY
 Baby Builders and Mini Makers • Instuctor: Drew Beeman                       STEAM Powered Play • Instructor: Drew Beeman
 "Come explore a wide variety of toys, blocks, loose parts and other          This class provides a fun, meaningful and relevant playful learning
 materials to build and make things with! Your baby builder or mini           experience for young children. We provide materials and activities that lay
 maker will enjoy learning as they manipulate objects to construct            the foundation for STEAM* learning. Children will learn concepts and
 whatever it is they can imagine. Mostly open ended in nature, these          practice skills through hands-on exploration and play, such as creative
 experiences can really get the creative juices flowing!" Join US! Please     problem solving, critical thinking, self-regulation, pre-math and science,
 Note: Adult must accompany child. Register child only.                       sensory experience, construction and more. We provide experiences
                                                                              with blocks and loose parts, process oriented art, sensory and science,
 Location: Webster Recreation Center                                          dramatic/pretend play, and language and literacy.
 Fee:    $13 Res/$13 NR                                                       *(S)cience, (T)echnology, (E)ngineering, (A)rts, (M)ath Please note: Adult
                                                                              must accompany child. Register child only.
 Activity #     Dates         Day       Time           Age
 116020-A       1/30          Th        5:30-6:30P     1.25-7 year olds       Location: Webster Recreation Center
 116020-B       4/30          Th        5:30-6:30P     1.25-7 year olds       Fee:      $25 Res/$30 NR

Loose Parts Play• Instructor: Drew Beeman                                     Activity #      Dates          Day       Time          Age
Loose parts play can make the imagination soar! Your youngsters will          116018-A        2/27 - 3/5     Th        5:30-6:30P    1.25-7 year olds
use their creativity, critical thinking and problem solving skills to…
well, do whatever their little heart’s desire with the materials provided.    Art and Sensory Play • Instructor: Drew Beeman
Loose parts are “loosely defined” as anything that you can move, carry,       This process oriented art and sensory class is so much fun for young chil-
line up, combine, take apart, put together, arrange, and so on. “Stuff ”,     dren. Not only do they make beautiful works of art, but they will explore
“junk”, “things”, etc… There are infinite possibilities with the open ended   STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) concepts through
nature of loose parts play. Loose Parts play is inclusive; children of any    the process. They will make art by using catapults, bouncing and throwing,
background and any level of development and skill can be successful.          rolling and shaking, gluing and pasting, blowing and pulling, whacking
There is no right or wrong way to use them. Children will discover            and smacking, sticking and stacking, and more! They get to explore a
multiple ways to use the materials, new ways of thinking and processing       variety of materials with their senses. They will explore slimy things, ooey
knowledge, while engaging their curiosity and having fun. Loose parts are     gooey things, wet and dry things, rough and smooth things and more! It
THE PATH to innovation in young children! Join us! Please note: Adult         will be so much fun, so please dress for the mess. Please note: Adult must
must accompany child. Register child only.                                    accompany child. Register child only.
Location: Webster Recreation Center                                           Location: Webster Recreation Center
Fee:      $13 Res/$13 NR                                                      Fee:      $25 Res/$30 NR
Activity #     Dates          Day      Time             Age                   Activity #      Dates          Day       Time          Age
116017-A       1/23           Th       5:30-6:30P       1.25-7 year olds      112012-A        3/12 - 3/19    Th        5:30-6:30P    1.25-7 year olds
116017-B       3/26           Th       5:30-6:30P       1.25-7 year olds

                                                                              Horseback Riding 2-5 yr olds • Hillrise Equestrain Staff
Sensory and Science • Instructor: Drew Beeman                                 Demonstrate basic riding and horsemanship skills as you learn how to
This sensory and science class will thrill your young children. They get to
                                                                              groom and ride your horse at a walk. A great introductory program
explore a variety of materials with their senses. They will explore slimy
                                                                              especially for new and beginning riders. Helmets provided for riders.
things, ooey-gooey things, wet and dry things, rough and smooth things
                                                                              Parents are required to stay, but are not helping. Hillrise Equestrian Center
and more! They will experience chemistry and physics as they play and
                                                                              is a short drive out Route 441, located at 1624 Walworth Penfield Rd,
explore the natural materials provided. Things will go fizzle and pop,
                                                                              Walworth, NY 14568.
things will go fast and slow, things will roll and fly! Children will learn
concepts such as absorption, displacement, measurement, cause and
                                                                              Location: Hillrise Equestrain Center (1624 Walworth Penfield Road)
effect, sensory and tactile awareness, solid, liquid, suspension, drainage,
                                                                              Fee:      $25 Res/$25 NR
conservation, volume, mass, saturation, estimation, and the learning goes
on and on. . . . Please note: Parent/adult must accompany children.
                                                                              Activity #     Dates          Day     Time              Age
Register child only.
                                                                              114902-A       1/18           Sa      9:00-9:30A        2-5 year olds
                                                                              114902-B       2/15           Sa      9:00-9:30A        2-5 year olds
Location: Webster Recreation Center
                                                                              114902-C       3/21           Sa      9:00-9:30A        2-5 year olds
Fee:      $25 Res/$30 NR
                                                                              114902-D       4/18           Sa      9:00-9:30A        2-5 year olds
Activity #     Dates         Day         Time            Age
116019-A       1/9 - 1/16    Th          5:30-6:30P      1.25-7 year olds
116019-B       2/6 - 2/13    Th          5:30-6:30P      1.25-7 year olds
116019-C       4/16 - 4/23   Th          5:30-6:30P      1.25-7 year olds

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Winter spring 2020 Program Guide - Webster Parks and Recreation - 1350 Chiyoda Drive - Webster, NY
Froggy Fitness • Instructor: Debbi Carpenter - Staff                               Monday Madness • Instructor: Cyndi Lovejoy
Come leap into the Recreation Center for some Froggy Fitness Fun! We               Start your day off right with some fun and friends. This fun program is
will start each class with a warm up, then exercises using balls, hoops,           designed for tots and caregivers to meet, socialize and play! Activities will
bean bags, and puppets. Then we will finish up with a game of Leap                 include a parachute, adventure yoga, Zumba, fun music, games, colorful
Frog! Parents must stay during each class session in case their child needs        equipment and more! Each class will bring exciting new adventures for all!
support. In case of inclement weather, please make sure your child wears           This is a parent/child class but please register and pay just for the child.
his/her boots and brings their sneakers to class.
                                                                                   Location: Webster Recreation Center
Location: Webster Recreation Center                                                Fee:      $37 Res/$42 NR
Fee:      $15 Res/$20 NR
                                                                                   Activity #      Dates             Day         Time               Age
Activity #      Dates           Day     Time                Age                    113211-A        4/6 - 4/27        M           9:30-10:15A        0-5 year olds
114014-A        3/24 - 4/14     Tu      10:00-10:45A        3-5 year olds

Preschool Track and Field • Instructor: Debbi Carpenter - Staff                    ABC Sports • Instructor: Cyndi Lovejoy
                                                                                   This is a great start for any little athlete to get the "ball" rolling. In this class
Hurdles, long jump, high jump, relay, hooray!!! Your children will try
                                                                                   we will work on throwing, rolling, kicking, catching, jumping, and hand
their skills at hurdles, discus, high jump, long jump, javelin, and relay
                                                                                   eye coordination which will help with self confidence and body awareness
running. The emphasis of this class is having fun, making new friends,
                                                                                   through fun games and equipment. We will also work on strength,
and exercising. Parents must stay during each class session in case their
                                                                                   flexibility, agility, and healthy lifestyle as well. A weekly handout will be
child needs support. In case of inclement weather, please make sure your
                                                                                   given out to re-enforce that week's lesson. Sessions A & C are parent/child
child wears his/her boots and brings their sneakers to class.
                                                                                   class. Register child only
Location: Webster Recreation Center
                                                                                   Location: Webster Recreation Center
Fee:      $15 Res/$20 NR
                                                                                   Fee:      $37 Res/$42 NR
Activity #      Dates         Day       Time                Age
                                                                                   Activity #      Dates             Day         Time               Age
114005-A        2/12 - 3/11   W         10:00-10:45A        3-5 year olds
                                                                                   113206-A        2/4 - 2/25        T           5:30-6:15P         2-3 year olds
                (No program: 2/19)
                                                                                   113206-B        2/4 - 2/25        T           6:20-7:05P         3-5 year olds
                                                                                   113206-C        3/5 - 3/26        Th          4:30-5:15P         2-3 year olds
Soccer Squirts • Instructor: Debbi Carpenter - Staff                               113206-D        3/5 - 3/26        Th          5:20-6:05P         3-5 year olds
This soccer program will provide a fun environment for engaging children
in physical activity. They will enjoy playing games that develop their             Tumble Tots • Instructor: Cyndi Lovejoy
motor skills as well as their ability to listen and follow directions. Fictional   This active class is designed to help develop many basic gross motor
characters will be used to introduce individual skills and footwork with           skills such as balance, coordination, and strength in a fun and positive
the ball as well as concepts of play. Having fun will be emphasized and            environment. In addition, they will learn body awareness, social skills,
our small groups will enhance the learning environment. Parents must               and confidence through songs, games, and fun activities and basic age
stay during each class session in case their child needs support. In case of       appropriate tumbling. Please have your child dress in comfortable clothes
inclement weather, please make sure your child wears his/her boots and             for movement.
brings their sneakers to class.
                                                                                   Location: Webster Recreation Center
Location: Webster Recreation Center                                                Fee:      $37 Res/$42 NR
Fee:      $15 Res/$20 NR
                                                                                   Activity # Dates                Day         Time              Age
Activity #      Dates           Day     Time                Age                    113202-A   2/14 - 3/6           F           5:30-6:15P        2-3 year olds
114006-A        1/7 - 1/28      Tu      10:00-10:45A        3-5 year olds
                                                                                   Ballet, Jazz,Hip Hop • Instructor: Cyndi Lovejoy
Terrific 2's - 3's • Instructor: Cyndi Lovejoy                                     This class will teach boys and girls the basics of ballet, jazz and hip hop.
We will use music, games, colorful equipment, interactive stories, and             It will give them a taste of many different dance forms in one class and of
even yoga sometimes. We will make sure we engage both the child and                course having a lot of fun at the same time. There will be an observation
caregiver during the whole class! This is a great way to socialize and get         day on the last class so the children can show off what they have learned.
your little one to increase their confidence, and work on both gross and           Please have your child dress in comfortable clothes for movement.
small motor skills. This is a parent/child class but please register and pay
just for the child.                                                                Location: Webster Recreation Center
                                                                                   Fee:      Session A & C $37 Res/$42 NR
Location: Webster Recreation Center                                                          Session B $74 Res/$79 NR
Fee:      $37 Res/$42 NR
                                                                                   Activity #    Dates             Day        Time               Age
Activity # Dates               Day       Time              Age                     123201-A      1/6 - 1/27        M          5:45-6:30P         3-5 year olds
113212-A   2/3 - 2/24          M         10:20-11:05A      2-3 year olds           123201-B      2/10 - 3/30       M          5:45-6:30P         3-5 year olds
		                                                                                 123201-C      3/7 - 3/28        Sa         10:00-10:45P       3-5 year olds

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Winter spring 2020 Program Guide - Webster Parks and Recreation - 1350 Chiyoda Drive - Webster, NY
Mini Ninja Warrior • Instructor: Cyndi Lovejoy                                      Intro to Cheer and Dance • Instructor: Cyndi Lovejoy
This class was created to give kids an exciting approach to fitness as they         This is for all of our junior cheerleaders that can't wait to get pom poms
work on strength, flexibility, conditioning, coordination and problem               in their hands! Kids will learn basic arm motions, jumps, and voice in a
solving. They will work with colorful equipment, conquer obstacle                   noncompetitive and fun environment. There will be a pep rally during the
courses, and play fun games.                                                        last class which will show off what they have learned!

Location: Webster Recreation Center                                                 Location: Webster Recreation Center
Fee:      $37 Res/$42 NR                                                            Fee:      Session A $74 Res/$79 NR
                                                                                              Session B $37 Res/$42 NR
Activity #      Dates           Day        Time             Age
113210-A        1/9 - 1/30      Th         6:10-6:55P       4-6 year olds           Activity #    Dates           Day        Time         Age
113210-B        3/3 - 3/24      T          6:10-6:55P       4-6 year olds           113209-A      2/10 - 3/30     M          6:35-7:20P   6-10 year olds
113210-C        3/5 - 3/26      Th         6:10-6:55P       4-6 year olds           113209-B      3/7 - 3/28      Sa         10:50-11:35A 6-10 year olds
113210-D        4/7 - 4/28      T          6:10-6:55P       4-6 year olds
                                                                                     Storybook Cook • Instructor: Elizabeth Bauld
Mommy & Me Yoga • Instructor: Cyndi Lovejoy                                          Our unique Storybook Cook program combines two of your child’s
Do you want a fun and healthy way to spend time with your child? Well
                                                                                     favorite things: stories and food! We will read a story and make a recipe
this class is for you! You will get to be all kinds of different animals, plants,
                                                                                     to correspond with our story. We teach tactile skills, following directions,
bugs, fish and so much more, all while working on balance, strength and
                                                                                     teamwork, food safety and kitchen safety as we create our treat to eat for
focus. There will be fun props, games and even parachute time to make
                                                                                     story time. See our many themes and dates below.
the class fun and exciting for all! Come join in the adventure!
                                                                                     Location: Webster Recreation Center
Location: Webster Recreation Center
                                                                                     Fee:    $14 Res/$14 NR
Fee:      $37 Res/$42 NR
                                                                                     The Mitten by Jan Brett
Activity #      Dates           Day        Time         Age
                                                                                     After reading the story, we will make a breakfast of mitten shaped
113213-A        3/4 - 3/25      W          10:20-11:05A 2-5 year olds
                                                                                     pancakes and yogurt parfaits.

                                                                                     Activity #     Dates         Day        Time            Age
                                                                                     122060-A       1/25          Sa         9:30-10:30A     4-7 year olds

                                                                                     The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn
                                                                                     After reading this sweet book, we will be cutting out hand shaped
                                                                                     sandwiches and decorating a heart shaped cookie.

                                                                                     Activity #     Dates         Day        Time            Age
                                                                                     122060-B       2/22          Sa         9:30-10:30A     4-7 year olds
Mommy & Me Zumba • Instructor: Cyndi Lovejoy
Moms (or any other special adult) get your exercise without missing a                Where the Wild Things are by Maurice Sendek
beat in this fun class. This is a fun, easy to follow work out with energizing       In honor of Read Across America, we will make monsterously good rice
music that will make you and your child want to move to the beat.                    krispie treats and smoothies.
Whether you are looking to introduce your child to healthy habits at a
young age, get a workout yourself, or just have some together time this              Activity #     Dates         Day        Time            Age
class is fun for everyone! This is a parent/child class but please register          122060-C       3/4           W          6:00-7:00P      4-7 year olds
and pay just for the child.
                                                                                     Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter
Location: Webster Recreation Center                                                  In honor of Easter, we will decorate Easter cookies and make an edible
Fee:      $37 Res/$42 NR                                                             “rabbit car”.

Activity #      Dates           Day        Time             Age                      Activity #     Dates         Day        Time            Age
113207-A        3/4 - 3/25      W          9:30-10:15A      3-5 year olds            122060-D       4/4           Sa         9:30-10:30A     4-7 year olds

Irish Dance for Youth • Instructor: Katie Jamieson
Irish Dance, what a great way to build character, confidence and strength
while experiencing lively Irish Music and Dance! Participants will be
introduced to the beginner dances, the Reel and Jig, while learning proper
Irish Dance technique, focusing on feet, body and timing. Your child will
certainly enjoy this program!

Location: Jamieson Irish Dance (696 Ridge Road)
Fee:      $38 Res/$38 NR

Activity #      Dates        Day           Time             Age
113002-A        3/24 - 4/21  T             4:45-5:30P       5-7
                (No program 4/7)
Winter spring 2020 Program Guide - Webster Parks and Recreation - 1350 Chiyoda Drive - Webster, NY
PE Fun w/ Coach Deb • Instructor: Debbi Carpenter - Staff                       Hair Braiding 101 • Instructor: Erica Stoy
Homeschoolers, this class is perfect for you! We will be working on             From Rochester to the runway and back again! Erica Stoy is a talented,
movement, coordination, balance, teamwork and problem solving through           local, expert hair stylist who will show you braiding and styling
fitness, motor skills, interactive play, cooperative games and sports. Please   techniques. In our HAIR BRAIDING 101 class, you will learn 4 basic
come dressed appropriately for physical activity, wear sneakers and be          braids. French braid, Dutch braid, Fishtail braid, and Waterfall braid.
ready to have fun!                                                              There will be a demonstration on a live model and then you can practice
                                                                                on your own hair.
Location: Webster Recreation Center
Fee:      $23 Res/$28 NR                                                        Location: Webster Recreation Center
                                                                                Fee:      $15 Res/$15 NR
Activity #     Dates           Day     Time             Age
124005-A       1/9 - 2/13      Th      10:00-10:45A     5.5-14 year olds        Activity #     Dates           Day        Time            Age
124005-B       3/5 - 4/9       Th      10:00-10:45A     5.5-14 year olds        121019-A       1/23            Th         6:00-7:30P      8+
                                                                                121019-B       3/26            Th         6:00-7:30P      8+
February Break Camp Instructor: Webster Recreation Staff
Now this is February Fun! Your kids will enjoy going to Altitiude, Bowling       Doll Adventures • Instructor: Sherry Murray
and the Movies. You can sign them up for Activity #121006-A so they              Doll Adventures: Creative classes for kids that love dolls. Let’s work
can attend the trips only, or choose Activity #121006-B which includes           together to make some fun accessories for our dolls! Each class will
trips and fun activities at the Rec Center. Please make sure they bring a        inclue materials and directions to encourage creativity, and aid in
lunch, socks and sneakers. PLEASE NOTE TRIPS MAY BE SUBJECT TO                   problem solving. Children will learn how to save money by making
CHANGE.                                                                          their own items, and they will create one of a kind pieces with pride.
                                                                                 Families will collaborate, meet new friends, and make great memories.
Location: Webster Recreation Center                                              Please bring a doll and a sharp pair of scissors to class. These projects
Fee:      Session A $90 Res/$90 NR (trip only)                                   are sized for 18 inch dolls. Please note: Child must attend with an adult.
          Session B $115 Res/$115 NR (all day)                                   Register child only, adult is free.

Activity #     Dates           Day       Time            Age                     Location: Webster Recreation Center
121006-A       2/18 - 2/20     T-Th      10:00-2:00P     6-11 year olds          Fee:    $18 Res/$18 NR
121006-B       2/18 - 2/20     T-Th      8:30-5:00P      6-11 year ods
                                                                                 Little Chef
Spring Break Horseback Riding                                                    Our dolls will become “Little Chefs”, activities include experimenting
• Instructor: Hillrise Equestrain Staff                                          with clay, felt and foam to “cook up” our own food. Children will be able
Learn to take care of a horse as if it were your own at Hillrise Equestrian      to make an entire meal and some treats for their dolls to enjoy.
Center camp. Students will spend time learning how to groom, care and
feed a horse. Campers also enjoy a daily riding lesson and crafts each day.      Activity # Dates              Day     Time                Age
Develop confidence in yourself and abilities to work with horses. Please         112211-A 1/14                 T       6:00-7:00P          6 - 9 year olds
bring a snack & water bottle. Long pants and boots or shoes with 1/2 heel
required. Helmets provided.                                                      Valentine’s Day
                                                                                 In this class we will make a holiday dress for each doll, as well as a box
Location: 1624 Walworth Penfield Rd                                              filled with candy and a card holder.
Fee:      $175 Res/$175 NR
                                                                                 Activity # Dates              Day     Time                Age
Activity #        Dates          Day     Time            Age                     112211-B 2/11                 T       6:00-7:00P          6 - 9 year olds
124904-A          4/6 - 4/10     M-F     10:00-12:00P    6-16 year olds
124904-B          4/6 - 4/10     M-F     1:00-3:00P      6-16 year olds          Smore’s and More
                                                                                 Does your doll love adventure? We’ll set up miniature camp fires and
Horseback Riding 6-16 • Instructor: Hillrise Equestrain Staff                    assemble toy sized s’mores. Then use some cozy fleece to create a doll
Learn basic riding and horsemanship skills at Horseback Riding Lessons           sized sleeping bag.
with Hillrise Equestrian. Participants will learn the basics of riding and
being around horses and feel comfortable about their ability to control          Activity # Dates              Day     Time                Age
a horse at both a walk and a trot. We have an indoor riding ring for             112211-C 3/10                 T       6:00-7:00P          6 - 9 year olds
inclement weather. Long pants and boots or shoes with 1/2" required.
Helmets will be provided.                                                        Let’s Grow a Garden
                                                                                 Together we will plant a garden filled with vegetables, and we will grout
Location: 1624 Walworth Penfield Rd                                              an adorable bird bath to place next to it.
Fee:      $135 Res/$135 NR
                                                                                 Activity # Dates              Day     Time                Age
Activity #        Dates        Day       Time            Age                     112211-D 4/14                 T       6:00-7:00P          6 - 9 year olds
114903-A          1/6 - 1/27   M         6:00-7:00P      6-16 year olds
114903-B          2/3 - 3/2    M         6:00-7:00P      6-16 year olds
                  (No Program: 2/17)
114903-C          3/9 - 3/30   M         6:00-7:00P      6-16 year olds
114903-D          1/9 - 1/30   Th        6:00-7:00P      6-16 year olds
114903-E          3/5 - 3/26   Th        6:00-7:00P      6-16 year olds
114903-F          4/2 - 4/30   Th        6:00-7:00P      6-16 year olds
                  (No Program: 4/9)
Winter spring 2020 Program Guide - Webster Parks and Recreation - 1350 Chiyoda Drive - Webster, NY
Home Alone Safety • Instructor: Staff of Epic Training
This 2 hour class is designed to teach children who are home alone the
importance of behaving responsibly. Topics include but are not limited
to: basic first aid tips, what to do when a stranger comes to the door,
answering the telephone, internet safety and how to react during a variety
of miscellaneous emergencies such as power outages and fires. Knowing
when your child is ready to stay home alone is a difficult decision;
preparation can make the transition much easier for you and your child.         ATTACKBOTS • Instructor: Snapology Staff
                                                                                In this exciting class, students will build a variety of military inspired
Location:Webster Recreation Center                                              robotic models. Children will learn about sensors, gears, pulleys, and
Fee:     $32 Res/$37 NR                                                         programming as they create robotic catapults, crossbows, tanks, bomber
                                                                                planes and much more!
Activity # Dates              Day         Time             Age
126202-A   2/17               M           9:00-11:00A      7-14 year olds       Location: Webster Recreation Center
126202-B   4/6                M           9:00-11:00A      7-14 year olds       Fee:      $70 Res/$75 NR
Babysitters Training • Instructor: Staff of Epic Training
This 5 hour class is taught through classroom discussion, instructor            Activity #        Dates         Day      Time           Age
lecture, and an interactive video presentation. It is for boys and girls        121077-A          1/15 - 2/5    W        6:00-7:00P     7-14 year olds
ages 11 and older and teaches participants the role and responsibilities
of a babysitter that includes skills in accident prevention, basic first aid,   MINECRAFT • Instructor: Snapology Staff
emergency recognition, abdominal thrusts for choking victims and a              Travel to the Nether with Snapology, but watch out for those creepers!
demonstration of CPR. Each student will receive a workbook, first aid           Come join us as we bring Minecraft to life using LEGO bricks. Create
trainer pack and a certification card upon completion. Students need to         your own world, including animals, creepers, and your very own Minecraft
bring a lunch, pen or pencil and a stamped self addressed envelope.             character.

Location: Webster Recreation Center                                             Location: Webster Recreation Center
Fee:      $62 Res/$67 NR                                                        Fee:      $60 Res/$65 NR

Activity #     Dates          Day         Time             Age                  Activity #        Dates         Day      Time           Age
126201-A       2/17           M           11:30-4:30P      11-15 year olds      121041-A          2/12 - 3/4    W        6:00-7:00P     5-14 year olds
126201-A       4/6            M           11:30-4:30P      11-15 year olds
                                                                                NINJAS • Instructor: Snapology Staff
Mad Science Club Instructor: Mad Science Staff                                  Sensei Wu needs you! Design a new dojo for Snapology made from
Join Mad Science and explore Physics, Earth, Chemistry, Technology, and         LEGO bricks and train your men to battle with the best. Go through ninja
Engineering. With topics ranging from rocketry and magnets to polymers          training and earn your black belt, Snapology-style. Get ready to have fun
and electricity, kids become aware of the science that is around them every     and become a Master Ninja.
day and realize how COOL it is. We bring science alive! Our hands-on
approach and focus on science and engineering practices help to spark           Location: Webster Recreation Center
imaginations. Each class includes a take home item like a weather station       Fee:      $60 Res/$65 NR
or a stereoscopic viewer so the kids can continue learning at home.
                                                                                Activity #        Dates         Day      Time           Age
Location: Webster Recreation Center                                             121033-A          3/11 - 4/1    W        6:00-7:00P     5-14 year olds
Fee:      Session A $66 Res/$71 NR
          Session B $100 Res/$105 NR

Activity #      Dates        Day           Time             Age
126006-A        1/13 - 2/10  M             5:00-6:00P       5-12 year olds
                No program 1/20
126006-B        2/24 - 3/30  M             5:00-6:00P       5-12 year olds

Register online @
 Tween Cooks • Instructor: Elizabeth Bauld
 Treat your ‘tween to the ultimate cooking adventure with four fun-          Adult Cooking Demonstrations • Instructor: Elizabeth Bauld
 filled options! After mastering essentials like measuring and mixing        A culinary expert will demonstrate recipes and cooking techniques.
 ingredients, ‘tweens will enjoy plenty of hands-on experience. Designed     Participants receive tasty samples and recipes to take home.
 for ages 8-12, our ‘Tween Cooks program makes the perfect foundation
 for a lifetime of great cooking and baking.                                 Location: Webster Recreation Center
                                                                             Fee:     $20 Res/$25 NR
 Location: Webster Recreation Center
 Fee:    $15 Res/$15 NR                                                      Cooking with your INSTANT POT
                                                                             So, many of you may have gotten an Instant Pot for Christmas, now
 Chinese New Year                                                            what? Come tonight to learn about some fabulous things you can make
 The Year of the Rat sounds gross, right? Not today! We will be making       in it: Easiest hard boiled eggs, Fastest Applesauce, No-fail Asparagus
 ratatouille stew, a mouse cupcake and some hard boiled eggs made to         Risotto, and Chicken Taco Meat
 look like mice.
                                                                             Activity # Dates             Day        Time                Age
 Activity #     Dates         Day        Time         Age                    132019-A   1/18              Sa         4:00-5:30P          18 +
 122017-A       1/25          Sa         11:00-12:00P 8-12 year olds
                                                                             Let’s Eat Red
 Mardi Gras                                                                  Wear Red Day is a popular observance this month. So, let’s take that and
 Mardi Gras is a celebration that takes place mainly in New Orleans this     do a LET’S EAT RED class tonight. Strawberry Spinach Salad, Lasagna
 month. It celebrates having fun and general merriment. So, in honor         Soup, Red Velvet Cake Pops, and a Sparkling Grenadine Mocktail are all
 of this celebration, we’re going to make Parade “Bead” Necklaces, King      on the menu.
 Cupcakes, Celebration Jambalaya, and Gator Blood Drinks.
                                                                             Activity # Dates              Day       Time		Age
 Activity #     Dates         Day        Time         Age                    132019-B   2/6                Th        6:30-8:00P 18 +
 122017-B       2/22          Sa         11:00-12:00P 8-12 year olds
                                                                             Fix-it and Forget-it Desserts
 St. Patrick’s Day Treats                                                    Those of you who use your slow cookers know what a wonderful
 Whether your family is Irish or not, it’s fun wearing green and             appliance it is to make delicious, hearty meals. But, what about using it
 celebrating this cheery holiday while making a few St. Patrick’s Day        to make FIX-IT & FORGET-IT DESSERTS? Come tonight and you’ll see
 treats: Easy Shepherd’s Pie, Potato-shaped cookies, Shamrock Shake          how easy and tasty it is by trying Black Forest Cake, No-Fail Dump Cake,
 Activity # Dates             Day         Time           Age                 Caramel Apple Crisp, and Cinnamon Roll Monkey Bread
 122017-C       3/5           Th          6:00-7:00P     8-12 year olds
                                                                             Activity # Dates              Day       Time                Age
 Welcome Spring                                                              132019-C   3/21               Sa        11:00-12:30P        18 +
 Welcome Spring and all the beautiful flowers, birds and butterflies it
 brings. Today let’s make a few sweet snacks that look like lovely and       Easter Brunch
 delicious flowers and butterflies.                                          One of my favorite holiday meals to make has to be Easter Brunch.
                                                                             Join me tonight and taste some of my brunch entrees that may become
 Activity #     Dates         Day        Time         Age                    favorites of yours too: Overnight Slow Cooker Egg Casserole, Asparagus
 122017-D       4/18          Sa         11:00-12:00P 8-12 year olds         with Prosciutto, Lemony Pasta Salad, and a Mimosa Mocktail

Competitive Badminton • Instructor: Recreation Vounteers                     Activity # Dates              Day       Time                Age
This badminton program is truly a competitive sport! There is a good         132019-D   4/4                Sa        11:00-12:30P        18 +
reason why badminton is one of the most popular sports in the world. It
is fun, fast, and aerobic! Bring your own racquet as there are only a few   Men's Indoor Soccer • Instructor: Brian Goldstein, Staff
racquets available on a temporary basis. We will provide the shuttlcock.    Get your exercise and have fun at the same time! This is strictly
                                                                            recreational indoor soccer play.
Location: Webster Recreation Center
Fees:     $51Res/$56 NR                                                     Location: Webster Recreation Center
          Premier Members: FREE		                                           Fee:      Session A - $60 Res/$65 NR
                                                                                      Session B - $53 Res/$58 NR
Activity #     Dates          Day       Time            Age                           Premier Members: FREE
134002-A       1/7 - 4/28     T         4:00-7:00P      18 +
134002-B       1/3 - 4/24     F         4:00-8:00P      18 +                Activity #     Dates          Day        Time             Age
               (No Program:   4/10)                                         134403-A       1/2 - 4/30     Th         8:45-10:15P      18 +
134002-C       1/6 - 4/27     M         7:30-9:00P      18 +                134403-B       1/5 - 4/26     Su         8:00-9:30A       18 +
                                                                                           (No Program:   4/12)

Register online @
Men's Basketball League • Instructor: Traci Ruffell, Staff                     Men's Open Basketball • Instructor: Ron Kraft, Staff
Session A is an Open Division and depending on final records at the end        Men's Basketball will offer you some fun and exercise at the same time.
of the regular season, teams maybe split for playoffs. Session A is designed   This is strictly recreational, not league play.
for men ages 23 and older. The Sunday 40+ Division is for men ages 40
and older, however each team is permitted two 38 year olds per roster.         Location: Webster Recreation Center
Teams are guaranteed to play at least 10 games. A team schedule, roster,       Fee:      $72 Res/$77 NR
and other information will be provided once your team is registered. If                  Premier Members: FREE
you are interested in the league and would like more information, please
contact Traci Ruffell at                             Activity #     Dates           Day      Time               Age
                                                                               134001-A       1/2 - 4/30      Th       6:00-7:30P         18 +
Location: Webster Recreation Center
Fee:      $525 per team
                                                                               Pickleball Lessons • Instructor: Dick Seils
Activity #     Dates        Day      Time                 Age                  Pickleball is the hottest new sport in the country for all ages including
135401-C       2/2-12/22    Su       6:15-9:15P           40 +                 adults 50+. It is a cross between tennis and ping pong. Pickleball is a great
               (No Program: 2/7, 4/21)                                         way for adults to stay fit. The class will introduce the basic rules of play
                                                                               for the game and allow novice players to get familiar with serving, scoring,
                                                                               rules, and the equipment for both doubles and singles. Try it and you will
Volleyball for Adults • Instructor: Paul Southard, Staff                       be hooked! Pickleball paddles will be provided if you do not have your
This adult volleyball program is strictly recreational play. There is no       own.
formal instruction so some knowledge and experience is required. The
program is open to beginner and intermediate level players. When               Location: Webster Recreation
necessary, rotation of extra players will be used.                             Fee:      $50 Res/$55 NR
Locations: Webster Recreation Center                                           Activity #    Dates            Day       Time                 Age
Fee:     $84 Res/$89 NR                                                        134003-A      1/2-1/23         Th        4:15-5:15P           18 +
         Premier Members: FREE                                                 134003-B      2/18-3/10        T         11:15-12:15P         18 +
                                                                               134003-C      2/22-3/14        Sa        11:30-12:30P         18 +
Activity #     Dates           Day       Time             Age                  134003-D      3/31-4/21        T         11:30-12:30P         18 +
134501-A       1/7-5/26        T         7:30-9:00P       18 +                 134003-E      4/2-4/23         Th        4:15-5:15P           18 +
Pickleball                                                                     Open Pickleball for Beginners
Pickleball is a racquet sport that combines elements of badminton, tennis      Open Pickleball for beginners! Need a place to start, we have set aside
and table tennis. You must register for this program and sign in weekly.       courts for all you beginner pickleball players to have fun and learn or im-
Different partner combinations are formed each week. Please bring your         prove your beginner skills. This program is unsupervised. Register now
own paddle, we will provide nets and pickleballs. You are required to leave    as limited space is available.
the court at the end of the reservation time and return all equipment to
the main office. Dates and times are not guaranteed and subject to change.     Location: Webster Recreation Center
Should the need arise to cancel due to program conflict, no refunds will be    Fee:      $ Res/$ NR
issued.                                                                                  Premier Members: FREE

Location: Webster Recreation Center                                            Activity #      Dates       Day     Time                      Age
Fees:     Session A & D $85 Res/$90 NR                                         134010-B        3/12 - 4/23 Th      6:00-7:30P                18 +
          Session B $90 Res/$95 NR                                                             (No Program: 11/28)
          Session C $80 Res/$85 NR
          Premier Members: FREE
                                                                                Pickleball Reserve a Court
Activity #     Dates           Day       Time                Age                Reservations are taken up to one week in advance as follows; One court,
134004-A       1/2 - 4/30      Th        10:00-12:00P        21 +               2 hours per day (no prorating fee), 4 – 6 people per court. All basic
134004-B       1/2 - 4/30      Th        2:00-4:00P          21 +               and premier fitness members are free. A punch passes can be used for
134004-C       1/7 - 4/28      T         10:00A-12:00P       21 +               reserve a court only. Drop-in is $10.00 per person, per reservation.
134004-D       1/6 - 4/27      M         7:30 - 9:00P        21+                *Non fit passes are excluded. A minimum of 4 participants must be
                                                                                present. Sign in at check-in time to receive equipment at front office.
                                                                                You are required to leave the court at the end of the reservation time
                                                                                and return all equipment to the main office. Dates and times are not
                                                                                guaranteed and subject to change.

                                                                                Location:Webster Recreation Center
                                                                                Fee:    See Description Above

                                                                                Dates         Day           Time      Age
                                                                                1/3 - 4/29    M,W,F         10:00A-12:00P                    21 +
                                                                                1/4 - 4/26    Sa,Su         3:30-5:30P                       21 +
                                                                                              (No program: 4/12)
                                                                                1/7 - 4/28    T             1:30-3:30P                       21+
                                                                                              (No program: 2/18
Register online @
Webster Recreation Center Fitness Membership Information
                                                                 Non-Fitness                 Basic Fitness                         Premier Fitness                           Punch Pass

 Individual                       Resident, Webster           $5.00pp annual fee      $336.00 ($28/month)                      $420.00 ($35/month)                         10 visits - $50
 18 to 54 yrs of age              Business Employee                                                                                                                         + one Free

                                       Non-Resident           $10.00pp annual fee     $396.00 ($33/month)                     $480.00 ($40/month)                         10 visits - $55
                                                                                                                                                                           + one Free
 *Individual Senior               Resident, Webster                                   $300.00 ($25/month)                      $360.00 ($30/month)
 55+ or Active Military or        Business Employee                  NA                                                                                                            NA
 14 – 25 yrs                           Non-Resident                                   $360.00 ($30/month)                     $420.00 ($35/month)
 *Family                          Resident, Webster                                   $492.00 ($41/month)                     $660.00 ($55/month)
 (same household, children        Business Employee                  NA                                                                                                            NA
 under age of 26)
                                       Non-Resident                                   $552.00 ($46/month)                     $720.00 ($60/month)
 *Senior Family                   Resident, Webster                                    $432.00 ($36/month)                     $600.00 ($50/month)
 (same household one              Business Employee
 person must be 55 +,                                                NA                                                                                                            NA
 children under age of 26)             Non-Resident                                   $492.00 ($41/month)                     $660.00 ($55/month)
*Insurance Company Benefit: We honor the following insurance companies fitness
                                                                                      Non-Fitness Membership
benefits for eligible members. Please contact our main office (585)872-7103 to        This annual membership includes access to our open gym times, game room and designated walking times
verify your eligibility for a Premier Level Membership benefit:                       (excludes pickleball). Anyone 12 and under are not required to have a non-fitness membership but must be
                                                                                      accompanied by an adult at all times, adult must have a non-fitness pass:
                                                                                                   Open Gym Fees                  FEE           ID
                                                                                                   WEBSTER RESIDENT               FREE          Valid Photo ID with proof of residency
                                                                                                   NON-RESIDENT                   $5.00         Valid Photo ID with proof of residency

                                                                                      Basic Fitness Membership
                                                                                      This membership includes unlimited access to the fitness center, racquetball and pickleball court reservations:
                                                                                                    Open Gym Fees              FEE              ID
                                                                                                    WEBSTER RESIDENT           FREE             Valid WPRD Fitness Member Pass
                                                                                                    NON-RESIDENT               FREE             Valid WPRD Fitness Member Pass

                                                                                      Premier Fitness Membership
                                                                                      This membership includes all basic membership benefits and discounted classes

Weekly Group Exercise Schedule
       Time                Monday              Tuesday              Wednesday            Thursday                       Friday                     Saturday                      Sunday

     5:30 AM              Move Well                                 Move Well

     6:00 AM              Bootcamp                                  Bootcamp                                         Bootcamp

     7:30 AM

     8:30 AM                                                                                                                                 Fitness with Gina                    Barre

     9:00 AM            ABSolute Core        Beginner Yoga         Butts & Guts         Silver & Fit                Arms & Abs

     10:00 AM                                   Tabata                                                             Vinyasa Yoga               Cardio Strength

     10:30 AM             Theraband           Silver & Fit                           Swedish Fitness

     11:45 AM             Endurance                                 Endurance

     12:00 PM                               Swedish Fitness        Iyengar Yoga                                      Endurance

      1:00 PM             SunTai Chi

      4:30 PM           Beg. Bootcamp                             Beg. Bootcamp

      5:00 PM                                                                           Move Well

      5:15 PM           Beg. Bootcamp                             Beg. Bootcamp

      5:30 PM                                 Move Well                              Strength & Cond.

      5:45 PM                              HIIT w/ BlazeFit                                Boxing                               All classes are held @ the Webster Recreation
                                           Yoga for Everyday                                                                   Center except Yoga for Everyday Life is located
      6:00 PM          Fitness with Gina                         Fitness with Gina                                                   @ Liberty Lodge (850 Maple Drive)
      6:30 PM                                    Barre

Register online @
Arms and Abs
This is a 45 minute class with a focus on upper body and core. Weights, bands, and body weight exercises will be used to increase strength and defini-
tion with a variety of core exercises mixed in throughout to work towards that six pack!

Instructor: Gina Morrison - Staff									Premier Members: FREE
 Activity #      Dates                         Day     Time                   Age             Location                         Fee
 137036-A        1/3 - 4/24                    F       9:00-9:45A             14+             Webster Recreation Center        $68 Res/$73 NR

Butts and Guts
Have a blast with this energetic and fun fitness class! The focus is on the areas we love to work on: strength and muscular endurance moves for
booty toning and ab tightening. Shape your rear and lose the muffin-top with this combination of standing and floor exercises that targets glutes and

Instructor: Gina Morrison - Staff									Premier Members: FREE
 Activity #      Dates                         Day     Time                   Age             Location                         Fee
 137021-A        1/8 - 4/29                    W       9:00-9:45A             14+             Webster Recreation Center        $68 Res/$73 NR

ABSolute Core
Train like an athlete in 45 action-packed minutes. A strong core, from your shoulders to your hips, will improve your ability to perform day to day tasks,
reduce risk of back pain, and contribute to a leaner midsection! Expert coaching and motivating music will guide you through functional and integrated
exercises using all manner of equipment and bodyweight. Warm up and cool down included.

Instructor: Gina Morrison - Staff									Premier Members: FREE
 Activity #      Dates                         Day     Time                   Age             Location                        Fee
 137001-A        1/6 - 4/27                    M       9:00-9:45A             14 +            Webster Recreation Center       $68 Res/$73 NR

Fitness with Gina
This is a total body class that will build strength and improve conditioning using a variety of equipment and exercises. Suitable for all fitness levels.

Instructor: Gina Morrison - WPRD									Premier Members: FREE
 Activity #      Dates                         Day     Time                   Age             Location                        Fee
 137033-A        1/6 - 4/27                    M       6:00-7:00P             14 +            Webster Recreation Center       $85 Res/$90 NR
 137033-B        1/8 - 4/29                    W       6:00-7:00P             14 +            Webster Recreation Center       $85 Res/$90 NR
 137033-C        1/4 - 4/25                    Sa      8:30-9:30A             14 +            Webster Recreation Center       $85 Res/$90 NR

This class combines speed, agility, power, and body weight strength drills to tap into the inner athlete in everyone! We will utilize segments of
cardiovascular work, muscle conditioning, and other athletic drills in group and station format to ensure a complete total body workout.

Instructor: Than Sorn, Staff										Premier Members: FREE
 Activity #      Dates                         Day     Time                   Age             Location                        Fee
 137044-A        1/6 - 4/27                    M       11:45A-12:30P          18 +            Webster Recreation Center       $68 Res/$73 NR
 137044-B        1/8 - 4/29                    W       11:45A-12:30P          18 +            Webster Recreation Center       $68 Res/$73 NR
 137044-C        1/3 - 4/24                    F       11:45A-12:30P          18 +            Webster Recreation Center       $68 Res/$73 NR

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Beginner Bootcamp with Gina
Beginner Bootcamp is the perfect fitness program for those who are intimidated by trying a new class or looking to get started in a new fitness routine.
Beginner bootcamp functions at a slower pace with basic bootcamp exercises, correct form, body alignment and proper breathing.

Instructor: Gina Morrison, Staff									Premier Members: FREE
 Activity #     Dates                         Day       Time                  Age            Location                        Fee
 137049-A       1/6 - 4/27                    M         4:30-5:15P            14 +           Webster Recreation Center       $68 Res/$73 NR
 137049-B       1/6 - 4/27                    M         5:15-6:00P            14 +           Webster Recreation Center       $68 Res/$73 NR
 137049-C       1/8 - 4/29                    W         4:30-5:15P            14 +           Webster Recreation Center       $68 Res/$73 NR
 137049-D       1/8 - 4/29                    W         5:15-6:00P            14 +           Webster Recreation Center       $68 Res/$73 NR

Intense! Be prepared to work hard and be outside in all weather. It is STRONGLY recommended that all participants in this class be able to run several
miles at a time and engage in high intensity calisthenics, resistance training, and circuits. Not for beginner exercisers or the faint of heart!

Instructor: Webster Fitness Staff									Premier Members: FREE
 Activity #     Dates                               Day        Time                  Age    Location                        Fee
 137002-A       1/6 - 4/27                          M          6:00-7:00A            18 +   Webster Recreation Center       $85 Res/$90 NR
 137002-B       1/8 - 4/29                          W          6:00-7:00A            18 +   Webster Recreation Center       $85 Res/$90 NR
 137002-C       1/3 - 4/24                          F          6:00-7:00A            18 +   Webster Recreation Center       $85 Res/$90 NR
Cardio Strength Training
If you are looking to get a complete workout while burning fat and improving your physique, this class is for you! This class combines challenging
circuits of strength training with conditioning intervals to help maximize your workout time and achieve your goals. Proper form and technique will also
be stressed to optimize your workout results and reduce chance of injury. Class may be outside if weather permits.

Instructor: Gina Morrison, Staff									Premier Members: FREE
 Activity #     Dates                               Day        Time                  Age    Location                        Fee
 137040-A       1/4 - 4/25                          Sa         10:00-11:00A          18 +   Webster Recreation Center       $85 Res/$90 NR

Tabata Training
Tabata features 20 second intervals of extreme exercise, followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated eight times. These bursts of intense work will torch
calories and strengthen your entire body.

Instructor: Gina Morrison, Staff									Premier Members: FREE
 Activity #     Dates                               Day        Time                  Age    Location                        Fee
 137010-A       1/7 - 4/28                          T          9:00-9:45A            14 +   Webster Recreation Center       $68 Res/$73 NR

Heavy Bag Boxing
The heavy bag is a tried and true piece of equipment. Moving around a heavy bag and throwing punches improves your hand-eye coordination and
overall stability. Working out with a heavy bag may reduce stress, lower blood pressure and improve mood and mental health. This action packed
workout is the total package when it comes to workouts. You will increase muscle strength all while keeping the heart rate pumping! PLEASE NOTE:

Instructor: Joellyn Pierce- WPRD Staff									Premier Members: FREE
 Activity #     Dates                               Day        Time                  Age    Location                        Fee
 137046-C       1/2 - 4/30                          Th         5:45-6:45P            18 +   Webster Recreation Center       $90 Res/$95 NR

Zumba Fitness
Working out shouldn’t be boring! Our certified instructor leads participants in Latin dance moves such as the Cha-Cha, Mambo, Calypso, Belly Dance,
and American Rock and Roll. This cardio workout improves rhythm while strengthening and toning your body. This workout is proven to burn an amaz-
ing amount of calories!! The philosophy is simple: move, sweat, love the music, and keep coming back for more!! No dance experience necessary. You will
love our energetic, fun instructor, Shelly!

Instructor: Shelly Contento-Ball								                                                                         Premier Members Fee: $36 per session
 Activity #     Dates                           Day      Time                  Age             Location                        Fee
 137004-A       1/8 - 2/26                      W        6:00-6:50P            16 +            Webster Recreation Center       $55 Res/$60 NR
 137004-B       3/4 - 4/29 (No program 4/8)     W        6:00-6:50P            16 +            Webster Recreation Center       $55 Res/$60 NR

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Strength & Conditioning
Learn proper technique and progressions for basic free weight exercises and address any movement or postural deficiencies to get the most out of your
workouts and decrease risk of injury. We will teach you how free weight exercises can benefit your overall health based on your personal goals. Come
explore alternative methods for improving your cardio conditioning.

Instructor: Jay Verna, Staff										Premier Members: FREE
 Activity #      Dates                               Day        Time                   Age    Location                       Fee
 137052-A        1/2 - 4/30                          Th         5:30-6:30P             14 +   Webster Recreation Center      $90 Res/$95 NR

Move Well
Are you interested in moving better and feeling better? How about getting more out of your workouts? Learn how to correct basic mobility issues and
how to develop a strong and stable core. This class is a great primer for any of our fitness classes and will help you to get on the right track for your own
fitness program.

Instructor: Jay Verna, Staff										Premier Members: FREE
 Activity #      Dates                               Day        Time                   Age    Location                       Fee
 137038-A        1/6 - 4/27                          M          5:30-6:00A             18 +   Webster Recreation Center      $51 Res/$56 NR
 137038-B        1/8 - 4/29                          W          5:30-6:00A             18 +   Webster Recreation Center      $51 Res/$56 NR
 137038-C        1/7 - 4/28                          T          5:00-5:30P             18 +   Webster Recreation Center      $51 Res/$56 NR
 137038-D        1/2 - 4/30                          Th         5:00-5:30P             18 +   Webster Recreation Center      $54 Res/$59 NR

Not just for ballet dancers! This class combines elements from various workouts to work muscles you’ve never felt before. This low impact class is one of
the most effective workouts you can do to help strengthen your body!

Instructor: April Evans, Staff									Premier Members: FREE
 Activity #      Dates                               Day        Time                   Age    Location                       Fee
 137056-A        1/5 - 4/26 (No program 4/12)        Su         8:30-9:30A             18 +   Webster Recreation Center      $80 Res/$85 NR
 137056-B        1/7 - 4/28                          T          6:30-7:30P             18 +   Webster Recreation Center      $85 Res/$90 NR

HIIT with BlazeFit
Fire up your fitness routine with this 45 minute High Intensity Interval Training class that incorporates body weight exercises, dumbbells, kettlebells,
stability/medicine balls, TRX straps and more! The interval station training will improve your overall strength, agility, and metabolic conditioning. De-
signed for all fitness levels.

Instructor: Jenny Blase-Schmidt, Staff
 Activity #      Dates                         Day       Time                   Age            Location                       Fee
 137016-A        1/7 - 4/28                    T         5:45-6:30P             18 +           Webster Recreation Center      $68 Res/$73 NR

Iyengar Based Yoga
This class is for beginners and intermediate practitioners. The class begins with a short warm-up, followed by strength and stretching movements, and
ends with 10-15 minutes of relaxation. Dress comfortably and please bring a yoga mat and water bottle.

Instructor: Victoria DeYoung- Staff									Premier Members: FREE
 Activity #      Dates                               Day        Time                   Age    Location                       Fee
 137009-A        1/8 - 4/29                          W          11:45A-12:45P          18 +   Webster Recreation Center      $85 Res/$90 NR

      Fitness is a Journey .......

      						                                                                           Not a Destination

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Yoga for Everyday Life
This yoga class will keep you flexible, strong, help you enjoy movement, breath, and the peacefulness that comes with the practice of yoga. This
class is open to all levels of yoga and all ages. If you are a beginner you will learn the basic poses of yoga, if you are an intermediate/advanced
student, you will have the opportunity to refine your poses. During each session you will also practice breathing, relaxation, and learn how to deeply
relax and renew. You will need a yoga mat, a yoga block, and a yoga strap for the class. This class is taught by Marijana Ababovic, a registered
yoga teacher (200 hours level certification) who was trained at Open Sky Yoga, Rochester. For more information, please visit the yoga website:

Instructor: Marijana Ababovic					                                                    Premier Members: Session A: $33 per person, Session B: $42 per person
 Activity #     Dates                         Day         Time                 Age             Location                        Fee
 137200-A       1/7 - 2/11                    T           5:45-7:10P           18 +            Liberty Lodge/Finn Park         $55 Res/$60 NR
 137200-B       2/25 - 3/31                   T           5:45-7:10P           18 +            Liberty Lodge/Finn Park         $55 Res/$60 NR
 137200-C       4/14 - 5/19                   T           5:45-7:10P           18 +            Liberty Lodge/Finn Park         $55 Res/$60 NR
Beginner Yoga
This is the perfect class for anyone new to Yoga or wanting to go at a slower pace! Learn Yoga basics and beyond, including proper alignment of postures,
breathing techniques, modification options, and body awareness. You will learn to improve flexibility, strength and balance, reduce stress, and find a
deeper connection to self in a supportive, non-competitive environment.

Instructor: Therese Bason- Staff									Premier Members: FREE
 Activity #     Dates                                 Day        Time                 Age     Location                        Fee
 137073-A       1/7 - 4/28                            T          9:00-10:00A          18 +    Webster Recreation Center       $85 Res/$90 NR

Vinyasa Yoga
Vinyasa or Flow Yoga is one of the most popular styles of Yoga. Stretching, strengthening and breathing techniques connect to movement and breath
through the flow of poses. Benefits include improved flexibility, muscle tone, and increased body strength. Increased stamina provides for better balance
and coordination. All levels welcome. Poses modified for beginners. Questions, call Therese at 200-4085.

Instructor: Therese Bason- Staff									Premier Members: FREE
 Activity #     Dates                                 Day        Time                 Age     Location                        Fee
 137204-A       1/3 - 4/24                            F          9:00-10:00A          18 +    Webster Recreation Center       $85 Res/$90 NR
Sun Tai for Health
Tai Chi, an art with great depth of knowledge and skill, is an effective exercise for health of mind and body that originated in ancient China. It can be
easy to learn and soon delivers health benefits. Sun Lu-tang (1861-1932) created a uniquely powerful style of Tai Chi that combines two of the most
powerful internal arts with Tai Chi. Emphasis is on Qigong exercise to cultivate vital life energy, making it especially effective for enhancing, healing,
and relaxation. The forms are characterized by agile steps with smooth and flowing movements that may improve mobility, range of motion, breathing,
and relaxation. NOTE: This is an ongoing, progressive class which build from the Tai Chi for Arthritis program. Participants must have taken Tai Chi for
Arthritis and have instructor recommendation to register.

Instructor: Donna Evevsky									Premier Members Fee: $49 per session
 Activity #     Dates                             Day       Time                 Age              Location                          Fee
 137017-A       1/6 - 2/24 (No program 2/17) M              1:00-2:15P           18 +             Webster Recreation Center         $63 Res/$68 NR
 137017-B       3/2 - 4/20 (No program 4/6)       M         1:00-2:15P           18 +             Webster Recreation Center         $63 Res/$68 NR
Tai Chi for Arthritis
Tai Chi for Arthritis, based on the Sun Style Tai Chi, was a specially designed by Dr. Paul Lam in conjunction with his Tai Chi associates and team of
medical experts. You do not have to have arthritis to benefit from this program. This program is recommended by the Center for Disease Control and
Prevention as an exercise form to prevent falls among older adults. The Administration on Aging has rated this program as the highest based program
for older adults for health and wellness. It is supported by many Arthritis Foundation’s worldwide. Designed to improve the quality of life using Sun Style
Tai Chi, this style includes agile steps and exercises that may improve mobility, range of motion, breathing and relaxation. The program consists of 12
movements, 6 basic and 6 advanced, a warm up and a cool down.

LEVEL 1: will learn the 6 front movements, commencing and closing form.
LEVEL 2: participants must have completed Level 1 and will learn the advanced 6 movements.

Instructor: Donna Evevsky									Premier Members Fee: $49 per session
 Activity #     Dates                                 Day        Time                 Age     Location                        Fee
 137018-A       1/6 - 2/24 (No program 2/17)          M          2:15-3:15P           18 +    Webster Recreation Center       $63 Res/$68 NR

 137018-B       3/2 - 4/20 (No program 4/6)           M          2:15-3:15P           18 +    Webster Recreation Center       $63 Res/$68 NR

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