Southeast - Alaska Fish and Game

Page created by Mark Vasquez
Southeast - Alaska Fish and Game

                          2021                                       Alaska
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Effective until the 2022 Summary is issued                                                       #wefishak

                                 w w w. a d f g . a l a s k a . g o v
  Licensing         Yakutat         Haines &    Juneau &     Sitka    Petersburg    Prince of     Ketchikan
 & Regional                         Skagway    Glacier Bay            & Wrangell   Wales Island
Southeast - Alaska Fish and Game

                               Contents                                                Alaska Department of Fish and Game
                                                                                                                                                      Sport Fish Regulations
Booklet Instructions and Regional Map. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
                                                                                                           DIVISION OF SPORT FISH
                                                                                                                                                         Alaska Board of Fisheries
Rockfish Release Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
                                                                                                                1255 W. 8th Street                  The Alaska Board of Fisheries (Board) adopts
LICENSES:                                                                                                        P.O. Box 115526                  Alaska’s fishing regulations under statutory authority
                                                                                                            Juneau, Alaska 99811-5526             from the Alaska Legislature. The Board sets fishing
   Licensing:                                                                                                     (907) 465-4180                  seasons, bag limits, and methods and means. It also
     License Requirements and Fees. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–6                                                                                   sets policy and provides direction of the management
                                                                                                            Mike Dunleavy, Governor
     King Salmon Stamp Requirements and Fees. . . . . 6                                                                                           of the state’s fishery resources through regulatory
                                                                                                         Doug Vincent-Lang, Commissioner
     Harvest Records. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6                                    Dave Rutz, Director                management plans. The Board consists of seven
   General Regulations & Limits:                                                                                                                  members that are appointed by the governor,
     Liability for Violations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7              The Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G)                   confirmed by the Legislature, and serve 3-year terms.
                                                                                     is responsible for managing fish and game under
     Prohibited Acts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7                                                                      The board process is one of the more open systems
                                                                                     statutory authority from the Alaska Legislature. By
     Methods and Means. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7–8               law, the mission of the Department of Fish and Game          for incorporating public input into state fisheries
     Sport Fishing From Commercially Licensed                                        is to protect, maintain, and improve the fish, game, and     policy. The Board meets four to six times per year
        Vessels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8   aquatic plant resources of the state, and manage their use   to consider proposed changes to fishing regulations
     Use of Sport-Caught Fish as Bait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8                  and development in the best interest of the economy and      in specific areas of the state. Any individual or
     Possession of Sport-Caught Fish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8                   the well-being of the people of the state, consistent with   organization may submit a proposal to change a
   Seasons, Bag Limits & Size Limits:                                                the sustained yield principle.                               fishing regulation. The Board uses biological and
     Fresh Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9                                                                  socioeconomic information provided by the Alaska
                                                                                       The Division of Sport Fish is one of five divisions        Department of Fish and Game, public comment,
     Salt Water. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10–12       in the department. By law, the mission of the Division       and guidance from the Alaska Department of Public
                                                                                     of Sport Fish is to protect and improve the state’s          Safety and Alaska Department of Law when creating
SPECIAL REGULATIONS BY AREA:                                                         recreational fisheries resources. Division of Sport Fish
  Southeast Alaska Waters Index. . . . . . . . . . . . 13–14                                                                                      regulations.
                                                                                     operations are largely funded by anglers and recreational
  Yakutat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15–16        boaters through contributions to Federal Aid in Sport          The Board meets on a 3-year cycle. It most recently
  Haines/Skagway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17–18              Fish Restoration and Fish and Game funds. At least 15        addressed Southeast Alaska fishing regulations in
  Juneau/Glacier Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19–22                 percent of the state’s federal aid apportionment must be     January, 2018. The 2020/2021 board meeting cycle
  Sitka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23–25    used for improvement of recreational boating facilities      will include Southeast Alaska finfish and shellfish.
  Petersburg/Wrangell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26–27                 and access.                                                  Alaska Board of Fisheries Current Members
  Prince of Wales Island. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28–29
                                                                                      ADF&G may change fishing regulations at                         Märit Carlson-Van Dort (Chair). . Anchorage
  Ketchikan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30–32                                                                           Israel Payton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wasilla
                                                                                          any time by emergency order.
OTHER INFORMATION:                                                                                                                                    John Jensen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petersburg
                                                                                        Statewide, numerous emergency orders may be issued            John Wood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Willow
  Shellfish Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33–36                  to open or close seasons or areas, modify bag limits and
  Species Information and Identification. . . . . . 37–41                                                                                             Gerad Godfrey. . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Eagle River
                                                                                     methods and means in any given year. Most, but not all,          McKenzie Mitchell . . . . . . . . . . . . Fairbanks
  Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42–43           affect salmon fishing, as opposed to fishing for resident
  Trout Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44                 species. Emergency orders may also be posted at key              Abe Williams. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anchorage
  Felt-Soled Footgear Prohibited. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45                     access points. All emergency orders are widely announced       For more information on the board process, contact
  Trophy Fish Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46                 via news media, and are accessible on recorded ADF&G         the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Boards
  Transfer of Possession Form. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47                    hotlines, at ADF&G offices (see a list on the back cover),   Support Section at: (907) 465-4110.
  Regional Offices Map / Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48                        and online at .
Southeast - Alaska Fish and Game

  How to Use This Book                                                                                                            All regulations in this booklet pertaining to fishing in
  Licensing Requirements - Read licensing and harvest recording                                                                   the marine waters of Alaska also apply in all waters
  requirements on pages 5 and 6.                                                                                                  of the exclusive economic zone (the 200-mile limit).
  Regional Regulations - Read the regional regulations for allowable sport
  fishing gear, possession requirements for sport-caught fish, and other general
  regulations, as well as prohibited acts.
  General Regulations - Read the general regulations for seasons, bag,
  possession, and size limits, and methods and means for the area in which you
  intend to fish.
  Special Regulations - Check the Southeast Alaska Waters Index on pages
  13-14. If a special regulation exists for the species when and where you plan to fish,
  follow the special regulation; special regulations supersede the general regulations
  listed for that area. If the waters you plan to fish DO NOT APPEAR in the index
  or within the special regulations, follow the general regulations for seasons, bag,
  possession, and size limits, and methods and means for that area.

  This summary of Alaska sport and personal use fishing and shellfish regulations is
  published by the Division of Sport Fish as a service to anglers. It is not intended to be a
  complete digest of all fishing regulations.
  For a complete list of all sport fishing regulations, see the Alaska Administrative Code,
  Title 5 at:

 Some regulations in this booklet may be changed by the Alaska Board
 of Fisheries during its regular meetings, by emergency regulation, or by
 emergency order at any time.

                                       Think you took the next cover photo? Send it our way.
Cover Photo                            Visit:
 Main Image: Brody and Max Smith holding a lingcod they caught on the west side of Etolin
 Island. Photo submitted by Lucas Smith.

Emergency Orders: Inseason changes to regulation
Regulations in this booklet may be changed by emergency order at any time. If an inseason change has been made by emergency order, follow the inseason regulation regulatory change; inseason
regulatory changes prevail over the regulations listed in this booklet. Any such changes can be found by contacting ADF&G Sport Fish Offices or online at the ADF&G website. You can sign up
to receive emergency orders and advisory announcements via email at .                                                                                                 3
Southeast - Alaska Fish and Game
Southeast - Alaska Fish and Game
An Alaska sport fishing license is required for all resident                                       License Fees                                    Alaska Residents
anglers 18 and older and nonresident anglers 16 and older                                          Annual sport fishing license	��������������������������������������������������������������� $20
to fish in all fresh and salt waters of Alaska.                                                      Alaska residents 18 or older. Valid for the calendar year.
                                                                                                   ADF&G Permanent (Senior) ID Card (PID)...... Free to qualifying residents
  • In accordance with the regulations outlined in this summary booklet, a sport                     Alaska residents 60 or older may apply for a PID for hunting, fishing, and
    fishing license allows you to take, or attempt to take, finfish or shellfish in the fresh        trapping. For residents only - if you become a nonresident, your PID is no
    or salt waters of Alaska. Additionally, you may need a King Salmon Stamp or a                    longer valid, requiring you to purchase a nonresident sport fishing license.
    Harvest Record Card (see page 6).                                                              ADF&G Disabled Veteran Card (DAV)................ Free to qualifying residents
  • Your sport fishing license, PID or DAV must be in your possession while you are                  Alaska residents who are disabled veterans (with disability of 50% or
    sport fishing.                                                                                   greater that was incurred during military service), may apply for a DAV for
  • All persons engaged in sport fishing or in possession of sport-caught finfish or                 hunting and fishing. If you become a nonresident, your DAV is no longer
                                                                                                     valid, requiring you to purchase a nonresident sport fishing license.
    shellfish must show their sport fishing license, required harvest record and/or
    stamp, and their harvest to any representative of ADF&G or any peace officer of the            Sport fishing license for the blind	�����������������������������������������������������$0.50
    state, upon request.                                                                             Affidavit required—available from a license vendor or ADF&G.
  • No person may alter, loan, or transfer to any other person any sport fishing license;          Resident low income	������������������������������������������������������������������������������ $5
    and no person may use any license issued to another person.                                       To be eligible for a resident low income license, an Alaskan resident must
                                                                                                      have an annual family or household income equal to or less than the most
  • If your sport fishing, hunting, or trapping license is revoked in any state, you may              recent poverty guidelines for the state set by the U.S. Department of Health
    not obtain an Alaska sport fishing license.                                                       and Human Services for the year preceding application. A.S. 16.05.340 (a)
                                                                                                      (6) Visit:
A Resident of Alaska is a Person Who...
 For the preceding 12 consecutive months, has maintained a home in Alaska with the
 intent to stay, and who is not claiming residency (or receiving benefits under a claim of         License Fees                                     Nonresidents
 residency) in another state, territory or country. Benefits include but are not limited to,       1-day sport fishing license.........................................................................................$15
 applying for a resident fishing or hunting license in another state, obtaining a driver’s
                                                                                                   3-day sport fishing license.........................................................................................$30
 license in another state, or receiving benefits or paying taxes as a resident of another state.
                                                                                                   7-day sport fishing license.........................................................................................$45
Active Duty Military Personnel and Their Dependents...
                                                                                                   14-day sport fishing license.......................................................................................$75
 • Stationed in Alaska for the preceding 12 months may purchase a resident sport                   Annual sport fishing license................................................................................... $100
 fishing license regardless of benefits received in another state. Resident sport fishing
 regulations apply.                                                                                Residents of Yukon Territory may purchase nonresident licenses at Alaska resident license fees.
 • Permanently stationed in Alaska for less than 12 months may purchase a nonresident
 military license and nonresident military annual king salmon stamp at reduced rates
                                                                                                                    Nonresident Military License and Fee
 and are considered nonresidents. Nonresident sport fishing regulations apply.                     Nonresident annual military sport fishing license............................ $20
                                                                                                     Only for active duty members of military service permanently stationed in
If you have questions about your residency, call your local Alaska Wildlife Troopers (telephone      Alaska for less than 12 months or for dependent(s) of such.
                                numbers listed on page 43).

                            LICENSING, KING SALMON STAMPS, AND HARVEST RECORDS                                                                                                                                               5
Southeast - Alaska Fish and Game
STATEWIDE REGULATIONS - LICENSING, KING SALMON STAMPS & HARVEST RECORDS                                                                                                                                            6

       HARVEST RECORDING REQUIREMENTS                                                                                          KING SALMON STAMP
Harvest records are required by ALL anglers when harvesting any species with an             Anglers sport fishing for king salmon (except
annual limit. Species with an annual limit are listed in the General Regulations section.   king salmon stocked in landlocked lakes)
                                                                                            must purchase a current year’s king salmon
•   Areas to record harvested species                                                       stamp. Stamps purchased online can be
    with an annual limit are printed on                                                     printed immediately. If you purchase a
    each sport fishing license.                                                             physical stamp, it must be signed across the                                    This is an example of a king
•   A harvest record card is required                                                       face of the stamp, in ink, and stuck to the back                                salmon stamp purchased online.
    for resident anglers under 18,                                                          of your sport fishing license.

    nonresident anglers under 16, and

                                                                           L                  King Salmon Stamp Fees
    PID or DAV licensed anglers.

•   Immediately upon landing and

    retaining a fish that has an annual                                                      Resident king salmon stamp.........................................................................$10
    limit, all anglers must enter the

    species, date, and location, IN INK,                                                     Nonresident 1-day stamp......................................................................................................$15

    on the harvest record form on the                                                        Nonresident 3-day stamp......................................................................................................$30
    back of their sport fishing license
                                                                                             Nonresident 7-day stamp......................................................................................................$45
    or their harvest record card.
                                                                                             Nonresident 14-day stamp....................................................................................................$75
•   A person obtaining a duplicate or
    additional license or harvest record                                                     Nonresident annual stamp................................................................................................. $100
    card must transfer their harvest                                                         Nonresident military annual stamp...................................................................................$30
    records of species with annual
    limits previously landed during the                                                      Duplicate stamp.......................................................................................................................... $5
    current year to their new license or
    harvest record card.                     Harvest Record Card
                                                                                                   The following persons do not need a king salmon stamp:
           LICENSES/STAMPS/HARVEST CARDS                                                            •     Resident anglers under 18 and nonresident anglers under 16.
                                                                                                    •     Residents who possess an ADF&G PID or a DAV card.
Sport fishing licenses and King Salmon Stamps may be purchased online at: or from a license vendor (most sporting goods stores).
                                                                                                    •     Residents with the $5 income restricted license.
                                                                                                    •     Residents with the 50¢ license for the blind.
Harvest Record Cards are available online at: ,
from ADF&G offices, and from fishing license vendors.                                                               Use our secure server to buy your
                                                                                                                    licenses, stamps, and tags online!
PID/DAV licenses – Apply online at:                                                                       
Southeast - Alaska Fish and Game
DATA COLLECTION REQUIREMENTS                                  POSSESSION OR MARKING OF LIVE FISH OR LIVE                                METHODS AND MEANS
                                                                  FISH EGGS:
•    Upon request by a department representative or state         • It is unlawful to possess, transport, or release live fish    SPORT FISHING GEAR:
     peace officer, anglers must forfeit the heads of any             or live fish eggs, or in any way mark any live fish prior
                                                                                                                                  Unless otherwise provided in regulation, sport fishing may
     salmon or trout with external or internal tags or an             to release,
                                                                                                                                  be conducted only by use of:
     adipose finclip along with date and location of catch.           • except in accordance with the terms of a permit that
                                                                          may be issued by the Commissioner under                 • A single line per angler attached to not more than
                                                                          5 AAC 41 or AS 16.05.930(a),                                one plug, spoon, spinner, or series of spinners, or
                                                                      • or in accordance with sport fishing provisions listed         two flies, or two hooks.
•    Unless otherwise provided by regulation or statute, a                on page 8 under “Use of sport-caught fish as bait.”     • The line must be closely attended.
     person who violates a provision of these regulations         SALE OF SPORT-CAUGHT FISH PROHIBITED:                           • No more than six lines may be fished from any vessel.
     is strictly liable for the offense, regardless of that                                                                           • The maximum number of fishing lines that
     person’s intent.                                             • No person may buy, sell, or barter sport-caught fish or
                                                                                                                                          may be fished from a vessel engaged in charter
                                                                     their parts.
                                                                                                                                          activities is equal to the number of paying clients
              PROHIBITED ACTS                                     SNAGGING IN FRESH WATER PROHIBITED:                                     on board the vessel but cannot exceed six lines.
                                                                  • It is unlawful to intentionally snag or attempt to snag       FRESH WATER SPORT FISHING:
CLOSED WATERS/ WATERS CLOSED TO SPORT                                any fish in fresh water.
FISHING:                                                                                                                          Fish may not be taken in fresh water by means of:
                                                                  • "Snag" means to hook a fish elsewhere than in its
• Unless otherwise posted by department markers, it is               mouth. A fish unintentionally hooked elsewhere than          •   Fixed or weighted hooks and lures (except those of
    unlawful to cast, drift, or place by any means a hook,           its mouth must be released immediately.                          standard manufacture).
    bait, artificial lure, or artificial fly into waters closed                                                                   •   Multiple hooks with gap between point and shank
                                                                  WASTE OF FISH:
    to sport fishing.                                                                                                                larger than one-half inch.
                                                                  • The intentional waste or destruction of any species of
BAIT PROHIBITED IN FRESH WATER FROM                                 sport-caught fish is prohibited.                              •   Spear, unless permitted by area regulations; or arrow,
NOVEMBER 16 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 14:                                 USE OF EXPLOSIVES OR TOXICANTS:                                     unless permitted by area regulations.
• Only unbaited, artificial lures or flies may be used.           • The use of any toxicant or explosive is prohibited            •   Bowfishing is prohibited in Southeast Alaska.
• The use of bait is only allowed from September 15                  in the taking of any fish in the waters of Alaska.           •   The use of bait is only allowed from September 15
   through November 15, unless otherwise noted in the                Except that a shaft tipped with an explosive charge              through November 15. This regulation applies to all
   Special Regulations listed on pages 15–32.                        (commonly known as a bangstick or powerhead) or                  fresh waters, unless otherwise noted in the specific
                                                                     a firearm may be used on board a vessel in salt water            exceptions listed on pages 15-32.
                                                                     to dispatch a fish caught with legal gear.
• The use of footgear with absorbent felt or other                                                                                •   Fresh waters closed to salmon fishing but open to
   fibrous material on the soles is prohibited while sport                                                                            trout, grayling, char, or kokanee fishing are also open
   fishing in fresh water (see page 45).                                                                                              to the taking of salmon less than 16-inches in length.

GAFFS PROHIBITED:                                                                                                                 •   Sport fishing through the ice is permitted with the use
                                                                                                                                      of two closely attended lines, provided only one hook
• A gaff may not be used to puncture any fish intended                                                                                or artificial lure is used on each line.
   or required to be released.
                                                                                                                                  FISH LADDERS:
MOLESTING OF FISH:                                                                                                                • Fishing is allowed within 300-feet of fish ladders
• Molesting or impeding spawning or the natural                                                                                       unless otherwise posted by department markers. No
  movement of fish contrary to lawful methods and                                                                                     person may fish from, on, or in a fish ladder.
  means of sport fishing is prohibited.                            Get out and fish!

                                                     SOUTHEAST ALASKA - GENERAL REGULATIONS                                                                                              7
Southeast - Alaska Fish and Game
SOUTHEAST ALASKA - GENERAL REGULATIONS                                                                                                      8

    METHODS AND MEANS (continued)                                          SPORT FISHING FROM                                          POSSESSION OF SPORT-CAUGHT FISH
                                                                       COMMERCIALLY LICENSED VESSELS                                          (EXCEPT HALIBUT)
POWER-ASSISTED FISHING REEL:                                                                                                           •    Sport-caught fish, their parts, and articles
                                                                   •    A person sport fishing from a vessel licensed for                   manufactured from such fish may be possessed
A power-assisted fishing reel may only be used to sport fish if:        commercial salmon fishing shall immediately mark                    within the state by any person at any time, and may be
• The reel is mounted on a fishing rod by means of a                    harvested salmon by removing its dorsal (large                      transported within and exported out of the state by any
    reel seat and;                                                      back) fin. This marking requirement doesn't apply to                person at any time, except that no person may possess
• The reel assembly, motor, gearbox, fishing line, reel-                commercial vessels that are also registered as charter              any unpreserved fish, or part of one, not legally taken
    mounted battery, or other reel-mounted attachments                  vessels when paying clients are on board.                           by the angler, unless the angler furnishes, upon request
    weigh no more than 15 pounds in total when                     •    Sport fishing from a commercially licensed vessel                   of any peace officer of the state, a statement signed by
    detached from the fishing rod.                                      while commercially caught salmon are in possession is               the person taking the fish stating the type of fish, number
                                                                        illegal in waters closed to commercial salmon fishing.              of fish, location, date taken, and license number. The
SPORT FISHING GEAR FOR HERRING AND SMELT:                                                                                                   statement is unnecessary if the person possessing the fish
• In salt water, herring and smelt may be taken with               •    A person may not sport fish and commercial fish for                 is accompanied by the person who took the fish. (See
   the use of 15 or less unbaited single or multiple                    salmon from the same vessel on the same day.                        Transfer of Possession Form on page 47). No person
   hooks attached to a single line.                                •    A person may not possess unpreserved sport caught                   may possess fish which were not legally taken.
USE OF UNDERWATER SPEAR (SALT WATER):                                   salmon on any commercial salmon vessel while                   •    A person may possess only the limit of fish allowed for
                                                                        engaged in commercial salmon fishing.                               the water on which that person is fishing.
• In salt water, spears and spearguns may be used to
   take fish, subject to applicable seasons and limits,            •    Additional restrictions and provisions apply to persons        •    Upon request by an employee of the department, or
   by persons who are completely submerged, provided                    and vessels who participate in commercial shellfish                 a peace officer of the state, a person must present for
   that the spear or speargun is not tipped with an                     fisheries. See commercial shellfish regulations for                 inspection any fish taken or possessed by the person in
                                                                        specific information.                                               a sport fishery.
   explosive charge.
                                                                                                                                       •    Upon request by an employee of the department or a
• Bowfishing is prohibited in Southeast Alaska.                                                                                             peace officer of the state, a person while taking fish must
                                                                       USE OF SPORT-CAUGHT FISH AS BAIT
USE OF ATTRACTOR (BEAD):                                                                                                                    present, for inspection, any apparatus designed to be or
                                                                                                                                            capable of being used to take fish in a sport fishery.
An attractor, including a bead, when used with an artificial       •    Unless provided for in this section, fish taken under sport
fly, artificial lure, or bare hook, must be:                            fishing regulations may not be used as bait, except:               POSSESSION OF SPORT-CAUGHT HALIBUT
•    Either fixed within two inches of the bare hook, 		                –– Herring, chum salmon, pink salmon, and whitefish
     fly, or lure,                                                         may be used as bait, and:                                   •    Pacific halibut fisheries are managed by the federal
                                                                                                                                            government under international treaty.
•    Or be free sliding on the line or leader.                          –– Species for which bag limits, seasons, or other
                                                                                                                                       •    Federal possession and landing requirements for
•    A bead fished on the line above a bare single hook is                 regulatory methods and means are not provided in                 sport-caught halibut differ from state regulations.
     legal gear in waters where only flies may be used.                    sport fishing regulations, as well as:                           Possession includes unpreserved AND preserved fish
                                                                        –– The head, tail, fins, closely trimmed skeleton, and              for halibut, but possession limits only apply in salt
                                                                           viscera of legally taken sport fish, may be used as bait.        waters. Transfer of Possession forms, as mentioned
                                                                                                                                            in the previous section, are not valid for halibut.
                                                                   •    Live herring and other species for which no seasonal or
                                                                        harvest limits are specified in sport fishing regulations      •    Consult federal regulations for: bag, size, and
                                                                        may be used as live bait, except that live fish may not be          possession limits for guided (charter) anglers;
                                                                                                                                            possession and landing requirements.
                                                                        used as bait for sport fishing in fresh water.
                                                                        • Live bait may be possessed, transported or released          •    Federal halibut regulations are available from:
                                                                           only in the salt waters of the regulatory area in which          NOAA Fisheries Alaska Region, (907) 586-7228
                                                                           it was taken.                                          
Southeast - Alaska Fish and Game
General Regulations - Fresh Water                                                DOLLY VARDEN
                                                                                               •     No size limit: 10 per day, 10 in possession.
The Fresh Water Fishing Season for all species is open year-round (except for king             BROOK TROUT
salmon in the fresh waters between Cape Fairweather and the International Boundary
                                                                                               •     No size limit: 10 per day, 10 in possession.
at Dixon Entrance).
                                                                                               ARCTIC GRAYLING
                                                                                               •     No size limit: 10 per day, 10 in possession.
•   Yakutat Area (between Cape Suckling and Cape Fairweather) (see map on page 15):
    • 20 inches or longer: 1 per day, 1 in possession.                                         OTHER FISH SPECIES NOT LISTED ABOVE
    • Less than 20 inches:10 per day, 10 in possession.                                        •     No size limit, no bag or possession limit.
    • Nonresident anglers—Annual limit of 3 fish, 28 inches or greater in length, and
       a harvest record is required for nonresident anglers (see page 6). Check with the
       nearest ADF&G office for inseason changes.

•   Southeast Alaska (outside of the Yakutat Area):
•   Between Cape Suckling and Cape Fairweather:
    • 16 inches or longer: 4 per day, 8 in possession.
•   Between Cape Fairweather and Dixon Entrance:
    • 16 inches or longer: 6 per day, 12 in possession.

•   16 inches or longer: 6 of each species per day, 12 of each species in possession.

•   Less than 16 inches: 10 per day, 10 in possession.

•   36 inches or longer: 1 per day, 2 in possession. 2 fish annual limit, harvest record
    required (see page 6).

•   11 inch minimum and 22 inch maximum: 2 per day, 2 in possession.                               A young angler with beautiful coho salmon. Take a kid fishing!

            It is unlawful to operate a motorized or tracked vehicle, without a valid Fish Habitat permit, in or across waters where salmon, trout, Dolly Varden, Arctic char,
                 sheefish or whitefish spawn, rear, or migrate Contact the ADF&G Habitat Division in Douglas (907) 465-4105 or Craig (907) 826-2560 for information.

                SOUTHEAST ALASKA - GENERAL SEASONS, BAG LIMITS AND SIZE LIMITS - FRESH WATER                                                                                     9
Southeast - Alaska Fish and Game
SOUTHEAST ALASKA - GENERAL SEASONS, BAG LIMITS AND SIZE LIMITS - SALT WATER                                                          10

                       General Regulations - Salt Water
The Salt Water Fishing Season for all species is open year-round, except for halibut, lingcod, rockfish,
Tanner crab, and resident king crab fisheries. For Shellfish Regulations see pages 33-36.

•   28 inches or longer—Bag, possession, annual and size limits are established by emergency order, as
    specified in the Southeast Alaska King Salmon Management Plan.
•   Less than 28 inches—Retention prohibited.
•   Nonresident anglers—A harvest record is required (see page 6). Anglers should check with the nearest
    ADF&G office for current bag, possession, annual and size limit regulations.
•   Charter operators and crew members may not retain king salmon while clients are on board the

•   16 inches or longer: 6 of each species per day, 12 of each species in possession.

•   Less than 16 inches: 10 per day, 10 in possession.

•   36 inches or longer: 1 per day, 2 in possession. 2 fish annual limit, harvest record required (see page 6).

•   11 inch minimum and 22 inch maximum: 2 per day, 2 in possession.

•   No size limit: 10 per day, 10 in possession.

•   Alaska residents: No size limit: 4 per day, 4 in possession.
•   Nonresidents: No size limit: 4 per day, 4 in possession. 8 fish annual limit, harvest record required
    (see page 6).

•   No size limit: 1 per day, 1 in possession. 2 shark annual limit, harvest record required (see page 6).

•   No size limit: 5 per day, 5 in possession, harvest record not required.                                       A nice king for this young angler.
                                                                                                      AREAS USED FOR LINGCOD
•   Season: May 16–November 30.
                                                                                                  MANAGEMENT IN SOUTHEAST ALASKA
•   Charter operators and crew members may not retain lingcod while clients are on
    board the vessel.
    • Northern Southeast Lingcod Area:
       • Alaska Residents—No size limit: 1 per day, 2 in possession.
       • Nonresidents—1 per day, 1 in possession; 30–35 inches or 55 inches and
          longer, annual limit of 2 fish, one of which is 30–35 inches in length, and one
          that is 55 inches or greater in length, harvest record required (see page 6).
    • Southern Southeast Lingcod Area
       • Alaska Residents—No size limit: 1 per day, 2 in possession.
       • Nonresidents—1 per day, 1 in possession; 30–45 inches or 55 inches and
          longer, annual limit of 2 fish, one of which is 30–45 inches in length, and one
          that is 55 inches or greater in length, harvest record required (see page 6).
•   January 1–January 31: Closed to fishing for halibut.
•   Season: February 1–December 31.
•   Unguided anglers—No size limit: 2 per day, 4 in possession.
•   Pacific halibut fisheries are managed by the federal government under international treaty.
•   Federal possession and landing requirements for sport-caught halibut differ from state
    regulations. Possession includes unpreserved AND preserved fish for halibut.
•   Proxy fishing for halibut is not allowed.
•   No person shall possess on board a vessel, including charter vessels and pleasure
    craft used for fishing, Pacific halibut that have been filleted, mutilated, or otherwise
    disfigured in any manner, except that each Pacific halibut may be cut into no more
    than 2 ventral pieces, 2 dorsal pieces, and 2 cheek pieces, with a patch of skin on each
    piece, naturally attached.
•   Consult federal regulations for the following: bag, size, and possession limits for
    guided (charter) anglers; possession and landing requirements, and inseason changes
    to the regulations.
•   Federal halibut regulations are available from:
                       NOAA Fisheries Alaska Region, (907) 586-7228,

                  SOUTHEAST ALASKA - GENERAL SEASONS, BAG LIMITS AND SIZE LIMITS - SALT WATER                                 11
SOUTHEAST ALASKA - GENERAL SEASONS, BAG LIMITS AND SIZE LIMITS - SALT WATER                                           12

•   All rockfish not retained must be released at the depth they were caught or 100 feet,
    whichever is shallower.
•   Upon request, a deepwater release mechanism must be presented to a local representative of
    the department or a peace officer of the state.
•   All vessels must have at least one functional deepwater release mechanism on board
    and readily available for use when sport fishing activities are taking place regardless of
    species targeted.

•   Pelagic rockfish include Black, Blue, Dark, Dusky, Widow, and Yellowtail. These six
    species are uniformly gray, green, brown or black (see page 38). All rockfish not listed as
    pelagic are considered nonpelagic.
    • No size limit: 5 per day, 10 in possession.

(All Southeast Waters)
•   Demersal Shelf Rockfish (DSR):
    • Demersal Shelf rockfish include Canary, China, Copper, Quillback, Rosethorn, Tiger
       and Yelloweye (see pages 38 and 39).
•   Slope Nonpelagic Rockfish:
    • No size limit: 1 per day, 1 in possession.
    • Slope rockfish include: Blackgill, Blackspotted, Bocaccio, Brown, Chilipepper,
        Darkblotched, Greenstriped, Harlequin, Northern, Pacific Ocean Perch, Puget Sound,
        Pygmy, Redstripe, Redbanded, Rougheye, Sharpchin, Shortbelly, Shortraker, Silvergray,
        Splitnose, Stripetail, Vermilion, and Yellowmouth (see pages 38 and 39).
•   Charter operators and crew members may not retain nonpelagic rockfish while clients
    are on board the vessel.

•   No bag or possession limit, no size limit.

                                                                                                  A black rockfish taken on the fly.

YAKUTAT AREA                                                                         JUNEAU AREA                                                                         Salt Water Special Regulations
Fresh Water Special Regulations                                             Page     Fresh Water Special Regulations                                              Page   All salt waters adjacent                                                      Page
All Yakutat Road System Streams.............................15                       Annex Lake...................................................................19     to the Juneau road system..........................................22
Situk-Ahrnklin Estuary ................................................15            Antler Lake...................................................................19    Auke Bay......................................................................22
Antlen River drainage (Pike Lakes)..............................15                   Distin Lake ...................................................................19   Chatham Strait and Lower Lynn Canal ........................22
Lost River drainage.......................................................15         Dorothy Lake................................................................19      Gastineau Channel -Wayside Park Fishing Dock.........22
Lost River......................................................................15   Florence Lake................................................................19     Salt Lake ......................................................................22
Ophir Creek...................................................................15     Hasselborg Lake ...........................................................19
Tawah Creek.................................................................15       Jims Lake (Admiralty Island) ......................................20
Situk River drainage.....................................................16          Kook Lake (Chichagof Island) .....................................20                SITKA AREA
Yakutat Bay streams, Ocean Cape to Pt. LaTouche......16                              Lake Alexander (Admiralty Island) .............................20                   Fresh Water Special Regulations                                               Page
                                                                                     Lake Guerin (Admiralty Island) ...................................20                Baranof Lake.................................................................23
Salt Water Special Regulations                                            Page
                                                                                     Shelter Lake..................................................................20    Beaver Lake..................................................................23
Ankau Lagoon ..............................................................16        Turner Lake...................................................................20    Buck Lake.....................................................................23
Village Lagoon .............................................................16       Young Lake ..................................................................20     Deep Lake.....................................................................23
Yakutat Area Lingcod...................................................16            Juneau Area Road System drainages........................21                         Green Lake....................................................................23
                                                                                     Auke Lake drainage......................................................21          Heart Lake.....................................................................23
HAINES AREA                                                                          Auke Creek mouth........................................................21          Indian River..................................................................23
                                                                                     Auke Nu drainage.........................................................21         Lake 436........................................................................23
Fresh Water Special Regulations                                             Page     Bear Creek (Douglas Island).........................................21              Lake Eva.......................................................................23
Chilkat River drainage .................................................17           Cowee Creek.................................................................21      Little Lake Eva..............................................................23
Mosquito Lake..............................................................17        Duck Creek...................................................................21     Long Lake.....................................................................24
Chilkat Lake..................................................................17     Fish Creek Pond............................................................21       Port Banks Creek..........................................................24
Chilkoot River drainage................................................18            Glacier Lake .................................................................21    Redoubt Lake drainage.................................................24
Herman Lake.................................................................18       Herbert River................................................................22     Salmon Lake.................................................................24
One Mile Creek.............................................................18        Jordan Creek.................................................................22     Sitka Sound Special Use Area - tributaries...................24
Sawmill Creek drainage................................................18             Kowee Creek (Douglas Island).....................................22                 Sitkoh Lake...................................................................24
Walker Lake..................................................................18      McGinnis Creek............................................................22        Starrigavan Creek..........................................................24
                                                                                     Mendenhall Lake..........................................................22         Sukoi Lake....................................................................24
Salt Water Special Regulations                                                       Montana Creek..............................................................22       Thimbleberry Lake........................................................24
Chilkat Inlet..................................................................18    Moraine Lake................................................................22      Wrinkleneck Creek (main inlet to Swan Lake).............24
                                                                                     Peterson Creek Salt Chuck (Salt Lake).........................22
                                                                                                                                                                         Salt Water Special Regulations                                               Page
                                                                                     Salmon Creek Reservoir...............................................22
                                                                                     Steep Creek...................................................................22    Bear Cove (in Silver Bay).............................................24
SKAGWAY AREA                                                                                                                                                             Cape Edgecumbe (The Pinnacles)................................24
                                                                            Page     Switzer Creek................................................................22
Fresh Water Special Regulations                                                      Twin Lakes....................................................................22    Chatham Strait..............................................................24
Lost Lake .....................................................................18    Vanderbilt Creek...........................................................22       Redoubt Bay .................................................................24
Pullen Creek (above Second Ave.)................................18                   Waydelich Creek (Wadleigh Creek)..............................22                    Mist Cove......................................................................24
Taiya Inlet drainages.....................................................18         Windfall Lake drainage.................................................22           Kasnyku Bay.................................................................24
                                                                                                                                                                         Sitka Sound Special Use Area ......................................25
PETERSBURG AREA                                                                      POW Area Continued...                                                      Page      Ketchikan Area Continued...                                                   Page
Fresh Water Special Regulations                                              Page    Salmon Bay Lake drainage...........................................29                Naha River drainage.................................................... 31
Blind Slough ................................................................26      Salmon Lake (Karta River)...........................................28               Patching Lake............................................................... 31
Blind Slough tributaries,including Manmade Hole......26                              Sarkar Lake...................................................................29     Nellie Lake................................................................... 31
Castle River...................................................................26    Sarkar River drainage.................................................. 29           Nooya Lake.................................................................. 31
Crystal Lake..................................................................26     Shinaku Lake............................................................... 29       Orchard Lake............................................................... 31
Hamilton Creek.............................................................26        Staney Creek................................................................ 29      Orton Lake................................................................... 31
Kah Sheets Lake...........................................................27         Summit Lake................................................................ 29       Reflection Lake............................................................ 31
Kane Peak Lake............................................................27         Sweetwater Lake drainage........................................... 29               Shelokum Lake............................................................ 31
                                                                                     Thorne River drainage including                                                      Spit Creek..................................................................... 31
                                                                                     Control Lake drainage.................................................. 29           Steelhead Creek........................................................... 31
WRANGELL AREA                                                                        Salt Water Special Regulations                                                       Wilson Lake................................................................. 31
Fresh Water Special Regulations                                               Page   Klawock Harbor........................................................... 29         Ketchikan Road System............................................ 32
Anan Lake.....................................................................27     Twelve-Mile Arm......................................................... 29          Carlanna Creek............................................................. 32
Eagle Lake....................................................................27                                                                                          Carlanna Lake.............................................................. 32
Long Lake.....................................................................27                                                                                          City Park Ponds (Ketchikan Creek)............................. 32
Pats Lake.......................................................................27   KETCHIKAN AREA                                                                       Harriet Hunt Lake........................................................ 32
Thoms Lake..................................................................27       Fresh Water Special Regulations                                               Page   Herring Cove Creek..................................................... 32
Tyee Lake......................................................................27    Bakewell Lake............................................................. 30        Ketchikan Creek........................................................... 32
Virginia Lake................................................................27      Big Goat Lake.............................................................. 30       Ketchikan Lake............................................................ 32
                                                                                     Bugge Lake.................................................................. 30      Schoenbar Creek.......................................................... 32
                                                                                     Claude Lake................................................................. 30      Ward Creek drainage.................................................... 32
PRINCE OF WALES ISLAND AREA                                                          Ella Lake drainage....................................................... 30         Whitman Lake.............................................................. 32
Fresh Water Special Regulations                                              Page    Ella Lake...................................................................... 30
                                                                                                                                                                          Salt Water Special Regulations
108 Creek......................................................................28    Fish Creek.................................................................... 30
                                                                                                                                                                          Behm Canal (north)...................................................... 32
Control Lake drainage...................................................28           Gokachin (Sealevel) Creek.......................................... 30
                                                                                                                                                                          Behm Canal (south)..................................................... 32
Dog Salmon Creek........................................................28           Grace Lake................................................................... 30
                                                                                                                                                                          Naha Bay area.............................................................. 32
Eagle Creek...................................................................28     Half-Moon Lake........................................................... 30
                                                                                                                                                                          Neets Bay .................................................................... 32
Hunter Bay Creek.........................................................28          Heckman Lake............................................................. 31
                                                                                                                                                                          Thomas Basin............................................................... 32
Hatchery Creek.............................................................28        Humpback Lake drainage............................................ 31
Karta River drainage.....................................................28          Humpback Lake........................................................... 31          Hyder Area Fresh Water Special Regulations
Karta Lake.....................................................................28    Jordan Lake.................................................................. 31     Fish Creek.................................................................... 32
Kegan Lake...................................................................28      Little Goat Lake........................................................... 31       Marx Creek.................................................................. 32
Klakas Creek.................................................................28      Mahoney Lake drainage............................................... 31
Klawock River drainage...............................................28              Mahoney Creek ........................................................... 31
Luck Lake (including Eagle Creek)..............................29                    Mahoney Lake ............................................................ 31
Marge Lake...................................................................29      Upper Mahoney Lake.................................................. 31
Mellen Lake..................................................................29      Manzanita Lake............................................................ 31             Get the latest fishing info emailed to you.
Noname Lake................................................................29        Manzoni Lake.............................................................. 31
Old Franks Creek..........................................................29         McDonald Lake drainage............................................. 31                       Sign up at:
Red Bay Lake................................................................29       McDonald Lake........................................................... 31
Salmon Bay Lake..........................................................29          Minne Lake.................................................................. 31          Fishing Reports       Advisory Announcements         Emergency Orders

      If you have any questions,
    contact the Yakutat Area office
           at (907) 784-3222

                      Special Regulations - Fresh Water                                             LOST RIVER DRAINAGE (unless specified below):
                                                                                                    •   Only unbaited, artificial lures or flies may be used year-round. The use of bait
The following regulations apply to all drainages crossed by the Yakutat road system and                 is prohibited.
all streams draining into the Yakutat Bay between Ocean Cape and Point Latouche:                    •   Coho salmon limits:
• Only unbaited, artificial lures or flies may be used year-round. The use of bait is prohibited.
                                                                                                        • 16 inches or longer: 2 per day, 2 in possession.
• Coho salmon limits:
                                                                                                    •   Lost River–Upstream from the Lost River bridge:
     • 16 inches or longer: 2 per day, 2 in possession.
                                                                                                        • The fishing season is open January 1–August 14.
SITUK-AHRNKLIN ESTUARY—all waters flowing into the Situk-Ahrnklin Estuary:                          •   Ophir Creek–upstream from the Yakutat Airport highway Ophir Creek bridge:
•   Sockeye salmon limits:                                                                              • Closed year-round to sport fishing.
    • 3 per day, 6 in possession.                                                                   •   Tawah Creek–within 50 yards of the R.E.L (Cannon Beach Road) bridge:
                                                                                                        • The fishing season is open October 1–June 15.
ANTLEN RIVER DRAINAGE (including Pike Lakes)–upstream of the Forest Highway 10:
•   Northern pike retention prohibited. Any northern pike caught must be released immediately.

                                        YAKUTAT MANAGEMENT AREA - SPECIAL REGULATIONS                                                                                              15
YAKUTAT MANAGEMENT AREA - SPECIAL REGULATIONS                                                                                                 16

                                                                                       SITUK RIVER DRAINAGE (unless specified below):
                       Situk River                                                     •   Single hooks only allowed. Up to two single hooks
                                                                                                                                                      Special Regulations - Salt Water
                                                                                           per line may be used.
                                                                                       •   Only unbaited, artificial lures or flies may be used   YAKUTAT MANAGEMENT AREA:
                                                                                           year-round. The use of bait is prohibited.             All waters between the longitude of Cape Suckling
                                                                                       •   Coho salmon limits:                                    (144o W Long.), and a line projected SW (225o)
                                                                                           • 16 inches or longer: 2 per day, 2 in possession.     seaward from the westernmost tip of Cape Fairweather
                                                                                       •   Situk River from its mouth to the railroad             (58o 47.89’ N. Lat. and 137o 56.68’ W. Long).
                             ADF&G Markers
                                                                                           bridge ruins:                                               • Closed to sport fishing for Dungeness Crab.
                                                                                           • The fishing season is open October 15–June 14,
                                                                                              except anglers 60 years of age or older may fish    YAKUTAT AREA LINGCOD REGULATIONS:
                                                                                              this section of river year-round.                   •    Season: May 16–November 30.
Yakutat Bay                                                                            •   Upstream from the Middle Situk air strip:                   • Alaska Residents:
                                                                   Nine Mile Bridge        • The fishing season for king salmon is open                   • 1 per day, 2 in possession, no size limit.
                                                                                              September 1–June 30.                                     • Nonresidents:
                                        y   10                                                                                                            • 1 per day, 1 in possession, no size limit.
                                     Hw                                                •   Upstream from the ADF&G Markers located 2
                                 t                                                                                                                        • Nonresident annual limit of 2 fish.
                            r es                                                           miles upstream from the Situk River Nine Mile
                       Fo                                                                  Bridge to ADF&G markers 2 miles downstream
                                                                                           from Situk Lake:                                       ANKAU LAGOON:
                                                              Middle Situk Air Strip       • The fishing season is open May 16–April 14.          •    Coho salmon limits:
         tat                                                                                                                                           • 16 inches or longer: 2 per day, 2 in possession.
                                             Situk River

      aku                                                                                                  Yakutat Area
                                                                                                                                                  •    All salt waters of Ankau Lagoon–east of a line
                                                                                                                                                       from Smokehouse Pt. north to the mainland:
                                                                                                                                                       • The fishing season is open October 1–August 14.
                                                                                                            Village           Cove                VILLAGE LAGOON:

                                                                                                                                                  •    Coho salmon limits:
                                                                                                                                                       • 16 inches or longer: 2 per day, 2 in possession.
     Tawah C
             re   ek
                                                           Railroad Bridge Ruins                       Lagoon
                                                                                                                                                      Get the latest fishing info emailed to you.
                    Miles        GU
                                                         n       klin                                                                                         Sign up at:
 0       1         2                        OF                          Ri v
                                                                            er                            Smokehouse Pt.                              Fishing Reports   Advisory Announcements   Emergency Orders

                           Haines/Skagway Area
                                                                                      Lost L.

                                                                                                              Sk Taiya R.


Klehini                                                                                                              Pullen
        River                                                                                                           Cr.

 Herman L.



                                                                                   ee R
 Walker L.       Tsir ku R.

                                                                                                                                        A Southeast beauty taken on the fly!


                                                  Chilkoot                                                                               Fresh Water Special Regulations - Haines/Skagway
                Chilkat                              Lake
                  Lake                      Ch                                                                                      CHILKAT RIVER DRAINAGE (unless specified below):
                                                                                                                                    •     The use of bait is allowed year-round.
                                                   atR                        ak
                                                                                   I n let
                      Main Tributary
                             Stream                   ive                                                                           •     Coho salmon limits: 16 inches or longer: 3 per day, 6 in possession.
                               Takhin R.                                                                                            •     Mosquito Lake:

                                                                          Sawmill                                              R.         • Only unbaited, artificial lures or flies may be used year-round. The use of
                                                                              Cr.                                     zeh

                                                                                                                   Kat                        bait is prohibited.

                                                                                                    ot I
                                                                                                                                             • Cutthroat and rainbow trout limits (in combination): 2 per day, 2 in
                                                                                  One Mile Cr.
                                                                                                                                                 possession, 14 inch minimum and 22 inch maximum size limit.
                                                                                    Letnikof                                              • Mosquito Lake inlet and outlet streams down to the confluence with
                                                                                                                                             Chilkat River:
                                                                Anchorage Point                Kochu
    Juneau - Glacier Bay                                                                                                                     • The use of bait is allowed September 15–November 15.

    See pages 19 - 22                                                                                                               •     Chilkat Lake:

                                                                                                                                          • Only unbaited, artificial lures or flies may be used year-round. The use of bait
                                                                                          t In

                                                                                                                                             is prohibited.
                                                                                                                                          • Cutthroat and rainbow trout limits (in combination): 2 per day, 2 in
                                                                                                                                             possession, 14 inch minimum and 22 inch maximum size limit.
                                    Miles                                                                                                 • Chilkat Lake inlet and outlet streams down to the confluence with the
                  0                5
                                                                                                                                              Tsirku River:
                                                                                                                                              • The use of bait is allowed September 15–November 15.
  If you have any questions, contact the                                                                                                  • Chilkat Lake’s tributary stream (located at the southeast end of the lake):

                                                                                                                                              • The use of bait is allowed September 15–November 15.
   Haines Area office at (907) 766-3638


                                                                                                                                              • Fishing season is open July 1–March 31.                        ...continued


                                   HAINES/SKAGWAY MANAGEMENT AREA - SPECIAL REGULATIONS                                                                                                                              17
HAINES/SKAGWAY MANAGEMENT AREA - SPECIAL REGULATIONS                                                                                      18

CHILKOOT RIVER DRAINAGE:                                              Salt Water Special Regulations                           Fresh Water Special Regulations
•    Chilkoot Lake inlet streams—including upper                                  - Haines                                             - Skagway Area
     Chilkoot River:
     • Closed to salmon fishing. All salmon caught                                                                         LOST LAKE:
                                                                  CHILKAT INLET—in all salt waters north of a line
        must be released immediately.                                                                                      •    The use of bait is allowed year-round.
                                                                  from an ADF&G marker 1 mile south of Anchorage Point
     • The use of bait is allowed year-round.                                                                              •    Rainbow trout limits: 2 per day 2 in possession,
                                                                  to an ADF&G marker directly north of the Letnikof Cove
     • Dolly Varden limits: 4 per day, 4 in possession,                                                                         9 inches or longer.
                                                                  boat ramp:
        no size limit.
                                                                  • Closed to king salmon fishing April 15-July 15.        PULLEN CREEK (above Second Ave.):
•    Chilkoot Lake and Chilkoot River below lake:                     Any king salmon caught from April 15–July 15 must
     • The use of bait is allowed year-round.                                                                              •    Fishing season is open December 1–September 14.
                                                                      be released immediately.
     • Chum, pink, and sockeye salmon limits:
                                                                  •   Please check with the nearest ADF&G office for       TAIYA INLET DRAINAGES—all waters flowing into
        • 16 inches or longer: 6 of each species per day,                                                                  Taiya Inlet including lakes:
                                                                      current regulations. Phone numbers listed on the
           6 of each species in possession.
                                                                      back of this publication.                            • The use of bait is allowed year-round.
     • Coho salmon limits:
        • 16 inches or longer: 2 per day, 2 in possession.
     • Dolly Varden limits: 4 per day, 4 in possession,
        no size limit.

•    The use of bait is allowed year-round.

ONE MILE CREEK (Mud Bay Road):
•    Fishing season is open July 1–March 31.

SAWMILL CREEK and its tributaries:
•    Fishing season is open July 1–March 31.

•    The use of bait is allowed year-round.

    Get the latest fishing info emailed to you.
         Sign up at:
    Fishing Reports   Advisory Announcements   Emergency Orders
                                                                  A good size king salmon ready for the table.
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