Page created by Danielle Mills


 2019          RE TA ILER C ATA LOGUE
               C ATA LOGUE DES DÉ TA IL L A N T S
Magazines Canada Retailer Catalogue des détaillants 2019

                                                           C A N A DI A NS
                                                            Relevant, local
                                                            news and ideas that
                                                            customers look for

                                                           Get started with a customized   CO N TAC T
                                                           selection – or update your      CHRIS CH A M BERS
                                                           order – today!                  Manager, Retail Accounts
                                                                                           1-877-238-8354 ext. 233

                                                                                                                                                                 Magazines Canada Retailer Catalogue des détaillants 2019

Canadians love reading magazines, especially stories                                             Les Canadiens aiment lire des magazines, particulièrement
about local people, places and the events that touch our                                         les articles sur les gens, les lieux et les événements locaux
lives. Magazines Canada Distribution makes it easy for                                           qui les touchent au quotidien. Le Service de distribution de
retailers to offer a selection of over 100 quality Canadian                                      Magazines Canada aide les détaillants à offrir un choix de
magazines, with delivery to all parts of the country.                                            plus de 100 magazines canadiens de qualité, avec livraison
                                                                                                 partout au pays.

2      About Magazines Canada                                       12      Environment & Nature                      26 People & Places
       Distribution                                                 13      Equestrian                                28 Poetry
3      Service de distribution de                                   14      Film & Performing Arts                    29 Bilingues & français
       Magazines Canada                                             15      Health & Lifestyle
                                                                    16      Hobbies & Recreation                      31 Conditions
4 Art & Design                                                      18      Journals                                  32 Terms
8 Business & Education                                              19      Literary
10 Children & Teens                                                 23      News & Opinion                                 Magazine Title Index

We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical
Fund (CPF) of the Department of Canadian Heritage for this project.
                                                                                                    CO N TAC T US
Nous reconnaissons l’appui financier du gouvernement du Canada, par l’entremise du Fonds du         Magazines Canada Distribution
Canada pour les périodiques (FCP), du ministère du Patrimoine canadien pour ce projet.
                                                                                                    555 Richmond Street West, Suite 604
                                                                                                    Toronto, Ontario M5V 3B1
                                                                                                    Phone    1-877-238-8354 ext. 233
                                                                                                    Fax      416 504-0437
                                                                                                    Email    cchambers@magazinescanada.ca
                                                                                                    Web      MagazinesCanada.ca/distribution
Bringing Canada’s best magazines to retailers, bookstores,
galleries and specialty accounts since 1973

3 good reasons to carry Canadian                         Why order from Magazines
magazines in your store                                  Canada Distribution?
FRESH — Colourful, eye-catching covers and               30% COMMISSION — You get the highest
content with every new issue provide an always-fresh     commission available when you order from Magazines
merchandise display – a magnet for customer interest     Canada Distribution. That means you’re making 5 to 10
and purchase.                                            percentage points more on every sale.

RELEVANT — Canadian magazines provide relevant,          CUSTOMIZED SELECTION — Your magazine order is
local news and ideas that customers look for. A good     custom-tailored to fit your location and your clientele.
selection adds an extra reason for shoppers to walk in
                                                         FULL SERVICE — Whether it’s a question about delivery,
your door.
                                                         fine-tuning your magazine selection or arranging an in-store
RISK-FREE — Return unsold issues for full credit;        promotion, we’re here to help.
re-order when a hot issue sells out.

Get started with a customized                            CO N TAC T
selection – or update your                               CHRIS CH A M BERS
order – today!                                           Manager, Retail Accounts
                                                         1-877-238-8354 ext. 233
Assure la présence des meilleurs magazines canadiens chez les
détaillants, libraires, galeries et détaillants spécialisés depuis 1973

3 bonnes raisons d’offrir                                      Pourquoi commander auprès
des magazines canadiens                                        du Service de distribution de
dans votre commerce                                            Magazines Canada ?
FRAIS : Des couvertures très colorées, attrayantes, et         COMMISSION DE 30 % : Vous obtenez la commission
un riche contenu vous assurent des présentoirs toujours        la plus élevée lorsque vous commandez auprès du
fraîchement renouvelés qui attirent l’intérêt des clients et   Service de distribution de Magazines Canada. Vous
stimulent les achats.                                          obtenez ainsi de 5 à 10 points de pourcentage de plus sur
                                                               chaque vente.
PERTINENTS : Les magazines canadiens offrent des
nouvelles locales pertinentes et des idées dont les            CHOIX PERSONNALISÉ : Votre commande de
clients sont friands. La diversité du choix est un autre       magazines est adaptée sur mesure en fonction de votre
déclencheur qui incite les clients à franchir votre porte.     emplacement et de votre clientèle.

SANS RISQUE : Retournez les invendus pour obtenir              PLEIN SERVICE : Que vous ayez des questions au
plein crédit; commandez à nouveau lorsqu’un numéro             sujet de la livraison, souhaitiez peaufiner votre choix de
populaire est épuisé.                                          magazines ou organiser une promotion en magasin, nous
                                                               sommes là pour vous aider.

Démarrez avec un choix                                         A PPEL E Z
personnalisé, ou mettez                                        CHRIS CH A M BERS
votre commande à jour dès                                      Directeur, comptes de détail
                                                               1-877-238-8354 poste 233
aujourd’hui !                                                  cchambers@magazinescanada.ca
Magazines Canada Retailer Catalogue des détaillants 2019   A RT & D ESIGN
                                                                                                                                                                                                           _DESIGN      _ A R C H I T ECT U R E   _INTERIORS     _C U R I O S I T Y

                                                                                                                                                                                                     The New Azure

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Houses Issue
                                                                                                                                                                                                            5 envelope-pushing projects, from repurposed ruins to a mountainside oasis

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    JAN/FEB 2018
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  PM40048073 R09064

                                                           A-Designed                           A-Designed Special                                                                                  Azure
                                                           A-Designed Magazine                  Down to Earth: Homemade                                                                             Design | Architecture |
                                                           showcases a broad range              Soups in Handmade Vessels                                                                           Interiors | Curiosity
                                                           of art and design providing          is a collaborative cookbook      Applied Arts                                                       Azure relaunched in 2018
                                                           readers with ideas and               by Ayoko Design and the
                                                                                                                                 Create. Celebrate.                                                 with a whole new look and a
                                                           inspiration from local               Winnipeg Art Gallery’s                                                                              fresh perspective, making it
                                                           professionals. Sales proceeds        CRAFTED Show + Sale.             Canada’s pre-eminent visual communications publication             more useful, more beautiful
                                                           are donated to Winnipeg              Twenty inspiring local chef      explores the strategic and cultural forces driving creativity in   and more relevant than ever.
                                                           Harvest. It is a perfect-bound       and ceramic artist teams have    Canada, and features the resulting work. Applied Arts maintains    Produced on special fine-
                                                           publication with heavy matte         created a soup recipe and a      the benchmark for creative excellence in Canada through its        printing paper, the magazine
                                                           paper stock, a gold foil accent      vessel to serve it in, both of   annual awards program, the winners of which are beautifully        is is softer to the touch and
                                                           on the cover, and a clean and        which are works of art. Sales    reproduced in every issue.                                         easier on the environment.
                                                           modern layout.                       proceeds are donated to
                                                                                                Winnipeg Harvest.
                                                           4 issues/ year            $10.00     1 issue/ year          $10.00 4 issues/ year            $20.00                                      8 issues/year                                                                     $8.95

                                                                                                         Canadians prefer
                                                                                                         magazines that
                                                                                                         tell Canadian
                                                                                                                                                              92% agree that Canadian magazines play a
                                                                                                         stories and reflect                                  significant role in informing Canadians about
                                                           BlackFlash                                    Canadian needs.                                      each other
                                                           Lens based | Time based
                                                           Focusing on photography and
                                                                                                                                                              88% feel it is personally important that a
                                                           new media, this visual arts                                                                        magazine have editorial content created
                                                           magazine presents critical
                                                           opinions and ideas about                                                                           specifically for Canadian readers
                                                           contemporary art from across
                                                           Canada, the United States and                                                                      90% feel that U.S. titles don’t effectively cover
                                                           beyond. BlackFlash includes
                                                           profiles, interviews, feature                                                                      Canadian issues
                                                           articles, and artist projects from
                                                           both emerging and established
                                                           artists, writers, and curators.                                                              Source: Industry questionnaire conducted by Totum Research;
                                                                                                                                                        Reader’s Digest Magazine (Canada)
       4                                                   3 issues/year              $8.00
Magazines Canada Retailer Catalogue des détaillants 2019
Border Crossings                  C Magazine                          Canadian Art                      Ciel variable
Quarterly arts and culture        Contemporary art and                Canadian Art helps readers        Dedicated to contemporary photography and new media, each
magazine                          criticism                           become art world insiders.        thematic issue includes extensive portfolios of recent works,
                                                                      Each issue delivers coverage      critical essays, interviews, exhibition and book reviews. Ciel
Border Crossings investigates     C Magazine is a
                                                                      and analysis of the local         variable is a reference for contemporary art lovers. Bilingual.
contemporary Canadian and         contemporary art and
                                                                      and international art scene.
international art and culture     criticism periodical devoted
                                                                      Readers enjoy previews
through articles, columns,        to providing a forum for
                                                                      and reviews of must-see           Ciel variable se consacre à la photographie contemporaine et
reviews, profiles, interviews     significant ideas in visual art
                                                                      exhibitions. Canadian Art         aux nouveaux média. Chaque numéro inclut: larges portfolios,
and portfolios of drawings        and culture. Each thematic
                                                                      has offered award-winning,        essais critiques, entrevues et recensions sur l’actualité récente.
and photographs                   issue explores Canadian and
                                                                      unique content for almost 35      Sa nouvelle maquette, son bilinguisme et sa haute qualité
                                  international art practices                                           d’impression font de Ciel variable un incontournable. Bilingue.
                                  through critical art writing,
                                  essays, reviews and original
                                  artists’ projects.
4 issues/year            $9.95    4 issues/year            $10.00     4 issues/year             $12.95 3 issues/year            $12.50

The Devil’s Artisan (DA)          ESPACE                                                                esse arts + opinions
Book design, printing and         Visual arts, sculpture, installations, spaciality / Arts visuels,     Contemporary art and social issues / Art contemporain et
collecting                        sculptures, installations, spacialité                                 société
A magazine for bibliophiles,      Edited in Montreal since 1987, ESPACE is the only Canadian            Focusing on contemporary art and multidisciplinary practices,
the mandate of The Devil’s        periodical with a mandate of highlighting artistic practices          esse offers in-depth analyses of current artworks, artists and
Artisan is to preserve the        associated with sculpture, installation or any other art form         socvial issues with essays about art and its interconnections
culture of the printed word       dedicated to the concept of spatiality. In English and French.        within various contexts. In English and French.
with practiced use of 20th        Éditée à Montréal depuis 1987 par le Centre de diffusion 3D,          Esse s’intéresse à l’art actuel et aux pratiques
Century offset printing           la revue ESPACE est le seul et unique périodique canadien             multidisciplinaires. Elle porte un regard approfondi sur des
technology to simulate the        ayant pour mandat la mise en valeur des pratiques artistiques         œuvres d’actualité et sur diverses problématiques artistiques.
quality look and feel of a 19th   associées à la sculpture, à l’installation ou à toute autre forme     Bilingue
Century letterpress product.      d’art spécialement dédiée à la notion de spatialité.

2 issues/year           $12.00    3 issues/year            $10.95                                       3 issues/year           $12.00                                                          5
Magazines Canada Retailer Catalogue des détaillants 2019   A RT & D ESIGN

                                                                                                                                                                                    MA G A Z IN E
                                                                                                                                                                                    MOM E N T S

                                                                                                                                                                                     I enjoy reading my
                                                           Frontier                          Inter, art actuel                 Inuit Art Quarterly                                   favourite magazine…
                                                           A magazine about creativity       Un périodique culturel            The only magazine dedicated
                                                           and risk                          disséminant diverses formes       to Inuit art, the IAQ is widely
                                                           Frontier explores and             d’art vivant : performance,       considered one of the                               “When I have free time,
                                                                                             installation, poésie,             most significant voices for
                                                           celebrates the risks people
                                                           take in the process of            manœuvre, multimédia...           Indigenous art in the world.                         especially on vacation
                                                                                             tout en interrogeant les          This award-winning magazine
                                                           creating something original
                                                           and worthwhile. Each issue        rapports de l’art au social et    features both emerging and                           or just while I’m waiting
                                                                                             au culturel, au politique et à    established artists, writers
                                                           examines a different theme
                                                           with stories spanning the         l’éthique. In French.             and curators.                                        for something...!”
                                                           business, design, startup and                                                                                               ­— Martin in Ste-Thérèse, QC
                                                           tech industries.

                                                           1 issue/year            $25.00    3 issues/year           $11.95    4 issues/year             $12.95


                                                           Ornamentum                                                                                             Prefix Photo                      PUBLIC
                                                           The decorative arts in Canada                                                                          Slow food for the mind’s eye      Art, culture, ideas
                                                           Ornamentum celebrates                                                                                  An award-winning magazine         PUBLIC explores how critical
                                                           material culture in all its                                                                            that presents in-depth critical   issues intersect with art
                                                           forms and expressions, from                                                                            essays complemented by            and visual culture. It is
                                                           ceramics, glass, metalwork,                                                                            stunning photographic             an accessible, smart and
                                                           graphics and textiles through     PhotoED                                                              portfolios. Bold and brilliant,   beautiful journal with the
                                                           to architecture and industrial,   Inspiration and education in Canadian photography                    Prefix Photo supplements          timeliness and visual appeal
                                                           interior and landscape design.                                                                         these feature articles with       of a magazine, but the
                                                                                             PhotoED shares the stories of Canada’s top photography                                                 longevity of a book.
                                                           The magazine is written                                                                                literary essays, news briefs
                                                                                             practitioners and upcoming talent in a quality print format.
                                                           for a broad readership and                                                                             and reviews, all delivered
                                                                                             It’s an image arts resource for anyone interested in exploring
                                                           extensively illustrated.                                                                               through innovative design and
                                                                                             traditional techniques and learning about new technologies
                                                                                                                                                                  outstanding production values
                                                                                             with a Canadian creative storytelling focus.
                                                           2 issues/year           $10.00    3 issues/year            $7.95                                       2 issues/year           $18.00 2 issues/year            $20.00
Magazines Canada Retailer Catalogue des détaillants 2019
                                THE SITE MAGAZINE
                                                    HOUSE PLANTS
                                                    M E TA D ATA
                                                    I L L U S T R AT E D M A P S

                                                    L I F E B O AT S
                                                    MEDICAL EQUIPMENT
                                                    W AV E S
                                                    A L G O R I T H M I C A L LY

                                                    GLASS WINDOWS
                                                    V I S U A L LY D O C U M E N T I N G
                                                    UNMANNED AERIAL

                                                    SUICIDE VESTS
                                                    H AV I N G C H I L D R E N
                                                    NUCLEAR PLANTS
                                                    A R T I F I C I A L S AT E L L I T E S
                                                    PLASTIC CARDS
                                                    BUILDING UP NOT OUT

                                                    PERSONAL COMPUTERS
                                                    TOUCHSCREEN GESTURING
                                                    B O T T L E D WAT E R
                                                    S I M U L AT I N G
                                                    R E A L I T Y E N T E R TA I N M E N T
                                                    F E N TA N Y L
                                                    D A R K M AT T E R

                                                    CELL TOWERS
                                                    SELFIE STICKS
                                                    FILE SHARING

                                                    S E R V E R FA R M S
                                                    INDUCTIVE CHARGING
                                                    ONLINE SHOPPING
                                                    A U T O M AT E D T R A N S L AT I O N

                                                    B O DY S C A N N I N G
                                                    SOCIAL SHARING
 2 0 1 6

                                                    I N T E R N AT I O N A L S PA C E
                                                    S TAT I O N
                                                    LARGE HADRON
                                                    GOOGLE MAPS

                                                    N AV I G AT I O N
                                                    INCOGNITO BROWSING
                                                    T H E WA L L
 W I N T E R

                                                    3D PRINTERS
                                                    CURIOSITY ROVER
                                                    THE 1%
                                                    AR GAMING
                                                    GOOGLE CARDBOARD
                                                    AUTONOMOUS CARS

               Volume.36:   VERNACULARS

The Site Magazine                                                                             Studio                                                                                                   Vie des Arts
Architecture, urbanism and                                                                    Craft and Design in Canada                                                                               La revue de l’actualité des
design                                                                                                                                                                                                 arts visuels
                                                                                              Studio is the only Canadian
With a 15-year legacy of                                                                      publication covering the                                                                                 Fidèle à sa mission de
publishing independent                                                                        full spectrum of craft and                                                                               promouvoir, valoriser et
thought on the built                                                                          design – from nuanced art/                                                                               favoriser la connaissance
environment, each volume                                                                      design sculpture to handmade                                                                             des arts visuels, Vie
is critical yet engaging and                                                                  inspiration. True to craft’s      UPPERCASE                                                              des Arts existe pour
beautifully designed, offering                                                                heritage, Studio also believes    For the creative and curious                                           l’épanouissement
essays, photography and                                                                       in questioning making in the                                                                             des arts visuels, dans
                                                                                              social and political landscape.   Full of inspiring visuals and unique content, UPPERCASE is             le but de stimuler la
reportage on highly relevant
                                                                                              If it’s made, it can be made      beloved by readers around the world. Its eclectic content is           création, la valorisation,
                                                                                              better.                           inspired by design, illustration, vintage and craft. Exclusively       la connaissance et
                                                                                                                                in print.                                                              l’expérience des arts visuels
2 issues/year 	                              $22.00                                           2 issues/year            $9.95    4 issues/year           $18.00                                         de diverses manières.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       International in scope, Vie
                                                                                                                                                                                                       des Arts covers innovation
                                                                                                                                                                                                       in video, architecture,
                                                                                                                                                                                                       design, painting, sculpture,
                                                                                                                                                                                                       installation and performance
                                                                                                                                                                                                       art. In French with an
                                                                                                                                                                                                       English summary.

               MOMENTS M A GA ZI N E                                                                                                                                                                   4 issues/year           $10.50

               J’aime lire mon magazine préféré…

               Après une longue journée, je                                                                                                                        Visual Arts News
                                                                                                                                                                   Contemporary visual art in
               m’installe confortablement dans mon                                                                                                                 Atlantic Canada

               fauteuil favori pour découvrir les                                                                                                                  Reflecting the geographic
                                                                                                                                                                   and cultural diversity of the
               nouveautés.                                                                                                                                         region, the magazine provides
                                                                                                                                                                   reviews, feature stories, artist
                                                                                                                                                                   interviews and profiles on the
                                                                                             — Françoise à Havre-Aubert, QC                                        thriving arts scene in Nova
                                                                                                                                                                   Scotia and Atlantic Canada.
                                                                                                                                                                   It also covers national and
                                                                                                                                                                   international art events of
                                                                                                                                                                   interest to readers.

                                                                                                                                                                   3 issues/year               $6.95                                                       7
Magazines Canada Retailer Catalogue des détaillants 2019   B US I NE S S & EDUCAT ION

                                                           Aboriginal Business              BC Business                      bout de papier                     Canadian SME                   Corporate Knights
                                                           Doing business with              An authoritative voice on the    Examining all aspects of           Information on how to          The magazine for clean
                                                           Indigenous communities           province’s business scene,       Canadian foreign service,          improve your small and         capitalism
                                                                                            BC Business goes beyond          bout de papier provides a          medium-sized business,
                                                           Aboriginal Business provides                                                                                                        One of the world’s most-read
                                                                                            the headlines to give readers    unique first-hand insight          including interviews with
                                                           insight, analysis and features                                                                                                      magazines focused on the
                                                                                            valuable, relevant insights      into the world of diplomacy.       rising business influencers,
                                                           on people, companies,                                                                                                               intersection of business and
                                                                                            into the issues, trends and      Articles are published in the      and tips on how to take your
                                                           and trends shaping the                                                                                                              society, Corporate Knights
                                                                                            people involved.                 language of submission.            company to the next level.
                                                           contemporary Aboriginal                                                                                                             provides information to
                                                           business world. It looks at                                       bout de papier a pour objectif     With focused and fact-proven   empower markets to foster a
                                                           government leglislation and                                       d’examiner tous les aspects        content, Canadian SME          better world.
                                                           moves to build an Indigenous                                      de la politique étrangère du       provides solutions to the
                                                           economy, Indigenous                                               Canada et de la vie dans le        challenges of managing a
                                                           business leaders, and mom                                         service extérieur. Bilingue        business and ensuring its
                                                           and pop operations.                                                                                  success.

                                                           4 issues/year            $4.00 12 issues/year            $5.95 3 issues/year               $4.50    6 issues/year           $6.00   4 issues/year            $6.95

                                                           Crypto Culture                   Diplomat & International         Education Canada                                                  Rotman Management
                                                           Crypto Culture strives to                                         Cutting through the rhetoric / De la théorie à l’action           Published by the University
                                                           balance cryptocurrency           Global issues and the                                                                              of Toronto’s Rotman School
                                                                                                                             Rooted in the Canadian education experience and perspective,
                                                           education, investment            diplomatic community                                                                               of Management, Rotman
                                                                                                                             Education Canada is a trusted bilingual source for research and
                                                           information and industry                                                                                                            Management explores
                                                                                          The magazine gives in-depth        opinion on the biggest challenges facing educators today.
                                                           awareness to the public in                                                                                                          themes of interest to
                                                                                          coverage to global issues,
                                                           a transparent manner that                                         Ancrée dans l’expérience et la perspective de l’éducation au      organizational leaders,
                                                                                          Canada’s role, diplomatic
                                                           isn’t affected by companies,                                      Canada, la revue Éducation Canada est considérée comme            innovators and entrepreneurs.
                                                                                          news and interviews, science,
                                                           sponsors or organizations.                                        une source fiable pour la recherche et les opinions sur les       It features thought-provoking
                                                                                          environment, security and
                                                           It aims to make basic                                             plus grands défis auxquels sont actuellement confrontés les       ideas and research insights
                                                                                          a directory of Ottawa’s
                                                           information about the                                             éducateurs. Bilingue                                              from leading global
                                                                                          diplomats along with a
                                                           cryptocurrency industry free,                                                                                                       academics and management
                                                                                          section on international travel,
                                                           and specialized information                                                                                                         practitioners.
                                                                                          food, ambassadorial homes,
                                                           succinct.                      wine and book reviews.
                                                           4 issues/year            $9.99 4 issues/year             $9.95    4 issues/year           $10.00                                    3 issues/year         $18.95
Magazines Canada Retailer Catalogue des détaillants 2019
                         06 17                                                                                  “Moments that Matter” Canadian       Enseigner l’histoire canadienne :

              UA AU
                                                                                                                history course a team performance    un véritable travail d’équipe

                         $4.50 / 4,50 $
                                                                                                                universitaires                                                                                                                                          E

                         ET REPENTIR
                         Six universitaires
                         autochtones partagent leurs
                         réflexions entourant le 150e

                                                                                                                                     AND RECKONING
                                                                                                                                     Six Indigenous scholars
                                                                                                                                     share their views
                                                                                                                                     of Canada at 150
     PM40064644 R09831

UA JuneJuly2017 Cover FA.indd 1                                                                                                                                                          5/30/17 2:25 PM

University Affairs / Affaires universitaires                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Your Workplace
The trusted source for Canada’s university community                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Inspired people. Outstanding
University Affairs offers news, commentary and in-depth
articles on a wide range of topics, and is the No.1 destination                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Your Workplace aims to
for academic job postings and career advice. In English and                                                                                                                                                               Up Here Business                                                 inspire people to create a
French.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    thriving, world-class work
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Up Here Business is the trusted source of news, analysis,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           culture where they want to
La source d’information la plus fiable pour le milieu                                                                                                                                                                     context and opinion for and about people doing business in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           work. We recognize that a
universitaire ! Elle offre des nouvelles, des commentaires                                                                                                                                                                North. An independent, non-partisan voice for pan-Northern
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           positive work culture leads to
et des articles de fond sur une variété de sujets d’intérêt, et                                                                                                                                                           issues, valued for incisive writing and fresh perspectives.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           engaged, inspired and healthy
constitue le meilleur endroit où trouver des annonces de postes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           employees who contribute
et des conseils en matière de carrières universitaires. Bilingue
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           more in terms of creative
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ideas, performance and
10 issues/year                                                                                                                                       $4.50                                                            4 issues/year               $5.95                                    6 issues/year             $9.95
                                Genuine Canadian Magazines is a registered trademark of Magazines Canada

                                                                                                                                                                                                           ADVENTUROUS.                                      ADVENTUROUS.

                                                                                                              CANADIAN MAGAZINES MAKE YOUR INTERESTS MORE INTERESTING. From Travel to the Arts,
                                                                                                           all written from a refreshingly Canadian viewpoint you won't find anywhere else. Just look for the Genuine
                                                                                                           Canadian Magazine icon at your favourite newsstand, or visit magazinescanada.ca to find what interests you.

Magazines Canada Retailer Catalogue des détaillants 2019   C HI LD R E N & TEENS


                                                           Best Books for Kids &            Brainspace                          Canadian Children’s Book
                                                           Teens                                                                News
                                                                                            For kids 8 to 14
                                                           Your guide to what’s new                                             Recommended books,
                                                                                            Brainspace goes beyond
                                                                                                                                opinions, profiles, news and
                                                           The books, magazines, audio      the classroom to delve
                                                           and video you’ll want to         deeper into the topics kids
                                                           know about for classroom,        love: space, earth sciences,        Packed with book reviews,
                                                           libraries and homes. Every       biology, math, technology           author and illustrator            chickaDEE
                                                           title covered has received       and more. Each issue delivers       interviews and profiles of        For kids 6 to 9
                                                           the Canadian Children’s Book     quality content that appeals        publishers and bookstores,
                                                           Centre’s stamp of approval.      to bright young minds.              Canadian Children’s Book          Loaded with puzzles, comics, animal facts and photos, crafts
                                                                                            Winner of Parents’ Choice           News keeps readers informed       and science experiments, and engaging stories, chickaDEE
                                                                                            Awards Gold Medal.                  about the latest in Canadian      acknowledges the growing independence of primary-aged
                                                                                                                                children’s books.                 children and entertains while developing reading, writing and
                                                                                                                                                                  problem-solving skills that will last a lifetime.
                                                           2 issues/year            $5.95   4 issues/year               $7.95   4 issues/year            $4.95 10 issues/year             $5.25

                                                                                                                                                                                    MA G A Z IN E
                                                                                                                    R                                                               MOM E N T S

                                                                                                                                The Claremont Review                                I enjoy reading my
                                                                                                                                International magazine for                          favourite magazine…
                                                                                                                                youth writers and artists
                                                           For kids 3 to 6
                                                                                                                                The Claremont Review
                                                                                                                                publishes young writers
                                                                                                                                                                                    “As soon as I get it
                                                           Made for little hands and growing minds, the colourful pages,        and artists age 13-19, from
                                                                                                                                Canada and across the globe.
                                                                                                                                                                                     home (in the mail
                                                           silly jokes, engaging stories, and early-learning activities in
                                                           Chirp inspire young children to make their first attempts at         It provides a legitimate venue
                                                                                                                                for their poetry, short stories
                                                                                                                                                                                     or from the store)!!”
                                                           reading, writing, and creating with age-appropriate content
                                                           that gives youngsters confidence.                                    and visual art.                                         ­— Stephanie in Lindsay ON

       10 10 issues/year                                                            $5.25                                       2 issues/year           $10.00
Magazines Canada Retailer Catalogue des détaillants 2019
Genuine Canadian Magazines is a registered trademark of Magazines Canada

                                                                                                                                                    #63   FEB 2018
                                                                                                                                                          $5.00 CDN


                                                                                                                                     PM #40063001
                                                                                                                                                                      THE GOAT THAT     THE STORY OF
                                                                                                                                                                      WENT TO WAR       BEAUTIFUL JOE
                                                                                                                                     Kayak_63.indd 1                                             2018-01-05 12:59 PM

                                                                                                                                     Kayak: Canada’s History                                                           OWL
                                                                                                                                     for Kids
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       For kids 9 to 13
                                                                                                                                     For kids 7 to 12
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Loaded with age-appropriate
                                                                                                                                     Designed to attract young                                                         and engaging content,
                                                                                                                                     imaginations, Kayak                                                               OWL uses cool tech news,

                                                                                                      COOL.                          introduces children to
                                                                                                                                     Canada’s fascinating stories,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       interviews, hands-on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       building and comics and
                                                                                                                                     and shows them Canadian                                                           more to introduce pre-teens
                                                                                                                                     history in context with today’s                                                   to concepts in science,
                                                                                                                                     world. Educational and                                                            technology, engineering, the
                                                                                                                                     entertaining, Canada’s history                                                    arts, and math.
                                                                                                                                     is told through stories, games,
                                                                                                                                     comics, jokes and contests.
                                                                                                                                     Super-digest format.
                                                                                                                                     4 issues/year             $5.00                                                   10 issues/year          $5.25

                                                                                                                                     The West Enders                                                                   Wild
                                                                                                                                     Writing and art by Toronto                                                        For kids 5 to 13
                                                                                                                                     youth                                                                             Wild is jam-packed with fun
                                                                                                                                     A magazine of short stories,                                                      wildlife stories, games and
                                                                           CANADIAN MAGAZINES MAKE YOUR INTERESTS                    poetry and creative non-fiction                                                   pictures. It’s a great way to
                                                                           MORE INTERESTING. From Youth to Nature, all               by student-artists from Toronto.                                                  get the children in your life
                                                                           written from a refreshingly Canadian viewpoint you        Working primarily out of West                                                     engaged in nature and share
                                                                           won’t find anywhere else. Just look for the Genuine       End Alternative Secondary                                                         your passion for the outdoors.
                                                                           Canadian Magazine icon at your favourite newsstand,       School, the contributors to the
                                                                           or visit magazinescanada.ca to find what interests you.   West Enders address themes
                                                                                                                                     like infestation; ancestors
                                                                                                                                     and descendants; or struggle,
                                                                                                                                     survive, thrive. Vital work by
                                                                                                                                     contemporary youth.
                                                                                                                                     2 issues/year             $10.00                                                  6 issues/year           $4.95 11
Magazines Canada Retailer Catalogue des détaillants 2019   E NV IR O NMENT & NATUR E

                                                                                                                                                                                M A G A Z IN E
                                                                                                                                                L                               M OM E N T S

                                                                                                                                                                                I enjoy reading my
                                                                                                                                                                                favourite magazine…
                                                           Une revue fascinante pour les
                                                           adolescents et les adultes.                                                                                         “In my lazy boy on Sunday
                                                           Elle présente des articles
                                                           d’actualité sur les espèces                                                                                          morning with a coffee!!”
                                                           sauvages canadiennes et
                                                           internationales, ainsi que des                                                                                                  ­— Ronald in Cornwall ON
                                                           nouvelles et des rapports sur     Canadian Geographic
                                                           le travail de la Fédération
                                                           canadienne de la faune. Les       Explore Canada’s people, places and wildlife
                                                           articles sont accompagnés de      One of Canada’s most award-winning magazines! Filled with stunning colour photography,
                                                           photographies primées de la       fascinating articles and specially commissioned maps, each issue lets you travel the country
                                                           nature. In French.                without leaving home. You’ll discover Canada’s people and cities, our wildlife and wilderness,
                                                                                             our history and the beauty of our land.
                                                           6 issues/year             $6.95   6 issues/year + bonus Travel issues                       $8.95

                                                                                                                    B                                                                 B
                                                                                                                    E                                                                 E
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                                                                                                                                                                                                   The Watershed Sentinel
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Grassroots environmental
                                                                                                                                                                                                   news and analysis
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Western Canada’s award-
                                                                                                                                                                                                   winning environmental news
                                                                                                                                                                                                   magazine, celebrating over
                                                                                                                                                                                                   25 years of investigative
                                                           Canadian Geographic Specials                                       Canadian Wildlife                                                    journalism, reviews, updates
                                                           Themed special editions                                                                                                                 from environmental and
                                                                                                                              Canada’s most authoritative magazine dealing with conservation,      first nations organizations,
                                                           Full-colour, “keeper” issues packed with gorgeous photographs.     endangered species, habitat protection, ecology and the steps        interviews, and more.
                                                           Previous CG Specials have been devoted to Wildlife                 individual Canadians are taking to protect the environment. Packed   Informative, thought-
                                                           Photography, Wild Weather, Birds and The Great Canadian Quiz.      with stunning photography, in-depth features and important           provoking, independent – the
                                                                                                                              issues, each issue is relevant, educational and entertaining.        voice of the grassroots.
                                                           Frequency varies From $9.95                                        6 issues/year            $6.95                                       6 issues/year              $4.95

                                                                                                                                                               Magazines Canada Retailer Catalogue des détaillants 2019
                                                                                                                                         MAGAZ IN E
                                                                                                                                         MOME NTS

                                                                                                                                         I enjoy reading
                                                                                                                                         my favourite

                                                                                                                                         “On the train,
Canadian Horse Journal                                               Canadian Thoroughbred                                                commuting to
Canada’s horse industry at your fingertips                           Canada’s only national racing news                                   and from work.
If horses are your passion, Canadian Horse Journal is for you!       Canadian Thoroughbred is for breeders, owners, trainers and
Features on horse health, training, breed profiles, rider fitness,   farm managers who make thoroughbred racing their business.           It makes the
major event coverage, contests and much more are designed to         It includes racing statistics, racing and breeding updates, sales
educate, inspire and unite Canada’s horse industry.                  results, provincial reviews, and reports on events and people        long ride more
                                                                     that influence racing.                                               enjoyable, and
6 issues/year            $5.95                                       7issues/year       $5.00-$10.00                                      it’s easy to stash
                                                                                                                                          away in my
                                                                                                                                                   ­— Amanda
                                                                                                                                               in Vaughan ON

Horse Canada                                                         Horse Sport
An all-breed, multi-discipline magazine that focuses on health,      Your equestrian authority
care, training, and equine behaviour and recognizes the              The voice of equestrian competition in Canada for 50 years as of
inclusion of horses into family life.                                May 2018. Readers are dedicated owners, competitors, trainers
                                                                     and breeders who view the magazine as their source for the most
                                                                     up-to-date news, training methods and horse care information.
5 issues/year            $5.99                                       11 issues/year
+ Annual Special         $8.95                                       + Annual Special         $5.99                                                            13
Magazines Canada Retailer Catalogue des détaillants 2019   F I LM & P ERFORMING ARTS

                                                           Canadian Journal of Film Studies / Revue canadienne                 Canadian Screenwriter              Canadian Theatre Review          Cinema Scope
                                                           d’études cinématographiques
                                                                                                                               For TV, film and digital           Theatre news and trends          Expanding the frame on
                                                           A forum for articles on film and television: theory, history and    media professionals                                                 international cinema
                                                                                                                                                                  CTR provides the Canadian
                                                           criticism, plus book reviews and reprints of rare and archival
                                                                                                                               Focused on the art of              theatre community with           Cinema Scope is the only
                                                           documents. In English and French.
                                                                                                                               screenwriting for television,      in-depth feature articles,       Canadian magazine of its
                                                           Un forum canadien consacré à des articles sur le cinéma et          film, and digital media, the       manifestos, slideshows,          kind: a colour, 80-page glossy
                                                           la télévision, en français et en anglais: théorie, histoire et      magazine includes in-depth         videos, design portfolios,       film quarterly that brings
                                                           critique, en plus des comptes rendus et des réimpressions de        interviews, project and            photo essays and other           you everything from the
                                                           documents rares et d’archives. Bilingue                             personality profiles, and          documents that reflect the       art-house to Hollywood
                                                                                                                               regular columns. Along with        challenging forms that theatre   blockbusters, documentaries
                                                                                                                               creative insight, it provides      takes in the contemporary        to the avant-garde, television
                                                                                                                               informed analyses of policies      Canadian arts scene.             to the art world.
                                                                                                                               and industry trends.

                                                           2 issues/year           $15.00                                      3 issues/year              $7.00   4 issues/year          $15.00 4 issues/year               $5.95

                                                           The Dance Current                 Dance International               Musicworks                         Opera Canada                     Point of View (POV)
                                                           Canada’s dance magazine           Global dance with Canada at       For curious ears since 1978        Profiles, reviews and lively     Independent. Truth.
                                                                                             the centre                                                           features on trends and issues    Documentary.
          Inclusive of all genres,                                                                                             Musicworks engages readers
                                                                                             Your liveliest source for         with fresh ideas in avant          in opera and music theatre.      POV is Canada’s premiere
          The Dance Current is
                                                                                             dance coverage from               jazz, pop, world, improvised,      For almost 50 years, Opera       authority on documentary
          Canada’s most prolific dance
                                                                                             Canada and the world.             and electronic music,              Canada has focused on            culture covering film,
          publication covering the
                                                                                             With 40-plus years of             instrument and sound design,       the development of opera         photography, and new media.
          artists, action and issues
                                                                                             continual publication, Dance      and multidisciplinary art.         in Canada and the role of        In the era of #FakeNews and
          shaping dance in Canada.
                                                                                             International features global     Interview-driven stories on        Canadians on opera stages        alternative facts, independent
          It’s an indispensable
                                                                                             insight into contemporary and     Canadian and international         around the world.                documentaries are the voice
          resource whether dance is
          your passion, pastime or                                                           classical dance of all kinds      artists are enhanced by                                             of truth and reason.
          profession. Celebrating 20                                                         in each beautifully designed      creative photography and
          years of publication in 2018.                                                      issue.                            design.
          In English with some French.
          6 issues/year             $7.25                                                    4 issues/year             $7.50   3 issues/year              $7.00 4 issues/year             $5.95    2 issues/year            $8.95

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Magazines Canada Retailer Catalogue des détaillants 2019
                                                                                                     True North organic living
                                                                                                             JANUARY–FEBRUARY 2018
                                                                                                             ON DISPLAY UNTIL FEBRUARY 28               The Get Cozy issue                        Issue 01
                                                                                                                                                                                                 PRINTED IN CANADA

                                                                                                      THE IMPORTANCE OF STAYING WARM IN THE TRUE NORTH

                                                                                                       ESSENTIAL INTERVIEWS

                                                                                                       The Little Book of Hygge
                                                                                                       with Meik Wiking
                                                                                                       Winter wellness for women
                                                                                                       with Tieraona Low Dog, M.D.
                                                                                                       Julie Daniluk’s Hot Detox
                                                                                                       THE SLOW FOOD ADVOCATE

                                                                                                       Pilgrimme’s Jessie McCleery
                                                                  Healthy, happy families
Archive                                                           Canada’s only national
Eat, create, explore, enjoy                                       magazine for healthier,
                                                                  greener, more conscientious
Archive is an independent, Alberta-based lifestyle magazine       parents. And the recipes are       WHOLE
                                                                                                             THE FUTURE OF FOOD STORAGE
                                                                                                              WITH ABEEGO’S BREATHABLE
                                                                                                                                                         THE TRUE COST
                                                                                                                                                        OF BUYING CHEAP
                                                                                                                                                                          THE STORY
                                                                                                                                                                          OF MERINO
                                                                                                                                                                                              MAPLE KIDS
                                                                                                                                                                                      SUSTAINABLE, CANADIAN-MADE,

that features unique stories, inspired design and drool-worthy    amazing.
                                                                                                                   BEESWAX WRAPS                           CLOTHING         WOOL       WARM CLOTHING FOR LITTLES

food and drink. Stories focus on quirky people and articles
highlight hidden gems all across Canada. Archive is exclusively                                     Maple
available in print, with each issue containing a minimum of 48                                      True North organic living
                                                                                                    Maple focuses on organic living, natural health, wellness and

4 issues/year            $7.95                                    4 issues/year             $7.99   5 issues/year                                         $7.00


                        MO M E NTS
                        MA GA ZI NE

                        J’aime lire mon
                        magazine préféré…

                        Quand je viens de
                        l’acheter, je m’installe
                        dans mon sofa, et je le
                        lis du début à la fin.                                                      Rural Delivery
                                                                                                    Life in rural Atlantic Canada
                                 ­— Isabelle à Verdun QC                                            Rural Delivery comes from the homes and farms of Atlantic
                                                                                                    Canada and beyond. The magazine is for those who believe in
                                                                                                    living with the land, farming, and the good life.
                                                                                                    10 per year                                           $3.95                                                          15
Magazines Canada Retailer Catalogue des détaillants 2019   H O B B I E S & RECREATION
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Why  Certify | Fight
                                                                                                                                                                                                     HowI Onions          Cancer | Allotment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The 4 Principles             Gardens || Beer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     of Organic Agriculture       andinBiology
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Fairness   Farming

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Organic Grower
                                                                                                                                                                                                            THE CANADIAN

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     CANADA’S ORGANIC FARMING AND GARDENING MAGAZINE

                                                                                                                                                                                                     What’s in a Name?
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Digging Deep into
                                                                                                                                                                                                     the Organic Label
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Can Hydroponics
                                                                                                                                                                                                     be Organic?
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Should Organic Standards
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Protect Natural Ecosystems?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 SNEAK PEEK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Organic Research Magazine
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               BOOK REVIEW
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The Permaculture
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Earthworks Handbook


                                                           Canadian Antiques &                Canadian Aviator                   Canadian Coin News               Canadian Home Trends              The Canadian Organic
                                                           Vintage                                                                                                                                  Grower
                                                                                              By Canadian pilots, for            Canada’s premier source on       Canada’s home décor &
                                                           Antiques, folk art, fine art and   Canadian pilots                    coins, notes and medals          lifestyle magazine                Canada’s only national
                                                           collectibles                                                                                                                             magazine focused on
                                                                                              Canadian Aviator covers a          Always on the hunt for           The magazine features
                                                                                                                                                                                                    organic growing for
                                                           Canada’s only nationally           broad spectrum of aviation         valuable Canadian coins and      some of the most stunning
                                                                                                                                                                                                    farmers, gardeners, urban
                                                           distributed, paid circulation      topics with emphasis on            banknotes, the magazine          homes and condos across
                                                                                                                                                                                                    farmers and homesteaders.
                                                           magazine devoted to                general aviation as well as        helps beginning to advanced      Canada. You’ll be inspired
                                                                                                                                                                  by a selection of accessible      Featuring expert tips and
                                                           Canadian antiques and the          Canada’s contributions to the      collectors build their
                                                                                                                                                                  home décor products, trend        techniques, innovative ideas,
                                                           vintage collectible niche.         global aviation industry. It       collections, enjoy the pursuit
                                                                                                                                                                  reports, simple yet stylish DIY   editorials and classifieds plus
                                                                                              features articles and columns      and share their passion with
                                                                                                                                                                  projects, and much more.          key training and networking
                                                                                              by some of Canada’s most           others.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    events for new, experienced
                                                                                              respected aviation journalists
                                                                                                                                                                                                    and transitioning farmers.
                                                                                              and experts along with
                                                                                              product reviews and more.
                                                           6 issues/year             $7.95    6 issues/year              $6.95   26 issues/year           $4.50 4 issues/year              $5.50 3 issues/year                                                         $7.95

                                                                                                                                                                               Display Space
                                                                                                                                                                               Leads to Sales
                                                                                                                                                                               Most magazines purchases
                                                           Canadian Reptile Hobbyist          Canadian Stamp News                CGMagazine
                                                                                                                                                                               are impulse buys
                                                           A magazine for reptile and         Canada’s leading source on         The voice of Canada in the
                                                           amphibian lovers                   stamp collecting                   world of gaming and media
                                                           Canadian Reptile Hobbyist          For beginning to advanced          With comics and gaming
                                                           promotes, examines and             collectors of stamps, first-day    now at the forefront of
                                                           informs herpetoculturists          covers and postcards,              media popularity, CGM
                                                           about our hobby, with a focus      the magazine includes              strives to better connect our
                                                           on being a herper in Canada.       information on new and             readers with their hobbies
                                                           It includes articles by, for and   old issues, as well as             through insightful articles
                                                           about Canadian breeders,           commentary, collecting tips        and interviews with industry
                                                                                                                                                                          The Role of Magazines at Retail: A Reader-and-
                                                           businesses, conservationists       and Canada’s most up-to-date       veterans and newcomers                 Buyer Study by Magazines Canada and BrandSpark
                                                           and researchers.                   listings of Canadian coin and      alike.                                 International, 2017
                                                                                              paper money prices.                                                       2
                                                                                                                                                                            Coast to Coast Newsstand Services, 2017

       16 2 issues/year                                                              $6.95    26 issues/year            $4.50    4 issues/year           $10.00
Magazines Canada Retailer Catalogue des détaillants 2019
Cottage Life                     Cottage Life West                Game On                          Outdoor Canada                   SkyNews
Where cottagers go for fun,      For Western cabin, cottage       Manitoba’s hockey magazine,      Canada’s fishing and hunting     The Canadian magazine of
advice, and inspiration          and chalet enthusiasts           where hockey fans meet           magazine                         astronomy and skygazing
This award-winning magazine      Cottage Life West delivers       the stars of the game in         Outdoor Canada is the            Skynews provides amateur
offers valuable advice as well   award-winning profiles,          Manitoba                         magazine for people who          astronomers with seasonal
as profiles, how-to articles,    nature articles, DIY tips,       Game On was founded out          love the wilderness. Each        guides for viewing the night
recipes, essays, issue pieces    recipes, essays, and design      of a passion for Canada’s        information-packed issue         sky, star charts, how-to
and lifestyle stories that       and lifestyle stories,           favourite sport and a desire     whisks you away to unspoiled     columns from Canada’s
help readers look after their    focusing on the people,          to highlight Manitoba’s          hideaways perfect for fishing,   best science writers, expert
cottages, entertain guests       issues, and ideas that are       exceptional home-grown           hunting and exploring,           equipment reviews, amazing
and, of course, kick back and    important in B.C., Alberta and   talent; to pay tribute to        including the best spots and     astrophotos and the latest
have fun.                        Saskatchewan.                    those who make hockey this       techniques.                      news and discoveries from
                                                                  province’s most beloved sport.                                    space.

6 issues/year           $7.99 6 issues/year              $7.99    7 issues/year          $10.00 6 issues/year              $7.99 6 issues/year             $6.99

A new national study of shoppers and retailers found that Canadians of all ages enjoy browsing for and buying
magazines.1 Impulse decisions played a part in 72% of magazine purchases. These results point to opportunities to
increase sales by leveraging four key elements:

     VISIBILITY: Shoppers do judge a magazine by                                     DIVERSITY: A large, varied selection appealing to
     its cover—it’s the #1 reason customers give                                     many interests. There’s a big appetite for Canadian
     for impulse buys. Make sure they can see the                                    content. Since 2000, the market share of Canadian
     magazine rack right away.                                                       magazines has doubled.2

     BROWSABILITY: An accessible location in the                                     PROMOTIONAL PIZZAZZ: Shoppers love special
     store with an easy-to-browse, organized display.                                pricing, special editions, timely event tie-ins, local
                                                                                     content, loyalty points and creative merchandising.

Consumers who bought magazines reported greater shopping satisfaction and purchased more overall. And with a
steady stream of fresh issues, magazines can appeal to younger shoppers who are keen to discover new ideas and
new products.
Magazines Canada Retailer Catalogue des détaillants 2019                                           J OU R N A LS

                                                                                                                            Acadiensis                                                  Canadian Woman Studies / Les cahiers de la femme                    Inroads                             Labour / Le Travail
                                                                                                                            History of the Atlantic region                              An indispensable resource for the feminist reader                   The Canadian journal of             Labour publishes important
                                                                                                                            Original research articles in                               A feminist journal with the goal of making current writing and      opinion                             articles in the fields of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                working-class history,
                                                                                                                            Acadiensis present the most                                 research on a wide variety of feminist topics accessible to the     Published in spring and fall,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                industrial sociology, labour
                                                                                                                            recent findings by scholars                                 largest possible community of women. In English and French.         Inroads is Canada’s source for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                economics and labour
                                                                                                                            in Atlantic regional studies.                                                                                                   informed, lively commentary
                                                                                                                                                                                        Une publication dont le but est de rendre les cahiers de la                                             relations. Bilingual.
                                                                                                                            Documents and research                                                                                                          and evidence-based analysis
                                                                                                                                                                                        femme et des mouvements féministes, tant sur le plan de la
                                                                                                                            notes offer insight into new                                                                                                    on the issues facing the            Depuis 1976, la revue a fait
                                                                                                                                                                                        recherche que de l’écriture, accessible au plus grand nombre
                                                                                                                            sources and neglected areas                                                                                                     country—and the world. Its          paraître plusieurs articles
                                                                                                                                                                                        possible de femmes. Bilingue.
                                                                                                                            of investigation. Reviews and                                                                                                   focus spans politics of all         marquants dans le domaine
                                                                                                                            critical essays focus on recent                                                                                                 stripes, public affairs and more.   de l’histoire de la classe
                                                                                                                            publications and major issues                                                                                                                                       ouvrière, de la sociologie
                                                                                                                            in Canadian studies.                                                                                                                                                industrielle, de l’économie
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                du travail et des relations
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                industrielles. Bilingue.
                                                                                                                            2 issues/year                                      $11.95   2 issues/year          $22.50                                       2 issues/year            $14.95 2 issues/year              $20.00

                                                                                                                                       an interdisciplinary critical journal

r physicians.”                                                                                                                                    Vol. 51 - No. 1
                                                                                                                                                   March 2018
    —   NIET Z S C H E
                                                                                    an interdisciplinary critical journal
                                                                                      Vol. 51 - No. 1 March 2018


                                                                                                                            Mosaic                                                                                       Queen’s Quarterly                  Upping the Anti                     Women & Environments
                                                                                                                            An interdisciplinary critical journal                                                        Cultural food for thought          Political organizing in Canada
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                A unique magazine that
                                                                                                                            Internationally acclaimed as the leading journal for the                                     Every three months, the            Upping the Anti is a radical
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                examines women’s relation
                                                                                                                            interdisciplinary study of literature, Mosaic features innovative                            Queen’s Quarterly reviews          journal of political theory
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                to the natural, the built and
                                                                                                                            essays that explore the interrelationship between literary                                   and debates the important          and action in Canada. It
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                the social environment from
                                                                                                                            works and other disciplines. With contributors and subscribers                               events that shape the cultural,    includes in-depth articles and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                feminist and anti-racist
                                                                                                                            from around the world, Mosaic explores emerging trends in                                    political and intellectual life    interviews with thinkers and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                perspectives. WEI provides a
                                                                                                                            theory and literary criticism.                                                               of the country.                    activists, roundtables and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                forum for academic research
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            book reviews.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                and theory, for professional
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                practice and for community

                                18 4 issues/year                                                                                                                               $21.95                                     4 issues/year              $6.50 1 issue/year              $13.00 1 issue/year                $13.99

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Magazines Canada Retailer Catalogue des détaillants 2019
Brick, A Literary Journal                                                                                                               The Capilano Review             Carousel                        CNQ: Canadian Notes &
Canadian and international voices                                                                                                                                                                       Queries
                                                                                                                                        Art, poetry and criticism       Contemporary culture
Where the world’s best-loved writers have wide, lively                                                                                                                                                  Literary, cultural and artistic
                                                                                                                                        The very best new, emerging     An exquisitely produced
discussions about art, culture, and the written word. Beautiful                                                                                                                                         history and criticism
                                                                                                                                        and established Canadian        hybrid literary/arts magazine
to see and hold, Brick prizes the personal voice and offers                                                                             and International writers       representing new and            CNQ publishes feisty and
passion, revelation, and the occasional bad joke.                                                                                       and visual artists who are      established Canadian artists,   engaging literary criticism as
                                                                                                                                        experimenting with or           with some international         well as some of the best short
                                                                                                                                        expanding the boundaries        contributions. Carousel         stories, poetry, and creative
                                                                                                                                        of conventional forms and       highlights a comfortable        nonfiction in the country.
                                                                                                                                        contexts.                       merging of textual and visual
                                                                                                                                                                        content, presenting work
                                                                                                                                                                        across many genres.

2 issues/year          $16.00                                                                                                           2 issues/year           $16.00 2 issues/year           $10.00 3 issues/year                $9.95

                                    EDMONTON’S HIGH LEVEL LIT LOOKS AT CANADA 150

                                    STORIES THAT CONNECT • FALL 2017
                                      PM #42968512


The Dalhousie Review             Eighteen Bridges                                                                                       EVENT                           EXILE / ELQ
New short fiction and poetry,    Stories that connect                                                                                   An award-winning magazine       Engaging and eclectic words and art
essays in the humanities, and    Eighteen Bridges is a                                                                                  that inspires and nurtures      Clearly Canadian yet profoundly universal, EXILE is 96 pages
book reviews. Contents are       magazine that uses long form                                                                           writers, showcasing the best    of cover-to-cover content. Contemporary writers, artists
entertaining, interesting and    narrative journalism to tell the                                                                       contemporary writing from       and vital ideas from our country and around the world are
stimulating to readers with a    complex stories of our times.                                                                          Canada and abroad for over      found in this distinctive 8x10 magazine that brings the most
broad range of interests and     Using the best writers from                                                                            four decades. EVENT serves      dynamic, diverse and relevant creativity to Canadians and
backgrounds. Authors, some       Canada and abroad, it offers                                                                           up fiction, poetry, essays,     readers abroad.
new, many with considerable      context, character, insight                                                                            notes on writing and reviews
experience, come from all        and entertainment, all in one                                                                          three times a year—with
over the world.                  great package.                                                                                         stunning Canadian cover art
                                                                                                                                        and illustration.

3 issues/year          $12.00    2 issues/year                                                                         $7.95            3 issues/year           $11.95 4 issues/year            $9.95
Magazines Canada Retailer Catalogue des détaillants 2019   L I T E R A RY

                                                           The Feathertale Review          The Fiddlehead                                                         Filling Station                FreeFall
                                                           Canadian literary humour        Award-winning Canadian literary magazine                               Experimental writing for       Canada’s magazine of
                                                                                                                                                                  intrepid readers               exquisite writing
                                                           The Feathertale Review is a     A perennial, always vital, literary magazine, published in
                                                           National Magazine Award-        the Maritimes, read across Canada and around the world. In             Promotes innovative and        Celebrating 28 years of
                                                           winning publication devoted     alternating years the exciting summer issue is devoted entirely        original poetry, fiction,      publishing new, emerging,
                                                           to high- and low-brow           to poetry or fiction. “An essential part of Canada’s literary life,”   non-fiction and visual art     and established writers,
                                                           humour. It is an innovative     John Metcalf.                                                          and encourages dialogue        FreeFall remains dedicated
                                                           voice for a new generation                                                                             among local, national and      to the diversity that makes
                                                           of Canadian creators, and                                                                              international writers. We      Canadian writing great.
                                                           a forum and incubator for                                                                              celebrate both emerging and    We are always looking for
                                                           artistic genius.                                                                                       established creators.          exquisite prose, poetry, book
                                                                                                                                                                                                 reviews, and interviews.

                                                           2 issues/year         $12.00 4 issues/year               $10.00                                        3 issues/year          $12.00 3 issues/year             $12.95

                                                           Glass Buffalo                   Grain                              The Humber Literary Review                                         Literary Review of Canada
                                                                                           The journal of eclectic writing    Celebrating Canadian fiction, poetry, essays and art               (LRC)
                                                           In search of mythic power
                                                                                           Grain publishes engaging,          A dynamic magazine of original fiction, poetry, essays,            Books, culture, politics and
                                                           Glass Buffalo is an Edmonton-
                                                                                           eclectic and challenging           interviews, art, comics and reviews. The HLR publishes work by     ideas
                                                           based literary magazine in
                                                           search of mythic power. It      writing and art by Canadians.      established and emerging artists and writers. Previous issues      The Literary Review of
                                                           publishes the finest fiction,   Every issue features superb        have included Karen Solie, Russell Smith, Mariko Tamaki,           Canada is the country’s
                                                           nonfiction, and poetry from     new writing from both              Priscila Uppal, Cherie Dimaline, Jen Sookfong Lee and others.      leading forum for discussion
                                                           emerging writers and profiles   developing and established                                                                            and debate about books,
                                                           on Canadian writers changing    writers and highlights artwork                                                                        culture, politics and ideas. It
                                                           the conversation.               of a different visual artist.                                                                         features thought-provoking
                                                                                                                                                                                                 book reviews, essays and
                                                                                                                                                                                                 poetry from a wide range of

                                                           3 issues/year           $9.00   4 issues/year            $11.95     2 issues/year              $7.95                                  10 issues/year             $6.50
Magazines Canada Retailer Catalogue des détaillants 2019
                                           NASHWAAK COVER 17_Layout 1 17-12-11 10:33 AM Page 1

                                                                                                                                                             T he Nashwaak Review
                                                                                     In this Issue
                                                Poetry     Barbara Barron, Louise Carson, David Conrad, Tony Cosier, James Deahl, Edward Dewar,
                                                           Sam Difalco, Stewart Donovan, Michael Goodfellow, Santosh Gupta, W.M. Herring, Sean
                                                           Howard, Kevin Irie, Adam Lawrence, Callista Markotich, Margaret McLeod, Gerald Arthur
                                                           Moore, Victor Sakalauskas, David Sapp, Mark Silverberg, Hendrik Slegtenhorst, Marc Swan,
                                                           Alessio Zanelli
                                                                                                                                                                                        T he
                                                Fiction    Scott Armstrong, Charlotte Beck, Bob Bent, T.R. Biggar, Shell Cline, Phil Della, Martin Ellis,
                                                           Michael Foy, Jeffrey Griffiths, Victoria Hamilton, Fred Kraenzel, Robert Lake, Norma West
                                                           Linder, Elaine McCluskey, Derek Nason, Pól Ó Dochartaigh, Lauro Palomba, Tony
                                                           Robinson-Smith, D. Standfast, Nick Weaver
                                                Essays     Preserving A Working-Class Irish House in Ingonish, Cape Breton, A Social and Architectural
                                                           History, 1823 to 1917, Ken Donovan; What did you think of when you were a little girl…like
                                                           me?, Vanessa Waltz
                                                Reviews    Stewart Donovan on Viet Thanh Nguyen’s The Sympathizer; Linda Ledford-Miller on the
                                                           novels of Louise Penny

                                                Travel     Brasil Remembered in Tranquility by Robert Lake, Finding Solitude in Jordan’s Desert by Ele

                                                Artwork    Susanne Donovan, Anna Syperek and Prava Moonesawmy

                                                                                                                                                                 Volume 38/39
                                                                                                                                                            and Prava Moonesawmy
                                                                                                                                                            Donovan, Anna Syperek
                                                                                                                                                            Cover artwork: Susanne
                                                                                                                                                            The Nashwaak Review                     Neo-Opsis Science                  The New Quarterly
                                                                                                                                                            Publishes original poetry,              Fiction Magazine                   Canadian writers and writing
                                                                                                                                                            short fiction, travel pieces,           Art, opinion, fact and fiction     A magazine of diverse
                                                                                                                                                            essays, articles, reviews,
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Science fiction that’s not just    Canadian fiction, poetry, and
                                                                                                                                                            photography and paintings.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    about an interesting idea, but     conversation. We promote
                                                                                                                                                            Covers by living Canadian
                                                                                                                                                                                                    about possible implications of     the work of emerging
The Malahat Review                                                                                                                                          artists are reproduced in
                                                                                                                                                                                                    that idea. Articles, editorials,   writers alongside that of
                                                                                                                                                            full colour. Since its 1994
Be stopped cold by poetry, fiction and creative non fiction that                                                                                                                                    news, and reviews.                 well-established authors,
                                                                                                                                                            founding, The Nashwaak
inspires envy as well as awe. Discover new writers to follow                                                                                                                                                                           and aim to balance serious
                                                                                                                                                            Review has been a venue for
and reconnect with those you admire. Winner of more National                                                                                                                                                                           consideration of literary
                                                                                                                                                            new and established artists
Magazine Awards than any other lit mag in Canada.                                                                                                                                                                                      matters with playfulness and
                                                                                                                                                            and writers.

4 issues/year           $11.95                                                                                                                              1 issue/year                    $25.00 2 issues/year              $9.00 4 issues/year             $15.00

                                                                                                                                                                                         M A G A Z IN E M OM E N T S

                                                                                                                                                                                         I enjoy reading my favourite magazine…

Pacific Rim Review of
                                  Portal                                                                                                                                                “After I’ve spent hours perusing my
                                  Words to transport you
International book reviews        Portal is a portable and
                                                                                                                                                                                         local magazine shop, and I head
and criticism
Published proudly from
                                  portentous portrait of
                                  emerging West Coast literary
                                                                                                                                                                                         around the corner to my favorite
the West Coast, though
international in scope, Pacific
                                  talent, in full colour—fiction,
                                  poetry, CNF, scripts,
                                                                                                                                                                                         coffee shop to sit and read the
Rim Review of Books is an
eclectic mix of reviews and
                                  interviews, reviews, art and
                                                                                                                                                                                         afternoon away.”
essays on literature and          the view/VIU from here.
culture from veteran authors
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ­— Joyce in Winnipeg MB
and literary newcomers from
many lands.

1 issue/year              $5.95   1 issue/year                                                                      $10.00
Magazines Canada Retailer Catalogue des détaillants 2019   L I T E R A RY

                                                           Prairie Fire                       The Prairie Journal               PRISM International               Quill & Quire                     Riddle Fence
                                                           A Canadian magazine of new         A magazine of Canadian            Contemporary award-winning        Canada’s magazine of book         Contemporary literature
                                                           writing                            literature                        literature                        news and reviews                  and art
                                                           This award-winning magazine    Since 1983, The Prairie               Western Canada’s oldest           Discover what top writers,        Based in St. John’s, Riddle
                                                           entertains, engages and        Journal has been publishing           literary publication, PRISM       publishers and agents are         Fence publishes high-quality
                                                           enriches readers with          Canadian literature from a            International is an award-        doing. Enjoy hundreds of book     short fiction, poetry, creative
                                                           stories, poems and creative    prairie perspective. It includes      winning magazine that             reviews a year in fiction, non-   non-fiction and images from
                                                           non-fiction by emerging and    award-winning authors and             publishes the very best           fiction, kid-lit and poetry.      Newfoundland and Labrador,
                                                           established writers. Don’t     international artwork, long           in contemporary fiction,                                            across Canada and around
                                                           miss some of today’s most      poems and micro fiction,              non-fiction, poetry, drama and                                      the world.
                                                           innovative and thought-        essays, interviews, reviews,          translation.
                                                           provoking writing.             prose poems, creative
                                                                                          nonfiction, drama, meta-
                                                                                          fiction and much more.
                                                           4 issues/year           $14.95 2 issues/year              $7.00      4 issues/year            $12.00   10 issues/year           $8.95 3 issues/year              $14.95

                                                                                                                                                                              MAGAZ INE
                                                                                                                                                                              MOME NT S

                                                                                                                                                                              I enjoy reading my favourite

                                                           Room                               subTerrain                        Taddle Creek
                                                                                                                                                                             “When I am traveling, especially
                                                           Literature, art, and feminism      Strong words for a polite         Things for people who like
                                                           since 1975                         nation                            stuff                                         by plane. I love hitting up the
                                                           Room is Canada’s oldest            Contemporary and sometimes        An award-wanting general                      newsstand and taking my time
                                                           feminist literary journal, and     controversial Canadian fiction,   interest magazine, featuring
                                                           publishes short fiction, poetry,   poetry, non-fiction and visual    fiction, poetry, comics,                      selecting a few magazines to
                                                           essays, art, book reviews, and     art. By showcasing the best in    profiles, art, and big features
                                                           interviews by women (cis and       progressive writing and ideas,    about small things.                           read uninterrupted while inflight,
                                                           trans), trans men, non-binary      subTerrain seeks to expand
                                                           and Two-Spirit creators.           the definition of Canadian                                                      hopefully.”
                                                                                              literary culture.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     ­— Ellissa in Toronto ON

       22 4 issues/year                                                            $12.00     3 issues/year            $8.00    2 issues/year             $6.95
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