CURRICULUM (120 ECTS) - CyberSchool Rennes

Page created by Alexander Barber

    Courses            Professors        ECTS                               Brief description

                                                In this course, students learn about linear algebra basics, from information
                                                theory to Shannon’s theorems. The course covers the following subjects:
                                                lossless data compression; transmission channels; calculation of their
Maths for security    Patrick Derbez      3     capacity; codes and turbo-codes; useful cryptography statistics such as
                                                random testing; and the necessary tools for frequent statistical attacks in
                                                symmetric cryptography (linear and differential attacks).

                                                This course covers the following subjects: module over a ring; vector
                                                spaces cases; Lattices; Tensor product of modules and algebras
                                                (existence and universal property); reduced form scaled by matrix lines,
                                                Hermite and Smith forms; application to finite type abelian groups and
                                                to reducing endomorphisms; prime numbers (factorisation, Euclid’s
                                                theorem, primality and non-primality criteria, prime number theorem,
     Algebra           Mark Baker         8     arithmetic progression theorem); finite fields (revision, law of quadratic
                                                reciprocity, Chevalley-Warning); geometry of numbers (binary quadratic
                                                forms, discrete subgroups of Rn, finite type abelian groups, Hermite
                                                and Minkowski theorems, lattice reduction, LLL algorithm); rings of
                                                algebraic integers (algebraic numbers, algebraic integers, ring of integers
                                                of a number field, orders, unit theorem, factorization, group of classes of

                                                Security and cryptography require in-depth understanding of how
                                                computers work and their shortcomings when low-level languages are
                                                used. This course provides students with an introductory comprehensive
    Low Level        Emmanuel Fleury      5     experience in low-level programming (C language and x86 assembly) for a
  Programming                                   medium-range project. The course is mainly practice-based to ensure that
                                                students reach a minimal level of autonomy so that they can carry out a
                                                programming project by themselves afterwards.
Courses             Professors         ECTS                              Brief description

                                                  Security has become an essential aspect of networking. This course covers
                                                  the need for, and the building blocks of, network and information security,
                                                  today’s threats to our networks and the fundamental principles of secure
                                                  network design. It also deals with different threat landscape topics and
Networks Security     Mohamed Sabt          5     common attacks such as VLAN hopping, MAC snooping and denial-of-
                                                  service (DoS). The course introduces VPNs and related cryptography
                                                  ingredients and ends with various firewall concepts and the technologies
                                                  used by them.

                                                  Operating systems provide the fundamental mechanisms for securing
                                                  computer processing. Recently, the importance of ensuring such security
                                                  has become a mainstream issue for all operating systems. In this course, we
                                                  examine what it takes to build a secure operating system, and explore the
                                                  major systems development approaches that have been applied towards
 System Security      Mohamed Sabt          5     building secure operating systems. This journey has several goals: access
                                                  control; ASLR; file systems encryption; sandbox; and trusted computing.
                                                  Moreover, students benefit from a range of hands-on experience of
                                                  common Unix configurations.

                                                  This course covers the following subjects: dichotomic search; sorting
                                                  algorithms; trees; complexity; basic algorithms for graphs; representation
                                                  of integer and real numbers; elementary operations; GCD; extended
                                                  GCD; Chinese remainder theorem and modular arithmetic; multiplication
 Algorithmics for   Elisa Lorenzo Garcia    6     and multi-precision inversion; modular reduction (Montgomery modular
  Cryptography                                    reduction, normal and Gaussian bases); operations on polynomials
                                                  (elementary operations, GCD, interpolation, coefficients/roots relations);
                                                  methods of approximate calculation of usual functions.
Courses            Professors         ECTS                              Brief description

Algorithms: Design   Pierre-Alain Fouque    3     This course covers the following subjects: complexity calculation, Turing
   and Analysis                                   machine, complexity class, classic algorithms.

                                                  This course covers the following subjects: elementary probabilities on fi-
                                                  nite sets; Markov chains; information theory basics, as far as Shannon’s
                                                  theorems; lossless data compression; transmission channels; calculation
Information Theory     Dimitri Petritis     6     of their capacity; codes and turbo-codes; useful cryptography statistics
                                                  such as random testing and the necessary tools for frequent statistical at-
                                                  tacks in symmetric cryptography (linear and differential attacks).

                                                  This course covers the following subjects: Definitions of basic security
                                                  terms, Security Goals (CIA), Risks, Vulnerabilities, Attacks, Basic
                                                  Cryptography and Cryptography, Protocols (e.g., Kerberos, SSL), Threats
                                                  in IT systems (Malware, targeted attacks, …), Security Mechanisms
Basic Cryptography   Pierre-Alain Fouque    3     (Authentication, Access Control, Network Security FW IDS, Browser,Email),
                                                  Introduction to Information Security Management: Evaluation of
                                                  information security like the Common Criteria, EBIOS Method and Attack

                                                  This course is a weekly supervised workshop on new innovative business
                                                  creation. The Business Development Lab lets students work in teams to
                                                  develop an ICT business project. This course mainly focuses on project
                                                  work throughout key business development phases: (a) idea recognition
    Business                                5     – (b) business modelling – (c) customer and technical development – (d)
Development Lab 1                                 business plan presentation (customer and investor oriented). In addition,
                                                  the Business Development Lab contains applied lectures from academics
                                                  and practitioners.
Courses          Professors       ECTS                               Brief description

                                             The I&E basics course provides an introduction to business and
                                             management. The Business Development Lab develops media system
                                             engineering projects through a market survey, a business model
  Innovation &                               generation process, and a venture development exercise. The programme
Entrepreneurship                       5     focuses on user-driven innovation and holistic analysis of service,
      (I&E)                                  technology, organisation and financial perspectives, as new technologies
                                             are disruptive for existing business models and almost always have a
                                             significant impact on culture and social relations.

                                             Students begin research-training as soon as possible during their first
                                             Masters year. Since research labs are located on the university campus,
                                             students carry out a research project in year M1 and co-work one half-
                                             day a week in the labs. This enables the teaching team to detect the
                                             highest-skilled students, who could potentially meet the requirements
Research Project   David Pichardie    2-3    for achieving excellent PhDs, and to introduce all students to research
                                             thinking. First year students are required to carry out a cybersecurity
                                             project with three/four other students. We apply a multidisciplinary
                                             approach by mixing students from different Majors.

                                             This course covers the following subjects: the general principles of
                                             cryptography; encryption per blocks and stream ciphers; public key
 Cryptography      Sylvain Duquesne    6     cryptography (RSA, discrete logarithm); hash functions, and digital

                                             This course covers the following subjects: linear codes; cyclic codes; Reed-
Corrector Code     Delphine Boucher    6     Solomon codes; BCH codes; examples of decoding algorithms; Goppa
                                             codes; and Mac Eliece cryptosystem.
Courses             Professors         ECTS                              Brief description

                                                   This course covers the following subjects: finite automata; Turing machines
   Complexity           Dimitri Petritis     4     and their relation to languages and formal grammars; algorithmic
                                                   complexity and complexity classes.

                                                   This course aims to give students a global overview of the history of
 History of maths      Alain Herreman        1     mathematics and how its concepts have changed.

                                                   This is an introductory course on statistical learning which involves
                                                   exploiting (often large) databases to automatically extract prediction
                                                   models (e.g. image recognition). By the end of the course, students will be
                                                   able to identify Machine Learning possibilities, standard techniques and
                                                   tools, train an algorithm, and identify the limits of the obtained model.
Machine Learning        Valérie Monbet       5     Programme: dimension reduction methods; unsupervised classification;
                                                   multiple linear regression; variable selection: penalized regression;
                                                   decision tree; random forest; model aggregation; neural networks; and
                                                   deep learning.

 Algorithmics for                                  In this course, we develop the important principles of cryptography:
Security (white-box     Patrick Derbez,      5     cryptanalysis; randomness; adversary models; zero-knowledge; and
      crypto)         Pierre-Alain Fouque          side-channel attacks.
Courses          Professors      ECTS                               Brief description

                                            The objective of this course is to provide students with the skills to
                                            rigorously demonstrate properties related to programming languages
                                            and programmes written in these languages. Formal semantics allow the
                                            expected behaviour of a programme to be described in an unambiguous
   Software                                 way. For example, it is possible to establish a compiler fix by proving that
  Foundations       Sandrine Blazy    5     the source programme and the compiled programme show the same
                                            observable behaviour with respect to a given semantics. Different forms
                                            of semantics of different features of programming languages will also be
                                            studied during the course. The Coq proof assistant is used to implement
                                            the semantics and check their properties.

                                            Nowadays, software security concerns all areas of our life: we interact
                                            with complex inter-connected software systems on a regular basis.
                                            Bugs or defects in these systems can have severe consequences. In
                                            this course, students learn about of the complexity of making secure
                                            software. The lectures cover various undefined and bugged behaviours
Software Security   Isabelle Puaut    5     in several languages, especially C. The danger of a hazardous memory
                                            manipulation is also studied. The course also sheds some light on the
                                            intricate relationship between the optimizer and some security-related
                                            code. Students will learn how to manage a security project, and deal with
                                            its complexity.

                                            The objective of this teaching unit is to present the fundamental concepts
                                            of operating systems (processes, synchronization, address spaces and
                                            paging, etc.) in system kernels. The lecture course will cover general
Operating Systems   Tristan Allard    5     implementation principles and hardware for efficient implementation
                                            (MMU, ISA for synchronisation and virtualisation) which are also covered
                                            in tutorials. At the end of this teaching unit, students will be able to carry
                                            out and sustain an operating system kernel.
Courses         Professors   ECTS                               Brief description

                                        In this course, we will develop the principles of: privacy; data protection;
     Privacy                      5     legal basis; privacy enhancing technologies; privacy by design; privacy
                                        assessment; and location privacy.

                                        This course unit provides a deeper understanding of business management
 Knowledge and                          fundamentals which specifically target the knowledge economy
Intangible Assets                 5     context. It focuses on intangible asset management within and between
Management (KNI)                        organizations, as well as the environment in which they develop.

                                        The objective of this course is to provide students with the skills to
                                        rigorously demonstrate properties related to programming languages
                                        and programmes written in these languages. Formal semantics allow the
    Business                            expected behaviour of a programme to be described in an unambiguous
Development Lab 2                       way. For example, it is possible to establish a compiler fix by proving that
     (BDL2)                             the source programme and the compiled programme show the same
                                        observable behaviour with respect to a given semantics. Different forms
                                        of semantics of different features of programming languages will also be
                                        studied during the course. The Coq proof assistant is used to implement
                                        the semantics and check their properties.
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