Culture Watch: Connecting The Third Sector With Culture - Lore Oxford 2018 - Media Trust

Page created by Shannon Ford
Culture Watch: Connecting The Third Sector With Culture - Lore Oxford 2018 - Media Trust
Culture Watch: Connecting The
Third Sector With Culture
Lore Oxford
Culture Watch: Connecting The Third Sector With Culture - Lore Oxford 2018 - Media Trust
Fast               Slow
Culture.           Culture.
  A summary of    A deep dive into a long-
 recent months.      term cultural shift.
Culture Watch: Connecting The Third Sector With Culture - Lore Oxford 2018 - Media Trust
Culture is what shapes the behavioural
  norms shared by a select group of

These are the things that are learned
   socially, rather than inherited
Culture Watch: Connecting The Third Sector With Culture - Lore Oxford 2018 - Media Trust
Culture was once largely
 shaped by geography.

  But digitisation has
created a global culture.
Culture Watch: Connecting The Third Sector With Culture - Lore Oxford 2018 - Media Trust
Importantly, some elements
 of culture move faster than
Culture Watch: Connecting The Third Sector With Culture - Lore Oxford 2018 - Media Trust
FAST              SLOW

       THE DRUM
Culture Watch: Connecting The Third Sector With Culture - Lore Oxford 2018 - Media Trust
In this presentation, we’ll give you an
 insight into fast culture that’s happening
 right now, and then a deep dive into one
element of slow(er) culture, as well as how
    these signals are impacting the third
Culture Watch: Connecting The Third Sector With Culture - Lore Oxford 2018 - Media Trust
Fast Culture.
      A summary of recent months.

Ariana Grande, Elon Musk and Rihanna’s
        latest business venture.
Culture Watch: Connecting The Third Sector With Culture - Lore Oxford 2018 - Media Trust
Following the ad, Nike’s shares
Nike partners with           fell 3.2%, before rising 5%
                                                (Nike, 2018)

Colin Kaepernick for
NFL opener ad, and
polarised responses
from both sides have
demonstrated the
publicity benefits of
courting controversy.
Culture Watch: Connecting The Third Sector With Culture - Lore Oxford 2018 - Media Trust

How can businesses assert
 which risks are the right
      risks to take?
Savage x
Fenty takes inclusivity
                to new

  SEP                                    OCT   NOV   DEC

                  Elon Musk is sued by
                  the SEC over Tesla

           Nike’s NFL ad
           receives huge
68% of Victoria’s Secret
Rihanna’s Savage x         customers say they like
Fenty FW18 show saw       the brand ‘less than they
                                            used to’
traditional size zeroes                 (Wells Fargo, 2017)

and pregnant women
model side-by-side,
setting a new bar for
female inclusivity that
looks alone.

 How can businesses challenge
even the most ingrained societal
Savage x                         A Star Is Born is
Fenty takes inclusivity                  released, reflecting
                to new                           the zeitgeist
               heights                    through the lens of
                                         a Hollywood classic

  SEP                                              OCT           NOV   DEC

                  Elon Musk is sued by
                  the SEC over Tesla

           Nike’s NFL ad
           receives huge
On its opening weekend in the US, A Star
A Star is Born is the                   Is Born made $42.6 million
                                                    (Box Office Mojo, 2018)

fourth remake of the
movie, pairing a
narrative as old as
Hollywood with
contemporary discourse
around fame and

 How can organisations
modernise existing brand
  narratives instead of
   writing new ones?
Savage x                         A Star Is Born is                                          Ariana Grande releases
Fenty takes inclusivity                  released, reflecting            Netflix launches The           ‘thank u, next’
                to new                           the zeitgeist            Chilling Adventures
               heights                    through the lens of                     of Sabrina to
                                         a Hollywood classic                      rave reviews

  SEP                                              OCT                                            NOV                            DEC

                  Elon Musk is sued by
                  the SEC over Tesla

           Nike’s NFL ad
           receives huge                                          The US midterms see
           kick-back                                             diversity prevail among
                                                                         elected officials
The track is the fastest song on
Ariana Grande launched        record to break 100 million streams
                                                        on Spotify
single ‘thank u, next’ as                                (Spotify, 2018)

an ode to her exes, and
by tapping into a relatable
has captured the
heart of the

How can organisations amplify
  emotional stories across
     multiple channels?
A quarter of Oxford colleges
Following the launch of     didn’t admit a single black
                           student in at least one year
his scholarship for           between 2015 and 2017
Cambridge University,
                                        (Oxford University, 2018)

Stormzy claim Oxford
turned down his offer,
demonstrating the
growing role of star
power in socio-
political narratives.

How can organisations capitalise
 on the fame of those who share
  their values for an authentic
Savage x                         A Star Is Born is                                          Ariana Grande releases
Fenty takes inclusivity                  released, reflecting            Netflix launches The           ‘thank u, next’
                to new                           the zeitgeist            Chilling Adventures
               heights                    through the lens of                     of Sabrina to
                                         a Hollywood classic                      rave reviews                           The world’s biggest ever ocean
                                                                                                                         clean-up begins, designed to
                                                                                                                         clean up 1.8 trillion pieces of

  SEP                                              OCT                                            NOV                                              DEC

                  Elon Musk is sued by                                                                                           EU Leaders
                  the SEC over Tesla                                                                                             finalise Brexit
                  tweets                                                                                                         deal

           Nike’s NFL ad                                                                                 Stormzy accuses
           receives huge                                          The US midterms see                    Oxford University of
           kick-back                                             diversity prevail among                 turning down his
                                                                         elected officials               scholarship offer
1                    2                 3                4                 5
    RISKY                HIGHER             RETRO             OMNI            SHARED
   BUSINESS               BARS             FUTURES          CHANNEL           VALUES

   Take risks –          Challenge         Don’t write      Tap into the    Capitalise on
but ensure they’re     even the most       new brand         emotional        the fame
        the          ingrained societal    narratives,     experiences        of those
    right risks        assumptions         modernise      across multiple    who share
      to take                             existing ones      channels       your values
Slow Culture.
 A deep dive into long-term cultural shifts.

What’s shaped the way Gen Z understand
cool, and what does it mean for the third
Hang on.
Who are Gen Z?
Importantly, they’re an increasingly
powerful consumer group – not just
for brands, but for the third sector in
But big charity is losing
relevance with this generation
      of philanthropists.
What’s shaped the way Gen Z
 understand cool, and what
        does it mean
    for the third sector?
The way Gen Z experiences
     cool is fundamentally
different to prior generations.
The cultural factors
        shaping cool...

       1                     2                 3
     Teens and            Teens and         Teens and
   young adults          young adults      young adults
  aren’t rebelling       are suffering      are playing
like this age group   with mental health   with identity
      used to.              issues.           online.
Teens today are the least likely
to work, drive, date, drink alcohol,
go out without their parents and to
             have sex.
Rebellion is still happening, but
       in different ways.
But in
2018, offline
 comes with
 higher risks
How has this changed
 perceptions of cool?
Among a risk-averse generation,
        getting ahead
   is more important than
    getting your drink on.
Gen Zers are notorious over-
       achievers, who
want businesses to help them
        be their best.
The cultural factors
        shaping cool...

       1                     2                 3
     Teens and            Teens and         Teens and
   young adults          young adults      young adults
  aren’t rebelling       are suffering      are playing
like this age group   with mental health   with identity
      used to.              issues.           online.
They’re constantly comparing
   themselves to others.
Social interactions have become
And mental
health issues
 are spiking.
How has this changed
 perceptions of cool?
Being emotionally available is
 increasingly championed as
  something that’s brave and
 empathy is considered cool.
Gen Zers consider it cool to
care, and want businesses to
make their causes culturally
The cultural factors
        shaping cool...

       1                     2                 3
     Teens and            Teens and         Teens and
   young adults          young adults      young adults
  aren’t rebelling       are suffering      are playing
like this age group   with mental health   with identity
      used to.              issues.           online.
For young people today,
 identity is more fluid.
  trialling different
        ‘versions’ of
themselves in the
     public sphere.
And so performing no longer
means sacrificing authenticity.

 Being yourself is now cool.
It’s about existing as an ‘authentic’
   individual within multiple more
             fluid tribes.
Gen Zers love organisations
  that let them make their
 mark, and can be used as
    markers of identity.
Radical Monarchs
‘Bring It On’ (2017)
To recap
        1                       2                    3
Before, going against      Before, being            Before,
the system was cool,    unapproachable was       being part of
now having your life        cool, now           something was
 together is cool...      demonstrating        cool, now being
                         empathy is cool...   yourself is cool...

  … so encourage         … so encourage         … so support
    them to be           the idea that it’s    them in telling
    their best.            cool to care.        their stories.
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