Foróige's NFTE Programme - Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship Working towards achieving - National Youth Council of Ireland

Page created by Leslie Townsend
Foróige's NFTE Programme - Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship Working towards achieving - National Youth Council of Ireland
Foróige’s NFTE Programme
Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship

 Working towards achieving
   Outcome 4: Economic
  Security and Opportunity
Foróige's NFTE Programme - Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship Working towards achieving - National Youth Council of Ireland
History of NFTE

Foróige's NFTE Programme - Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship Working towards achieving - National Youth Council of Ireland
NFTE Global Locations

Foróige's NFTE Programme - Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship Working towards achieving - National Youth Council of Ireland
Where we are in Ireland

NFTE in Ireland

• NFTE Ireland is an all-island

• 100 CETs (Teachers &
  Youth Workers) & 200
  Business Mentors are
  involved in the programme

Foróige's NFTE Programme - Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship Working towards achieving - National Youth Council of Ireland
NFTE at a glance

•Over 9, 000 young people participated since 2004

•Currently 1,000 young people engaged annually

•70 sites / 16 Counties

•€250K turnover by 600 NFTE businesses in
2014/ 2015
Foróige's NFTE Programme - Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship Working towards achieving - National Youth Council of Ireland
Rationale for
                   Entrepreneurship Education
People must believe that they can achieve a particular goal before
trying to accomplish it (Krueger, NF 2000)

• Provides a positive method of intervention to young people trapped
  behind barriers of social, economic and educational exclusion.

• By unleashing the innate spirit, using interactive experiential forms
  of teaching, learning and connecting the classroom with the
  workplace entrepreneurship education may be a factor in helping
  keep young people in school.

• It teaches young people about financial independence.

• Instils a fundamental life skill, they learn to invest in themselves and
  know they have options and to take responsibility for their futures.
Foróige's NFTE Programme - Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship Working towards achieving - National Youth Council of Ireland
Video 1

Foróige's NFTE Programme - Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship Working towards achieving - National Youth Council of Ireland
NFTE Ireland

Mission: NFTE Ireland teaches entrepreneurship to young people in
  disadvantaged communities to enhance their economic productivity
  by improving their business, academic and life skills.

Our Objectives: NFTE Ireland is committed to changing the lives of
  young people who live in low income communities by:

• Increasing school completion, college attendance and career

• Developing students interest in business to become future
  entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs

• Building self confidence and interpersonal skills

• Increasing Career aspiration                                   8
Foróige's NFTE Programme - Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship Working towards achieving - National Youth Council of Ireland
NFTE Programme
On completing the programme the desired outcomes
for the participants are that they will be able to:

•Develop and sell a product based on market research.
•Develop the skills required in setting up their own
business such as communication skills, marketing, sales,
leadership and customer relations.
•Demonstrate the ability to keep accurate records for their
•Have the self- belief to carry their intention in to action.
•Develop a vision for their future.
•Demonstrate improved self- esteem, confidence and
interpersonal skills.
Foróige's NFTE Programme - Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship Working towards achieving - National Youth Council of Ireland
How does NFTE

• Manualised programme open to all 12 – 18 year olds in formal and non
formal education settings
• Train the trainer two day training programme – NFTE University
• Students are given a seed grant of €15 to start a business
• Supported by volunteers from the business community
• Students must operate a business including trading
• Students meet entrepreneurs and partake in sales events
• On completion students present their business plan to a panel of judges
• Business Plan competitions, National, International & European
• Culminates in the Youth Entrepreneurship Graduation & Awards
• Alumni Group / Summer Biz Camps / Scholarship
To graduate from
Students must:
    • Complete NFTE Curriculum
    • Come up with a business idea and sell their
    • Develop their business plan and pitch their business
      idea to a panel of judges
    • Winners recognized at the “NFTE All Island Youth
      Entrepreneur Awards”
NFTE Students can compete in the International NFTE
• Annual NFTE Global Awards, New York, March 2016.
• European Business Plan Competition, Brussels October 2015.

                  Video 2


NFTE is proven to*:

•   NFTE students’ interest in attending college increased 32% over
    the course of the program (compared to a 17% decrease for the
    control group of non-NFTE students)

•   Occupational aspirations among NFTE students increased 44%
    (compared to only a 10% increase for non-NFTE students)

•   Leadership behaviour among NFTE students increased 8.5% as
    starters/founders of activities and 13.2% as leaders (compared
    to a 2.4% decrease and a 6.2% increase for non-NFTE
    students, respectively)
                      Harvard Graduate School of Education (2002-2004)

NFTE is proven to*:

•   83% of NFTE alumni want to start their own business
    (compared to 57% of the control group).

•   36% of NFTE alumni have actually started a business
    (compared to 9% for the control group).

•   95% of alumni report that NFTE improved their business skills
    and knowledge and 99% of them would recommend the
    program to others.
                                           Koch Foundation (1998-99)

NFTE is proven to*:

•   Business knowledge increased 62% among NFTE students
    (compared to 3% of the control group)

•   In a follow-up survey of alumni 70% were in post-secondary
    education, 43% had part-time jobs, and 20% had full-time jobs.

                             Brandeis University (1993-97 and 2006-08)
NFTE Research
Small qualitative research piece conducted in 2012 with Trinity
College. Results highlighted an:

-   Increase in accountancy abilities
-   Increased desire to study accountancy
-   Option for the future - Entrepreneurship

Creating   their own business increased:
- Their    level of responsibility and independence
- Their    ability to be in control
- Their    sense of independence from the acquisition of money

The study highlighted that NFTE assisted them to develop their inner
  strengths and abilities that empowered them to take control of
             their lives and unlock their potential.
NFTE in Reports

OECD Document 2010 & 2012 ‘Shooting for the Moon: Good
Practice in Local Youth Entrepreneurship Support and a 2nd report
Local Job Creation it was cited again as an example of:
Created a culture of entrepreneurship
Creation of further employment opportunities in the local area
Allowed interaction with local businesses

European Network of Youth Employment 2012 identified the
NFTE Programme as a best practice programme. Programme was
presented to their dissemination conference in Cyprus organised by
the Ministry of Labour, ESF Unit.

Irish Government Report on Entrepreneurship Forum 2014 re:
Entrepreneurship In Ireland identified the programme as best

• Funding

• Group dynamic
Any Questions on the NFTE

Potential that the National
              Youth Strategy might
                 provide to NFTE

 Objective 7: ‘Young people are better able to
   participate in the labour market through
enhanced employability skills that complement
formal learning and training qualifications and
       entrepreneurship opportunities.’

Potential that the National
               Youth Strategy might
                  provide to NFTE
• Government Policy

• Recognition of Youth Work Sector

• Government/Public Body engagement

• Funding lines

How can the strategy support
you in achieving Outcome 4:
  Economic Security and

Objectives for Outcome 4:
                 Economic Security and
Objective 7: Young people are better able to
participate in the labour market through
enhanced employability skills that complement
formal learning and training qualifications and
entrepreneurship opportunities.

Objective 8: Young people are a particular
focus in policies that address social inclusion
and poverty.
Discussion Points – Group
• Is your organisation/project currently working in the area of youth
  employment, employability, entrepreneurship etc.

• If no, do you see potential for your organisation to work in this
  area-what would be the biggest challenges?

• If yes, what has been your experience to date?

• Do you think the NYS and in particular the actions in Outcome 4
  provide an opportunity for your organisation/project to work in this

• What practical actions will you take arising from the NYS document?
Conclusions from

Bronagh Conlon
 NFTE Project Officer, Foróige
      Mobile: 086-4127319

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