Covid-19 protocols St Margaret's College

Page created by Ken Smith
Covid-19 protocols St Margaret's College
St Margaret’s College
Covid-19 protocols
February 2022
Updated 14 February 2022
SMC at Red
Vaccination Status
Onset of Symptoms
What Will Happen if a Case is Confirmed at SMC?
Contact Management
Education while Self-isolating
Further Information
SMC at Orange
SMC at Green
Key Contacts

The following protocols are based on Ministry      updates or changes to these protocols via:
of Education (MoE) regulations and guidance,
which apply to both independent and state
                                                   Canterbury is currently operating at Red under
schools. St Margaret’s College’s (SMC) focus
                                                   the Covid Protection Framework.
remains on keeping our students, staff and wider
community safe and we continue to monitor          Students and staff are asked to stay at home
closely changes to MoE rules and guidelines. We    if they feel unwell. Student absences can be
will contact families in response to significant   recorded via our website, or the College app.
SMC at Red
For students with complex medical needs,
advice should be sought from a health
professional about whether it is appropriate to
come to school. In such cases, SMC will work with
parents and caregivers and the student to develop
a plan to support attendance on site.

Face masks
› Face coverings are now required to be face
  masks that loop around the ears or the head,
  rather than scarves or bandanas. Medical-grade
  masks are recommended for students and are
  required to be worn by staff.
› Face masks are mandatory for all staff and
  visitors in an indoor setting on campus.
› Face masks are required of all students from
  Year 4 upwards when indoors or in close
  contact with others. The only exception to this
  is for children and staff in the Pre-School, and
  students and staff for classes Year 0-3.
› Face masks are required to be worn by students
  Year 4 and above on school transport.
› Face masks are also required to be worn by all
  students, staff and visitors to Maggie’s Shop
  and Café.
› If your daughter has an exemption from
  wearing a face mask, please contact her head of
  school (please see Key Contacts)
We ask that students, staff and visitors supply
their own face masks.

Physical distancing
› Beyond classroom groupings, physical
  distancing of 1-metre when indoors will be
  observed wherever practicable.
› Preferably, only one family member should
  approach the College gates to drop off or collect
  their daughter.

Track and trace
› All visitors to campus are required to scan the QR
  code or complete a physical record at Reception.
› Where practical, seating maps are in place in
  class to assist with contact tracing.
Access to campus                                      Physical distance is not possible in some sporting
                                                      and performing arts activities. In these situations,
› Non-essential visitors are not permitted on         extra emphasis is placed on handwashing and
  site, including parents and students from other     drying (or cleansing with hand sanitiser) before
  schools, during school hours.                       and after activities.
› Families are required to drop their daughter at
  the College gate and should not come inside         Events and gatherings
  unless absolutely necessary (for example to         Student activities
  settle their child if they are distressed). If
                                                      › Large activities with students will be unable to
  parents do come inside, they must wash their
                                                        go ahead, unless held outdoors.
  hands, or use the hand sanitiser at the
  entranceway, and keep a 2-metre distance from       › Seating in the cafeteria will be reduced to
  all other students and staff. The duration of         mimimise congestion, and students will be
  their stay should be limited to that which is         encouraged to eat outdoors.
  necessary.                                          › Chapel and assembly will be hosted online via
› Essential visitors are permitted on site by           livestream during Red. Select groups of
  appointment only.                                     students may be invited to attend in person.

› Staff such as itinerant music teachers and relief   Community activities
  teachers can only work across different schools     Events that do not involve students are permitted
  if they are fully immunised and wearing face        to go ahead under the Red traffic light.
  masks. These conditions are met at SMC.
                                                      › Controlled-access events, involving ticketing or
                                                        pre-registration will operate as My Vaccine Pass
Hygiene and ventilation                                 events, for all attendees, for up to 100 people
Government recommendations for good hygiene             in a defined space, based on 1-metre social
practices are:                                          distancing. Guests are required to be seated
                                                        when food and drink is served, but it is possible
› to regularly wash and thoroughly dry hands or         to move around when not being served or
  use hand sanitiser                                    eating. Mask wearing is encouraged. Examples
› to sneeze and cough into your elbow                   of such an event would include a regional
                                                        community event.
› to keep a distance from people you do not know
                                                      › Gatherings will operate as a My Vaccine Pass
› to stay home and get a test if you have cold, flu     event, for up to 100 people in a defined space,
  or Covid-19 symptoms.                                 based on 1-metre social distancing. Examples of
In addition, SMC will:                                  a gathering would include a Parents and Friends
                                                        Association meeting.
› Clean or disinfect shared surfaces often. We will
  be continuing to clean high-use and high-traffic    Education outside the classroom
  areas multiple times during the school day with     Education outside the classroom (EOTC)
  hospital grade disinfectant.                        activities can go ahead, depending on the
› Maintain well ventilated classrooms to support      protocols of the EOTC provider. SMC will ensure
  positive engagement and minimise the                that the following steps are taken:
  transmission of illnesses. Air quality was well     › a record is kept of attendees and those on site
  considered in the design of our campus                for contact tracing
  facilities, with CO2 monitors, automatic fans
                                                      › good hygiene systems and systems for
  and vents in many of the buildings. In all areas,
                                                        managing illness are in place
  where appropriate, we will open windows, doors
  and vents to promote cross flow of air and avoid    › children are overseen by staff and adult
  stagnant air.                                         volunteers, and prevented from close
                                                        interaction with other groups at the venue.
Under Red, and in addition to the above hygiene
measures, exercising, singing and the playing of      Please see Vaccination Status for further
woodwind instruments will take place outdoors.        information.
Vaccination Status
Staff and volunteers: Only fully vaccinated staff,    Red. In the limited circumstances in which they
support people and volunteers can have contact        are permitted onto campus under the Red traffic
with children and students, and are required to       light, parents and caregivers are not required
update SMC with their vaccination status, with        to present their vaccine passport on arrival on
information recorded on an on-site register. All      campus, where they are supporting their child’s
SMC staff are fully vaccinated.                       learning, for example parent teacher interviews,
                                                      tutor interviews.
Students: There is no segregation during
a regular school day of vaccinated and                Parent and community events, performances and
unvaccinated students. The Ministry of                sports fixtures at SMC will be run as My Vaccine
Education does not allow students to be denied        Passport events, under the Red traffic light, and
access to education based on their vaccination        attendees will be required to present their vaccine
status, including by private schools. This includes   passport on arrival on campus (please see Events
access to boarding houses, all school transport       and Gatherings for further details).
services and After School and Holiday programmes.
                                                      Other visitors: All other visitors on campus
However, students over the age of 12 years and 3      by prior arrangement, and who will come into
months will require proof of vaccination for many     contact with students, must present their vaccine
externally-run co-curricular activities, including    passport at Reception on arrival.
School Sport NZ, School Sport Canterbury, Big
                                                      Maggie’s Shop and Café
Sing, Showquest, and Eco-Action planting events.
                                                      Entry to Maggie’s Shop will be controlled to
Students over the age of 12 years and 3 months        minimise congestion. Vaccine passports will not
are also likely to be required to have a My Vaccine   be required to access uniform and school supplies.
Pass for a number of camps and EOTC venues.
                                                      Customers wishing to enjoy a table at the Cafe
Alternative arrangements will be made on
                                                      will be required to wear a mask and show their
campus for students not able to participate in
                                                      vaccine passport. Takeaway and outdoor service
these excursions.
                                                      will be available without a vaccine passport.
Parents and caregivers: No non-essential
visitors are permitted on the College campus at

Onset of Symptoms
It is critical that any student or staff member       student will use the phone provided in the isolated
remains at home if they are feeling unwell and        area to consult with the nurse, who will view
exhibiting any symptoms associated with               them through a glass window.
                                                      The nurse will contact parents or caregivers to
Staff will be monitoring for symptoms amongst         collect their daughter as soon as possible, while
students on their arrival to school.                  the student waits in isolation. Parents are asked
                                                      to wait outside when collecting their daughter,
Middle and Senior School students with cold-like
                                                      using the Papanui Road gate.
symptoms consistent with Covid-19 will be sent
directly to the Nurse’s Station, located at the       Students seeking a consultation with the nurse
Papanui Road gate, using an entrance specified        and who do not have symptoms consistent with
for Covid-19 symptoms. Staff will notify the nurse    Covid-19 will enter the nurse’s station via
to expect the student. On arrival at the nurse’s      a separate entrance and will be seen by the nurse
station for students with flu-like symptoms, the      as usual.
Any of our younger students exhibiting cold and
flu-like symptoms will be catered for safely in the
                                                        Common symptoms
Pre-School or Junior School until a parent or           of Covid-19
caregiver can collect them.                             According to the Ministry of Health, common
Students with symptoms consistent with                  symptoms of Covid-19 are like those found with
Covid-19, or their parents or caregivers acting on      illnesses such as a cold or influenza and may
their behalf, are required to contact Healthline on     include one or more of the following:
0800 611 116 or their GP for further advice.            ›   new or worsening cough
Should a student or staff member test positive for      ›   sneezing and runny nose
Covid-19, contact tracing registers will be in place    ›   fever
to identify contacts (please see What will happen       ›   temporary loss of smell or altered sense of taste.
if a case is confirmed at SMC?).

Face masks are not required to be worn by               Boarders are able to travel between the boarding
boarders when inside the Boading Houses.                houses and their family home unrestricted.
Physical distancing is not a requirement; however       If a boarder is taken ill while on campus, parents
a 1-metre distance is recommended wherever              or caregivers will be contacted and the student
practicable when inside, particularly between adults.   will be placed into one of the isolation rooms set
Essential visitors onsite should keep a 2-metre         aside in the boarding houses, and parent/staff
distance from others, wherever practicable.             will seek medical advice through Healthline or
Families will need to drop their child off at the       a GP. The student will be tested for Covid-19 if
entrance to the Boarding house, and preferably          recommended to do so. Cases in boarding houses
just one family member will be present. They            will be managed directly by public health.
should remain outside if possible. If they do come      Contact tracing registers, including our visitor
inside, they will need to wash their hands (hand        register, will be in place to identify which
sanitiser at the entranceway) and keep a distance       boarders and staff were on site at the time
of 2-metres from all other boarders and staff. The      a confirmed case was in the boarding house
duration of their stay should be limited to only        (please see What will happen if a case is
that which is necessary.                                confirmed at SMC?).
What Will Happen if a Case
is Confirmed at SMC?
Based on Information available as of                  of interaction these people may have had with
24 January 2022 and awaiting further                  the Covid-19 case, contacts are categorised based
guidance from MoE.                                    on their level and duration of exposure (Close,
                                                      Casual Plus and Casual (please see Identification
Even though we are a highly vaccinated region,
and public health measures mean that the risk of
transmission is reduced, Covid-19 can still spread    It is not expected that St Margaret’s College will
in our communities.                                   have full visibility of all interactions within the
                                                      College environment, instead we will be expected
The Government intends for schools to remain
                                                      to focus on indoor settings where any contact
open when a case has been identified as               was in close proximity to the case for an extended
infectious while in attendance. The focus will        period of time. In these higher risk settings and
be on case and contact management, refined to         places (e.g. classrooms, staffrooms, offices), we
reflect the infection risk. The management of         can more easily identify who was there and when.
contacts will take into account their vaccination
status, but this will not be publicly communicated.
                                                      a positive case
When someone is a Covid-19 positive case, their
infectious period is assumed to be from 48 hours
before the onset of symptoms until medical            Should a positive case arise at SMC, we will be in
clearance (at least 10 days quarantine for fully      touch with all families, as well as any members
vaccinated). If a case is asymptomatic, they will     of our community recently on campus, to inform
generally be assumed infectious from 48 hours         them. Close contacts will also be contacted
before the initial test.                              directly, and advice will be provided to them by
People who have come into contact with a case         the National Investigation and Tracing Centre
are considered ‘contacts’. Depending on the type      (NITC) (please see Contact Management below).

Close Contact                                         Casual Contact
› Direct contact with respiratory secretions          › Large indoor settings (e.g. gymnasium, Chapel/
  (e.g. contact sports, sneezing)                       Auditorium)
› Indoor close-range contact in a small space         › No close-range contact in a well ventilated
  for more than 15 minutes with no face mask            indoor space for up to 2 hours (e.g. classroom,
  worn by the positive case (e.g. within 1.5m of        offices)
  case in a classroom, sharing a table, playing
                                                      › Brief indoor contact (e.g. passing in the
  closely together)
                                                        corridor, sharing an elevator)
› Indoor, non face-to-face contact in a moderate
                                                      › Contact in outdoor spaces for any duration of
  sized space for more than 1 hour with no face
                                                        time (e.g. playground, non-contact sports)
  mask worn by the positive case and without
  good airflow                                        › Interactions as above for under 2 hours and
                                                        with a face mask worn by the positive case.
› Interactions as above for more than 2 hours and
  with a face mask worn by the positive case.
Contact Management
Close Contact                                          › Get an additional test immediately if symptoms
                                                         develop at any time during the 10 days. Stay
All Close Contacts will be provided advice by            at home until negative test result AND until 24
the National Investigation and Tracing Centre            hours after symptoms resolve
(the NITC), including receiving a release
                                                       › Ensure that unvaccinated household members,
communication once their final required
                                                         including children/tamariki, stay at home until
negative test result has been returned.
                                                         the Close Contact receives a negative day 5 test
If a student or a staff member receives
                                                       Household contacts are managed by public
a Bluetooth notification from the NZ COVID
                                                       health, and must follow the advice provided by
Tracer App indicating that they are a contact
                                                       public health authorities.
of a case, they automatically are categorised
as a Close Contact.
Close contacts must:                                   Casual Contacts
› Self-isolate at home for 10 days post exposure,      Casual contacts must:
  test immediately and on days 5 and 8 post
  exposure                                             › Watch for symptoms for 10 days and if any
                                                         develop, get tested immediately and stay at
› Continue to isolate at home until negative day
                                                         home/keep child at home until 24 hours after
  8 test result received AND 10 days has passed
                                                         symptoms resolve
  since exposure
› Be advised by public health when they can            › If you do not have any COVID-19 symptoms,
  return to school / kura, and return to normal life     you can continue to attend school.

Education while self-isolating
SMC remains committed to putting the teaching          learning via Google Classroom. Senior and Middle
and learning and the wellbeing of our girls at the     School students will remain in contact with their
centre of our decision making. Students who are        Tutor and Tutor Group, and Junior School
required to self-isolate or stay at home, but who      students with their homeroom teacher. All
are not unwell, will continue with their studies       students will be able to join events such as
remotely, and will be supported in their distanced     assemblies and chapels remotely.

Further information
We continue to follow closely changes to the  We will
Ministry of Health’s rules, guidelines and             use these questions to inform further updates for
advice, and will alert families to changes to          our SMC community.
these protocols via email and our fortnightly
                                                       On the pages that follow, we have included for
College newsletter.
                                                       reference an overview of how we will operate
Please be in touch with any questions by emailing      under the Orange and Green traffic lights.
SMC at Orange
Face masks
› Face masks are encouraged, but not required,
  in an indoor setting at school for students and
› Face masks are required to be worn by
  students aged 12 and over on public transport
  and school transport.
› Face masks are also required to be worn by
  all students, staff and visitors to Maggie’s Shop
  and Café.
› All parents, caregivers, whānau, and other
  visitors to campus are encouraged to wear face
  masks on site.
Physical distancing                                    Curriculum-related events
                                                       › Vaccination passports are not required
› Physical distancing for staff and students is
  encouraged, but not a requirement.                   › Events involving only SMC students on
                                                         campus will take place in well-ventilated areas,
› Parents and caregivers dropping off or picking
                                                         or outdoors. SMC will continue to livestream
  up students before and after school are
                                                         assemblies, with the Senior, Middle and Junior
  encouraged to keep 2-metres distant from
                                                         schools taking it in turns to attend in person.
  others, and to wear a face mask. Controlled
  access to the Pre-School and Junior School will      › Events involving only SMC students, but taking
  continue while at Orange.                              place off-site, will be governed by requirements
                                                         set by the venue provider.
Track and trace                                        › For events involving students from other
› All visitors to campus are required to scan the        schools, physical distancing of 1-metre will be
  QR code or complete a physical record                  observed wherever practical.
  at Reception.                                        › Visitors are permitted to attend curriculum-
› We also ask that visitors keep a record of where       related events, provided they are attending to
  on campus they have been during their visit, in        receive or provide education services, and are
  order to assist with contact tracing for any cases     encouraged to wear a face mask.
  in our community.                                    › Careful consideration will be given to whether
                                                         activities are required to support the
Access to campus                                         curriculum before going ahead.

› Staff are able to work across more than one          Non-curriculum related events
  group/class of students and across different         › Non-curriculum related events should be
  schools.                                               limited and can only go ahead if a vaccination
certificate is required for participants 12 years    › Gatherings do not require tickets or
 and 3 months and older.                                registration, and can go ahead for up to 50
› Inter-school activities including sports events       people without a vaccine passport being
  are treated as non-curriculum events, and are         required, provided a 1-metre distancing in
  governed by the rules for events and gatherings.     a single defined indoor or outdoor space can be
                                                       provided. Face masks are encouraged for
› Events will operate as vaccine passport events
                                                       indoor settings.
  for all attendees, with the exception of children
  under the age of 12 and three months. There is      › Gatherings of more than 50 people will operate
  no limit on the number of people who can              as a My Vaccine Pass event. Face masks for
  attend. Face masks are encouraged.                    indoor gatherings are required.

SMC at Green
Face masks
› Face masks are recommended for students,
  staff and visitors, but are not required.

Physical distancing
› Physical distancing for staff and students is
  encouraged, but not a requirement.

Track and trace
› All visitors to campus are required to scan the
  QR code or complete a physical record
  at Reception.
› Open movement across the College.

› Hygiene measures continue as under the
  Orange traffic light.

› Curriculum-related events may go ahead.
› All other events, run as My Vaccine Pass events
  may go ahead, with no limit on numbers.
Key Contacts
If you need to contact a staff member, the email
structure is:

Support contacts                                   School contacts
                                                   Executive Principal – Mrs Patchett
School Nurse
                                                   Associate Principal – Ms Nairn
School Counsellors
                                                   Pre-School Director – Mrs Bradley
                                                   Head of Junior School – Mrs Compton-Moen
Y7 & 8 – Miss Lloyd                                Head of Middle School – Ms Gray       
Y9 – Dr Hickford                                   Head of Senior School – Ms Evans     
Y10 – Ms Harrison                                  Deputy Head of Middle School – Ms Williams    
Y11 – Mrs MacDonald                                Deputy Head of Senior School (Pastoral Care              & Experience) – Mr Evans
Y12 – Mrs Price                          
Y13 – Mrs Vesty
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