Costa Cálida Chronicle - Poppy Appeal Feature on p6 - Costa Cálida Chronicle

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Costa Cálida Chronicle - Poppy Appeal Feature on p6 - Costa Cálida Chronicle
Costa Cálida Chronicle
 Costa Cálida Chronicle - November 2020

FF                            Established in 1999
RR                                  Date: November 2020
                                         Issue: 252
EE                                      Volume: XXI


                 Poppy Appeal 2020
                                     Feature on p6

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Costa Cálida Chronicle - Poppy Appeal Feature on p6 - Costa Cálida Chronicle
Costa Cálida Chronicle - November 2020

         Dear Readers                             businesses know the importance
                                                  of advertising during these difficult
         What a fabulous response we have
         had this year to our Royal British
         Legion Poppy Appeal. Thank you
                                                  times.    Our    Supporting   Local
                                                  Businesses has been a tremendous
                                                  success, so when thinking of buying
                                                                                            THANK YOU
         to all our loyal advertisers who have    present for friends and family, why
                                                                                             TO OUR
         once again donated. See pages 6          not consider a Gift Voucher from
         & 7 for information of how you can       one of the many local businesses?
         also support this very worthwhile        These make ideal Christmas or
         We would like to say a special
                                                  birthday presents as the recipient
                                                  can then choose exactly what they
         ‘Thank You’ to all of our contributors   like or need.
         who send us articles each and every                                              Andy Hurrell - Disease
                                                  Once again we would like to
         month. There is so much to read in       welcome new advertisers:                Management
         this month’s magazine that there
         must be something for everyone!          Welcome                                 George Mitchell - Never a
         Although we are an advertising                                                   Dull Moment
         magazine and it is this that pays for    Camposol British Butcher
                                                                                          Jane Cronin - Learning
         the magazine, we make sure that          Concept Doors                           Spanish
         there is plenty to read and plenty of
         information every month!                 Greenfield Gardening                    Keith Littlewood - Finance
         We look forward to better times          Professional Electrician/Painter        Martin Freeman -
         when Mike Smith can restart his                                                  Renewable Energy
         articles on cruising. Thank you Mike     Rosy’s Cleaning Services
         for all your articles over the last                                              Martin O'Hanlon - Birding
                                                  Welcome Back
         couple of years.                                                                 in Murcia
                                                  Auna Solicitors
         It is obvious that the Costa Cálida                                              Mike Smith - Cruising with
         Chronicle has an extremely large         Cash Cash Cash                          Mike Smith
         readership and we appreciate             La Chara Restaurante                    Rainbow Satellites - TV
         feedback from anywhere in the
         world. We know that we have              Locomurcia                              News
         readers as far afield as Russia and                                              Sara Millbank - Ma
         the USA and we thank Kelly from          Restaurante Gran Mundo
                                                                                          Millbank/Sara's Travel Blog
         New York for her email (page 12)
         regarding Disease Management by                                                  Silvana Buxton - News
         Andy Hurrell.                            Stay safe and well,                     From Your Councillor
         Our ‘new normal’ which seems to be       From us all at the                      Think Spain - Spanish
         going on and on has affected many                                                News
         businesses, but the professional         Costa Cálida Chronicle

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Costa Cálida Chronicle - November 2020

             Special Pages                                Ladies Chatterbox                80
             Healthy and Beauty
             Northwest Murcia
             Poppy Appeal 2020
                                                          Los Palacious Gardening & Community
                                                          Sector C Greenfingers
             South East Murcia              20-23
                                                          Health and Beauty
                                                          Dealing with Health Issues       64/66
             South Murcia                   30-37
                                                          Information                                Sales & Marketing - 619 199 407
             Sports                         72-77
                                                                                                     Eva - Sales Representative - 651 659 109
                                                          Birding in Murcia                10-11
             Supporting Local                                                                        Patti Benn - Editor - 646 005 017
             Businesses                     38-41         Northwest Murcia
                                                          Local Information                     46   Fran Addison - Graphic Design
             What’s On                      68-71
                                                          South East Murcia
             Aditorial                                                                               Martine Shindler - Office Manager
                                                          Local Information                     22
             ASSSA Insurance                   65                                                    & Customer Services - 618 451 798
                                                          South Murcia Local Information        37
             Cambridge Weight Plan            62                                           
                                                          Renewable Energy                      18
             Energy Nordic                    52                                           
                                                          TV News                                8
             Freesol                           18                                          
             Sell4LessSpain                    28
                                                          Camposol Reading Group                34   Our office address is:
             Sooty & Son                      78
                                                          Cruising with Mike Smith              12   Calle Jara,
             Top2Toe                           63
                                                          Walkers Around Rural Murcia           44   Camposol B,
             XLR Radio                        42                                                     Mazarrón,
                                                          News                -
             Around the World                                                                        Murcia 30875
                                                          News from your Councillor             32
             Never a Dull Moment            26-27                                                    FIND US INSIDE ANOTHER WORLD
                                                          Spanish News                          86
             Sara’s Travel Blog               60                                                     PROPERTIES ON CAMPOSOL B.
             Charity                                                                                 Office Opening hours:
                                                          Mass in English                       16
             Age Concern Costa Calida         36
                                                                                                     Tuesday 10am-2pm
                                                          Olive Branch Christian                     Wednesday 1.30pm-5.30pm
             Andrea’s Animal Rescue           24          Fellowship                            80
                                                                                                     Thursday 10am-12pm (by appointment
             Cavalli Foundation               56          Open Door                             28
             FAST                             30          Puerto Lumbreras Christian                 Payments can also be made in our office on
                                                          Fellowship                            14
             Forget Me Not                    31                                                     Monday-Friday 10am - 5pm (4pm - Friday)
                                                          Rios de Vida                          42
             Friends of Mazarron Animals      31                                                     If you would like to place an advertisement
                                                          Salt Church                           23   or write an article to be included in the
             Helping Hands                    50
                                                          St Nicholas Ecumenical Church         25   Costa Cálida Chronicle, then please send it
             Los Infiernos                    20
             Making a Difference              32
                                                          The Rockin Vicar                      45   to us
                                                          Welcome House                         45   To our advertisers.
             MAMAS                            35
                                                          Wellspring Victory Church             54   If you have sent an email to the CCC and
             Noah’s ARC                       36
                                                                                                     NOT received any acknowledgement then
             Pets in Spain                    21                                                     you can assume that we have not received
                                                          Camposol Golf                         72
             Education                                                                               it.
                                                          Formula 1                             77
             Jane Cronin’s “Step by Step                                                             In line with our customer service policy we
             Spanish”                         14          Fuente Old Guard Golf Society         73   always reply to every email even if it is just
             Finance                                      Los Amigos Golf                       74   a short note to say “got it”.
             Financial Advice                 16          Los Amigos de Mazarron FC             76
             Food and Drink                               Los Reyes Golf			                     75
             Ma Milbank’s Kitchen             58          Mazarron Bowls                   47-75
             Groups                                       Straight Down The Middle              73
             Camposol B Clean                 33
                                                                                                         Costa Calida Chronicle
                                                       Price List - All Prices are excluding IVA

                                Full Page           Half Page         Quarter Page         Medium                Small           Business Card

      Size of advert         19cm wide      x 19cm wide         x 9,3cm wide         x 12,6cm wide x 6,25cm wide x 9,3cm wide                     x
                             26,5 cm high     13,1cm high         13,1cm high          8,7cm high or 8,7cm high    5cm high
                                                                                       6,25 wide x 17,5
                                                                                       cm high
      Full Colour            250,00€          135,00€               85,00€             75,00€             45,00€                40,00€

                         To advertise with us contact Sales on 619 199 407 or email us on
    Whilst the CCC are happy to accept monthly reports from the various organizations in the area, the articles printed are not necessarily
    the opinions of the editor or publisher and the contents should be viewed as a guideline only. Professional advice should be sought
    to cover any information printed therein. Advertisements and reports are not formally endorsed by the CCC. We cannot accept
    responsibility for advertisers’ works, service or goods. The publishers endeavour to ensure the contents are correct, but cannot accept
    responsibility for the effects of errors or omissions.

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Costa Cálida Chronicle - November 2020

Poppy Appeal 2020 Launched In                 contributing to the Poppy Appeal              Drums.
Spain                                         wherever and however you can.                 You can find details of how to contact
In bright autumn sunshine, the 2020           In our short Act of Remembrance in the        us on our website (http://counties.
Poppy Appeal Launch took place on             Oscar Esplá Amphitheatre, wreaths were
16th October.                                 laid by:                                      north), where you can also find details of
As usual, it was held in Benidorm, but        • Brigadier Lisa Keetley, the senior          how we may be able to help you if you
owing to current restrictions, instead        Army officer in Spain, currently serving      need our support.
of the usual Parade of Standards and          in the NATO Rapid Deployable Corps            We also have a GO FUND ME PAGE
speeches, it was marked by holding a          Headquarters in Valencia.                     for this year’s Poppy Appeal https://
shorter ceremony behind closed doors.         • Mrs Sara Munsterhjelm, British Vice
The current situation doesn’t mean that       Consul in Alicante and Mr Jim Thomson,        district-north-spain.
The Royal British Legion in Spain has         Chairman of Benidorm Branch of The            Every cent or euro you can spare really
closed down. Far from it! We have been        Royal British Legion                          counts and makes a huge difference to
busier than ever supporting veterans          • Don Antonio Pérez, Mayor of Benidorm        the lives of veterans old and young here in
and their families who find themselves in     and Mr Don Cubbon, Chairman of District       Spain and their families, so thank you once
need.                                         North Spain of The Royal British Legion       again for your generosity in supporting
The money donated, either throughout the                                                    them through the Poppy Appeal 2020.
                                              The Trumpet Player was Mr Alwyn
year or now during Remembrancetide,           Pollendine of The Royal British Legion        For anyone requiring assistance from
is vital to that effort. The money raised     Band, Spain and our Piper was Mr              The Royal British Legion Spain (North)
is spent here in Spain on caring for          Donald Mark of the Torrevieja Pipes and       please contact The District Community
our beneficiaries, so please continue                                                       Support Officer Pam Twissell-Cross.

Despite COVID-19, the RBL is working          from    family,   facing     homelessness,    support the Poppy Appeal during these
hard with volunteers to ensure that the       struggling to feed their children and those   difficult times.
nation comes together to show its support     who are in financial crisis.                  There are various ways in which you can
for our Armed Forces Community during         The Poppy Appeal needs you!                   support the Poppy Appeal from your
this year’s Poppy Appeal.                                                                   own home:
                                              There are exciting and easy things you
Due to COVID restrictions, this year will     can do to fundraise and support your          The Poppy Shop at https://www.
be different from other years and the RBL     local Poppy Appeal during these difficult has an extensive
will be calling on the public to still take   times, from baking 11 cupcakes, doing         range of products, from iconic Poppy
part and wear their Poppies with pride        a sponsored run, knit 11 poppies for 11       pins and jewellery, to clothing, scarves,
to make sure the Poppy Appeal is as           friends – the choices are endless! Many       stationery, homeware and everything in
successful as always.                         events that would normally have taken         between.
There will be more ways than ever before      place in October and November, have had       100% of the profits from the Poppy Shop
for people to support the Poppy Appeal,       to be cancelled due to social distancing      go to the RBL. By shopping online at the
some of which are new for 2020. These         measures. You could choose to run, jog        Poppy Shop during the Poppy Appeal
will include buying a Poppy in your local     or walk and maybe take your four-legged       2020, you are helping us to provide
supermarket or wherever you can, making       friend along too. You could run in a park     vital services and support, from expert
donations online, supporting the Costa        after work, run around town during the        guidance and advice, to recovery and
Cálida Chronicle Poppy Appeal and             weekend, or spend time on a treadmill         rehabilitation.
doing your own fundraising with family        in the morning. Get family and friends
and friends.                                  involved and raise funds to ensure no-        The RBL is registered with the Fundraising
                                              one who has served in the forces is           Regulator and complies with the key
The Poppy Appeal was founded to help                                                        principles embodied in their Fundraising
those in need following a National Crisis.    disadvantaged because of the sacrifices
                                              they have made. You will be joining a         Promise.
The RBL is helping those who are isolated
                                              community of runners doing their part to

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Costa Cálida Chronicle - November 2020

The Poppy Appeal has        The day before he wrote     Society
been going for nearly 100   “In Flanders Fields”, one   Furniture Plus
years as we have been       of John’s closest friends   Greenfingers
fighting for the Armed      was killed and buried in
                                                        Healthy H20
Forces community. The       a grave decorated with
RBL has worked tirelessly   only a simple wooden        HR Insurance
to ensure that those who    cross. Wild Poppies were    IBEX
have served and made        already blooming between    Iphones
sacrifices for us, along    the crosses that marked
                                                        Jim Scott (on behalf of B
with their families, are    the graves of those who     Clean)
being looked after, no      were killed in battle.
matter what challenges      Unable to help his friend
the country faces.          or other fallen soldiers,   Ken Sherwood

No one should have          John McCrae gave them a     Kevins Flyscreens
to walk the road to         voice through In Flanders   Kruger Canopies
recovery alone.             Fields.                     Kwikfix
Together we are             The Costa Cálida            Locksmith Murcia
unstoppable.                Chronicle has been
                                                        Los Amigos Golf Society
                            supporting the RBL
In Flanders Fields          Poppy Appeal for a          Los Palacios Gardening Group
by John McCrae              number of years and         Los Reyes Golf
In Flanders fields the      have raised in excess of    Mass in English
Poppies blow                12,000€ over this time.     Mazarron Bowls
                            We would like to thank
Between the crosses, row    the following advertisers
                                                        MCC Golf
on row,                     and groups for supporting   Olive Branch Christian
That mark our place: and                                Fellowship
                            our RBL Poppy Appeal
in the sky                  2020:                       Open Door
The larks, still bravely    247Locksmithspain’          PALS
singing, fly                Airpark Murcia              Paul the Plumber
Scarce heard amid the       Another World Properties    Pinturas Acosta
guns below.                               Prime Property
We are the Dead. Short                    Puerto Lumbreras Church
days ago                    Bolnuevo Cars Rainbow Satellites
We lived, felt dawn, saw    Camposol Cleaning Co        Rhys Brightman
sunset glow,                Camposol Golf			            Salt Church
Loved, and were loved,      Camposol Property Sales     Silvana Buxton - Councillor
and now we lie                                          for Camposol
                            Car Registrations Spain
In Flanders fields.                     Solar Light Centre
Take up our quarrel with                Sooty & Son
the foe:                    CHM			      St Nicholas Church
To you from failing hands   Colour Glass Tint		         Straight Down The Middle
we throw                    Cruising with Mike Smith    Golf

The torch; be yours to      Currencies Direct		         The Rockin Vicar
hold it high.               Curtain Call		              The Salon
If ye break faith with us   Dragon Build		              The Tech Shop
who die                     Energy Nordic		             Top2Toe
WE SHALL NOT SLEEP,         Eriks			                    Watermaid
THOUGH POPPIES              Free Sol			                 Welcome House
GROW                        Friends of FAST		           XLR Radio
IN FLANDERS FIELDS.         Fuente Old Guards Golf                               Costa Cálida Chronicle Sales 619 199 407   7
Costa Cálida Chronicle - Poppy Appeal Feature on p6 - Costa Cálida Chronicle
Costa Cálida Chronicle - November 2020

Regular readers will know we help run          rescan – you will find it in the TV ‘menu’   on the internet system, so initially most
Friends of Mazarrón Animals and we             and if you do not get your Spanish TV        internet companies could not cope and
often foster dogs before finding them a        back then contact us and we will sort it     Internet TV got a really bad name as
forever home. Last month we told you           for you. Many people get Spanish TV          being unreliable when it was often not
about Conchita, collected as just skin         installed to assist them with learning       the TV system but the internet that
and bones – almost starved to death            the language, but I found the speaking       was ‘bad’. Most internet providers have
in a kennel, but now 6 weeks on she is         just too quick and you cannot say “What      realized that Internet TV is here to stay
fully fit and a very ‘naughty girl’ – just     did you say? Please repeat!” However         and resolved most of the issues, but some
loving life, food and people. Still a little   there is a way to assist you learning the    have still not. Ask Rainbow Satellites for
food possessive, but then under the            lingo - record a daily soap, (everyday       the best ISP in your area for watching
circumstances wouldn’t you be? Then            language with pictures to match), then       TV. We have clients on every one of them
along came Ben, thick with fleas, ticks,       watch it recorded and you can rewind as      and we know the ones that work and the
worms and leishmania. Taking him to the        necessary until you can say the sentence     ones that struggle. Internet speed is an
vet I thought he was going to have to be       and understand it. Friends of mine only      easy test to do on your internet supply
put to sleep, but for all his problems his     used this method to learn Spanish and are    and it is a good initial indicator of your
organs had not failed. We decided to give      now fluent - although I am a failure even    incoming supply, but it is not, by many
him a chance. Firstly our resident dog,        after 22 years here, but I remember I        factors, the only criteria that will affect
Ruben, was taken to the vet and he gave        was always bottom of the class in French     viewing and the ISP’s know this, but
Ben a blood transfusion, then we started       at school, so maybe languages are not        very often will not admit it. So many
Ben on treatment for his ailments and          one of my skills!                            time we hear “Well the download speed
a week later he is well on the mend. We                                                     is 30 mbs – what more can we do?” when
have a long way to go - his skin is in a       Internet TV (IPTV) has advanced              the TV viewing is hopeless due to the
very bad condition, but I think we will get    tremendously since its inception just a      supplier having a routing problem.
there and find him a forever home soon.        few years ago and most of the providers
                                               have now really stable reliable TV           If you are having Internet TV viewing
Can you foster?                                systems. However, not all Internet           issues, contact Rainbow Satellites who
                                               Providers have progressed as much as         can sometimes assist you with your
Are you looking for a permanent                others.                                      ISP. If you have had a bad experience
dog?                                                                                        of Internet TV in the past give Rainbow
                                               Internet TV put tremendous demands                   Satellites a try at showing you
Contact us and we may be able
to help.                                                                                            today’s standards and letting you
                                                                                                    run a box at home for a week free
Please adopt - don’t shop.                                                                          of charge.
TV News                                                                                             More TV news in December.
Any of you who watch Spanish                                                                        Rainbow Satellites SL - the
TV may have had some problems                                                                       company for all your TV needs in
recently.   There    have    been                                                                   the Murcia region of Spain.
major changes to the channel
frequencies and strengths; well                                                                     For free friendly advice on any TV
publicized in the Spanish press,                                                                    issue:
but most of us do not read the                                                            
Spanish Newspapers.         At a
minimum, you will need to rescan                                                                    Tel (0034) 686 358 475
the TV to get the new frequencies
for the channels and at worst                                                             
you will need a new antenna                                                                         Find us (and like us!) on Facebook.
for the weaker signals. Try a

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Costa Cálida Chronicle - November 2020

 A little over three years ago, I wrote      citrus, olive and almond fields,         over pebbles to find small insects
 my first article for the Costa Cálida       steppes, reservoirs, the River Segura    which may be hiding underneath;
 Chronicle and since then I must have        and of course a longish coastline with   hence their name. All three will only
 mentioned a lot of species of birds. I      associated wetlands and salt pans.       be found in specific habitats where
 haven’t kept count, but it did get me                                                their specialist needs can be met.
                                             Three examples of specialist birds
 wondering about how many species
                                             that have specific requirements
 have been recorded in the region, so
                                             are: Crossbills (Loxia Curvirostra),
 a bit of research was called for.
                                             Lesser Short-Toed Larks (Calandrella
 Fortunately, an official checklist of the   Rufescens) and Ruddy Turnstone
 birds of Murcia has been correlated by      (Arenaria Interpres).
 the University of Murcia (in Spanish)
 and is available on the internet. It
 was last published in 2017, so is
 fairly recent. The previous list was
 published in the 1980’s and included
 71 less species; a quite remarkable
 difference. The authors of the more                                                        Female Lesser Kestrel
 recent document credit the change to
 the increase in more knowledgeable                                                   Secondly, our climate is Mediterranean
 birders who have recorded and                                                        and suits many summer visitors which
 shared their observations, rather                                                    spend the winter in Africa. Not all of
 than a flush of new species. Also,                                                   them will travel to northern Europe,
 in the intervening years there have                   Male Crossbill                 for example: Lesser Kestrels (Falco
 been a number of organised surveys                                                   Naumanni), Red-Rumped Swallows
                                             A Crossbill is a type of Finch which
 that have provided more information.                                                 (Cecropis     Daurica)    and   Rollers
                                             has a specially adapted beak that
 I think it is interesting to note that                                               (Coracius Garrulous). Likewise, many
                                             enables it to feed on pine cones,
 there were very few active birders                                                   Northern-European birds are happy
                                             so it will require large areas of pine
 here 30 to 40 years ago, so it is                                                    to avoid the long flight back to Africa
 encouraging to see the rising interest                                               and will spend the winter here in our
 in bird-watching.                                                                    more temperate climate. Amongst
                                                                                      these are: Black Redstarts (Colirrojo
 How many species have been
                                                                                      Tizón), Bluethroats (Luscinia Svecica),
 recorded in Murcia?
                                                                                      Chiffchaffs (Phylloscopus Collybita)
 The answer in 2017 was 339. Since                                                    and Robins (Erithacus Rubecula).
 then there has been a further four                                                   Many thousands of these winter
 species recorded which will need                                                     visitors will have now arrived from
 to be added to the next list. That’s                                                 the North.
 not bad for such a small region that
 only forms a bit more than 2% of the
 country’s land mass. Evidently, 70%
 of the birds that are regularly seen in
 the whole of Spain can also be seen               Lesser Short-toed Lark
 here; a fact which seems pretty good        Lesser Short-Toed Larks are scarce
 to me.                                      residents that require low scrubby
                                             vegetation on sandy, clay or pebbly
 What makes our corner of Spain
                                             ground and are therefore found in
 so attractive to such a large
                                             steppe-like landscapes.
 number of species?
 I suppose the first answer is the
 variety of different habitats that are                                                      Red-rumped Swallow
 found in the area. Many birds are
 generalists that can live in a wide
 variety of places, but others are more
 specialist and require specific habitats
 which will provide an appropriate food
 We are lucky to have a bit of
                                                      Ruddy Turnstone
 everything in Murcia, so can cater
 for generalists and lots of specialists.    Ruddy Turnstones are wading birds,
 There are high mountain ranges that         but unlike other waders, don’t have
 go up to 2,000mtr above sea level,          long legs and beaks or feed on                          Roller
 forested hillsides, semi-deserts, dry       mudflats. Instead they require rocky
 ramblas with high cliffs, rice fields,      shorelines where they feed by turning                      Continued on page 11

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Costa Cálida Chronicle - November 2020

Continued from page 10                     in 1995 and another from Isla Grosa       Some of these ‘exotics’ will die out
                                           in 2012. It is anybody’s guess how        naturally, but others have started to
                                           they got here. However, this ‘vagrant’    create small breeding communities in
                                           Dove is now breeding successfully in      various areas of the region and may
                                           a small area in the province of Sevilla   in time be adopted onto the official
                                           and maybe we are seeing the start of      list:
                                           it colonising Southern Spain.

            Blue Throat
Thirdly, the fact that we are on a
migration route brings many ‘passage
migrants’ as they pass through on                                                          Rose-Ringed Parakeets
their much longer journeys. Some will
stay a while to re-fuel, whilst others                                               Rose-Ringed Parakeets (Psittacula
may arrive and depart on the same                    Laughing Dove                   Kramer) are already breeding in small
day. Last month, birds like Honey                                                    pockets in our coastal regions.
Buzzards (Pernis Apivorus), Northern       The nature of ‘vagrants’ is that they
                                                                                     The Mexican House Finch (Carpodacus
Wheatears (Oenanthe Oenanthe),             are unusual and surprising and the
                                                                                     Mexicanus) is expanding its population
Whinchats (Saxicola Rubetra) and           following two are definitely in that
                                                                                     in the city of Murcia.
Tawny Pipits (Anthus Campestris)           category:
were being seen here as they travelled                                               Various species of Waxbills can now
                                           In 2002 a group of eighteen White
through our region.                                                                  be seen along some stretches of the
                                           Pelicans (Pelecanus Onocrotalus)
                                                                                     River Segura.
                                           were seen offshore at Cabo Cope, but
                                           where they came from is a mystery         Murcia is not necessarily recognised
                                           because the nearest populations are       in the birding world as a hot-spot
                                           a long way South in Africa or possibly    in comparison with better known
                                           Greece, Turkey or the Danube Delta.       areas of Spain such as Extremadura
                                                                                     and parts of Andalucía. However, it
                                           A Belted Kingfisher (Megaceryle
                                                                                     is undoubtedly blessed with a wide
                                           Alcyon) was an even more spectacular
                                                                                     range of habitats and an amazingly
                                           record as it would have come all the
                                                                                     rich birdlife of 343 different species
                                           way from North America to spend a
                                                                                     that includes residents, summer and
                                           few weeks by the Mar Menor at the
                                                                                     winter visitors, passage migrants and
                                           Rambla de Albujón. It must have
  Juvenile Northern Wheatear                                                         ‘vagrants’, plus another 31 exotic
                                           heard it was a good holiday spot!
                                                                                     species. It is a hidden gem for birders
Lastly, we seem to collect a fair number   Our geography and climate provides        and naturalists; well at least in my
of unpredictable visitors, which in        us with a rich birdlife of 343 species,   mind!
birding parlance, are called ‘vagrants’.   but it doesn’t stop there. There are
                                                                                     If any-one wishes to comment or
These are birds that in normal             a further 31 birds that have been
                                                                                     has a query, please contact me on
circumstances should never be seen         recorded here, but they are
                                           considered ‘exotic’ because they     
here, but turn up unexpectedly for a
variety of strange reasons that don’t      haven’t     occurred
always have a rational explanation. It     naturally. In most
is believed that some just set off on      cases they will be
their migration in the wrong direction     family pets that
because their internal compasses are       have         escaped
faulty. For example, some Siberian         and managed to
song birds, which normally winter          survive in the wild
in South-East Asia, instead of going       for a period of time.
East and then South on their normal        There     are     also
route, will turn West and end up in        people who keep a
the wrong place. Others may find           whole     menagerie
their journeys disrupted by sudden         of    exotic    birds
storms and get blown completely off-       and animals and
course. If this happens over the sea       undoubtedly some
it can be fatal unless they achieve a      will have originated
fortuitous landfall, or as occasionally    from           these
happens, they collapse on a boat and       sources.       Other
hitch a ride to the next port of call.     individuals will be
                                           deliberate releases
If enough of these ‘vagrants’ arrive       into the wild such
at a new location, it can prove to be      as Japanese Quail
the start of a new colonisation. One       and Pheasants to
‘vagrant’ on the Murcia checklist          satisfy the desires
is a Laughing Dove (Spilopelia             of    the    hunting
Senegalensis). This is normally            community        and
resident in Africa, the Middle East and    also sadly, people
the Indian sub-continent. However,         release unwanted
there are two records of them being        pets.
seen in Murcia; one from Cartagena                            Costa Cálida Chronicle Sales 619 199 407                  11
Costa Cálida Chronicle - November 2020

 This is probably the last ‘Cruising’ article                                                        ownership or sadly be scrapped.
 by Mike Smith for a few months due to the                                                           Under the circumstance of there being no,
 current crisis, meaning that these fabulous                                                         or little, cruising to report, sadly I will hold
 cruise ships are not allowed to sail.                                                               off future contributions to the Costa Cálida
 Waiting expectantly for the market to re-                                                           Chronicle until the market recommences. I
 open, many cruise ships are anchored or                                                             thank all the staff of our favourite magazine
 moored alongside in various ports around                                                            for their assistance in publishing my reports
 the world, all manned with skeleton crews                                                           and their readership for their support.
 to continue essential on-board maintenance.                                                         Hopefully it will not be too long before I can
 Two new ships have joined their respective                                                          re-commence my articles and support the
 fleets - one being ‘Iona’ for P & O and                                                             stunning cruise liners as they call once again
 the other, ‘Spirit of Adventure’ for Saga                                                           into Cartagena.
 Cruises. Both operators with ‘newbuilds’                                                            Mike Smith
 and a number of other lines with orders are                                                         Here are three pictures of popular P & O
 either put on hold, or are continuing but with                                                      ships that visited during 2019 -
 delivery dates delayed.
                                                                                                     ‘Arcadia’, ‘Aurora’ and ‘Britannia’.

                                                  The other thing to report is that a number
                                                  of cruise ships are changing ownership,
                                                  but many previously well known within
                                                  the industry are being scrapped. The sad
                                                  sight of these in line on a beach in Turkey,
                                                  literally being torn apart, is very distressing.
                                                  The majority proceed to this one region
                                                  under their own power, are anchored off
                                                  and ultimately, where possible, are literally
                                                  driven ‘full speed’ onto the beach facilities
                                                  for scrapping.
                                                  When the market is expected to re-
                                                  open, many more ships will either change

 Dear Editor                                      the share price for
                                                  their Big Pharma
 I just wanted to thank you for
                                                  investors. Doctors
 publishing the article by Andrew
                                                  who disagree with
 Hurrell. His writing merits high praise.
                                                  the World Health
 It is clear, concise, and incredibly
 insightful. Mere words cannot convey
                                                  about     how    to
 how refreshing it was to read such
                                                  treat disease (eg
 truths in a magazine these days.
                                                  COVID-19),      are
 His article has led me to try to figure          getting censored
 out how to educate myself and take               or de-licensed.
 back control over the health for myself
                                                  It is truly up
 and my family. I think he’s correct
                                                  to us to take
 about the distinction between trauma-
                                                  responsibility for
 care and care for diseases. Maybe it’s
                                                  our own health and
 different in Spain, but doctors here in
                                                  Andrew’s     series
 the US, are apparently not allowed to
                                                  of articles are a
 cure anything. They don’t even really
                                                  wonderful      step
 examine us – just run tests, look on
                                                  in that direction.
 their computer for instructions and
                                                  His     generosity
 write prescriptions. We are no longer
                                                  in   offering    to
 humans, just cattle (‘disease vectors’)
                                                  help anyone who
 who need to be herded into accepting
                                                  emails him really
 a permanent (and ever-growing)
                                                  touched me.
 prescription dependency. Prescription
 drugs cure nothing and cause more                I    am   eagerly
 symptoms, but mainly serve to raise              awaiting his next
                                                  Best regards,
                                                  Rochester, NY

12                                         Costa Cálida Chronicle Sales 619 199 407
Costa Cálida Chronicle - November 2020   Costa Cálida Chronicle Sales 619 199 407   13
Costa Cálida Chronicle - November 2020

 Whenever we talk about Spanish verbs we        verb as well!                                  volvía a casa para comer. La verdad
 always say that the personal pronouns (yo,                                                    es que nunca comía muy bien y mi
 tú, él, ella, usted, nosotros, vosotros,       Comments like that usually make students       madre se enfadaba mucho conmigo.
 ellos) are very often not used in standard     throw up their hands in horror and say:        No veía mucha televisión porque
 sentences.     Their use is generally for      “How on earth are we supposed to know          había pocos programas para niños y
 extra emphasis, or contrast and also to        which one is which?”                           además pasaba mucho tiempo en la
 clear up ambiguity or misunderstanding.        The answer is always the same – the            calle.
 This can happen in the third person            context gives us 90% (or more) of the
 between él, ella and usted for example                                                        Mi padre trabajaba hasta tarde y
                                                clues. In the worst case of ambiguity          cuando volvía a casa por la noche
 and also usted is added at times to make       in a real life situation we could always
 an utterance sound more courteous.                                                            me sentaba con él para contarle mis
                                                find ways of clarifying who is meant, by       cosas.   Mientras tanto mi madre
 When it comes to the Past Continuous           pointing if necessary!                         recogía la cocina y preparaba todo
 Tense however, we find we have to say the      Here is a small sample of writing using the    para el día siguiente. Siempre iba
 first person singular pronoun yo a little      Past Continuous Tense which hopefully          a la cama a la misma hora y leía un
 more than usual for the simple reason          demonstrates how in most cases the sense       libro debajo de las mantas antes de
 that the form of the verb is exactly the       of the words indicates the identity of the     dormir. Mi hermana dormía en el
 same as in the third person singular. In       person once that has been established.         mismo dormitorio pero normalmente
 other words Hablaba con el vecino could                                                       no la oía entrar porque ya estaba
 mean ‘I was talking to the neighbour’, ‘He     Cuando yo era niña jugaba todos los            durmiendo profundamente.
 was talking to the neighbour’, or ‘She         días en el parque con mis amigas.
 was talking to the neighbour.’ Actually        Tenía un perro y me gustaba mucho              This is something for you to think about
 it can also mean ‘You were talking to the      andar con él a la playa. Mi madre              until next month when I will translate it
 neighbour’ using the usted form of the         cocinaba al mediodía y yo siempre              and pick up any details for comments.

                                                We can all be challenged in as much as the
 Can People Do This To Me??                     first command is “To love God with all our
                                                hearts, soul and mind” and the second “To
 We have been listening to teaching on
                                                love our neighbour as ourselves” Matthew
 Philippians 4 verse 9 “Whatever you have
                                                22 verse 37-39.
 learned or received or heard from me, or
 seen in me, put it into practice and the God   The BIG question is “Can people do this
 of peace will be with you”.                    to me?”
 A real challenge comes through this verse      What do they see or hear and what is deep
 that asks “Can people do this to me”? It’s     within our hearts when we think and speak
 a spiritual challenge to us who trust and      to and about people?
 believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as their      If you are a Christian and share the good
 Saviour because it comes from God through      news of Jesus’ death for us because of His
 his word The Bible and works in us by the      great mercy and love for us, do people see
 prompting of the Holy Spirit.                  His mercy and love in you?
                                                Are we the neighbour we should be?
                                                The challenge is HUGE in these present
                                                times when everyone as far as is humanly
                                                possible is avoiding their neighbour,
                                                keeping their distance and covering their
                                                What lies behind the ‘mask’ of each of us?
                                                At this moment in time we all need to have     “The good ‘neighbour’ shows the fruit of
                                                hope and the word of God gives hope to         the Holy Spirit Love, joy, peace, gentleness,
                                                those who put their trust in Jesus as their    kindness, goodness, patience, faithfulness
                                                personal Saviour and Lord. He promises:        and self-control, against such things there
                                                “I will never leave you nor forsake you”       is no law”; Gal 5 verse 22, so no restrictions.
                                                Hebrews 13 verse 5.                            How am I doing? How are you doing as a
                                                “Yea though I walk through the valley of the   ‘neighbour’?
                                                shadow of death. You (God) are with me”        The tell-tell sign will be “the knowing of
                                                Psalm 23.                                      God’s peace in these times.”
                                                Some ‘neighbours’ have gone through            Have you got it???
                                                the valley, some are still in it, but God’s    Paul and Sandra
                                                presence can be felt if we put into practice
                                                what we have learnt.                           Puerto Lumbreras Christian Fellowship
                                                                                               Tel 619 453 283

14                                     Costa Cálida Chronicle Sales 619 199 407
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Costa Cálida Chronicle - November 2020

 Roman Catholic Church:                         the close of a meditation spent in utter     deigns so lovingly to pardon the sins of
 We are in St Joseph’s Church (El               dryness, a word of comfort is given to       the Prodigal Son, be also just to me “Who
 Saladillo), near Camposol and Mazarrón         me: “Here is the Master I give thee. He      is always with Him”? (cf. Luke 15:31).
 Country Club urbanizations (exit 17,           will teach thee all that thou should do. I
 RM3 motorway).                                 wish thee to read in the Book of Life in
                                                which is contained the science of love. .
 Schedule of Masses:                            . .” The Science of Love! How sweetly do
 Saturday: Mass at 4:30 PM (in English).        these words echo in my soul! That science
                                                alone do I desire.
 Schedule of Confessions: Saturday from
 3.15pm-4.20pm. (Also on request).              To me, He has given His Infinite Mercy
                                                and it is in this ineffable mirror that I
 The Autobiography of Saint Thérèse of          contemplate His other attributes. Therein
 Lisieux (The Little Flower) - a Carmelite      all appear to me radiant with Love. His
 sister.                                        Justice, even more perhaps than the rest,
 I have never heard the Lord speak, yet I       seems to me to be clothed with Love.
 know He is within me. He is there, always      What joy to think that Our Lord is just;
 guiding and inspiring me; and just when I      that is to say, that He takes our weakness
 need them, lights, hitherto unseen, break      into account, that He knows perfectly the
 in. This is not as a rule during my prayers,   frailty of our nature! Of what, then, need
 but in the midst of my daily duties.           I be afraid?
 Sometimes, however, as this evening, at        Will not the God of Infinite Justice, Who

 Under The Taxman’s Radar?                      Financial Advice from a qualified            money to grow without annual taxes
                                                Financial Adviser that is based in           and one in which the Spanish taxes
 Many people have been trying get
                                                Spain – UK based Accountants and             are much lower on withdrawal than
 away with not declaring their taxes
                                                Financial Advisers will not be in a          a non-Spanish compliant product.
 properly in Spain.
                                                position to help you going into 2021.
                                                                                             In today’s financial climate it is
 The Hacienda can see you’re living
                                                The Hacienda also have the power             essential you do everything you can
 here by looking at your water
                                                to go back four years and request            to make sure your money is safe
 and electricity consumption, your
                                                tax payments and impose hefty                and secure and what you want to
 phone usage, cash withdrawals and
                                                penalties for non-payment of taxes.          transpire in the future has the best
 card spending, not to mention the
                                                                                             chance of happening.
 electronic passport controls now               You are generally a Spanish Tax
 operating in the UK and Spain. This            Resident if:                                 Blacktower
 is a lot of hard work and is why in
                                                •   You are living in Spain for 183          120 Avenida Dr. Artero Guirao 2C
 the past some people have managed
                                                    days per year
 to slip through the net.                                                                    San Pedro Del Pinatar
                                                •   You have your ‘centre of vital
 Since the beginning of this year the                                                        30740, Murcia
                                                    interests’ in Spain (home,
 Hacienda will have up-to-date data
                                                    spouse, children, main source of         Our office suite is easy to find on
 on every British Ex-pat who is living in
                                                    work etc’)                               the main N332 through road of San
 Spain. This will be provided by HMRC
                                                                                             Pedro del Pinatar with easy parking.
 who link it to your National Insurance         Some taxes are still due in the
 number, so slipping through the net            UK, ie. if you decide to retain a            If you want more information or
 is almost impossible. Add this to              UK property, or you have a Public            wish to make an appointment to
 the Common Reporting Standards                 Service Pension Scheme (Civil                discuss your own situation, please
 (CRS) that started 2 years ago and             Service, Armed Forces, etc). These           call 657 684 094 or email keith.
 you could find yourself in very dicey          fall into the Double Taxation Treaty
 territory if you do not get your tax           so they will be taken account of
                                                                                             Blacktower Financial
 affairs properly in order.                     when you complete your tax returns
                                                                                             Management (International)
                                                in Spain.
 You might be in the position where                                                          Limited is licensed by the
 your ‘hand has been forced’ due to the         If you are becoming a Spanish Tax            Gibraltar Financial Services
 Brexit situation. Many people have             Resident, talk to us asap. We will be        Commission. Licence
 spent most of their time in Spain and          able to give you some tips that will         00805B. Blacktower Financial
 done nothing about their tax affairs           help you avoid making very costly            Management Limited is
 and only now must become resident              mistakes.                                    authorised and regulated by the
 officially. Remember getting your                                                           Financial Conduct Authority in
                                                What we do is help you to find an
 TIE/residency is only the first step.                                                       the UK and is registered with
                                                Investment or Pension product
 Make sure you get both Tax Advice                                                           both the DGS and CNMV in
                                                that is as tax and cost efficient
 from a qualified Tax Adviser and                                                            Spain.
                                                as possible; one that allows your

16                                    Costa Cálida Chronicle Sales 619 199 407
Costa Cálida Chronicle - November 2020   Costa Cálida Chronicle Sales 619 199 407   17
Costa Cálida Chronicle - November 2020

 Spain’s Energy Transition                 has about 5 billion
                                           years left. You have
 Last month, Spanish Prime Minister
                                           probably used Solar
 Pedro Sanchez unveiled his plans
                                           Energy        already
 to boost the economy following the
                                           without      thinking
 COVID-19 crisis.
                                           about it to dry your
 As part of this, Spain wants to use       washing      outside.
 37% of the grants received from           However, there are
 the EU coronavirus recovery fund          various technologies
 for green investments and the             to capture the sun’s
 ecological transition to enable the       energy and these
 country to grow in a sustainable way.     can be used in a
 However, some business leaders have       variety of different
 expressed concerns about the risk         ways. Previously we
 that the recovery funds will fail to      have looked at the
 produce the desired effect if projects    differences between
 are not well chosen and run. Whilst       Solar Photovoltaic
 we wait for details of how Spain will     Systems         which
                                                                                      through the building, or to reflect the
 implement the plan to transition to       enable the generation of electricity
                                                                                      sun’s radiation instead of absorbing it
 Green Energy to be released, we           and Solar Thermal which can be
                                                                                      and reduce the amount of heat that
 don’t have to wait to start using the     used for domestic water heating
                                                                                      reaches the interior of the building.
 most abundant Renewable Energy            systems and Solar swimming pool
 source available today - Solar.           heating systems.                           Towns and cities can also be planned
                                                                                      to work with the natural climate and
 Solar Energy                              Solar Architecture
                                                                                      to reduce non-renewable energy
 As we have mentioned in previous          In addition to actively capturing and      usage.
 articles, Solar Energy is any type of     converting Solar Energy into another
                                                                                      In Murcia City this year some
 energy generated by the sun. It is        form of energy, it is also possible
                                                                                      24,000m² of a new kind of ‘cooling’
 considered a Renewable Energy as          to make use of Passive Solar
                                                                                      asphalt was laid which reflects the
 scientists believe that the sun is only   technologies which, for example,
                                                                                      heat and reduces the air temperature
 about halfway through its life and        take advantage of the natural climate
                                                                                      by 1.5°C and the surface temperature
                                                                   to         heat
                                                                                      by 10°C, compared with traditional
                                                                                      asphalt. This should deliver a 7%
                                                                   during      the
                                                                                      energy saving from refrigeration
                                                                   winter      and
                                                                                      units, such as air conditioners.
                                                                   reflect    heat
                                                                   during      the    Perhaps the government’s plans will
                                                                   summer.       It   come to fruition and the transition
                                                                   is     common      to Green Energy will not only help
                                                                   nowadays for       us to reduce our electricity bills and
                                                                   architects to      the effects of global warming, but will
                                                                   design      and    also contribute to Spain’s economic
                                                                   build homes        recovery.
                                                                   to make use
                                                                                      For more information on Renewable
                                                                   of the natural
                                                                                      Energy and how it can help improve
                                                                   h e a t i n g
                                                                                      your life, contact Free-Sol Solar at
                                                                   and     cooling
                                                                             or visit www.
                                                                   process      to
                                                                   distribute heat

18                               Costa Cálida Chronicle Sales 619 199 407
Costa Cálida Chronicle - November 2020   Costa Cálida Chronicle Sales 619 199 407   19
Costa Cálida Chronicle - November 2020

Including Balsicas, Cartagena, El Algar, La Union, La Manga, Los Alcazares,
                    Roldan, San Javier, Torre Pacheco,

                                              One special dog is called Kossi, a rescue
                                              from Spain who was trained to help detect
                                              cancer. Researchers found that the dogs
                                              can find COVID-19 disease five days before
                                              the patient shows any symptoms. Each
                                              passenger is invited into a private room
                                              where they use a wipe to dab their travel-
                                              sweaty selves and then drop the wipe in
                                              a metal canister. The dog’s trainer puts
                                              the can in a line-up with four others. The
                                              dog goes to work sniffing all five cans. If
                                              the dog makes a signal, like tapping the
                                              ground at the traveller’s sample, the dog
                                              gets a treat. The traveller gets directed
                                              to the airline’s health centre, where they
                                              receive a COVID-19 lab test for free. The
                                              dogs were able to detect the coronavirus
                                              with almost 100 % certainty.
                                              The professor who is leading the trial said
                                              “We know how dogs detect it; by smell, but
 Helsinki Airport in Finland has some         we have no clue what they detect yet. If
 new employees who started working in         we find this out, we can train thousands of
 September. They have a very important        dogs across the world.”
 job detecting travellers arriving who have   The possibilities are endless and it just
 COVID-19. They do this by their sense        goes to show the talents of our best friend.
 of smell and these amazing employees
 are dogs!                                    Dogs Available For Adoption
                                                                   Alfie - DOB 12/5/18
                                                                   is medium sized and
                                                                   very handsome. He           outside of Spain. One daily inexpensive pill
                                                                   loves spending time         allows him to lead a full life.
                                                                   with all the volunteers.
                                                                   Alfie is a little nervous   Our Calendars 2021 have arrived and are
                                                                   with some male dogs,        now on sale, full of lovely photos. Thanks to
                                                                   particularly if they are    the fantastic sponsors who have supported
                                                                   his size or bigger and      the calendar this year. They are available
                                                                   will need a little time     directly from the shelter for 5€ or in the
                                                                   to gain confidence.         UK £5 plus £1.20 P&P. Every penny raised
                                                                   Kennel life is starting     from the calendar goes back to supporting
                                                                   to affect him. He used      the dogs at Los Infiernos.
                                                                   to be chilled to walk,      Please contact the Perrera via Facebook
                                                                   but is starting to pull     Los Infiernos Perrera Supporters, or
                                                                   on the lead due to the      email
                                                                   excitement of being         Paypal donations can also be made to the
                                                                   free from the cage. He      email address.
                                                                   just needs his chance
                                                                   for a nice comfy bed to     Dog walkers are always needed.
                                                                   call his own and some       Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat mornings 9am-1pm.
                                                                   human companionship         No matter how little money and how
                                                                   and training.               few possessions you own, having a
                                                                   Cristo - DOB 26/6/17        dog makes you feel rich.
                                                                   is a beautiful and
                                                                   friendly big lad. He is
                                                                   a very well behaved
                                                                   Spanish Mastin who
                                                                   is happily sharing his
                                                                   cage with other males.
                                                                   Cristo is calm, docile
                                                                   and good natured.
                                                                   We really would love
                                                                   him to have a home
                                                                   as he needs regular
                                                                   cream on his eye to
                                                                   clear up an infection,
                                                                   but this is difficult
                                                                   in the overcrowded
                                                                   shelter. Cristo has
                                                                   tested     positive    to
                                                                   Leishmaniasis so he is
                                                                   unable to be adopted

20                                     Costa Cálida Chronicle Sales 619 199 407
Costa Cálida Chronicle - November 2020

From last month’s edition Sabrina,     is a good                                af fec ti-
Polly, Freddie and Louis were all      h u n t e r                              onate.
adopted.                               so    would                              For more
Lia         is                         make      a                              inform-
around       3                         good Finca                               a t i o n
years     old                          cat, but he                              on any
and      was                           also loves                               of    the
rescued                                his   home                               above
from      the                          comforts                                 p e t s ,
s t r e e t s                          a    n    d                              please
with her 3                             cuddles. He                              call 645
kittens last                           is chipped                               4 6 9
month. She                             a    n    d                              253.
is a loving,                           neutered.
gentle cat                             Nala is a 2 year old house cat. She is
and      just                          good with children
wants a lap                            and dogs. Nala is
to curl up on. Lia is sterilised and   sterilised, in good
vaccinated.                            health and very
Smidge is around 10 months
old. She is a fluffy, lovable
cat and is sterilised. Smidge
is good with other cats and
Morrissey is 6 years old. He
is a big, friendly boy who is
good with other cats, dogs
and children. Morrissey                       Costa Cálida Chronicle Sales 619 199 407   21
Costa Cálida Chronicle - November 2020

 Local Information                                    houses of geishas, transvestite actors with a          event, with the collaboration of the Cartagena
 South East Murcia including Cartagena and            female role in the theatre, romantic moments in        City Council, has decided to maintain the plenary
 Mar Menor                                            nature, intimacy at home and sensuality in love.       sessions through UNED technology.
 Due to the restrictions for COVID-19, many           Open                                                   Juan Diego Celdrán Madrid, Secretary of
 of the usual events in the area have been            Tues-Fri 5pm-8pm                                       Congress, has indicated that the online option
 cancelled or changed. Street Markets have            Exhibition - The End Of A Civilization by              guarantees and motivation. From the UNED
 been reinstated with the usual conditions            Fernando Peñalva at Archaeological Museum of           headquarters in Cartagena, technology will be
 such as keeping social distancing and the            Cartagena (until 10th January 2021)                    implemented so that the congress is developed
 wearing of masks. Please adhere to these                                                                    as the institution’s own course.
                                                      The exhibition brings together about 20
 conditions for everyone’s safety. Check at           archaeological drawings by the artist Fernando         From the Cartagena City Council, with Carlos
 Tourist Offices to confirm that events are           Peñalva, describing in detail the beauty of a ruin     Piñana at the helm, everything has been easy,
 still taking place.                                  or a sculpture made in ancient times invarious         but the situation today requires new directions.
 Organised Tours                                      dimensions and techniques; watercolour, pencil,        During the congress, Carlos Ferrándiz, a
 The health and safety measures established           charcoal, wax etc; the relief of the Ara Pacis;        distinguished figure in ethnographic studies and
 by the health authorities for the prevention of      ruins of the Temple of Olympus; the bust of            organizer of the Trovo symposium in 1976 and
 COVID-19 must be respected. The minimum              Antinous, or Athena Leimna.                            the artists Pedro Cantares (trovero) and Paco
 safety distance must be maintained (2 metres)                                                               Pedreño (singer) were honoured.
 and a mask must be used, as well as disinfectant                                                            Participants will send their communications
                                                      Tues-Fri 10am-2pm & 5pm-8pm                            in a video that will be indexed on the UNED
 gels. During the visit, do not touch surfaces. If
 you sneeze or cough, do so on your elbow and         Sat & Sun 11am-2pm                                     platform and from there distributed among the
 discard the tissues once they have been used.        Closed Mondays & holidays                              congress registrants and the entire educational
 Physical contact with the guide is not allowed. If   Free admission                                         community.
 you have symptoms compatible with COVID-19           Exhibition - Photographic Exhibition at The            Registrations are reopened through the link on
 do not go to the tour. Avoid crowding and walking    Roman Theatre of Cartagena in Temporary                their website in the ‘assistance’ section
 in crowded places.                                   Exhibition Hall - Future Projects (until 28th          El Batel
 Cabo de Palos – Market Sun                           February 2021)                                         The Symphony Orchestra of the Region
 Cartagena – – Tel 968               The exhibition conveys the Museum’s journey            of Murcia (OSRM) will offer a new season
 128 800 – Market Wed                                 since its inauguration on July 11th 2008 and           from Thursday, November 12th. The concerts
 Exhibition - Etopeia In Brushstrokes by Rosa         future projects. The exhibition is divided into        will bring together some of the best soloists in
 Conesa from Cartagena at Ramón Alonso Luzzy          three thematic blocks:                                 the orchestra, as well as renowned musicians
 Cultural Centre (until 18th November)                Photographs; some from the Museum’s                    such as the pianist Joaquín Achúcarro or the
 A sample of portraits reflecting the feelings        photographic archive; others from Díaz Burgos,         violinist and conductor David Grimal. Tickets
 and thoughts that accompany the lives of the         José Albaladejo or José Gabriel Gómez the              for the concerts and the subscription, for the
 protagonists of the paintings through oil.           evolution of the Museum after its inauguration.        four scheduled concerts, can be purchased at
                                                      Future projects and the current state of               the box office of the auditorium and the Nuevo
 Open                                                                                                        Teatro Circo and on
 Mon-Fri 9am-9pm                                      knowledge of the post scaenam porticus.
                                                      This space is located at the back of the scenic        Thursday 12th November - Mario Calvo,
 Exhibition - Japanese Prints: The feminine in        building. One future project is to undertake the       main trombonist of OSRM will perform the
 ukiyo-e prints in the Bambara Gallery (until 27th    archaeological excavations of this space and its       ‘Concert for Trombone’, by the Danish
 November)                                            enhancement.                                           composer Launy Grondah l. The concert will
 A series of Japanese prints with scenes in the       Mural paintings carried out in the western             also include the ‘Symphony No. 3, Scottish’, by
                                                                              sector of the portico in       Felix Mendelsson, performed under the baton of
                                                                              2006, which revealed the       Virginia Martínez.
                                                                              existence of two rooms         Cartagena Jazz Festival
                                                                              that compartmentalized         The venues for this year’s Jazz Festival are:
                                                                              the     interior    gallery,   Nuevo Teatro Circo, the El Batel Auditorium and
                                                                              whose collapse levels          the Ramón Alonso Luzzy Cultural Centre. Due to
                                                                              presented a rich pictorial     the pandemic, street concerts will be replaced by
                                                                              programme.                     the ‘Jazz y Cañas’ programme. These will take
                                                                              Online Chess (until 28th       place on the Batel Wall Terrace on Saturdays at
                                                                              May 2021)                      noon with tables of 4, 3 and 2 people. There will
                                                                              ‘Chessline Cartagena’;         be no bar service.
                                                                              an online chess platform       Saturday 7th November - young Sevillian
                                                                              that under the slogan          María Yfeu, one of the most famous
                                                                              ‘Ajedrizate’ aims to serve     representatives of the new Flamenco Jazz.
                                                                              as an educational tool         Saturday 14th November – Antonio Lizana
                                                                              after school hours and         Saturday 21st November – Tito Ramirez
                                                                              to stimulate participation     The Nuevo Teatro Circo and El Batel started their
                                                                              of schools to set up a         celebrations on October 31st with the singer
                                                                              Municipal Chess League.        María José Llergo who received the Paco Martín
                                                                              The approximate cost is        award for the best artiste of global music 2020.
                                                                              15€.                           She also presented her first album ‘Sanación’.
                                                                              The       online      chess    Friday 6th November - live performance of
                                                                              platform ‘Chesslang’, will     Zenet
                                                                              enable both monitors
                                                                              and students to make           Saturday 7th November - the fresh and
                                                                              video calls with a shared      cosmopolitan band, representing the new
                                                                              chess board, as well           generation of Spanish jazz; PATAX presenting
                                                                              as options for different       the ‘Mayor of Culture’, Carlos Piñana.
                                                                              types of tournaments,          Friday 13th November, the festival continues
                                                                              online training and many       with two of the greatest musicians in this
                                                                              other activities.              country, Chicuelo and Marco Mezquida who
                                                                              There will be group            will present their album ‘No Hay Dos Sin Tres’,
                                                                              classes of 8-10 with           in which the percussionist Paco de Mode also
                                                                              specialized platforms to       participates.
                                                                              teach chess, for one hour      Saturday 14th November - virtuoso pianist
                                                                              a week divided by levels,      from Murcia, Abdón Alcaraz, accompanied by
                                                                              education and age.             one of the great musicians of the jazz scene in
                                                                              The         International      Spain, Javier Colina.
                                                                              Trovo Congress Moves           Friday 20th November - Chano Dominguez
                                                                              to the Web.                    accompanied by the singer Martirio. Together
                                                                              The event was going            they have united with the album ‘A Bola de Nieve’
                                                                              to    take      place    on    where they pay tribute to the Cuban composer
                                                                              November 5th, 6th              and singer.
                                                                              and 7th with more than         Saturday 21st November – closing night with
                                                                              twenty academics and           what is undoubtedly the most important jazz
                                                                              researchers in front of        voice in Spain, the Catalan singer Andrea Motis.
                                                                              about 100 attendees.           The Ramón Alonso Luzzy Cultural Centre will
                                                                              Given the development          host two concerts; jazz singer Sara Zamora
                                                                              of the health situation,       and the Cartagena musicians Pedro Nuñez
                                                                              the organization of the        Quintet.

22                                               Costa Cálida Chronicle Sales 619 199 407
Costa Cálida Chronicle - November 2020
At the Luzzy, on Wednesdays, there will also be a     Like ‘Othello’ by Ditirambo Producciones,           to wear a mask.
documentary film series.                              it is part of the events that the Cartagena City    San Javier –
The Jazz Festival will also feature the exhibition    Council has organized around the bicentennial of    san_javier/ - Tel 968 172 041 – Market Wed
‘Burnt Keys’ - the sound of 20th century              the death of Isidoro Máiquez. 9pm 7€                & Thurs
keyboards of electric pianos that belong to           Saturday 28th November – ‘El Secreto de             San Javier Squalos Rugby @ Rugby field, PDM
the private collection of Lucas Albaladejo            las Hadas’, a play designed for children where      Sports Ground
. Workshops for adults will also be launched          a magical world is explored full of creatures of    Men Tues & Thurs 8.30-10.30pm
together with the JAM School of Modern                wild beauty that are not governed by the rules of
Music.                                                humans. 7pm 5€                                      Women Tues & Thurs 10.00-11.30pm
Limited tickets from and            Capacity is reduced to 100 seats that               12-18yrs Tues & Thurs 7.30-9.00pm
on the El Batel and Nuevo Teatro Circo websites       will be assigned in order of arrival. Doors         6-10yrs Thurs 6pm-7pm & Sat 10am-11am
and ticket offices. El Algar Circo Polo Theatre       open 45mins before show. Tickets from               Every Monday - HAH Help at Home Table Top
of Reading, Thinking and Imagining/ the                               Sale @ La Zona Bar 10am-1pm
programming at the Archaeological Museum              La Union -             Every Monday – Friendship Group @ The
Thursday 5th November - The Compañía         - Tel 868 049                 Garden Bar & Lounge 11am
Lírica Española is in charge of reviving the          941/692 925 970 – Market Tues                       Santiago de Ribera – 968 571 704 - Market
‘Zarzuela’ with ‘Luna y Zarzuela’, a show             Los Alcazares – – Tel           Wed
where the most significant characters of the          968 575 756 - Market Tues & Sat Los Narejos         San     Pedro    del    Pinatar   –  www.
zarzuela meet, telling the relationship that the      Saturday 31st November – 1hr Boat Trip to  – Tel 968 182 301 –
moon with the lyrical genre. 9pm 7€                   Mar Menor from Los Alcázares Paseo en Barco.        Market Mon & Thurs Lo Pagan
Saturday 21st November & Friday 27th                  Departure 11am                                      Torre Pacheco – -
November - two of the most significant plays of       Booking at Tourist Office essential                 Tel 968 579 937 – Market Mon Roldan, Thurs
this summer in Cartagena: Isidoro Máiquez, ‘A                                                             Balsicas & Sat Dolores & Torre Pacheco
Statue Without Pigeons’ and ‘Othello’. The first is   Be at the departure point 15 minutes before. All
written and directed by Pedro Segura - the life       the security measures against COVID-19 are in
of the most important Cartagena actor unfolds.        place. Capacity reduced to 50%. It is mandatory

NOVEMBER 2020                                         pause, ponder and, for some, take time out to       grow old,
We will remember them…                                pray. These solemn acts transcend boundaries        Age shall not weary them, nor the years
This year has turned out very differently and         and borders. In themselves they are small acts,     condemn,
the COVID situation has continued for far             but carried out in conjunction with many            At the going down of the sun, and in the
longer than anyone expected way back on               others across the world, we can contribute to       morning,
New Year’s Day. All manner of events and              something special, where nations can stand          We will remember them.
regular activities have been altered, cancelled       together in order to remember and reflect on
                                                      the price and value of freedom.                     We will remember them.
or postponed.                                                                                             Pastor Andy Neale
This month is traditionally one of the most           Despite the restrictions, the rules and the
                                                      regulations, the Royal British Legion are           Salt Church
poignant in the year as we have come to value
joining with countless others in two minutes’         anticipating that, once again, many millions        Los Alcazares
silence.                                              will take part in what has become an iconic         ‘Adding flavour to life’
The annual Act of Remembrance has become              occasion. However, we are able to do so, I am
an important date in the calendar for all those       sure we will want to play our part as we reflect    Follow      us       on    Facebook      @
who have given their lives so that right should       for two minutes at the 11th hour of the 11th        saltchurchlosalcazares or watch us on
triumph over wrong.                                   day of the 11th month; the moment the guns          YouTube Salt Church Los Alcazares You
                                                      fell silent at the end of the First World War.      Tube
Sadly, this year, so many of the planned Acts
of Remembrance have had to be severely                Young and old, alike, we join together as one       Ministerio de Justicia Numero Registro 217-
scaled back or even cancelled altogether.             and say:                                            SG
Nevertheless, many of us will find ways to            They shall not grow old, as we that are left        Codigo de Identificacion R03004811I

A Busy Week For HELP MMM - Helping                    are in dire need of help, especially during         to support other local charities this year,
Others.                                               the present pandemic. Even though El                from funds raised by its volunteers during
On Monday 21st September, HELP Office                 Samaritano has received regular food                2019. It is the charity’s policy to help others
Manager, Joan Mitchell, presented local               donations from ADAPT, due to problems               in the Murcia region in times of need.
charity worker Celia Drinkall of ADAPT with           raising money from donations during                 If you would like to help us to help others,
a cheque for €3,000 to be used to support             the past six months of lockdown and the             please call in at our Office in Los Alcazares
local charity El Samaritano (San Pedro)               cancellation of fund raising events, funds          or at our Outlet in the Oasis Bulivar and talk
which looks after families in the area who            held by ADAPT for El Samaritano had just            with one of our volunteers. Just a couple of
                                                      about been exhausted so this donation from          hours a week of your time would make a big
                                                      HELP was ‘Heaven Sent’.                             difference to others.
                                                      On Thursday 24th September it was the turn
                                                      of HELP’s President, Christine Baillie, to
                                                      present Donna Walsh, Publicity Officer and
                                                      fund raiser for the cancer charity MABS with
                                                      a cheque, again for €3,000. As with other
                                                      charities, MABS has struggled over the past
                                                      months during the COVID restrictions to
                                                      raise funds in the normal way and has had to
                                                      cancel planned events including their annual
                                                      Party in the Park which would normally
                                                      provide a large portion of their fund raising
                                                      for the year. Coming after two floods at their
                                                      shop, it has become increasingly difficult to
                                                      provide their normal services including their
                                                      HELP Murcia Mar Menor has been pleased
                                           Costa Cálida Chronicle Sales 619 199 407                              23
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