Craving More Lehigh News? Head to The Goblet - Lehigh University

Page created by Willard Webster
Craving More Lehigh News? Head to The Goblet - Lehigh University
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    RALLY, 1968                                                                                                                              RALLY, 2018

                                  Craving More Lehigh News?
                                      Head to The Goblet

Still hungry? Goblet this up.                                                   me as much about leadership, about people, and about Lehigh as the 97
     If, after reading this fantastic magazine, you still find yourself crav-   did,” he writes. Best part? He met his wife, Michelle Judd ’02, through
ing more Lehigh news, I suggest you head online to the Lehigh Goblet.           Marching ’97. We (and several other top schools) entrust Steve’s com-
The Goblet is a blog featuring short stories about—and written mostly           pany AlumniQ to run our very complicated Reunion registration.
by—alumni. It spotlights classmates and friends who are changing the                 Rebekah Campo ’16, worked in Alumni Relations in 2014 and
world, takes you down memory lane and showcases activities on cam-              wrote about her role at that time in planning The Rally. Clarke
pus and around the world that bring Lehigh people together.                     Woodruff ’72 wrote about his Rally experience nearly 50 years ago.
     To be transparent about why I’m encouraging you to read these              While the elements of The Rally have changed, it’s moving to know
inspiring stories … you know that we recently launched the most am-             that the camaraderie among Lehigh classmates remains strong.
bitious campaign in the history of Lehigh, right? GO: The Campaign              Sidenote: In August, watch for links to The Rally livestream if you’d
for Lehigh aims to raise $1 billion-plus and engage more than half our          like to watch the magic from afar. Better yet, come to campus to carry
alumni in some way over the next several years. Those numbers feel              the flag for your class!
daunting—after all, that’s more than 40,000 alumni who we’re looking                 And there’s a spotlight on Rosie Roessel ’13 ’14G, who won the
to engage as attendees, volunteers and donors! Reading Goblet stories           Runner’s World Half Marathon in 2017. Rosie is a Class leader and
about alumni who are already connected, love this place and so freely           won the Alumni Award last year. We were so inspired by her racing
express their gratitude for the opportunities Lehigh gave them mo-              victory, and by the dozens of cheering fans wearing Lehigh hats and
tivates me to work even harder to reach these lofty goals. My hope is           shirts along the route, that in 2018 we got organized. We put out a
that their stories will inspire you to get involved and invested, and that      call that any Lehigh alum running in the race could contact the alum-
I’ll see you soon online, at an event, or as a volunteer!                       ni relations office and we’d send some swag so you could represent.
     Here are a few of my favorite recent posts from the Goblet:                About 150 people registered! (BTW, if you’re doing Runner’s World
     Reginald Jennings ’70, co-executive chair of the university’s Black        in October or the NYC Marathon in November drop me an email, and
and Latino Alumni Network for Community and Equity (BALANCE),                   I’ll send you a Lehigh running shirt. But you have to wear it in the
wrote about his experience at Reunion 2018; in particular the new Uni-          race, so when you blow past me I will know to cheer for you!)
ty Dinner, which we’re making an annual tradition. He also highlight-                If you know an alumna/us who you think other alumni would
ed Ralph Thomas ’76 ’77G, who received the Dr. Costel Denson ’56                like to know more about, submit your story idea to The Goblet here:
Award, given to an alumnus or alumna who has demonstrated leader-     
ship by identifying and implementing pathways to increase diversity
in the workplace and educational institutions. Reginald is also spear-          Sincerely,
heading plans to celebrate 10 years of BALANCE at Lehigh—join the               Jennifer Cunningham
BALANCE Facebook group or follow on Instagram for the info.                     Assistant Vice President for Alumni Relations
     Steve Rittler ’99 shares that his time in the Marching ’97 changed               Email me at
his life. “I don’t think any classroom experience came close to teaching    

Craving More Lehigh News? Head to The Goblet - Lehigh University
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                                                                                                                     “From there, I hired a coach,
   A LU M N I                                                                                                    and boy, my career really took
   E V EN TS                                                                                                     off. I couldn’t believe how much
                                                                                                                 he improved my game. Within
                                                                                                                 five months, my marathon time
All alumni, parents and                                                                                          improved by 20 minutes. I fin-
friends are welcome at                                                                                           ished third in my age group in Bos-
Lehigh events. Find the
                                                                                                                 ton and kept getting better every
complete calendar online
anytime at mylehigh.                                                                                             year since. I’m still improving.”                                                                                                   Dykes enjoys the challenge of
                                                                                                                 racing, along with the camarade-
GO: THE CAMPAIGN FOR                                                                                             rie that running brings.
LEHIGH–PRESIDENTIAL                                                                                                  “You start building a com-
LEADERSHIP                                                                                                       munity of friends that you see
BREAKFASTS                       ALUMNI PROFILE                                                                  at races,” he said. “Training is
                                 Gene Dykes ’66
Spring                                                                                                           something you look forward
Look out for invitations in                                                                                      to every day. If you didn’t have
your city to join Lehigh's
                                                                                                                 these friends, you’d wake up in
senior leaders for breakfast
                                                                                                                the morning and just go back to
                               He Keeps on Running
and conversation about
                                                                                                                bed. The community gets you out
key campaign initiatives
                                                                                                                of bed and onto the trail.”
WOMEN IN BUSINESS                                                                                                    After facing those earlier run-
CONFERENCE                     Marathon races can slow people down, but for 70-year-old Gene                    ning struggles at Lehigh, Dykes
Tuesday, April 16, 2019        Dykes, they keep him going.                                                      never imagined his success now.
Campus                             Dykes ’66 unofficially set a world record for his age group in December           “Sometimes, you just have
A chance to network with       by running a 2:54.23 marathon in Jacksonville, Fla.—a pace 25 seconds faster     to wait for the time to be right,”
other Lehigh alumnae and       than the long-standing record set by famed Canadian runner Ed Whitlock.          he said. “Maybe running wasn’t
speak with Lehigh students         Unfortunately, the race was certified but not sanctioned by USA              right for me earlier, but it was
on the verge of entering
                               Track & Field, which governs the sport, so the record isn’t official. Still,     later. Winning isn’t so import-
the business world
                               no one doubts that Dykes legitimately went where no one over 70 had              ant, but doing as well as I can
                               ever gone before.                                                                is always important. Of course,
June 7-9, 2019                     In the past 12 years, Dykes, who competed in track and field at Lehigh       winning is a benchmark, but I’m
Join the celebration to        while pursuing a degree in chemistry, had 13 marathon personal records.          always out to beat my most fierce
rekindle old friendships           “I started running in middle school before the very first running craze,     competitor—which is me from
and make new ones              when people would stare and dogs would go insane like you were some              the previous year.”                kind of alien,” Dykes said. “Then I got to Lehigh, and it was terrible. I was         Dykes learned a number of les-
                               totally blown off the track by the talent at the college level. I was hardly     sons at Lehigh that stay with him to
LIFELONG LEARNING              competitive. Rarely would I even get a third-place point.”                       this day, as an athlete and student.
                                    Dykes competed in events such as the triple jump, intermediate hur-         He had arrived at Lehigh thinking
July 31–Aug. 3
                               dles and high jump, picking up points that way.                                  he’d be an engineer, but that lasted
                                   “I was helpful on the team, but just not much on the track,” he said. “The   one semester. After talking with a
Come back to campus
for our inaugural session!
                               experience made it firmly entrenched in my mind that I was a mediocre            dean, he switched his major to bi-
Watch your email for           runner and there was no use for me to pursue racing after graduation.”           ology, then chemistry. He said he
more information.                   As he grew older, Dykes jogged and stayed in shape. Then, in his late       got “totally hooked” on comput-
                               50s, he was encouraged by friends to run a race. The rest is history.            er programming after attending
                                    “I ran my first road race, a half marathon, and did pretty well,” said      a seminar and ended up pursuing
                               Dykes. “It was enjoyable, so I started doing lots of races, and I just kept      computer programming as a career.
                               getting better and better. New York City was my first marathon in 2006,               “Do what you enjoy,” Dykes
                               and about six years later, I ran the Toronto marathon hoping to set a new        said, “and don’t be afraid to
                               personal record, but came up woefully short.                                     change course.” —Justin Lafleur

                                                                                                                                 SPRING 2019 | 43
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                                                                                                 As the ice shifts, waterways can open up
                                                                                                 and pressure ridges are created. The wa-
  ALUMNI PROFILE                                                                                 terways can be 100 yards or five miles long,
  Peter ’82 and Robert (Bob)
  ’84 Fioretti
                                                                                                 and the ridges may be climbable at only a
                                                                                                 foot or two high, or up to an impassable 10
                                                                                                 feet. The challenge was in correctly guess-
                                                                                                 ing whether to go left or right.
                                                                                                     Another challenge, Bob said, was man-
                                                                                                 aging body heat, which was not just about
                                                                                                 trying to stay warm in the extreme cold.
                                                                                                     “You exert a fair amount of energy
                                                                                                 pulling your sled, and your body heats
                                                                                                 up. You’re constantly taking off and put-
                                                                                                 ting on clothing to keep your body tem-
                                                                                                 perature at the perfect equilibrium,”
                                                                                                 Bob said.
                                                                                                     The adventurers got coldest on
                                                                                                 breaks when they stopped moving to rest
                                                                                                 and eat a snack, and their bodies focused
                                                                                                 all their energy toward digesting food.
                                                                                                 Sleeping was also a challenge.
                                                                                                     “We had this conception that the tent
                                                                                                 would keep you warm at night, but it’s re-
                                                                                                 ally to protect you against the wind and
                                                                                                 snowstorms and doesn’t keep you any
                                                                                                 warmer than it is outside. Thank God
                                                                                                 for those sleeping bags rated for -70 de-
                                                                                                 grees!” Bob said.
                                                                                                     The brothers said they did get a lit-
Fiorettis Are First to the                                                                       tle frostbite on their faces and toes, but,
                                                                                                 fortunately, didn’t fall through thin ice
North Pole in 2018                                                                               or encounter any polar bears, which Bob
                                                                                                 laughingly described as “good and bad
                                                                                                 news,” because who wouldn’t want to see
Brothers Peter ’82 and Robert (Bob) ’84 Fioretti have explored a place that few others           a polar bear in the wild?
get to see, one of the most solitary locations on the planet. In April 2018, at the beginning of     The Fiorettis’ trek to the North Pole
that year’s expedition season, they trekked to the North Pole, a feat that fewer than 500 adven- ended up taking three days, a record
turers have accomplished in recorded history. The Fiorettis were the first to arrive at Earth’s  for the expedition company. They were
pinnacle in 2018, according to their guide.                                                                   so close to the Pole on day
    “It’s been a dream of Pete’s for about                                                                    three that they kept push-
six years,” said Bob. “He’s wanted to go to       “IT’S BEEN A DREAM OF PETE’S                                ing, skiing a grueling 12
the North Pole and literally be on top of                                                                     hours and 18 miles to arrive
the world.”                                        FOR ABOUT SIX YEARS ... HE’S                               at the North Pole.
    So, for the 25th anniversary of their                                                                         “I couldn’t think of a bet-
company, Mountain Real Estate Capital,             WANTED TO GO TO THE NORTH                                  ter way to kick off our compa-
the brothers decided to attempt the adven-                                                                    ny’s 25th year,” said Peter.
ture in the most extreme way possible, with
                                                     POLE AND LITERALLY BE ON                                     The best part of the trip,
just themselves, a guide, their skis and sleds             TOP OF THE WORLD.”                                 according   to Bob, was doing
full of supplies.                                                                                             it with Pete. The brothers
    Their challenging journey began with                               —BOB FIORETTI ’84                      have been best friends since
a flight to Longyearbyen, Norway, the last                                                                    their time together as under-
outpost of civilization before the North Pole where they participated in a day of intense arctic graduates at Lehigh. Bob credits Lehigh
training. From there they flew three hours to Barneo Ice Camp, a temporary ice base about        as a great foundation for many of all three
one degree of latitude (69 miles) from the Pole.                                                 Fioretti brothers’ successes (including
    “Team Fioretti Mountaineers” was then helicoptered about 15 minutes from Barneo to           younger brother John ’86).
their drop-point on the ice, where air temperatures were about -20 to -30 degrees even before        Next on the Fioretti brothers’ adven-
factoring in wind chill. Their mission was to navigate by GPS to the North Pole.                 ture agenda? “Probably Antarctica—it’s
    The trek was anything but a straight line. The North Pole is located in the middle of the    the only continent we haven’t been to!”
Arctic Ocean amid waters that are almost permanently covered with constantly shifting sea ice.   —Cynthia Tintorri

Craving More Lehigh News? Head to The Goblet - Lehigh University
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                                                                                             Dick Allen,              from 1952 to 1955.
                                                                                             4514 Harbor Court,           “At Lehigh, about 1949, I
                                                                                             Fort Myers, FL           helped launch the Lehigh Chris-
                                                                              33908. (239) 482-5755 (H);              tian Fellowship which became
                                                                                        a chapter of The Intervarsity

LEHIGH DISPATCH                                                               Jim Gill writes: “Thanks for
                                                                              your fine work as representative
                                                                              for our Class of ’51 at Lehigh.
                                                                                                                      Christian Fellowship.
                                                                                                                          “Since 2005, Eleanor and I
                                                                                                                      have been living in the Grace
Editor’s note: Welcome to Lehigh Dispatch, where you can find                 Here’s some news from this              Ridge retirement community
out what your fellow alums are up to. Thanks to our dedicated                 quarter: After graduation, I went       (about 200 residents) in Mor-
correspondents for the work you do to keep our extended                       on to ordination after three            ganton, N.C., 50 miles east of
Lehigh community together. Please send Class Notes to your                    years at General Theological            Asheville on I-40. I’m a member
                                                                              Seminary (Episcopal) in NYC             of the Presbytery of Western
class correspondent, or, if unsure the class to which the news
                                                                              and then as vicar of a parish in        North Carolina.
applies, send to                                       Easton, Pa. Then on to joining              “OK, Ted, that’s enough for
                                                                              the faculty of St. Andrew’s Sem-        an initial response to learning

                                                                              inary in Manila (Quezon City),          about your missionary service
                Dick MacAdams,          course in the subject of “Moral       Philippines, where I served for         —something that we have in
                7066 Edinburgh          and Religious Philosophy.”            10 years. During that time my           common.”
                Drive, Lambert-             I don’t know whether that         family consisted of my wife, Kay            Now let me hear from you. I
ville, MI 48144. (734) 856-1097         course is a requirement these         (who later died in 2018), and           need more inputs!

(H);                   days, but it was in our day and       three children, Laura, Chris and
By the time you receive this            was taught by a Dr. Beardsley.        James Jr. We are presently living                        Bill Erdman,
column, we will already have                I loved that kind and schol-      in Winthrop, Maine – Kay’s                               (407) 644-0391;
concluded the national holiday          arly professor, and I still have in   home state. (What a positive                             1171 Willa Vista
of Thanksgiving. Curiously,             my files the notes I took during      change from the Newark, N.J.,           Trail, Maitland, Fla., 32751
this holiday has been beloved           his lectures. Well, as I sat down     area where I grew up!)        ;
in the USA as a staple of our           to write this column, I pulled            “I am in good health (full
culture, as well as demonized as        those notes from my files for         recovery from fractured left hip        Editor’s note: Welcome to
being a celebration of European         some inspiration. Although I          after a fall last year while visiting   Bill Erdman as he expands his
colonization and violent English        could not find any lecture that       family in San Francisco). No pain       Lehigh Class of ’52 website to
expansion.                              Dr. Beardsley had given regard-       at all, deo gratis. At this advanced    include this correspondence
    Relax; I’m not going to debate      ing the Thanksgiving holiday,         age, 89 right?…I’ve given up            project. This is his debut column.
the intentions of the 1620 Puri-        per se, I did find notes on his       presiding at worship services,          Greetings Class of 1952! My name
tans when they survived their first     exhortation to us to be “grateful     preferring to get a ‘pew’s-eye          is Bill Erdman and as of this mo-
few years on this “new” continent.      for life, love, and the knowl-        view’ of things.                        ment, I am your new class corre-
Rather, I just want to reflect on the   edge of the graces we receive             “I’m so lucky to be living in a     spondent! I realize that I have big
principle of the holiday.               regularly from the Almighty…          fine apartment (all to ADA spec-        shoes to fill, but I hope to honor
    Thanksgiving is a holiday of        to Whom we ought to be giving         ifications) attached to the main        Pat Moran’s commitment.
gratitude. It was a day unique to       thanks daily.”                        house, where daughter Laura                 To do this column justice, I
America in that it was a day set            How apropos!                      now resides. She is a major care-       need your help! It will be tough
aside by legislation to give thanks         (Although Dr. Beardsley was       giver for me. I’m so lucky to have      getting used to a three-month
for the blessings the people of         not prone to express humor in         all three children so close by.”        time lapse from writing to being
this nation of ours have received.      his lectures, he seemed fond of           I also received this note via       published—with our present
    However, two big questions          telling the class that he finally     Ted Brothers: “I, Andrew                website it is zip-zap and the
loom: What blessings have we            found the meaning of life. It was     Robb, was a PCUSA missionary            news is online! At least now
received and to whom are we             on page 76 of his dictionary!)        in Alabama, then Colombia               you will see your name in print
giving thanks?                              En avant!                         and Venezuela, from 1955 until          twice for the price of each item

    When I matriculated at                                                    1979. This is a communication           shared with me.
Lehigh in 1943, I was surprised                         Editor’s note:        inspired by the Fall 2018 Lehigh            I challenge each one of you to
to learn that Asa Packer founded                        To share your         Bulletin. I do not remember you.        take a moment away from your
this institute of learning in                           news or if you        My campus residence was Rich-           day-to-day, exciting life to contact
conjunction with the Episcopal          would be interested in becom-         ards dorm. Since I was headed           me with stuff about yourself or
Church, to which he belonged.           ing your class’s correspondent,       for missionary work, I was in a         about a friend in our class. Life
In fact, his daughter, Mary,            reaching out to classmates and        five-year program of Arts and           events are worth sharing, partic-
would erect an Episcopal Chapel         writing a column three times a        Engineering: 1951 was the arts          ularly as we are mostly in our late
at the entrance to the campus in        year, please contact the Alumni       graduation, and ’52 was for a B.S.      80s, and we need to reach out to
his honor. More than that, each         Office at 610-758-3069 or             in civil engineering. Princeton         each other while we are still able.
freshman was required to take a                 Seminary was my next schooling          If you have not recently sent in

                                                                                                                                       SPRING 2019 | 45
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information about you and yours,      Bill Latshaw and your class         Pat, moved to Hilton Head Is-         on their $2,000 winnings and
now is the time.                      correspondent, Tip Mowrer.          land, S.C., over 20 years ago and     drank champagne for a week.
    I can be reached through          We talked about our health          joined the First Presbyterian         Sometime after discharge from
email,,          and what we are doing. The          Church upon their arrival. They       the Army, Ed attended John’s
or phone call, (407) 644-0391, or     subject came up of having a         then started singing in the choir     marriage to Lynn in Summit, N.J.
text message, (407) 376-0221, or      mini-reunion, so Joe Workman        and have been singing with the        Ed spent his career years with
that old standby, U.S. Mail: 1171     has booked a room at Saucon         late Wally Butler’s wife ever         Union Carbide, Air Products and
Willa Vista Trail, Maitland, Fla.,    Valley Country Club. Joe is         since. Millie is quite an accom-      US Steel. Ed and Jean retired to
32751. I look forward to seeing       working on the details to keep      plished pianist as well and is the    Naples, Fla., for their first 11
where we can go together.             it successful like our last one.    assistant pianist for the choir.      years of retirement, felt it was
    At this point, the only news      If you have any thoughts or         Bill spent his entire business        too hot in the summer and then
I have to provide is my own: I        suggestions, please contact Joe,    career with Union Carbide             moved to Las Vegas, Nev. Ed
just (October) recovered from         Tony Latour or myself.              and was working on process            then tried water aerobics for
a case of nocardiosis. I’m sure           I would like to add that Joe    engineering assignments when          exercise, threw out both shoul-
none of you have ever heard of        has attended 67 Lehigh-Lafay-       he retired from his last post         ders and now for kicks visits the
this bacterial infection as it is     ette games, and maybe that is       in the company’s Charleston           casinos to play poker.
found in dirt and old mulch. It is    why they won!!!                     office. Bill used to play golf with       I received this letter from

called the “Gardener’s Disease.”                                          Wally on the 20-plus courses on       Bernie Grossman some time
I got it from falling off my bike                      Bert               HHI, but he stopped playing a         ago: “The loss of two of the
into a mulch pile (I would have                        Schweigaard-       few years ago and now he takes        Tau Delta Pi brothers, Jerry
been better off hitting a tree)!                       Olsen, The         cruises with Pat once or twice a      Friedenheim and Harvey
Eight days in the hospital, tests     Landings, 5430 Eagles Point         year on Regent and does volun-        Semilof, prompted me to write.
galore for the staff to CYA and       Circle #401, Sarasota, FL           teer work.                            The fraternity was tight, and
massive antibiotics cured me          34231-9179. (941) 923-4210 (H);         Ken Strohl was born and           squeezed into a small house,
of the bacteria but not of riding                      raised in Bethlehem. His father       maybe 20 beds. So much of my
my bike every day. You guys can       When two opposing football          was a ’27 graduate of Lehigh,         Lehigh life centered there with
certainly send me more inter-         teams both have a record of 2-7     and his grandfather was assis-        great memories…. I remember
esting stuff than this! Write or      going into the final game of the    tant postmaster for Bethlehem.        those two guys very well. It was
call now, before you forget.          season, it is very hard to create   He played clarinet and saxo-          only a half dozen or so years after

                                      interest in seeing any final con-   phone in the Lehigh band and          graduation that the Tau Delt
                Clifton “Tip”         test. We only had seven people      has attended over 50 Lehigh           house ran into financial difficulty
                E. Mowrer, 632        sign up to see the game five days   football games since graduation.      and disappeared. There was a
                Edgeboro Blvd.,       prior to the event, and so we       Ken and his wife, Marian, have        replacement but never the same.
Bethlehem, PA 18017-5110.             canceled The Signature Room         three children and nine grand-            “I’m still in the millinery
(610) 865-0399 (H);                   (private room, 100-inch sur-        children. Ken spent his entire        business, living in Manhattan,                     round sound TV, buffet brunch)      career with several companies         traveling to China twice a year
Looking back, it is hard to believe   and read about Lehigh’s 34-3        in the catalytic converter and        and loving life as much as ever.
our 65th Reunion has come and         drubbing of Lafayette in the        pollution (hazardous waste)           My apartment building has a
gone into the Lehigh history          Sunday papers. In previous          industries, and his work took         few Lehigh guys in it, but the
books. Saucon Valley Country          years, this game attracted up to    him to all seven continents. The      only Tau Delts I see are Lenny
Club did a beautiful job for us at    45 attendees to our Sarasota,       majority of his time was spent        Solomon ’55 and Larry Kamp
their Villa, and the weather was      Fla., prime location. Maybe next    in Canada and Western Europe.         ’53. Leonard is keeping Wall
super. It was great to renew old      year.                               Ken works out four times a            Street honest. Howard makes
friendships that go back to 1949,         Speaking about 2019, our        week and plays golf and bridge.       me laugh, same as he did 60
and these relationships will be       60th Reunion will be held June          Ed Wyczalek claims his eyes,      years ago. Regards to all the
with us as long as we live. Bill      6-9, so oil up your walkers, buy    ears and legs are shot and his life   others reading your updates.”
Schulz and his wife, Lynn, live in    new hearing aids, see your eye      consists of using his cane to get         Wilson Stout’s wife, Barbie,
the panhandle of Florida. Lynn        doctor, get a pass from your        to a comfortable seat in front of     moved to Colorado to be near
said they were fortunate to just      cardiologist, buy lots of travel    the TV. Fortunately, his mind is      her children and grandchildren
get heavy rain and wind with          insurance and set aside a few       still sharp as a tack and he has      and loves her new life. Mim
very little property damage this      days from your busy lives. It is    a good sense of humor. He and         Bott, the widow of Don Bott,
hurricane season.                     time to remember days gone by.      his wife, Jean, have two sons. Ed     has a lady friend who is con-
    There are a number of             Our numbers have diminished         and John Wallace spent a year         sidered to be an expert in malt
classmates that live in the Lehigh    by 50 percent, but let us renew     and a half together in the Army       whiskey. They are planning
Valley, and we try to keep the        past friendships for a few mem-     in Frankfurt, Germany. One day        a trip to Scotland to test her
spark alive and have lunch at the     orable days. More details will      John asked Ed if he could figure      knowledge.
Hanoverville Roadhouse. Those         follow from the Alumni Office as    out a way to beat the odds at             God bless you all!
attending were Joe Workman,           we get closer to Reunion time.      roulette and after some trial and     Save the date for Reunion 2019:
Tony Latour, Roger Inglese,               Bill Sutherland and his wife,   error, they went to Nice, France,     June 6-9, 2019

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’55                                                                                                              ’57
               Burt Sutker,           of his contacts over the past        Bruce reports that the venerable                     James Watson,
                55 Lexington          years including Bob Pierson,         Marching 97 Band (traditionally                      774 Highview
               Drive, Pennington,     Karl Kirk, Otto Atkinson, Ed         96 players and a drum major)                         Drive, Wyckoff,
NJ 08534. 609-730-0839;               Hatfield, Dick Humpleby, Alex        gave a great performance.             NJ 07481. (201) 891-1246 (H);                      Liddie, Lou Peters, Charles              It was good to hear from Bill
This is my first column, and I fol-   Peterson, Dick Proebstle, Bob        Messner, living in Webster,           My retirement comment in my
low a great column person, Bob        Ring, George Ryerson, Charlie        N.Y., retired after a long career     last column triggered a note
Kiley. The column is only as good     Eisenfelder, Rudy Scavuzzo,          with Eastman Kodak. He enjoys         from Eli “Ike” Eicheberger
as the information you send, so       Ken Hendrix and Don Steeber.         his five children, four of whom       recounting his 39 years with
please send me items to include.          Don and I had a nice conver-     live nearby. Bill’s late wife Carol   Caterpillar Inc., and his posting
    Since I took over, I have re-     sation, and he suggested that        was the sweetheart of Sigma Chi       to various global regions,
ceived messages from a number         pictures might be a way to share     back in 1954.                         including France, where he
of classmates. Interestingly          information. Staff at Lehigh also        At the fall 2018 luncheon         met and married his lovely
there were several curricu-           thought it would be a good idea.     for “older alums” in our area,        wife, Danielle, and his chance
lum classmates in chemical            So, check out the photo in the       held at the Hershey’s Mill Golf       encounter with Al “Big Stuff ”
engineering. Bill Schiesser and       Celebrations section on page 62      Club in West Chester, Pa., we         Huddy in Singapore. He thinks
John Mahoney even corrected           to see a picture of me with my       heard Brent Stringfellow, Le-         Al was an Ingersoll Rand rep
my spelling of Dr. Foust. George      son, Stuart ’78 (metallurgical       high’s associate VP of facilities     at the time. He said he really
Plohr, Lou Peters and I are           engineering), and grandson,          and university architect. The         missed his good times at the
side by side in the Class Cabinet     Jason ’17 (bioengineering). This     university plans to make the          Warren Square Delta Phi house
picture from the 1955 Epitome.        picture was taken at Lehigh’s        campus more energy-efficient          with all his great fellow class-
A fourth correspondent, Ed            Legacy Luncheon.                     and the buildings “friendlier.”       mates. He was very sorry Delta
Hatfield, on the end of the row.          I hope this first column en-         Tricia and I enjoyed              Phi has been banished by the
Ed lived in Dravo down the hall       courages you to send me content      visiting with Wayne Parker,           university with so many other
from me during our freshman           or send it to Lehigh and they will   Ferd Thun, Janet and Bruce            frats. I reminded him that in my
year. Bill remembers trying to        pass it on. The column is only as    Waechter, Bob Arndt ’52, Bob          service year Al Medovich and
take Professor Amstutz’s organic      good and as interesting as what      Hoyt ’52, Jane and Bob Bevan          I washed dinner dishes at Delta
final while piles were being driv-    you send in to share.                ’60, and Lorraine Wiedorn ’84G        Phi since our house wanted

en for Fritz Labs. My recollection                                         ’13P ’17P, Adam Salmassk ’06          to give a work chance to some
was during Professor Foust’s                         Bill Burgin, 534      and Bill Bole from the Lehigh         younger brothers. It was a great
chemical engineering finals.                         W. Beechtree Lane,    Development Office. Hosts of          adventure for us since we now
    When Roberta and I planned                       Wayne,PA 19087.       the semi-annual event are John        had two fraternity parties to hit
to get married, I asked Lou Pe-       (610) 688-7374 (H); w.burgin@        Kerr ’52, Eric Flicker ’71 and        on weekends. Their great cook,
ters and his wife, Faye, to come                              Gary Liddick ’76.                     Blanch Bose, was my son Dave’s
to dinner with my parents to          Many thanks to Bruce Marra for           Congratulations to fellow         ’85 cook at Sigma Nu when he
demonstrate how young couples         sending news of a mini Sigma Nu      LU Bulletin columnist and             was there, and she remembered
can “manage.” Well it must have       reunion last July at Jack Baker’s    Sigma Chi Bill Helfrich ’58, who      Al and me hanging out with
worked; Roberta and I have been       Wharf House in Point Pleasant        won the George F. Stutz Award         her there for a year before we
married 63 years.                     Beach, N.J. Joining Bruce were       during Reunion Weekend 2018.          graduated.
    Sad information was received      Bill Brady, Frank Cafaro, Jim        Bill has written decades of               I had a great note from a
about the passing of Francis          White, Ed Curran and Roy             columns for this publication          young fraternity brother, Ken
“Corky” Flynn. His grand-             Higgins. The group agreed on         and participated in numerous          Weaver ’61, reporting on this
daughter, Tara Sabharwal, grad-       their good fortunes to have          phonathons for Lehigh.                year’s annual tailgate Theta
uated from Lehigh in May 2018.        attended Lehigh, to have made            I am sorry to report the          Delta Chi football weekend,
Tara recalls stories of Corky         enduring friendships there and       death of Duane Jennings last          which they have been holding
marrying her grandmother in           to have enjoyed the advantag-        September. A frequent con-            with wives for the last 50 years
the chapel at Lehigh and attend-      es of the 20th century. Bruce        tributor to this column, Duane        or so for the classes from ’57
ing reunions when he could. Art       attests that this group favors a     was active in his church and          through ’63. This year kicked off
Swallow added that Corky was a        65th Reunion for our class.          community near Asheville, N.C.        at Harold Milton’s ’63 estate in
WWII and Korean War veteran.              Janet and Bruce Waech-           At Lehigh he was an excellent         Trumbauersville, Pa. (a small
Art lives in Sun City, Fla.           ter got to four of Lehigh’s five     scholar, captain of the track         enclave of Bucks County), with
    Dick Smith’s sad passing was      football home games last fall.       team and a member of Delta            a big barbeque on Friday night.
reported by Lou Peters. Dick was      They enjoyed a “good tailgate”       Tau Delta. He was elected to          Saturday held a tailgate, and af-
our class president. Lou lives        before the Fordham game,             Tau Beta Pi and Who’s Who in          ter freezing their butts off at the
in Packanack, N.J., and shares        joined by Pinky and Ed Hatfield      American Universities and Col-        Fordham game, they moved on
children, grandchildren and           ’55 and Harry Brooks ’59 and         leges. We offer deep condolenc-       to the Sayre Mansion in Beth-
great-grandchildren with his          Meredith Rapp. The Waechters         es to the Jennings family.            lehem for cocktails and dinner.
wife, Daisy.                          also attended the pre-Lafayette          Here’s to a good year, with       There was also a breakfast on
    George Plohr sends a list         game luncheon at Lehigh, where       peace and health, in 2019.            Sunday morning.

                                                                                                                                  SPRING 2019 | 47
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   This year’s group besides Ken          Anne and I made it to our             ’60 helped me locate BSG (many        We start with a cocktail reception
and Harold included Ron Vaughn        yearly football game – winless            sports bar visits). Pete Fenger ’49   for our class in the Lower Art
’58; the men from ’59: Neil Rich-     Fordham. The game was not                 stopped in before going to Atlanta    Gallery at Zoellner Arts Center
ard, John Smiley and Joe Hen-         exciting with three long TDs in           for Thanksgiving. Joe Jablonski       followed by a university-wide
ningsen; ’61 grads Al Richmond        the first half.                           ’78 just started a new job (he also   Soiree Under the Stars dinner.
and Fred Gross; and a bunch of            Gina and Bob Christie, as             saw the lousy Navy game). Kaci            Saturday features a class
’62 brothers: Wil Hamp, Kent          usual, held a great tailgate. We          (Holt) Nowadly ’96 was back after     parade, presentations, music
Westhelle, Jim Murchie and Dave       were joined by Izzie and Larry            missing a few years. Bob Mampe        and picnics, which all preludes to
Fraboni. I am looking forward to      Treretola, Sandi and Bruce                ’71 may bring his grandsons next      our class dinner at Saucon Valley
attending next year, and now that     Gilbert, and John Harkrader.              year. And Don Heidenburg ’57          Country Club’s Villa Pazzetti
we beat Lafayette it should be        A bunch of nearby tailgaters              stopped in from a Shriners circus     with songs by members of the
even a better game weekend.           were attracted by our ’58 sign            meeting with some shaped bal-         Lehigh Glee Club. There will be
   Send some news of your             because they were all born in             loons for the wives and kids.         an open bar preceding dinner,
whereabouts—email is best!            1958 and couldn’t believe we were             The Leopards were repre-          giving a great time to catch up in

                                      still coming to the tailgates! We         sented by Mont Service ’81,           a relaxed atmosphere.
                 Bill Helfrich,       learned that Sandi Gilbert has            joined by Rob Gipe ’95 and                Your committee has dipped
                 80 Southwick         joined Bruce running in the Se-           father Bill Gipe (U. of Penn ’61),    into our class cash reserves
                 Drive, Orchard       nior Track Championship! How              Steve Schaeffer ’72, and new          (gleaned through auctions at
Park, NY 14127. (716) 662-7927        did it feel to get to the finish line     neighbor Ryan Cimo ’98, the for-      previous reunions) to keep costs
(H);                   and there was your wife, Bruce?           mer punter and current Orchard        reasonable. And as one class
I read the Fall Bulletin and              I spent a great first half reliving   Park school board member.             realist said: “We’re over 80. What
couldn’t believe that we had such     the past with John Harkrader                  Heard that Marianne and           are we saving it for?”
a great 60th Reunion. I received      including the famous trip to Cuba         Bill Bux joined Nancy and Ted             For those concerned that
many emails expressing the same       during our “Measles Week.” I              Horstmann at Betsy and Bob            you may be asked to dress like
sentiment.                            promised Harks that I would not           Holcomb’s for an indoor tailgate.     a dancing raisin, jitterbug with
    Jean-Claude Rousseaux             print all the stories. But, once at           Gary’s Barber Shop is still       the LU dance team or strut with
confirmed that he and Lukie           a Rutgers football game during            hoping the new quarterback will       the Mummers, forget it. Being
were in France. They can’t wait       the “Flu Week,” Jack Fawcett              do the job, but are excited about     able to walk in our class parade
to see Anne and myself in April in    got all the Chi Psis to surround          the Buffalo Sabres hockey.            is good enough and no elaborate
Sunset Beach, N.C.                    him when he had to take a leak.               Greekers to all the 60th          costumes this year. Plus, Lehigh
    Tom Kelly sent congrats on        All was going well until the crowd        Reunion attendees!                    has golf carts and drivers avail-

receiving the Stutz Award and         dispersed around him and Jack                                                   able for transportation around
for all those articles enjoyed over   was left standing there embar-                              Bob Teufel,         campus.
the years. He can’t believe that      rassed. I was so glad to see Harks                          1 Stoklea Drive,        With neither team do-
living in Miami he has tolerat-       after talking to him this summer.                           Emmaus, PA          ing especially well this year,
ed the Buffalo Bills stories, but     His holiday house at the beach            18049. (610) 967-2049 (H); (610)      there was a light crowd at the
agrees we may have a new starting     was a miracle to recovery.                393-0565 (C);         Lehigh-Lafayette game this
quarterback. They did not use the         We met with the Sigma Chi             and John Canova, The Carillon         year in Easton watching a
shutters this year, but the previ-    tailgate after the game and saw           209, 2525 Taft Drive, Boulder, CO     much-maligned Lehigh team
ous two hurricane seasons were        Pinky and Ed Hatfield ’55 (they           80302;            dominate the hapless Leopards.
unbelievable. He sends news that      watched a terrible Lehigh team            Surely you have by now called         Attending the annual Friday
Mitch Karp’s wife, Doreen, has        lose at Navy), Janet and Bruce            your fraternity brothers, class-      pre-game 50-Game Club lunch
qualified for next year’s Boston      Waechter ’56, and Meredith and            mates, freshman roommate,             honoring the team seniors and
Marathon.                             Harry Brooks ’59 (getting used to         etc., to meet at our 60th Class       their parents were Dan Bayer
    Don Kohler is touting the         their new retirement living).             Reunion? No? Well, check              (76 games) and John Woerner
Marching 97 Alumni Band                   We had dinner with the Chris- and get on it.        (57 games). Seen braving the
T-shirts. Did you get one for         ties at the Hotel Bethlehem. They             If you need a phone number        windy cold in the stands were
Christmas?                            were going to surprise their son at       or email of a long-lost classmate,    Leon Harbold, Bob Teufel and
    Bill Burgin ’56, another Bulle-   church in Allentown on Sunday.            just contact Bob Teufel or John       Gerard Downey.
tin correspondent, really liked our   Bob calls me after the Buffalo Bills      Canova at the contacts above and          And speaking of cold and
clever Asa Packer parade theme.       beat the Jets – twice a year!             we’ll get it for you.                 windy, you must recall our
He congratulated me on earning            We held the Buffalo Le-                   Our able class president and      freshman year Lafayette game?
the Stutz Award and was envious       high-Lafayette telecast at a new          reunion chair Leon Harbold,           A highly favored Engineer
that I met with Jessi McMullan        spot – Buffalo Sports Garden in           assisted by his committee of Jim      team was dumped in a driving
’05 and the Lehigh staff.             Orchard Park – with about 30              Swenson, John Canova, Bob             snowstorm 36-6 by the plodding
    Jim Horkheimer is feeling         attending from both schools.              Teufel, Beall Fowler, Glenn           Leopards. That snowstorm set a
better and still visiting the pris-   Matt Darragh ’05 and Emily Shutt          Kinard, Michael Kuenne,               Lehigh Valley record for Novem-
oners in Arcade on Mondays and        Darragh ’05 did a great job of            George Karr and Paul Prestia,         ber that was broken this year by
Fridays. Good job!                    streaming the game. Dave Hecht            has planned a terrific weekend.       an 8.1-inch surprise blizzard.

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    My Phi Kappa Theta fraternity    Heart Association.                   joined us at the tailgate. Jack       their lives. They have four chil-
brother, Joe Montville, has al-          George and wife Barbara          Kennedy was in the same area,         dren, three of whom are mar-
ready reserved the bridal suite at   are members of the Tower             but we did not connect until          ried, six grandchildren, and one
Chez Teufel for our 60th Reunion     and Asa Packer societies and         we were in the stadium. It was        grandson-in-law. All have been
Week. Joe recently received a        have steadfastly given to the        a very chilly and windy day, so       living in the U.S. for many years.
grant from the Carnegie Corp.        Athletic Partnership Program.        everyone was bundled up. Ira’s        Their youngest son recently took
based on his work “The Civil         Wanting to help outstanding          wife, Linda, chose to not attend,     a position in Zurich and will be
War at 150 Years: Deep Wounds        students have access to a Lehigh     which was a wise decision. Ira        moving there with his family.
Yet to Heal” and has done three      education, they established the      remains in good health and very       Carlos keeps busy with Goodwill
two-day workshops at George          George W. Karr, Jr. ’59 Endowed      active, at least on Instagram.        in Caracas and Mercedes is busy
Mason University’s Point of          Scholarship fund.                    Jack mentioned Bentley Offutt         with her handicrafts. They re-
View residential conference              He was always active in our      has joined the Class Reunion          cently traveled to Seoul, Korea,
center based on his thesis. Joe      class, serving as our class presi-   Committee. Jack is looking for        to attend a Goodwill Interna-
has had a fascinating career         dent for 10 years and on scores      more members, so if you are           tional meeting.
first in the Middle East with        of university committees and         interested, contact him.                  Tom Bliss and his wife,
the State Department and later       advisory boards. He and Gene             While at the game, I ran          Tricia, stopped by on their way
with GMU’s School for Conflict       co-founded the Lehigh University     into Jim Freeman and his wife,        home to Charleston from Maine
Analysis and Resolution.             phonathon campaign; a first for      Elaine. They are living outside       this fall. Tom sold his 50-foot
    Fellow class scribe, John        Lehigh, and many of us fondly        Bethlehem and go to most of the       trawler and bought a home in
Canova, and I have determined        remember manning the phones          home games. Their life revolves       Tenants Harbor, Maine. Since
to feature an Outstanding            in the Goldman boardroom,            around children and grandchil-        he had a house near the water,
59er in each column. Someone         tracking down our classmates for     dren.                                 he decided he needed a new
who has given back not only to       the Annual Fund.                         Bill Ross still goes into the     boat and bought a renovated
Lehigh, but to the broader com-          George and Barbara live in       office every day. John Mac Wil-       lobster boat, which means no
munity as well. For this issue       Bucks County, Pa., in a lovely       liams’s son, Brian, has ALS and       one has to go to the second level
that outstanding classmate is        restored stone farmhouse and         needs constant care. Notwith-         to steer, etc.
George Karr. If you didn’t know      are the parents of Kimberly ’84,     standing, an album was recently           Wight Martindale wrote
George from the swimming             David ’90, Jeff and Tara, and have   published that contained many         that he recently gave a pub-
team or from business school         nine grandchildren.                  songs he has written. Louise          lic lecture at Lehigh on the
classes, you met him when he         Save the date for Reunion 2019:      spends a lot of time in NYC           University’s debt to Bethlehem
and co-class gift chairman Gene      June 6-9, 2019                       helping with his healthcare.          Steel, focusing on the peri-

Mercy visited your fraternity                                                 Jack Kennedy still spends         od when Eugene Grace first
or knocked on your dorm door                        Williams E.           his summers on Nantucket, en-         became chairman of the Lehigh
promoting our class gift. It was                    Millsom, P.O.         joying the island life and sailing.   Board of Trustees in 1924 to the
a 20-year commitment and we                         Box 3225, 54          We visited his house in October,      company’s sale of the 550 acres
had a 75 percent participation       Boardwalk, Groton Long Point,        but he had already closed it up       that is the Murray H. Good-
rate, which set the pattern for      CT 06340. (860) 536-2926 (H),        for the winter.                       man Campus and the Stabler
the generosity of our class.         (860) 235-3618 (C); bill.millsom@        I called John Cunningham          and Rauch buildings and the
    Prior to graduation, George                            to try and meet up with him           stadium. It was during this
began working for the Equita-        Hello classmates,                    while we were on the Main Line,       period that Lehigh drastically
ble Life Assurance Society and           I hope this column finds you     but he was in San Miguel de           improved its academic reputa-
remained with Equitable and          all in good spirits and health.      Allende, Mexico, enjoying cock-       tion and over 80 percent of its
with AXA, which later bought         As I write this, I am recovering     tails and the art scene. He had       total land. Bethlehem Steel also
Equitable, for his entire career.    from abdominal surgery, which        recently been up to Connecticut       lent many of its executives to
In 1967 he established a new         kept me in the hospital for a        to visit with Bob Peterson and        assist Lehigh whenever needed
branch of Equitable in Philadel-     week. Not a nice way to spend        found him in poor health. Bob’s       during this period. Most of
phia. With partner Bob Barth         my 80th birthday.                    companion, Martina Hamilton,          them were Lehigh grads as was
he formed Karr Barth and led             My wife, Gill, and I made        is apparently doing a yeoman’s        Grace, class of 1899. Wighty has
the industry in sales for 20-plus    it down to the Main Line the         job of taking care of Bob. Looks      two granddaughters who have
years. In 1994, George retired       evening before the Colgate           like Bob will no longer be able to    applied to attend Lehigh in the
from Karr Barth but continued        game and visited Bill Ross and       ski, which will be a blow to him,     fall, so the Martindale tradition
as a top-producing agent in the      his wife, Dottie, who treated us     as he loves the sport.                will hopefully carry on. Wighty
AXA sales force.                     and John Mac Williams and his            I have been in touch with         is interested in making contact
    In addition to his support to    wife, Louise, to a very nice meal    Carlos Bullos, who was in the         with our classmate Bob Rost.
Lehigh, George has served as         at the Philadelphia Country          Houston area from Caracas for         If anyone has any knowledge,
president of the Southeastern        Club. The following morning          the holiday season. Carlos and        please contact Wighty at wight.
Pennsylvania Red Cross and           we all drove up to Lehigh to         his wife, Mercedes, have been
served on the board of the Phil-     tailgate and watch the Colgate       married for 50 years and have             Had an email from Jack
adelphia branch of the American      football game. Ira Friedman          lived in Caracas for most of          McCarthy after my last column

                                                                                                                                SPRING 2019 | 49
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was published. He was lament-         lectures – not a bad start. Sim-    Goodman Stadium for the Ford-        granddaughter, Cassie Cheese-
ing the passing of John Daniel.       ilarly, Ed Watters is diligently    ham game. Hard to imagine a          man, is playing varsity soccer
John was a Sigma Nu and               establishing our 611 Scholarship    pair of 1-year-old twins, plus 3-,   for Holy Cross. Joe reports that
member of the football team.          to be a permanent annual award      4- and 7-year-olds in tow for a      Doc is still playing soccer in
Jack’s wife, Diane, recently had      by the classes of ’61 and 2011.     three-hour game. True to form,       national tournaments. Joe and
back surgery, so as I write this,     More detail is on the web.          they left after the Marching 97’s    Robbie are now living in West
he is busy taking care of her.            Mike and Joan Hoben have        halftime show.                       Chester, Pa., near their two
Jack is living in Naples, Fla., and   been hitting the road despite           If you are getting the feeling   daughters and five grandkids.
playing lots of golf. He encour-      his continued involvement in        that 2018 was a rough year           They do their snowbirding
ages any classmates in the area       investments. When we gathered       on the Lehigh gridiron, just         in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla.,
to contact him for a game.            in Bethlehem for the Samantha       consider those of us with season     six months each year and are

                                      Power Hagerman lecture, the         tickets: Dick Moll, George           enjoying their senior years.
              Robert Paternos-        Smiths and Hobens braved some       Spill, Larry Moyer and myself.          Harvey Skolnick went
              ter, 448 Bellflower     chilly weather to golf at Saucon,   Tailgating just wasn’t the same.     to San Antonio to follow the
              Blvd., Suite 303,       where Mike is a member. The         George and Gladys are now            Flower Mound Band in the
Long Beach, CA 90814.                 Hobens moved on to a mystery        in the Delaware Valley after         Bands of America competition.           dinner near the Poconos. Next       forever in Allentown, but they       Grandson Gavin McDaniel
GUEST COLUMNIST: Paul                 stop is Vero Beach, where they      still make the trip every fall –     plays the sousaphone in the
Smith,         have become snowbirds with a        tough duty this year. One nice       winning band, which now will
Ken Weaver and Jessica left           new winter home.                    event the Philly crowd enjoys is     march in Pasadena in the Rose
St. James, N.C., because of a             Despite what we would best      a semi-annual luncheon hosted        Bowl Parade.
mandatory Florence evacua-            describe as a subpar summer         by Lehigh at Hershey’s Mill near        Birk Drury moved in April
tion, securing everything inside      for weather, the Paul Smith clan    West Chester, Pa. Dick Book-         back to Saratoga Springs, N.Y.,
and outside of the house, and         spent two gorgeous weeks on         binder surfaced at the recent        where he spent his career with
took off for daughter Lori’s in       Popponesset Island on Cape          October event along with many        Key Bank (Albany, N.Y.). He did
Chantilly, Va. Ken outsmarted         Cod. All three sons are Eagles      of those mentioned previously.       some hiking and kayaking last
the majority by avoiding I-95.        diehards who went to the Super      Speakers from Lehigh vary from       summer and now is prepping
They left on Sept. 12 and spent       Bowl. They ran into Bob Kraft,      department heads all the way         for ski season in nearby New
the next 12 days in Lori’s finest     Pats owner, who summers on          up to President John Simon.          York and Vermont. Birk moved
in-law basement bedroom               the island. Other than saying           Rich Miller still does his       north to be with his three
with private bath and TV. They        “41-33,” they treated him with      snowbirding in Ocean Reef,           daughters, a son, a step-daugh-
returned home to find their           respect.                            Fla., and tries to fish every        ter and 11 grandkids. They do
home intact and not damaged               Hurricane Florence spoiled      Friday. Margo and Rich enjoyed       keep him busy. He plans to try
by any of the 2,000 trees lost in     a mini ’61 gathering at the         Thanksgiving with visiting           contacting the rest of the 1961
St. James. Plans are to return        Navy game as Ed Watters and         family by introducing a sport        ATO class for some more news.

closer to roots in Middletown,        Joe Bartish canceled at the         Margo learned during a recent
Del., to be closer to family, the     last minute. Turns out it was a     trip to Alaska. It’s called gutter                  Philip J. Kinzel,
Eagles and Wawa. Ken and the          gorgeous day, but only Larry        racing and involves pitting your                    11 Cleveland Road,
Theta Delt gang reunited at the       Moyer, Carole Anne and Paul         goldfish in one five-foot gutter                    Caldwell, NJ
Fordham game in mid-October           Smith represented ’61. Lehigh       against your opponent’s in a         07006. (973) 226-8618 (H), (973)
with Ken driving through Trop-        competed for a quarter, but         second gutter. We’ll wait to see     226-1430 (B), (973) 464-8282
ical Storm Michael to get there.      the Naval Academy ambiance          if this takes off like pickleball.   (C);
    Your class maintains an           made it special. Carole Anne            Rich “Moose” Parsons is              Enjoyed a conversation with
active presence at campus;            and I continued south to Ocean      still a top voice in a Kennebunk,    Craig Anderson ’60. Craig was
Mike Hoben, Ed Watters and            City, Md., for three days of golf   Maine, singing group, good           the first Lehigh grad to pitch
Paul Smith remain on the              with a Philly seniors group with    enough to participate in an          in the major leagues, making
Ethics Endowment Advisory             only 15 minutes of rain, despite    international competition in         his debut with the St. Louis
Committee, which reached              Florence pounding Carolina at       Orlando. Rich was able to take       Cardinals, before moving on
major endowment status with           the same time.                      down a huge tree with help           to be a member of the original
a bequest by Pete Hagerman.               Ed Watters continues his        from son Chad, then split every      1962 Amazin’ Mets. Craig called
Being good stewards, we have          consulting with just enough         bit for firewood. Wife Debbie        to give accolades for the great
added Kari (Hackbarth) Arienti        clients not to impinge on his ex-   has one curb on his outdoor          job that John Burbridge did
’86 and Christopher Chew ’11 to       tended family. Smartly, he keeps    activities – no more ladders.        in writing Craig’s biography.
maintain the focus on values in       one client in France, giving        The Moose gang will again make       The biography was prepared in
decision-making for all Lehigh        him reason to spend time with       their annual monthly stay in         conjunction with the Baseball
students. An annual Hagerman          daughter Noelle and family,         Sarasota this coming March.          Biography Project of the Society
Ethics Lecture has brought Car-       who live just outside Paris. Ed’s       Joe Napravnik met Pat and        for American Baseball Research
ly Fiorina and Samantha Power         remaining two daughters and         Armand “Doc” Fernandes in            (SABR). John is a baseball
to campus for the first two           family made their annual trek to    Worcester, Mass., where his          aficionado and is currently

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professor emeritus at Elon           Ed and Barbara are married 54        Harold Milton ’63 in Quaker-         Lynn ’19, and the ball ended up in
University, where he was dean        years. Ed has a Ph.D. in polymer     town, Pa. Joining us for Harold’s    the hands of our other defensive
of the business school. He is also   chemistry. After joining Bell        traditional venison chili dinner     end, Davis Maxie ’20, who raced
an adjunct at York College of        Labs in 1966 he entered the          were 15 alumni, staff and guests.    43 yards for Lehigh’s first score.
Pennsylvania. While at Elon, he      scientist-as-astronaut compe-        Harold was next getting ready        Senior Dom Bragalone ran for
introduced and taught “Baseball      tition, and made it down to the      to host Thanksgiving dinner          107 yards and three touch-
and Statistics.” He is a lifelong    final cut. Ed believes that “being   with guests Linda and Wil            downs. Based on that effort,
New York Giants baseball fan.        taller than their max was my ul-     Hamp and family from Hilton          Bragalone was named Lehigh’s
The greatest Giants-Dodgers          timate undoing.” Ed spent most       Head, S.C.                           40th MVP since 1960 when the

game he attended was a 1-0           of his career at Eastman Kodak,                                           award was initiated. The only
Giants victory in Jersey City        becoming a senior laboratory di-                    Dixon Earley,         good thing for Lafayette that
in 1956. Yes, the Dodgers did        rector and head of the Research                     151 Old Ford Dr.,     afternoon was that Joe Madden,
play in Jersey City in 1956 and      Scientific Council. Ed and Bar-                     Camp Hill, PA         manager of the Chicago Cubs,
1957. John has a B.S., M.S. and      bara live in Matthews, N.C.          17011. (717) 761-1297 or (863)       was in attendance.
Ph.D. from Lehigh in industrial          Ron Johnson had sailing on       419-0514;             Other than those who at-
engineering. John and Mary           the Queen Mary and visiting the      The 2018 Lehigh-Lafayette            tended the Beat Lafayette Lun-
Agnes are married over 50 years      National Baseball Hall of Fame,      weekend started for seven            cheon, the only other classmate
and live in Seven Valleys, Pa.       Cooperstown, N.Y., on his bucket     members of the Class of 1963         I saw at this year’s Lehigh-La-
Craig Anderson’s bio can be          list. In October, Phil Kinzel        (Pete Fortmann, Bob Barber,          fayette game was class vice
obtained at        invited Ron to join Phil and son     Walter Nichols, Don Hill,            president Paul Seibert. If you
person/0cbd3fab.                     Phil Jr. ’92 to go striper fishing   Fred Braun, Dixon Earley and         were there, please let me know
    Not often that I get to report   on the Queen Mary headboat out       Jim Wilson) plus one spouse          along with what you have been
weddings for my septuage-            of Pt. Pleasant, N.J. No stripers    (Peg Earley), who are in the 50+     doing since 1963.
narian classmates. But wed-          were caught but lots of porgies.     Game Club, at the annual Beat            Tidbits from the reunion.
ding bells rang for Kay Tyler        Ron found a recipe for porgies on    Lafayette Luncheon. They joined      Not all of us are retired. Arve
and Don Mellman on Oct. 6.           Google and prepared a delicious      the seniors on the football team,    B. Holt, who was a chemical
Don received his M.D. from           fish dinner at Phil’s vacation       who along with their parents         engineering major, is still
Hahnemann Medical College,           home in Metedeconk, N.J. Two         attended their first Beat Lafay-     working as a senior engineering
went to Boston City Hospital         weeks later Ron enjoyed a week-      ette Luncheon. For some reason,      advisor for Becht Engineering
and spent two years in the Navy      end in Cooperstown visiting the      there was not a big attendance       Co. of Wynnewood, Pa. Becht
as an LST squadron medical           Hall of Fame.                        at the luncheon, but the seniors     Engineering provides a wide
officer with short stints in Viet-       A group of the Famous Class      and the coaches expressed their      array of engineering services to
nam. Don is an expert witness in     of ’62 Lehigh grads gathered         gratitude to those who attended      the energy, process and power
neurological surgery cases and       for a weekend of golf and            and the 50+ game attendees who       industries, including continuing
does human rights work in Gaza.      nostalgia in September at the        were there. It was noted that        services to 90 percent of the re-
Don and Kay live in Tampa,           Landing in Savannah, where           some 50-60 people had attended       fineries in the United States and
Fla. Ken Gelbard attended            Beverly and Kent Westhelle,          in past years, compared to the       Canada. Robert John Von See,
the wedding. For the last 40         Dee and Dave Angell, and             35 that were there this year.        a business administration, eco-
years, Ken has been renovating,      Patty and Jim Morgan have            The attendance at this year’s        nomics and marketing major, is
owning and operating some of         enjoyed the lifestyle for over 11    game was also lower, but the 50+     an account executive for Waste
the old mills that existed in the    years. Kent did the organizing,      Game Luncheon always means           Management Corp. in Newport,
Baltimore area when it was an        and according to Jim he should       so much to so many alums and         R.I., where he lives. Robert also
industrial city.                     have, since he shot his age on       those who have attended that         owns A-1 Car, Cab and Van Co.,
    Dick Pollock and Ed Otoc-        Friday. Joining the group was        many games.                          which provides high-end trans-
ka were saddened to read of the      Bob Downing, Brenda and                  Fortunately, the game started    portation in Newport County.
passing of Palmer Zigmund            Bernie Gitlin, and Mimi and          in Lehigh’s favor and continued          Dr. George McGinley, an
in the Summer 2018 Bulletin.         Don Kane. All had a great time,      that way until the final whistle     ophthalmologist in the Lehigh
Dick and Palmer attended the         and then there was golf!             with a 34-3 Lehigh win. Lehigh       Valley, retired in 2015.
McBurney School in New York              Lehigh did shine, winning        won the coin toss and elected to         A short email from Anthony
City and were freshman room-         the 154th game with Lafay-           defer their choice until the sec-    Mazzucca indicates that he
mates at Lehigh. Dick received       ette, 34-3. Sitting in the stands    ond half. Lafayette’s leading kick   is still working hard as a real
his master’s in engineering at       behind Eleanor and me was            returner took the kickoff and re-    estate broker.
Columbia University and then         Fritz Mueller and his son,           turned it to the Lehigh 45 where         The column ends on a
spent the rest of his career in      Robert ’88. Fritz was attend-        he was tackled by our kicker, Ed     sad note. Dave Hartman in
California. Dick and Mary live       ing his 61st Lehigh-Lafayette        Mish ’19. From then on it was all    Vero Beach, Fla., indicated by
on Lake Fork in Yantis, Texas.       game, never missing one since        Lehigh. On the first play from       email on the Friday before the
Palmer was one of Ed’s best          he was a freshman at Lehigh.         scrimmage the Lafayette quar-        Lehigh-Lafayette game that
friends at Lehigh. Palmer intro-     After the game we were invited       terback went back to pass and        his wife, Shirley, passed away
duced Ed to his wife, Barbara.       to the circa 1750 farmhouse of       was hit by defensive end Julian      that day.

                                                                                                                               SPRING 2019 | 51
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