April 2022 | Gazette Life

April 2022 | Gazette Life
April 2022 | Gazette Life | 1
April 2022 | Gazette Life
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2 | Gazette Life | April 2022
April 2022 | Gazette Life
Contents                                                                                                                                  April 2022

    GAZETTE LIFE                                                            ALWAYS WELCOME

Ed's Letter                                               start of the year, and there are high hopes for a busy
                                                          Easter holiday this month. Lanzarote has always had
                                                          a high percentage of faithful visitors who return to
I managed to get out to carnival a couple of times        the island they love time after time, but figures are
                                                                                                                        06      Local News
last month and it was fantastic - dancing with            also showing a higher number of first-time visitors           08      Island Info
strangers in the street to the glorious sounds of         this year.
a carnival street band, getting thumped by the                                                                          23      Crossword
Diabletes and watching people of all ages enjoying        Whoever they are and wherever they're from, they'll
this joyful, chaotic spectacle.                           be guaranteed a warm welcome. The Canaries is                 27      Pet Spot
                                                          not just open for business, it's a refuge that has also       34      Recipe
The absence of fiestas and street parades has been        opened its doors to refugees from the war in Ukraine.
one of the more depressing aspects of the last two                                                                      44      Maps
years – this is an island that loves to dress up and      In coming months we'll be looking more closely at
hit the streets, and some of my most memorable            some of the less-publicised tourist attractions on the        53      Property
moments on the island have been at these events.          island. This month we focus on the Museo Tanit, a
                                                          fascinating Aladdin's Cave of treasures in a beautiful
                                                                                                                        74      Sport
They include the moving Holy Encounter                    old winery in San Bartolomé.                                  76      Motors
procession in Arrecife on Easter Wednesday; the
unforgettable parade of the Virgen de las Nieves          As the island opens up again, we're also hoping to            78      Marketplace
on the clifftop of Famara in August sunshine, the         review more of the cultural events that will take
regatta of tooting ships at Puerto del Carmen             place on the island, from concerts to art exhibitions,        81      Classifieds
and, of course, the spectacle of the pilgrimage to        sporting events to fiestas. If you're interested in
                                                                                                                        85      Tel Nos/Need To Know
Mancha Blanca in September. Hopefully, these              contributing, we'd love to hear from you.
traditions will be back with us as soon as possible.                                                                    86      Tide Times/Weather Watch
                                                          Finally, a special thanks to photographer GStee, who
Definitely back with us are tourists. The Canaries        took the incredible shot on our cover. Feast your eyes        89      Horoscopes
were the most popular destination in Europe at the        on more of his work on page 22.

Published By                                                                                  EMAIL CONTACTS
                                              Whilst we make every effort to ensure
CANARY ISLAND IMPACT SERVICES S.L.            that material published in the magazine is      EDITORIAL: editorial@gazettelife.com
Avenida Central de Tías                       decent, legal and accurate, it can take no
                                              responsibility for any damage or loss which
                                                                                              ADVERTISING: advertising@gazettelife.com
No.84, Local B                                might arise as a result of material published   CLASSIFIEDS: classified@gazettelife.com
35572 Tías - Lanzarote                        herein. We are not responsible for third        +34 928 093 823
Cif: B76362367                                party advertisers within the magazine. The
                                              opinions expressed are not necessarily          +34 621 274 473
DEPOSITO LEGAL: GC 786-2015                   those of the publishers or the editor.          www.gazettelife.com

                                                                                                                                    April 2022 | Gazette Life | 3
April 2022 | Gazette Life
05                   Casualties of War

                         Spain welcomes Ukrainian war

    12                   Power Play
                         Electricity and fuel prices soar.

                                                              Let the sun shine in.
                         Wish Upon a
                         Dreams come true in Playa

    16                   Readers' Replies

                         Your answers to our questionnaire.

                         Controversy                                                                   Lanzarote
                         Lanzarote wavers on renewables.                                               Heritage

                                                                                                        The fascinating
                         David's Detours                                                                Museo Tanit in
                         A picturesque descent to Teguise.                                              San Bartolomé.

    Rancho Canario
                                                                                      Eye in the Sky
    A hearty island favourite.
                                                                                      Photographer Gstee's amazing
                                                                                      aerial shots.

4 | Gazette Life | April 2022
April 2022 | Gazette Life
           FROM UKRAINE

TO BE THE FIRST OF MANY, AS SPAIN OPENS ITS DOORS IN                                                 ''THE UKRAINIAN
RESPONSE TO THE LARGEST WAR REFUGEE CRISIS IN EUROPE                                                   COMMUNITY IS
                                                                                                    “DEEPLY ROOTED”
  On Friday 11th March, the first                More Ukrainian refugees are expected                    IN SPAIN''
  Ukrainian refugees arrived at La Oliva in      to arrive shortly. Spain announced that        rooted” in Spain. Ukrainians are the eighth-
  Fuerteventura, where they were greeted         it would initially receive 12,000 refugees     largest foreign population in Spain.
  by the local mayor, Pilar González and         – half of whom will be placed in charge
  Natalia Karpukhina, a Ukrainian resident       of the state and the other half distributed    Canarian President Ángel Víctor Torres
  on the island who had requested assistance.    among Spain's 17 regions. “And if that's       announced last month that the Canaries
  Three volunteer workers and 16 children        not enough places, there'll be more,” said     was willing to do its bit in accepting refugees
  from an orphanage arrived at 6pm on            Minister José Luis Escrivá.                    from Ukraine, but he also called for an
  a flight from Budapest after spending a                                                       “equal commitment” from other regions to
  gruelling nine-day journey seeking refuge      The Spanish government also announced          accommodate migrants who arrive on the
  following bombardment by Russian forces.       that it would regularise all Ukrainians        islands from the African mainland.
                                                 (about 113,000 people) that had been living
  It is believed that several other Ukrainians   in Spain before the Russian invasion. Jesús    Spain is already developing a scheme which
  have already arrived on the islands to         Javier Perea, Spain's Secretary of State for   will permit applicants to open their homes
  stay with friends or family, while around      Migration said, “We have a moral duty not      to refugees. However, the procedure is likely
  170 Ukrainians were holidaying in the          only to those who are arriving but also to     to be time-consuming, as there are fears that,
  Canaries when war broke out, and are           those who were already here”, pointing out     without background checks, traffickers may
  unable to return to their country.             that the Ukrainian community is “deeply        take advantage of any such scheme.

                                                                                                                April 2022 | Gazette Life | 5
April 2022 | Gazette Life
UK TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS SCRAPPED                                                        TAXI QUEUES RETURN                     However, Echeide Padrón of the
                                                                                                                              San Bartolomé taxi co-operative
The UK scrapped Covid travel restrictions                                              Lanzarote's Tourist Federation has     told La Voz de Lanzarote that
on March 18th, meaning that passenger                                                  criticised the long queues for taxis   the queues are “occasional” and
locator forms are no longer required for travel                                        that have returned to the César        go down quickly “in 10 or 15
to UK destinations. The requirement for                                                Manrique Airport, and called for       minutes” once taxis from other
unvaccinated travellers to undergo tests was                                           “optimization” of the service.         areas are permitted to pick up.
also abolished.                                                                                                               He also said the shortage of hire
                                                                                       Susana Pérez, President of             cars and tourists' reluctance to use
Ireland abolished its restrictions a week earlier,                                     Lanzarote's Tourist Federation,        public transport due to Covid fears
but at the time of writing Spain has no plans                                          has said that the image of long        had been contributory factors.
to get rid of its FCS form, must be completed                                          taxi queues “is not compatible
by all visitors to the country.                                                        with a premium destination,”           The rules for taxis at the airport
                                                                                       and called for optimization of the     favour the taxis of San Bartolomé,
UK tourists are classed as “third country”                                             service. She has suggested more        the municipality where the airport
nationals and, at the time of writing,                                                 efficient use of flight information    is located. Taxi drivers from other
unvaccinated Britons are still prohibited from                                         to address demand for taxis in         municipalities are not permitted
entering Spain unless they are between the                                             time, or permitting the operation      to make pick-ups until the queue
ages of 12 to 18 and bear a negative test result.                                      of deregulated services.               reaches a certain length.

COVID DE-ESCALATION CONTINUES                                   In discos, cocktail bars, and karaoke clubs,
                                                                a 75% capacity still applies indoors, and
The Canarian Government continued to relax Covid                dancing remains prohibited.
restrictions in March, as part of the de-escalation caused
by the reduction of hospitalizations on the islands.            Mask rules have not changed, although an
                                                                announcement from the Spanish government
Bars, restaurants, and most other establishments on             on this measure is expected in the near future.
Lanzarote were permitted to operate at full capacity
indoors and outdoors, and establishments are permitted          The Canarian Health Service has also halted
to remain open until 4 am in the morning.                       daily reports on Covid figures. These are
                                                                now supplied twice-weekly, on Tuesdays
The only restrictions that still apply at the time of writing   and Fridays, as Spain moves towards a new
limit the maximum amount of people to a table to 12.            system of monitoring the virus.             The Canarian Government's Covid site.

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6 | Gazette Life | April 2022
April 2022 | Gazette Life
AIRPORT SOUNDPROOFING                       TIMANFAYA PARK & RIDE                         DRAMATIC SCULPTURE
                                            Tinajo Mayor Jesús Machín has                 A new sculpture located
AENA, Spain’s airport authority, has        said that he is in advanced talks             at the roundabout at the
committed to the soundproofing of           with the Cabildo to put an end to             entrance to Lanzarote’s
1,600 homes and buildings that are          public parking at Timanfaya.                  Marina represents one
affected by aircraft noise on Lanzarote.                                                  of    Lanzarote’s     most
                                            The plan to end visitors’ parking at          celebrated     links    to
An AENA source told Canarias 7              the Fire Mountain tourist attraction          20th century culture.
that “The objective is to carry out         has been in the air for some time,
soundproofing in all those homes, and       and has become more urgent                    The    Fisherman with
buildings used for sanitary, educational    recently as the LZ-67 road through            Marlin is a sculpture
and cultural purposes, in accordance        the national park has become                  by Jorge Isaac Medina
with the current situation”.                regularly congested with queues of            which represents a scene               as a skipper and who
                                            cars waiting to enter Timanfaya.              from The Old Man and the               became his companion on
Over 1,000 of the homes and buildings                                                     Sea, Ernest Hemingway’s                his several voyages around
affected are located in Playa Honda,        The plan is to establish a large              classic novel of a duel                Cuba.
and San Bartolomé’s Mayor Isidro            parking area for visitors at Mancha           between a fisherman and a
Pérez recently chaired a public meeting     Blanca, six kilometres away, from             huge marlin.                           Gregorio Fuentes was born
to explain details of the soundproofing     where tourists will be transported                                                   by the Charco de San Ginés
projects to Playa Honda residents.          to the Fire Mountains in shuttle              The     protagonist     of             in the fishing barrio of
                                            buses. Machín said “There’s no                Hemingway’s         novel,             Valterra, Arrecife, but left
Several properties in the Matagorda         need to destroy more landscapes               Santiago,   is    believed             the island at the age of six
area of Tías and the barrio of Argana       – the carpark needs to be at the              to have been based on                  with his father, who was
Alta in northern Arrecife also qualify      site of Los Dolores (the church at            Gregorio Fuentes, who                  looking for better prospects
for soundproofing.                          Mancha Blanca).                               Hemingway      contracted              in Cuba.
AENA say that residents must
contact them to be included in the
soundproofing project, either by
                                            CRIME DOWN
calling the Acoustic Insulation Plans       Crime figures fell on Lanzarote in 2021, with         There were 346 burglaries, with 207 taking place
Management Office on 915 903170 or          noticeable decreases in burglaries and sexual         in private homes. The majority of these break-
by email at Oficina.paa@ineco.com.          offences. Cases of petty theft, however, saw an       ins occurred outside Arrecife, which saw only
                                            increase of 10%.                                      47 house burglaries last year. Nevertheless, the
                                                                                                  overall number of burglaries has fallen by 17%
                                            In terms of serious crime, there were no murders      in comparison to 2020. This downward trend
                                            or kidnappings on the island last year, and three     in burglaries predates the lockdown, with cases
                                            attempted murders in Arrecife. There were 77 cases    falling by over half since 2017.
                                            of robbery with violence or intimidation, a figure
                                            which has remained fairly constant for several        One murder has taken place on the island in
                                            years, with no notable increases or decreases.        2022, the first since August 2019. The case
                                            Sexual offences fell by more than 25% with 51         involved the stabbing of a man in a drug den
                                            instances reported, of which one was a rape.          in Arrecife.

      Spanish Wills and advice on English Wills               English Speaking Solicitors                    Tel: (+34) 928 815 262
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         35500 Arrecife - Lanzarote        35580, Playa Blanca - Yaiza - Lanzarote                 (Opp. Lidl beside Hiperdino Express and Tias Land Registry Office)

                                                                                                                            April 2022 | Gazette Life | 7
April 2022 | Gazette Life
ISLAND INFO                                                                                             CHURCH SERVICES
                                                                                                         The Anglican Church of Lanzarote has sent us
                                                                                                         the following schedule for April and Holy Week.
                                                                                                         Services are as follows
                                                                                                         April 3: 12.30 pm - Puerto del Carmen. 5.00
 Monday 14th March saw the official launch            seemed to pause for the evening.
                                                                                                         pm -Playa Blanca
 of the Lanzarote Irish Network at a special
 St. Patrick's event held at the Pool Bar of          The LIN (Lanzarote Irish Network)
 Arrecife's Gran Hotel.                                                                                  April 10: (Palm Sunday): 12.30 pm - Puerto
                                                      is a new initiative that aims to build
                                                                                                         del Carmen. 5.00 pm - Playa Blanca
                                                      closer cultural, sporting and business
 A talented band composed of Canarian and Irish       links between Lanzarote and Ireland.
 musicians entertained the guests, with several                                                          April 14: (Maundy Thursday): Foot Washing –
 taking to the floor to dance, and even Storm Celia                                                      11.00 am -Puerto del Carmen
                                                      John    Killeen    of      Lanzarote
                                                      Investments, Roisin McSorley of
                                                      Catlanza and Ann Leneghan of                       April 15 (Good Friday): “Way of the Cross”
                                                      Lanzarote Weddings were present, as                in the Old Harbour – 11.00 am - Puerto del
                                                      founder members of the group, and                  Carmen church
                                                      Enda O'Coineen of the Business Post
                                                      Group was the perfect host.                        April 17 (Easter Sunday): 12.30 pm - Puerto
                                                                                                         del Carmen. 5.00 pm - Playa Blanca
                                                      The LIN has already got behind the
                                                      St. Patrick's Regatta and the official             April 24: 12.30 pm - Puerto del Carmen. 5.00
                                                      St. Patrick’s Day celebrations on                  pm -Playa Blanca
                                                      Lanzarote and plans to work closely
                                                      with associations such as the Atlantic             May 1: 12.30 pm - Puerto del Carmen. 5.00
                                                      Youth Trust in the future.                         pm - Playa Blanca

                                                                                                         There may be changes at short notice - please
                                                                                                         do check the website before you come to church.
 Carnival came back to Lanzarote last            Lanzanimal, the therapeutic farm we visited
 month for the first time in three years.        in March, are organising an Easter Camp for
 Although the big parades were cancelled         children from 4 years of age upwards. The
                                                                                                         HANG ON BOULDER CHALLENGE
 due to Covid uncertainty, there were            camp aims to introduce the kids to farm life,
 plenty of smaller events and gatherings all     to nature and teamwork. They will learn                 On April 30th, Hang On Climbing in Arrecife
 over the island.                                how to take care of the animals, how to feed            is hosting one of the three competitions that
                                                 them and above all to have fun together. The            will decide the Canarian Bouldering Cup.
 The sound of drums and brass bands;             camp runs from 9.30 am to 3.30 pm on Mon                Contact the Hang On climbing club on 928
 swaying, stepping dance groups in feathers      11th to Fri 15th April and costs €100. Call             80 42 55 ort Whatsapp 639 70 95 27 to find
 and sequins, scores of onlookers dressed up     Lanzanimal on 657 459 872 to find out more.             out more.
 for the occasion and, of course, traditional
 groups such as the Diabletes of Teguise,
 livened up the streets of Arrecife and other
 towns with the return of the island's most      SAVING SARA
 purely joyful and irreverent tradition.
                                                 Last month, thieves broke into the SARA office in
                                                 Tahiche for the second time, stealing a small amount
                                                 of money but leaving the place ransacked and the
                                                 door broken. “Our money is meant for looking
                                                 after the animals,” said a SARA spokesperson, “Not
                                                 repairs, new doors, and alarm systems.”

                                                 Fortunately, Milnrow Windows heard Sara's call for
                                                 distress and their team turned up promptly to install
                                                 a new security door for free. You can do your bit
                                                 to help, too, by donating, volunteering, dog walking
                                                 or just supporting the Flea Market on the second
                                                 Saturday of the month.

8 | Gazette Life | April 2022
April 2022 | Gazette Life

                                                                                                       Browny is an adorable female Labrador.
                                                                                                       At 8 years and 3 months old she has found
                                                                                                       herself at the shelter through no fault of her
                                                                                                       own. Yet she remains resolutely cheerful and
                                                                                                       affectionate. She has the sweetest temperament
                                                                                                       and is looking for a home with plenty of
                                                                                                       cuddles. Find out more about her at http://
                                                                                                       saraprotectora.org or book an appointment
                                                                                                       on 928 173 417 (English spoken). Dog walkers
                                                                                                       welcome from 10.30 13.00 Monday-Saturday
                                                                                                       (Saturday by appointment only). If it is your
                                                                                                       first visit, please bring ID.

                                                                                                       Gins is one of SARA's Grandpas. He has
                                                                                                       just celebrated his 15th birthday and a home
                                                                                                       of his own would be the best present. He
                                                                                                       might be a senior, but still enjoys being made
                                                                                                       a fuss of and giving friendly head bumps.
                                                                                                       Find out more and how to meet him at www.

                                                                                                       There are also limited places for people to
                                                                                                       help with socialising cats. Email info@sara-

 Lanzarote received a welcome boost last month when the Guardian newspaper published a short
 guide to Arrecife, written by local hotelier María Álava.

 The article highlighted some of the coolest bars by the Charco and at the Marina and mentioned
 great little shops such as Queso Project in the city centre. Lanzarote reviews usually focus on the
 resorts and tourist attractions, so it was great to see one that focused on the capital.

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                                                                                                                      April 2022 | Gazette Life | 9
April 2022 | Gazette Life
CONSUME LOCALLY                                                                                                 TAX SEASON OPENS
                                                 The Lanzarote Consume card permits consumers
                                                 to double their spending power by supporting local             6th April is the date from which Spain's
                                                 businesses.                                                    Hacienda (tax office) is open to receive tax
                                                                                                                declarations for the year 2021. In reality,
                                                 The card system, which is supported by the Cabildo,            however, most will wait until 6th May, which
                                                 the Canarian Government and Felapyme (the                      is when digital applications may be submitted.
                                                 federation of small and medium businesses), means              Nevertheless, April is also the month when first-
                                                 that everyone who pays €30 for one of the 5,000                quarter returns for 2022 must be submitted.
                                                 cards available can purchase €60 worth of goods
                                                 from more than 150 businesses which have signed                Declarations are likely to be even more
                                                 up to the scheme. More businesses are expected to              complicated than usual for many businesses
                                                 join the scheme as it continues.                               and self-employed, given the special measures
                                                                                                                introduced during the pandemic. We strongly
                                                 The first phase of the scheme will last until 30th April.      advise seeking the assistance of a qualified
                                                 You can find out more at www.consumelanzarote.es.              professional for these matters.

CINEMA                                                   MORE TRAINING, NOW

The Cine Buñuel at Arrecife's El Almacén                 José Torres Fuentes, President of Lanzarote
has a selection of films on show in March,               Chamber of Commerce, has called for the urgent
including Ryûsuke Hamaguchi’s “Wheel of                  establishment of professional training centres on
Fortune and Fantasy” and Ángel Esteban’s                 Lanzarote and the Canaries.
“Malditos”. All are shown in original
language with Spanish subtitles.                         “We're witnessing a gradual social and educational
                                                         impoverishment in which we import workers
Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy (Ryûsuke                    while our children and grandchildren remain in
Hamaguchi, 2021) Japanese                                the most poorly-paid jobs.”
6th, 7:30pm & 7th, 8:30pm                                Torres pointed out that the Canaries had the
                                                         highest youth unemployment rates in Spain,
Malditos (Angel Esteban, 2020) Spanish                   which in turn has one of the worst rates in Europe.
20th, 7:30pm & 21st, 8:30pm
                                                         Torres called for more focus and investment in
El Vientre del Mar (Agusti Villaronga)                   vocational training, asking “When will we in the
Catalan                                                  Canaries stop playing at being ignorant, or trying
27th, 7:30pm & 28th, 8:30pm                              to keep our own citizens ignorant.”

One of the cinemas at Deiland and the
Atlántida in Arrecife shows a film in its original
                                                         PREPARING FOR HIGH SEASON
language every Monday and Thursday, and
these are usually in English. Find out What’s            Cabildo President María Dolores Corujo                Among the issues discussed was a crackdown
On at gazettelife.com/whatson.                           met with Susana Pérez, president of the               on unlicenced tourist activities and the
                                                         Lanzarote Tourist Federation, last month to           problems of car parking for aircraft
And don’t miss the Starlight Rooftop Cinema              discuss measures required now that tourism is         employees. More charging points for electric
at Puerto del Carmen’s Biosfera Shopping                 returning to normal.                                  vehicles and a more efficient taxi service
Centre.                                                                                                        were also addressed, while the Cabildo
                                                         The Canaries were the most popular Spanish            pledged to take action to protect Lanzarote's
Check www.rooftopbiosfera.com for this                   destination in January this year, and there are       palm trees, currently under threat from the
month’s films.                                           high hopes for a busy Easter and Summer season.       diocalandra weevil.

10 | Gazette Life | April 2022
April 2022 | Gazette Life | 11
       THE TIME.

       Spain’s energy prices are breaking new record highs every          Free market tariffs offer fixed rates, and competition in the
       week. Unfortunately, wholesale price rises on the international    sector means that discounts and “happy hours” are frequent.
       energy market, inflation and the war in the Ukraine all mean       You get more stability, and a better idea of what your
       that further price rises are highly likely. To prepare for this,   forthcoming bill is likely to be. You’ll need to spend more
       you’ll need to get the best deal for you, and to do that you       time seeking out a deal that’s right for you, and you won’t be
       need to know a little about how the system works.                  eligible for subsidies, but this is now the most popular option
                                                                          in Spain.
       In Spain, the price of electricity to the consumer fluctuates
       hourly depending on many factors. The day before this              To get the best deal, the advice to shop around still stands.
       article was written, for example, it varied from 0.35 Euros        First, sit down and work out your energy needs. Previous
       per Kilowatt Hour (KWH) at 6 am in the morning to 0.60             bills will help with this, as will information about times of
       Euros at 7pm.                                                      day or seasons when your energy use is higher or lower.
                                                                          Then approach a few energy companies and ask them to
       These prices have shot up in the last year, just as they have      recommend a tariff for you.
       done in most of the world. Although Spain slashed VAT
       and electricity taxes on energy bills last year in order to        Free market clients should keep an eye on their contracts,
       support consumers, Canarian customers did not benefit as           too. Terms can change fairly suddenly, and better deals may
       they are subject to 7% IGIC (a lower rate of VAT which             arise elsewhere.
       applies to the islands).
                                                                          Most free market tariffs operate on a system charging different
       To prepare for this, you need to understand how Spain’s            rates at different times of day. The prices are dictated by
       energy market works. Since deregulation in 1997, Spanish           demand, with higher prices at times when more people are
       consumers are able to choose between buying power from             using energy. There are three bands: peak, standard and low,
       the free market or the regulated market (PVCP). Whichever          although the difference between what you’ll pay for each
       you choose, you’ll pay the same taxes, and access fees. What       depends on your contract.
       will vary is the price you’re charged for energy.
                                                                          Peak hours: 10 am to 2pm and 6pm to 10 pm on weekdays.
       Prices on the regulated market change every hour,
                                                                          Standard hours: 8 am to 10 am, 2pm to 6pm and 10pm to
       depending on market prices. This means you’ll pay less
                                                                          midnight on weekdays.
       when prices are low and more when they’re high. Only
       eight companies offer regulated market access, but it does         Low hours: Midnight until 8 am on weekdays; Saturdays,
       entitle users to apply for the bono social – a generous subsidy    Sundays and National Holidays. (There are eight National
       for those on lower incomes.                                        holidays, and Regional and Local holidays do not count).

12 | Gazette Life | April 2022
                                               ARE AN INCREASINGLY
                                               ATTRACTIVE OPTION.“

                                                                                                                                            GAS EXPLOSION
                                                                                                                                            It’s not just electricity that’s seeing
                                                                                                                                            price increases - gas prices are also

                             ENERGY SAVING TIPS                                                                                             rocketing. There’s no mains gas supply
                                                                                                                                            on Lanzarote, but many households
                             Miguel Ángel Serrano of consumer association FACUA has said that there                                         rely on butane canisters for heating
                             is not much consumers can do about prices, stressing that this is primarily a                                  and cooking. The price of a standard
                             government matter. However, certain actions will help reduce consumption:                                      12.5kg container of butane gas has
                                                                                                                                            increased by over 25% in a year, from
                                       • Not leaving appliances on standby mode.                                                            €13.96 last April to €17.75 now.

                                                                                                                                            Petrol prices are also on the rise,
                                            • Not leaving chargers plugged in for long periods.
                                                                                                                                            recently reaching higher prices than
                                                • Not operating multiple appliances at once.                                                ever before on the islands. Local price
                                                                                                                                            comparison sites are available online,
                                                  • Use ECO settings and try lower temperatures on your                                     and are a useful tool for drivers.
                                                   washing machine.

                                                    • Using power strips with switches that allow all
                                                    appliances to be disconnected.

                                                    • Using appliances, especially high-consumption ones
                                                    such as washing machines and irons, at low periods.

                                                   The abolition of the last government’s “Sunshine Tax”
                                                  on solar power and wind power has once again increased
                                                 the popularity of these options. Initial outlay can, of course,
                                                 be hefty and most clients will need back-up from the mains,
                                                 but subsidies are often available from local authorities.

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                                                                                                                                                  April 2022 | Gazette Life | 13
                                                                                                                    ''DREAMS CAN
                                                                                                                    COME TRUE IN
                                                                                                                  PLAYA BLANCA.''
                                                                               wished that she could share        granting properties of     the
                                                                               the amazing experience with        spoon,” Ralf told us.
                                                                               someone else.
                                                                                                                  The couple have returned to
                                                                               That evening, Lola met Ralf        the spoon several times since
                                                                               Opoi, a university researcher      Ralf's Euromillions rollover
                                                                               who was also holidaying alone at   lottery win in 2019, but Ralf
                                                                               the resort. The couple returned    says “The spoon appears to
                                                                               to the spoon the next day and      only have the power to grant
FOR SEVERAL YEARS NOW, THE FAMOUS SPOON                                        are now happily married.           one wish to each person”.
IN CONCRETE HAS BROUGHT CURIOUS HOLIDAY                                                                           Ralf's 68-year-old mother Flora
                                                                               Lola shared her experience on      moved to Lanzarote that year,
MAKERS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD TO PLAYA                                        social media and discovered        although she is rarely seen on
BLANCA'S SEAFRONT. BUT THE UNIQUE TEASPOON                                     that, while not all wishes made    the island since beginning her
TURNS OUT TO HAVE POWERS BEYOND THOSE OF                                       on the spoon came true, a          intense affair with Hollywood
ATTRACTING TOURISTS...                                                         significant proportion did.        star Jason Momoa.
                                                                               Analysing the results, Ralf
                                                                               discovered that spoon wishes       Ralf and Lola recommend
The spoon, magically embedded          the amazing spoon has now been          are almost certain to come true    placing one foot near the
in the concrete of the promenade,      discovered, after researchers have      on a New Moon.                     spoon on the day of a New
is so popular it even has it's own     discovered that it has wish-granting                                       Moon, closing your eyes and
Tripadviser page, with ecstatic        properties.                             “It seems the gravitational pull   making one wish. It is also
reviews such as      “This is the                                              and absence of moonlight on        considered fortunate to thank
best spoon in concrete I’ve ever       The discovery started in summer         these days enhance the wish-       the spoon before leaving.
seen, and “A truly memorable,          2018, when tourist Lola Firpo
exhilarating experience and one I’ll   located the spoon while holidaying
never forget.”                         alone to recover from a break-up. As     The next New Moon occurs on April 1st, when there
                                       she snapped a selfie of her foot next    are sure to be crowds of excited pilgrims waiting to
However, a new dimension to            to the legendary item of cutlery, she                     wish upon a spoon.

14 | Gazette Life | April 2022

          wo years ago, Lanzarote was under one       to open its doors to tourists. Although tourism       2019, the last year before Covid.
          of the strictest lockdowns in Europe.       has increased since then, the “sixth wave” of
                                                      Omicron has also put a brake on recovery.             Flights from mainland Spain are now up 27.5%
          Hopes for a decent Easter season were
                                                                                                            on last year, while a strong commitment to
utterly dashed as resorts turned into ghost towns
                                                      However, at the time of writing, the UK and           diversification in other markets, such as the
and the airport ground to a virtual standstill.
                                                      Ireland have scrapped all restrictions on travel,     Netherlands, France, Italy, Portugal and Austria,
Summer was no better, with travel bans virtually
                                                      making travel even easier. Spain still requires the   has led to an increase of almost 25% in flights to
wiping out tourism. Things were so bleak that
                                                      completion of an FCS form and prohibits non-          the Canaries.
the Canaries even tried to introduce its own
                                                      vaccinated British adults from entry, but there
rules allowing tested tourists to arrive, but these   are strong indications that this may change in        The main shadow on the horizon is fuel price
were quickly knocked back by Spain.                   the near future, too.                                 rises that are already being increased due to the
                                                                                                            Ukraine war, which could affect medium-haul
The arrival of the vaccine in 2021 brought            But now things are promising to get back to           destinations such as the Canaries. However,
hope, but Lanzarote suffered badly from the           normal. The number of flights from the UK, the        on 11th March, Canarian Tourist Minister
Delta variant and it wasn't until much later in       Canaries' most important market, between April        announced that reservations had actually
the year that vaccine certificates allowed Spain      and September, is now 6% higher than it was in        increased by over 10%.

                                                                                                                           April 2022 | Gazette Life | 15

 WE'D LIKE TO THANK EVERYBODY WHO TOOK TIME TO COMPLETE                                                       section, with specific requests for local
                                                                                                              recipes and more vegetarian/vegan
 THERE'LL BE MORE CHANGES TO COME IN FUTURE ISSUES.                                                           Other responses showed that, like Robbie
                                                                                                              Williams' tattoo says, chácun a son goût
 The responses represented our readership well       island for some time, but they're coming back            -”Each to their own”. While some hate
 – most answers came from British readers, with      and, although we don't always get information            the horoscopes, others turn to them first;
 the Irish coming second, but we also received       on events in time for print, we'll do our best to        some like motors and sports reports while
 thoughtful contributions from French, Dutch,        include all we can and include more up-to-date           others ignore them completely – it takes
 Belgian, Scandinavian and Ukrainian readers.        info on our website and Facebook page. If you're         all sorts, and getting the ingredients right
                                                     in charge of organising or publicising an event,         is a constant challenge.
 With ages ranging from mid-20s to the 80s, the      just get in touch asap.
 average age of readers is in the mid-50s, perhaps
 reflecting the continued popularity of print        Readers' letters are also popular, and it was great to   THE WINNERS ARE!
 magazines among older age groups.                   read one comment who praised those who send in
                                                     “positive things about the island”. We're happy to       Of course, we promised to give a bottle
 There was overwhelming agreement on the most        print constructive criticism, but if you just want to    of wine to three of the best answers we
 popular articles in the magazine, with well over    moan, then Facebook is waiting....                       received, and so here are the winners.
 three quarters of readers saying that local news,                                                            Thanks to Tina Sloan, Kate Harmond
 interviews and events were their favourite parts    Our puzzles proved very popular, as well. We've          and Richard Tandy, who all win a bottle
 of the magazine. There was also a strong demand     already extended those pages, and will be looking        of La Geria's elixir of life.
 for more of these features, which we can assure     at more ways to test your mighty brain power in
 you we'll be responding to in the next months.      the future, as well.                                     Well done, you three. You can pick up
                                                                                                              your prizes from our office in Tías.
 The pandemic killed off cultural events on the      Recipes and food pages are another favourite

 16 | Gazette Life | April 2022
April 2022 | Gazette Life | 17

                                                                                                           THE GAZETTE SAYS...

                                                                                                           Less than 10% of Lanzarote's power
  LAST MONTH, THE CANARIAN                             Coalición Canaria (CC) party which governs          is generated by renewable sources.
                                                       Teguise, said “The project does not conform         While the island burns 180,000 tons
  GOVERNMENT        ORDERED                                                                                of oil a year to generate its energy,
                                                       to our municipal plan, but the Canarian
  THE CONSTRUCTION OF A                                Government has declared general interest and        the number of publicly funded solar
  6-MEGAWATT    WIND   FARM                            there’s nothing we can do about it.”                panels has hardly changed in ten
  JUST OUTSIDE COSTA TEGUISE                                                                               years. The dependence of an island
                                                       Duque claimed that the project should be            that is blessed with wind, solar,
  AND HAS TOLD TEGUISE                                 controlled by the Cabildo, saying that when         tidal, and geothermal resources on
  AYUNTAMIENTO TO “ALTER                               her party were in power such projects were          imported fossil fuels is a continuing
  ITS  GENERAL   PLAN”   TO                            publicly owned. “Under the Socialist Party, we      source of shame.
                                                       are exposed to private interests and not the will
  ACCOMMODATE THE PROJECT.                             of the Lanzarote people” she said.                  While the landscape is important,
                                                                                                           we don't recall ever hearing a tourist
  The wind farm (probably a single turbine,            Days later, the Cabildo joined the argument,
                                                                                                           complain about the wind turbines
  judging from the stated potential) will be located   saying that it would appeal against the project.
                                                                                                           on the island. They've certainly
  on a plot just inland from the small seaside         President María Dolores Corujo said, “We
                                                                                                           complained about the filthy power
  village of Las Caletas, just a few hundred metres    share the Canarian Government's wish to
                                                                                                           station that is clearly visible from
  from the two wind turbines that were installed       promote renewables, but we think that this
                                                                                                           tourist beaches in Costa Teguise,
  at Punta de los Vientos in 2016.                     should be done in an ordered manner, in order
                                                       to guarantee the conservation of our most
  The Canarian Government used the                     valuable asset – our countryside.”                  We hope the Cabildo is serious
  “declaration of general interest” in the Canarian
                                                       Corujo reminded the Canarian Government             about its commitment to renewables
  law on energy regulation to make the order, and
                                                       that the Cabildo's agreement to such projects       and agree that they require careful
  the park will be built by the Renovertis company
                                                       had been reliant on the existence of a plan, and    planning. But for years now we've
  from Gran Canaria. They claim that the new
                                                       that the Cabildo had already started to draw up     heard enough good intentions on this
  “Vista Mar” wind farm will cost almost €8
                                                       such an instrument. The Cabildo also reminded       matter from island authorities and
  million and create more than 42 jobs.
                                                       the Canarian Government that the use of the         seen far too little action. Urgency is
  The announcement caused immediate                    “general interest” clause should be exceptional     now required.
  controversy. Olivia Duque, spokesperson of the       and not standard.

18 | Gazette Life | April 2022

                                      Craft and laughter

After an unpleasant work experience at the beginning
of the lockdown, Areti Mallidou decided she wanted to
be her own boss. Areti is half Greek - half English
and speaks both languages perfectly, courtesy of
her Yorkshire mum; and it was her experience

                                                                                           Areti runs craft workshops      sessions for children and setting up
                                                                                           several times a week at her     seasonal craft workshops such as
                                                                                          premises, and current sessions   Easter and Christmas decorations.
                                                                                       offer people the chance to try
                                                                                    out various types of crafts, such      Apart from running the workshop,
                                                                                as sewing classes, string art creations,   Areti also makes custom-made
                                                                                useful fabric door stops, tufted bed       fabric headboards. So if you feel
                                                                                headboards, embroidery, cushion            like redecorating your bedroom
                                                                                covers, table runners and air-dry clay     you can count on her to make you
                                                                                trinkets.                                  a personalised 100% handmade
                                                                                                                           headboard that will suit your style
                                                                                Areti is also planning to introduce        perfectly!
                                                                                sessions in macrame, crochet,
                                                                                jewellery making, basic fashion            Areti is keen to extend the range of
                                                                                patterns, punch needle and candle-         what the Social Bee Workshop offer
                                                                                making, and she's also excited about       and is interested in speaking to other
studying fashion design and setting up her own fashion studio in Greece         the prospect of holding creative           craftspeople who can collaborate on
that eventually led to the idea of the Social Bee Workshop.                                                                specific crafts and activities.

“I realised that the lockdown and the restrictions had been rough for                                                      The Social Bee idea is already
everybody, and that face-to-face relationships and the need for expressing                                                 catching on fast, with several
oneself through creativity became more important than ever. That's why                                                     regulars already meeting up at the
I decided to offer people a space to socialise and create” she smiles.                                                     Workshop. That's because the initial
                                                                                                                           aim is still the most important:
The space is upstairs in the Costa Luz Shopping Centre (above the                                                          “This is a social space before
Bookswop), across the road from the San Antonio hotel. “When I laid                                                        anything else,” says Areti. “I want
eyes on the premises I just knew it was the perfect place to start the Social                                              people to come here, chat, laugh,
Bee Workshop”, she said, and you can see why. It's a lovely, welcoming                                                     make friends and in the meantime
space, fragrantly scented and beautifully decorated, and we can feel our                                                   create their own lovely and useful
creative juices start to flow as soon as we enter.                                                                         handmade creations.”

                For all enquiries, schedules & information see  Social Bee Workshop or call or     on +34 601 301 329
                  Located inside the Costa Luz Shopping Centre, 1st floor, above the Bookswop in Puerto del Carmen

                                                                                                                              April 2022 | Gazette Life | 19
                                                                                                           WALK INFO
                                                                                                           Distance: 9.6 kms
                                                                                                           Time: 3 hours +
                                                                                                           Terrain: Linear
                                                                                                           Walk type: Easy to start but fairly challenging
                                                                                                           Public transport: None

                                                                                                             Wild fennel

David Penney leads a 7-person international group down
from the beautiful heights of Lanzarote to the old town
of Teguise.
We met at the car park of the Mirador de los        the village and beach of Famara and the ocean.
Helechos, the restaurant that overlooks the
valley of Haría on the LZ 10, and left two cars     We were very fortunate, as it was a very clear
there after buying some drinks and displaying       sky with excellent visibility, and after capturing
the receipts on the dashboard.                      several good photos we followed the track along
                                                    the ridge up to the church. This lonely church,
We started the walk by crossing the road to pick    La Ermita de Las Nieves, is rarely open to the
up the track of the GR131, the 73-km trekking       public but we chose this as a place to take a break.
trail that stretches from Órzola in the north to
Playa Blanca in the south.                          We rejoin the track making our way down
                                                    passing the military antennas on our right, as
The first part of the route is fairly easy - a      the track drops further down, we arrive at a
relatively flat track following the burgundy        signpost which clearly indicates another track
markers. It was a shame to see many of the          heading over the hill to our right.
farmers had not planted out due to the lack
of rain, even though so many of the fields had      At this point we have two options, you can
been cleared of weeds and stones. Normally the      continue down the main track as it sweeps left
clouds disperse their moisture into the higher      and right around the bends, which certainly is
ground, making better growing conditions, but       much easier and shorter, or you can take the
the ground has been too dry and hard to get         rough track down into the valley.
started this year.
                                                    We took the more challenging route down into           behind the clouds from the viewpoint called
We walk past the military radar station on our      the valley. Here you need to watch every step as       Mirador Calle Gadifer de la Salle.
right and continue until the farmers' fields come   it is easy to slip on the scree and dry terrain. We
to an end on the right, we now head over to the     zig-zagged down and when we arrived at the             The last leg of our trek was now to walk along the
ridge to witness the spectacular view down to       bottom, we stopped to admire the sun passing           flat and take the easy track through the base of the
20 | Gazette Life | April 2022
The Ermita de las Nieves.
                                                                                                                                  Time your walk well. A friend met us
                                                                                                                                  in Teguise to return us to our cars, but
                                                                                                                                  when we returned to pick up the cars
                                                                                                                                  the chains were across the entrance and
                                                                                                                                  exit, as they closed at 5pm. We had no
                                                                                                                                  choice but to collect the cars the next

valley. There are three tracks which lead you out,     for irrigation and increase their yield from the land.
one of which is called Calle Gadifer de la Salle.
                                                       After a good hike we arrive at the sports stadium
This valley has lots of established plots of maize,    and school on the outskirts of Teguise and
onions, potatoes, pumpkin, aloe vera, sweet potatoes   walked a little further into town and enjoyed a
etc, because some of the farmers have chosen to pay    cold beer and chat.

                                                   Photo’s supplied courtesy of MICHELLE FRIEND.

                 For further information about walks around Lanzarote please contact, DAVID Penney via email lanza888@yahoo.com
                                                     OR via WhatsApp message 0034 649389888

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                                                                                                                                            April 2022 | Gazette Life | 21


     How did you get into photography, and
     particularly aerial abstracts?
     I've been interested in aviation ever since I was
     young. I grew up flying with my dad who is a pilot
     and also flew gliders myself for a while, so when
     I first came across and brought my first drone I
     was instantly hooked with this collaboration of my
     passions and this new perspective.

     Being able to position my camera anywhere in
     the sky above gives me the chance to find these
     abstract frames in the land or sea, something
     a handheld camera could never offer. Sharing
     these often unseen perspectives to people is really
     inspiring to me.

     What most struck you about Lanzarote?
     I loved the subtle diversity of the island. To me,
     all of the different changes in scenery from white
     beaches, calm coves, breaking reefs, volcanos,
     vineyards, sandy plains and salt lakes were a
     playground, and all in such close proximity.
     Elsewhere it can take hours to switch between
     those terrains, so it really allowed me to get into
     a creative flow.

     What elements do you look for in a
     I am self-taught with photography so I don’t have
     any rules that I stick to really. I love to explore an
     area and usually look to discover an interesting
     point of focus that stands out, whilst effortlessly
     blending into its surroundings. Sometimes that is
     waiting for a wave to break at the right moment
     around a rock, or a shadow from the angle of the
22 | Gazette Life | April 2022


sun hitting an object at the perfect point. I love to let nature
do its thing and put myself in the right spot to capture that
Are there particular landscapes you're drawn
Being based on the Cornish coast, I am always drawn to the
ocean. The ever-changing nature of it allows for locations
to constantly evolve with the tide and swell, which always
fills me with excitement as it is a moment that will never be
repeated identically.

What kind of effect do you wish to have on the
I hope to evoke a sense of calm through my work, even in
the harsh breaking waves and dramatic landscapes. I like the
idea that my perspective induces a presentness to the viewer
whilst they look deeper into the image. The top-down angle
can really make people almost double-take looking at an
image, especially if it is a location they recognise but usually
from ground level.

What sort of planning and preparation goes
into a shoot?
Some of my shots are a case of being in the right place at the
right time, so I always have my drone and a camera packed
just in case an opportunity presents itself. On the other side
of that, I spend time checking over satellite views on maps
to hunt for interesting landscapes, as well as checking the
weather forecast. Sunrise is my go-to time of day to shoot,
the soft low light produces huge shadows across a subject and
adds an extra layer of texture to the frame.

Are there any places you'd like to work in the
After being pretty landlocked for the last few years, I now
cannot wait to get back out and explore new places and
cultures and let some creativity flow. I will definitely be
heading back to Lanzarote and the other Canary Islands
very soon - there are so many places left to discover and I felt
so free to create there.

You can see more of George's work and purchase prints
at www.gstee.co.uk and www.instagram.com/gstee
                              April 2022 | Gazette Life | 23
Prize Crosswordle

 1                  2                  3                   4                   5                   6                  7            Crossword
                                                                                                                                   Complete the crossword and
                                                                                                                                   send your answers or a photo
                                                                                                                                   of the completed puzzle to
                                                                                                                                   editorial@gazettelife.com     (mark
 8                                                         9                                                                       email “Crossword”, Whatsapp to
                                                                                                                                   628628083 or post/deliver to our
                                                                                                                                   address on pg 3. One winner will
                                                                                                                                   celebrate with a bottle of La Geria
                                                                                                                                   wine, while another will recieve a
 10                                                                            11                                                  €10 voucher for Hankey Pankys in
                                                                                                                                   CC Montaña Tropical in Puerto del

                                                                                                                                   Last month's crossword winners
 12                 13                                                         14                                     15           were Yvonne Glas from Tias, who
                                                                                                                                   wins the wine; and Gerry Campion
                                                                                                                                   from Puerto del Carmen and Dublin,
                                                                                                                                   who gets a Hankey Pankys voucher.
                                                                                                                                   Both prizes can be picked up at our
 16                                    17                  18                                      19
                                                                                                                                   office in Tias. Well done, you two!

 20                                                                            21                                                     1. “A ...... pot never boils” (7)
                                                                                                                                      2. The only US President to
                                                                                                                                      resign his post (5)
                                                                                                                                      3. They sang “You Give Love
                                                                                                                                      a Bad Name” (3,5)
 22                                                        23                                                                         4. “The Cool Ruler” - reggae
                                                                                                                                      singer whose biggest hit was
                                                                                                                                      Night Nurse (7,6)
                                                                                                                                      5. An offence punishable by
ACROSS                                                                                                                                law (5)
     1. Someone who talks too much and is full of hot air (7)                                                                         6. Thor Heyerdahl sailed this
                                                                                                                                      balsa-wood raft from Peru to
     5. Baked fancies that are called Cup in the US, Fairy in the UK (5)
                                                                                                                                      Polynesia in 1947 (3-4)
     8. From Houston, for example (5)
                                                                                                                                      7. Rear end of a boat (5)
     9. Saint ........, French football team or British indie dance band (7)
                                                                                                                                      13. Devilish, evil (7)
     10. Captain of the Millennium Falcon (3,4)
                                                                                                                                      14. “The final ........” means
     11. Mineral water brand from Geneva (5)                                                                                          the show's over (7)
     12. Michelle, Kelly and Beyoncé (8,5)                                                                                            15. Bright flowers from the
     16. Crouch, Rabbit or Pan, perhaps? (5)                                                                                          Asteraceae family (7)
     18. A golfer with a handicap of zero (7)                                                                                         16. Tough question, or an
     20. Latin rock band formed by Carlos in 1966 (7)                                                                                 artist's model (5)
     21. “I was somewhere else”excuse (5)                                                                                             17. Prepared (5)
     22. He beat Ivan Drago, Clubber Lang and Apollo Creed (5)                                                                        19. A .... Called Quest, New
     23. Shakespeare wrote 154 of these 14-line poems (7)                                                                             York hip hop group (5)
Last month’s answers Across: 1. Canarian Palm 9. Nucleus 10. Ethan 11. Mahal 13. Amiable 15. Relight  16. Renew 17. Nut 19. Footloose 21. Gandalf 22. Isaac 23. Troublemaker
Down: 1. Alcohol 3. Ale 4. Instant Coffee 5. Needier 6. Ash 7. Monkey Wrench 8. One More Night 12. Leg of Lamb 14. Bon Voyage 18. Tonto 20. Laika.

24 | Gazette Life | April 2022

 4                                          8
                   4            5   2              9
 7                 1            6           4                Kids' Easter Egg Hunt!

        6          9     5          7                    It's Easter! The season of happy bunnies, pretty
                                                       bonnets, resurrection of the dead and, most of all,
                                                       chocolate. To celebrate the time of the year we've

        9                4                  1
                                                        hidden three tasty Easter Eggs on the pages of
                                                                           this magazine.

              7          3      8           9
        7          5            9                  8
 5            4    8            3                       All you have to do is find all three, tell us the page
                                                        numbers (see details on crossword) and we'll enter
                                                       you into the Grand Draw, with three lucky winners all

        3                                          1
                                                                receiving some chocolate goodies.

                                                       Please include your name, age and town or village.
                                                         This competition is aimed at children so, while

WORD SEARCH                                            39-year-old entrants are welcome to take part, they
                                                         probably won't end up with any choccies, sorry.

 OLIVER            TITANIC          MRS MINIVER
 ROCKY             GLADIATOR        BEN HUR

                                                                             April 2022 | Gazette Life | 25

                   TALKING TIME

                                                                                                                    Did you find this useful?

                                                                                                                     I have combined lots of easy
                                                                                                                   to follow Spanish hints and tips
                                                                                                                   like this in a pocket sized study
                                                                                                                  companion called FAST TRACK
      As the clocks have changed and we are officially into Summertime I                                          YOUR SPANISH. It simplifies all
      thought that all things clocks and time might be a good topic for this                                     those pesky ‘rules’ in a fun and easy
                                                                                                                   to follow format – it’s available
      month's Spanish feature.
                                                                                                                   at both Bookswops here on the
      In Spanish, the time is referred to as la hora (the hour) .. as always the ‘H’ is silent, so that would       island or via my website: www.
      sound as la OR-ah                                                                                           thespanishcoach.net/fasttrack for
                                                                                                                       posting wherever you are.
      To ask what the time is, we say ¿qué hora es? – (kay OR-ah ez) - what hour is it?

      The details
      On the full hour (4pm for example) we would say: son las cuatro
      (The exception is 1 o' clock, when we say es la una)

      For the minutes thereafter, we repeat that and add the number of minutes
      4.10pm = son las cuatro y diez (it’s 4pm and 10 minutes)
      4.15pm = son las cuatro y cuarto (it’s 4pm and a quarter)
      4.30pm = son las cuatro y media (it’s 4pm and a half)

      Travelling up to the next hour (4.45pm for example) we would say
      Son las cinco menos cuarto (it’s 5pm minus a quarter)

      Likewise, for the minutes in between
      4.50pm = son las cinco menos diez (it’s 5pm minus 10 minutes)

      A good way to practice this is to think Spanish each time you look at your clock and work out
      what the Spanish version of time would be!

      The Spanish ‘body-clock’
      Portions of the day are split slightly differently in Spain, for example, anything before 12:00 noon
      would be considered the morning in English, and anything after that would be the afternoon.               For more Spanish hints and tips,
                                                                                                                    follow me on Facebook:
      Lunchtime in Spain is generally a bit later, around 2pm. So any greetings leading up to that time                SPANISH COACH
      would still be classed at the morning: i.e. buenos días – good morning

      Afternoon then runs from 2pm till around 8pm (again a little later than we’d expect) so a greeting           www.thespanishcoach.net
      would be buenas tardes – good afternoon.

      Anything beyond 8pm would be the evening / night, so we’d say buenas noches.

26 | Gazette Life | April 2022
Fostering Hope:
The Kitten Saviours of Lanzarote                                  BY JUSTIN KERSWELL, SARA VOLUNTEER PHOTOGRAPHER

Without intervention these kittens, who have                                                                 some may not be able to resist giving a
not yet been weaned, might die. With so much                                                                 permanent home to a kitten they foster, the
important work finding homes for dogs and cats                                                               shelter will arrange adoption directly from
at the shelter, there just aren't enough hours                                                               the fosterer to a good home – or take the
in the day – and this is why SARA desperately                                                                weaned kittens back to SARA for adoption.
needs foster mums (and dads!).
                                                                                                             Do you think you could help foster kittens
Lanzarote resident and SARA volunteer Kat                                                                    for SARA? As Kat says, it is an incredibly
Leeman has been a foster mum for a couple                                                                    rewarding thing to do to help save new lives.
of years now, and has helped save the lives of                                                               If you would like to find out more then contact
over 30 kittens. Kat describes what it's like to                                                             SARA directly on (+34) 928 17 34 17
help: “The majority are tiny babies that require                                                             (English spoken) or email info@sara-
bottle feeding every 2-3 hours. I have to set my                                                             lanzarote.eu. If you would like to find out
alarm to get up for night feeds. I love being a                                                              more about how to help SARA's work – or if
foster mum, it is such a rewarding job watching                                                              you would like to adopt a cat or dog – you can
these tiny helpless little babies grow into strong,                                                          visit www.saraprotectora.org
healthy, playful little kittens, bounding around
the house.                                            (included in the total of 846 animals neutered
                                                      at the shelter). Many other organisations across
                                                      Lanzarote also help manage populations in this

                                                      Kat says: “One of the hardest parts of being a
                                                      foster mum is parting with them when it's time
                                                      for them to go their forever home. I've had a few
                                                      failed fosters, as I just get so attached to them.”

                                                      However, she knows that SARA does a
                                                      wonderful job in finding the best homes for
Unfortunately, it is not always easy, sometimes       the kittens. “I've had to learn to let them go,
by the time these babies are found, it is too late    knowing that I have given them the best possible
to save them. That's why it is so important to        start to life.” She also knows that the next kitten
sterilise to avoid unwanted litters.”                 season is just around the corner.

SARA provides a highly effective trap-neuter-         SARA provides kitten milk formula and food.
release program (TNR) to try and avoid unwanted       They will also provide any medical care and
litters. In 2021, SARA neutered 500 street cats       vaccinations through their in-house vet. Whilst

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                                                                                                                           April 2022 | Gazette Life | 27
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