RGC NEWS - The awards just keep on coming - Rathfarnham Golf Club

Page created by Byron Osborne
RGC NEWS - The awards just keep on coming - Rathfarnham Golf Club
   Monthly News Update from Rathfarnham Golf Club


   Club News
  Men's, Ladies
   & Juveniles

     Events &
   Activities at
    RGC - Dec          The awards just keep on coming
                     The repeated theme over the last few months has been to delight in
                     the success of the Junior Cup team in achieving the first All Ireland
     Course          pennant in the Clubs 118 year history. While focus is already turning
    Update &         towards the 2019 Inter Club matchplays the awards keep stacking up
    Greenside        for the team. They won Team of the Month for September in the
                     Tallaght Echo, pictured above receiving the award.
                     The Captains' dinners were great nights in the Clubhouse with
                     Captain Stanley's guest speaker, Greg Allen, providing an entertaining
                     insight into his career as a sports broadcaster and the broad
                     spectrum of events he has commentated on.
   New Rules of      RGC rocked for Lady Captain, Carol's dinner the following week with
    Golf 2019        over 150 glamorous Ladies in attendance. If you haven't done so
                     already check out the photos on the website of the Ladies show and
                     "after party"
                     The Lunar Golf was a very a successful fun event with 60 competitors
                     attempting to coax a luminous ball into the hole, on a chilly Friday
                     evening at RGC.
                     The weather hasn't been kind for the last week with substantial
                     rainfall. Hopefully, we'll be spared the harsh spring weather
                     experienced this year, in 2019. Regardless of this work on course
                     improvements will continue over the coming months.
                     As the golf activity winds down for the year there are plenty of events
                     taking place in the club over the next month. Please take the time to
                     read on for more information.
RGC NEWS - The awards just keep on coming - Rathfarnham Golf Club
Communications Survey
A huge ‘Thank You’ to the 146 Men and 119 Ladies who participated in the recent
Communications Survey. A great response – well done.
The good news is that over one third of those who submitted additional comments were
positive about the existing methods and levels of communication.
At the same time other comments highlighted (in no particular order) concerns including
lack of updating of the website, poor access to the website on mobile devices and confusion
between the various platforms we use to communicate with you the membership (Website,
App, Masterscoreboard, BRS etc) and uncertain communication relating to members who have
passed away as items for us to address in 2019.
Lack of continuity on team events also featured in comments, something that can be easily
fixed in 2019. There were some comments which related to areas outside the planned scope of
the survey such as catering and ladies golf feedback and these will be passed on to the 2019
committee members responsible.
Finally, the survey told us that the Club probably assumes that members, especially newer
members, know much of what happens on a daily basis, even though no one has ever told
them. You have spoken and we are listening – please be patient as there are both IT and cost
challenges involved.
The information gathered will be of huge benefit to us to improve our Communications
Strategy for 2019 and beyond. - Alex Taylor
End of Year Prize Giving (Ladies & Men)
The Ladies host their prize giving on Tuesday 11 December. Hampers, Mini Hampers, Turkeys,
and weekly prizes from 9th Oct. – 11th Dec. will be presented.
The Prize giving will be preceded by a briefing from Rionach Donlon regarding One Governing
Body proposal.
Also featured will be Songs and Carols from Rathfarnham Golf Club Choir.
In lieu of Kris Kindle the Lady Captain is suggesting a small gift, max €10, wrapped and
marked for either boy/girl and age group. These can be brought on the night or left in box in
ladies locker room. The Lady Captain will, prior to Christmas, drop them all in to the
Capuchin Day centre for distribution.
The Men's presentation will take place on Saturday 15 December at 4.30pm sharp.
Men's Online Survey
Thank you to all who completed the Men's Golf survey. The Men's Golf sub-committee are
putting the information together at present and will update the Men of the findings shortly.
Ladies Winter League - commencing on Sunday 13 January, the timesheet is now open.
Go to: Monday 7 January - Woodtown (Green) Course - timesheet starts at 14:00
Ladies Lambs - commencing on Thursday 10 January - timesheet opens Monday 3 December
Go to: Friday 22 March - Woodtown (Green) Course - timesheet starts at 16:00
RGC NEWS - The awards just keep on coming - Rathfarnham Golf Club
            The R&A and USGA have confirmed a number of new
            golf rules to be implemented on 1st January 2019 and
            there are some huge changes set to come into play. These
            changes have been brought in to modernise and
            hopefully help to reduce slow play from the game.
            As part of the introduction to these new rules, we will be
            issuing bulletins and information sheets over the
            coming months to assist members in understanding the
            changes. You are however, urged to research the changes
            yourself, as the responsibility for adherence to the Rules
            of Golf rests with you, the member / golfer.
            There is a plethora of YouTube videos and online
            explanations now available but you should pick up a
            copy of the new rule book (some still in the starter’s hut)
            and familiarise yourself with the Official directives.

            Juveniles with a handicap of 20 or lower continue to enjoy
            access to Saturday competitions over the winter months.
            There are allocated times every second Sunday through
            December and January. These times can be reserved 10 days
            in advance.
            Jeremy Clarke is stepping down from the Juvenile Golf Sub-
            committee to take over the role of Honorary Secretary. We
            thank Jeremy for his commitment to Juvenile Golf over the
            last few years.
            VOLUNTEERS FOR 2019 REQUIRED. Please email
            info@rathfarnhamgolfclub.ie if you would like to help out.

 Upcoming       Regrettably the Christmas party on 1 December
                has been cancelled. The scheduling of this will be
                reviewed for 2019.
Social Events   The family Christmas lunches, with guest
                appearance from you know who, are once again,
                hugely popular. Sunday 16 December is booked
                out and two tables remain available for Sunday
                9. To book please contact and prepay at the bar.
                Planning for events in 2019 is already in
                progress, To all those who attended Social
                events over the last year thank you for your
                continued support.
RGC NEWS - The awards just keep on coming - Rathfarnham Golf Club
Sunday 02/12       Sunday Lunch, 1 to 3pm
                           Friday 07/12       Five Day Ladies Golf & Lunch
                           Sunday 09/12       Christmas Lunch
                           Monday 10/12       Five Day Men Golf & Lunch
                           Tuesday 11/12      Ladies Presentation Night @ 7.30pm
                           Saturday 15/12     Mens Presentation @ 4.30pm
                           Sunday 16/12       Christmas Lunch - Booked Out
                           Wednesday 19/12     Hams - Skipper's Liam Mongey Prize
                           Thursday 27/12     9H Semi Open, Singles AM - Team of 4 PM

                      COURSE UPDATE
Winter Program 2018/19 - As part of our continued programme of significant investment in
the course the General Committee has approved a series of upgrade works on Tee Boxes,
Bunker Membranes and the further installation of irrigation on the approaches to Greens.
These improvements are planned to take place on a phased basis over the winter period to
minimise disruption. A new “ Shockwave" machine has been purchased to improve drainage
and soil structure on the fairways. This has already been used on the 8th / 9th and 15th
fairways in advance of the winter setting in.
Eddie and his team are also working to improve drainage to the right of the 14th green and
additional trees will be planted on the 17th.
New Tee Boxes - Work has commenced on the new tee boxes on the 4th and 10th holes and
they will be ready for play in good time for the new season in March 2019.
The work on the 4th is quite extensive and a temporary tee box has been installed in front of
the 4th and a similar tee box will be installed on the 10th.
Greenside Article - Greenside, the publication for Golf Course and Sports Turf industry in
Ireland recently ran a feature on Rathfarnham Golf Club. The article can be viewed on the
Members News Update page of the club website.
                  The Course Proud initiative continues. Please remember the 3 R's -
                          Replace Divots - Rake Bunkers - Repair Pitch Marks
If you have any observations or queries please contact any member of the Course Committee.

 Security was tight at
 Lady Captain's Dinner
RGC NEWS - The awards just keep on coming - Rathfarnham Golf Club RGC NEWS - The awards just keep on coming - Rathfarnham Golf Club RGC NEWS - The awards just keep on coming - Rathfarnham Golf Club RGC NEWS - The awards just keep on coming - Rathfarnham Golf Club RGC NEWS - The awards just keep on coming - Rathfarnham Golf Club
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