Business house golf convenor required

Page created by Beth Hodges
Business house golf convenor required
22nd July 2021- Newsletter

               business house golf convenor required

Thank you to Phil Selby and his team of Anne & Ronnie Moffat, for their amazing effort of running the Findlay
Sidekick Business House Golf last season.
Unfortunately all three are stepping down this season, so we are looking for a new Convener, or team to run the
14 night event on Thursdays over summer.
Dates likely to be 28/10/21 – 22/2/22 with a 4 week break over Christmas and New Year.
If you would like to be involved in running this event, please contact Phil Selby for more information.
From the Wanaka Golf Club’s Players Committee.

                                  september tournament
Ladies - all 4 days are Full (entries filled up within 24hrs)
Men’s - entries were sent out last night. If you haven’t received an entry form link, go to the website and click
on the link.
 Alternatively, Entry Forms can be picked up from the Clubhouse.

Saturday 4th September - Men’s 36 Hole Championship
Friday 10th September - 4BBB Nett
Saturday - 11th September - Stableford
You can enter all 3 days or as little as 1 day.

if your contact details have changed
Please make sure we have your up-to-date details, in particular, if you no longer have a landline, make sure you
tell us your mobile number. You can update this on NZ Golf and they will notify us of any changes.

Often the ProShop need to phone people and are finding that quite a few people details have changed.

vouchers expiring
Please check the expiry dates on any Club Vouchers you’ve won and redeem them with one of the Club
The following Vouchers expire     31/07/2021: - Business House, Jubilee Cup, Ladies EOY & Hirepool
The following Vouchers expire
                        31/08/2021 - Men’s EOY, C.O. Ladies Champs, Eula Dunnage, 9h
Men & Ladies EOY, September Tournament & New Year Open Tournament
Business house golf convenor required
               MIXED FOURSOMES

           Sunday 22nd August 2021
            Bring your own partner
Register on notice board with Partners name by
                Friday 20th Aug
                $10 entry Fee pp

  Nearest the Pins - Sponsored by Glandovey Wines
                   (Derek Howarth)

  Thanks to for coming on board as new
Business house golf convenor required
To Visit the site please click on the hyperlink and open

Business house golf convenor required
rules with carl
Path on number 6
Some of us errant golfers end up on the path left of the green on number 6. Free relief from the path is al-
lowed under rule 16.1 PLEASE NOTE that the garden (being an integral part of the golf course) is often the
nearest point of relief and when that is the case the ball must be dropped in afore mentioned garden.
Playing off the path could be preferential than playing from the garden. This is allowed so commonly you
will see players hitting off the path.

                                     Ice on the course
                                     Winter time and we will encounter some casual water that has become
                                     frozen (see pic). What used to be termed casual water is now encom-
                                     passed by the term ’abnormal course condition’. Unsurprisingly frozen
                                     water is classified thus. So free relief is available within 1 club length of
                                     the ‘condition’ (ice). You may of course play off the ice if you wish!

                                     Kyoko’s baby
                                     Kyoko has had her little Boy, named Toma last
                                     Saturday the 10th July.
                                     He weighed 3.61 ounces (7 pounds).
    Anne Day & Nan Hogan             The winner of the Sweepstake was Averil Wright.

lost property
We have accummulated quite a lot of lost property, it will be put out on a couple of tables at the back of
the Clubhouse after Probus on Monday 26th July.
It will probably remain there for 1—2 weeks and than any remaining items will be taken to the recycling

driving range
The Development Committee - will extend the fencing from the left-hand side
of chipping green up to the area near where the pine tree is.
Along with number one fairway, will leave fencing as is and will direct bays
away from this direction. We will also up-grade some targets for people to
aim to on the practice fairway.

                                        The new range mats are proving very
                                        popular especially in wet or frosty

                                        Grit is finishing on the mats from the
                                        path, so 2 brooms have been provided to clear the surface. It’s just
                                        like raking a bunker and improves the playing surface. It will also
                                        prolong the mat life.

                                        Many people have found their tees pop out of the mat. A simple
                                        solution is to tie your tee to a fishing sinker or similar.

membership card sponsor
We are looking for a new Sponsor for our Membership Cards, your logo and advert would go on the back of
the cards for the 2021/22 Membership Year.

The cost is $500 + GST = $575
Business house golf convenor required
Welcome to Rachel Hodgkiss - Blyth
Welcome to Rachel Hodgkiss - Blyth our newest staff member in the Kitchen.
Rachel will generally work n Tuesday, Thursday & Friday. Rachel has had 30
years experience in Catering, so is a great asset to our team.

You may recognize part of the surname as Rachel is the Sister of Sam who
worked in the Kitchen last year.
Business house golf convenor required
tuesday ladies
Upcoming events:

29 July - Speights GNZ medal and Putting, Eclectic 2nd round
3 August - Single knockout starts - please add your name to sheet
3 August - Speights GNZ medal & Putting,
           1st qualifying round
10 August - 2nd Qualifying round


saturday ladies
     Saturday Ladies - winter time discs in by 11.00am for Tee times from 11.20am

saturday men
     24th July - Lifer’s Final Round
     31st July - Captain’s Choice

nine hole men
Discs in at 9.30am for a 10am start, unless there is a Frost delay.

thank you
     To Tony Brent, Bob McRae, John Templeton, Grant Read, Graeme Senior Ill Mackway-
      Jones & Telf who pulled down fence on Golf Course Road, in preparation for a new
      fence to be erected
Business house golf convenor required
Business house golf convenor required
9 Hole Ladies - 22nd July
                                  Division 3
                                  1 Michael Robertson, 65               Stableford
Saturday Ladies - 10th July       2 Vittorio Guglietta, 67 ocb          1 Sue Thomson, 20 ocb
Medal                             3 David Marsh, 67                     2 Margaret Maddison, 20 ocb
1 Di Stewart, 66                  9 Hole Men - 15th July                3 Gerada Herlihy, 20
2 Sue Cowles, 67                  Stableford
3 Jill Brown, 70 ocb              1 John Herbert, 19
1 Colette Kelly, 38               Putting
2 Sue Collinson, 37               1 Bill Coupland, 18 putts
3 Shona Moore, 36 ocb
Saturday Men - Lake Bar Lifers    9 Hole Ladies - Medal -15th July
                                  1 Gerada Herlihy, 31
4bbb - 17th July
                                  2 Macy Cameron, 32
1 Chris Macfie & Michael          3 Hilary Tomkins, 35 ocb
  Robertson, 50
2 Chris Brown & Barry Mowat, 45
                                  Sat Ladies – Hidden Holes - 17th
3 Roger Brown & Isaac Davidson,   July
  43 ocb                          1 Helen Henshall, 49
4 John Templeton & Graeme         2 Heather Malcolm, 52 ocb
  Telfer, 43 ocb                  3 Shona Moore, 52
5 James Docking & Brent           Sat Men – Lake Bar 4bbb – 17th
  Earnshaw, 43 ocb                July
6 Jan Zeestraten & Michael
                                  1 John Templeton & Neville Findlay,
  Beaton, 43
Tuesday Ladies - Studholme        2 James Dobson & Dan Batchelor, 46
Trophy - 13th July                3 Carrick Jones & George
Division 1                          McDonald, 46 ocb
                                  4 Huw Davies & Glen Clarke, 46
1 Nora Hastings, 39
2 Zita Cleugh, 37 ocb             Wed Men – Trout Restaurant &
3 Shona Moore, 37                 Bar - Medal - 21st July
Division 2                        Division 1
1 Mandy Clarke, 38 ocb            1 John Templeton, 65
2 Helen Thirkell, 38              2 Alan Foote (Hawea), 67
3 Maree Rose, 37 ocb              3 Glen Clarke, 68
Division 3                        Division 2
1 Sally Burgess, 40               1 Jerry Gathercole, 65
2 Jude Thomson, 37                2 Josiah Taurua (Pakuranga)69ocb
3 Deb Shield, 34                  3 Tom Greenwood, 69 ocb
Wed Men – No Limits Medal &       Division 3
Putting                           1 Gordon Brander, 64
                                  2 Jonathan Dean, 67 ocb
14th July
                                  3 Don Kindley, 67
Division 1
1 Gavin McDonald, 68
                                  9 Hole Men - 22nd July
2 Tony Brent, 69 ocb
                                  Hidden Holes
3 Carl Hamlin, 69
                                  1 Richard Spence, 11
Division 2
1 Hugh Simmers, 66                Putting
2 Ian Sawers, 67 ocb              1 Murray Nixon, 17 putts
3 Hamish Taylor, 67
Business house golf convenor required Business house golf convenor required
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