Fishing in Meurthe-et-Moselle 2020 - Fédération de pêche de ...

Page created by Josephine Harris
Fishing in Meurthe-et-Moselle 2020 - Fédération de pêche de ...
Fishing in Meurthe-et-Moselle 2020

General regulation
The fishing opening dates
The exercise of the fishing conditions are             Opening times
determined by the Environmental Code and the           The opening times are determined in consideration
prefectural orders.                                    of the breeding season of the various fish species,
                                                       which justifies the closure of the fishery. The fishing
The fish categories                                    periods and vary by class fish, species and, where
To reflect the biology of species, streams, canals     appropriate, departments.
and lakes are classified into two fish categories:     The opening of the trout fishing in the first class
    • First category includes those that are           period is set from the second Saturday in March to
          mainly populated with trout, as well as      the third Sunday of September, in order to ensure
          those where it appears desirable to ensure   optimal protection of the reproduction of brown
          special protection of fish of this species   trout. 3 In the waters of the second category,
          (dominant salmonids);                        fishing is allowed all year, except for fishing for pike,
    • Second category includes all other rivers,       zander or salmon, which have specific closures.
          canals and lakes (dominant cyprinids)        Thus, fishing for pike is authorized from 1 January
                                                       to the last Sunday of January and last saturday of
When to fish?                                          april to 31 December (inclusive).
Fishing can be exercised from a half hour before       New 2020 : Fishing for zander is authorized from 1
sunrise until one-half hour after sunset. Fishing      January to the last Sunday of January and last
times of day, calculated standard time are listed on   saturday of may to 31 December (inclusive).
the home page. However, fishing night carp is the      Fishing for brown trout and whitefish is permitted
subject to a specific law. In Meurthe-et-Moselle, it   in 2nd class during the opening time in water of 1st
is possible to fish night carp between April 1 and     category.
October 31 on some routes defined by prefectural.      Fishing for grayling is permitted the third Saturday
The detention of a stamp CPMA (fee Fishing             in May in the third Sunday of September in 1st class
Aquatic Environment) is required to fish at night      until 31 December in the second category.
Fishing in Meurthe-et-Moselle 2020 - Fédération de pêche de ...
Which fish to fish ?
The minimum landing sizes: Some species of fish and crayfish are subject to a minimum size for the age of first
reproduction. Fish caught with a length less than the prescribed size must be returned to the water immediately
after capture.
The fish is measured from the tip of the snout to the end of the extended tail, crayfish from the tip of the head,
claws and antenna not included at the end of the tail.
Some fish are the subject of a legal catch size below which they should be returned to the water.
In Meurthe-et-Moselle, legal catch sizes are :
• 0.25 m for trout (except the Plaine river where size is fixed at 0.20 m) (NEW 2020)
• 0.60 m for pike, (NEW 2020)
• 0.50 m for zander, (NEW 2020)
• 0.30 m for the Black-bass,
• 0.30 m for grayling,
• 0.09 m for crayfish.
However, some AAPPMA could define larger sizes in their internal regulations.
A prefectural decree establishes the creation of graciation course on which the catch and release the catch is

Catch quotas :                                               In the waters of 1st and 2nd category, it is
In Meurthe-et-Moselle, salmonids are subject to a            forbidden to use as bright or as bait fish the species
limited number of catches set at six per angler per          which are subject to minimum landing sizes or are
day.                                                         designated as capable of causing biological
However, some AAPPMA can set a lower number of               imbalances (catfish perch-sun, exotic crayfish) or
catches or on other species.                                 are protected under the law on the protection of
Since the decree of April 9, 2016, a daily quota of          nature or belong to species "foreign" (non-legally
three predators (pike, perch and black bass) is              represented in our waters and use as bait or as a
applicable in the waters of second category.                 primer eggs from natural or artificial fish, civelles,
Maximum two pike per day per angler may be                   eel or its meat is also prohibited.
retained.                                                    In the waters of the second category, fishing alive,
                                                             the dead or artificial fish, spoon and other lures,
The methods and allowed fishing methods                      except the artificial fly is prohibited during the
Members of associations approved for fishing and             period specific prohibition of fishing for pike.
the protection of the aquatic environment may,
depending on the CPMA stamp acquitted fish :                 Fishing Reserves
- Up to four lines in the waters of 2nd category.            Some rivers are protected areas by prefectural. On
- A line in the waters of 1st category in the public         the public domain, they are subject to a protection
domain.                                                      of up to 5 years.
The lines should be mounted on rods and hooks                Other reservations are required by managers to
provided with two or three artificial flies at most.         protect breeding areas or certain susceptible
They must be available near the fisherman.                   species. All of these reserves is detailed on AAPPMA
Gear and nets
- Six scales more for catching crayfish and shrimps
- A carafe or bottle, for catching minnows and other
fish for bait whose capacity may be greater than
two liters, in the waters of 2nd category.

The methods and prohibited fishing methods
- Fishing by hand under the ice or by disturbing the
water is prohibited. The shelling made for angling
stud is however allowed.
- all processes consisting hook a fish other than by
mouth is prohibited.
Specific measures of protection of fish wealth :
Fishing in Meurthe-et-Moselle 2020 - Fédération de pêche de ...
Fishing licences
What is a fishing license useful for ?
Taking a fishing license is not a normal act. Indeed, this card allows naturally to fish in open waters but also its
owner must be a citizen fisherman, and must prone activist respect of aquatic environments and the promotion
of fisheries.
Fulfill statutory contributions used to finance local fish communities.
By paying the fee Fisheries and Aquatic Environment tax (CPMA), you participate in the protection of aquatic
environments. Part of that covers the fee for the protection of the aquatic environment perceived by the water
agencies .It also allows the operation of the National Federation for Fisheries and Aquatic Environment
Protection who shoulder the departmental federations in carrying their missions.

How much does it cost?
You can see the prices here :
(in french)

Where to buy the fishing license ?
Either directly on the site :

or at a card depositary : see the map here :


Get a fishing license, you paid a stamp CPMA. This stamp is national, it is not necessary to perform a new on the
repurchase of a second fishing license during the year. Since 2011, the Federation is a member of the Union
Réciprocitaire Northeast. This membership offers many fishing opportunities in the department but also
throughout the country. Overview of key changes.

North East Réciprocitaire Union (URNE) :
                       It allows all fishermen AAPPMA members to practice on the rivers and lakes of the public
                       and private domain registered in this reciprocity in accordance with local regulations
                       (rules of procedure ...).
                       Only members of a fishing AAPPMA offering lots in the URNE may acquire a card or a
                       stamp réciprocitaire.
                       This purchase can be made at the time of card taken with a depository AAPPMA a
                       member of the URNE or site AAPPMA from a member :
- In 2020, the Interfederal card for € 100, allows fishing on the entire batch enrolled in the URNE EHGO and CHI
in the same conditions that members fishermen AAPPMA Manager course concerned. This card can only be sold
by registered AAPPMA with all their batch in the URNE.
- For AAPPMA who have registered some of their lots in the URNE, a reciprocal Urne card, for a price of 100 €,
allows fishermen members only access other lots AAPPMA partially in the URNE.
- During the year, an additional option "Interfederal" can be added to a card at € 35 adult price.
Reciprocity on lots AAPPMA enrolled in the URNE, the EHGO and CHI is free for cardholders discovery female
minor, discovery or weekly. This reciprocity is not accessible to the holder of a day card.
Fishing in Meurthe-et-Moselle 2020 - Fédération de pêche de ...
The 54 Reciprocity

                      This is a specific departmental system of reciprocity to the Meurthe-et-Moselle.
                      Reciprocity 54 allows all fishermen AAPPMA acceding to fish on all the lots concerned,
                      whether private or public, of 1st or 2nd class. In the closed water AAPPMA Reciprocity 54,
                      the spouse (s) are dispensed (s) to purchase a fishing license.
                      They can then go fishing respecting the rules of the AAPPMA and the Site.

Night carp fishing

Scan the QR code for watching the night fishing areas on a Google map :

Download the 2020 prefectural document for carp nigh fishing (in french) : http://www.peche-
Fishing in Meurthe-et-Moselle 2020 - Fédération de pêche de ...
Pierre-Percée lake
Pierre-Percée lake is classified public domain mountain lake second category. Fishing is therefore open to any
fisherman holds a year fishing license current. To fish in more than one line, fishermen must be in possession of
a fishing licence buyed in an AAPPMA Meurthe-et-Moselle or an "Interfédérale" fishing licence.

The fishing is allowed from January 1 to December           MINIMUM SIZE OF CAPTURE OF SPECIES
31, on the lake's edge, by boat and float tube.             Trout: 25 centimeters
Fishing for trouts is permitted from the second             Whitefish 30 cm
Saturday in March to the 3rd Sunday in September.           Pike: 60 cm
Fishing for whitefish is permitted from the second          Zander: 50 centimeters
Saturday in March to the 3rd Sunday in October.             The number of allowed catches of salmonids (trout,
Fishing for pike is authorized from 1 January to the        whitefish) is limited to six per day per fisherman.
last Sunday of January inclusive and from last              Maximum two pike or zander per day per angler
saturday of april to 31 December.                           may be retained.
Fishing for zander is authorized from 1 January to
the last Sunday of January inclusive and from from
last saturday of may to 31 December.
Fishing in Meurthe-et-Moselle 2020 - Fédération de pêche de ...
The fishing with two hooks at the mounted rod is allowed.
The trolling line is also authorized, each boat being provided with a maximum of three lines mounted cane.
The use of the probe is authorized and leaded line with a mass of fifty grams maximum ten hooks provided at
the storied above the lead is permitted exclusively for the fishing of whitefish.

Are prohibited: Fishing nets and other gear.
Fishing on the mentioned areas including all sections of banks and shores of these areas.
Fishing near the structures operated by EDF in the areas between these works and the limits materialized and
reported by EDF.
Docking with distance

Boats ramps :
Lower Nangoutte, Pre-Barbier, Les Bordes and Pierre-Percée Anse (Access to the lower parking lot only
permitted for launching, parking obligatory on the upper parking). During the summer weekends of great
affluence, it is advisable to use preferably made of water Pre-Barbier, Basse Nangoutte or Pierre Percee, Bordes
boat ramp is very frequented by swimmers and others boaters.
Fishing boat, for human or electric propulsion is allowed.
Bailer and life jackets are mandatory in the boat are required to fish from a rowing boats. If the drive is by
electric motor, a first aid kit and a fire extinguisher are also mandatory.
Fishing in Meurthe-et-Moselle 2020 - Fédération de pêche de ...
Check the calendar 2020 of statutory hourly practice of angling :
Fishing in Meurthe-et-Moselle 2020 - Fédération de pêche de ... Fishing in Meurthe-et-Moselle 2020 - Fédération de pêche de ... Fishing in Meurthe-et-Moselle 2020 - Fédération de pêche de ...
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