BRITISH-BULGARIAN - British-Bulgarian Society

BRITISH-BULGARIAN - British-Bulgarian Society
BRITISH-BULGARIAN - British-Bulgarian Society
TOURS 2021 | Discounts
             All prices include flights, early booking strongly recommended.
                        on bookings received before 30th September 2020!
                                        Loyalty Discount for those transferring their bookings from 2020 tours.

THE DESCRIPTIONS HERE ARE OF THE HIGHLIGHTS OF THE           the wing. Although this is primarily a butterfly tour we shall
TOURS, DETAILED DAY BY DAY ITINERARIES ARE AVAILABLE,        also run at least one moth trap and take note of other
PLEASE ASK                                                   wildlife, for example when we visit Lake Kerkini in northern
                                                             Greece for pelicans, herons and egrets.
Winter Wildfowl Tour (Tour code: WW)
Not a wild goose chase, plus                                 Migrants & Mountain (Tour code: MMS)
winter warmers! 6 – 13 February                              Specialities 2 - 12 May
Leader:     Tihomir     Stefanov          Price:    £1,150   Leader: Mitko Petrakiev Price: £1,350
Come on our regular winter tour and look for Red-            Bulgaria’s location where the Balkan Mountains meet the
breasted and other wintering geese and ducks. Apart          Black Sea, not far north of the border with Asia, makes
from these main target species, wintering birds on           it one of the Western Palaearctic’s foremost birding
the Black Sea coast include a wide range of raptors, a       destinations. Few other European countries can match
good selection of woodpeckers, flocks of larks and on        its diversity of species and habitats, or its spectacle of
the sea, mixed rafts of grebes and divers. To warm you       mass migration. This tour is an opportunity to see the
up after a cold day outside we invite you to two             best of Bulgaria’s birds at carefully selected sites, and at
complimentary wine-tastings.                                 the height of spring migration. It was originally devised
                                                             by Dominic Mitchell of Birdwatch magazine as a Reader
Bulgarian              (Tour code: BMGW)                     Offer.
Mountains & Greek Wetlands
A tour combining two countries Early Summer                       (Tour code: BF)

and two distinctive habitats             Butterflies & Flowers 5 – 17 June
11– 21 April Leader: Assen Ignatov Price: £1,395             Leaders: Nick Greatorex-Davies and Vladimir
                                                             Trifonov Price: £1,550 - Repeating the sell-out tours of 2018
In Bulgaria the Pirin mountains will provide pine forest     & 2019! This 13 day tour should provide us with over
birds and in Greece there will be visits to wetlands
                                                             100 species of butterfly. We shall visit three very
including Kerkini lake, Axios river, lakes Volvi and
                                                             different areas, all with beautiful unspoiled scenery.
Langada and the Nestos and Evros deltas, the last is an
                                                             These are Strandzha in the southeast corner of
important bottleneck for migratory birds.
                                                             Bulgaria, the Eastern Rhodopi mountains centred on
                                                             the Arda river valley, and
Spring Butterfly       (Tour code: BT)                       lastly a marble limestone area in the Western Rhodopi
                                                             mountains. We expect to see a whole host of scarce, local
& Moth Tour 23 April – 2 May                                 and interesting butterflies such as Small Bath White,
Leaders: Martin White and Mitko Petrakiev                    Krueper’s Small White, Grecian Copper, Little Tiger
Price: £1,300                                                Blue, Blue Argus, Iolas Blue, Freyer’s Purple Emperor,
This 10 day tour in the stunning mountain scenery of SW      Assman’s Fritillary, Russian Heath, Large Chequered
Bulgaria and northern Greece focuses on spring               Skipper and many others. For flowers we shall be looking
species, such as Southern Festoon, Gruner’s Orange-tip,      for a range of species endemic to, or characteristic of the
Eastern Greenish Black-tip, Iolas Blue, Inky Skipper and     Balkans, including Haberlea rhodopensis, Serapias
Mediterranean Skipper among others. We expect to see         vomeraceae, Verbascum bugilifolium and Calystegia
a wide range of other butterflies which should already be    soldanella .
BRITISH-BULGARIAN - British-Bulgarian Society
Midsummer               (Tour code: BM)                    been described as a cross between a pop festival and a
Butterflies & Moths 4- 16 July                             medieval fair, certainly it's an experience not to be
A wide range of locations for a
wide range of species!                                      The Koprivshtitsa (Tour code: KFXT)
Leaders: Nick Greatorex-Davies and Zdravko Kolev            extension after the Folklore
Price: £1,550
A wide range of locations for a wide range of species!
                                                            Festival 9 -12 August
This 13 day tour is at the height of summer when            Price from £390 to £670, depending on number of
butterfly numbers and species are at their highest. We      participants. Do enquire.
will be amongst some of Bulgaria’s most beautiful           A natural history walking tour based still at your
and stunning scenery. It begins in SW Bulgaria in the       festival hotel. Your experienced mountain guide
Struma valley and south and central Pirin Mountains,        leader will take you on excursions to beautiful
moving on to visit the mountains of the north Pirin and     mountain meadows, small streams, lovely mixed
Rila Mountains. Finally we will move to west Bulgaria,      forests and high ridges for some stunning views.
visiting the butterfly-rich Zemen Gorge area and the        We shall be looking for mountain flowers, wildlife,
Osogovska Planina near the border with Macedonia.           birds and those butterflies, still on the wing. The
There will be quite a lot of walking at some sites, some    extension will be on half board and we’ll have a
of it on rough terrain, but easier alternatives will be     vehicle at our disposal.
available. We ex-pect to see in excess of 130 butterfly
species targeting a variety of scarce and local species
from lowlands to high altitudes, including Apollo,         Au
                                                           Autumn   Migration                             (Tour code: AM)

Balkan Clouded Yellow, Bosnian Blue, Iolas Blue,           along the Via Pontica
Higgins Anomalous Blue, Poplar Admiral, Freyer’s           5 - 12 September
Purple Emperor, Cynthia’s, Balkan and Shepherd’s
                                                           Leader: Assen Ignatov Price: £1,100
Fritillaries, Bulgarian, Nicholl’s, Dewy and Black
                                                           Thhis one week tour visits the migration hotspots on the
Ringlets, White-banded and Freyer’s Grayling and
                                                            northern and southern Black Sea coast, where the migration
Brown. There will be plenty of opportunities for
                                                            iss a truly remarkable spectacle. The southern section in
photography. We also run at least one moth trap.
                                                             particular is a bottleneck for birds from all of eastern Europe.
                                                             Flocks of tens of thousands of White Stork, birds of prey and
The                                                          pelicans heading south fill the skies, as well as passerines
Great Koprivshtitsa                      (Tour code: KF)     such as Red-breasted Flycatcher and Pied Wheatear, and a
Folklore Festival                                          good selection of waders.

5 - 9 August
Price: £1,100
Every five years the beautiful small mountain town of
Koprivshtitsa is host to a veritable feast of folklore -
costumes, music, singing and dancing. The colourful
performances take place on the hills above the town by
day, and in the evenings there are often impromptu
performances in the cobbled streets and squares. It has
BRITISH-BULGARIAN - British-Bulgarian Society
A Taste of Bulgaria                         (Tour code: ToB)        The Ancient           (Tour code: ATB)

Tour                                                                Treasures of Bulgaria Tour
11 - 18 September                                                   26 September - 3 October
Price: £1,450                                                       Price: £1,300
This tour will show you Bulgaria’s unique combination of            This tour gives you the perfect opportunity to visit the
exceptional natural beauty, abundance of mineral springs,           remains of the Thracian civilization, which is one of
ancient history with a long tradition in wine and culinary art,     the least known in Europe. Bulgaria has treasures
hospitality and joie de vivre. Meet some locals and do some         from many different eras, Thracian, Roman, Byzantine
cooking, try some amazing Bulgarian wines. And mainly               and Ottoman. We look forward to sharing them with
enjoy this relaxing gourmet and spa holiday in 5* luxury            you.

At the time of publishing, some of the planned flights have not yet been scheduled by the respective airlines. We may therefore
                                  have to adjust some of the itineraries’ dates at a later stage.

Thanks to Nick Greatorex-Davies, Tihomir Stefanov, Mitko Petrakiev, Assen Ignatov, Vladimir Trifonov, Mike Hillman, Brian Dawson and John
                       Cornwall, for permission to use their lovely photographs in this brochure and on our itineraries.
BRITISH-BULGARIAN - British-Bulgarian Society
    TOURS CALENDAR 2021                              Are you a party organiser? Do you have an idea
                                                     for a tour? Or would you like any of our tours
                                                     adjusted to better suit your particular interests?
                                                     Don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll be happy to put
                                                     it together for you! We have a wide experience of
06.02 – 13.02 Winter Wildfowl Tour
                                                     specialist tours, for small or large numbers (the
              (Tour code: WW)
                                                     larger the number, the smaller the price) and long
APRIL                                                or short periods of time. Recent topics, in addition
11.04 – 21.04  Bulgarian Mountains                   to what’s in this brochure, have included mountain
               and Greek Wetlands                    walking, wild flowers, wine festivals, culinary
                (Tour code: BMGW)                    tours, folklore festivals, folk dancing, textiles and
23.04 - 02.05 Spring Butterfly and Moth Tour         embroidery, and photography.
               (Tour code: BT)
                                                     Availability, detailed itineraries & booking forms
MAY                                                  From: Ognian Avgarski
02.05 – 12.05   Migrants and Mountain Specialities   Phone: 020 7536 9400
                (Tour code: MMS)                     Email:
JUNE                                                 Web:
05.06 – 17.06 ..Early Summer Butterflies & Flowers
                (Tour code: BF)                      Further information
JULY                                                 From: Dr. Annie Kay, B-BS Tours Organiser
04.07 – 16.07    Midsummer Butterflies               Email:
                 and Moths                           Web:
                 (Tour code: BM)                     Tours operated by Balkania Travel Ltd.
AUGUST                                               Conex House, 148 Field End Road,
05.08 – 9.08     The Great Koprivshtitsa             Eastcote, HA6 1RG
                 Folklore Festival                   Booking Forms and deposits to Balkania
                 (Tour code: KF)                     Travel Ltd
                                                     c/o Ognian Avgarski (currently working from
09.08 – 12.08    Koprivshtitsa Walking               home) 63 Alphabet Square, London E3 3RT.
                 (Tour code: KFXT)                   Tel: 020 7536 9400

                                                     Payments: Best made by card over the
SEPTEMBER                                            phone or electronically to Balkania Travel, Sort
05.09 – 12.09   Autumn Migration                     Code: 20-29-37, Acc.No: 23118185
               along the Via Pontica
               (Tour code: AM)                       Being an IATA accredited flight ticketing agent
11.09 – 18.09 A Taste of Bulgaria Tour               gives us access to the best consolidated air fares
              (Tour code: TOB)                       on any airline. So, before you make your next travel
 26.09 – 03.10 The Ancient Treasures                 booking, to Bulgaria or anywhere in the world, why
               of Bulgaria Tour                      not give our Flight Department a ring
               (Tour code: ATB)                      on 020 8515 1140 or email
BRITISH-BULGARIAN - British-Bulgarian Society
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