CONTINUITY LEARNING PLAN - Our Lady of the Sacred Heart ...
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PL AT FO R M S IN USE The College has established a Remote Learning Hub for students and their families. The Remote learning Hub houses all information for stu- dents about their classwork, assessment as well as wellbeing and faith formation. It also acts as a centralised portal for all communication to the community about remote learning and the phased return to schooling. S C HOOL R EMOTE LEARNING STRATEGIES The Remote Learning Hub works side by side with existing College platforms such as Compass and Google Classroom to ensure there is a seemless and continuous communication with the community. STU D E NT D EVE LO P ME N T A N D GROWTH CURRENT APPROACH KEEPING STUDENT’S CONNECTED On the OLSH Remote Learning Hub, students are able to access a page for their year group which houses fortnightly remote learning plans for each subject area. These learning plans outline the key learning for each fortnight and outline a diversity of learning activities for the fortnight. Opportunities for extension and both online and offline learning are clearly explained, and students are given options for how they will demonstrate their learning to their teachers. Students remain connected with their classes through both synchronous learning experiences (e.g through use of Zoom) and also through opportunities to collaborate and share ideas using other technology. The Remote Learning Hub also connects students with a Google Classroom communication page for each year level. This is used by the Leaders of Pastoral Care to connect with their Year group on a regular basis. Leaders of Pastoral Care continue to connect with their year groups through daily messages and pastoral activities for students to complete at home, with an emphasis on wellbeing and mental health. Fortnightly pastoral care lessons continue under the remote learning model. CO M M U N I CATIO N The College has been in regular communication with parents about the impact of COVID-19 on learning. Communication includes regular letters, emails, as well as information housed on the Remote Learning Hub. The College has also produced special remote learning newsletters. Communication about student learning is streamlined via the Remote Learning Hub. On this site students can access learning plans for all their subject areas as well as information about assessment, wellbeing and faith formation. Each KLA has established online platforms for sharing resources and learning material with students (such as Google Classroom) and students have been made aware of procedures for getting support with their learning during this time. KEN SIN GTON Ou r L ady of t h e Sacred H e a r t Co l l e g e • CO N T I N U I T Y L E A R N I N G P L A N 2 02 0
STU D EN TS WITH IN DIVIDUA L NEEDS How is the school connecting with students who have diverse learning needs? The College’s Remote Learning Hub includes resources and support for students with learning needs, including separate learning plans R EMOT E LEA RNING C LASSROOM STRATEG IES for Newman Selective Gifted Education program students. Students requiring additional support whilst offsite are being supported in their remote learning by Diverse Learning Teachers and learning support officers. Students without internet access and/or devices at home: The College conducted an audit of students’ access to devices and internet connectivity and have offered support to families where needed. Hard copies of learning material have been provided to students where appropriate. KEN SIN GTON Ou r L ady of t h e Sacred H e a r t Co l l e g e • CO N T I N U I T Y L E A R N I N G P L A N 2 02 0
WEL L B E I N G SUP P O RT The Remote Learning Hub provides resources and support for student and family wellbeing at this difficult time. Additionally, the College continues to provide resources and information to families around wellbeing in the regular College Newsletter. S C HOOL R EMOTE LEARNING STRATEGIES ATT EN DA N C E A N D PA RTIC IPATI ON The College is maintaining records of student engagement in online activities and student completion of remote learning tasks, and following up with parents and carers where there are concerns about student participation in remote learning. CAT HO L I C FA ITH L IF E A N D C ULTURE The Remote Learning Hub provides students and families with access to information and resources to ensure continued connection and engagement with Catholic faith life during remote learning. Resources available on this site include a message from the College REC as well as links to daily prayers, Archdiocese Catholic youth groups and live streams of Mass. A daily prayer continues to be shared with the community via compass, and communication with families about significant faith events and local parish information continues via the College newsletter. KEN SIN GTON Ou r L ady of t h e Sacred H e a r t Co l l e g e • CO N T I N U I T Y L E A R N I N G P L A N 2 02 0
STAG E 4 – 6 What sorts of tasks In years 7-10 Students will complete tasks will the classes in fortnightly cycles for each subject area, complete? with a focus on core learning outcomes and opportunities for extension. The Remote Learning Cycles will provide opportunities R EMOT E LEA RNING C LASSROOM STRATEG IES for a mix of synchronous and asynchronous learning and will outline the key formative tasks for students to complete in demonstration of their learning. Stage 6 students will continue to be provided with work directly from their classroom teacher, with an emphasis on regular How are students Students are encouraged to follow their regular school timetable as connecting with they work through the learning tasks set in their Remote Learning their teacher? Plans. Under each plan, students will have at least one synchronous lesson with their teacher in their usual class time each week. How are students Through Google Classroom communications, email and weekly real- connecting with time lessons (e.g Zoom lessons). their class? How will students Each fortnightly Remote Learning Plan outlines how students are be provided to demonstrate their learning. Students will receive timely teacher feedback on their feedback on these formative tasks. Teachers may use Zoom lessons learning? to provide holistic feedback to class groups, or use email and Google Classroom functions to provide one-on-one feedback. What evidence of Fortnightly Remote Learning Plans make explicit the learning goals student learning is for each subject, and also what students need to do to demonstrate required? their learning. Students in years 7-10 have the opportunity to demonstrate their learning through a diversity of engaging formative tasks, including extension activities. Stage 6 assessment continues, although with some alterations to meet the challenges presented by remote learning. How will student The fortnightly Remote Learning Plans set clear learning intentions work be assessed? for students, and make explicit how students will demonstrate their learning. Teachers will assess student work against these intentions and expectations, and provide feedback according to NESA course descriptors. What sorts of tasks Examples of student learning activities students can undertake in will the classes Remote Learning PLans include: complete? • Collaborative learning tasks - virtual group work • Zoom lessons for discussion and questioning • Online comprehension activities • Clickview interactive activities • Online learning activities and games - MathsOnline/ Education Perfect • Independent research tasks • Written tasks - producing paragraph or essay responses • Creative writing • A range of creative tasks such as making imovies and podcasts • Designing and building their own blog sites KEN SIN GTON Ou r L ady of t h e Sacred H e a r t Co l l e g e • CO N T I N U I T Y L E A R N I N G P L A N 2 02 0
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