Congratulations to the winners of the men's championships sponsored by Elders. A Grade - Matt Thomas, B Grade - Neil Boswell, C Grade - Ron Turner ...

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Congratulations to the winners of the men's championships sponsored by Elders. A Grade - Matt Thomas, B Grade - Neil Boswell, C Grade - Ron Turner ...
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            Congratulations to the winners of the men’s championships
                               sponsored by Elders.
          A Grade - Matt Thomas, B Grade - Neil Boswell, C Grade - Ron
                        Turner & D Grade - Rob Armytage
Congratulations to the winners of the men's championships sponsored by Elders. A Grade - Matt Thomas, B Grade - Neil Boswell, C Grade - Ron Turner ...
    04 / 2021

    We are experiencing very busy times both on course and with club activities.

    We are still awaiting the outcome of the two funding applications that we have
    in place for the irrigation upgrade. Progress on the Driving Range is slow,
    however it is progressing. The Auditorium toilet renovations have
    been completed and they look great. Thank you to everyone involved in that

    Club functions are good, once again thank you to Kathy and our volunteers that
    make these functions happen, they raise revenue to spend on course and club


    Grant application update

    We have received notification that we have been successful with the two grants
    we applied for.
    1. $4,500 to assist empowering women in golf
Congratulations to the winners of the men's championships sponsored by Elders. A Grade - Matt Thomas, B Grade - Neil Boswell, C Grade - Ron Turner ...
2. $15,000 for golf cart paths
    Thank you to the board for a successful application.

    Message from The Board

    The Board has received an anonymous letter in regards to some perceived
    short comings on the course, in particular the construction of new greens.
    The Board has great confidence in the greenkeeper and staff and does not
    respond to anonymous letters. We encourage members to take any concerns
    to a Board member of their choice. The Board is aware of rumoured criticism of
    our outdoor staff among our members. Please be mindful that this can be
    interpreted as bullying in today’s world.

    The Board has reconsidered the pricing of cart hire by members for club
    competitions only. Carts will now be $30.00 for 18 holes and $15 for nine holes.
    Carts must be shared, however the Board is aware that there will be situations
    where one player will be alone in a cart due to the group number. The Board
    strongly emphasises a maximum of two carts per group. The Board has
    adopted this as a policy.

    Members are reminded that bunkers must be raked in consideration of your
    fellow players. When raking is completed, please place the rake one step into
    the bunker.

    Corporate Day - Friday May 7th
    The Corporate Day is a significant fund raiser for the club. We are seeking
    support from members to provide private carts for the participants use on the
    day. Please contact Norm if you can make your cart available.

    The defibrillator in the Pro Shop - click below to watch a video.

    How to Use a Defibrillator
Congratulations to the winners of the men's championships sponsored by Elders. A Grade - Matt Thomas, B Grade - Neil Boswell, C Grade - Ron Turner ...
Winter is rapidly approaching which is evident by the chilly mornings.

    We have had some great weather for golfers this month. Unfortunately the
    men’s championships in particular was marred by strong winds (that’s my
    excuse anyway). Congratulations to both Matt and Vicki on collecting another
    championship title, I would also like to congratulation all the other grade

    As mentioned previously we look after a couple of major events over Autumn
    and also prepare the course for winter months. The renovations of the greens
    was completed slowly but without too many problems. The greens were
    scarified, cored, topdressed and fertilized by Friday lunchtime. Thanks to Brian
    Dixon, Greg Collins, John Radeski and Leigh Chappell for their help which
    allowed us to only close 9 holes for the Monday and Tuesday. The greens
Congratulations to the winners of the men's championships sponsored by Elders. A Grade - Matt Thomas, B Grade - Neil Boswell, C Grade - Ron Turner ...
received a coring this time due to fungal disease pressure over the summer
    months, and the need to reduce our thatch layer. Our new nursery at the rear of
    the 14th green is progressing well, and our original nursery has been
    resown. New bunker rakes are being added around the course, with extra rakes
    added to the large bunkers.

    The Corporate Day and the Winter Classic are the two major events that we
    now prepare for, the greens should be close to fully recovered for the corporate

    The working bee went really well with plenty of areas cleaned up. A great effort
    by those who volunteered their time. Such events are the best way for
    members to get an appreciation of the work load that is required to keep trees
    and shrubs on the course under control. Working Bees promote a feeling of
    ownership among members which is a very positive thing.

    Terry Howe
Congratulations to the winners of the men's championships sponsored by Elders. A Grade - Matt Thomas, B Grade - Neil Boswell, C Grade - Ron Turner ...
C Grade competitors Bev Purtill & Wendy Liefting. Congratulations to Wendy
    on winning the C Grade Championship and the April Monthly Medal.

    Captain's Reports

    This month saw the playing of the club championships with reasonable fields in
    most grades.The A grade club champion once again was Matt Thomas,
    congratulations to Matt on the defence of his club championship. Also
    congratulations to Neil Boswell, winner of B grade, Ronald Turner winner of C
    grade and Robert Armytage the winner D grade. The top 8 in each grade go
    into the “Mark 2 Automotive “ match play knockout. Good luck to all the players
    in that event.

    The April monthly medal sponsored by Browns Rural Supplies was won by
    Gary Brant on a count back. Congratulations to Gary on a good win.

    Two events coming up in May are the men’s foursomes Championship on
    Sunday May the 9th and the Deniliquin Men’s Open Championship on Sunday
    the 16th of May. Hopefully we can get a good field for these events.

    The weather is starting to turn but at the moment we are enjoying very pleasant
    days so lets enjoy it while we can.

    Good Golfing
    John Radeski.

    The past weeks of golf have been busy for the ladies. Our April Monthly Medal
    was won by one of our newer golfers, Wendy Liefting, with a net score of 72.
    Well done Wendy.

    The ladies championships were a resounding success. We had great numbers,
    perfect weather and course conditions and some exciting results. Vicki Brunker
    was our Open champion defeating Prue Lloyd by 2 shots. Pauline Davis took a
    1 shot lead into the final round but was unable to back up her great score of 77
Congratulations to the winners of the men's championships sponsored by Elders. A Grade - Matt Thomas, B Grade - Neil Boswell, C Grade - Ron Turner ...
off the stick in the second round and finished 3rd, 3 shots behind Prue.

    A field of 20 contested B grade and to finish up with 3 ladies equal on 300 was
    amazing. Kathy Simpson, Marg Menadue and Sarah Aitken contested a 3 hole
    playoff and Sarah maintained her excellent form of the day to prevail. It was
    quite a spectacle to see so many ladies following in carts to watch this playoff.

    Wendy Liefting capped off a very successful period of golf for herself by
    winning C grade. Wendy led from start to finish to defeat Bev Purtill with Pam
    Larcombe finishing 3rd.

    Unfortunately we fell short of having enough numbers to contest D grade but it
    was great to see our D graders, all new players, competing in the C grade

    Congratulations to all our winners and well done to all ladies who participated.

    Monday 26th April sees the start of our 2021 RWGA pennant season. We are
    hosting both zones on that day and we wish our two teams the very best of

    Our annual Dorris Everitt draw was completed last week and the ladies will
    now play this event over the coming months.

    May we all continue to enjoy playing golf.

    Ann Bull
    Ladies Captain

    Event Update

    We are postponing the Men’s Foursomes event a notification will be sent out
    with the new date shortly.
Congratulations to the men’s VW Scramble Team on winning the regional
      final held at Cobram Barooga last Wednesday.The event was closely
    contested & the Deniliquin team won the event by 0.4 of a shot with a nett
              56.1 & they now travel to the final which is held in QLD.
                               pictured above L - R
     Sam Callinan, Colin Thompson, Lisa Jean (pro), Sean Drennan & Chris

    We wish our ladies VW Scramble team all the best on Monday 3rd May as
    they compete in their state final. Competing at Huntingdale will be Karen
      Druitt, Shandra Simpson, Prue Lloyd & Kym Sandford. Good hitting!
Copyright © 2016 Deniliquin Golf Club. All rights reserved.
               Clubhouse: 0358811325 Pro Shop: 03 58813333
                            Our mailing address is:
                            PO Box 178 Deniliquin 2710

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