Advanced Communica on Skills for Local Government Professionals - MATI PADM 205 May 17 - June 25, 2021 ONLINE over 6 weeks

Page created by Matthew Molina
Advanced Communica on Skills for Local Government Professionals - MATI PADM 205 May 17 - June 25, 2021 ONLINE over 6 weeks
  Advanced Communica�on Skills
for Local Government Professionals
                   PADM 205
              May 17 - June 25, 2021
               ONLINE over 6 weeks
        A partnership between Capilano University and
     the Local Government Management Associa�on of BC
Advanced Communica on Skills for Local Government Professionals - MATI PADM 205 May 17 - June 25, 2021 ONLINE over 6 weeks

                                                Program Objec�ves
This course is designed to provide local government professionals with an opportunity to par�cipate in communica�on
skill-based training to strengthen their individual and team performance. Managing change, collabora�ng, nego�a�ng,
and naviga�ng difficult conversa�ons are essen�al communica�ons competencies, which local government professionals
must demonstrate daily. This course will assist par�cipants to become more effec�ve in these areas, in addi�on to
building knowledge and skills in rela�on to communica�ng with Council, Boards, and the public.

Learn to be a More Effec�ve Communicator
  • Deal effec�vely with upset staff, managers, council,
    unions, and the public or outside organiza�ons.
  • Focus on the issue when handling difficult
  • Give senior team members feedback about their
    performance and work expecta�ons.
  • Manage defensiveness — yours and theirs.
  • Mediate workplace conflicts.
  • Handle service delivery complaints.
  • Address below standard staff performance so that
    improvement occurs.
  • Facilitate discussion around sensi�ve issues and
    community concerns.
This course will help you tackle these challenges and more!

EnhanceYour Knowledge and Skills                                                     Time and Place
  • Improve communica�on and nego�a�on skills with                The 2021 session of MATI® Advanced Communica�on
    prac�ce and professional feedback.                            Skills will be held online over six weeks from May 17 to
  • Learn about communica�ons planning and how to                 June 25, 2021. This online course will include both weekly
    manage issues effec�vely with the public and media            ‘live’ online sessions (e.g. Wednesday 4:00-5:30 pm) and
  • Understand principles and best prac�ces for                   self-paced learning. The course has the same content
    communica�ng with diverse popula�ons                          as the in-person course and is designed to be similarly
  • Apply principles and prac�ces for effec�ve council–           interac�ve and intensive.
    staff rela�ons.
  • Learn key prac�ces for more effec�ve public
    consulta�on and engagement.

Learn from the Best of Them!
One-on-One Access to Local Government Leaders
  • Work in small groups with senior local government
    leaders to discuss conflict situa�ons and how to
    resolve them.
  • Learn strategies for success from local government
  • Network with faculty and peers to share experience
    and solu�ons.

Advanced Communica on Skills for Local Government Professionals - MATI PADM 205 May 17 - June 25, 2021 ONLINE over 6 weeks

                           The Sessions - May 17 to June 25, 2021
                         WEEK 1                                                                WEEK 3
Course Introduc�on and Communica�on                                   Effec�ve Council/Board-Staff Rela�ons
Essen�als                                                             Paul Murray, MATI® AC Chair; Jason Lum, FVRD Chair and
Paul Gipps, CAO, City of West Kelowna and MATI® AC Mentor,            Councillor, City of Chilliwack; Allison Habkirk, Town Planner
and Alison McNeil, Chair Local Government Programs,                   and former Mayor; Jamie McEwan, Planner and former
Capilano University, will kick off the week. John Leeburn,            Councillor; and Peter Sparanese, CAO, City of Abbotsford
former CAO (re�red), Consultant, and Instructor, Capilano             will bring their exper�se and insights to this key topic.
University will provide the first module in which you will:             • Learn to work effec�vely with elected officials
  • Learn ques�oning and feedback skills                                • Understand roles and manage priori�es
  • Improve asser�veness; give and take skills
  • Manage defensiveness; yours and theirs                            Coaching Skills – Applica�on
                                                                      Apply the skills learned to coach and guide staff performance,
Resolving Conflict Skills                                             mentor staff for present and future needs, and promote
John Leeburn, former CAO (re�red), Consultant, and                    employee excellence.
Instructor, Capilano University will lead this session focusing
on the steps of conflict resolu�on in difficult conversa�ons
including effec�ve listening techniques.                                                       WEEK 4
  • Link listening techniques to issue-focused conversa�ons
  • Iden�fy and respond to community needs                            Nego�a�ng Skills
  • Handle internal and external complaints
                                                                      John Leeburn, former CAO (re�red), Consultant, and
                                                                      Instructor, Capilano University will lead an interac�ve
                                                                      session focusing on developing situa�onal skills for
                         WEEK 2                                       different nego�a�on scenarios.
                                                                         • Focus on interests, not posi�ons
Coaching Skills                                                          • Concentrate on issues, not individuals
John Leeburn, former CAO (re�red), Consultant, and                       • Explore solu�ons which sa�sfy mutual interests
Instructor, Capilano University will lead this session focusing
on guiding staff performance, mentoring, and promo�ng
employee excellence.
  • Prac�ce mentoring techniques to develop staff for
     present and future needs

Resolving Conflict Skills – Applica�on
Paul Gipps, CAO, City of West Kelowna and MATI® AC
Mentor; Paul Murray, MATI® AC Chair and Principal,
Brentwood Advisory Group; and Alison McNeil, Instructor,
Capilano University join John Leeburn for an interac�ve
session with students to prac�ce skill applica�on.

Advanced Communica on Skills for Local Government Professionals - MATI PADM 205 May 17 - June 25, 2021 ONLINE over 6 weeks

                          The Sessions - May 17 to June 25, 2021
                        WEEK 5                                                              WEEK 6
Communica�ng Effec�vely with and Through                            Communica�ng with Diverse Popula�ons
the Media                                                           This session focuses on providing knowledge and tools for
Whether you are working directly with the media or being            communica�ng more effec�vely with diverse popula�ons
covered as part of your presenta�on to Council/Board,               in BC communi�es.
effec�ve communica�ons is cri�cal. Jan Enns, Consultant
and Trainer, Jan Enns Communica�ons and Julie Rogers,               Leaders Roundtable
Communca�ons Manager, District of Sechelt, lead this                Discuss with senior local government leaders including
interac�ve session in which you will improve your ability           Paul Gipps, MATI® Mentor and CAO, City of West Kelowna;
to work with the media to promote your ini�a�ve and                 Madeline McDonald, CAO, Village of Harrison Hot Springs;
learn how to respond effec�vely when they call.                     Norm McInnis, CAO, District of Sooke; Peter Sparanese,
                                                                    CAO, City of Abbotsford; and Lou Varela, CAO, District of
Public Consulta�on Skills                                           Oak Bay.
Alison McNeil, Instructor, Capilano University, Norm McInnis,
CAO, District of Sooke, and Mairi Welman, Principal,                MATI® Advanced Communica�on Skills
Welman Communica�ons, will lead this session focusing               Course Conclusion
on building consensus with stakeholder groups, solving              During the final live class, students will present their key
problems around sensi�ve issues and making local                    insights from the course and their plans to act in the short
government more accessible to the public. This session              and longer terms.
will also refer to current prac�ces by local governments in
their use of online tools.
  • Learn key steps for building a successful public
     consulta�on program
  • Understand how to solve problems around sensi�ve
     issues and community concerns
  • Discuss innova�ve ways to make local government
     more accessible to the public

Advanced Communica on Skills for Local Government Professionals - MATI PADM 205 May 17 - June 25, 2021 ONLINE over 6 weeks

University Credit                                             How to Register

       s with the other MATI® courses offered by              To apply for a�endance at MATI® Advanced Communica�on
       Capilano University in partnership with LGMA,          Skills, please go to the special CivicInfo website below and
       par�cipants are strongly encouraged to enroll          apply by March 30, 2021. A�er this date, please contact
in the program as a three-credit Capilano University          Anna Delaney at Capilano University to inquire about
course, PADM 205. Students and employers tell us that         space availability.
they get more out of the course when taken for credit.
All credit students will complete short assignments           Register at:
during the course.                                            h�ps://

Interna�onal Ins�tute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC)              Fees
The IIMC grants the professional designa�on known             The fee per par�cipant is $1500 plus GST. LGMA members
as Cer�fied Municipal Clerk (CMC). To earn the CMC            are en�tled to a discounted rate of $1100 plus GST. Upon
designa�on, you must have the educa�on and per�nent           comple�on of this MATI® course, the LGMA will provide
experience required by the IIMC.                              a reimbursement to your organiza�on for this member-
                                                              preferred rate. If you have any ques�ons, please contact
Each of Capilano University’s Local Government       This is an all-inclusive fee, which will
Program courses (including all Capilano MATI® courses)        cover tui�on and course materials. The fee can be paid
is accepted by the IIMC towards the CMC designa�on            on-line by credit card at the �me of registra�on or by
when taken for credit.                                        sending a cheque to:
                                                                     Local Government Management Associa�on of BC
MATIs offered through Capilano University each                       Financial & Program Administra�on
provide 30 points of the total required 60 IIMC points.              Suite 710A - 880 Douglas Street
For more details on Capilano University courses and                  Victoria, BC V8W 2B7
IIMC requirements, contact Alison McNeil at Capilano
University ( and visit the IIMC
                                                              Refund Policy
website at
                                                              Refunds will be processed un�l March 30, 2021 subject
                                                              to a $50 LGMA administra�on fee. A�er March 30, 2021
                                                              no refunds are provided; however, registra�on may be
                                                              transferable to another qualified candidate.

Advanced Communica on Skills for Local Government Professionals - MATI PADM 205 May 17 - June 25, 2021 ONLINE over 6 weeks

Board of Examiners Cer�ficates and Scholarships                        For further informa�on on the Board of Examiners, please

          ATI® AC par�cipants will be eligible for a scholarship       visit the Board of Examiners’ website or email:
          from the provincial UBCM Commemora�ve              
          Scholarship fund. Those interested in a scholarship
may apply by submi�ng a scholarship applica�on to the
Board of Examiners. Applica�on forms are available on-line
from the Board of Examiners website, or search for Local
Government Staff and Development on the Government of
BC website

If you are working towards cer�fica�on from the Board of
Examiners, please note that MATI® AC, when taken as
a credit course, will be accepted as an Elec�ve for the
Provincial Board of Examiners’ cer�fica�on. For this
reason, the Board will award credit students with higher
scholarships than non-credit students.

                  Paul Murray       Principal, Brentwood Advisory Group, MATI® AC Chair
                    Paul Gipps      Chief Administra�ve Officer, City of West Kelowna, MATI® AC Mentor
                       Jan Enns     Consultant and Trainer, Jan Enns Communica�ons
               Allison Habkirk      Town Planner, Educator and former Mayor, Allison Habkirk Town Planning
                 John Leeburn       Consultant, former CAO (re�red), and Capilano University Instructor
                    Jason Lum       Chair, Fraser Valley Regional District and Councillor, City of Chilliwack
               Jamie McEwan         Planner, former Councillor, and Capilano University Instructor
           Madeline McDonald        Chief Administra�ve Officer, Village of Harrison Hot Springs
                Norm McInnis        Chief Administra�ve Officer, District of Sooke
                Alison McNeil       Instructor and Chair, Local Government Programs, Capilano University
                   Julie Rogers     Communica�ons Manager, District of Sechelt
              Peter Sparanese       Chief Administra�ve Officer, City of Abbotsford
                    Lou Varela      Chief Administra�ve Officer, District of Oak Bay
                Mairi Welman        Principal, Welman Communica�ons

                                           If you have any ques�ons, please contact:
                                      Alison McNeil, Chair, Local Government Programs,
                                                      Capilano University
                                       2055 Purcell Way, North Vancouver, BC, V7J 3H5
                                                     Phone: 604-990-7907

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