Welcome to our 2018 community report. The purpose of this
                         report is to provide you with a summary of Orica Kooragang
                         Island’s operations and activities over the last 12 months.
                         Demand for our products in the Hunter Valley continued to
                         grow. As a result, the site produced more tonnes of ammonium
                         nitrate in 2017 than it ever has before. This achievement reflects
Bertus De Villiers       the dedication of our employees and their commitment to
   General Manager       continuous improvement.
Orica Kooragang Island
                         The site’s largest undertaking in 2017 was the ammonia plant
                         turnaround. The multimillion-dollar maintenance project involved
                         the completion of more than 900 tasks including statutory
                         inspections, testing of safety instrumented systems, overhauling
                         relief valves and catalyst replacements. Major turnarounds for
                         the ammonia plant are conducted every six years and provide an
                         opportunity to carry out important works that will ensure the plant
                         can continue to operate safely and efficiently.
                         Environmental and safety performance remained a focus, with
                         our program to improve the way ammonia is managed on site
                         continuing throughout the year. The third and final flaring system,
                         designed to prevent ammonia emissions and their associated
                         odour, became operational. We also replaced the ammonia
                         pipeline that runs from the site to Kooragang Berth 2. This will
                         ensure the ongoing safe operation of our ammonia import and
                         export process.
                         During 2017 we supported 42 Newcastle-based groups with
                         around $272,000 in funding to deliver important projects for
                         the benefit of the region. We also continued to strengthen our
                         relationship with the community through our many engagement
                         activities including community reference group meetings,
                         newsletters and site tours. A community perceptions survey,
                         recently conducted on our behalf by the Hunter Research
                         Foundation, indicated a significant improvement in our reputation
                         since 2013. This has been very encouraging and a sign that our
                         actions and activities over the last few years are having a positive
                         impact. We will continue to strive to meet your expectations.
ENGAGEMENT                                           INVESTMENT
Orica Kooragang Island is committed                  Community investment and sponsorship
to effective and targeted stakeholder                activities are a central pillar of our
engagement, which is essential to gaining            engagement approach.
the trust and support of our neighbours and
the broader community.                               We aim to make a lasting and positive contribution
                                                     to the community by supporting local initiatives
We work with the community to understand the         and events. Through our Community Investment
needs, concerns and aspirations of individuals       Program we fund a range of projects that
and organisations. In 2017 the site carried out a    promote education and lifelong learning,
number of activities including:                      improve and protect the environment, and
                                                     build strong communities. In 2017 we provided
−− the production and distribution of a bi-monthly
                                                     around $131,000 worth of grants to 20
   community newsletter delivered to residents
                                                     community groups.
   in our neighbouring suburbs of Stockton,
   Carrington, Tighes Hill, Mayfield East, Fern      As well as providing grants through the
   Bay and Maryville                                 Community Investment Program, we also invested
                                                     around $141,000 sponsoring a range of other
−− regular Community Reference Group (CRG)
                                                     events, activities and organisations including:
   meetings, a number of which featured
   independent guest speakers to talk about          −− Surfest’s Orica Team Challenge
   specific matters
                                                     −− Harry’s House
−− regular site tours for the general community as
                                                     −− Chuck Duck Breakfast Club
   well as special interest groups
                                                     −− Hunter District Cycling Club
−− employee attendance at community events
   to answer questions and speak to people           −− Newcastle Rotary Club
   about our operations
                                                     −− Stockton Surf Life Saving Club
−− emergency response briefings for industrial
                                                     −− Carrington Starlight Cinema
   neighbours as well as nearby schools and
   aged care homes                                   −− Mentor Support Network
−− one-on-one conversations with community           −− Newcastle All Blacks
   stakeholders to help us improve our
                                                     −− Museum Express
   community engagement activities.
                                                     −− Newcastle Rowing Club
                                                     −− local sporting clubs.
In 2017 more than 200 students from 18 schools
participated in our HSC Chemistry Education
Program. The program provides a practical
demonstration of ammonia production, which is
a key part of the Chemistry syllabus. Students are
given a guided tour of the ammonia plant and a
presentation by a chemical engineer.
In 2017 Surfest’s
Orica Team Challenge
was held for the
fifth year running at
Stockton Beach.


       Newcastle All Blacks                                      Mentor Support Network                                        Chuck Duck
       We entered into a new three-year sponsorship agreement    We continued our sponsorship of the Mentor Support            For more than a decade we have sponsored the Chuck Duck
       with the Newcastle All Blacks. The funding will help      Network, which provides scholarships to local students        charity. It runs a range of programs in numerous schools,
       the local rugby league organisation participate in the    experiencing hardship so they can achieve their educational   aimed at helping all students but particularly those with special
       annual NSW Koori Knockout, which is one of the largest    goals. The organisation also offers training, professional    needs. Programs include breakfast clubs, therapy birds, bush
       Indigenous sporting and cultural events in the country.   development and networking for its volunteer mentors.         tucker gardens and child safety education.

TAD                                                          Stockton Senior Citizens’ Association                         Charles O’Neill Hostel
A $10,000 grant supported the charity’s local volunteers     With a grant of $8,800 the association installed              The hostel used a $6,500 grant to provide pet therapy for
to produce unique and adaptable equipment solutions for      three new split-system air conditioners in the                its residents, including an on-site animal petting zoo and
people living with a disability.                             Mitchell Street hall.                                         chicken hatching program.

Fern Bay Public School                                       Curious Legends                                               Miss Porter’s House
The school put a $6,000 grant towards its Literacy           A grant of $10,000 assisted the local theatre company to      A $9,000 grant was used to replace the damaged gate
for Life project, aimed at encouraging the students to       deliver the Hidden Port project which involved community      and picket fence at the historic Miss Porter’s House in
read. The funding enabled the school to purchase more        workshops, performance activities and a writing/              Newcastle West. The house is the only National Trust
than 300 new books.                                          photography competition.                                      property in the city.

                                               Applying for a grant with the Community Investment Program
                              Every year two rounds of funding are offered. The first round opens on 1 March and the second round opens on 1 September.
                                                  Information and documentation is available on our website
             January                                                                             April                  July
           The third and final flaring system, designed                  A monitoring program commenced                A nitric acid and an ammonium
           to capture ammonia emissions,                                 to evaluate the impact of nutrient-           nitrate plant were temporarily shut                     October
           became operational.                                           rich groundwater on the north arm             down to undergo planned
                                                                                                                                                                          Works to upgrade the
                                                                         of the Hunter River.                          maintenance.
                                                                                                                                                                          stack on the No 1 nitric
                           February                                      Miss Porter’s House in                        We hosted a breakfast to                           acid plant commenced.
                                                                         Newcastle, the only National Trust            congratulate recent recipients of
 The ammonia plant was temporarily                                                                                                                                        Through our Community
                                                                         property in the city, unveiled its new        grants from our Community
 shut down to undergo six-yearly                                                                                                                                          Investment Program, we
                                                                         fence which was funded by our                 Investment Program.
 planned maintenance.                                                                                                                                                     supported Variety
                                                                         Community Investment Program.
                                                                                                                                                                          to provide scholarships
 We replaced the old ammonia
                                                                         We sponsored the Harry’s                                                                         to children who are
 export line that connects the site to                                                                                                               August
                                                                         House car rally.                                                                                 disadvantaged or living
 the K2 berth.
                                                                                                                                                                          with a disability.
                                                                                                                   Fern Bay Public School launched its new
 The Orica Team Challenge and
                                                                                                                   library space, which was supported by a grant
 3 Peas Markets, part of Newcastle’s               May
                                                                                                                   from our Community Investment Program.
 Surfest, took place at Stockton Beach.                   We increased use of recycled water across the site,                                                      November
                                                                                                                   The annual joint emergency response exercise
                                                          a move that will help save up to 2.9 billion
                                                                                                                   was held at the site with Fire and Rescue         Our new general manager,
                                                          litres of potable water per annum.                                                                         Bertus De Villiers,
     March                                                                                                         NSW and NSW EPA.
                                                          The Orica Harry’s House Charity                                                                            started at the site.
Orica’s CEO, Alberto Calderon,                            Shield was held at Lynn Oval Stockton.
                                                                                                                   We presented a cheque for more than $60,000
visited the site to inspect activities being                                                                       to the Newcastle Middle School. The
undertaken during the ammonia plant’s                     Through the on-site medical centre, employees            funds were raised through a safety incentive
maintenance shutdown.                                     participated in a blood pressure and                     scheme during the ammonia plant maintenance
                                                          cholesterol testing program.                             shut down.                                                  We joined forces with
We commenced a new three-year
                                                                                                                                                                               the Medowie
sponsorship with the Newcastle All                        Our HSC Chemistry Education
                                                          program kicked off, with more than 200                                                                               Lions Club to pack
Blacks, a local Indigenous rugby league                                                                                                                                        Christmas hampers for
organisation.                                             students registered to attend.
                                                                                                                            September                                          local families in need.
Stockton Landcare planted over 100
                                                                                                                            The Orica Mick Chapman Road                        Construction began
native seedlings, which were purchased
                                                                                                                            Race was held at the Hunter Economic               on the new
with one of our community grants.                                                                   June
                                                                                                                            Zone near Kurri Kurri.                             cooling tower in
                                                                 To mark World Environment Day, employees                                                                      the nitrates area.
                                                                                                                            The site set a new record for
                                                                 participated in a tree-planting challenge.
                                                                                                                            ammonium nitrate production.
                                                                 Our graduate engineers took part in Newcastle’s
                                                                 annual Sleep out for Soul event.
IN 2017 WE...
                                                                      PAID                   PAID                       SENT OUT AROUND
           ACHIEVED                                              EMPLOYEES                  CONTRACTORS

           430                         CONDUCTED
                                                                 $24.2M                     $20.6M                      30,000
                                                                                                                        newsletters and

           days without a
           recordable injury
                                                                                                                        community reports
                                       hygiene tests
                                                                       M (50%)               HU
                                                                  114                            ER

                              78                                =$                                    =                  INVESTED



                     periodic health                                                                                     in community sponsorships,


                                                                                                                         grants and

                       assessments                                                SPENT                                                 TO HELP

                                                                 $230M                                                                  42

             189 2               RAN
                                                   AU S T

   workers participate in a                                                on goods and services                                      HELD


                                                                                                                       41             4

stop and think program to        emergency


identify hazards & controls      response


                                                                $2                                                     site tours     community

                                 exercises                                                                9

                                                                     9.                               3                               reference group
        INVESTED                                                          2M                       =$
                                                                               (1 3 %        NSW

                                 CONDUCTED                                              )
                                 BUSINESS WITH
                                                                          CONTRIBUTED              AND SUPPORTED

        in capital works                                                                            AN ADDITIONAL
                                                                          AN ADDITIONAL
                                 local suppliers
                                                                           $77M                           990
                                                                                                           FTE jobs
                                                                 to the local economy
Orica employees marked
World Environment Day by         ENVIRONMENT
taking part in a tree-planting
challenge at Kooragang.
                                 At Orica Kooragang Island we ensure that
                                 responsible environmental management is
                                 integrated into all aspects of our activities.

                                 We are always looking for opportunities to improve our      PM2.5 PARTICLE
                                 environmental performance and during the 2017 financial
                                 year we progressed and completed a range of projects.
                                                                                             The site has been identified as a contributor to fine
                                                                                             particulate matter (PM2.5), in the form of ammonium
                                 AMMONIA MANAGEMENT                                          nitrate, at the Stockton air quality monitoring station. In
                                 IMPROVEMENT                                                 2017 activities required by a Pollution Reduction Program
                                                                                             (PRP) were completed including:
                                 We are investing more than $100 million to improve the
                                 way ammonia is managed at the site.                         −− further analysis of samples from the air
                                                                                                monitoring station
                                 In 2017 the third and final flaring system, designed to
                                 prevent ammonia emissions and their associated odour,       −− identifying sources of ammonium nitrate at the site
                                 became operational. In addition, the ammonia pipeline
                                                                                             −− identifying technologies to reduce PM2.5 emissions.
                                 between the site and Kooragang Berth 2 was replaced.
                                 This will ensure the ongoing safe operation of the site’s   A report has been submitted to the NSW Environment
                                 ammonia import and export process.                          Protection Authority.

                                 REMEDIATION                                                 RECYCLED WATER PROJECT
                                 The site has lodged a development application with          In 2014 we started using recycled water in the ammonia
                                 the NSW Department of Planning and Environment to           operations, a move that has been saving the Hunter region
                                 construct a cap and containment arsenic remediation         up to 2.3 billion litres of drinking water per annum. Last
                                 system. To support the application, an environmental        year we also switched the nitrates operations over to
                                 impact assessment was completed last year and publicly      recycled water, taking potable water savings up to 2.9
                                 exhibited. The remediation project will commence as soon    billion litres per annum – an increase of 25 per cent. The
                                 as approval is granted.                                     recycled water is delivered via an 8km pipeline from a
                                                                                             plant in Mayfield West owned by Water Utilities Australia.
                                                                                             Since signing up for the scheme, Orica Kooragang
                                 NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT                                         Island has shifted from being the largest consumer of
                                 A monitoring program to investigate soil and groundwater    drinking water in the region to the 19th largest consumer.
                                 nutrient contamination, both on and off our Kooragang       Using recycled water has significantly reduced the site’s
                                 Island site, was completed in 2017. An ecological risk      environmental footprint.
                                 assessment will be submitted to the NSW Environment
                                 Protection Authority this year.
MAJOR PROJECTS                                                                                                                 Up to 450 extra workers
                                                                                                                               were on site during
                                                                                                                               the ammonia plant
AMMONIA PLANT TURNAROUND                                        SAFETY SCHEME
In February 2017 the ammonia plant was temporarily shut       During the turnaround workers participated in a safety
down to undergo planned maintenance. The multimillion-        incentive scheme, Play it Safe for the Kids. For every injury-
dollar project, otherwise known as a turnaround,   saw   PAID free day Orica, along with the contracting companies
the completion of more than 900 tasks.   Some of the key
                                    EMPLOYEES                 involved in the turnaround, donated money to the scheme.
activities undertaken included:     $24.2M              $20.6MMore than $60,000 was raised for the Newcastle Middle
                                                              School, which plans to use the funds to purchase new
−− statutory inspections
                                                              equipment and install a sensory play area. The school
−− testing of safety instrumented systems                     creates quality educational pathways for students with
                                                              significant disabilities.
−− inspection, overhaul and setting of relief valves
−− catalyst replacements
                                                                NUMBER CRUNCH
−− installation and upgrading of equipment

−− general maintenance.

Major turnarounds for the ammonia plant are conducted                                               up to
every six years and provide an opportunity to undertake
                                 hours worked    UP TO to
important works that will ensure the plant can continue
                                                                                  hours worked
operate safely and efficiently.
                                   450                                           929                extra people on site

                                     extra people on site                       tasks completed
Catalysts are used in the ammonia plant to initiate certain                       188               welds completed

                                  tasks completed
chemical reactions during the manufacturing process                      relief values overhauled
and over time need to be replaced to maintain their
effectiveness. During the turnaround five different types
                                          welds                                        18           pressure vessel
of catalysts were replaced and activated.   Onecompleted
                                                 of them                                            inspections

was the high temperature shift (HTS) catalyst, which                             capital projects
was involved in the 2011 hexavalent chromium incident.                               completed
                                  relief values
However, the HTS catalyst installed  during  the 2017
turnaround was specifically designed   to contain only trace
amounts of hexavalent chromium. This change, along with
                                            pressure vessel
modifications to procedures and equipment, inspections
                                                will ensure
such an incident cannot happen again.
                                  capital projects
A joint emergency response
exercise was held in August   HEALTH AND SAFETY
2017 with NSW Fire and
Rescue and other agencies.
                              At Orica, safety is our priority, always. This value
                              underpins our commitment to the health and
                              wellbeing of our people, our visitors and
                              the community.

                              SAFETY                                                      HEALTH
                              At Orica Kooragang Island we have an uncompromising         Orica Kooragang Island has an on-site medical centre,
                              focus on hazard identification, risk assessment and         which is staffed during business hours by an occupational
                              risk management across all our work. Important safety       health nurse and visited by a doctor for four hours a week.
                              achievements and activities for the year included:          This ensures that we not only look after the safety of our
                                                                                          employees but also their health and wellbeing. During 2017
                              −− notching up 430 days without a recordable injury
                                                                                          the medical centre conducted periodic health assessments,
                              −− 189 employees and contractors participating in a Stop    skin checks, flu vaccinations and drug and alcohol testing.
                                 and Think safety awareness program                       Other achievements included:
                              −− operator refresher training for working in               −− a month-long program offering blood pressure and
                                 confined spaces                                             cholesterol testing
                              −− emergency decent device training for the construction    −− free on-site psychology services and counselling
                                 team working on the nitric acid plant stack
                                                                                          −− workshops to teach stretching techniques
                              −− firefighting training for operators at the Mines
                                                                                          −− hosting a Biggest Morning Tea event, featuring an
                                 Rescue facility.
                                                                                             inspirational talk from a cancer survivor, to raise money
                                                                                             for the Cancer Council.
                              MAJOR HAZARD INITIATIVE
                              The Major Hazard Initiative, a global Orica project         EMERGENCY RESPONSE
                              taking place across 475 sites, is designed to ensure that   EXERCISES
                              everyone returns home safely at the end of each day.
                              The key purpose of the project is to increase employee      Undertaking site-wide emergency response exercises
                              awareness of hazards in the workplace and to ensure         ensures that we regularly practice and review our
                              there are effective controls in place to manage them.       emergency response procedures. Throughout 2017 we
                              During 2017 we progressed this initiative at Kooragang      conducted two such exercises, one of which was a joint
                              Island, identifying 16 major hazards and verifying 79 key   exercise with Fire and Rescue NSW, NSW Environment
                              controls. Nearly every worker on site has been involved     Protection Authority and other agencies. This allows
                              in this comprehensive process, which is scheduled to        emergency services personnel to familiarise themselves
                              continue through 2018.                                      with our site and products.
PEOPLE                                                                                                                                                  In 2017 our employees
                                                                                                                                                        attended numerous
                                                                                                                                                        community events, such
                                                                                                                                                        as Surfest, to show
Our employees are critical to the ongoing success                                                 7%                             NE                     support and connect with
                                                                                            E                                       CA                  stakeholders.
of our business.                                                                          RI


Orica Kooragang Island is a significant employer that maintains

manufacturing capability and skills in the Hunter region. In 2017


we employed 141 people in a wide variety of roles. Around 90
per cent of our staff lived in the Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Port
Stephens and Maitland local government areas.
Many of our employees are active members of the local

                                                                     M AI
community and last year participated in a variety of worthy

causes to raise money for charities including City2Surf, Ride                                        W
                                                                                                          HE                    VE

to Conquer Cancer and the Newcastle to Dungog Bike Ride.                                                       R E T H E Y LI

A number of employees volunteered with local organisations



helping those in need, such as Orange Sky and Friends with



                                                                                                          ST E
                                                                                                                 P HENS – 10 %

                                                                                                                                            CK – 3
                                                                                                                                            HER –
Dignity. The generosity of workers was also highlighted during
the ammonia plant turnaround, when employees and contractors

                                                                                                                                                – 1%

passed the hat around to raise close to $5,000 for the family of a

local man who died in a construction workplace accident.
Our graduate engineers belong to a regional sustainability

                                                                     MALE – 88%
committee that both organises and takes part in a range of
activities for the benefit of the wider community. In 2017 the
graduates participated in Sleep out for Soul, raising more than
$2,500 for Newcastle’s Soul Café. They also twice visited Ronald           FE
McDonald House at the John Hunter Hospital to cook for the


resident families, and held a blood drive competition with other
Orica sites around the country.
Other achievements by our people include two employees
participating in the NSW Women in Mining Mentoring Program

and one employee climbing Mount Everest. In addition, on World
Environment Day 10 employees took part in a tree-planting
challenge, where they planted more than 430 trees within a two-
hour timeframe in the Kooragang wetlands.

Safety is our priority. Always. We respect and value all.

Together we succeed. We act with integrity. We are                                                                  CO N T R AC
committed to excellence.
The storage of AN at our site is carried
out in accordance with all AN storage
requirements in NSW including:
                                           Orica KI supplies critical products to the mining,
−− The Australian Dangerous
                                           infrastructure, agriculture, water supply, food, dairy
   Goods Code, and
                                           and medical sectors across the state.
−− Australian Standard AS 4326
   – the storage and handling of
   oxidising agents.                       AMMONIA                                                             AMMONIUM NITRATE
Ammonium nitrate is not an                 Kooragang Island’s ammonia plant uses natural gas                   Approximately 430,000 tonnes of industrial grade
explosive. However, it can become          (methane) to produce up to 385,000 tonnes of ammonia                ammonium nitrate (AN) are produced at the site per
explosive when combined with other         (NH3) per annum. More than 90 per cent of this ammonia is           annum. It is manufactured through the reaction of
specific substances. This is done          used within the company for the manufacture of nitric acid          ammonia and nitric acid. Most of this AN is used at
at the point of use, for example,          and ammonium nitrate.                                               Hunter Valley mine sites to make explosives. In fact, we
on a mine site.                                                                                                supply 85 per cent of the Hunter region’s mines. The AN
                                           Approximately 23,000 tonnes of ammonia are sold across
                                           Australia and Asia for other uses, including:                       is also used across New South Wales in the quarrying and
                                                                                                               construction industries.
                                           −− as an agricultural fertiliser, where it is applied as a liquid
                                              directly into the soil for grain and cotton crops                Ammonium nitrate product is supplied either as a solid
                                                                                                               or in solution form. Ammonium nitrate solution (ANSOL),
                                           −− as a refrigerant in commercial refrigeration systems             a mixture of AN and water, is sent off site for use in
                                           −− to provide longer lasting disinfection of drinking water         the manufacture of emulsions, which are used to make
                                                                                                               explosives at mines.
                                           −− to assist in reducing nitrogen oxide (NOx) levels in air
                                              emissions from power stations.                                   Ammonium nitrate is also sold to the medical industry
                                                                                                               for the manufacture of nitrous oxide (laughing gas), an
                                                                                                               anaesthetic and pain relief gas.
                                           NITRIC ACID
                                           Three nitric acid plants operate at the site, converting            CARBON DIOXIDE
                                           ammonia into around 330,000 tonnes of nitric acid per
                                           annum. Ninety-nine percent of the nitric acid is used               You might be surprised to learn that our site supplies 50
                                           on site in the manufacture of ammonium nitrate, while               per cent of the New South Wales carbon dioxide market.
                                           approximately 850 tonnes per annum are sold to the dairy            Carbon dioxide is produced during the manufacture of
                                           sector for use as a cleaning agent.                                 ammonia and approximately 53,000 tonnes per annum
                                                                                                               are sold for use in carbonated drinks and light beer, as a
                                                                                                               medical gas during invasive surgery such as laparoscopy
                                                                                                               and arthroscopy, and to manufacture dry ice, which is
                                                                                                               predominantly used as a coolant in food transportation.
Orica Kooragang Island is a strategically and
commercially critical business, which makes a
significant contribution to the local economy.

Market conditions improved over the last 12 months with
the site producing more ammonium nitrate than ever
before. Our operations continued to provide an important
economic contribution to the Hunter Valley, which was
somewhat higher than in 2016. This was mainly due to the
increase in sales revenue and the activities associated with
the ammonia plant turnaround.
In 2017 we spent $46.4 million procuring goods and
services from more than 260 local businesses, paid
close to $45 million in wages to 271 employees and
contractors, and invested around $76 million in capital
and related works.
In terms of added value, it is estimated that the site
contributed an additional $77 million in economic activity
and supported an additional 990 full-time equivalent jobs
in the Hunter region. At a state level, Orica Kooragang
Island created an additional $66 million in economic activity
and supported an additional 842 jobs.
Capital and related works provided a further $20 million
stimulus in the Hunter region and $17 million in NSW.
For every $1 million investment by Orica Kooragang Island,
an indicative $170,000 in additional activity occurs and 15
additional jobs are supported in the broader economy.

Economic information based on Orica’s financial year
1 October 2016 to 30 September 2017.
Telephone 1800 789 044   Email
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