ANNUAL 2021-2022 DELIVERY PLAN - Vale of Glamorgan Council
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THE DOCUMENT IS AVAILABLE IN WELSH. MAE’R DDOGFEN HON AR GAEL YN GYMRAEG. ANNUAL DELIVERY PLAN ONE We are without doubt living and working in difficult times. The past year has been one of unprecedented challenge and as we look ahead to 2021-22 there is still much uncertainty about the effects COVID-19 will continue to have. However, there is also a sense of optimism as we see the roll out of the mass vaccination This is the second Annual Delivery Plan (ADP) for the Council’s Corporate Plan 2020-2025, Working programme across the country and the huge effort being made to Together for a Brighter Future. The commitments detailed in our Corporate Plan are long-term in nature keep people safe. and to provide focus and demonstrate progress we set out the steps we will take to meet them in an ADP each year. This plan sets out the steps we will take in 2021-22. I continue to be immensely proud of the community I serve and of the Council and all its staff. We have all been touched in some way by the effects of this virus and its impact will be with us for some time to come. However, across the Vale communities have pulled together and Council staff have worked together to adapt and deliver services in the most challenging of circumstances. Although it has not been possible to undertake the usual levels “ of engagement during the year we have continued to listen to our The Annual Delivery Plan residents and partners and the Plan has been shaped by what 2021-22 has been written people have told us are the most important issues for them. at a time of great change. We know that people value having access to parks and being Last year we published a new outdoors, that they are concerned about the economy and their Corporate Plan 2020-25 own financial security, that there are concerns about the impact – Working Together for a of COVID-19 on some of our most deprived communities and on Brighter Future. the BAME community. Throughout the pandemic the Council has This Annual Delivery Plan undertaken work to understand the impact on the economy and for 2021-22 details the the impact on the community. We recognise that the changes actions we will take this over the past year will have a lasting impact on us all, but year to contribute to the particularly on the well-being of children and young people and their education. We also recognise the impact of the virus on the delivery of our Corporate elderly and on our care homes and are working with partners to Plan. The Annual Delivery keep people safe. Plan reflects how services are changing, our Recovery The Council’s four Well-being Objectives continue to be relevant Strategy and the work that to the work that we do and what we want to achieve. The is ongoing to respond to majority of the Council’s budget is spent on social care and the pandemic. The Council education and these remain priorities for us. The 21st Century Schools programme continues to be a flagship programme in the continues to be ambitious Vale, ensuring we have first class education facilities, providing in its plans for the future, opportunities for employment and training and forming a key we remain committed to the “ delivery of our Objectives and to achieving our vision of ‘strong communities element of our work to tackle climate change. Much has changed in the last year and difficult decisions have had to be made, but we have responded with confidence and by This Annual Delivery Plan reflects the complexity and breadth of always putting the safety and well-being of our residents first. We with a bright future. services delivered by the Council which range from safeguarding our will continue to work with our partners to deliver the very best outcomes we can for Vale communities. most vulnerable residents, encouraging play and sports development, waste management and supporting local businesses as well as the continued investment in our schools and in our children’s future. Cllr. Neil Moore Leader of the Vale of Glamorgan Council
Vale of Glamorgan - Annual Delivery Plan 2021- 2022 TWO INTRODUCTION The actions we will take over the coming year will contribute to the this objective we will be mindful of the different needs and aspirations of people of all ages and from all areas delivery of our four Well-being Objectives and our vision of Strong of the Vale. We understand that to be an effective Communities with a Bright Future. organisation we need to be a responsible employer and that our staff are one of our greatest assets and that our Councillors need to be supported to represent their Our plans have been shaped by the Well-being of Future Generations Act and you can read more about this in communities. the Corporate Plan. The Objectives also provide the framework to demonstrate how we will secure continuous improvement and report on our progress as required by the Local Government Measure. Support learning, employment and These Objectives have been reviewed and in light of the COVID-19 pandemic they remain as important as ever: To work with and for our communities sustainable economic growth To support learning, employment and sustainable economic growth We recognise that for many the best route out of To support people at home and in their community poverty or financial difficulties is through employment and we will work with a range of partners to promote To respect, enhance and enjoy our environment economic recovery and growth for the area. The activities that will be undertaken to deliver our Objective Work with and for to support learning, employment and sustainable economic growth recognise the importance of providing our communities appropriate learning and development opportunities to people of all ages. We will invest in our schools, We need to be resilient, innovative and responsive prioritise pupil well-being and support people to achieve to the needs of our customers. We cannot be an their best. COVID-19 continues to have a significant organisation that stands still. The activities we will impact on the economy and we will continue to support undertake to deliver our Objective to work with and local businesses during these uncertain times. We will for our communities reflect the importance of effective also work with our partners to ensure that advice and involvement, communication and engagement to support are available and easy to access. understand and respond to the diverse needs of the community. The need for social distancing and other We have also recognised that the COVID-19 measures and guidance have changed how we engage and although we can achieve a great deal pandemic has had a significant effect online we are also mindful that this can exclude some. on peoples’ mental and physical well- Work that we have undertaken to understand the being. We will continue to work with impact of COVID-19 has also highlighted inequalities partners to provide support to people and the new socio-economic duty means that we of all ages recognising the difficulties will continue to strive to better understand issues of that people of all ages have experienced inequality and the actions needed. In taking forward in the past year.
Vale of Glamorgan - Annual Delivery Plan 2021- 2022 THREE LOOKING TO THE LONG TERM ACTIONS Support people at linked with the environment. We also believe it is TAKING AN INTEGRATED APPROACH important to enjoy where we live and to make the home and in their most of living and working in such a beautiful area as INVOLVING PEOPLE community the Vale. COLLABORATING WITH OTHERS PREVENTION Our Objective to support people at home and in their We will take steps to minimise our negative impact on community recognises that people need to feel safe the environment and to influence others to follow our The actions set out in this year’s ADP have been developed in and have confidence that advice, care and support are lead and consider how their actions may impact on available when they need it. For many of us and our the natural and built environment. We will continue to consultation with residents, partners, elected members and staff. families this is perhaps more important now than ever encourage residents, visitors and business to minimise before. We recognise the importance of prevention and waste, reduce carbon emissions and to consider how The actions reflect our recovery strategy, the findings The Objectives and actions are not in order of early intervention to improve and maintain well-being their actions may contribute to pollution. We want from the work of our regulators, the information in our importance or delivery and we are mindful that we may and to tackle health inequalities. people to be able to safely enjoy our parks, towns, Annual Report (2019/20), the Council’s performance in the need to suspend or defer activities in order to respond countryside and coastal areas and to respect the local national context, results from consultations and the Future to urgent challenges. However, we remain ambitious We will build on the strong partnership arrangements area, its residents and visitors. Generations Report published in May 2020. The Council for the future and confident in our ability to respond, in place across health and social care services and works with other public and third sector organisations as recover and to take strength from the challenges we also recognise the vital role housing has in peoples’ part of the Public Services Board. The Council’s well- face. well-being. The Council will continue to promote being objectives have been developed to align with Public active and healthy choices through leisure and cultural Service Board’s Well-being Objectives and the actions activities and to encourage people to consider how detailed in this ADP will contribute to their delivery. We are confident that the actions their transport choices impact on their health and we set out will not only contribute the environment. We will continue to work with our We continue to embed the five ways of working across all to the delivery of our Well-being partners in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to our activities and they remain integral to the development Objectives but will also contribute and delivery of the ADP. keep people informed and safe. to the national Well-being Goals The ADP sets out for each of our Well-being Objectives and reflect our role locally, the commitments we make in the Corporate Plan and the regionally and nationally. steps we will take in 2021-22 to work towards achieving Respect, enhance Strong Communities with a Bright Future. Each year and enjoy our as we draft our plans for the year ahead we are used to balancing the work we must undertake, the improvements environment and innovations we want to take forward within the context of uncertainty around finances, legislative, policy How we live our lives and how we deliver services has and political changes and issues such as Brexit and an impact on the environment and it is important that the climate emergency. However, developing the plan we work together to respect, enhance and enjoy our for 2021-22 has proved even more challenging as we environment. The environment is one of our greatest continue to respond to the pandemic, plan our recovery assets and we have a duty to protect and enhance and consider how we can best deliver the services our it for future generations. Access to parks and green residents need. space locally is perhaps even more important now than ever and health and well-being are inextricably The following pages set out the actions we want to take over the next twelve months to deliver our Objectives.
Vale of Glamorgan - Annual Delivery Plan 2021- 2022 IN 2021-22 WE WILL: OBJECTIVE 1 FOUR Make effective use of technology to 11 Provide local youth services for young people aged 1 improve how we provide information and communicate with people. 11-25 which support their well-being and provide a range of programmes and activities to meet diverse needs including Welsh Language and support for Involve, engage and consult our residents and those who are more vulnerable or marginalised. 2 other stakeholders including the voluntary sector 12 Deliver year two of the Council’s Strategic Equality and town and community councils in redesigning TO WORK WITH AND FOR Plan including the new Socio-Economic Duty, services, ensuring that those who are seldom heard have the opportunity to be involved. responding to emerging community needs as a result of COVID-19 and the Black Lives Matters movement OUR COMMUNITIES Explore different and more innovative and a review of the Equality Consultative Forum. 3 methods for undertaking Council business including scrutiny activities and options for 13 Review recruitment practices to increase diversity within the Council’s workforce. We are a modern and forward-looking Council which embraces innovation and works in partnership to ensure services greater public engagement. meet the needs of our residents and local communities. We are committed to meeting the needs of the current 14 Work with our partners to achieve Age Friendly status for the Vale. generation and to leaving a positive legacy for future generations. Use our property and land assets to 15 Harness the power of OUR CORPORATE PLAN COMMITMENTS: 4 support changes in service delivery, including agile working, tackling climate volunteering and work with third sector partners and 1 3 change and achieving financial savings. 2 community groups to build a legacy for Vale Heroes. Improve how we Work innovatively, using Develop our strong Deliver ICT infrastructure improvements 16 Introduce a staff volunteering involve, technology, culture of good within schools in line with the Welsh policy. engage and resources and customer 5 Government’s Education Digital agenda and to support new ways of 17 Promote the support communicate our assets to service aligned working resulting from COVID-19. available under the Armed to the Council’s Forces Covenant. with others about our transform our values of being Develop more online services 18 Enhance and promote work and decisions. services so they are sustainable for the future. ambitious, open, together and proud. 6 and improve the responsiveness of services including the use of Welsh Language Services and increase the Welsh assistive technology. Language skills of Council staff, with a particular 4 5 focus on Social Services in Monitor and tackle the financial impact response to the More Than Promote equality Promote the use 7 that coronavirus will continue to have on Just Words Framework. of opportunity of the Welsh the Council’s finances. 19 Implement the Vale of Glamorgan Welsh in Education and work with the Language and Strategic Plan (WESP). community to ensure contribute to the Welsh Develop the next iteration of the 20 Implement a new HR strategy, with a particular focus 8 we are responsive to Government target of Council’s Transformational Change on diversity and staff well-being, assisting staff to the diverse needs of Programme to respond to current and work at home and in different ways. 1 million Welsh our customers. future organisational challenges. speakers by 2050. 21 Implement a new Employee Development Programme. 22 Respond to the changes introduced by the Local Work with our partners and engage our 6 7 Government and Elections (Wales) Bill, including new citizens to respond to the impact of Brexit 9 to ensure our services and communities are performance monitoring arrangements to support the Corporate Plan. Support the Ensure we have robust effectively prepared for change. development governance 23 Strengthen the Council’s approach to information governance to ensure our systems are robust, fit & well-being and scrutiny Develop the role of outreach services to further for purpose and compliant with current legislative arrangements in place support the inclusion of children and young of our staff and requirements. people with social, emotional and mental health recognise their and support our elected members to 10 difficulties in all educational settings, including 24 Undertake and utilise a range of assessments contribution to the working with the Health Board to develop a and data analysis to enhance our insight and work of the Council. fulfil their roles. range of services to support learners with these understanding of customer needs and to inform additional needs. service improvements.
Vale of Glamorgan - Annual Delivery Plan 2021- 2022 IN 2021-22 WE WILL: OBJECTIVE 2 FIVE Work in partnership with the Central South 11. Explore opportunities for transport, planning and 1 Consortium Joint Education Service to regeneration improvements throughout the Vale of prepare our schools for the introduction of Glamorgan in conjunction with Welsh Government the new education curriculum in 2022. and the Cardiff Capital Region. Work in partnership to address issues arising 2 12 Work with partners to progress plans for a from the impact of COVID-19 measures on schools, transport interchange for Barry. SUPPORT LEARNING, EMPLOYMENT & ensuring continuity of learning and that the specific needs of vulnerable learners are addressed. 13 Work with partners including the Cardiff Capital SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC GROWTH Region, Welsh Government and landowners to develop sustainable transport links to the airport In readiness for Additional Learning Need (ALN) including cycle, bus and rail links. 3 reform, provide training to school staff to facilitate the roll out of person-centred planning and Individual 14 Work with partners including the Cardiff Capital We are a Council that understands the importance of a well-educated and skilled population, supporting people of all Development Plans in a range of educational settings. Region and Welsh Government to support the ages to develop and learn. We are committed to encouraging people’s ambitions and to ensuring that individuals and recovery and ultimately growth of the Enterprise communities are able to prosper and achieve their best. Deliver 21st Century Schools Zone at St Athan and Cardiff Airport. 4 Programme improvements (Band B) including the expansion of Ysgol Y Deri, OUR CORPORATE PLAN COMMITMENTS: 15 Deliver an Economic 1 2 3 work on new school buildings across Recovery and Growth Plan the Vale, expansion of primary school for the Vale and support capacity in Cowbridge and development Ensure there is appropriate Invest in our Work with schools, local businesses to trade early access to quality schools to provide families and others to of a Centre of Learning and Well-being and specialist ALN resource base at in a safe, environmentally sustainable and financially years, nursery the right learning improve the services Whitmore High School. viable manner reflective of and support for those and education environment for the economic situation. with additional Expand the Council’s the 21st century provision enabling 5 Apprenticeship Scheme to 16 Reshape procurement people to achieve their best and facilities which learning provide a greater number practices and policies to benefit the wider possible outcomes community. needs. and range of opportunities and engage proactively with ensure our procurement activities contribute to the whatever their age. the Kick Start scheme. national Well-being Goals, support work around 4 5 Work with others including key businesses to climate change and build on support employment and the development of the foundational economy Work with education, training Work with partners to 6 skills for the future including the delivery of project. providers, businesses and ensure people can initiatives for young people such as Inspire to Work (I2W) and Inspire to Achieve (I2A). 17 Support our town centres to recover and adapt other agencies to provide access appropriate to the effects of COVID-19, including improving a range of advice, money advice, Enhance people’s skills and readiness public realm and the development of a mix of support & training information & for work through community investment business premises and homes. opportunities which debt support 7 opportunities including the Council housebuilding programme, Supporting 18 Work with partners to support the ongoing recovery and regeneration of Barry, Barry improve people’s skills and relating to housing, People Scheme and 21st Century Schools Waterfront and the further development of the readiness for work. benefits, education Programme training and work opportunities. Innovation Quarter ensuring a diversity of both training and employment. business and education facilities. 7 8 In readiness for ALN reform, collaborate with further 6 8 education and training providers to develop and promote education and training opportunities for 19 Implement a road and pavement surfacing programme for 2021/2022. Support and promote Work as part of the Support young people 16-25 with additional learning needs. volunteering Cardiff Capital economic 20 Review the Capital Programme and the use made of the Council’s assets to support and community Region to progress growth through Establish a one stop shop to provide residents with money recovery and economic growth including the learning strategic planning and regeneration, improved 9 advice, information and debt support on a range of issues including housing, benefits, development of an investment strategy for the Council. recognising the range of transport initiatives and infrastructure and employment and training. benefits to individuals promote sustainable support for town and the community. economic growth and centres, tourism Work across the Council and with partners employment. and industry. 10 to support residents as changes to the welfare system are rolled out.
Vale of Glamorgan - Annual Delivery Plan 2021- 2022 IN 2021-22 WE WILL: OBJECTIVE 3 SIX Work in partnership to respond to the COVID-19 11 Deliver safe events that support the economy pandemic including delivery of the Test, Trace and of town centres, resorts and country parks by 1 Protect (TTP) service, supporting a programme of mass vaccination and supporting our care working in partnership with providers in line with recommendations by the Welsh Government Events homes, schools and vulnerable residents. Taskforce. 12 Respond to the outcome of the consultation on the Administer the requirements set out in the national TO SUPPORT PEOPLE AT HOME AND IN Council’s Arts Strategy. 2 Public Health response plan for Coronavirus, including enforcement of the regulations in place at any particular 13 Develop the Makerspace project in Penarth and time, supporting partners in the management of identify further opportunities to expand the use of THEIR COMMUNITY outbreaks and leading on all matters pertaining to the control of communicable disease. 14 local creative spaces in communities across the Vale. Collaborate with partners to promote our schools We are a pro-active Council that works in partnership to maximise people’s physical and mental well-being to ensure and libraries as community and well-being hubs Develop the range of recreational and and increase the diversity of leisure, art and cultural 3 they are safe at home and in the community and are able to make choices that support their overall well-being. We are educational activities available to citizens at our country parks, community green learning opportunities available including digital a Council which ensures people have the necessary advice, care and support when they need it. spaces, the heritage coast and schools and opportunities. encourage people to exercise outdoors. OUR CORPORATE PLAN COMMITMENTS: 15 Implement a sustainable 1 2 3 4 approach to meeting the Work in partnership to needs of older people Encourage & support Provide more Promote Work in facilitate and promote in accommodation with inclusive opportunities for people of all ages opportunities for everyday cycling leisure, partnership to 4 play and sports development care to support greater active to have art and provide more with a particular focus on independence. and healthy and walking seamless tackling inequalities, working and work with our cultural health with groups/in areas with low 16 Agree a regional care home lifestyles to partners to develop activities and participation rates. contract with the Health Board and providers to improve and maintain a range of travel which meet a social improve outcomes for adults their physical options to diverse range care Work in partnership with the Public who need care and support. and mental well-being. encourage people out of their cars. of needs. services. 5 Services Board to implement the Move More, Eat Well Plan with a focus on 17 Support integrated services workplace settings and schools. operated jointly with the 5 6 7 8 Health Board as part of the Implement the Community Investment Strategy to improve ‘Healthier Wales’ agenda. Provide care Provide person- Work with our Undertake our tenants’ quality of life and well-being through the our safe- 6 and support to centred care and partners to ensure 18 Develop more integrated development of a single gateway for employability advice models of care that provide children and support to timely and appropriate guarding and support, the investigation of digital timebanking increased choice and reduce families in adults in duties opportunities and a review of Social Value clauses. dependence. mental health need which need. to protect & emotional Encourage and support sustainable changes to people’s travel 19 Implement a regional strategy that reflects their individual strengths well-being people from harm. 7 patterns and increase safe walking, cycling and public transport infrastructure in existing areas and new housing developments. supports carers and recognises their contribution. and circumstances. suppor t. 20 Seek further opportunities through the Children and Deliver the nextbike programme in Penarth Communities Grant and Housing Support Grant to 9 10 11 12 and explore the potential for expansion Work in partnership Keep people safe Increase the Provide 8 of the scheme to Sully and Barry as part of promoting active travel and a review of target interventions for children and young people and their families ensuring that services adapt in to develop through strong supply of good housing existing Active Travel Routes. response to issues arising from COVID-19. cohesive and resilient quality, advice emergency accessible 21 Work with partners to implement a new way communities and Work on a more regional basis via the Regional of working with children and their families that planning and & affordable support 9 Transport Authority (RTA) to further progress transport maximises their strengths to improve outcomes and and promote regulatory schemes which have a regional dimension. enhance their well-being. community services which housing to prevent safety. protect the public, by working in home - Review the support given to the Greenlinks Community 22 Increase the number of foster carers through improved recruitment and retention to enhance consumers and partnership to address housing lessness. 10 Transport service to transport passengers around the Vale seeking to provide a service placement stability for children and young people in business. need. which better matches customer demand. need of care and support.
Vale of Glamorgan - Annual Delivery Plan 2021- 2022 IN 2021-22 WE WILL: SEVEN 23 Develop new models of joint working with the Health 31 Work with partners to implement the Youth Offending OBJECTIVE 4 Board with a particular focus on sustainable integrated Service Recovery Plan to enhance young people’s services. outcomes. 24 Support residents whose physical or mental health 32 Deliver a public awareness campaign and programme TO RESPECT, ENHANCE AND ENJOY has been negatively impacted by COVID-19. of inspections to ensure retailers are complying with the Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) controls for alcohol 25 Work with schools to implement trauma-informed that came into force in the Spring of 2020. approaches to meet the social, emotional and mental 26 health needs of pupils. Work with people to address issues arising from 33 Complete Holm View Phase 1 and commence development of over 100 new Council Homes at 5 sites OUR ENVIRONMENT across the Vale of Glamorgan including Barry, Penarth the temporary suspension of preventative, early and the rural Vale. We are a Council which sets ambitious standards for ourselves, partners and communities. We understand how our intervention and support services by safely restarting environment contributes to individual, community and global well-being and are committed to protecting and enhancing or putting in place new service models. 34 Explore options to Identify a potential Gypsy and Traveller site. our environment to ensure we can all be proud of the legacy we will leave for future generations. 27 Work in partnership to protect vulnerable citizens from the adverse effects of rogue trading, scams, harmful 35 Implement a five-year Local Housing strategy to OUR CORPORATE PLAN COMMITMENTS: 2 substances and products, slavery and exploitation. address housing need. 1 3 28 Deliver the Wales Safeguarding Procedures and the 36 Increase the supply of good quality, accessible and Work to reduce the Work with and Protect, preserve Regional Safeguarding Board priorities and embed a affordable housing by maximising opportunities organisation’s empower community and where consistent approach to safeguarding our citizens. through the planning system and by working in partnership with housing associations. carbon emissions groups and other possible enhance our natural 29 Implement the Corporate Safeguarding Work Plan. to net zero before 2030 partners to sustain local 37 Work with partners to sustain the reduction in 30 Work with partners and the community to address homelessness achieved during the crisis and and encourage others to and built issues of social cohesion and to implement the Vale of Glamorgan Community Safety Strategy and the implement a Housing Support Programme Strategy. follow our lead as part of facilities including environment minimising the negative public toilets, libraries, Regional Violence against Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Strategy (VAWDASV). impact of our activities on parks, play areas and and cultural the environment. community centres. heritage. 4 Work with the community and partners 5 Work with the community, developers and others to ensure that new to ensure the local developments are environment sustainable and that is clean, attractive developers mitigate their and well managed. impacts, integrate with local communities and provide necessary infrastructure. 6 Provide effective waste management 7 Minimise pollution recognising the 8 Work to reduce the impact of erosion, services and work with detrimental impact flooding our residents, partners it may have on and and business to minimise the environment pollution on our waste and its impact on and people’s coastal areas and the environment. well-being. watercourses.
Vale of Glamorgan - Annual Delivery Plan 2021- 2022 IN 2021-22 WE WILL: DELIVERY EIGHT AND MONITORING Work with our partners to take collective action 11 Work with partners to provide safe and accessible 1 to tackle the climate emergency and implement public spaces recognising the value placed on these during the COVID-19 restrictions. our Climate Emergency Action Plan. THE PLAN 12 Implement the Biodiversity Forward Plan with a Develop a more environmentally 2 particular emphasis on increasing staff awareness sustainable fleet including the use about the importance of embedding biodiversity across of electric and hybrid vehicles. the work of the Council. Improve existing school buildings and deliver new 13 Establish a Local Nature Partnership to work together to 3 buildings for St Davids and Llancarfan Primary Schools, making them low carbon and where improve the local natural environment. possible zero carbon buildings to operate and 14 Work with the community and our partners to deliver a variety of activities to improve Local Environmental The Annual Delivery Plan actions are reflected in the Council’s Service Plans showing how each Council create an adaptable and scalable school design Quality (LEQ) including litter prevention and awareness in partnership with the construction industry. raising. 15 Deliver a range of improvements to waste management department will work to contribute to our Well-being Deliver near zero carbon, or at a minimum 4 A rated new Council homes and utilise including the creation of a Re-Use Facility, completion Objectives. Targets are set for delivering these actions. Optimised Retrofit Programmes that include of the Resource Recovery Centre and the development Modern Methods of Construction and off-site of a Household Waste Recycling Centre in the Western manufacturing to meet carbon reduction Vale. targets for the existing Council housing stock. 16 Roll out new recycling arrangements in Penarth to complete the introduction of the source separated 5 Complete the LED Street Lighting Replacement programme. recycling system for the Vale. The Council’s work on the Corporate Plan is regularly monitored Use the Strong Communities through an assessment of progress Fund to support community against our actions and performance 6 projects with a focus on recovery and resilience indicators to allow councillors to scrutinise and oversee progress. within the community. This is reported to our Scrutiny Develop a “Local Pantry Scheme” to Committees and Cabinet each 7 reduce food poverty and further develop an Education Centre and Plastic bottle Green quarter. Service Plans are also used to develop Team Plans and to inform House at the Margaret Avenue garden project. our staff appraisals through the #itsaboutme process. Review and implement options for other 8 organisations to operate facilities such as sports grounds, parks, open spaces, 17 Work with our communities to re-energise and re- allotments and public conveniences. focus our commitment to reduce, reuse and recycle. Invest in education, sustainable transport and 18 Review the Enforcement Policy and priorities for community facilities as a result of negotiating the Enforcement Team including Civil Parking Section 106 payments from developers, including Enforcement, environmental enforcement and the use 9 a new primary school for St. David’s CiW Primary of a camera car. School in Colwinston and Ysgol Sant Baruc at Barry Waterfront, proposals for footway/cycleway 19 Implement a range of parking regulation orders, and public transport improvements in Dinas resident parking arrangements and revised parking Powys, Colwinston, Rhoose, Wick and Llantwit management systems in Penarth (Cosmeston), Major and a number of community/open space/ Ogmore by Sea, Barry Island and Cowbridge to public art enhancements across the Vale. address road safety and environmental concerns. 20 Implement the Shoreline Management Plan including Develop a Green Infrastructure Strategy which will coastal monitoring and revise the Local Flood Risk We publish all of the information about our Corporate Plan, Annual Delivery Plan 10 focus on promoting and developing green assets including the development of a tree Management Strategy. and other performance reports on our website strategy and a response to Ash Dieback. Information is also available at our offices and libraries.
Vale of Glamorgan - Annual Delivery Plan 2021- 2022 GETTING INVOLVED There are lots of ways to influence decision making in the Council. You can get involved by joining our citizens’ panel, Vale Viewpoint, and participate in consultations on our work and that of our partners. Our Scrutiny Committees are open to the public and provide an opportunity to become involved in the Council’s activities. You can request a service area or matter to be considered by a Committee by completing a form. You can also register to speak at Scrutiny Committees by following the information on the Council’s website. More information about the Council’s Scrutiny Committees and how you can get involved is available. We welcome feedback about our work and you can contact us at: Policy & Business Transformation Service, Vale of Glamorgan Council, Civic Offices, Holton Road, Barry. CF63 4RU. 01446 700111
The Vale of Glamorgan Council Cover image: JHM, James Harries Multimedia
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